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Let Us Smile

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Улыбайтесь! Улыбка творит чудеса...

There is a simple thing that we forget about
When we get angry, when we cry and shout.
It seems to us that nothing we can do,
But you can smile, it will change you through.

Your eyes will shine and you'll be in  good mood,
One's smile turnes darkness into light,
Remember something nice and smile to people,
They really need it, try to make it right.

Sometimes it's hard to understand each other,
Don't be so sad, 'cause I know what to do
Let's try to change ourselves and let us smile
And it will help to make our dreams come true.

август -2007 г. 

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