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ArtOfWar: Искусство войны
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Аннотация к разделу: Red Star Rising Alex is an ordinary run-of-the mill Seeker who was unlucky enough to be living in the Eastern European yellow zone. He spends his days in a struggle for survival, looking for valuable things he might sell to earn a credit or two. However, all this changes when one day he comes across a strange electronic key in the ruins of an old Soviet library. What he discovers unexpectedly changes his life forever. But what choice will he make? What path will destiny have in store for him? Only God and Terrium know this.In the year 2039 A.D., the Earth is a world ravaged by the plague of Terrium. Humanity as a species is at the very limits of its survival and men are wolf-like predators, warring against each other. In these tempestuous times, every man forges his own destiny. Do you want to be on the side of good, and to fight for the right cause and save the world from chaos?! Then come and join the WDF, be a soldier in the war against world terrorism and the green plague encroaching upon the entire world. Or do you want to fight for freedom, equality and Brotherhood? And with the Prophet as your messiah, and terrium your religion. The Brotherhood welcomes all new recruits like you with open arms! The training camps always have a place for another brother prepared to give his life for the cause! Have you ever asked yourself what it's like to be one of the guild of seekers - poor, wretched and rejected by society. Risking your life in the lands of the red zone, infected by terrium and forgotten by God. Just to earn another damned credit to ward off starvation… or what it is to be the boss of one of the biggest crime syndicates in Capitolia, the capital of the Eastern Region. Mercilessly spilling the blood of others and your own, in the city streets of the megapolis. And what does it feel like to be the Dictator of an entire people? All power is in your hands, and just the mere mention of your name strikes terror in the hearts of all mortal men and fear is expressed in their eyes! Fate is before you, the choice is yours alone! But know one thing - terrium is your destiny!

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2. Напряжение растет
На закате эпохи
Сказки для сына
Рекомендует Пирогов С.В.

 Авторов: 108906
 Произведений: 1682708

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Рождественский детектив-24

 Александров П.Д.
 Алешко А.В.
 Амазонка Г.
 Аниртак Э.
 Архангельский М.А.
 Беликин К.Г.
 Беличенко Д.Ю.
 Болонкин А.А.
 Бочаров А.В.
 Бучма В.С.
 Верешкина М.С.
 Гайдук А.О.
 Гайдук А.О.
 Громова А.
 Гусаров А.
 Дзюба Е.В.
 Дронова И.А.
 Дубровская Ж.
 Емельянов А.Д.
 Ермолаева О.П.
 Ефанова О.А.
 Ефимова Н.С.
 Жилин В.
 Забалуев В.
 Иванце Ж.
 Игнатущенко А.В.
 Казарян Р.В.
 Капустин С.С.
 Кесс А.
 Котулина М.
 Крис А.
 Кукоба М.Р.
 Курмаева А.С.
 Лэйн К.Я.
 Мизина О.А.
 Мурыгин В.В.
 Нежная А.Л.
 Никитина А.З.
 Огнева В.Е.
 Поликанова А.М.
 Поплавский Ю.В.
 Портнов В.В.
 Родник С.Ю.
 Романова В.
 Садикова Е.
 Секлицкая Т.В.
 Симаева В.А.
 Скорова Л.А.
 Соболь Л.
 Танасюк А.О.
 Тимошин В.И.
 Тюрин А.Р.
 Усольцева П.Ф.
 Фокина О.В.
 Фомирякова К.А.
 Шевченко В.
 Шевченко Л.Я.
 Шипошина Т.В.
 Щеглов Д.Ю.
 Юркова О.С.


  • Androvski V. Red Star Rising Vol.1   70k   Фантастика
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