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Why and how do individuality and personality compete in a person?

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    Individuality and personality are by no means identical, reflecting various and often contradictory hypostases of the human consciousness. They demonstrate not only the dual nature of his consciousness, but also show why this being is able to change both nature and himself with an unusual speed for nature, then now putting on the guise of goodness, then having threw it off, turns out the fantastically cruel and ruthless, crushing everything around for the sake of achieving the chimerical goals or solving the unseemly tasks.

  Key words: individuality, personality, creativity, dissatisfaction, consciousness, self-consciousness, sensations, information, religion, knowledge.
  Individuality and personality are often considered synonymous when characterizing a person with these concepts.
  Therefore, it makes sense to denote the fundamental difference between these concepts with the identification of the features of both.
  The fallacy of the opinion about the coincidence of these concepts, first of all, lies in the fact that any animal has its own individuality, by no means representing a personality.
  Similar transition from individuality to personality with the preservation of individuality succeeded only one being from the animal world - the hominid, who eventually became a person.
  The individuality of any animal consists in the features and properties that distinguish it from other individuals of this kind, being unique compared to the rest.
  The individuality of a being is reflected in the behavior, temperament, character of the animal, its physiological characteristics, appearance, ability to feel, the ability to pry.
  Similar features and properties characterize any person, but some other features and properties are added to them, which will be discussed below.
  Individuality is formed on the basis of the genotype, to which is added the impact of the appropriate environment, which is determined by the dissatisfaction of the consciousness of the individual with the existing conditions in relation to nutrition, reproduction and status in the flock or herd.
  The very term "individuality" clearly indicates the main property of any individual - its egocentrism, that is, the paramount concern for oneself alone as a being who wants to preserve own sensations, mitigated, however, by the fact that the forced stay of an individual in a group cannot but reflect its attitude to the members of this group, expressed in behavior that is dictated by the group, that is, the collective consciousness.
  Thus, a semi-primate-human could not but preserve the individuality of an animal in himself, like any individual in the animal world, more precisely, a person retained an animal consciousness in himself, outwardly expressed in his individuality.
  However, a person in some way, not yet precisely discovered, acquired his other "half" as a result of which there were the changes in his consciousness, which thereby began to "contain" in addition to animal consciousness and some other component.
  Until now, science cannot unambiguously define this component of the human consciousness, mixing it with individuality, probably because it has not yet been able to delineate them due to overestimation of the human subjectivity and underestimation of his animal essence.
  Therefore, science believes that in a person, in comparison with animals, his individuality also changes, although in fact, the individuality of the animal component of human consciousness in its unsocial basis practically does not change, remaining the same as a derivative of the animal consciousness, which also does not disappear anywhere, remaining the same, since it strives only for nutrition, its own reproduction, possible improvement of its position in the environment and comfort, using such basic properties of their individuality as quick-wittedness, sensitivity, impressionability, decisiveness, a certain degree of sociability, the ability to pry, as well as dominance, perseverance, cooperation in actions, which in their totality, level and relationships constitute the individuality of the animal consciousness together with its acquired or genetic traits - such as appearance, temperament, adding only to them the life experience, skills, and behavior acquired in society.
  Moreover, science, represented by various schools and trends, significantly diverges in determining what distinguishes a person from an animal.
  In particular, it is believed that a person is a reasonable being, capable of work, communication with each other and having a will.
  However, ants do not suffer from a lack of diligence, and with extraordinary diligence and skill, they create their earthen dwellings in a completely coordinated manner, forage for themselves and arrange their hierarchical community that contributes to their effective activities.
  Hence it is clear that these characteristics of a person do not reflect his main feature that makes him a person.
  If we imagine, as some scientists believe, that the main feature of a person is that he makes himself, then it must be said that many living beings "make" themselves much better, and therefore live more pleasantly and longer without much trouble and suffering, for example, sharks (the whale shark lives up to 100 years, and the polar white shark - up to 400 years).
  If we admit that a person is a set of social relations due to the fact that he is powerless in solitude, then any flock or herd also has social relations precisely because predators will quickly devour a single sheep.
  On the other hand, the ability of a person to reflect actively the reality as a result of a certain complexity of organizing the processes taking place in the tissues of his body does not mean at all that this process is less complicated in other living beings, especially since it is completely incorrect to reduce the multi-layered consciousness of a person to physiology.
  The point of view that man is a product of evolutionary development immediately raises significant objections.
  In particular, an analysis of the historical epochs in the development of living beings does not indicate any natural reason for the appearance of a being, that so clearly falls out of natural relations, reduced to the adaptive existence of all natural organisms as active elements of the environment, confirmed by the fact that not a single living being, either earlier or now, even the most highly developed and highly organized, has tried to acquire the properties similar to human ones, that is, to escape from the limits of adaptive existence in the environment. , where it is quite convenient for them in the natural niches they occupy, although this means complete subordination to it, despite the fact that, for example, the chimpanzee genome is 99% identical to the human genome.
  In addition, a person cannot be a purely natural product of nature for the reason that he is its natural enemy, destroying and eradicating it for his own purposes, which have nothing to do with nature. This means that the human genome could not have been programmed for these purposes naturally.
  On the other hand, if we admit that a person is a failed animal, then at the same time we should note the fact that contradicts this statement that man, judging by his genome, has fully taken place as the most highly organized animal, but for some reason he did not want to be one, or he was forced to leave the animal state, since an additional program appeared in his genome, pushing him to partially exit from adaptive existence in the direction of a creative-destructive state corresponding to project-target activity, that is, corresponding to free acts at a different qualitative level, which not only often contradict the complete subordination to the environment, but also contribute to the aspirations to achieve the fictional goals that are completely unrelated to this environment, and, moreover, destroying it to achieve them, for example, total felling of trees for the forest trade, the pollution of the environment with garbage, toxic and radioactive waste, as well as the involuntary destruction of themselves in order to achieve the power of one group of the population over the whole world by already found lethal means and methods for all alive.
  As for the definition of a person as a result of the action of social structures, firstly, social structures exist in almost the entire living world, since it is easier to survive in communities, but, for example, flocks of monkeys still roam the tropical forests, despite the rather complex hierarchical structure of these flocks, without producing even a close resemblance of a person.
  The assessment by science of self-consciousness inherent in every person is given in terms of the historical development of the human communities, since thanks to it, a person became able to interact with reality with awareness of his actions, receiving information about himself and accordingly regulating his behavior for self-assessment both in the present and in the future. that is, holding oneself in time.
  All this, of course, is true, but, giving an answer to the question of the role of self-consciousness as an indispensable condition for the constitution of the world, science avoids resolving the question of where self-consciousness came from, what is included in it, as well as how it interacts with the animal consciousness of man and what is the result of this interaction.
  The consideration that a person differs from all other living beings by the presence of a soul does not stand up to any criticism, since the soul is consciousness, and it is inherent in any living being, making it alive, that is, capable of metabolism, reproduction based on the genome, perception of the environment due to sensations and the action of processing centers of the incoming information.
  Of course, the soul, or rather, the consciousness of a person is different from the consciousness of other living beings, but science still finds it difficult to determine what this difference is, expressing all sorts of hypotheses that are not confirmed by anything.
