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Is everything so obvious in Russia's confrontation to the Western world?

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    Whose will win in the confrontation between Russia and the entire Western world, led by the United States? Weak Russia nowadays or the strong America? Is it possible to actually the victory any of the parties at this stage of development of a civilization? Why only Russians do not wish in their mass humbly to accept the consumerist values of the West and in what the Russian idea should consist?

  Key words: civilization, singularity, time, Russia, West, USA, consciousness, history, individualism, pragmatism, collectivism.
  Civilizations like the current technological civilization, judging by the mass of the artifacts discovered, existed on Earth with certain breaks, at least for 500 million years.
  The proposed mechanism of their appearance, as well as their mission, are set forth in the work [1, Chapter 4, 6].
  The approximate duration of their existence can be judged by the following data. Let's bring them in.
  Some researches were devoted to a subject of condensing of the time periods between the critical events up to a final point. This approach is based on the concept of the singularity, used John von Neumann in the middle of XX century. The singularity, if not to mean its astrophysical comprehension, represents a point behind which the extrapolation starts giving the senseless results.
  The historian I. M. Diakonoff paid attention in 1994 to the singularity point, or the limit point on a time axis where the historical cycles are converged which are shrink in compliance with the law of the progression: "There is no doubt that the historical process shows the signs of the natural exponential acceleration. From the emergence of Homo sapiens until the end of the phase I passed not less than 30 thousand years, II phase lasted about 7 thousand years, III phase - about 2 thousand years, IV phase - about 1.5 thousand, V phase - about one thousand years, VI - about 300, VII phase - a little more than 100 years, the duration of VIII phase while it is impossible to determine. Plotted on a graph, these phases add up to an exponential development, which involves eventually moving to a vertical line, or rather, to a point, so-called singularity. Scientific and technical achievements of mankind were being developed according to the exponential schedule likewise ..." [2].
  Diakonoff's schedule may be completed up to the vertical line. In this case, the point of singularity will fall for 2022.
  The definition of a technological singularity appeared after Dyakonoff's works: the technological singularity is the hypothetical moment after which the technical progress becomes such fast and complex that it will be inaccessible to comprehension. The technological singularity as a result of the development of the nanotechnologies was considered in the report of 2007 of the Commission on economic policy of the Congress of the USA. As the start date of the singularity was called 2020, according to another prognosis - 2030. Basic idea of this conclusion is the consequence from the law of Moore (an empirical conclusion from the observed speed of development of the technologies): somewhere between 2025 and 2035 the computing power of separate computers will be made even to the "crude" computing power of a human brain, and then and will surpass it.
  The given dates are close to each other and they also are close to the present time. The question is only in the interpretation of the specified process, i.e., what will happen in the singularity point with the world civilization?
  Let us quote our considerations on the interpretation of this process, which are presented in more detail in the work [1, Chapter 5].
  "As a rule, a point of a singularity interpreted as the transition to the new, improved state. However, this point can be a bifurcation point, with possibility of transition to a state of another type of a civilization, if available type of a civilization cannot exist, for example, it can be the transition into a state of an ecological civilization at the refusal of the majority of the technologies applied earlier, or it can be the transition to a state of the complete disintegration of a civilization.
  Any of these transitions does not cause optimism since and in one and in the other case the present civilization will stop the existence.
  In the first case the transition leads to the compelled global transformation which is bordered by a disaster: the mankind should refuse the comfortable existence provided with technical achievements which is not being combined with harmonious existence with the planetary nature. Will have to switch from the destruction of nature and the poisoning of the environment to interact with it and preserve not so much oneself, as much as it, switch to the use of the technologies, which renew of the natural resources. This will reduce significantly, in particular, the energy resources and food resources. This process will involve automatically the essential reduction of the population, the structural change of the management by society. In particular, it will have to give up the state control system and to pass to the hierarchical system of self-governing communities. There are, of course, variants, but an ecological civilization has nothing to do with capitalism nor socialism nor democracy.
  In the second case, owing to loss of management and occurrence of the general chaos, will collapse the communication systems, energy supply, water supply; the transport will stop, the need in money, and, means and in a bank-financial system will disappear, collisions will begin, the cities will collapse, there will be epidemics; technologies, cultural values will be lost until the written language. The civilization will disappear as such, and the survivors will fall into wildness. Variants can be different, but the scenario is unlikely to be different from this.
  At the same time the idea of futurologists that the point of a technological singularity means hypothetical explosion-like growth of rate of scientific and technical progress, allegedly following out of creation of artificial intelligence and self-replicating machines, integration of a person with computers, or the significant increase in opportunities of a human brain due to biotechnologies, is being represented more than fantastic because of extreme proximity of the point of a singularity. Moreover, it is not observed while anything from predicted by futurologists. On the contrary, a gap between the ordinary population and its highest layers goes deep more and more. The highest layers of society are being decayed, depriving however more and more overwhelming part of the population even necessary. Representatives of these layers are being transformed from people into beings for the consumption, indifferent to everything, except themselves, losing completely the opportunity for development".
  The densification of periods between the critical events up to a final point, acting for a technological civilization in general [1, Chapter 5], can treat and to its leading parts, namely: to the former superpower which turned nowadays into the regional power - Russia, and to the present state - "the sovereign" of the world - the USA.
  Let's see, whether so it?
