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Property as the basis for the accelerated development of civilization

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    The duality of the human consciousness presupposes the inevitability of the manifestation of the struggle of his animal consciousness and his self-consciousness, and the latter, thanks to the understanding of oneself, is clothed in a form that contributes to own accelerated development, providing for the self-consciousness of a person rapidly changing diverse life phenomena, and such form is only the extreme antagonism of animal consciousness and self-consciousness, which manifests itself exclusively in proprietary relations, which in turn initiate the emergence of civilization, and then states. Therefore, with the disappearance of private property, civilization loses the antagonistic aspirations of the individuals that make it up, and must disappear.

  In December you received the collection of all sneering invectives along with the latest samples of black humor in Russian on Litres, and in English on Amazon.
  Property as the basis for the accelerated development of civilization
  Property is such fulcrum without which one ellipsis remains.
  Will there be a time when there are no beggars and hungry on Earth?
  It will come when the last beggar dies of hunger.
  What is reality in actuality?
  The reality is a necessity imposed for us to live in conditions that are not suitable for a good life.
  Will the cult of consumption come to an end?
  When there will be nothing to consume, then it will come.
  Civilization produced so many harmful and unnecessary things that it itself became such.
  When will private property be disappeared?
  When the whole will lose all its parts.
  Are people able to unite in the struggle for justice?
  So far, they are only justly separating.
  Can the class struggle be eliminated?
  Even in the lower grades, this struggle is under the desks.
  Principles in politics play a role, but lose.
  Is it possible to turn the private into the common?
  Only ants managed to do similar act.
  The masses cannot be managed, but they can be deceived.
  The reason of officials, limited by their superiors and instructions, into reason cannot come.
  The proletariat and the bourgeoisie became neither as fish nor meat as a result of their struggle.
  Power is elitist not because it is the cream of society, but because of the unbalance of the society.
  The masters of life will never learn to head by it.
  Slaves respect their masters only because those managed to become them.
  The herds are grazed by pariahs. They also graze us, to their own surprise.
  Bosses only for good money carry responsibility, but all the same they are not capable to bring it up to the place.
  Everyone instinctively pulls to the state of parasitism, but there are not enough vacancies.
  Having lost your head, you can still flee long in vain.
  Is it possible to live forever and well?
  Sooner or later, you will get bored and it will not be good.
  What is the main drawback of the laws of socium?
  Unlike the laws of physics, no one respects them.
  Can there be the manageable chaos?
  Chaos by blockheads like us is not managed, but only produced.
  How can a politician gain the trust of his fellow tribesmen?
  Every day, from the screen, he must promise them a near wonderful future.
  It is necessary to tell fools that they are smart because there are so many more of them.
  Bubbles believe in the freedom of their own collapse.
  What sins do we all have to pay for?
  We pay not for sins, but for inhabitation.
  The duality of the human consciousness presupposes the inevitability of the manifestation of the struggle of his animal consciousness and his self-consciousness, and the latter, thanks to the understanding of oneself, is clothed in a form that contributes to own accelerated development, providing for the self-consciousness of a person rapidly changing diverse life phenomena, and such form is only the extreme antagonism of animal consciousness and self-consciousness, which manifests itself exclusively in proprietary relations, which in turn initiate the emergence of civilization, and then states. Therefore, with the disappearance of private property, civilization loses the antagonistic aspirations of the individuals that make it up, and must disappear.
  Keywords: property, dissatisfaction, liberty, person, consciousness, self-consciousness, creativity, power, elite, intellectuals, philistines.
  The human prototype, the hominid, which appeared about 2.5 million years ago, began to use various tools, mostly made of stone, as well as plant fibers, bones, skin and veins of the animals, to facilitate own existence in the wild.
  Over time, the tools of labor improved, as well as the organization of housekeeping, but the structure of the cells of society did not change, remaining at the level of small communities, since the extracted food was chronically lacking, and periods of satiety alternated by long periods of malnutrition.
  In particular, in a number of regions of the planet, after the end of the ice age - a few more than ten thousand years ago - people began to gradually move from simple hunting and gathering to the search for new forms of getting the food, taming animals and starting to use more efficient stone tools for tillage, as well as the devices for harvesting and processing the harvested plants.
