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Комментарии: Because you are too beautiful

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  • © Copyright Zhukov T.A. (as_if_me_here@yahoo.com)
  • Размещен: 27/12/2005, изменен: 27/12/2005. 1k. Статистика.
  • Стихотворение: Поэзия
  • ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ: Поэзия (последние)
    01:38 Новиков В.А. "Деньги - зло, храни в сбербанке" (2/1)
    01:08 Borneo "Эзопов язык" (18/5)
    23:29 Ив. Н. "Сор из избы, 21/11/2024 17:52" (1)
    22:51 Чваков Д. "Чёрт играет на скрипке" (18/2)

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    00:29 "Форум: Трибуна люду" (847/18)
    19:02 "Диалоги о Творчестве" (207/1)
    15/11 "Форум: Литературные объявления" (664)
    25/11 "О блокировании "Самиздата"" (294)
    ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ: (все обсуждения) (последние)
    03:19 Самиздат "Технические вопросы "Самиздата"" (168/31)
    03:08 Нейтак А.М. "Pro et contra, or The way " (156/3)
    03:07 Давыдов С.А. "Флудилка Универсальная" (583/2)
    02:58 Fisher E. "Террор Британской Империи" (5/1)
    02:51 Вьетов В.В. "Дороги наших городов" (40/1)
    02:51 Кротов С.В. "Чаганов: Война. Часть 4" (184/15)
    02:45 Толстой В.И. "Артиллерия в мире Аи-Амт" (591/5)
    02:10 Чернов К.Н. "Записки Империалиста Книга " (587/16)
    02:09 Lem A. "Магнитная теория гравитации" (34/1)
    02:05 Nazgul "Магам земли не нужны" (805/4)
    02:05 Коркханн "Угроза эволюции" (743/32)
    01:57 Гончарова Г.Д. "Устинья, дочь боярская - 1. " (149/1)
    01:53 Баламут П. "Ша39 Стратегия и тактика противодействия " (562/1)
    01:48 Ангорский А.А. "О жизни и физическом времени" (3/1)
    01:38 Новиков В.А. "Деньги - зло, храни в сбербанке" (2/1)
    01:31 Юрченко С.Г. "Свет Беспощадный" (690/2)
    01:22 Джерри Л. "После" (22/2)
    01:13 Estellan "Больница в Москве" (2/1)
    01:12 Родин Д.М. "Князь Барбашин 3" (797/1)
    01:09 Николаев М.П. "Телохранители" (75/1)

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    ПОСЛЕДНИЕ ПОСТУПЛЕНИЯ: (7day) (30day) (Рассылка)
    00:39 Патрацкая Н.В. "Маг Грановский"
    21/11 Кукин В. "Случайные рифмы"
    21/11 Моисеева О.Ю. "Сердце Кометы"
    14. *Рэмптон 2007/02/01 12:28 [ответить]
      Самого счастливого Дня рождения, милая Таня!
      Пусть всё сбудется, пожалуйста.
      With devotion,
    13. Voronkov Michael (m_voronkov@yahoo.com) 2006/01/17 19:40 [ответить]
      > > 12.ta
      >> > 11.Voronkov Michael
      >>> > 10.ta
      >The "things" will allow me to leave/enter the country w/o trouble. And i intend to do so. Home means HOME!
      Ah, those Dorothy's red shoes... Congratulations!
      Sometimes writing is like walking on to Hitchcock's movie set ;-)
    12. ta (as_if_me_here@yahoo.com) 2006/01/17 18:31 [ответить]
      > > 11.Voronkov Michael
      >> > 10.ta
      >>> > 9.Voronkov Michael
      >>>As a bonus they will let me read a "biochemistry" course in September. So it is definitely not for money.
      >>Is this what you wanted?
      >This question is always retrospective, somewhat similar to "although victory has usually many fathers, failure is always an orphan".
      (giggling): Just listen to yourself, you sound in a russian manner, dramatize things in a touchy-feely way: refer to fathers and hitch an orphan as a cat to the bunch of cans.
      (observing the result)
      Kid brought from school yesterday: "Opportunity is missed by most people because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work."
      Edison? -- Whoever. No drama, right? You've got an opportunity, and i hope, it tickles your fancy. Which is the best thing i know.
      >>You call it a bonus, so definitely it is. A fresh start of academic career after years in industry... ))) Decisions, decisions...
      >Actually this going to be a mix. It would seem that nothing in Russia exists in pure form. Well, besides corruption.
