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The Mocking-Bird

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
  • Аннотация:
    На великолепную музыку моего друга, которого зовут Роман.

All the animals in the forest
argued who of them's the strongest,
argued who of them's the heaviest,
argued who of them's the biggest...

      Then came
      a mocking-bird,
      it said
      a mocking word,
      put out
      its mocking tongue,
      and sang
      a mocking song!

All the animals in the forest -
I don't ask who is the strongest,
I don't ask who is the fastest,
I ask you, who is the happiest?

      'Cause there came
      the mocking-bird,
      it said
      its mocking word,
      put out
      its mocking tongue,
      and sang
      its mocking song!

All the animals in the forest -
I don't want to be the strongest,
I don't want to be the longest,
I just want to be the happiest!

      'Cause there came
      the mocking-bird,
      'cause it said
      its mocking word,
      put out
      its mocking tongue,
      and sang
      its mocking song!

All the animals in the forest -
I don't care who is the strongest,
I don't care who is the longest,
I don't care, who is the heaviest -
'cause I know who is the happiest!

      'Cause there came
      the mocking-bird,
      'cause it said
      its mocking word,
      'cause it put out
      its mocking tongue,
      'cause it sang
      this mocking song!

All the managers in the office
argued who of them's the...


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