  The growth of the food sources contributed to an increase in the population, and the increased material and human resources gradually began to divide the society into hierarchies - the stratum appeared, differing in the subject of activity, and elite formations began to stand out in the form of priests, warriors and organizers of various activities.
  Thus, the resulting surplus of labor products from various activities around 7000-6000 years BC, as well as the formation of elites, have created the basis for an unfair division of the available resources in the form of land plots, the herds of livestock, means of production of various products, which gradually passed into the possession of the most influential, strong or enterprising individuals.
  The initial division of society in accordance with the possession of the available resources and, accordingly, various interests, which, often differing cardinally in relation to their own surrounding, always cause constant irritation and dissatisfaction with the situation by the deprived, which became the main incentive for the subsequent accelerated development of the civilization thus formed, which continued with increasing acceleration to our time, while the development of the human communities before the formation of proprietary relations took about two and a half million years.
  In other words, for 2.5 million years, the natural (animal) consciousness prevailed in the human communities, and self-consciousness, due to the practical absence of culture, was only at the level of understanding its utilitarian needs and corresponding actions with the ability to plan them, that is, they led an existence close to the herd, which differed from animal existence, in essence, only by collective communication through speech for more efficient food by hunting and gathering with elements of design-abstract thinking, providing a higher level of organization of life, which changes consciously the environment for own needs, in contrast to just instinctively-reflex activity of animals.
  Moreover, the animal consciousness in people, mainly in its collective form, prevailed so much that after the victory of one human community over another in the struggle for resources, it was quite natural to eat rivals, as if justified by a chronic lack of food.
  Thus, the beginning of civilization was laid by the emergence of private property mainly on land, irrigated land, herds of livestock, small-scale production of various products to ensure vital activities, that is, on certain resources of different regions.
  Of course, the private property did not arise by itself and not as a result of the mere improvement of the tools of labor. The basis for its appearance was the attachment of the individualistic self-consciousness to the communal or collectivist self-consciousness, which completely dominated earlier. The individualistic self-consciousness, having reflected in oneself the emergence of new technologies (the metal tools of labor), was able to move some of the energetic or occupying important positions of individuals to seize the certain resources for approval and securing their position in the new society.
  The owners that appeared needed workers, which led to a move away from cannibalism or the killing of the captives. They began to turn them into the living tools of labor - slaves. In addition, as a result of the unification of economics on the basis of the tribal unions, which is more beneficial for survival in the conditions of the proprietary relations, new structural units have been formed - states. That is, they turned out to be, thanks to the division of people into strata-estates more effective tools for social development, protection from enemies or for attacking rivals.
  Thus, the most technologically advanced regions have moved from hunting and gathering to the exploitation of land plots, livestock breeding and the wide exchange of products, mainly, the products of the slave labor as the cheapest type of labor.
  Ownership relations within the framework of the slave-owning type of management, which took on different forms in different regions, set completely other pace for the development of civilization, and this type of management took not millions of years, but only a few thousand years until the transition to the feudal type of the management.
  The slave-owning system, especially at the peak of its existence - in Ancient Greece and Rome, had a significant impact not so much on the development of technology, which was blocked by the cheapness of slave labor, but on the development of self-consciousness of the free part of the population, which is confirmed by the highest level of culture of these peoples, which laid the foundations of art, science and politics of all subsequent epochs in the development of civilization.
  Therefore, the slave-owning system in its division into owners- masters and slaves, contributing to the release of time for citizens for other types of labor than physical, quickly raised the level of self-consciousness of that part of them, which was simply bored to thrive, fight with rivals and restrain the pressure of disenfranchised slaves. And these free citizens, who are now called intellectuals, have achieved significant success in the field of jurisprudence, philosophy, science and art.
  In other words, the driving force behind the emerging new communities, in particular, the polis-states, which determined their development within the framework of the slave ownership, was by no means the antagonism of the slaves and the slave owners, not class hatred, since slaves were equated only with objects of beingness, but only as alive, thereby being excluded from the social development, but this force that ensures social development could only be the opposition of the animal consciousness of individuals who make up a free part of communities, which have been reformatted into states, and their self-consciousness, which before that was expressed extremely weakly, but began to actively manifest itself only with the appearance of free citizens in the states, and not under the conditions of the primitive communal system, in which survival problems dominated, and even not under any authoritarian rule, where there are no citizens, but there are humiliated subjects forced to follow the established rules and norms without any deviation towards creativity in order to avoid punishment.
