Шляховер Евгений Владимирович : другие произведения.

Комментарии: A study of amorphous metall's electrical properties

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  • © Copyright Шляховер Евгений Владимирович (shlyakh.junior@gmail.com)
  • Размещен: 18/12/2003, изменен: 17/02/2009. 16k. Статистика.
  • Статья: Естествознание
  • Аннотация:
    "Значимость человека определяется не тем, чего он достиг, а скорее тем, чего он дерзает достигнуть." Кахлиль Гибран
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    45. Csrl (carlos1.sokolski@gmail.com) 2019/12/30 16:39 [ответить]
      > > 41.Шляховер Евгений Владимирович
      >смотри мою кошернуюпорнушку со своим иудой
    41. Шляховер Евгений Владимирович (shlyakh@netvision.net.il) 2005/12/16 16:39 [ответить]
      Интересная у Вас статья. Есть над чем подумать.
    40. Oleg O. Feygin (fond@online.kharkiv.com ) 2005/11/17 21:34 [ответить]
      Џ Dmitry I. Korneev
      Doctor Ph., Professor, Academician
      General Director ISTR UASNP
      Nikolaev, Ukraine
      Џ Oleg O. Feygin
      Kharkov, Ukraine
      Contact to authors: fond-nauka@mksat.net
      Processes of metacyclic hardening at complex influence of destabilizing factors /CIDF/ of electrocurrent pulsing treatment /ECPT/ of metals and alloys on a method of academician D.I.Korneev as it was already repeatedly marked 1 - 3, have many of the specific features, which are not meeting at equilibrium crystallization. Main of them will consist in the unique phenomenon of occurrence of the metastable crystalamorphous conglomerates forming finely divided matrix 4, 5.
      Modelling constructions for hardening melts of metals and alloys can be based on system of kinetic ratio determining processes of heat - and masstransfer during quasichemical reactions inside and on an interface of modular phases. One of them is the constitutive equation of metastable thermobalance in a zone of revertive modular transferrings "liquidus - solidus":
      (s) gradT(s) - (l) gradT(l) = N * v(g), (1)
      where (s) and (l) - heattransfer in solid and a fluid phase; * - specific heat of phase changes; v(g) - speed of modular transformations. From the equation (1) follows, that growth rate of microcrystallites first depends on a difference of creations of thermodynamical coordinates of the environment of a hardening melt. Therefore, input padding CIDF, changing internal geometry of thermal fields, results in change of current of modular transformations, limiting their relative speed. Undoubtedly, that on propagation submicrocrystals conglomerates renders the immediate influences the processes proceeding on a surface of channels of electric discharges /CED/ 6, 7. Unfortunately, absence now the advanced theory of the given phenomenon, forces to be limited to only quality consideration.
      According to the schema is higher than the considered nonequilibrium phase changes, revertive quasichemical reactions will proceed as follows:
      (pl) => gradT(l) + g(l)  gradT(s) + g(s); (pl) + gradT(l) => g(l) + g(ls)  gradT(s) + g(s). (2)
      According to the given schema of action of quasichemical reactions streams of plasmoids form an integrated stream of carriers of the charge, dispersing on phase defects of the environment of a metal's melt. Converting and a dissipation of the electromagnetic energy concentrated in trunk of CED, causes local warming up of zones of phase equilibrium and under - melting of microcrystallites. Accompanying magneto-hydrodynamic fluctuations of the environment of a melt destroy in part melted fragments of the reduced dendrites and transport them in a zone of a prevailing liquidus. Here chips of branches of dendrites become the new centers of nonequilibrium formation 8.
      In the previous works 9, 10 some aspects of vortical flowing off shunting currents on at - surface layer have been considered. Represents quite fixed interest consideration of processes of nonequilibrium hardening near to a surface of such skin layer, by drawing up of the following thermobalance:
      p(s) c(s) r3(s) (s) d^2T(s) / dr^2 + v(g) dT(s) / dr = 2^3(s) T(l) - T(s), (3)
      where (s) - factor of heat emission of a solid phase.