  But first, in order to confirm the vitality of the problem of the accelerated development of civilization, close to exponential, it makes sense briefly to answer two questions: why the natural world does not stand still, but develops with acceleration - at first insignificant, and then - with the emergence of civilization - with the exponential acceleration; and how this process will end.
  The answer to the question of the completion of the development of the current civilization is obvious. Since accelerated development cannot be infinite, the collapse of civilization is inevitable. In particular, religion interprets it as the apocalypse. But the same religion does not answer the question - what follows the apocalypse?
  However, the answer is known due to the available data, which was mentioned at the beginning of this article. After the collapse of one civilization, the next one was being arisen, and there were at least several dozen such civilizations on Earth, judging by the preserved artifacts, which scientists have relatively recently learned to date fairly accurately. However, science is unable to explain the reasons for the appearance and disappearance of these civilizations, since it relies on the theory of smooth evolutionary development, at the peak of which, as a consequence of this development, a person appears, and then a civilization.
  The explanation of this phenomenon of the successive emergence and disappearance of civilizations on Earth together with the parallel development of flora and fauna before the appearance of primates and their reformatting into the hominids was given for the first time in my work "Our true life is endless" [1, Chapter. 4; 7]. But this material goes beyond the scope of this topic and it makes no sense to enter into the already published details.
  But on the question of the accelerated development of the entire living world, which is not so obvious, it makes sense to say a few words.
  The accelerated development of the living finds its explanation in the representation of time as an information process.
  More about the formation of time by the living is described, for example, in my work "What is at the basis of the manifested (reality)?" ("Topos" Magazine. RF. 04.10. 2022).
  The consequence of this approach is the densification of the own time of development of the local communities of the living beings within the calendar time with an increase in the information flows consumed by them.
  The fact is that the minimal possibilities for processing data coming through the sensory organs to the processing centers of this data into information suitable for the retention in life, reproduction and development of the original primitive organisms, such as bacteria and similar microorganisms, allowed them to exist within the calendar (astronomical) time of only minutes or hours.
  It is believed that these single-celled organisms appeared on Earth 3.5 billion years ago.
  Due to the weakness of their perception of information flows, the development of themselves and their communities in the direction of complication was extremely slow: the time interval from the emergence of the single-celled primitive organisms to the formation of more structured organisms in the form of algae had compiled 2.3 billion calendar years.
  Animals have appeared about 550 million years ago. Accordingly, the time interval from the appearance of algae to the appearance of the first animals turned out to be shorter - about 650 million calendar years.
  The first mammals appeared 220 million calendar years ago. That is, the time interval from the appearance of the first primitive animals to the appearance of complexly organized mammals turned out to be even shorter - about 330 million calendar years.
  Thus, it is noticeable that the development of organisms on Earth was accelerated, that is, the own time of these groups of organisms was being got denser.
  It should also be noted that much more complexly structured organisms of various representatives of fauna, which already have such multifunctional systems for processing data coming through the senses, controlling all the functions of the body, as the nervous system and brain, have been able to process the large amounts of information than the primitive organisms due to an increase in the speed of the information processing.
  The consequence of this complication of the organisms was a significant increase in the calendar life cycle of fauna representatives compared to the primitive organisms, which was no longer measured in hours, but in calendar years.
  Therefore, much more events began to fit into the interval of development of communities of these representatives of fauna compared to more primitive organisms, and, as a result, the own time of development of fauna has significantly got denser, namely: own time of development of communities of various representatives of fauna from their origin to the appearance of the mammals in calendar years amounted to 330 years, having got denser in comparison with its own time of development of communities of multicellular organisms such as algae up to the appearance of the first animals (650 million calendar years).
  If we follow the course of development of the animal world, then we can note the incessant densification of the own time of development from simpler creatures to more complex ones.
  In particular, the first mammals appeared 220 million calendar years ago, the first monkeys appeared about 30 million calendar years ago, the first hominids appeared 6 million years ago, the first intelligent man appeared 200 thousand years ago.
  All the above facts indicate that the development of the living beings within the framework of also improving communities proceeded from the very beginning with acceleration, which increased with the complexity of living organisms.
  Next, we note the following.
  As you know, almost all living beings are in a competitive environment. Therefore, an increase in the probability of their survival implies, for the most part, their complication, as a result of which they acquire more opportunities for feeding by less organized organisms, as well as winning the competition in their own niche for the sake of increasing own life span. In addition, the most complexly organized creatures mostly gain an advantage in the struggle for the continuation of their own genus.
  The process of the complication of the organic structures in the form of the living organisms implies an automatic growth of the information flows, consumed by them, which, in turn, requires an acceleration of the pace of processing these already large amounts of information. As a result, the number of the sensory organs and the capabilities of the processing centers of the data coming from the sensory organs are gradually increasing.
  However, this process of complication of the living environment is slow, that is, with minimal acceleration, due to the randomness of gene mutations that are beneficial to organisms, as well as their use in the development process only trial and error procedures in the framework of adaptation to the environment.
  Therefore, this process of development of the living took several billion years from the appearance of viruses and bacteria on Earth to the appearance of a human prototype in the form of a hominid.
  For the first time among all living beings, the hominids in their communities have acquired the ability to be aware of their own actions, that is, to use not only instincts and reflexes, adapting to the environment, being only its active elements, but also the ability quite consciously collectively to coordinate and plan their actions both for the current time and for the future. Thus, they went beyond the limits of the adaptability to the environment, transforming into homo sapiens after a few million years.
