Aливердиев А. : другие произведения.

As you sow so shall you reap

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

Dr. A.Aliverdiev (aliverdi@frascati.enea.it)

Что посеешь

As you sow so shall you reap

   - Доктор, я жить буду?
   - Вне всякого сомнения, мистер Джонс. У вас была кома, вызванная болевым шоком. Но теперь худшее, так сказать, позади. Поздравляю вас, мистер Джонс!
   - Когда я смогу встать с постели? И эта боль...
   - Боюсь, никогда, мистер Джонс. Вам вырезана значительная часть внутренних органов. Метастазы, мистер Джонс. Я сожалею, мистер Джонс. Теперь вы сможете жить только будучи подключенным к аппаратам искусственного питания и очистки. И к боли тоже придется привыкнуть, мистер Джонс. В нашей больнице принцип: никаких наркотических средств. Вы должны понимать, мистер Джонс.
   - Почему вы не дали мне умереть?
   - Странно слышать от вас, мистер Джонс. Это же вы были Председателем комиссии по полному запрещению наркотических средств и эвтаназии.
   - У меня был сын. Он умер от передозировки. А внук родился дебилом.
   - Это очень печальная история, мистер Джонс. Вы себе не представляете, как я сожалею за вас, вашего сына и всю золотую молодежь, которую вы спасали. Но, знаете, мистер Джонс, у меня был отец, который, как и вы умирал от рака. И благодаря протянутому вами закону последний год жизни он провел в страшных мучениях, потому что все наркосодержащие препараты были изъяты из больниц, а средств на услуги наркодилеров у нашей семьи не было. А вот у милой сестрички, что меняет вам утку, два выброшенных из богадельни наркомана убили мать. Денег, вырученных от продажи часов и телефона, им не хватило и на одну дозу... Но это все не ваши проблемы, мистер Джонс. Наслаждайтесь жизнью, мистер Джонс. Помните, вы наш самый дорогой пациент, мистер Джонс, и мы вам не дадим умереть. По меньшей мере, быстро и легко.
   " Doctor, will I live?"
   " No doubt you will, Mr. Jones. You were in a shock-induced coma for a while. But now the worst, so to speak, is behind you. Congratulations, Mr. Jones! "
   " How soon will I be able to walk? And this pain... "
   " Never, I'm afraid, Mr. Jones. A rather significant part of your internal organs has been removed. There was no other way. The cancer had metasticized. I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Jones. You can only go on living while connected to this here machinery. Artificial nourishment and cleansing, you understand. The pain is something you'll have to get used to, I'm afraid, Mr. Jones. The number one principle at this place is no narcotics of any kind. That includes painkillers, naturally. My apologies, sir. "
   " Why didn't you let me die? "
   " I'm surprised to hear that from you, Mr. Jones. Weren't you once Chairman of a certain Committee that effectively banned all narcotics and euthanasia and all that sort of thing? "
   " I had a son. He died of an overdose. The grandson was a retard."
   " That's a very sad story, Mr. Jones. It fills my heart with unimaginable sorrow. I can't describe to you how sorry I feel for you, your poor misguided son, and the entire golden-youth generation you were endeavouring to save from themselves. However, you know what, Mr. Jones? My father was dying of cancer once, just like you. Thanks to the ban you were able to stick us with, he spent the final year of his life suffering horribly as, you see, all drugs that could be classified as narcotics had been removed from our hospitals. Our family couldn't afford a drug dealer's services. The charming little nurse who changes your bedpan, poor dear, two junkies released from the facility murdered her mother. Pretty much for nothing, too - a wristwatch and a cell phone are hardly enough to get a fix these days. Rest easy, Mr. Jones. None of it is really your concern anymore. Remember, you're our most valuable patient. We're not going to let you die, or, at least, we're not going to let you die quickly and easily."

(Author is grateful to Vladimir Romanovsky for the help with the English version.)

   Еще одна английская версия
  - Doctor, will I live?
  - No doubt you will, Mr. Jones. You were in a shock-induced coma for a while. But now the worst, so to speak, is behind you. Congratulations, Mr. Jones!
  - How soon will I be able to walk? And this pain...
  - Never, I'm afraid, Mr. Jones. A rather significant part of your internal organs has been removed. There was no other way. The cancer had metasticized. I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Jones. You can only go on living while connected to this here machinery. Artificial nourishment and cleansing, you understand. The pain is something you'll have to get used to, I'm afraid, Mr. Jones. The number one principle at this place is no narcotics of any kind. That includes painkillers, naturally. My apologies, sir.
  - Why didn't you let me die?
  - I'm surprised to hear that from you, Mr. Jones. Weren't you once Chairman of a certain Committee that effectively banned all narcotics and euthanasia and all that sort of thing?
  - I had a son. He died of an overdose. The grandson was a retard.
  - That's a sad story, indeed, Mr. Johns. You cannot imagine how sorry I am for you, your son, and all the golden youth you were saving. But, you know, Mr. Johns, I had a father, who was dying of cancer just as you are now. And thanks to the ban law you pushed through, he spent the last year of his life suffering horribly, because all the drugs containing narcotics were removed from the hospitals, and our family couldn't afford services of the drug dealers. And the sweet nurse, who is changing your bedpan, had a mother who was killed by two drug addicts thrown out of an almshouse. The money from her watch and a phone wouldn't buy them a single dose... But these aren't your problems, Mr. Johns. Enjoy your life, Mr. Johns. And remember, your are our dearest patient, Mr. Johns, and we won't let you die. At least, not that quickly and easily.
   (Author is grateful to Marina Yasinskaya for the help with this English version.)

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