Vagapov Alec
Popular Poetry Page. Russian Poets in English. Featuring the Great Poets of the 60-ties including : Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Andrey Voznesensky and Bulat Okudzhava as well the famous poet and singer Vladimir Vysotsky

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Translator ALEC VAGAPOV Translator
Name : Alec S. Vagapov
Date of Birth : 01.01.44
Place of Birth : Termez, USSR
Citizenship : Russia Residence : Russia Home Address : 22 October Ave., Apt. 21, Pskov, 180000, Russia
Tel : 811-(2)-663331
e-mail :
Place of Work : Pskov Branch of Moscow Academy of Law Lubyatovo, Pskov Occupation: Teacher of English
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  • Leonid Filatov. The Tale of Soldier Fedot, the Daring Fellow. Bilingual Version 253k   "Поэма"
  • Bulat Okudzhava. Collection of Poems (Songs) Bilingual Version 289k   "Сборник стихов"
    Аннотация к разделу: POPULAR POETRY PAGE Featuring the great poets of the 60-ties including : Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Andrey Voznesensky and Bulat Okudzhava as well famous poet and singer Vladimir Vysotsky - over 200 translations all in all. You will also find : Yevgeny Yevtushenko's famous biographical poem called "Zima Station".Now most of the poems are available in book form. Use this e-mail to place an orderby e-mail: vagalec@rambler.ruAlec Vagapov's other sites:******

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  • Okudzhava Bulat Okudzhava. Collection of Songs with Tabs   62k   Оценка:8.00*3   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия Комментарии: 1 (30/12/2010)
    Bulat Okudzhava. Collection of Songs with Tabs. Translated by from the Russian and compiled by Alec Vagapov
  • Mayakovsky V. Vladimir Mayakovsky. Collected Poems   47k   Оценка:7.32*4   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия, Переводы
    Vladimir Mayakovsky Translated by Alec Vagapov љ Translation by Alec Vagapov, 1968 The Poem of the Soviet Passport Left March The Parisian Woman To Comrade Nette, the Man and the Ship
  • Griboyedov A. Alexander Griboyedov. Woe from Wit. A Comedy in 4 Acts. Play in Verse. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov   227k   Оценка:6.68*8   "Пьеса; сценарий" Поэзия, Переводы Комментарии: 36 (01/04/2016)
    Alexander Griboyedov. Woe from Wit. A Comedy in 4 Acts. Play in Verse. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
  • Filatov L. Leonid Filatov. Tale of Soldier Fedot... in English   123k   Оценка:4.81*5   "Поэма" Поэзия, Переводы Комментарии: 2 (16/10/2019)
    Leonid Filatov. Tale of Soldier Fedot, the Daring Fellow. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
  • Yesenin S. Sergey Yesenin. Collection of Poems in English . Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov   331k   Оценка:4.27*5   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия, Переводы Комментарии: 13 (19/06/2014)
    Alexander Blok. 1880-1921. Russian Poetry Classic. Collected Poems in English. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
  • Yevtushenko Y. Yevegeny Yevtushenko. Collection of Poems. Part I. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov   48k   Оценка:3.85*6   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия, Переводы Комментарии: 6 (27/06/2013)
    Yevegeny Yevtushenko. Collection of Poems. Translated from the Russian by Alec vagapov
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
  • Russian P. Love Poems from Russia   123k   Оценка:3.72*4   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия
    Love Poems from Russia. 300 Hundred Years of Russian Poetry (An Anthology of Literary Translations) Translated and compiled by Alec Vagapov 300 лет русской любовной лирики. Сборник литературных переводов (на русском и английском языках) Перевод А.С. Вагапова
  • Voznesensky A. Andrey Voznesensky. Collection of Poems in English   100k   Оценка:1.00*2   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия, Переводы Комментарии: 2 (18/06/2014)
    Andrey Voznesensky. Collection of Poems. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov Click to go to bilingual version
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
  • Yevtushenko Y. Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Collection of Poems. Part 2   80k   Оценка:1.00*2   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия, Переводы Комментарии: 10 (16/10/2019)
    Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Collection of poems Part 2. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
  • Filatov L. Leonid Filatov. The Tale of Soldier Fedot, the Daring Fellow. Bilingual Version   253k   "Поэма" Поэзия Комментарии: 6 (05/03/2023)