      The analysis of a ratio (3) shows, that its left part describes heat diffusivity and thermokinetic changes in skin layer due to moving borders of a solid phase, and the right half is connected to redistribution of heat fluxes diffusively - a convective exchange. In turn, integration of the formula (3) at standard initial and boundary conditions from melting point on high bound of a liquidus up to temperature of full hardening on the bottom border of a solidus results in the following expression:
      ΔT = ΔT(0) exp{r {0,5 v(g) / (s) +0,25 [v(g) / (s)^2 - 2 (s) / (s) r]^0,5}}, (4)
      where ΔЕ(0) - locally - equilibrium difference of temperatures on the top phaseinverse border prior to the beginning of CIDF. With the help of the equation (4), it is possible to present an analytical kind for gradients of a field of the temperatures destroying advanced dendrites, by fusion of their branches:
      gradT(s) =ΔT(0) {0,5 v(g) / (s) - 0,25 [v(g) / (s)^2 - 2 (s) / (s) r]^0,5}. (5)
      The following on the value the factor determining current of phaseinverse processes of aggregation, is speed of thermo-streams through an external surface of the perfect solidus. Laws of such process have the following mathematical form:
      v(t) = T(l) - T(s) (s) p(s) c(s) / π t*^0,5. (6)
      One of the most difficult and insufficiently studied questions of the theory of macrononequilibrium phaseinverse hardening, undoubtedly, the correct analytical description of influence on modular transformations of external and internal electromagnetic fields is.
      Magneto-hydrodynamic effects on border of a solidus as a first approximation can be considered, as some factors limiting a course of thermoconvection and limited in the action to vortical streams of a melt and thermoconvection. Ascending and descending turbulent flows of carrying out molten metal at movement through power lines of a magnetic field test intensive inductive braking. Such resistive effect can compare occurrence transversely - horizontal component at melt flow. This in some approximation can be considered as magnetic viscosity of the fluid carrying out environment. Boundary conditions of the account of the phenomena of magnetic viscosity as it are well-known, observance of criterion:
      M* = H r(p) / R(m) ^0,5 > 1, (7)
      where R(m) - electroresistance of a melt;  - dynamic viscosity of environment. Accordingly, the constitutive equation for a stream of a thermal energy will look like:
      dT / dt = (l) ^2T - v(g) dT / dr. (8)
      As against vortical turbulent flows, sluggish streamline flow of a melt results in the accelerated anisotropic propagation of dendritic branches and crystallites. Their development, as a rule, occurs in a direction against the basic accumulating current. It is connected to well enough investigated phenomenon of ablation, consisting of washing off by an accumulating stream of a liquid melt active dissolved a component from the side of the microcrystals inverted to current. During too time, convective turbulent flows, filtrate chips of microcrystallites among the basic dendritic branches. In part, there is the secondary destruction of peripheral dendritic formations to the subsequent formation of chaotic conglomerates 11.
      Well-known, that crystallization of melts in normal thermo-equilibrium conditions. Without participation of any synthetic factors proceeds from initial cellular to a shish-kebab structure. Thus at butt of a trunk cells of structural heterogeneities which subsequently can develop in dendritic branches are formed. Influence of CIDF renders dual influence on phase changes. On the one hand, their input accelerates processes of the secondary nucleation of chips of branches of dendrites. It increases probability of occurrence of defects of structure of a trunk cells. On the other hand, CIDF destroys the advanced branches of dendrites, and retard initial nucleating a solid phase. Accompanying disintegration of CED's trunk heat production fluxes the advanced structures of crystallites. The given processes proceed practically synchronously and their competition, and defines evolution of crystal-amorphous phase-inverse conditions. Together it results all in occurrence of a close-packed close-grained polycrystalline phase.
      Comparison of standard normalizing thermal-cycle processing of low alloy alloys with ECPT shows, that transformation of central sites of dendrites starved by alloying elements into perlite, is accompanied by quenching of external beds with formation of martensite. Here direct analogies with ECPT, causing effects of reorganization with crushing primarily - hardened grains and disintegration of equilibrium formations, including poorly doped chips of dendrites, are looked through.
      In standard conditions of equilibrium crystallization, formation standard structures are accompanied with microsegregation. Its basic display consists in occurrence exuberant phases in interdendritic intervals. Absence inclusions after ECPT confirm efficiency of a method and can be interpreted, as consequence of action of convection fluxes and diffusive mass-transport. As a result of integration of the given processes there will be a strong limitation of development of microsweat and its repressing which is not allowing it to develop in macroprocess.
      Special interest will give crystallographic research of dynamics of change of dendrite's structure dispersity at CIDF. As modelling approach of the given process, it is possible to consider change of balance of quantity of the dissolved component. Then, the fraction superseded at increase of concentration of dominating chemical ingredient, will be included into expression:
      Δm(s) C(l) - C(s) = 1 - m(s) ΔC(l), (9)
      where Δm(s) - change of weight fraction of a solid phase; C(l), C(s) - concentration a component of a melt in liquid and a solid phase; ΔC(l) - a difference of concentration of fluid ingredients before replacement in a melt. Received expression can be transformed in view of the phenomenon of revertive diffusion through a phase boundary as follows:
      C(l) - C(s) dr(p) / dt = r - r(p) dC(l) / dt + D(s) dC(s) / dr, (10)
      where r(p) - thickness undressed modular phases; D(s) - a diffusivity in a phase of the expressed solidus.
