Абрамсон Евгения Марковна : другие произведения.

Favorite Occupation

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  People chouse their career by their own haracter ,experience ,or advise from other people. For
  some of them is very important earning, other people making decision according to working
  conditions. For me, profession that combines most things that I like is Architecture, for my
  husband favorite occupation is Constraction Managements. There some differenses and some
  simmularities between this two professions.
  First of all, architects and constraction managers havedifferent working conditions.Architects work
  in the office, in the comfortable environment. They usually work 8 hours a day and have a regullar
  weekends for Saturday and Sunday. Construction managers work in the site and they should be
  available for emergency call. They work more than 40 hours a week. Another diffirent part is that
  most of the architects work in a small firm or they are self- employed.Most of the construction
  managers employed by the general building construction.
  This two occupations have simmular education requarements. Not only architects but also
  construction managers should have Mater or Bachelor degree and experience working for a
  company while attending a school to receive a license. Also, there alwause some job opennings on
  a Monster.com for architects and construction managers. Finally, this two occupations have some
  simmularities in the earnings. Median annual earning are about $44.000 to $74.000 for both of
  In conclusion, I can say that architects and construction managers have a different working
  conditions, different cuantiti of hours to work, and different team invirontment. This two
  occupations have a simmular requarements for education, simmular cuantity of job oppenings, and
  simmular median annual earning. Some of this part is important for people when they chouse their
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