  The human brain, which is quite large relative to the size of the body, really turns out to be most capable of abstract thinking, but, firstly, the rudiments of abstract thinking are inherent in many animals, for example, crows and rats, and secondly, such material formation as the brain is secondary, always fulfilling the role of an information processing center, and many simplest living beings quite do without a brain, but they never do without an information processing center replacing it in one form or another. That is, the properties of the brain largely depend on the genome, and the genome is a program written on a protein carrier. And if this program is such for a person, then somehow it was recorded with the difference that determines the fundamental difference between humans and the highest primates, and this difference manifested itself in the development of the brain in hominids, whereas the brain in monkeys has not changed practically over several million years.
  And this difference comes down to the addition of a program that is characteristic only of the animal consciousness, by a program that is inherent only to a person.
  If we distract from who or what and how did this addition, and it has already been fixed, then it remains only to determine the external manifestation of this software addition in relation to a person in relation to the reality surrounding him.
  Thus, in order to come to an unambiguous conclusion regarding the main difference between a person and an animal, it is necessary to find those new approaches to reality that are characteristic only for a person, more precisely, for his altered consciousness.
  A person, unlike animals, realizes that he lives in time, which, having begun for him, inevitably ends for a number of reasons - depending on his behavior, circumstances and natural aging, and all this he can regulate with varying degrees of success, while the animal only feels the approach of death.
  Awareness of the temporality of one's own existence in beingness gradually led a person to certain considerations and actions.
  At first, he tried to change purposefully own surrounding, including his fellow tribesmen, just to improve his own life, gradually realizing that the most effective tool for this change is creativity, which rather quickly provides him with new opportunities to change around him as well as to distinguish oneself from the general surrounding to a leading position in the community. Thus, man received and used fire, the wheel, tools for hunting and farming.
  Then a person thought about his role in beingness, in which he is unknown where from he appears and disappears quite quickly.
  Since a person did not want to disappear from life, which quite often gives, in addition to misfortunes and troubles, a variety of pleasant feelings, he has imagined that the awareness of the world around him was given to him from above, and that the lofty patron would not leave him even after death, having paid tribute to him for everything he did during life by preserving life of one or another quality and for the coffin.
  In addition, it was boring for a person to stay in a routine existence, and he began to look for pleasant sensations not only in food, reproduction or dominance like animals, but also in individually interesting things for him, in particular, inventing new tools, new weapons, new accompaniment of screams issued by his vocal cords.
  A person also, in addition to religion, wanted to know why and what for the world is the way it is with all its changes, which meant knowing the causes and consequences of various phenomena and events.
  All these facts inevitably lead to the recognition that the main feature of a person, unlike animals, is the awareness of himself as an acting subject of history.
  In other words, self-consciousness has made a person out of an animal, and, therefore, a fundamentally new property has been added to individuality - personality, and it already has other features than individuality, although some of them were formed on the basis of certain features of individuality.
  That is, the addition (program) that has appeared in the human genome, provoking the appearance and development of self-consciousness in him, is the real basis for the emergence together with a person of his personality.
  If we turn to all living organisms, excluding the humans, they can be characterized only as slaves of sensations, since they do not go beyond adaptation to the environment. Within these limits, they strive to survive by obtaining food; seek to multiply, delivering satisfaction themselves; they try to dominate both individually and in a group, not being satisfied with the current situation, but striving to ensure a better quality of sensations, including a sense of superiority over neighboring beings.
  In other words, the lowest (animal) consciousness "feeds" only sensations that give it everything, including the harmony of existence, i.e. something acceptable and even pleasant in our understanding in a certain combination of feelings if, of course, to distract from fight of each being for survival. Therefore, any being does not wish to lose the sensations at all.
  Similar the type of consciousness has the natural egocentrism, seeking to survive automatically, no matter what.
  In the process of development of the living beings, this type of consciousness undergoes relatively minor changes, since it is not able to withdraw own basic property - an unconscious desire for survival, based on the primordial activity of any living thing.
  The highest consciousness (self-consciousness) which is contained in the person at any level of its development is radical contrast to the lowest consciousness.
  In the presence of the highest consciousness in the living being, it begins as though to see the light, becoming not so much "poured" in the environment, how many separated from it, and, so it acquires the opportunity to look at it and on oneself from the outside, to appreciate this ratio in attempts to consciously set to itself goals in mind certain shortcomings in one's own existence, which, in the opinion of this being, could be overcome, and to try to obtain implementation of the goals in actions.
  All this obviously drops out of an instinctive-reflex sphere of action of the lowest consciousness, and even begins to contradict it as the highest consciousness often neglects utilitarian reasons, chasing something to unattainable, but cute for the heart and mind.
  Nevertheless, a rudimentary degree of liberty exists not only in a person, but also in all other beings, because they do not lose their activity during life, which enables them in one way or another to adapt to the environment, increasing the quantity and quality of sensations over time in their generations, that is, developing, acquiring both local perfection and variety of species.
  However, to get out of the limits of adaptability to the environment, that is, to cease to be slaves of sensations alone, these creatures - from bacteria to primates - are not able, remaining on the lowest degree of freedom, or - practically in complete dependence on their own sensations.
  The activity of their consciousness, as already indicated, is limited to nutrition, reproduction, attempts to dominate whenever possible, regardless of the complexity of the organisms and the development of their governing body - the brain. Everything that happens with such organisms is their response to the impact of the environment.
  Therefore, similar consciousness can be qualified as a lower consciousness, that is, a consciousness that is practically completely dependent on the environment, which is their hostess, and they are its involuntary slaves, although they are capable of slow development thanks to their own activity which is non-vanishing.
  It is visible from everything stated that for live organisms there is only one opportunity to get out of existence as the slaves of sensations toward liberty - more or less deliberately develop ways to change themselves, namely: at least partially to get rid of the full submission to the environment, i.e. to rise to some extent above it, and thus to gain the opportunity not only to adapt to it, but also to fit it under themselves, wondering at first how best to improve the quality of sensations, and then for autonomous reflections on the meaning of life, its curiosities and own improvement.
  Similar opportunity is realized through the person, who, while remaining an animal, or a creature adaptive to the environment, at the same time acquires the ability to consciously influence the environment, thereby raising oneself above it, that is, breaking out oneself of the full adaptive slavery, and getting the opportunity through this conscious impact with the acceleration to develop their own consciousness, mainly manifested through the brain, the change of which is directly reflected in the growth of the possibilities of consciousness to influence the environment, which in turn changes the brain structure, and therefore - consciousness.
  Getting out of addiction from the sensations alone onto the space of ideas, thoughts, refined feelings means a transition from the rudiments of liberty to the possibility of its fullest realization in the course of socialization within the framework of the building civilization by these already dual beings.
  There is still no convincing evidence of the procedure in which a primate has become a person, but the fact of this transformation is obvious.
  Thus, the lowest consciousness which is becoming isolated on sensations, in the person is complemented with higher consciousness which, if the person is capable to realize the actions and to foresee their development, is possible to call self-consciousness.
