This is English adaptation, what means translation of translat/_able_/, i.e. of prosaic part, of one unexpected poetical impromptu of mine, written in the end of corona and protest for Bulgaria 2020 year, which I have never thought to write before, but when our people continue to protest (for half an year) then how can Jotata stay silent? |
Íîâûå êíèãè àâòîðîâ ÑÈ, âûøåäøèå èç ïå÷àòè:
Î.Áîëäûðåâà "Êðàäóø. ×óæèå äóøè"
Ì.Íèêîëàåâ "Âòîðæåíèå íà Çåìëþ"