  The result of the interaction of both forms of consciousness was for the most part their struggle, since the considerations of both forms of consciousness cover various spheres of life - animal consciousness is aimed at maintaining the body in a working state, striving to provide it with better nutrition and creating more favorable conditions for its existence and reproduction, and self-consciousness tries to determine the role of a person in beingness, drawing him to the knowledge of the new, interesting and unusual, due to which, moreover, it is possible to significantly improve the conditions of both his own and group existence, for example, by improving everyday life, creating a new weapon for victories over enemies, presenting the world around us with new impressive colors in the form of works of art, etc.
  Similar discrepancy between the tasks of both forms of consciousness means their constant struggle for primacy in solving these problems, and if earlier, as a rule, the animal consciousness won, seeking the priority solution of its tasks, in essence, related to ensuring the functioning of the organism in the existing conditions, then the growth of self-consciousness, which looks further and sees what is inaccessible to the instinctive-reflex activity of the animal consciousness, expressed in the success of the culture of this type of community, gradually led, in particular, to the fact that in the Roman Empire at the peak of its existence, the freedmen appeared, which reflected a certain change in the attitude of free citizens towards slaves, which finally became more "human".
  This fact quite clearly indicates that, although the proprietary relations underlie the development of civilization, interaction is hidden behind them in the form of a mostly the confrontation of both forms of the human consciousness - its animal component and self-consciousness, at this, the source of their functioning and contradictory interaction, in turn, is the inescapable dissatisfaction of any form of consciousness of living beings, which distinguishes them from other objects of beingness, characterized by their passivity, and therefore capable of being only information carriers, not having the properties to perceive , process and transmit information to hold themselves in existence, as well as striving to improve it.
  It should also be noted that the level of self-consciousness of the free part of the population in the era of slavery was, although higher than the self-consciousness of the population during the primitive communal system, but still so low that slaves, in most slave-owning states, were actually equated with domestic animals almost to the end of existence of the slave-owning system , and, for example, previously ruling persons of the defeated state, despite their former status, also became the disenfranchised and miserable slaves.
  Nevertheless, the slave-owning system of society, as the initial form of property relations, in addition to the possession of material assets, marked the beginning of the accelerated development of human communities already within the framework of their new form - civilization, which is based on states that guarantee the property rights, and therefore accelerated the pace of development the human self-consciousness due to a certain increase in the level of self-consciousness of the free part of the population.
  And this means that the resulting technological civilization is able to exist only with proprietary relations, reflecting the confrontation between the animal consciousness of each person and his self-consciousness in their attitude to the possession of something, and at the same time reflecting the antagonism of both forms of consciousness of various social strata.
  With the cessation of the proprietary relations a powerful driving force in the form of the struggle of the animal form of consciousness and self-consciousness for the priority solution of their own tasks, that is, a kind of competition, disappear, and civilization is losing the opportunity to function at an accelerated pace and it disintegrates after a period of stagnation.
  But within the framework of a civilization characterized by an obviously unfair distribution of property, nothing more than is happening but the development of self-consciousness in its individual and collective forms, manifested as the technological, scientific and cultural progress, carried out mainly due to creativity - the product of abstract thinking with the addition of with the addition of the experiment and the intuitive approaches to solving the most complex problems.
  Be that as it may, but for several thousand years the slave-owning system did not stand still. Certain forms of economic activity developed, mainly in the agricultural sector, the form of the state structure was improved, the layer of free people grew, their level of culture increased, which indicates an increase in level of their self- consciousness, thanks to which other attitude towards the slaves, who are the same, like them, manifested, especially since the unpromising labor for slaves themselves did not have the prospects for the development of technology, leading to the stagnation of economic activity.
  Therefore, in order for labor to bring more income, it had to be released to a certain extent, that is, to interest the workers in the results of labor.
