Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

Poison of the Love

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Here comes the time of Great Changings,
When morning could no more be born after night.
You wear the mask of the angel,
But I see the demon you're hiding inside,
Your smile is bringing the tears,
Your love is the torture, a fall to the depth,
Your touch gives birth to the fears,
And breath of destruction is heard in your breath.
I know, you rushed in disaster,
You saved me from fire, thrown down from the sky
At me by Heavenly Master,
You gave me the eye-sight, you taught me to fly.
I know, you were the Salvation,
You were blessing prayer, that has set me free
From crosses of my damned nation,
From slow painful dying in His Burning Sea.
It seemed to be Ressurection,
To be something real behind the deep dream,
It broke the last of connections
With past and with future, it made things too clear,
It made the sunlight so blinding,
It stopped all the waters, surrounding the land...
Please, say, why you had to find me?
Which God made you turning into Heaven-Sent?
I feel that your love is poisoned,
I feel that I'm loosing earth under my feet:
You have a million of voices,
A million of faces you showed and you hid.
I feel the cold in your passion,
I feel that you're killing me every of days.
I don't learn from revelations
You share truth about escape from this maze.

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