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What really is intellect?

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    In order to doubt, that a person's intellect is his mind, or consciousness, make sense to compare it with artificial intellect. Then it becomes clear that intellect by itself and consciousness in general differ significantly and an attempt should be made to clarify the essence of intellect and its connection with consciousness generally and human consciousness in particular.

  Until now, the majority of minds are dominated by delusion associated with equating the intellect (from the Latin intellectus - knowledge, understanding, reason) to the mind, which in turn is being associated with consciousness.
  Several decades ago in the United States, even as a test for cleverness, by which was meant the level of mental development, the so-called the intelligence quotient (IQ) was used, which was first introduced into use by the German researcher Wilhelm Stern in 1912.
  This coefficient (quotient), according to a number of scientists, quantitatively shows the level of intelligence (intellect), and therefore, as they believed, of the mind, in comparison with the level of the mind of the average person. An average person is one who has the same age and development as the person, whose coefficient is measured, that is, IQ shows the correspondence or deviation of the level of intelligence (intellect) from the average.
  In other words, using this indicator, an attempt was made to identify the degree of stupidity or mind in a given person using certain techniques (tests), which include tasks for reasoning, memory, logic and acquired knowledge. The average score is considered to be 100, and tests are designed so that most of the results correspond to this indicator. The results of the test takers are compared with this average result.
  Results less than 70 points are considered a sign of mental retardation, and results above 130 points ostensibly to increased mental abilities. According to one of the researchers (Stuart Ritchie - USA - cited them in the book "Intelligence: Everything That Matters"), the average level of IQ had 68.2% the tested and only 2.2% of the tested had a high level of intelligence.
  It is assumed that intelligence contributes to cognition and the solution of various problems, including sensation, perception, memory, representation, thinking and imagination.
  The data obtained by the researchers do not allow unambiguously linking intelligence with nationality, race, heredity, sex, brain characteristics, which in itself indicates the doubtfulness of IQ as an adequate indicator of assessing the mind of the subjects, although the researchers don't desire to admit it.
  As it turned out, the only thing that reflects the value of IQ according to the research results of S. Ritchie is that persons with higher IQ improve their skills faster and more often become professionals [1].
  Despite the obvious bankruptcy of orientation on IQ in determining the mind or stupidity, in the United States for a long time IQ tests have been used to identify children whom it makes sense to teach in a more complex program or to give them only the minimum necessary knowledge.
  However, the practice of using these tests in the United States has led to the fact that over time, the number of creative people in this country has decreased to the point that it was necessary to lure high-tech specialists from those countries, in particular, from India and Russia, where IQ was not used in the process of assessing the mind and abilities of children during their training, that is, where, in accordance with it, children were not cut off, allegedly with weak mental development.
  The inadequacy of the use of IQ to measure mental ability was recently (2012) confirmed by Adrien Owen, Adam Hampshire, and Roger Highfield [2].
  These researchers found that human intellect is determined mainly by possibilities of short-term memory, the ability to reason logically and adequately express their own judgments.
  That is, their conclusion about the ability of IQ to represent intelligence as a human mind was pessimistic due to the experimentally manifested limited IQ capabilities.
  Indeed, these researchers have shown through their IQ experiments that intellect is by no means equal to mind, i. e. - to thinking abilities, or consciousness.
  What, then, is intellect if it is not coincide with reason, by which the authors of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language understand the ability to think creatively and logically, to generalize the results of cognition [3], as well as the intellect not consciousness, if by it the same authors understand the ability to the reproduce of reality in thinking [3].
  The authors of the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary [4] also believe that the mind acts as a creative, cognitive activity that reveals the essence of reality, and they interpret consciousness as a generator of new ideas, productive imagination and management of practical activities.
  In the same dictionary Ozhegov S. I. [3], intellect is defined as a thinking ability, a mental principle in a person. The Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary, in essence, gives a similar definition of intellect: the ability to the thinkingt and rational cognition [4].
  Thus, the final results of the experiment with IQ quite clearly showed that intellect, if understood in the interpretation of a number of researchers as a characteristic of the human mind, in fact, it has nothing to do with the mind or consciousness as a cognitive activity in one or another volume, since intelligence is characterized only by one or another speed, one or another short-term memory, and by the clutch of images (symbols) of one or another type in the form of a picture that is understandable for the consumer of these images, but no more.
  It turns out that фт intelligence can only be a more or less effective auxiliary tool for a certain consumer of information who is able to evaluate and use it.
  To illustrate in addition especially technical principle of action of intellect of the person as, however, and intellect of other living beings, it makes sense began to address robotics which is based on use of artificial intellect. At this, some researchers, in particular, Mark Riedl consider that the artificial intelligence has ability to creative thinking though experimentally couldn't prove it [5]. And this fact is not surprising if you analyze the essence of artificial intellect, which is reflected, for example, in my article " What way the artificial intelligence will corrupt and crush us?" [6, part 3, ј 1].