  Such dual nature of the human consciousness brings with it the emergence and development of antagonism of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness, since the egocentric animal consciousness is focused mainly on the survival of the organism in the struggle with everything around, and the highest - mainly onto social harmonization of human communities, its own cultural improvement. The resulting contradiction between these forms of consciousness, which are indissolubly fused in a person, leads them to fight for supremacy in the pursuit of so different aspirations, thereby stimulating the development of both the people and their communities, which the most characteristic is manifested into the emergence of civilization and its rather rapid development compared to past epochs of slow development of a purely plant-animal kingdom with a change in quality - in the direction of the technological and the cultural improvement, that is, the delayed biological evolution, not changing adaptability of consciousness of all available beings quite suddenly was replaced by the accelerated development of one of types of living beings with a modified (dual) consciousness.
  Accordingly, a relatively rapid increase in the degrees of the human liberty within the framework of the appeared civilization occur, which is the result of the action of the powerful driving force of the human development and its communities in the form of antagonism of the lowest form of consciousness, that is common for all living creatures, and having appeared suddenly of self-consciousness (the highest form of consciousness).
  As for the original source of activity of any form of consciousness of a living being, it can only be inescapable dissatisfaction of consciousness, without which any living being is a thing, that is, a passive object, unable to have aspirations - spontaneous or conscious.
  Having found out the fundamental importance of self-consciousness for the formation of a person and the source of the emergence of self-consciousness, let us now turn to what the interaction of the animal consciousness of each person and his self-consciousness gives for the formation of various personalities, the tasks of which are mostly opposite, since the main feature of animal consciousness is egoism, and self-consciousness is altruism.
  In particular, the human behavior is evaluated by the psychologists with such properties as diligence-laziness, self-confidence-self-criticism, politeness-rudeness, responsibility-dishonesty, conviction-unscrupulousness, as well as quick-wittedness, the ability to pry, sensitivity, impressionability, decisiveness, will, one or another degree of sociability.
  From the content of this definition, one clearly views the mixing of the individual and personal traits, since quick-wittedness, sensitivity, impressionability, decisiveness, one or another degree of sociability is characteristic of any animal, and not only of humans.
  However, this characteristic of personality does not mention its most important features, such as curiosity, mental ability and creativity.
  In addition, such personality traits as kindness, friendliness, empathy, compassion, mercy, sacrifice, that is, selfless care for others, which can be designated as altruism, should not be considered insignificant.
  That is, psychologists, without imagining the origin of the main components of consciousness, mix a number of features of individuality and personality.
  As mentioned above, one or another degree of quick-wittedness, sensitivity, impressionability, sociability and decisiveness are inherent in both animals and humans, but psychologists attribute these properties to a person"s personality, while these properties characterize not his personality, but only individuality.
  In addition, such features of consciousness, which are features of each individuality, have fallen out of consideration, such as the ability to pry, lust for power (dominance), stubbornness (perseverance), one or another coherence (cooperation) in actions, characteristic of every animal and person, that is, these traits, as it were, were inherited from the individuality of the animal to the individuality of a person almost unchanged.
  These characteristics relate specifically to individuality, not personality, in contrast to such properties as conscious diligence or laziness, self-confidence or self-criticism, politeness or rudeness, responsibility or bad faith, conviction or unscrupulousness, which are features of a person's personality, being produced mostly by his mind, which, already being a property of a person's personality, has significant differences from quick-wittedness in its focus not only on nutrition, reproduction and dominance.
  However, the main characteristic of personality is altruism, which is opposite to the unchanging egoism of the animal consciousness.
  Therefore, it can be stated that in every human consciousness, individuality, which mainly reflects the egoism of animal consciousness, coexists with altruism, which underlies the personality of each person. And both of these sides of human consciousness, mostly because of the difference in the tasks being solved, fight each other in every possible way, uniting only at critical moments of existence for the sake of survival. And the place of each person in society is determined, as a rule, by the predominance of certain properties of individuality and personality, as well as their level, which was achieved by the corresponding individual.
  Nevertheless, individuality and personality do not have an absolute separation in the consciousness of a person, merged together from two components - animal consciousness and self-consciousness, partly because. that a number of fundamental properties of the animal's individuality to a certain extent produced some fundamental properties of personality.
  Quick-wittedness, which can also be designated as the natural intellect, representing a property of individuality, at the same time is the beginning for the development of the mind, and the mind largely determines the personality, being its indispensable characteristic, but they should not be confused. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the difference between quick-wittedness the (natural intellect) and mind.
  The natural intellect in its quality is determined by the speed, the amount of RAM, the use of formal logic to create models, in particular, behavior.
  The natural intellect has a certain autonomy in its actions, and it is able to solve tasks not only according to standard programs, but also to be applied to some changes in the parameters of the environment surrounding a living being, as well as to operate by various and largely arbitrary signals entering the senses and from them to it.
  This natural intellect does not have a strict program of actions, operating with various and largely arbitrary signals that enter the sense organs and from them to it, to solve the problem of keeping its own carrier (a living being) in a state of direct consumption of sensations, as a result of which the living being is able to at a minimum, to act by trial and error in a changing environment.
  The natural intellect is interested in preserving sensations that give life to the entire system of any organism, including it.
  The natural intellect is the integral part of the organism - a kind of information processing unit and a control unit for the functions of the organism in its interaction with the environment, independently thinking within the framework of such functioning, without which a living being cannot act.
  The peculiarity of the impact of consciousness on the structured material of the body is the distribution of this impact on at least two levels.
  One level - fundamental - refers to the functioning of each cell and the entire set of cells of the body in a mode that ensures both staying in the environment - nutrition, metabolism, and retention of this form of life in the current time by its reproduction and modification in accordance with the program laid down in the genome. Such an impact of consciousness on the body is automatic and is ensured throughout the life of any organism through the natural intellect of each individual consciousness.
  In this part, the natural intellect is addressed to the body, controlling its adequate functioning, and this intellect of any living being - from bacteria to humans - is the same in terms of the principle of operation and programmed functionality.
  At another level of the impact of consciousness on the structured material of the body, consciousness, with the help of this intellect, organizes the external interaction of the organism with the environment, at least for survival in it in the fight against competing individuals, and also, under favorable circumstances, gives the organism the desire to occupy a place in a community of similar organisms that is most advantageous in terms of receiving sensations, preferably the most pleasant, due to the creature's constant dissatisfaction with the present, forcing it to look for better conditions, that is, it solves different types of tasks, showing, respectively, different thinking abilities, which consist not only in the speed of decision-making using the data stored in memory that are suitable for solving the problem that has appeared, but also in finding new - more favorable ones - conditions for life, that is, to think at least at the lowest level of creativity, showing the ability to pry, which helps to extract new information that contributes, in particular, to survival, as well as distort the information about oneself (deception) for competitors and by doing so striving to create the most favorable conditions for one's own existence in the form of pleasant sensations.
  In this way, the natural consciousness strives to ensure the maximum possible adaptation of the organism to the environment with its open interaction with it.
  True, the natural consciousness practically does not go beyond instincts and reflexes, as a result of which a living being is able to act mainly by trial and error in a changing environment, often dying, but passing on to posterity the properties necessary for life in new conditions.
  An additional level of the impact of consciousness on one"s own organism, as well as on the process of interaction of this carrier of consciousness with other beings, is characteristic out of all organisms only for a person, concluding in self-consciousness inherent him, which already ensures the use of the environment for its own purposes based on an understanding of one"s own interaction with it not only for adaptation to this environment, but also for its artificial transformation, which gradually gives more and more free time, giving each person correspondingly more opportunities for general development, which was previously hindered by the problem of survival.