      Complex character dendritic concentrate and necessity to take into account metastable processes of thermodiffusion complicates search of exact decisions of set of equations (9) and (10). As an indisputable unique conclusion that as a first approximation dispersion degree of dendrites, in particular the linear sizes of branches of the secondary crystallites depend on size of boundary thermo-gradients in the inversely proportional image can serve. Crystallographic aspects of ECPT's influence are reduced to degradation of dendrites, their destruction, and participation of their fragments of chips in the secondary heterogeneous crystal-amorphous hardening. Because of such processes, there is a reduction of intercrystalline distances to condensation of the common structure 12.
      1. Feygin O.O. Action of high-energy electroimpulses on metal melts // SciTecLibrary. com. 2003. - http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/rus/catalog/pages/5294.html
      2. Korneev D.I., Feygin O.O. Korneev D.I., Feygin O.O. Paradoxical physics of super-power impulsing discharges // Ibid. - http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/rus/catalog/pages/5347.html
       3. Korneev D.I., Feygin O.O. Phenomenological thermodynamics of super-energy electroimpulses in metal melt // Ibid. -
       4. Korneev D.I., Feygin O.O. Термодинамика жидких металлов при сверхвысоких энергиях электротокового воздействия // Ibid. - http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/rus/catalog/pages/5454.html
       5. Petrenko S.S., Feygin O.O. Nonequilibrium crystallization of metal melts // Ibid. -
      6. Korneev D.I., Feygin O.O. Quasicrystallization of metals at ultrahigh energy of action // Ibid. -
       7. Korneev D.I., Feygin O.O. Electrophysical methods of control by the crystallization of welded metal // Ibid. -
       8. Korneev D.I., Feygin O.O. Theoretical explorations of processes high-energy electrophysical treatments of metal's melts // Ibid. - http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/rus/catalog/pages/6436.html
      9. Korneev D.I., Feygin O.O. Mechanisms of the operation of electroimpulses channels in the metal's melts // Ibid. -
       10. Korneev D.I., Feygin O.O. Superhigh-energy electroimpulses in the metal's melt // Ibid. -
       11. Petrenko S.S., Feygin O.O. Macro-nonequilibrium model of the quasicyclic solidification of metal-alloys // Ibid. -
       12. Korneev D.I., Feygin O.O. Superenergy electropulsing treatment of weld joints // Ibid. -
    39. Шляховер Евгений Владимирович (shlyakh@netvision.net.il) 2004/08/07 12:35 [ответить]
      > > 38.Ломачинский Андрей Анатольевич
      >Ну это ж стандартный 4-пп (four point probe). У меня такой тоже есть и сорс такой же самый (Aligent).
      Да. Довольно известный в науке способ.
      Чем в науке вы занимаетесь?
    38. Ломачинский Андрей Анатольевич (alomatchinski@yahoo.com) 2004/08/07 00:22 [ответить]
      Ну это ж стандартный 4-пп (four point probe). У меня такой тоже есть и сорс такой же самый (Aligent).
    37. Шляховер Евгений Владимирович (shlyakh@netvision.net.il) 2004/04/12 14:44 [ответить]
      > > 36.anapon
      >> > 25.Шляховер Евгений Владимирович
      >>> > 24.Гальцов Максим
      >36.anapon: Я приветствую публикацию,поскольку в ней правильно и наглядно отображены основные положения,касающиеся электрических свойств металлов и сплавов в аморфном состоянии.Автору-Е.В.Шляховеру-
      Это Вам спасибо за высокую оценку и теплые слова!
      >Если Вы владеете литературными данными об электрических свойствах
      >НАНОКОМПОЗИТОВ,напишите подобную статью или ПРИВЕДИТЕ,пожалуйста,
      >список литературы.СПАСИБО еще раз! А.Пономаренко
      К сожалению нет времени написать статью и литературой тоже не владею. :(
      Я поискал про нанокомпозиты в инете и вот что нашел:
      (зайдите по этой ссылке)
    36. *anapon (anapon@mail.ru) 2004/04/08 17:47 [ответить]
      > > 25.Шляховер Евгений Владимирович
      >> > 24.Гальцов Максим
      >>А где русская версия?
      >Будут силы - переведу!
      >Спасибо что зашел!
      36.anapon: Я приветствую публикацию,поскольку в ней правильно и наглядно отображены основные положения,касающиеся электрических свойств металлов и сплавов в аморфном состоянии.Автору-Е.В.Шляховеру-
      Если Вы владеете литературными данными об электрических свойствах
      НАНОКОМПОЗИТОВ,напишите подобную статью или ПРИВЕДИТЕ,пожалуйста,
      список литературы.СПАСИБО еще раз! А.Пономаренко
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