  Under the artificial intelligence, apparently, should be understood the ability of the machine (electronic computing, quantum or other) brain to solve tasks, to provide the requested information and, using sensors, to control a variety of devices by modeling of a situation in accordance with the set goal.
  The main characteristics of this brain are the memory size and processor speed on use of the programs, entered into it, exceeding the same characteristics of the human brain, and thus allowing to effectively replace a person both in solving various problems, and in managing complex processes.
  In particular, the artificial intelligence is used in mathematical proofs, data analysis, when planning, forecasting, translation, systematization of knowledge, training, recognition, interaction with the external environment according to indications of sensors (manipulation of objects, navigation, regulation of technological processes, diagnosis of diseases, customer service in finance and trade, protection of objects, control of transport, harmful productions, entertainments etc.).
  To understand whether the artificial intelligence is capable to perform creative functions, we will note some of its features.
  The artificial intelligence is only capable to perceive the goal set to it, but cannot put it independently, and the artificial intelligence does not understand sense of the obtained data which after decryption turn into information for the person.
  The artificial intelligence is not capable to turn into a conscious being of any level because he recognizes these or those data according to the matrices, enclosed into it by a person, for a person, and not for itself, not understanding the reason for the formulation of the task and its essence, but proposing certain solutions in accordance with the existing matrices, without going beyond their limits. From the options selected by artificial intelligence, a person-consumer can choose the most effective in his opinion.
  The artificial intelligence does not have an independent life, for which any living being has to fight, and it is not able to continue itself in the offspring.
  The artificial intelligence is capable to work only by means of the person, but at the same time it does not require obligatory communication with other artificial intelligences. In this respect the artificial intelligence is the common thing, which is not interested in anything and not interesting to anybody, until it will not be connected to a power source and will not be entered into it the programs answering the purpose of the person whereas any living being is not capable to live in isolation, and the living being "is disconnected" from life only after death, that is - after withdrawal consciousness from the body.
  The artificial intelligence is capable to use only the rules of the formal logic within a solution of the task set to it, in particular, it can produce a new information, only combining the information known to it, but is not capable to produce essentially new information in another way. In particular, an intuitive approach is not available to it and it has no imagination.
  Comparison of human intellect with machine (artificial) intelligence shows that the main characteristics of both types of intellect are speed, the amount of RAM (operational memory), the use of formal logic to create models.
  The main difference between natural intellect and artificial intelligence is the lack of independence of the artificial intelligence, which works for an external consumer, which, moreover, can constantly change, while natural intelligence works for a completely specific living being: in this case, for a specific person.
  Due to the complete lack of independence of artificial intelligence in comparison with the natural, which does not have a strict program of actions, the following difference arises: artificial intelligence processes only the information that is transmitted to it at the request (desire) of the consumer within the framework of the programs embedded in it, and also the artificial intelligence is not able to evade the consumer's desire, while the natural intelligence has a certain autonomy in its actions, in particular, it is able to solve tasks not only according to standard programs, but also it can be ready to some changes in the parameters of the environment surrounding a living being, as well as to operate with various and largely arbitrary signals that enter the sense organs and from them to it.
  Moreover, artificial intelligence does not understand the meaning of incoming data. He also does not understand the purpose of this processing data, providing the result of information processing to the consumer in the form of data related in a certain way, for example, a weather report or a translation of text into another language. Likewise - mechanically - artificial intelligence participates in the control of subordinate systems, for example, by controlling the movement of a conveyor or the work of a robot on Mars.
  That is, an artificial intelligence is a fast-acting and well-organized blockhead, since not only does it not understand the meaning of its actions, but is also not interested in its own existence, so how it is a function of an external consumer, and this consumer can turn off the robot or computer at any time at will.
  Precisely because of its own senselessness in any activity, but by its appearance - reasonable work (the vast majority of the population and even many scientists holily believe in its mind), programmed in fact by an external consumer to obtain the fruits from its labors, the artificial intelligence is not able to be creative, while a natural intellect does not have a rigid program of action, it is operating with various and largely arbitrary signals entering from the senses, to solve the task of keeping its own carrier (a living being) in a state of direct sensation consumption. As a result, the living being is able, at a minimum, to act according to the method of trial and error in a changing environment. It's far from creativity here, but there is still meaning in the actions of a natural intellect, since it, as an integral part of individual consciousness, is interested in preserving the sensations that give life to the entire system of any organism, including it.
  Thus, working for a living being, and being in the internal structure of this consumer, the intellect becomes its organic and integral part - a kind of information processing unit and a block for controlling the body's functions in its interaction with the environment, independently thinking within the framework of such functioning, without which a living being cannot do.
