- Аннотация:
- The Voynich manuscript was created by Dr. Johannes Hartlieb (1400 - 1468) in 1448/49. He was in the employment of Albrecht III of Bavaria-Munich from 1440, and of Albrecht's son Sigmund from 1456.
- The husband of Anna von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen, Duke Albrecht III of Bavaria-Munich, married Anna out of necessity and continued to love Agnes Bernauer, who was executed in 1435. Anna was tormented by jealousy, especially strong after 1447. Then Albrecht asked his personal physician (Leibarzt) Johannes Hartlieb to direct Anna's attention to practices in the field of white magic, in which Anna was seriously interested.
- At the request of Albrecht III Dr. Hartlieb on the basis of his drafts ordered to the scribes the "Chiromancy" and the "Voynich Manuscript" (the "Hartlieb Manuscript"), which were urgently created in the period from 1448 to 1449. Both books depicted a distorted reality, making them ideal divination tools.
- "Chiromancy" was created by Dr. Hartlieb in 1448. However, Anna quickly became bored with hand fortune telling (palm reading). Anna needed something more mysterious.
- Then started Dr. Hartlieb, in agreement with Albrecht, with the creation of the "Voynich Manuscript", which was based on various secret writing systems and old manuscripts from the early 15th century. There was a lack of time. Johannes Hartlieb had a team of trustworthy scribes and illustrators in the greater Munich area and in Augsburg. Based on secret writing systems such as "Kaldaisch", which Dr. Hartlieb perfectly mastered, since he was also a court diplomat, he created a special font "Voynichese" and a "Vocabulary", as well as drafts of various sections of the future "Voynich Manuscript".
- Quelle A: http://www.feeria.de
- Quelle B: https://stihi.ru/2024/03/26/5457
- Quelle C: https://amelkin.de/a.pdf