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The Cheating

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

I'm born again! I am disgusted with
myself, with an imperishable pith
of me, a sort of enmity akin
to xenophobia: the human being
I see in mirrors is a guest from far,
a very far off world. How dare you are
embezzling me - the soul, the mind, the name!
Well, name is yours but what about the same
old fountain pen I thought I left behind?
Oh, sweet oblivion I failed to find!
The death is cheating... On the other hand,
perhaps, it's not so bad for us, my friend.

To die, to be embodied and again
to fill the dearest old fountain pen.

* См. перевод в комментарии 1.

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