  But along with that, a living being cannot do without its other part, which makes decisions not largely on standard interactions with the environment and the work of each cell of the body, since this sphere of action is mostly debugged (programmed), but on solving tasks of communication with similar organisms, enemies, allies, the choice of more suitable and pleasant environment for life, and so on, that is, those tasks that, if you compare the actions of a living being with the work of artificial intelligence, are solved by its external consumer, not an artificial intelligence oneself.
  This means that any living being, except for an intellect, which, in fact, technically processes data coming through the senses to it, controlling the functioning of its own body, that is, turning these data into information that is understandable for use by a living being, starting with the cellular structure, ought to have of the chief-consumer of this information already for use in one way or another not to ensure the functioning of the organism in the environment with the consumption of sensations, but to strive for the acquisition of the most pleasant sensations that can be obtained by improving its position in the occupied niche under favorable circumstances.
  Without this invisible internal chief, manager and consumer of information, not a single organism, even if assembled in the form of an exact biological copy with a genome, becomes alive, as scientists have already seen from the results of a number of experiments.
  In particular, the intellect of any organism, represented by the information processing unit and the unit for controlling the functions of the organism (a kind of biological internal computer), does not turn on without this "internal" leader and consumer of the supplied information.
  In other words, this invisible consumer of information and the leader of the actions of a living being makes the intellect in the form of a biological internal computer to work only at the moment of its own manifestation in a being, more precisely, in its embryo, and only this manifestation immediately makes this creature alive (active, and subsequently by capable for reproduction), and with the disappearance of this consumer and owner of a living being, or a serious failures in it or in his carrier, for example, the destruction of neural circuits, sensory organs or a disease of other important organs, the intellect of this organism, despite the preservation of its organic structure, having lost its leader, loses its activity - ceases to act (death of the creature) or the information, which is supplied to this chief by the intellect does not find proper application (madness).
  As for the "invisibility", or rather, why can't somehow fixing and measuring consciousness, this is impossible because consciousness is nothing more than a hologram [see, for example, 7, part 1] in the form of an infinite whole, which is "located" outside the current reality. This infinite whole (hologram), nevertheless, "contains" the individual consciousness of each living being, which coincides with this whole. This infinite whole, through its parts, is able to ensure its exit from a state outside the current time into a state of current reality due to the combination of its parts as the active with passive matter, forming living beings that already have the ability to form the current time, merging in themselves successive signals from an infinity out of time through hologram into a changing picture of beingness.
  In other words, each individual consciousness, remaining in a hologram representing a single consciousness, forms the current time through a living being, not being literally present in it, but creating it every moment, providing constant communication between the individual consciousness of a living being and a single consciousness of the hologram. Therefore, a living being, being a derivative of consciousness, at the same time is its organ, not only having an independent life, but also by the being, forming beingness for providing outlet of consciousness into life.
  That is, the resulting structured and living matter of any organism is every moment a renewing formation, which is formed by consciousness, as it were, from the outside, and in this formation it is present as a kind of baker who bakes a pie - there can be no pie without it, - but there is clearly no baker in the pie, but there are all the necessary biological components for the vital activity of this "pie", which the baker renews and controls their activity.
  A single consciousness of the hologram also ensures the functioning of the informational "bridge" between an infinity out of time and each individual consciousness in the programmed organics. Along with that, the body with the sensors in it and information processing centers are the basis for the process of selecting and processing incoming information through this information channel.
  So, even if a cell with a genome is assembled perfectly, it will never revive without consciousness entering into it, which is nothing more than a particle of a single consciousness of a hologram, never losing tie with it, and therefore with an infinity out of time, creating thereby an appropriate information "bridge", without which can be no any life.
  Along with that, if each individual consciousness is, both an independent particle of a single consciousness of a hologram and it is the entire hologram with all its resources, then the body is a carrier of consciousness for the manifestation of these resources in time, which is being formed by each living being.
  As a result, each individual consciousness with the help of a single consciousness finds a program corresponding to its level of development and desired changes in one or another embryo, and begins life first in search of a renewed oneself with varying degrees of success, but with the inevitable findings, which somehow are being discovered on the endless path of consciousness.
  Thus, consciousness does not travel after the death of the body along some nooks and crannies of the otherworldly, which is impossible, since time (current reality) absents there, the formation of which begins with the sense organs.
  Therefore, every individual consciousness of any being is forced to return to the germ of a new life, finding oneself again in a new life by updated, in other body, but without memory of a past life.
  As soon as the death of the body comes, that is, its final disintegration, consciousness finds itself in the current reality as if it was not leaving this reality, but in a new body, more precisely, its germ, since it has the responsibility not only of its own development, but also of the development of a single consciousness, as well as the retention of Creation in a stable state of eternal change, and all this is provided by nothing more than events that can happen to consciousness only in time, or in beingness, which got the title "beingness" exactly from the expression: "to be in things".
  That is, an individual consciousness is not "delayed" in a hologram, although it is a particle of it, because it is always "present" in it. Moreover, each individual consciousness is not only a particle of the hologram, but it oneself is also the single consciousness of the hologram, however this consciousness can manifest itself only in time, or in beingness. Therefore, consciousness after the death of the organism immediately ends up in a new body for a new life.
