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Divine Revelation of Avatar Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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  The coming of Sri Sathya Sai Baba in our time marks the beginning of New Era and the culmination of all previous Incarnations of God on Earth. This Divine Incarnation contains the meaning of incarnations of Buddha, Jesus Christ, Allah, and all other Gods who came on Earth. But the World, too busy with itself, did not give right attention to this Phenomenon. Till the moment the humanity accepts this fact, the challenges and tests will be present on Earth, until people realize this Truth. As only through hard tests a human being comes to the real understanding of his own Beingness.
  A devotee questions Sai Baba: "I would like to ask you about the future. People are very concerned about the future. They feel there's going to be huge Earth changes. And that large part of the population is going to be destroyed.
  Sai Baba answers: "There are going to be changes externally and internally and these changes are going to be very sudden and big in terms of the magnitude. But those who live by Dharma (righteousness) will be protected by Dharma is what He said too. The good will continue to thrive. And those who do not understand this, only probably few of them will have to learn the hard lesson.
  When seasons change, the trees which cannot adapt to the changing seasons, which do not know how to survive the change will perish. Then some other trees, some other plants will start flourishing in the changed times.
  Likewise, this is why I am trying to raise the consciousness of all of you is because the World that is to come is going to be of a different type all together. And those who do not put efforts to be divine, to live in a divine way, they will not fit into the future. They will have to simply perish. They will have to simply make way for the others. And that's going to happen.
  Whether it happens through natural catastrophes, whether it happens through calamities, whether climate change; whether wars or conflict between nations and people; whether political unrest; it can happen in many ways. But one thing is for sure, those who have put efforts to be good, who have some way of living a life amidst all the chaos and crisis which is right or good; they will be protected by that good.
  It will not be wise to simply say that Golden age means immortality. In every age, somebody dies because death is a part of the cycle. But what would happen is that those who live in the Golden age will live truly a divine life.
  Sai Baba also said that the World family in the next coming years, the entire world will look totally different. If you looked back then, you will not be able to recognize that you are living in the same world.
  Today, you see there is conflict, there is strife; there are political wars; there is financial colonization of the world happening; there are power centres even within the country or without. Everywhere you see there is conflict of religion. It is just growing. Even though we are supposedly getting wiser with the time, somewhere we are also becoming very hostile, very narrow minded in the process.
  And definitely, we cannot wish away that all these things as if they are not there. This is the reality that we are living in.
  Sai Baba: "Every other person will be a Brahma Jnani (the one realized the nature of God); will be Atma Jnani (the one who realized the Supreme reality). We are standing in front of such future."
  Question: So, how all this will happen in a short span of only several decades? Obviously, it has to be drastic. It cannot be gradual.
  Sai Baba: "In five decades, to change the rest of the world, to start becoming Brahma Jnani (the one realized the nature of God); will be Atma Jnani (the one who realized the Supreme reality) or Divine personalities; it means the change has to be sudden. The change will be very drastic and those who are not ready for it obviously will not be ready to handle it. That's why I keep telling you all "BE GOOD ...DO GOOD!""
  Question: "The other day some people said that there was so much of ego clash in some groups."
  Sai Baba looked at the person and said, "What can I do? I can only advice! Following the advice is in your hands!"
  God is not going to get inside people's head and change their minds. He would just advice like a good doctor. This is the medicine. This is the diet. TAKE IT AT THE RIGHT TIME, IN RIGHT PROPORTIONS AND YOU WILL BE FINE.
  If you don't take it and ask why should I die when I am a devotee of Baba. It is only because you did not follow the advice. Similarly, if the world does not follow His advice - to be selfless and to be divine - then it has no right to complain tomorrow that God has done injustice, that He has treated them as lesser mortals and He has not protected them.
  Swami is the witness. The world has seen many wars, calamities from millions of years. God is always very detached. He is only a Sakshi (witness).
  He is a concerned teacher who comes and tells us to do this and not do that. The World that would be, will be such where most of the people will take the right path. They will give up selfishness, narrow-mindedness; will look at the world as one family; will be concerned and be ready to sacrifice for each other and they will continue on to the next higher phase of the Consciousness. Whereas those who have still not learnt the lessons who are totally self-centered, will not find their place in the world to come.
  And that is the Mission of the next coming God's Incarnation - Prema Sai. Sai Baba said that Prema Sai's Mission will be culmination of the Sai Baba's Mission. In the relay race of the God's Incarnation of our time, there are three laps. The last phase of the race is always the strongest and the fastest. The first Incarnation - Shirdi Baba - started the race, where He was talking about the union of all religions. Sathya Sai Baba put His words into practice, calling for the Peace. And Prema Sai Baba - the shortest incarnation of all - will be the fastest lap of this Divine race to complete it. That's why changes will happen very drastically.
  Prema Sai is the Mother, the nature aspect of the Lord Shiva. So, lot of changes He will bring along with Him in the Prakriti (Nature) too to set it right. Both Prakriti (Nature) inside and outside will have to undergo changes. Those who adapt will continue to the next higher phase of Consciousness. Others will have to be mute witnesses to their own destruction, or may not even get an opportunity to realize that they are getting destroyed.
   The next several decades will be the time of great challenge for every one of us, which later on will become amazing in terms of Divine changes!

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