      >>Doesn't sound bad to me, i'm in love with second chances)))
      >I knew someone just like that who would never write first :-)
      First of all goes anyone's liberty. Period. Guess why ;)
      (getting away and snuggling at the distance): That was below the belt, though)))
      >>Oh, yes, want to come home on summer break.
      >That would be Midwest, right?
      And why would i mention Midwest? I can go there any long weekend. (furiously) Wrong! As everything else (i kept my temper until now, didn't i?)))
      The "things" will allow me to leave/enter the country w/o trouble. And i intend to do so. Home means HOME!
      Ok, those are just irrelevant details :)
    11. Voronkov Michael (m_voronkov@yahoo.com) 2006/01/16 23:58 [ответить]
      > > 10.ta
      >> > 9.Voronkov Michael
      >>> > 8.ta
      >>>What's the update?
      >>>(not requiring an "honest to God" answer, "honest to me" will do))))
      >>What a poor guy can do when they make an offer you cannot refuse and nobody holds a gun to your head? I said "aha" and signed on a dotted line. Not too smart, isn't it?
      >>As a bonus they will let me read a "biochemistry" course in September. So it is definitely not for money.
      >Is this what you wanted?
      This question is always retrospective, somewhat similar to "although victory has usually many fathers, failure is always an orphant".
      >You call it a bonus, so definitely it is. A fresh start of academic career after years in industry... ))) Decisions, decisions...
      Actually this going to be a mix. It would seem that nothing in Russia exists in pure form. Well, besides corruption.
      >Doesn't sound bad to me, i'm in love with second chances)))
      I knew someone just like that who would never write first :-)
      >Nothing in particular. Most probably will go on the job market as soon as "things" will be through. I don't know when. I see some progress but taking into account how long i was waiting it's hard to believe the obvious.
       Don't worry and although I have not a slightest idea what you do, getting a gob vs. not getting one is nowdays 19:1. And taking a creative approach to one's resume could do wonders. Somehow I think you would have no problems with that either :-)
      >That's it.
      >Oh, yes, want to come home on summer break.
      That would be Midwest, right?
    10. ta (as_if_me_here@yahoo.com) 2006/01/16 22:15 [ответить]
      > > 9.Voronkov Michael
      >> > 8.ta
      >>> > 7.Voronkov Michael
      >>What's the update?
      >>(not requiring an "honest to God" answer, "honest to me" will do))))
      >What a poor guy can do when they make an offer you cannot refuse and nobody holds a gun to your head? I said "aha" and signed on a dotted line. Not too smart, isn't it?
      >As a bonus they will let me read a "biochemistry" course in September. So it is definitely not for money.
      Is this what you wanted? You call it a bonus, so definitely it is. A fresh start of academic career after years in industry... ))) Decisions, decisions... Doesn't sound bad to me, i'm in love with second chances)))
      >It may also mean to put my typing skills on hold :-(
      It may, but i doubt it.
      >What's up with you?
      Nothing in particular. Most probably will go on the job market as soon as "things" will be through. I don't know when. I see some progress but taking into account how long i was waiting it's hard to believe the obvious.
      That's it.
      Oh, yes, want to come home on summer break.
    9. Voronkov Michael (m_voronkov@yahoo.com) 2006/01/16 21:42 [ответить]
      > > 8.ta
      >> > 7.Voronkov Michael
      >>> > 6.ta
      >What's the update?
      >(not requiring an "honest to God" answer, "honest to me" will do))))
      What a poor guy can do when they make an offer you cannot refuse and nobody holds a gun to your head? I said "aha" and signed on a dotted line. Not too smart, isn't it?
      As a bonus they will let me read a "biochemistry" course in September. So it is definitely not for money. It may also mean to put my typing skills on hold :-(
      What's up with you?
    8. ta (as_if_me_here@yahoo.com) 2006/01/16 20:56 [ответить]
      > > 7.Voronkov Michael
      >> > 6.ta
      >>> > 5.Voronkov Michael
      >>>>Back from Piter?
      >>> I wish... To be more precise thinking about accepting a job here. After 15 years they have every right to call me insane. We shall see.
      >>Убрала рациональное начало к черту.
      >I did like your rational self though.
      Yeah, right, my mom does too, let alone significant other. On the other hand in the long run it works better then sounds.
      What's the update?