  This as if internal intangible active leader, vitalizing the certain structured components of matter with a program of action introduced into them, consumes information that comes from the senses and is processed by the corresponding centers of a living being, representing the materialized intellect. Thus, intellect gives this or that level of gumption of any being, and it cannot be denied that as a result of the action of these centers, a certain gumption is inherent even in bacteria.
  Thereby, this head by the actions of the organism receives the knowledge necessary for life, which always accompanies him, mutating and replenishing. Therefore, this invisible active boss and consumer of information, and as a result, the initiator and organizer of the actions of any living being, it makes sense to call co-knowledge, or simply consciousness.
  Exactly the presence of consciousness - as some kind of active external entity, as if covering a particular biological structured formation in the form of an embryo, having a genome (a program of functioning, growth and development of an organism on a protein carrier), reviving this formation, - determines the difference of even the most perfect robot, which is dependent and an unviable system, from the simplest living being, which, nevertheless, is able to exist independently and reproduce of oneself in suitable conditions.
  Consciousness cannot be registered in no way, since it is separately incapable to be in the real world (beingness), which represents oneself the current time in the form of the present, that we consider to be the space-time dimension of Creation.
  Each individual consciousness is inseparably with a living being, or rather, consciousness continuously renews it and forms it as a living being, as a result of which, losing consciousness, the body turns into a pile of ordinary organic matter. Through the senses of a living being by his own consciousness with the support of a single consciousness (see below) forms own time in the quality of oneself and one's environment, and in addition by means of the entire totality of the living beings is being formed a common current time, which takes the form of all beingness, and into this beingness, as it were, fits each living being together with its surrounding.
  In other words, the world around us is the result of a kind of association of consciousness (the active) and material components (the passive) in one organism, i. e. Creation is unable to manifest itself without the living beings, and required only for them, more precisely, for consciousness in them, since consciousness only through the living beings are able to perceive and use surrounding for their own development.
  Thus, the manifestation of the active (consciousness) as the functioning subject is possible only in the form of a living being, provided with the appropriate infrastructure in which it, together with similar creatures, can be stationed and manifest oneself in actions.
  In some simplification and coarsening, the active (consciousness) is similar to a computer program, but - the program, capable of self-correction for all types of the active and even of creativity for the highest degree of the active, in contrast to the known artificial intelligence.
  So, the active, being as if software, cannot do without "iron" - the passive, which, being formless and representing matter, devoid of consciousness, only accept the forms that need to the active for its own existence and development, i.e. the passive as the internal and external surrounding of the active, should constitute a kind of the material background, more precisely, the infrastructure, or the environment, ordered in one way or another, for the development and actions of the active, and the elements of this environment should be structurally connected and interact with each other in accordance with the laws determined by the active, and this active, if it capable to comprehend the situation around (to process information), should be acknowledged by consciousness.
  Thus, Creation potentially contains Everything outside of time as an infinity out of time, but this Everything is the hidden active and passive, merged together, and therefore incapable of action.
  In such "state" Everything represents by oneself Nothingness, or nonexistence, and in any way cannot express oneself, unless it possesses a projection in which Everything is able to be separated in the forms of the copies of the active and the passive in some duration, at this the copies of the active are "engaged" in this projection in updating themselves, and, along with that, updating the copies of the passive, because they have an appropriate communication with an infinity out of time.
  However, the process of updating the copies of the active and the passive in the projection of an infinity out of time is only intermediate, since it does not make sense in itself. In fact, it is the threshold of converting both the active and the passive from successive informational packets-copies into time, and time is characterized by the fact that it manifests changing and moving objects in space (current reality).
  One part of these packets-copies is manifested as various forms of uniting the active and the passive in the form of alive, that is, a conscious creature capable of development, the other part is manifested as an infrastructure without the presence of life, required to ensure the existence of alive. Both of these parts constitute together beingness (current reality).
  In turn, the function of alive is the selection and perception by its sensors (receptors) of the recognized information from the environment according to the available programs in the genome, deciphering the received data in the corresponding information processing centers and converting the decrypted information into time (current reality) similar to converting signals from the transmitter (analog to an infinity out of time) through ether (analogous to a projection of an infinity out of time) to TV receiver (analog of a living organism) in a moving image on the monitor screen (analog of the environment).
  Therefore, it is impossible to put the projection of an infinity out of time at the leading place in Creation, since this projection is a kind of informational bridge between an infinity out of time and the current reality, realized by alive. It is consciousness inside alive that "requests" through the projection of the form for own update and update of the infrastructure from an infinity out of time.
  This system functions indefinitely, that is, it does not need to start and end.