  That is, the own time of the development of the hominid communities before their transformation into homo sapiens has become even more condensed compared to the previous period of the development of monkeys.
  In turn, homo sapiens acquired, as a result of this development of hominids, a larger brain in mass and additional departments, providing themselves with the most effective opportunity to change the environment purposefully for their own benefit, which allowed them to form a civilization just in a few hundred thousand calendar years.
  But only civilization has given the real scope for the accelerated flow of time for oneself, having existed in development to this day, according to various estimates, from eight to six thousand calendar years.
  It is possible to explain such a curious phenomenon of a significant acceleration of the run of events within the framework of civilization by the fact that the present time of each person, as well as the entire community, gets denser with an increase in the information flows consumed by them, which is an inevitable consequence of conscious human activity that captures larger and larger spaces.
  This project-oriented activity, conscious in its manifestations, with an understanding of its own capabilities in a limited time of its life to perform certain actions, as well as achieve a lot in the fields of culture and technology without delay, proceeding within the framework of civilization, ensures its progress, setting the maximum acceleration of the development of the human community as a whole with corresponding densification of its own time of development of civilization within the calendar time.
  At the same time, the accelerated progress in activities of this community is achieved generally not as a product of its personal qualities, such as sharpness of mind, resourcefulness, retentive memory, ingenuity, force, etc., but as a result of accumulating and use of information of many generations in all its possible types, but, most effectively, - in written.
  With growth of volume of information sources are being expanded possibilities of specialization, training, that by itself even more promotes to the achievements in a labor activity, which in turn gives additional opportunities for manifestation of initiative, ingenuity, training fruits, assuming not only the work on samples, but also use of logical designs, abstract forms, but not just the subject concepts, by composing in own head of certain schemes, before their implementation in practice.
  The greatest contribution to this progress, both technically and culturally, is made by subjects, capable not only of one extrapolation, but also of unexpected (creative) solutions to emerging problems, since these subjects can create something that is not yet in the environment, and this in itself means the desire of every person for similar manifestations, as far as, of course, it is possible for him.
  This acceleration of the own time of the human community within the framework of civilization, that were reflected in the densification of significant events, having occupied much less calendar years in comparison with previous periods of development of the living, begins to be looked through especially obviously on the stage of industrial revolution, when time slowly lasting in their relatively minor changes in the middle ages begins to be accelerated significantly: already only after a few decades with the invention of the steam engine, Railways, vehicles will go on highway, planes will rise in the sky, and then for a smaller period of time rockets will takes off, the explosion of the atomic bomb will occur, there will be computers, the planet will be covered by tentacles of Internet.
  However, continuous growth of volume of information coming to consciousness of people and affecting external expression of this information process - in the acceleration of the own time of a civilization, has to fit into the existing possibilities of the human consciousness, inasmuch the finite (strategic) decisions are made by the person, but not the computer. Therefore, inevitably there comes the moment when the main centers of a civilization, controlled by humans, cease to cope with the avalanche flow of the arriving information - the speed of information processing begins to lag behind its receipt. At this extended moment (a singularity point) own time of system of a civilization is completed - crash of a civilization. In other words, the system loses the quality, inasmuch it isn't capable to function the same way.
  The exponential acceleration of the own time of development of the humen communities within the framework of civilization
   or continuous growth of the information streams passing through consciousness of a person leads ultimately to impossibility of functioning of a civilization in its former form, inasmuch the person as the system, managing everything, is no longer able to "digest" these flows, to cope with them. And escalating power of the linked computer systems turns out not the assistant to the person more, but threat for him. Information collapse in the form of exit a manage system from the sphere of direct and adequate control by the person stops the functioning of a civilization.
  That occurs further can only be assumed, but the civilization, as well as any difficult system, finally, breaks up with emergence on its place of something new; or after certain pause under suitable natural conditions on a former place arises the civilization similar to former and starts developing, forming already own accelerated time.
  If we recall that any human technological civilization forms its own increasingly compacted time (the fact of the densification of time is explained by the growth of information flows with the development of civilization), culminating in an information collapse [1, Chapter 5], then the explanation also gets relatively rapid disappearance of all technological civilizations, whose productive period of existence in terms of the development of science, culture and technology, could hardly have been more than ten thousand calendar years.
  After some distraction, required to explain the phenomenon of the densification of the own time of the communities of the living beings in the course of their development within the calendar time, it will become more understandable to gradually compress their own time during the development of communities of Russia and the United States with the transition through the turning points (critical), which will be indicated below.
  Russian statehood, according to the available data, was created on the basis of Kievan Rus not earlier than IX century of our era and existed till an era of reforms of Peter I in the form of set of feudal formations which essence almost didn't change for last eight centuries.
  Peter Romanov managed to stir up this "bog" and urged to him to this not only a personal love to the educated Europe, but also an onslaught of the same Europe in the person of Swedes.
  When such extreme circumstances he together with not numerous colleagues managed to carry out necessary conversions in military, administrative, economic spheres and not only achieved of the save of the state, but he also made it one of the first in Europe. He has set a necessary trend and the state followed to it practically up to the falling which took place in 1917.