    Leonid Filatov. The Tale of Soldier Fedot, the Daring Fellow. Bilingual Version. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
  • Aitmatov C. Sail of Poetry. Chingiz Aitmatov on Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Translated from the russian by Alec Vagapov   13k   "Статья" Проза, Переводы
    The well known writer Chingiz Aitmatov tells the story of Yevegeny Yevtushenko. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
  • Vysotsky V. Vladimir Vysotsky in his own words. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov   24k   "Статья" Проза, Переводы
    Vladimir Vysotsky in his own words. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
  • Internet o. Alec Vagapov's Interview   22k   "Интервью" Проза
    On line Interview with Alec Vagapov, the translator
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
  • Blok A. Alexander Blok. 1880-1921. Russian Poetry Classic. Collected Poems. Bilingual Version.   158k   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия, Переводы
    Alexander Blok. 1880-1921. Russian Poetry Classic. Collected Poems. Bilingual Version. (Russian-English)Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
  • Voznesensky A. Andrey Voznesensky. Ru-Poem. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov   117k   "Поэма" Поэзия, Переводы
    Andrey Voznesensky. Ru-Poem. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 18 шт.
  • Alexander P. Boris Godunov in English   261k   "Пьеса; сценарий" Поэзия Комментарии: 2 (21/07/2019)
    Boris Godunov IN MEMORY, PRECIOUS FOR RUSSIANS, OF NIKOLAI MIKHAILOVICH KARAMZIN ALEXANDER PUSHKIN dedicates this work inspired by his genius, with reverence and gratitude Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
  • Yevtushenko Y. Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Zima Station. Poem . Translated from the Russiam by Alec Vagapov   69k   "Поэма" Поэзия, Переводы
    Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Zima Station. Poem. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
  • Yevtushenko Zima Station. Poem. Bilingual Version   204k   "Поэма" Поэзия
    Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Zima Station. Poem. Bilingual Version. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
  • Blok A. Alexander Blok. Collection of Poems in English   137k   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия, Переводы Комментарии: 17 (16/10/2019)
    Alexander Blok. 1880-1921. Russian Poetry Classic. Collected Poems in English. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
  • Voznesensky A. Andrey Voznesensky. Collection of Poems. Bilingusl Version   110k   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия, Переводы
    Andrey Voznesensky. Collection of Poems. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov. Click to go to bilingual version
  • Voznesensky A. Andrey Voznesensky. Essay on Yevgeny Yevtushanko. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov   12k   "Статья" Проза, Переводы
    Andrey Voznesensky. Essay on Yevgeny Yevtushanko. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
  • Okudzhava B. Bulat Okudzhava. Collection of Poems (Songs) Bilingual Version   289k   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия, Переводы Комментарии: 2 (16/10/2019)
    Bulat Okudzhava. Collection of Poems (Songs - Bilingual Version) Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
  • Okudzhava Bulat Okudzhava. Collection of Poems   97k   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия
    Bulat Okudzhava. Collection of Poems Translated by from the Russian and compiled by Alec Vagapov
  • Vysotsky V. Collection of Poems (Songs)   182k   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия, Переводы
    Vladimir Vysotsky. Collection of Poems. 1962-1979. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
  • Popular R.P. Popular Poets. Read and Compare   136k   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия
    Read and Compare Popular poets Sergey Yesenin, Alexander Blok, Bulat Okudzhava Vladimir Vysotsky and Yevgeny Yevtushenko Versions of translations done by various translators. For analitical reading
  • Vysotsky S.V. S.V. Vysotsky. This is what our son was like.   23k   "Очерк" Проза, Переводы Комментарии: 2 (16/10/2019)
    S.V. Vysotsky. This is what our son was like. The poet's father tells his son's story. Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
  • Yesenin S. Sergey Yesenin. Collection of Poems. Bilingual Version   275k   "Сборник стихов" Поэзия, Переводы
    Sergey Yesenin. Russian Poetry Classic. (1895-1925) Collection of Poems. Bilingual Version (Russian-English) Translated from the Russian by Alec Vagapov
    Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
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