  Similar system of Creation "contains" an infinity out of time with projection. Nothingness of this infinite projection, unlike Nothingness of an infinity out of time, has the integral character, that is, the projection is able to manifest itself in own separate parts, but in the totality of parts, or in general, this projection is zero, having opposite signs of its parts.
  That is, Creation has a "supply base" (an infinity out of time) of alive with information. Alive is the united active and passive in a current reality. Information at the requests of alive in the current reality, which is a derivative of the projection of an infinity out of time, comes to the living beings through a projection of an infinity out of time. A projection also provides the "penetration" of the signals from alive into an infinity out of time, the control of the functioning of alive in a current reality, uninterrupted delivery of information to alive upon its requests for the formation of a current reality. In addition, a projection concentrates the information, which are produced by the living beings in its databases,
  The projection of an infinity out of time and a current reality cannot function without each other, being sides of the same coin, more precisely, the chicken and egg phenomenon, and their "duties" are distributed as follows: the projection of an infinity out of time carries the function of an informational "bridge" (its role is played by a single consciousness of a projection) between an infinity out of time (source of information) and beingness (consumer of information in the form of alive). Along with that, the processing of information coming from an infinity out of time into beingness through the projection of an infinity out of time and converting information into time, that is, into a current reality with all its attributes, in which the living beings are able to produces the information, lies on alive, but the concentration of the information generated by alive is ensured a single consciousness of a projection in the respective databases.
  This ability of alive to produce and catch information appears due to the merger of copies of the active and the passive, which are being "delivered" through the projection of an infinity out of time, the final forms of which have programs of actions, receptors and information processing centers. In this respect, beingness is a derivative formation of the projection of an infinity out of time.
  Such merge of the active and the passive provides through the genome programmed growth, metabolism, reproduction and development of organisms in a suitable infrastructure (environment).
  The key to the presented model of Creation is a projection of an infinity out of time, providing a connection between an infinity out of time and beingness. This projection also concentrates the information, generated by alive; the "energy" of this system is presented by the active (consciousness), and the material of this system is presented by the shapeless passive.
   Only a hologram [see eg 7, part 1] can be as such projection of an infinity out of time: in a hologram, any part of it repeats the whole. The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of the superimposition of several coherent waves, which gives a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change.
  In a hologram, each particle of the active does not lose its unity with the entire single-multiple infinite aggregate of the active particles, and therefore can, in particular, with the help of this unity, to recognize, read and copy from an infinity out of time by means and methods, which it is available, necessary for own existence the things in their connection, recognizing them in accordance with own intellect, coupled with form-building abilities so, as it wants and can, updating every "moment", that is, discretely, but infinitely, a holographic projection as a quasi-temporary basis for one's own existence in the current reality in the form a living thing in this information process.
  Particles-copies of the active (consciousness), in the union with copies of the passive in a current reality, are able thereby to receive from an infinity out of time the "necessary" copies of things (passive) for them to replace existing copies of things in beingness, including replacing own material base, as well as updating also themselves.
  This information process of the interaction of an infinity out of time, where everything is inseparably, and the holographic projection, where the active and the passive are separated, requires for interaction of the active and the passive as well as for interaction of the active with an infinity out of time the artificial union of the active and the passive in one form or another of alive, the main difference of which from everything else is the ability to convert individual consecutive data packets, carrying encoded information, into objects of a current reality for their updating, including consciousness in alive.
  These packets are similar to the pulsed signals from the transmitter via the ether to the television receiver, in which they are converted into a changing decorated picture on the screen [7, sections 2.1 and 2.2].
  However, the artificial intelligence of the TV receiver in the form of a corresponding converter of serial signals from the antenna can only convert these sequential signals (information packets) into equally artificial changing picture on the screen, which can be interrupted, changed, recorded and reproduced again.
  The intellect of a living being is part of the structure of consciousness, and does not exist separately from it, but basing, nevertheless, for sufficiently advanced beings in the corresponding neural complexes. Therefore, it has the ability to transmit processed signals not to the screen, but to its consumer, of which it is a part - to consciousness. Consciousness, in turn, on the one hand, in the form of intellect, as and the TV receiver, is able to convert individual sequential impulse signals containing information into a incessantly changing picture due to a certain inertia of signal processing, which in consciousness of any living being nullifies pauses between incoming packets of information (the positions of the update), creating continuity of change in the whole picture, and on the other hand, each individual consciousness of a living being has a connection with a single consciousness, which unites in a hologram each individual form of consciousness of all living beings into a single whole, making up a single-multiple hologram, in which any part coincides with the whole and therefore each individual consciousness in a living being has form-making abilities, as a result of which it can convert by means of its own intellect, represented by information processing and control units, the frequency information copies of the active and the passive into volumetric-real - more or less "dense" - objects, thereby creating both themselves and their own local environment, which, as it were, fits into the general environment, formed coupled by all other living beings, and in this environment it is already possible to live and multiply [7, section 2.1].