  The state which appeared on a place of Russia after revolution, in essence, was the same authoritarian and bureaucratic, but covered by fig leaf of the nationwide property behind which the affiliation of everything to the Soviet bureaucracy was hidden. the Soviet bureaucracy could dispose of this property practically uncontrollably. The territory, natural riches, high national potential and initial enthusiasm of the population which believed in justice of allegedly the nationwide system have allowed creating due to its super exploitation and the incredible victims of the superpower with the nuclear weapon. However, slowness of the Soviet bureaucratic machinery, uncompetitive of economy in comparison with the leading capitalist countries, its ambitions of the superpower requiring excessive attachments as well as and the enthusiasm of the population which gradually was fading, the low standards of living of population led also this state to the crash in 1991.
  All remaining events in more than thousand-year history of the country were, in our opinion, incomparably less important that doesn't allow to rank them as critical events from the point of view of development.
  Thus, number of the critical events in the history of the country makes to the present time 4.
  The first, it is the emergence of the state (about the middle of IX century); the second - transformation of the state from the backward province to the modern militarized power of the imperial type of the first row (the end of XVII, the beginning of XVIII centuries); the third - acquisition by the empire of instability and its disorder, more precisely, conversion at the beginning of XX century to the empire of new, quasi-popular type (USSR), in fact, even less steady, than the first because of full utopianism of the dominating idea of the all-people state. Deception of the population by this false and hypocritical idea of equality and justice as well as an expenditure practically of all resources of the country then on fight for world revolution, then for world supremacy couldn't last long and led to the disgraceful end of this monster.
  Thus, the Soviet empire silently collapsed at the end of XX century under the pressure of not the biggest troubles as well as full dispassionateness of the population, what, generally, very few people expected and at us and abroad as far as externally the empire seemed terrible and magnificent at full internal putridity.
  Thereby, the first phase, or the phase of early feudalism lasted about 850 years; the second phase of existence of the state of imperial type of late feudalism lasted about 250 years; the third phase of existence of the Soviet quasi-public empire lasted about 70 years.
  Graphically, these phases, though it isn't enough points of critical events, nevertheless show exponential process of development of the state which finally should bring to the vertical line, more precisely, to, so-called, a point of singularity
  A fundamental structural change of the current civilization or its disappearance, judging by the exponential for the current civilization, should occur between 2020 and 2030, which implies the last phase of Russia's existence within the framework of the current civilization for about 30 years.
  So the historical cycle of Russia fits into the general trend of the existence of the entire earthly civilization.
  We will estimate now, whether the rule of the compression of periods between critical events up to a final point to act and for the USA.
  The history of this state isn't so long, but nevertheless it exists if to consider from time of formation of 13 independent states under the auspices of England approximately from the middle of XVII century, more than 350 years.
  The first critical event was actually formation of combining from 13 colonies-states. The basis of this combining was other ideas of democracy, self-government, civil liberties, other than in the states of Europe.
  Further these most progressive rules for that day led to rapid growth and development of the industry, agriculture, trade as well as this rules have provided the considerable inflow of migrants from different countries and a victory in fight for detachment of the country from English control with declaration of independence and subsequent accelerated development which led the former colony and the insignificant state at the beginning of XX century, more precisely, after World War I, which weakened all his competitors, into the first spot in the world on the industrial indexes.
  This process of conversion of the former British colony in North America to the mighty industrial power took some more than 250 years. This event which occurred after World War I in the twenties of XX century we can quite consider as the second critical event as far as all remaining events which happened in this country for the past 250 years, so how the war to England for independence in XVIII century, civil war between the North and the South in 1861-1865, had a great value for internal development of the state, but didn't influence directly on the main world processes.
  The third critical event for the USA in the ratio with the world is the ruin of the USSR which left the USA as the single superpower in the world. This event has made the USA as the full manager in the world.
  Thus, the first phase of gradual development of the state from the union of several British colonies up to the largest industrial power of the world lasted more than 250 years; the second phase of existence of the state up to acquisition by it of the status of the single superpower of the world lasted about 70 years; the third phase of existence of the USA lasts from 90th years to the present and its duration will make, judging by time of arrival of a point of singularity, about 30 years.
  Graphically, these phases show the exponential process of development of the USA which finally should pass to the vertical line, more precisely, to so-called, a point of singularity.
  Structural change of the USA or their disappearance, judging by an exponent, should happen between 2020 and 2030 that assumes the last phase of existence of the USA in its current form for about 30 years.
  The historical cycle of the USA as well as Russia, at the last stage actually coincide.
  So far, we don't know with complete certainty what will be after passing through the point of singularity with Russia, the USA and the whole civilization.
  It is only possible to assume that it will be a choice from below mentioned options of the transformation of the current civilization.
  Some advanced intellectuals consider that new, unusually developed, technically not representable perfect civilization will appear behind a point of singularity. Fantasts permanently dream about it.
  But it is extremely improbable because aren't present any prerequisites to it so as the bulk of the population of Earth is simply illiterate, hungry and only survives, and there is no opportunity bringing it to the level of understanding of the modern scientific, technological and cultural achievements in the next years.
  Perhaps, it will be full loss of the civilization as a result of wars using the nuclear weapon, final fracture of world infrastructure and falling of the surviving population in wildness that is very probable because there are all prerequisites to it in the form of alienation of the leading and underdeveloped countries, their mutual hostility as far as the first plunders and deceives the last; religious and cultural disunity; the increasing lag of bulk of the population from the available and more and more produced cultural and scientific and technical values; nearby the information collapse; increase of structural instability of the civilization as complex system; crash of capitalist system of managing which is patronized in every way by the USA, being in this regard by the main grave-digger of the civilization; the low level of consciousness of the vast majority of people who owing to this fact are incapable to interact with each other on the basis of friendship, of love, sincere sympathy, help, as well as disinterested service to society, but are only capable to humble himself before force, and in case of its absence can easily destroy each other and destroy everything if only the opponent didn't get it [1, Chapter 5].