  The new tasks that have appeared before man suggest new approaches to them, which are inaccessible to natural intellect due to its focus on solving problems of adaptation to the environment. Therefore, in a person, gradually through the emerging new parts of the brain, already fully realized considerations regarding environmental changes in the form of specific design and target programs begin to be realized.
  That is, a person manifests both the action of natural consciousness, solving with the help of natural intelligence and other properties of his individuality, mainly the problems of survival and the best adaptation to his own environment, and the action of self-consciousness by the manifestation of all the properties of his personality, in particular his mind, which solves most of the problem improving one's own life and the state of human communities not only pragmatically, but also pursuing altruistic-cultural and cognitive goals in their best representatives, transferring own self-consciousness gradually to a higher level, that is, expanding the possibilities of existence up to its highest samples. At this, self-consciousness, like the natural consciousness, uses the intellect as a provider of information to solve its own problems of managing human behavior.
  Similar multidirectionality of the tasks to be solved in one and the same human consciousness not only presupposes the unpredictability of his actions, but also the continuous struggle of these components of consciousness, that solve various tasks, which means the appearance in this form of living beings of a new driving force for the development of consciousness, which significantly accelerates the development of self-consciousness together with development of the human communities.
  Just as quick-wittedness (the natural intellect), being a property of a person's individuality, at the same time gives rise to his mind, stubbornness (perseverance) precedes and produces will, remaining also in the consciousness of a person as a feature of his individuality. It differs from the will in that it lacks the goal-setting.
  Before the appearance of a person among living beings the will was not present in their consciousness as superfluous, because of these natural beings in the environment without realizing themselves as subjects of the actions, who set goals for themselves. Their desires, actions or aspirations were being determined only by instincts and reflexes, that is, they were a direct and largely the mechanical reaction to the impact of the environment. This reaction was fully adaptive according to its destination in relation to this environment, which they, as and themselves, if and were changing, then without any goal-setting and without the aspiration to go beyond the environment in any respect.
  In other words, the main characteristic of such actions is their subconsciousness, or the lack of subjectivity. This circumstance, naturally, rejects the will for purely natural beings as such a property of consciousness that supports the pursuit of a chosen goal, and the goal itself may be far from direct adaptation to the environment, and may even contradict it. That is, to this property of consciousness out of all living beings there corresponds only a person who is capable not only to adapt to the environment, but also to consciously change it under himself in the corresponding with own goal-setting, thereby putting himself largely above it.
  Nevertheless, although the goals are being not set knowingly by all living beings, except the person, these beings have the indispensable desires to feed, multiply and improve their position in their own surrounding.
  This means, that the dissatisfaction of the consciousness of any living being with the current situation or by the deterioration of the situation requires the support in its quest for its improvement.
  And this instinctive support is being conditioned by the unchanged activity of a living being, which increases with the deterioration of his position, that is, with the growth of the subconscious dissatisfaction of his consciousness with oneself and with the situation, and weakening with the improvement of the position of the being when the situation is restored or improved - a kind of the negative feedback of consciousness with the environment, directly expressed in its dissatisfaction with the current situation, which gives the command to the existing "mechanisms" of an organism to strengthen the counteraction to the negative impacts of the environment during this period. Although feedback can turn into positive with insufficient counteraction of the environment to organisms, which in particular can be traced by the uncontrolled reproduction of a number of algae in the absence of enemies, eating them.
  The instinctive effort, which compels a living being to act in accordance with its aspirations, could be called the subconscious perseverance or tenacity, since it lasts until the end of the action.
  Thus, similar response (reaction) to the impact of the environment can be characterized, respectively, by bigger or smaller subconscious perseverance or tenacity of an organism in resisting this environment, or in other words - by the natural subconscious attraction of a being to the best adaptation in relation to own surrounding in its aspiration for the survival and the creation of the more appropriate conditions for reproduction and feeding, that is encoded in the genome.
  Therefore, with change of conditions the being automatically tries to change not for the worse thanks to usual own activity, following the ability to absorb and issue information within the program of growth, development, reproduction and the actions corresponding to them coded in its genome.
  Naturally, such perseverance in the attraction, at least, to own survival, was remained and in a person, which by all signs, except self-awareness, is a representative of the animal world, who is controlled by the basic (natural) consciousness mainly through the limbic part of the brain.
  If for all living beings, the perseverance, emanating from the lowest consciousness, including the lowest consciousness of the person, is instinctive in its reaction to greater or lesser dissatisfaction with the current changes in the present, then the highest human consciousness, which predicts the future in its own goals, already draws the support of own dissatisfaction from the future, which the highest human consciousness foresees within the intended goals.
  Therefore, the effort to achieve this, as it seems to a person, a more favorable future cannot be instinctive, but it is quite conscious.
  That is, a person is aware of a significant part of his actions and deeds, sets himself various and not always utilitarian goals.
  These targeted aspirations, like those that are not targeted in nature, are a reaction, but already conscious, to the impact of the environment in a person's pursuit of a goal - they intensify with the deterioration of the situation, in which the conscious dissatisfaction increases, and weaken as obstacles are overcome - also a kind of negative feedback, but no longer of the animal-natural consciousness with the environment, but self-consciousness with it.
  In the course of his striving for the goal, whether it is achieved or not, overcoming obstacles, a person receives a development visible to him. In other words, in the process of self-consciousness development, it is not the result itself that is important first of all, but the change of self-consciousness, obtained in the course of motion towards the goal.
  That is why this new conscious "perseverance" in the form of the forcing oneself to attain the goal set should be called the will, that is, the permission on the part of the dissatisfaction of self-consciousness, based on data processing mainly in the cerebral cortex of the person (the intellect of self-consciousness, more precisely, the human mind), and the acceptance by this mind of the relevant decision to force (volitional impulse) a person consciously to strive for what was intended, if it attracts to itself, that is, - into the future. In particular, this fact was noted in English by the coincidence of this permission with the future verb form "will", in fact showing the direction of the will into the future.
  In addition to the inducement to conscious action through the will and the stimulation to subconscious action through the instinctive perseverance, the dissatisfaction of the human consciousness by means of the will and perseverance respectively consciously and instinctively regulates strengthening or weakening of the impact of the person on the environment depending on its resistance, carrying out thereby feedback with the environment.
  Thus, the most important consequence of the dissatisfaction of a person"s self-consciousness, realized through intellect, is setting a goal and the same conscious decision to start moving towards it.
  However, due to the multitude of life problems that arise, this solution may turn out to be forgotten or in vain put aside.
  Therefore, like the instinctive perseverance of the animal consciousness, which ensures the stability of the creature"s aspiration for prey, female or supremacy in the habitat, self-consciousness of the person should provide some effort to the stability of the aspiration, but already towards a goal, designated consciously.
  This duty is undertaken by the main property of self-consciousness of the person - his dissatisfaction with.
  The specific individual selects the relevant data for comparison with other people and the state of affairs in community from the available information channels. The processing of incoming data, carried out in the relevant center (self-consciousness intelligence) concretizing dissatisfaction with yourself in a certain respect, allows to respond to one or the other challenges by making a decision
  The implementation of this decision is made at the command of the intellect, organizing the conscious effort-directionality, in order to create the stability in the pursuit of the goal.