  That is, the powerful energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of the holographic projection of an infinity out of time, which carry the corresponding encoded information in their harmonics, is converted into the mass and energy of the objects of the current reality, which are related to each other in accordance with the well-known formula E = mc².
  The consciousness of a living being, due to a certain inertia in the transmission of signals (information packets) from the sense organs to the intellect, represented in any organism by the block for processing information and controlling the functioning of the body from cells up to organs, cannot fix pauses between the received sequential signals due to the physiological organization of any living being. This leads to the creation of a continuity of the process of information flow for the consciousness of a living being, whereas initially the packets of information in the form of corresponding signals, coming one after another sequentially to the sense organs with a certain frequency, have a gap between themselves.
  As a result, for the consciousness of each living creature is formed the current time with space, in which objects can move and interact, acquiring mass due to the energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
  Therefore, world time, which, according to human ideas, exists in the world separately from consciousness, is absurd, but the purely external objectivity of this time is not questioned in science, since scientists can't prove the opposite experimentally, but nevertheless, in addition to experiment, observation can be used and the ability to analyze specific events. As a result, works as this article, as well as some others appear, in which other horizons are shown, the more so as such world - without living beings - cannot reveal its existence. And in this sense, it does not matter whether he exists or not. At the same time, it is impossible to deny an infinity out of time which in itself is not capable of manifesting itself, but nevertheless manifests itself in the form of beingness, known to us. And then the question arises: how does the timeless turn into the temporal. You can read more about this in the book "The person as the hologram" [7, section 2.1].
  Note also that despite the fact that reality for the consciousness of living beings manifests itself in the form of the current time, they are always only in the present time, and the past exists in the same present in the form of memory, and the future can also manifest itself only in the present in the form of the imagination.
  The fact that living beings is being found always purely in the present, or in their "now", is explained by the frequency nature of successive signals entering the senses of every living being from an infinity out of time through its holographic projection. As a result, frequency update of reality occurs, imperceptible for a living being: the reality every moment disappears imperceptibly for the consciousness of a living being and appears again in a slightly altered form, creating for the consciousness of a living being a process of changing reality in the form of a smoothly current time, in which the past passes into the future imperceptibly.
  It is in the present that data about the past is accumulated, and these data can be addressed only in the present. And in the same present, it is possible to prognosticate the future, but only in accordance with repeating events in the past.
  Thus, each moment, giving way to the next moment, remains in the "present" in the form of that memory that can be at any moment reproduced in the corresponding moment of the present. The present for any consciousness, including for human consciousness, contains everything because it is also formed by it in a specific duration and irreversible sequence [8].
  Only the "internal biological computer" of each living being - its intellect, which, unlike artificial intelligence, is part of consciousness, having a connection with a single consciousness of a hologram - can form the current time, which is actually enclosed in one present, in which reality is updated. Every moment of update, the intellect draws energy from there to hold all updating objects of being in time, which is irreversibly flowing for each consciousness in living beings.
  Therefore, the considerations that consciousness has being manifested suddenly in the form of living beings by itself in the course of some objective time, when inanimate matter suddenly came to life, in essence, objectifies randomness or some higher living being who has become bored alone.
  All this looks completely unconvincing, especially if you remember that only living beings are capable of perceiving, recognizing and using certain data for themselves, transforming them into information, so how they have appropriate sensors, producing sensations; processing centers for incoming data (intellect) and abilities to creation of certain forms, based on received information.
  It turns out that without living beings, which represent consciousness in being, there is simply no one to choose some data and clothe them in the understandable form for use, that is, into information with the ability to convert it into other material forms.
  From here we again come to the conclusion that at least two components of Creation must take part in the production and consumption of information - the active and the passive, known to us as respectively the highest form of matter - consciousness, and the lowest form of matter, which can be designated in the quality the physical.
  The passive is only capable of being a bearer of information, which remains inaccessible it due to lack of tools for recognizing it, but the active is also capable of perceiving, producing, carrying and using information only through certain forms of the passive: the active "builds" a living organism from these forms for oneself, more precisely, the active is clothed in "equipment" of the organism.
  Therefore, to manifest in the form of beingness, in which there is both active and passive, both of these components of Creation can only together - consciousness forms and updates both itself and its own passive shell (body), producing an organism from oneself and the passive matter; while all lifeless objects of beingness are formed and exist not by themselves, but they are being formed as the infrastructure by the consciousness in the shape of living beings, supporting the life of all these diverse beings.
  Naturally, such existence requires current time (changing reality) in two forms: the own time of each living creature and their total time. Both types of time with all objects in the corresponding space and changes (being) are formed by living beings on the basis, as shown above, of an infinity out of time and its holographic projection.
  If we admit that consciousness was once absent at all, then who then was being formed the current time, that is, transformed the obtained information into a world with objects changing and moving in space?
  After all, only living beings have the appropriate tools, more precisely, organs, with the help of which they are able to select data that can recognize, that is, information, to fixate it and use it to solve their own tasks, and a person - in own purposes.