  It is possible also that the point of singularity is the transition from a technological civilization to a stateless equilibrium and ecological civilization on the basis of the self-organizing and self-controlled domains which, in particular, showed the efficiency in the form of kibbutzim in Israel and in which it is possible to remove antagonism thanks to bring of all confronting forces up to value, the close to zero due to a certain restriction of liberty of the individual, more precisely, its self-restrictions, in favor of a team [3].
  The historical practice has clearly shown, all ideas about improvement of the state and creation in its bosom of blessed noncontradictory society are utopian absolutely: from Plato's the ideal state up to the states with the most representative democracy. Actually, all real-life and being existed states, irrespective from their form, always parasitize on a body of the people which always dreams to get rid of them, but the people is doomed, despite any revolutions, to coexist with these parasites. Here it is possible to draw a parallel with the natural phenomena: still it is not known that would happen to wildlife if all parasites disappeared.
  Therefore, the idea about destruction of the state means transition from certain regularity to chaos.
  Nevertheless, as it is paradoxical, it is possible to find nevertheless an outlet, or a temporary lacuna for establishment in certain degree of the fair society, but only in the case of particular restriction of freedom of the personality, more precisely, its self-restraint in favor of a collective (communities), or a civilization without the states, despite all internal contradictions which always are rending any society.
  This requirement is satisfied by a type of community in which the resultant of all opposing forces will become almost zero.
  So as struggle, contradictions, collisions are always present at the developing society - it wouldn't be developing without them - so far as process of development should be paused or - it should be expressed extremely weakly. In other words, a civilization, society has to lose possibility of development temporarily.
  Reducing the opposing forces for all the remaining cells (domains) of a civilization to zero means that it has entered a state of equilibrium.
  Its basic signs consist in the following.
  First, it has to be in ecological equilibrium with the nature, i.e. it has to return generally to appropriating economy with preservation and addition of some resource-saving technologies.
  Secondly, having refused the complex state management system, the civilization has to return to the simplest forms of the public relations in the form of local self-coping cells of various orientation on the kinds of activity, connected among themselves not only horizontally, but also vertically, unlike primitive communities.
  Thirdly, the tasks of civilization should not be the development of technology and social relations, but the self-sufficiency concerning creation for each person of acceptable biotic conditions and maintaining of functioning of self-coping cells without the emergence of a heeling towards the retirement of these cells from self-government. The only "medicine" for this purpose is the most frequent rotation of the elected operating personnel.
  In this relation the difference of this structure from primitive communities consists in more high level of consciousness of members of the self-coping cells, saved up for six millennia of previous civilization development, and, in this regard, the emergence of possibility of the conscious decision by all members of cells of arising problems within the elementary structures.
  Fourthly, the free time of each member of community which can be very the considerable, thanks to preservation of many technologies of reproducing of food and household items, has to be devoted to self-development in that sphere to which he has predilections: art, crafts, fight against diseases, learning process, etc.
  Thus, the civilization is as though conserved. Certainly, sooner or later it will decompose, but time of its existence and quite quiet life of people in it can be much more, than life time of the technological civilization known to us.
  To the one who will tell that it is impossible to stop development, it is possible to give an example of a similar suspending in development of human communities, more precisely, its extreme delay.
  This example is the well-known and studied primitive communities which have been existing approximately in the same condition of some tens of thousands of years, until awakened from "hibernation" about 10 thousand years ago whereby, partly, our civilization emerged about six thousand years ago. The communities, which are in the equilibrium with environment, exist and now in a natural form, for example, the Australian natives. There are similar communities in a artificial type of various sects, for example doukhobor. The public and production formations close to them - kibbutzim in Israel as well separate themselves from society and the state on the way of life, which is close to the equilibrium.
  It is not excluded that the ecological civilization which, most probably, will appear after disintegration of a present technological civilization, will not disappear over time from the face of the earth, and under the influence of this or that push will be waken and will start functioning in another form [3].
  If to discard, in our opinion, as absolutely unpromising, the option of transformation of our civilizations in society of continuous happy cyborgs, there are two more possible above-stated options of transformation of a civilization when passing it through the point of singularity.
  It is most probable from them, certainly, the option of full ruin of the civilization because ruling elite of the USA will hardly want to refuse the power over the world because of some, perhaps, fictional future cataclysms.
  However, there is Russia which if, of course, wants, can use the forceful levers to compel, in general, the cowardly opponents to follow her course, or, at least, to be isolated from the perishing West.
  Thus, the flagship of the procession of the current civilization to doom is the most advanced state of the world - the USA which will hardly be able even in case of quite adequate information about the future fatal threats to refuse voluntary from the power over the world, private-ownership relations, social relations wearing not human, but especially consumer character.
  That is, rather high level of consciousness of its population doesn't mean that the altruism as a component of the self-consciousness of this population achieved the level corresponding to love, understanding of others, help to them even due to own wellbeing and a failure from violence.
  One of historical evidences of this is almost elimination of Indians of North America by the citizens of the USA relatively recent at the time mastering of open spaces of the continent, well developed system of robbery of the remaining peoples with acquiescence of own population for the sake of his arranged well life.