  This conscious effort-directionality is like the instinctive perseverance of the animal consciousness, since it is also basically a reaction to the surrounding.
  However, subconscious perseverance is nothing more than an adaptive response to a change in the environment, an instinctive accounting of changes of which makes it possible at least to survive in it.
  The difference of the effort-orientation inside the self-conscious sphere of a person from the instinctive perseverance of his own subconscious sphere lies only the initiativeness of the effort-orientation inside the self-conscious sphere of a person, dictated by the conscious dissatisfaction of the person by the surrounding through his mind.
  For this reason, a person always has the ability to plan, which allows him to stay ahead of the present in the formulation of the future (goals), thereby creating the possibility of partially going beyond the limits of the environment and circumstances. In other words, dissatisfaction of the person"s self-conscious sphere in this process is transformed into liberty understood by the person, and realized in his conscious actions, the choice of which is not predetermined and not an arbitrary, but divided into pragmatic and fantasy - and it is both capable to win.
  The intensity of a conscious reaction to what is happening, or the intensity of will, depends on the importance of the goal and on the level of the person"s self-consciousness, which is determined primarily by the individual properties of the brain, and secondly by the degree of upbringing and education of the person.
  Thereby the will as the conscious reaction to the events as outside, and inside the person in the form of the steady mental effort on achievement of a goal creates a possibility of a pursuit for a prospect in the conditions of the competitive environment, maintaining the forward orientation of the development, accelerating more and more owing to growth of information flows, made by the extending activity of human communities up to the information collapse.
  The ability to pry, which is also one of the features of the natural intellect, is transformed for a person in his self-consciousness into curiosity, which is the property of personality that presupposes in its development the manifestation of a purposeful interest in the new and unusual, which is the basis for the process of cognition.
  Living beings, first of all, are distinguished by the property that they are able to recognize the data that comes through sensations, turning them into an aggregate that is ordered for them or information.
  The very survival of every organism depends on the quality of the information received in a changing environment.
  Therefore, the satisfaction with the current, or the lack of new information leads eventually to the ousting of this organism from the niche it occupies, to degradation, and eventually - to dying.
  But each organism wants to survive, since it has appeared and began to receive sensations, and not the voidness of nothingness. It means that it should not be satisfied with what it has, but strive for something else that can help not only to keep it in existence, but also can improve this existence, making it more comfortable or even dominant what consciously or no associated with enjoyable.
  Thus, each organism must be inevitably active in relation to additional and, preferably, new information about the changes taking place, if it strives for survival, and any activity is characterized by dissatisfaction because constant satisfaction deprives the creature of its independent aspiration to change both its position and own change, that is, a being turns into a passive, inactive, indifferent, which is equivalent to death, because in the community of living beings the loss of the desire for change in accordance with the changing environment, i.e. the loss of adaptation, means the inevitable death .
  Therefore, the basis of activity is always dissatisfaction, from which, as a first step to interest for the most convenient dispensation in the surrounding both the most primitive organisms and a person occurs the direct adaptation to the environment, and only death can be a barrier to it.
  The next step to interest, characteristic of more advanced beings who already understand the difference in the quality of food and features of objects of the opposite sex, is the ability to pry.
  The cat-female often turns away from quite edible, but tasteless fish, having learned in curiosity at one time that fresh meat is much tastier. The same curiosity in combination with instincts of reproduction and experience helps it to choose from half a dozen cats-manufacturer most suitable for reproductive characteristics.
  Thus, the ability to pry helps to live more pleasantly and more comfortably, to breed more effectively, and thus occupy a higher position in one"s own niche of existence. This property does not bypass a person, as, in part, a representative of the animal world.
  An even higher level of adaptation to life realities is inquisitiveness (curiosity), characteristic only for a person, and especially vividly manifested in childhood, when a child begins to become aware of himself, and on this basis tries to more or less purposefully gains as much knowledge about oneself and own surrounding to get a better comfort in it
  Thus, a chain of the properties of individuality and personality is traced for a person, thanks to which he shows a purposeful interest in life phenomena and events, without which both creativity and the process of cognition would be impossible.
  The forced cooperation of animals for the sake of increasing the probability of survival in the wild world of nature presupposes, in the course of human development, the appearance in his self-consciousness as his external expression of friendliness and empathy, that is, the main features of altruism.
  Creativity, that is, the creative principle of a person, cannot be attributed only to the above-mentioned personality properties, since it has a rather complex basis, including some features of individuality.
  On the one hand, a person's individuality presupposes a certain level of the ability to pry, perseverance, dominance and quick-wittedness, depending on the genetic and physiological characteristics of the individual, as well as on his social experience and skills.
  On the other hand, some mental abilities, curiosity, diligence, confidence in your abilities, conviction and a considerable share of altruism also, but already as the personal qualities of a person, provide creativity. However, at the same time, these high-level individuality traits prevail, forcing the individual to strive, no matter what, to achieve something new and unusual to distinguish from the general population and increase his social status, but with an understanding of the social benefit of his work due to a fairly high level of altruism of his personality.
  In other words, in society, due to indicated combination of individual and personal traits, there are individuals who are always overwhelmed with a deep sense of dissatisfaction in relation to their environment, which comes to them from the animal (lower) consciousness in its desire to create greater conveniences for its own existence due to the initial egocentrism animal consciousness. However, this feeling is combined with the altruism of their self-consciousness (higher consciousness), the dissatisfaction of which with insufficient social comfort, the development of science and culture, reaching a high degree, requires that the achievements of civilization and culture be extended to everyone.
  But, at this, the properties of individuality, determined by animal consciousness, dominate, since the activity of these individuals manifests itself for the most part instinctively, without much thought, giving, nevertheless, the most creatively active persons of all living.
  That is, the noted combination of the peculiarities of individuality and the personality of the individual persons, regardless of the presence of talents or just abilities, invariably entails them into creative activity, although it does not always give a positive result, that is, - the new effective devices and systems, or leads to the discovery of new patterns, the invention of convenient life support systems and the creation of high archetypes of culture, but creative individuals are precisely that relatively small group of the population that ensures the accelerated development of technological civilization in the conditions of the private property relations.
  Now we have a basis for determining which the properties of consciousness dominate in the main strata of the population and an example of evaluating the creativity of the individuals based on the specified features of their individuality and personality, that is, we can try to find out, for example, for what reason the philistine is passive, and the representative of the power elite is active, but thievish, which features of individuality and personality are combined in one way or another in entrepreneurs, the informal opposition to power or the criminal figures, etc.
  In addition, there is an explanation for why certain categories of the population are not amenable to re-education in any way.
  The entire mass of the population of each state is actually divided in accordance with the ratio of types of consciousness available to individuals, and therefore a certain ratio and level of characteristics of individuality and personality into the following main categories: philistines, who make up the majority of the population; representatives of the power elite and another "leadership"; the informal intellectuals who form the opposition to those in power; the creative persons whose individuality and personality, as well as their ratio, were described above; the business people (businessmen, bankers); managers and economists; representatives of power structures; as well as representatives of various kinds of criminals.
