Iiartvrvs Pavlenicvs Agnitor Sacer : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    My first English poem. Really HARD TO READ CORRECTLY! So don't expect a wonder.

We are as free as they are.
Don't even try to be too far.
They'll never let you find your way.
Don't even try, don't even say 
A word about such a thing.
You have to trust them 
If you want to live.
Your path is their path
And only this is true.
Oh, sure, you can run
But it is all that you can do.
Don't make me laugh,
I can not stand it.
There is no way...
Don't even try to understand it.
My friend... 
You are so foolish. 
You are just fool.
I'm laughing, hear? 
I know you do.
It is impossible for thee, my dear friend
To find there something better than a dreadful end.
They will, oh yes, they'll kill you. 
They'll find you anywhere, 
There is no-place-to-hide!
It is your choise, of course. But... try now to understand me.
It's choise between your life and death. 
I'm very sorry... you have died.
It's not my fault, you know this. I am sure.
But fortunatenly you are now just all right. 
It makes me fly, and I hope no one tries again. 
Oh yes, my dear friend.
I'm very happy, 
Thank you.

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