  Besides, the US population tacitly has agreed to the introduction of order by the state, regulated in detail and backed up by virtually any forceful influence on it, that, in fact, has turned it in the police state at its ostentatious democracy.
  Thus, apparently, the structure of consciousness of citizens of the USA, the most part of successors of citizens-inhabitants of Western Europe, has the skew to the side of the external activities, as well as individualism, at the head of which is pragmatism and reasonable selfishness.
  The famous English philosopher Hobbes, one of founders of the theory of the public contract still in XVII century has said that "... people by the nature are subject to greed, fear, anger and remaining animal passions, they look for kudos and benefit, they act for the sake of favor and glory, i.e., for the sake of love to themselves, but not to others" [4].
  However, Hobbes adds to this thesis that, that the person, as a natural being, is egoistic, striving first and foremost to satisfy his own needs, but he is also reasonable, that is, he is able to understand with his mind, that taking into account the interests of other people often turn out to be beneficial: ""... natural laws (as justice, equality, modesty, mercy and (in General) behavior towards others as we would wish them to behave towards us), by themselves, without the fear of some force, forcing to carry out them, contrary to the natural passions, attracting us to partiality, pride, revenge, etc..." [5].
  The idea of Hobbes' the rational egoism, reinforced by Peirce's concept of pragmatism further, is essentially the basis of the ideology of capitalism.
  As for pragmatism, it is characterized by its founder - American philosopher Peirce, as follows: "Consider what effects that might conceivably have practical bearings you conceive the object of your conception to have. Then your conception of those effects is the WHOLE of your conception of the object" [6, p. 331-346].
  Naturally, Americans, as the heirs of European culture, began to be guided in their activities by the principle of reasonable selfishness, quite reasonably added to it the principle of benefit arising from the concept of pragmatism.
  Thanks to it, Americans achieved enormous success in the activity, quickly having created the prospering state and having strengthened it.
  But reasonable egoism and pragmatism have the reverse side consisting in hypertrophied desire by all means to save own life and to improve it even to the detriment of all remaining lives as well as - in full "cleaning" of consciousness from morality which hinder the person in similar society to oust by all means the competitors on a "warm" place to become successful.
  It's all means fixing of the attention by the similar person only on external beingness in relation to him, that is - the subordination of own liberty of this or that necessity, the action in strict frames of the law, these or those external establishments.
  But it leads domination of the state over him.
  Really, if the individualist leads for himself war against all, then only the strict frames of the state which he is forced to admit and obey to establishments accepted in the state, can constrain him.
  However, the similar regulation of life leads to the loss of the internal liberty, the loss of remorse, sympathy for other people, even to own children. The average American admits that he doesn't make illegal acts only because of fear of punishment, remaining for him doesn't matter.
  Therefore, liberty is understood by Americans only as the external, civil liberties within the framework of their interaction with the state, but isn't reflected in internal feelings in any way. And without this there can't be sympathy for all unfortunate, deprived, desire to give help of them. Liberty, which is understood as depth dissatisfaction of consciousness with itself, aspiration to own change, improvement, is alien to Americans who are quite pleased by reached and want to retain only own wellbeing, without sharing with anybody. It means complete abandonment from development of consciousness and, ergo, uselessness, futility of the current western civilization with a line item of development of consciousness, that is - its destruction is inevitable and we won't need to wait for it long [1, 3, 7].
  Thus, individualism within the framework of the consumer ideology, which creates the maximum freedom for the commercial activities and the development of the technologies, is able quickly to provide a comfortable existence for the population of the corresponding country, but at the same time it deprives a person of both internal freedom and freedom as independence from the existing and the incoming. In addition, individualism pushes for the enslavement of the weaker for the sake of preserving what has been achieved, dividing the world into well-fed, who are satisfied with themselves, and hungry, forced to take care of only one daily bread, that thereby prevents to the free development of consciousness of both those and others.
  The underlying basis of the actions of the USA together with their allies on saving and consolidation of own system of life is the known statistics according to which the high level of life on Earth during the present period with the available means and resources can be provided only to about one billion from eight billion inhabitants of the planet. They consider themselves by this billion and aren't going to share with anybody by captured worldly goods. This pragmatic philosophy especially became stronger at them after defeat of the USSR in opposition of two superpowers.
  It is interesting to look at how one of outstanding modern philosophers A. A. Zinoviev within traditional views of the philosopher-dialectician assesses this situation.
  A. A. Zinoviev supposes on this base that the most probable scenario on this critical segment of development of the civilization is formation of special type of super civilization: "The uniform mankind is possible, but not as peaceful co-existence of the equivalent countries and the people, but as the structured social whole with the hierarchy of the countries and the people. In this hierarchy the relations of domination and subordination, leadership, management, i.e. - the relation of a social, economic and cultural inequality is inevitable ... I speak about vertical structuring, but isn't simple about division of the world society on regions. And I imagine it not as one hierarchical line, but as interlacement of many lines in which the uniform world hierarchy appears only as a tendency. The western countries are at peak of world hierarchy... [8].
  A. A. Zinoviev draws such conclusion from the juxtaposition of the initiative, inventive, businesslike, individualized western person with the Russian person with "his feeble ability to self-organization and a self-discipline, tendency to a collectivism, lackey humility before the higher authority, tendencies to look at the vital benefits as on gift from above, but not as on result of own efforts of creativity, an initiative, risk, etc." [8].