  The philistines, who make up the bulk of the population, are currently represented mainly by pensioners, housewives, service workers, small clerks, workers in the agricultural sector of the economy and enterprises producing certain equipment and other workers who are not burdened with solving significant tasks, complex problems, as well as by aspiration to innovations or solving the secrets of beingness.
  Therefore, this category of the population has such name, although some public figures call the philistines (inhabitants) a people, apparently because of their overwhelming number in the total population.
  As you know, the philistines are guided mainly by their own mind and experience: preoccupied with themselves and their own well-being, they do not strive for either "high" or "low" goals, limiting themselves by the aspiration to a well-fed life, in which it is desirable to see troubles only on the screen of the monitor. The philistines do not feel the desire for something new at the expense of their own efforts, achieving a more comfortable state in life from the position of simply acquiring and consuming its benefits.
  Such "plant" life, to which they quickly get used, partly resembles the existence of animals, which, as is known, are concerned only with the problems of nutrition, reproduction and achievement, preferably, of greater comfort.
  Therefore, they resemble a herd of herbivores that grazes calmly, if it is not especially disturbed.
  The lack of aspirations for a hectic life is due to the low level of quick-wittedness, unwillingness to use one"s mind, even if relatively good, weak sensitivity in relation to other people"s troubles and troubles, insufficient impressionability, determination, sociability, the ability to pry as well as curiosity, the low level of dominance, that is, the philistines have a kind of low-grade individuality and the unremarkable personality.
  Nevertheless, competition in this, at first glance, calm sphere, at least for improving the quality of consumption and small life joys, forces the inhabitants to show such personality traits as self-confidence, self-criticism, will, but still their egoism and indifference to other people's problems prevails over altruism.
  However, such traits of their personality and individuality for individuals as the quality of mind, curiosity, will, diligence-laziness, self-confidence-self-criticism, politeness-rudeness, responsibility-dishonesty, conviction-unscrupulousness, as well as quick-wittedness, sensitivity, impressionability, perseverance, decisiveness, one or another degree of sociability may experience significant fluctuations, due to which a relatively small - fluctuating - part of the inhabitants is able to supply products of these fluctuations to other strata of the population.
  In other words, the philistines are the main soil for formation of the intellectual, imperious, creative and other layers of population; the representatives of these layers are being grew from this soil accidentally, hereditary or thanks to these or those proficiency, competence, strong will or abilities, that is, the individual distortions in consciousness, the external signs of which are individuality and personality. Such deviations can raise them above the average level of the philistines.
  The bulk of the philistines, as a rule, passive, because of the load by the monotonous work for survival and nourishment; stagnant traditions; religious delusions; predispositions due to the low cultural level to the negative impact of the active propaganda of information frauds, even more fooling the people; the lack of the adequate education and upbringing, that does not allow these people to use in large quantities social elevators and to set before itself the high purposes: similar sad and gloomy life does not promote transformation of all mass of people into bright, educated, cultural, creative, vigorous and sociable persons at all.
  Similar people stands out only a few percent.
  But it is in them this faceless mass of the population outwardly acquires development in the person of their representatives in power and in informal-intellectual opposition to power.
  In particular, among the average inhabitants there are always subjects with a somewhat higher level of the lowest consciousness, which in this case can cause them to strive not only for full, quiet and safe life, but also for domination among their own kind.
  Focusing themselves mainly on such properties of individuality as a sufficient share of quick-wittedness; sociability up to servility; a tendency to deception in the form of distortion of information and dexterity in its presentation; acquired professional skills; as well as on such personality traits as a sufficiently strong will; self-confidence; unscrupulousness, expressed in cunning and treachery, as well as a significant share of irresponsibility, expressed in experiments that seem beneficial to themselves, but clearly harmful to the population, these subjects gain an advantage over the rest - the more inert members of the community in the form of ordinary people, highly moral intellectuals of any kind, and other members of the population who are sluggish or preoccupied with other matters, and who are not able to deftly push aside or slander their opponents, as well as really enjoy the humiliation of the lower ones, and at the same time endure mock from the side of own bosses.
  Their personality is significantly reduced, since altruism, that is, kindness, friendliness, empathy, compassion, mercy, expressed in disinterested concern for others, is practically not characteristic of them.
  They compensate a lack of mind by involvement of numerous advisers, but, because the decisions ultimately has to be made by them, so far as they, as true creators of own happiness, at first consider them from a position of the personal (corporate), but not the public good with a lurch towards retaining power, gaining a greater degree of their own domination and the acquisition of all sorts of benefits, littering, besides, the leadership of the various managing and economic structures with own mostly incompetent offspring.
  Therefore, the hopes of naive masses to correct these moral monsters and cunning, hypocritical rogues, representing the power elites of various states competing with each other, have no basis, regardless of the structure of the state and its degree of development - from despotism to parliamentary democracy.
  The informal intellectuals have the hope of reorganizing society in the direction of harmony, that is, equality, fraternity and at the same time liberty, without understanding that liberty always resists to equality, justice, destroying any stability. But this hope for harmonious world order can never disappear in their blissful consciousness: they as true humanists, are not capable to believe that horrors of our world cannot turn into prosperity of each person and all mankind eventually.
  The informally-oppositional part of intellectuals, to which various educated people from this or that generation can be attributed, are active, honest, sincerely wishing good to the people, that is, with the dominant higher consciousness, expressed in a high degree of altruism of their personalities, - have never joined and will not join to the hypocritical and self-interested governing elite of the state, especially since they are characterized by a sense of self-esteem that does not allow them to please their superiors.
  In other words, the already achieved level of higher consciousness, expressed in the altruism of their personality, does not allow them to commit mean deeds, putting material goods in the last place among the values of life. Therefore, they will always expose the unscrupulous, hypocritical and thieving powers that be, fight for the rights and civil liberties of workers, involving them in this struggle as widely as possible.
  Thereby, their opposition to imperious elite does not allow society to freeze in place, being reflection of antagonism of the lowest and highest types of consciousness in each person.
  The struggle between them when the passive behavior the most part of the rest of the population occurs continuously with the dominance of a more energetic governing elite, which is provoking self-hatred from everyone else, and thus forming that antagonism that does not allow society to stop in developing.
  Thereby, a people, willy-nilly, are involved by energy of this struggle into a forward motion, which can also be evolutionary at the consent of the power elite with the opposition from the nonconformists-intellectuals to certain compromises in the interests of the working masses, but it can jump into a different course if there is no such agreement, which is reflected in the public consciousness as a clear injustice, transforming into a more or less successful attempt to remove the ruling elite from power upon the occurrence of suitable conditions.
  Thus, informal intellectuals are characterized by such features of individuality as a high degree of sensitivity, impressiveness, the desire for communion with the masses, the ability to pry, but they are not too often decisive and quick-wittedness.
  Their personality is also largely the opposite of that of those in power. They are convinced that they are right in the struggle for the people's good, but they are not always critical of their ideas, which are mostly utopian. They are ruled by altruism. Therefore, most of all, they care about the good of the people, which, however, they do not really understand, since they unite this disunited and contradictory community into a single whole, presenting this whole as the oppressed, who must defeat the oppressors and rest on this in the goodness of the earthly paradise finally achieved.
