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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the evening on February 8, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the evening on February 8, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the evening on February 8, 2019
  1) Information on works on elimination of the (former) natural dam on the Bureya River.
  "Red star"
  The summary group of Armed Forces does everything possible for restoration of the normal hydrological mode of the Bureya Reservoir.
  ... Powerful demolitions were carried out so that the released soil did not scatter in the parties, was carried away by the river downstream. In this regard blastings were carefully, to trifles are counted [the explosions were carefully calculated to the last detail]. So, charging cameras on both coast a proran by means of the concentrated charges were at first created. Then in camera chargers laid the explosives, the detonation of which makes a (partial) straightening the channel. Let's remind that rectification is a partial or complete elimination of tortuosity of the course by correction of water currents. Other charges were put in the holes done by the drilling rig. It became possible after by the field road from the village of Ushman to the place of collapse the additional equipment for well-drilling in rock was delivered ...
  - The second stage of our work consists in deepening and increase on width up to 20 meters the existing channel, - the chief of engineering troops of the Eastern Military District major general Andrey Vinogradov explained. -This is the request of "RusHydro", we ourselves understand. Of course, water itself will gradually increase the channel, but we need to help water to make it as soon as possible. The work is very difficult. You see what volumes of a rocky masses we are forced to move...
  Roman BIRYULIN, "Red star"
  February 8, 2019." []
  2) An overlappings of the rivers. A dams. A meteorites. The general perspective of a water and power - resources. Russia, world. History, news, forecasts.
  "[Sarez] Lake had no water flow out [remained landlocked] till 1914 when the first springs appeared in the dam... from 1915 to 1939, the number of springs in its rear side increased from 2 to 57, and the water flow rate, in 1915 was fixed at the level of 2 m3/ s, in 1926-1930, was determined by the volume of 60-80 m3/s.."
  "...The number of springs in the downstream - 57" [
  Already in the late 60-ies of the last century, scientists have discovered and studied two factors that have reduced optimism and forced to talk about Sarez lake as a giant time bomb. The first of the obvious factors: numerous springs punched their way through the body of the dam. Process which received the name of filtration constantly washes away a soil from the dam. Voids are formed, which leads to the subsidence of the dam and lowering its height. Through these emptiness the rapid break of the lake is possible.
  The main threat is found in 1967, a huge, commensurate with the volume of the dam itself unstable array on one of the slopes, hanging over the lake and called "The right Bank landslide". The seismic strike can bring down in Sarez lake, as it was already at its origin, billions of tons of rocks: stone and soil. Caused by this giant wave, according to various estimates, will have a height of 100 to 250 meters. It will destroy the wall of the dam, which today rises above the surface of the lake by an average of 50 meters. The subsequent overflow will complete the destruction of the dam. [Water level of Sarez lake - about 3255 m above sea level, the height of the nearby mountains - up to 4700 m above sea level] " []
  "At experts raises a question of possible stay in a body of a dam of ice (firnovykh) [(firn)] inclusions, considering the fact that the landslide (at formation of the Usoysky blockage) occurred in the winter, and at this time thickness of snow cover in these parts reaches several meters.
  Why it is so important?
  According to them, the ice in the body of the dam is closed with soil and coarse-grained materials, but the water gradually erodes, the ground subsidence. And this very dangerous phenomenon because in case of an earthquake the blockage crest (a dam of the Sarez Lake) can sharply sink.
  The uncertainty connected with lack of data on a geological structure of a blockage, about volume in his body of snow and ice does not give the chance to make accurate engineering decisions." []
  February 8, 2019 19:31
  Translation from Russian into English: February 8, 2019 20:21.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме вечером 8 февраля 2019 г.".
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