  For consciousness there is no eternity as continuous flow of time.
  Time is being formed by consciousness through the finite living beings both the own time of each living being and the common (regular) time of the entire local set of living beings, into which the own time of each particular living being "is fitting".
  Nevertheless, the constant existence of only "present" in the current time, which the living beings sense and is able to act in it, does not at all mean the absence of changes in consciousness itself, since each moment of the present has a duration during which this or that information can be requested and received from the memory of a living being, similar to receiving information from the computer databases. This information is added to the new one, in aggregate changing continuously. Truly, only a person, who possesses by the abstract forms of thinking, can imagine a possible future by projecting the further course of events, but still only on the basis of past events. However, this projecting also takes place in the present, not in the future.
  The confusion in these concepts arises as a result of the presentation of the present moment as an ephemeral boundary between the past and the future, while the "present" is a certain duration, during which there is a receipt and processing of not only information from the sources surrounding consciousness in alive, but also already accumulated information, which is available to consciousness at the moment. This process goes sequentially - from one moment to the next - without stopping for the consciousness, which does not have time to technically fix the pauses between moments.
  If we briefly define the "present" of any living being, including a person, who can, in principle, understand that it exists, then the present is an information process representing the change in material objects through an irreversible sequence of discrete moments merging inside the consciousness of a living being into a continuous stream [8].
  The peculiarity of the impact of consciousness on the structured material of the body is the dispersement of this impact on at least two levels.
  One level - fundamental - refers to the functioning of each cell and the entire set of cells in the body in a mode that ensures as staying in the environment - nutrition, metabolism, so and the retention of this form of life in the current reality (time) by its reproduction and changes in accordance with the program laid down in the genome. Similar effect of consciousness on the body is automatic and is provided by a single consciousness of a hologram throughout the life of any organism through the intellect of each individual consciousness, which is represented by an information processing unit and a body control unit.
  In this part, the intellect is turned to the organism, controlling its adequate functioning, and in its other - external - part, the intellect forms the local current reality, transforming the discrete process of the receipt of information packets in continuously current time.
  Failures in this automation can be internal and external.
  Internal failures are associated with random errors in the form of mutations in the genome and impaired cell metabolism.
  External failures in the automatic functioning of the internal structure of the body arise due to deviations from the usual regime, as well as due to a sudden change in the environment, which manifests itself in diseases and difficulties in reproduction and development.
  At this level, consciousness in the part of own intellect simply provides an opportunity to the organism to exist and reproduce as far as possible in the existing surrounding, that is, to be able to live and multiply in in the suitable environment. Nevertheless, at a fundamental level consciousness as the host of the organism is able to intervene in the automatic operation of own intellect, for example, trying to restore the body's performance in case of the disease caused by external reasons, by using a particular type of treatment or by changing in the situation.
  This fundamental impact of consciousness on the organism, that makes it by alive, you may be notice during the hibernation of some animals, during fainting, as well as during sleep, that is, at a time when the active life of the creature fades for various reasons (illness, shock, fatigue, overstress, stress, unfavorable conditions for activity, break for rest, etc.). Consciousness in this case is temporarily moves to the fundamental level of functioning, at which the organism's vital activity in this "sleeping" mode is automatically controlled by a single consciousness through the intellect of each individual consciousness.
  It turns out that the intellect of any living being - from bacteria to humans - is the same in principle of action and programmed functionality.
  Moreover, in terms of functionality, determined by the corresponding programs; by lack of autonomy; dependence on RAM (the operative memory}, the intellect of any living creature is similar to artificial intelligence.
  But still, the intellect of a living being differs from artificial intelligence.
  Firstly, in that it is an integral part of its master - consciousness, without which consciousness is unable to function, since the intellect of a living being is not only responsible for the functioning of every cell of the organism and the entire organism as a single system, but it also on signals from a single consciousness, uses form-building abilities, embedded in its program, to form own time, that is, the local current reality.
  If, for some reason, the organism's intellect ceases to function, then consciousness falls out of the current time into own base - a hologram, which means death for this living being. But, since everything depends on consciousness in every living being - from the manifestation of an infinity out of time in the form of beingness, so how it participates in the formation of time, up to the organization of life in this beingness, in so far as it has to look for an embryo, suitable for its level of development for growth and development again. And everything is repeated from the beginning - from birth up to new birth. However, more about this is described in the work "Why does not science have the ability to identify the essence of consciousness?" [9, section 6].
  Secondly, a natural intellect does not have the rigid programs of action that, as a result of genome mutations, change in accordance with the influence of the environment. Therefore, the intellect is able more or less quickly to adapt to changes in certain parameters of the environment, as well as operate with various and largely arbitrary signals that enter the senses and from them to it, to solve the problem of keeping its own carrier (living being) in a state of direct consumption of sensations.
