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Last Sip of Wine

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    "Harold and Maude" вдохновило

  Just moments ago, with my last
  Sip of wine, I took the tablets.
  It won't be long before I fade
  Into the darkest of dreams.
  I will dream of death, I will dream of life.
  I will drift into the blackness of my deepest thought.
  Blood from my eyes, like tears will flow as the rivers.
  Down my cheek,feeding the maggots of yesterdays.
  The very visions which forced me to
  remove my sight and stop the pain forever.
  My mind is resigning, my body's becoming stiff.
  A slight discomfort growing inside.
  I vomit for thee. My body. My heart.
  My soul.. With this last sip of wine,
  I'm forever put to sleep,
  this wretched creation of my own hate.
  The burning flame of the candle
  flickers and slowly dies away.
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