  "The analysis of a microstructure, - A. A. Zinoviev continues, - the Westernism society and communistic society shows that they are incompatible in the basis. Natural (that is by evolution owing to internal social laws) transformation of one into another is excluded ... And without metamorphosis of society at the level of a microstructure Russia will never become by the country of the Westernism (the West). Russia can become only by the sphere of colonization for the West..." [8].
  A. A. Zinoviev is absolutely right concerning a dissimilarity of Russia and the West. As we stated above, it is result of lag of consciousness of the Russian people from western people owing to the formed temporal log between them as well as - historical living conditions.
  However A. A. Zinoviev does not take into account the proximity of the point of singularity which assumes, most likely, not occurrence of this or that super civilization as natural continuation of the present civilization, but assumes actually or a total disappearance of the existing civilization with deliverance of a surface of Earth from the available structures and people, which surviving part will fall into wildness, or formation on wreckages of the former civilization of some absolutely other civilization, perhaps, an equilibrium civilization which some characteristics we has marked above and in work [3].
  The features of the Russian people marked by A. A. Zinoviev with minus in comparison to type of the western person acquire for emergence and structuring of an equilibrium civilization with a bias on the collectivist activity not simply the positive sign, but - the crucial importance.
  We will mark these properties of the Russian people in more detail below.
  Unlike energetic, independent, inventive, but egoistical western individuals at least indifferent, and actually despising other nationalities, the Russian people lived in the world and mutual respect with other nationalities on enormous territory of Russia. In particular, Russia at the expansion never exterminated aborigines, as it has been done by Americans with American Indians, but, vice versa, assisted their development, opening schools and attaching to the own culture.
  Therefore, to become as a flagship of holding of a present civilization from wars, fatal destructions, a fall in wildness of the surviving population by its more or less smooth transfer to other form, and to avoid thus its full doom, are capable only the people having in the consciousness those properties which are close to the basic principles of an equilibrium and ecological civilization.
  Such special characteristics which arose on the whole set of reasons, possesses, as we suppose, only one people on Earth - Russian.
  Let's see, whether this is true.
  It is necessary to recognize, and it is difficult to argue with this that the consciousness of the Russian people significantly lags from consciousness of people of the West. The explanation for this phenomenon was offered above. And here there be nothing to be done.
  At the same time the Russian people, despite any bad properties about which they know very well, but to correct of its properties they aren't able even if they aim to this, possess some features in own consciousness, unlike all remaining people, which are surprising and unique compared with other peoples.
  We will list below these features and the reasons of their origin.
  It is events of history in which ancestors of the Russian people suffered much from incursions and wars, and they, as successors, acquired eternal sympathy for sufferers, empathy to all "poor" world, and feeling of disgust for the rich persons and tyrants. But they acquired not only this, protecting many hundreds of years the homeland, without giving it in insult to anybody. Russians have acquired the property of rebelliousness to nobody and nothing: Russians don't concede and don't give up. They have showed this to Napoleon and Hitler. Yes, they have showed weakness at the end of XX century, having given in to temptation allegedly of the free, full, provided by any trinkets of consumer "western" life which is actually free, but in the form of the opportunities and only for the privileged, but Russians aren't included into their number and won't enter never. And it is good, because these "privileged" now, decaying in impunity and permissiveness, plunder and humiliate all rest world, leading it to destruction. Russians even now, in the destroyed country, try, as they can, to resist to Americans, unlike the rest world which humbled himself in front of sovereign "States"!
  It is also the possession of the one seventh part of the world land with all its riches which gives to Russians sense of superiority over all remaining world, which feels in the person of its ruling elite the constant envy to Russia and aspiration to destroy it or, at least, to split its territory; but this superiority expresses not in contempt for the remaining people at all, and in aspiration - somehow to help all "humiliated and offended", to share with them, though so far Russians can't help themselves because of treachery of the local compradors which are destroying the country.
  It is also the absence in consciousness of simple Russian people of purely individualistic aspirations peculiar to people of the West. The Russian people didn't manage to become impregnated by ideology of the West completely yet. Philosopher A. A. Zinoviev wrote about an individualism phenomenon so: "Individuality of a person as independent "I" is the invention of the western civilization. The West has destroyed collectivist bases of human beingness and developed on their place of combining of the people possessing by self-consciousness "I", i.e. the West has invented the expedient and rational organizations. But natural need didn't die absolutely. She somewhere dozes, and from time to time she sparks in spontaneous forms, in particular, - in the mass motions. However, this need cannot generate a steady way of life for a large number of people in conditions of the western society" [8].
  Over individualism at Russians, as a rule, prevails the aspiration to the help to the neighbor who got to trouble, inclination to the general equivalent work that exists as heritage still of the recent communal past in severe conditions of the northern country where without the support of the neighbor it was difficult to survive, as well as the fact that individualism was not encouraged in the USSR.
  It is also the absence in consciousness of the Russian people of the feature to adapt to everything. This noble feature to remain under any circumstances oneself has grown for many hundreds of years at the Russian people because they always beat off from aggressors and, whether it is bad, well, but lived in themself and to anybody tried not to envy.
  The Russian person, living many centuries in tight contact with other numerous nationalities, got used to be respectful to other customs and beliefs. He has no feeling of racial or religious superiority and never humiliated and didn't transfer to a slave status of more backward culturally the non-Russian population. On the contrary, the Russian people in many respects have helped to development of feeble or small nationalities.