  The representatives of the enforcement structures - from the military to police officers and security guards - differ from the philistines, on the one hand, by a somewhat higher level of lower consciousness, expressed by an increased level of egoism. Therefore, their dissatisfaction with their position outwardly looks like a tendency to aggression against the weaker ones, and, on the other hand, a certain weakening of self-awareness, as a result of which their personality does not suffer from excessive altruism, but is distinguished by unscrupulousness. Therefore, they are prone to conformism, which is not combined with self-esteem.
  That is, their individuality is characterized by a greater share of quick-wittedness, decisiveness, sociability and dominance compared to the inhabitants, but they, like their masters - representatives of the power elites - are also unprincipled, irresponsible, uncritical, prone to servility and deceit in the qualities of their personality, and besides moreover, they do not have a great desire to engage in systematic or hard work.
  Their personality, just like that of representatives of the ruling elites, as a rule, is not burdened with such traits as excessive kindness and mercy, and their cherished dreams come down to the career considerations.
  Therefore, they prefer one or another type of service for the most part to the state with the prospect of career growth even with not too great intelligence, as well as a good salary, actual impunity for oppression and even petty plunder of ordinary citizens, even more so in peacetime to the vast majority of the security officials are not in danger.
  For acquiring similar advantages, they agree to endure all the antics of their usually short-sighted, rude, but cunning bosses.
  Having given themselves to this rather humiliating occupation, which does not require special thought, after service they wander to their fruit and berry plots or apartments with a joyful sense of deliverance for at least some time from the vigilant eye, as a rule, of the jackasses-bosses, in order to play in the cards, watering the garden, and drinking and snacks, as well as bickering with his wife, who is always dissatisfied with the career growth of the husband.
  Reading the literature and other intellectual activities are inaccessible for most of them thanks to the rapid "drying out" of the brain because of the specifics of the service, which does not require reflection, since there are a charter and instructions.
  Slightly lower levels of animal and self-consciousness compared to creative persons with some predominance of the lowest consciousness, as well as weaker natural intellect (quick-wittedness) with a high quality of mental abilities are quite able to give a whole cohort of the business people, not fallen in their self-consciousness up to the level of politicians and other deceitful parasites, which make up mainly the power elite.
  The business people are able to do a lot of things, trying it is non-standard to approach economic activity, but don't forget themselves at all, and their unselfishness comes down, as a rule, to charity for decrease of tax losses.
  It is their somewhat lower level of self-awareness by comparison with true inventors and artists turns the businessmen in crisis situations into the same scammers.
  True, they reject this in every possible way, but for the most part they choose exactly themselves, but not a public good.
  Therefore, businessmen, if we turn to their individuality, like the creative people, are curious, persistent, have a high level of dominance, and therefore they are very enterprising, smart enough, although all these properties of their individuality are inferior in quality to the individuality features of the creative individuals, as a result, businessmen are not so categorical in relation to the subject of their activity, and in case of several failures they can leave it.
  Their personality is characterized by the good mental abilities, curiosity, conscious diligence, conviction in the adequacy of their actions. All this contributes to non-standard solutions in their field of activity, bordering on creativity, but a significant amount of self-confidence and unscrupulousness, together with an extremely weak touch of kindness and mercy, which they replace with charity, makes them ruthless scoundrels in critical situations, and in life they, as a rule, nothing more than egoists.
  Their life is fraught with ups and downs, but the benefits it has significantly brighten it up, and businessmen are not inclined to change their position to a calmer one precisely because of the predominance in their minds of the components of animal consciousness, which gravitates so much towards pleasant comfort, active reproduction and excellent nutrition.
  Business people who waver in morality are joined by economists and managers who are equally unstable in this respect.
  They are also characterized by the predominance of the animal consciousness, but not as high as that of the representatives of the ruling elite. At the same time, their self-consciousness is at a higher level than that of representatives of the power elite, but lower than the level of self-consciousness of the creative individuals.
  However, the level of self-consciousness of economists and managers is somewhat higher than that of businessmen, who for this reason are more prone to fraudulent transactions at the slightest opportunity, unless, of course, they see an immediate danger.
  Outwardly, if we turn to the individuality of economists and managers, then, to a large extent, their behavior is explained by the fact that the dominance of their animal consciousness does not reach the level of power-loving representatives of the ruling elite.
  They also do not suffer from a lack of quick-wittedness, decisiveness, the ability to pry and sociability.
  Their personality is characterized by a high level of mental abilities, conscious diligence, self-criticism, responsibility, will, ability to individual creative actions. They can even commit altruistic acts, but their altruism and creativity limits the unscrupulousness of their personality, provoking the conformism of managers and economists, and they rarely resist the not entirely correct instructions of high authorities for fear of losing their position in the hierarchy, which gives considerable benefits., although they empathize with people's suffering, but never sacrificing themselves for the sake of the fellow tribesmen.
  They know how to build good models of effective management in the economy, science and even in politics, but being on the salary from the ruling elite, serve it, and therefore, they can hardly be an ethical role model, even more so the final decisions are by no means taken by them, but by the same power elites, within which there is always a struggle for larger powers of authority, and the decisions themselves are, as a rule, produced not with position of the interests of the country, the people, but for their own preservation and enrichment.
  Criminals and various kinds of lumpen, in particular, chronic unemployed, tramps, professional beggars, "soldiers of fortune", have such direction into the side of the lowest consciousness that they have only a recollection of the highest consciousness.
  In other words, they have only not numerous formal ties with society. For this reason, they kind of return to the level of animals, more precisely, - on the level of sensations. Neither public life, nor wealth, nor the power - nothing is interesting to them.
  Having suddenly got money, they immediately spend on drink or skip them, they sell their votes to anyone at an opportunity, they can kill and rob just like that, and in this regard they are even worse than animals.
  And yet, individual criminal figures can be unusually quick-witted and strong-willed in their illegal actions, but they do not have enough intelligence to realize the senselessness of their actions, which rarely end in their favor, because, as a rule, established social rules win, but the criminals oppose these rules their own, which practically do not differ from the behavior of predators in the animal world, that is, in their personality, altruism is completely absent, as is conscious industriousness, responsibility to society, but - triumph self-confidence, uncriticism, unprincipled in everything, laziness and arrogance, thereby demonstrating selfishness and contempt for all others, whom they consider sheep.
  Nevertheless, the individuality of these prominent representatives of criminality such that they can be enough quick-wittedness, decisive and persistent in their actions in order to create the effective bandit or fraudulent groups as a result not bad cooperation.
  Outwardly, they resemble people, but the lack of positive in their self-consciousness and the reliance in their individuality on purely animal instincts makes them incorrigible in terms of serving society.
  It is curious that these backyards of society, by most features of individuality and personality, merge with representatives of the power elite, who, in fact, only hypocritically and skillfully disguise their animal essence, differing from inveterate criminals only by a higher level of dominance, communication, professional skills in one or more public spheres, the ability to merge with society at the right time, as well as a high degree of cooperation with other government representatives.
  However, the quick-wittedness of the criminal authorities is often higher than that of representatives of the power elites.
  It is for this reason that the most strong-willed, energetic, dominant and quick-wittedness representatives of criminal circles sometimes become large figures of power even in its highest spheres, engaged in such favorable circumstances for the most part in the robbery of their own countries, since these predators are not capable of any constructive activity.