  In contrast to the relationship between the natural intellect and the human consciousness, merged into one, the relationship of a living being in the form of a person and artificial intelligence is such, that a person lived and can live quite tolerably and without artificial intelligence, which, of course, is able to facilitate his existence, but at the same time pretty quickly leads to the collapse of his entire civilization. This is discussed in more detail in the work "What way the artificial intelligence will corrupt and crush us?" [6, part 3, ј1].
  Of course, the level of development of the intellect for the simplest and most complex organisms in structure differs, but the principle of operation of this biological computer, its functions, which are implemented according to programs corresponding to the structure of the organism and the presence of certain sensory organs in it, remain unchanged.
  At another level of the impact of consciousness on the structured material of the body, the consciousness in the form of its special part organizes the external interaction of the organism with the environment, at least, for survival in it in the fight against competing beings, and also, under favorable circumstances, imparts the body a desire to occupy a place in the community of similar organisms, which is the most advantageous from the point from the point of view of receiving sensations, preferably the most pleasant, due to the constant dissatisfaction of the being with the present, which forces the being to search for better conditions.
  On this - open - level, it is not a single consciousness of the hologram through the intellect that basically manifests itself, but another part of the individual consciousness of each organism, which can be called the natural consciousness, and it solves the current problems of existence in a somewhat free (unprogrammed) choice in its reaction to challenges of surrounding, which may be wrong, but, in general, this choice contributes to the development of living beings along with their consciousness. And an assistant in this process of interaction of a living being with the environment for natural consciousness is its intellect, which provides the natural consciousness with the appropriate information on its requests, both current and out from memory.
  This part of the consciousness of a living being in the process of interaction with the environment has to solve different types of tasks, showing, respectively, different thinking abilities, which consist not only in the speed of making decisions using the data, stored in memory and suitable for solving the problem that has arisen, but also in the search for new - more favorable - conditions for life, that is, to think at least at the lowest level of creativity, manifesting curiosity (see, for example, the article "Why and due to what are manifested the interest and interesting?"), which helps to obtain some new information that contributes, in particular, to survival [6, part 1, ј4], as well as to distort the information about oneself (deception) for competitors and allies (see, for example, the article "The origins of cunning and its main difference from creativity"), seeking to create the most favorable conditions for their own existence in the form of pleasant sensations [9, section 9].
  In other words, this component of the individual consciousness of every living being - the natural consciousness - has to respond to the challenges of own surrounding, that is, in one form or another, to savvy how to increase the probability of survival, choose the most preferable time for reproduction, take an advantageous position in its own niche of existence and etc. Such thinking apparatus, based on sensations, can be distributed, in particular, along different neural circuits and solve the emerging problems of existence in its own way.
  By this, the natural consciousness strives to ensure the maximum possible adaptation of the organism to the environment during its open interaction with it.
  It should be noted, however, that the natural consciousness, practically. does not go beyond the framework of instincts and reflexes, as a result of which a living creature is able to act mainly by trial and error in a changing environment, often dying, but passing on to the offspring the properties necessary for life in new conditions.
  An additional level of the impact of consciousness on the organism, as well as on the process of the interaction of this carrier of consciousness with other beings, is characteristic only for humans. This process is being consisted in inherent to them self-consciousness, which ensures the use of the environment by a person for his own purposes on the basis of understanding own interaction with it not only for adaptation to this environment, but also for its artificial transformation, which gradually gives more and more free time, presenting each person accordingly more opportunities for general development, which was previously hindered by the problem of survival.
  This duality of human consciousness was quite clearly noted by A. Schopenhauer in his fragment "On the intellect without reason" [9, p. 78], who, apparently, understood by the term the "intellect" precisely all thinking abilities of the organism, that is, in fact, consciousness: "... animals have a simple intellect, while we have - a double one, namely - along with the contemplative - also the reflective intellect, and the operations of both are often performed independently of each other: we contemplate one thing and think about the other, although often these operations intersect with each other".
  Indeed, in a person, both the action of the natural consciousness is manifested, which, with the help of the intellect, mainly solves the tasks of survival and the best adaptation to one's own surrounding, so and the action of self-consciousness, which by the most part solves the problems of improving one's own life and the state of human communities not only pragmatically, but also pursuing altruistic and cultural goals in their best representatives, transferring own self-consciousness gradually to a higher level, that is, expanding the possibilities of existence up to its highest samples. At this, self-consciousness, like the natural consciousness, uses the intellect as a provider of information to solve its own problems of managing human behavior.
  Similar multidirectionality of the tasks to be solved in one and the same human consciousness not only presupposes the unpredictability of his actions, but also the continuous struggle of these components of consciousness, that solve various tasks, which means the appearance in this form of living beings of a new driving force for the development of consciousness, which significantly accelerates the development of consciousness together with development of human communities.
  You can learn more about self-consciousness of a person, for example from article "What has self-consciousness led, and what will it lead to?" [6, part 3, ј5].
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