  Only one well-fed and trouble-free life isn't need to the Russian person. It is boring and sad to him in it. From such life he only starts drinking and brawling. The Russian person can never assimilate to cattle.
  The Russian person doesn't need also the power over the world. It is nasty to him to command and humiliate others and, thereby, to be humiliated to oneself.
  The Russian person doesn't need the European, American, Chinese and any other order. This order ruins its broad aspirations to everything, perhaps, and unreasonable, and harmful to health and prosperity. The Russian person would like to send to hell any order, if only, according to Christ, it was good to everybody, but he doesn't know that it is necessary to make for this purpose and he is grieved at this.
  The Russian person puts above conscientiousness, but not feasibility, not pragmatism, latently feeling that it will be reckoned in other life to him.
  What will be with the world without Russia which can only look with amazement at Russia? Simple Russian people always rescued it at the difficult moment, begging nothing in exchange, going away after the next victory to live into their pathetic izbas and to have the stale bread. It is clear that the world will perish without such people because there are no such disinterested people more.
  From here it is clear what should not be the Russian idea: it should not be as the national, or the egocentric according to which only to Russians it would be good and pleasant, and the remaining would only serve to them.
  So, what after all should be the Russian idea?
  We will remind that Russians in the last world war already once saved the world from enslavement by "the higher race", having putting on the fields of battles tens of millions of best fellow citizens, but having defeated by the incredible efforts of the country, haggard by Marxist experiments, in fact, to all rich, experienced in fights and armed up to the teeth, Europe.
  All this has occurred not just like that, not accidentally.
  The basis of the victories in any circumstances is the Russian character. Sources of formation of the character we marked slightly above: this is eternal discontent of the Russian soul with itself and it is aspiration of the Russian soul to something for the best what it not knows, but always would like to know. That is. truly free aspirations are most brightly expressed in the Russian soul [7]. In this sense the Russian people rose above all in the world and therefore should become as responsible for it.
  For this reason, the simple Russian people have fond of Christ who rejected temptations of this world, and who urged to help all sufferers, to refuse violence, to love and respect each other. The Russian people on the whole sincerely seek, consciously or not, but to follow Christ's precepts, unlike hypocritical people of the West who evade from recognition that their developed and cultural states humiliate and plunder of the rest of the world for the sake of only own full wellbeing, refuting by own disgraceful affairs the prayers and glorifications to Christ.
  The response to a question of the Russian idea can be only one: Russia once again should become as the savior of the world. Presumably that Russia doesn't remain lonely in the anti-individualistic aspirations. Such countries as India can join to it so as the bulk of citizens of India has purely patriarchal consciousness.
  What will bring to us the singularity point, which is coming ever closer? [1, 2].
  It cannot be predicted precisely, but, most likely, the modern civilization of consumption will disappear, and on its place can appear or only wreckages and the people surviving in a cataclysm who fell into wildness or a new civilization on other principles of existence, which are so close to the Russian person [3].
  In conclusion we note, that from the position of the development of consciousness absurdly praising one and berate others. All and each have its place and time. Everyone does what can and on what is capable. In the development of civilization, individualism and collectivism, having been expressed in the most concentrated form, respectively, in the United States and Russia, have shown their positive and negative sides.
  However, to date, despite all the achievements of the civilization, now the dominant individualism, which have promoted earlier of development of personal and public consciousness, and with it the whole civilization, now, at the peak of its development, it led the civilization to a dead end.
  Individualism turned into giant monopolies which took away everything in the hands and which try to erase in each individual his human dignity, having left only passion to a profit and consuming.
  This is deadlock which excludes the output out of it, because the development of each personal consciousness in the consumer society stops by the formed civilization system which, in fact, blocks by all available means any personal free aspirations to other values, than consumer values: society as if is being looped and rotates in the same formed circle.
  The sense of existence of consciousness, dominating in reality, consists in its development. The mismatch between acting system and sense of existence of consciousness is allowed finally by elimination of beingness which is unsuitable for development of consciousness. In this case, the unstable technological civilization automatically collapses as the complex system which is losing management like the ship at the storming ocean [1, Chapter 5].
  Hence, a depersonalized capitalist civilization, which reached the considerable technological tops, but having impregnated all society by their ideas, which are nonconstructive for development of consciousness, becomes unnecessary.
  Another matter, what society will succeed it and when? If it will happen, as it is explained above, then the collectivist consciousness of Russians, which they have yet, can be not superfluous.
  1. Nizovtsev Y. M. Our true life is endless. 2014. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  2. Diakonoff I.M. The paths of history. From early human up to the present day. KomKniga. Moscow. 2007.
  3. Nizovtsev Y. M. Communes as a result of crash of all civilization. ISBN. 9781311711199. Smashwords Edition 2014. љ Nizovtsev Yury.
  4. Hobbes studies, ed. by K. C. Brown. Oxford. 1965.
  5. Hobbes T. Leviathan. 1651. British Library. Egerton MS 1910)
  6. Peirce C. S. What pragmatism is. The Essential Peirce 1 - 2. Vol. II. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.iupui.edu/-arisbe/menu/.../bycsp.HTM
  7. Nizovtsev Y. M. In what, how and for what liberty is acting. 2014. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev.
  8. Zinoviev A. A. The West: phenomenon of Westernism. The Global Human Hill. 1997.
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