  In turn, representatives of the rule structures for the same reason are too often unable to refrain from dishonorable acts and banal theft.
  Although mass transitions from one stratum to another do not occur, the movements of individual persons occur quite often.
  Therefore, it makes sense to determine the causes of these phenomena using specific examples.
  The lowest (animal) consciousness, passed to aperson from the primates, and was being formed tens of millions of years, during the transformation of a hominid into a person, which took about two million years, if it has undergone changes, it is insignificant extremely, since it is responsible for the functioning of the organism and its interaction with the environment, mainly in relation to survival and reproduction.
  Since the individuality is a direct external expression of the animal consciousness, then all its basic properties practically do not change during the active period of a person's life.
  That is, quick wit, sensitivity, impressionability, decisiveness, one or another degree of sociability, the ability to pry, dominance, perseverance, the cooperation in actions, which were largely influenced by the program embedded in the genome, and a person received it at birth, remain unchanged in content, but their level, or degree of expression, can vary significantly for individual persons, while the appearance, temperament, demeanor can undergo significant changes over time under the influence of the environment, as well the skills, and the life experience.
  It is individuality, due to its practical immutability in the active period of a person"s life in its basic properties that do not stop manifesting one way or another, that focuses a person"s attention on a certain stratum of society, as if directing him to it, since the egocentrism of this form of consciousness instinctively marks one or another benefit from belonging to the appropriate stratum of society, depending on the existing level of the traits of his individuality.
  As for self-consciousness, which produces a person's personality, the level of which has grown significantly only in the course of the development of civilization, the traits of personality gradually also began to have a significant impact on the introduction of a person towards a particular social stratum, especially in the form of manifestations of his personal will, mind, curiosity, the degree of which increases or weakens the corresponding properties of individuality, such as perseverance, quick-wittedness, the ability to pry, as well vice versa, in what is their interaction manifested, during which one side or the other may prevail, as a result of which an individual can move from one stratum to another.
  Familiarization with certain strata also depends to a large extent on the degree of a person's principle, his diligence, responsibility, although the most powerful influence in many cases on a person's determination of his place in the strata of society is the degree of manifestation of his altruistic properties. In particular, a high level of altruism even becomes capable of pushing the selfishness of the animal consciousness among representatives of the informal opposition to power to a secondary position for a rather long time.
  In addition, it should be noted that the aging process imposes an indelible imprint on all the properties of individuality and personality, and the vast majority of representatives of all strata, except for the criminal world, whose representatives nowhere to fall lower, turn automatically into the philistines.
  The reason for this inevitable process is rather banal: sclerotic changes in the brain, a decrease in the threshold of sensations, certain negative changes in other organs reduce significantly the level of such traits of individuality as quick-wittedness, impressionability, sensitivity, decisiveness and dominance. Mental abilities, including memory, curiosity, will, creativity, self-criticism and the degree of altruism also significantly fall, leaving the elderly out of the field of vigorous activity due to a certain helplessness.
  That is, transforming into the philistines of often quite fairly clever and fairly developed individuals is caused, with rare exceptions, by a rather rapid drop in the level of both lowest and highest consciousness among pensioners due to the loss of the labor process and the absence of its fully-fledged replacement in the free time that appeared.
  In addition, a retired person is far from young, which means that he becomes more apathetic, indifferent to everything due to the lack of prospects, except for impending death.
  Therefore, for example, public life interests him only from the standpoint of maintaining stability, if, of course, it exists, but any changes, whose essence he does not understand and which he can no longer adapt to, are only disturbing him.
  Naturally, a pensioner in this respect becomes both selfish and conservative.
  In connection with these sad circumstances, we can note the main and irreparable defect of democracy, based on the provision of voting rights from a certain age to the entire population, a significant part of which are pensioners. Due to the above-mentioned decrease in the level of properties of their own individuality and personality, they are easily amenable to propaganda by those in power who own the main sources of information, and thereby contribute to the preservation, year after year, of power held largely due to this, by open or hidden oligarchic structures, even in developed countries.
  Mentioned strata of the population are not absolutely rigid structures, because, for example, the level of personality properties and individuality of businessmen, bankers (business people) and managers and economists serving them or the state, as well as creative people are quite close.
  All of them have a high quality of mind, good quick-wittedness, a high level of dominance, perseverance and will. They are all curious and hardworking.
  However, compared to the creative people, businessmen and managers have not too much altruism, but there is plenty of unscrupulousness. Nevertheless, managers, unlike businessmen who are absorbed in their business, are still more merciful towards ordinary people and are more understanding of the needs of the state.
  Therefore, for example, the managers who have lost the share of altruism which they have due to life conflicts may well turn into the tough and selfish businessmen and even into the swindlers if they have enough energy and will, but lack responsibility and criticality in relation to their actions.
  On the other hand, the businessmen and managers, for example, having acquired during their lives under the influence of the appropriate surrounding a certain amount of kindness and mercy, and having a high degree of dominance as a reflection of the egocentrism of the animal consciousness, are quite capable of turning into effective creative people in their field of activity.
  In turn, creative individuals can also become managers or businessmen, but only under one condition - a significant loss of their altruistic inclinations and, in this regard, turning into a personality who does not have firm principles, that is, who agrees to obey orders from own superiors, regardless of their value. and legitimacy.
  Another striking example of the rather frequent transition of individual figures from one stratum of society to another can be the transit of individual representatives of the enforcement agencies into the sphere of those in power.
  This thing can be explained by the fact that the properties of the individuality and personality of the representatives of the power elite and the representatives of the enforcement structures, which dictate their behavior, for the most part coincide, but differ in the degree of expression.
  And both are quick-witted, decisive, sociable and dominant, but the level of these personality traits of individuality is higher among representatives of the power elite. The latter also have a stronger will and higher self-confidence. They have certain professional skills and the ability to skillfully distort information about themselves and around them. Their unscrupulousness and treachery have no limits. They are only interested in benefit.
  Therefore, they cling to power to the last possible moment - the fruit of the egocentrism of animal consciousness, whereas altruism, which does not give tangible material benefits, is naturally not peculiar to them. Otherwise, they would not be able to break into the upper stratum of society.
  The representatives of the enforcement agencies who support those in power, of course, cannot but have similar qualities, but more modest in their degree of expression, that is, they are less quick-wittedness and dominant. Therefore, they tend to obey the orders of higher authorities without much thought, even if these orders contradict established morality, which is impossible without a solid share of unscrupulousness and irresponsibility. Naturally, altruism in this case will also be a hindrance.
  The cherished dream of high-ranking figures of the enforcement structures is to penetrate into the upper floors of power, and they do it quite often at turning points in history - during wars and various cataclysms, since altruism is not particularly characteristic of them, and an increased level of dominance in some cases can help them. Therefore, quite a lot of generals and colonels have acquired power in due time, but they could not really use it with rare exceptions due to their unpreparedness for managing the economy and weak quick-wittedness in those areas where instructions and charters could not help them.
  At first glance, it seems that a fairly effective lever to counteract the role of individuality and personality in the distribution of people across strata is also the principle of inheritance, for example, power or wealth.
  But history shows that weak descendants of strong personalities quickly lose under the pressure of more energetic, quick-witted, cunning and unprincipled individuals.
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