  After realizing this fact, the slave owners began to gradually transfer them from the position of domestic animals to the relatively free status of workers attached to the land plots that, of course, did not belong to them, but, nevertheless, deliver to these workers a certain part of the income depending on the results of their labor.
  Thus, the owners of slaves became landowners, controlling the labor of farmers.
  Over time, a hierarchy of land owners was formed, on which the peasant worked, who, nevertheless, had a certain independence, being the owner of tools, buildings, but did not have the right to dispose of the land, remaining dependent on the feudal lord in this respect.
  In Europe, the heir to the Roman Empire, such changes significantly expanded the degree of liberty of the population, not only due to the acquisition by workers on the earth of incomparably greater independence than slaves, but also due to the emergence of numerous trade and craft centers, cities and educational platforms.
  Thus, in comparison with slaveholding under feudalism, not only did the circle of people with a high level of self-consciousness expand, but self-consciousness began to gradually move away from its collectivist principle, acquiring an increasingly individualistic character not only among feudal lords, but also among townspeople, merchants and artisans.
  The change in the attitude towards property in the era of feudalism, caused by an increase in the level of self-awareness among the population as a whole, as well as a certain tilt towards individualism, further accelerated the development of civilization, as evidenced by the reduction of the period of feudalism several times (a little more than a thousand years in Europe) compared with the period of existence of the slave-owning system, which lasted several thousand years.
  So, in Europe, due to an increase in the level of self-consciousness of the population as a whole and its qualitative change towards individualism, mainly among rather numerous townspeople, confirmed by a high level of literacy, education and development of many training centers (universities), the use of legislative practices inherited from the jurists of the Roman empire, over time, there was dissatisfaction of the population by the behavior of the feudal lords, which is rather meaningless from the point of view of managing the economy, supported by a number of scientific and geographical discoveries, the invention of many devices and machines that significantly increase labor productivity both in the agricultural sector and in the sectors of processing agricultural products.
  Hence the need arose for the liberation of economy from feudal fetters, noticed by some religious figures.
  In particular, at the beginning of the 16th century, Martin Luther has pointed out the impossibility of opposing the worldly and the spiritual, since God predestinates people for one or another type of activity, investing in them various talents and abilities, and thus he fulfills a certain plan.
  The rejection of the church restrictions and the recognition of labor as a blessing, as and its fruits, entailed the removal of the chains from the private initiative and opened the way for various creative ideas, thereby having served the scientific and technical progress, including the invention and use of high-performance machines.
  That is, Luther has suggested removing the discredited Catholic Church as an intermediary between parishioners and God, and restoring the balance between secular and spiritual, having recognized worldly work for the benefit of society as the main contents of life.
  Thereby, from the Protestants in the person of Luther and the liberal government of the country of concentration at that time of Protestantism (the Netherlands) have appeared some kind of the permission to receiving any "fruits" of labor and their use for the greater benefit of society, despite possible violations of the established traditions, having opened the road to discoveries and innovations.
  On the other hand, the duality of consciousness in the form of the struggle of the animal (natural) component of it and the highest - extra-natural (self-consciousness) led not only to the Reformation, but also to the appearance of a significant number of the creative people.
  Self-consciousness demands all time the extension of the information flows, which it receives for the account of the conscious transformation by people by the surrounding space in the form of the change of the existing artificial and natural environment, and this transformation is got that better, than more the person knows and understands how the world surrounding him functions. Cognition demands education. Schools and universities were emerging.
  In Europe, to the time of Luther's appeal, a layer of the intellectuals and fairly the literate people with broad interests and considerable creativity who were not given developing, forcing them to engage exclusively in theology, had formed in large cities.
  Creativity is characterized by an overflow of an individual with a deep sense of dissatisfaction with own surrounding.
  It comes to the person from the lowest (natural) consciousness in his striving to create greater comforts for existence.
  However, this feeling is combined in a person with a higher consciousness (self-consciousness), whose dissatisfaction with insufficient social comfort, the development of science and art, reaching a high degree, requires extending the achievements of civilization and culture to all.
  But the lowest (animal) consciousness dominates herewith, since the activity of these individuals is manifested mostly instinctively, without much thought, with a minimum of rationality, giving, nevertheless, the most creative persons of all living.
