Богатырёв Андрей Сергеич : другие произведения.

Copyright Notice (barely illegal)

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Illegal notice. Copyright (C) notice.

This page is protected by the Copyright Law of the USA and The Law for the Author's Rights of the Russian Federation. The information presented here is a private property of Andrew Bogatyrev and the access rights are defined as follows:

You are not permitted and it is illegal and against the law:
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To view this page is a crime against the mankind. If you are reading this text, you are in double trouble. If you do please follow this procedure:
  • Immediately call the police to arrest you.
  • Write a letter to spys@kgb.ru to be enqueued to be murdered. Please write "Huh-huh, I am looking into the X-Files or XXX-Files at some illegal site. I need to be killed. Please help."
  • If you have a gun, please shoot yourself.

Violation of these restriction may lead you to be arrested, punished, $666,000 fined or to your legal murder. Please immediately contact us and be prepared.

If you reject to obey these rules, please be prepared that your country will be attacked by the nuclear weapons to restore the lawful order.

If you suspect the author is mad or he just provokes you, you are not right. This page just resembles the rules of some "information resources" that are placed into the open and free access in the Internet, but are not allowed to be copied (Do you know what your browser does? It copies the page to your local computer, moreover often caches it).

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

Как попасть в этoт список

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