  Having received the appropriate "permission" from the reformed Church, these creative persons did not slow down to intensify scientific research, offering as a result a lot of technical and organizational innovations.
  The machine production arose, ships and navigation improved, trade revived, mail and newspapers appeared, communications between the continents expanded.
  And country, in which originally all of this was manifested more intensely and quickly, was the Netherlands of the end of XVI, the beginning of XVII centuries.
  Therefore, the turn to the industrial production took place not in China, not in India or the Arab countries, but in Europe after a few more than a thousand years of the existence of feudalism. The accumulated dissatisfaction of an educated person in his self-consciousness requires more than a comfortable existence, high position in society: it pushes him through the struggle with his own animal consciousness with its primitive requirements, to a high, in this case, to a certain liberation of labor and its creative use, which became possible for the first time in the Netherlands at the end of XVI century.
  And this turn transferred the slow development of civilization into the accelerated consistently in Protestant countries, and then, by their example, in many others, which led to such large-scale and impressive achievements of the human civilization by now precisely because of a certain liberation of labor.
  Thus, dissatisfaction and duality of consciousness in the form of the struggle of the lowest (natural) of its component and the highest extra-natural (self-consciousness) through Christianity in the person of Luther, and through the Protestant country (Netherlands), which was determined by the high degree of development of culture, technologies and science in it, have led to a kind of resonance of the reformed Christianity and creative minds, containing in their potency technological culture,
  Thereby, the struggle of the lowest (natural) consciousness and self-consciousness, having led to a resonance the reformed Christianity and creativity in the technological sphere at the end of 16th century, turned the world towards the industrial production, having set the direction into capitalism with its openness to any form of entrepreneurship in the use of available resources on the basis of the private ownership of them, regulated only by the market relations.
  The industrial turn in the Netherlands and England provided an increase in the production of industrial goods due to the mechanization of production and, consequently, higher productivity in workshops, which turned into huge factories, giving high profit, which was facilitated by the modernization of transport and the improvement of forms of trade.
  In some European countries, a class of controllers-managers of this production rather quickly formed, who became the owners of factories and plants - mainly the former owners of manufactories and the bankers - and a class of the hired workers in production - the former artisans. At this, the production and distribution of the manufactured goods fell under the market mechanisms.
  Naturally, this process of forming new relations to resources and property was facilitated by the revolution of 1789 in France, which put forward the slogans of legal equality and liberty of the entrepreneurship in all spheres of life on the basis of the private-property relations.
  Since the class of the hired workers in factories with the intensive deployment of production began to be formed mainly from peasants, insofar as they could free themselves from feudal dependence by going to the cities, and a significant part of the land plots passed from the ruined parasites-seigneurs into the hands of the skilled peasant owners.
  The degree of liberty for the population expanded even more, and, formally, each citizen could become an entrepreneur through the loans, that is, the owner of property from which he could make a profit in one form or another and in volume.
  Thus, the gradual increase in the level of self-consciousness under feudalism led to a new economy, which established for almost the entire population of the leading European countries other - freer, that is, an open attitude to property, having strengthened the individualistic tendency of self-consciousness of this population and thereby having intensified its self-activity, due to which these countries became world dominants competing with each other, and the countries of the rest of the world remained on the sidelines of history.
  Such open system of production and distribution, in which formal equality and individualism dominated in the conditions of competition between entrepreneurs for the use of available resources in the form of private ownership of them - capitalism, began to take shape from the 17th century and, apparently, is being completed at the present time.
  Capitalism occupied a historical period of several centuries - from the 17th century to the 21st century, having accelerated the development of civilization several times in comparison with feudalism.
  It is curious that, having ensured the maximum possible openness of private property relations and the highest labor productivity, capitalism began to produce regularly the crises of the overproduction of goods, which basically had to be overcome by unleashing wars, destroying part of the production capacities and redistributing the markets for goods.
  However, the moment came when the world wars became impossible due to the invention of the nuclear weapons.
  Therefore, over the past few decades, the crisis of capitalism has become permanent, bringing the entire world economy to the stagnation and provoking the endless inflation. The capitalist system was forced to focus on financial speculation, which only deepened the gap between the rich and poor parts of the population, not to mention the poor countries of the third world.
  To get out of the inevitable ultimate trap of the production of goods that the population is unable to buy, as Adam Smith and Karl Marx talked about at former times, capitalism is not able, as a result of which the growth of capital that determines its viability becomes impossible - the credit system ceases to work.
  It follows that the development of capitalism has approached its natural ending.
  This conclusion is also supported by the fact that the individualistic nature of capitalism inevitably leads to the deformation of the self-consciousness of the entire population.
  The individual and group egoism of capitalism, the goal of which is directed not at a person, but only at itself - at its own reproduction, has a detrimental effect on both the hired workers and property owners. The self-consciousness of both those and others, due to their disunity and withdrawal into the virtual world of the Internet, provided by the latest technologies, ceases to develop, focusing not on real problems, but on meaningless imaginary games.
  In addition, the transfer of the main control and production functions to the artificial intelligence leads to a lag in the human self-consciousness from technological development, and a person, as a consciously creative subject, stops developing.
  This situation is exacerbated by the information collapse, in which there is no time to correctly determine the causes of the deteriorating behavior of the system, and random symptoms are mistaken for them.
  If efforts are directed at the eliminating the symptoms, then the true causes remain unaffected. Such an action is either ineffective or leads to a worsening of the situation. Thus, the structure of a real system, due to the lack of the ability to organize an avalanche of incoming information in a form that adequately reflects the structure of this system, remains outside the actions taken.
  In this regard, in the current situation it becomes impossible to determine those few points, to which the behavior of civilization is sensitive, especially since these points are not self-evident even under the normal conditions.
  It should also be noted that the clip nature of thinking, caused by the dominance of digital technologies that has come, leads to the destruction of consciousness at all its levels.
  A person loses concentration, the ability to remember information, becoming irresponsible and prone to the errors.
  Thus, the most progressive - open - attitude towards property under capitalism in its - rather short - term - development comes to a standstill in terms of the development of self-consciousness, since there is no place left for the manifestation of its dissatisfaction due to the general withdrawal of people from reality into a barren virtual world.
  Self-activity of a person gradually stops and along with it the basis for the development of self-consciousness disappears. The automatic desire of capitalism to transfer each person into the state of an animal chewing the gum given to him means a dead end and the collapse of civilization.
  An attempt to get out of this sad situation was made in the 20th century, when, after the revolution, a socialist state was formed in Russia, opposing the capitalist states.
  The ideology of this state was based on the idea of gradually building a just harmonious society based on the collective efforts of all members of this society using the property belonging to all the people.
  The ruling elite of Russia under the name of the USSR concentrated its efforts on equalizing the standard of living of the main masses of the population with the prospect of a gradual transition to communism.
  The basis of the socialist mode of production and development of the community is to shift the emphasis from unlimited mass consumption to the distribution of manufactured products according to labor, which too often cannot be adequately assessed, and is largely stolen by the power elite and its henchmen.
  Similar collectivist approach with an obvious bias on equalization destroys the competition of individuals, deprives of them own free expression within "no man's" property, especially as assessment of high and low results of work has no considerable difference.
  In mass terms, this approach significantly slows down the development of state, making it chronically lagging behind the developed capitalist states in terms of technology.
  Quite quickly, a comparison of the material achievements of capitalist and socialist states leads the working population of socialist states to revise their views on the ultimate goal of the community -communism, because of its obvious unattainability. As a result of this factor, there is a reorientation of this population to the consumer values of capitalism.
  Such inversion in the minds leads to the destruction of these essentially quasi-socialist states and, accordingly, the implicit stratification of the ruling bureaucracy and the working population of these states quickly flows into the obvious stratification, with the formation in place of these states, as a rule, the backward states with respect to the organization of society, in particular, in terms of feedback of masses and elite, establishing the comprador clan for the most part due to the former authoritarianism of these states in governing, that is, the rather low level of self-consciousness of the power elite, seeking to preserve their power and stolen wealth by any means. Such countries are natural victims of the developed countries, falling immediately into the "paws" of these parasite states.
  It turns out that, on the one hand, capitalism has come to its natural end, and with it, proprietary relations, expressed in the desire for unlimited consumption, have ended, but, on the other hand, the replacement of capitalism with distributive socialism (USSR) has shown its complete failure, since at the same time socialism, the private property was replaced by the corporate property of the bureaucracy governing the country, that is, it has been replaced by a worsened version of the property relations, in which the main masses of the population are in permanent poverty, and the bureaucracy is decomposing in the field of money stolen from the people.
  Unable to withstand competition with capitalism, distributive socialism disappeared, and supposedly the socialist states themselves returned to the fold of the same capitalism.
  That is, this attempt to go beyond the framework of possessive relations turned out to be unsuccessful for obvious reasons: these are the biological differences of people, which are based not only on different abilities, but also on a different level of self-consciousness, often dictating a completely opposite attitude to the realities of reality, as well as the dissatisfaction of the animal consciousness the population, which was deprived of the opportunity to improve their situation at least at the expense of the most primitive individual activity; these are the differences that arise depending on the conditions of existence of a diverse population.
  Therefore, the distributive egalitarian socialism could not but lose in its competition with capitalism under such worsened disposal of property by power structures and the exclusion of all active citizens from property relations.
  Consequently, the proprietary relations have reached their limit, and the attempt to modify them has failed, which means the cessation of the development of civilization and its natural decay, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, clearly demonstrates that the emergence and development of civilization occurs only in the property relations.
  Additional confirmation of this factual state of affairs is the modern idea of replacing a civilization based on the property relations with a civilization from which the property relations are excluded in order to preserve the privileges of the modern power elite.
  In other words, the resulting stagnation leads the power elite to the idea of transforming society into a form convenient for maintaining their own power and all the benefits associated with it.
  Therefore, the ruling elite, in essence, having borrowed Campanella's ideas about an ideal state, decided to arrange some kind of the formation, reminiscent of Campanella's "the ideal" state.
  This state - "the City of the Sun", where everyone works and there are no scoundrels and parasites, is based on an attempt to balance the various qualities and abilities of people by forced equality. The power in this ideal state belongs to the spiritual aristocracy, or intellectual and religious elite.
  Campanella offers the state to eradicate vices and the resulting wrong behavior. He also considers it necessary to destroy the institution of the family, since it leads to private property - a source of inequality. To improve people, Campanella proposes to carry out selection, which should be determined by the bosses.
  The current supranational power elite, imagining itself to be intellectual, also wants to forcibly put the population under its control by digitizing the population. This elite tries to discredit the family, having liquidated it gradually, and to deprive the population of property. It assumes to give him certain benefits depending on the behavior of specific individuals, which this elite considers correct, up to the selection of this population.
  Besides, it is quite natural for itself, this elite is going to reduce the population several times to reduce the consumption of the remaining resources of the planet by the population, and the main way of this reduction may be to sterilize the population with medical drugs under the pretext of saving it from supposedly fatal diseases, and to digitize the rest of the population with the help of modern computer technologies, putting each of its members under control to dictate to him the appropriate behavior, especially since the main work will be performed not by the population, but by artificial intelligence.
  Not even utopianism, but complete stupidity of such an approach to the preservation of civilization in a form convenient for itself demonstrates the stagnant parasitic nature of the current power elites, who, with all signs of the completion of the development of civilization, still strive to preserve themselves in their privileges over the rest of the population, transferring it not even to slavish, but animal state.
  But this is impossible, since no external influences from the current power elites in the conditions of the decline and decay of civilization are able to change the accelerated cycle of development of self-consciousness within civilization, which is ensured only within the framework of proprietary relations, and they are created not by force, but in a natural way.
  That is, the planned reduction of the population to the level of self-consciousness, at which each person has only a weak understanding of oneself, means the fall of the driving force of a person and his communities in the form of a confrontation between his animal component and self-consciousness to almost zero, which makes the accelerated development of civilization impossible, and she falls apart.
  For those who consider the existence of the present civilization eternal, despite all reasonable arguments, I propose to look into Internet, where a sufficient number of the surviving artifacts of the past civilizations of various times, relatively short-lived on Earth: tens of thousands of years ago, millions, tens of millions and hundreds of millions of years ago.
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