      (not requiring an "honest to God" answer, "honest to me" will do))))
    7. Voronkov Michael (m_voronkov@yahoo.com) 2006/01/05 10:50 [ответить]
      > > 6.ta
      >> > 5.Voronkov Michael
      >>> > 4.ta
      >>>Back from Piter?
      >> I wish... To be more precise thinking about accepting a job here. After 15 years they have every right to call me insane. We shall see.
      >Убрала рациональное начало к черту.
      I did like your rational self though.
      >У меня с этой частью хрониццкий конфликт. Что я тебе такого могу сказать, чего ты сам не знаешь? Правильно, ничего.
      Makes two of us. Status vs money - ego vs brain. But what about poor immigrant sole? The ultimate lapse of reason.
      >С утра было инсэйн, а к вечеру...
      >В любом случае удачи тебе.
      Спасибо, Тань. No passaran
    6. ta (as_if_me_here@yahoo.com) 2006/01/05 01:26 [ответить]
      > > 5.Voronkov Michael
      >> > 4.ta
      >>> > 3.Voronkov Michael
      >>Back from Piter?
      > I wish... To be more precise thinking about accepting a job here. After 15 years they have every right to call me insane. We shall see.
      Убрала рациональное начало к черту. У меня с этой частью хрониццкий конфликт. Что я тебе такого могу сказать, чего ты сам не знаешь? Правильно, ничего.
      С утра было инсэйн, а к вечеру...
      В любом случае удачи тебе.
      >But you probably knew that, didn't you?
      >I have no recollection of that, senator!
      Sure. How can i see it? (just kidding)
      >>And about the very "last question" i'm sure you are thinking that it was an unworkable thread.
      >You know, some great minds work in misterous ways, so I gave it a shot ;-)
      Observing mostly: yeah, i know one.
      >>I meant my side, of course)))
      >(talking underbreath): we did post a "most wanted" on every virtual wall around here... What can you do, they've gone in hiding for a while.
      we? (and hiding)
      >I liked him a lot in "Kur'er". Well, now (after what I take is your emphatic blessings to it) I'm thinking of actually giving M&M another try.
      no-no-no, i'm not gonna be held responsible for that. If i'm gonna be convicted, please, think of something substantially worse.
      >I do not dare to ask. Syriana?!
      Yep, i was pleased w/ goodnight&goodluck and not gonna abandon an object of, say, respect)))
      >Ok, I'll buy a DVD. Geeeze, some people have strong convictions ;-)
      I don't know, if it's worth to buy a DVD (cheaper than tickets either way). As far as i know, it's not released on DVD here and seems to be "limited" in a good way (not as elite as goodnight&goodluck was).
    5. Voronkov Michael (m_voronkov@yahoo.com) 2006/01/04 18:42 [ответить]
      > > 4.ta
      >> > 3.Voronkov Michael
      >>> > 2.ta
      >Back from Piter?
      I wish... To be more precise thinking about accepting a job here. After 15 years they have every right to call me insane. We shall see.
      >>>And I meant it to be phonetic as in latin.
      >>Hey, there is no better ice-breaker as one's poem ;-)
      >So, you know, that i know, that you know... OK, it was the last question i answered. But you probably knew that, didn't you?
      I have no recollection of that, senator!
      >And about the very "last question" i'm sure you are thinking that it was an unworkable thread.
      You know, some great minds work in misterous ways, so I gave it a shot ;-)
      >The ice-feature is definitely, no, infinitely overstated.
      >I meant my side, of course)))
      (talking underbreath): we did post a "most wanted" on every virtual wall around here... What can you do, they've gone in hiding for a while.
      >>>Are you watching Master&Margarita?
      >>No. I observed a person watching M&M for 15 min - impressive. Well, I'm being cynical a tiny bit - they were casting good actors, at least those I used to consider to be good.
      >))) Actors are perfect. Basilashvili seems too wide for his character (i don't have a copy yet), but i like the man.
      I liked him a lot in "Kur'er". Well, now (after what I take is your emphatic blessings to it) I'm thinking of actually giving M&M another try.
      >>How things are on Wesrtern front?
      >Round and round and round it goes. Actually, nothing is happening. I was going to watch Syriana. Now 3 weeks are gone, i've got the book, but haven't seen the movie. Business as usual)))
      I do not dare to ask. Syriana?!
      >BTW, Times reviewed M&M in such a way, that no homemade movie could come close for almost a month. They are unbelievably russian influenced lately. Something is cooking ;)
      Ok, I'll buy a DVD. Geeeze, some people have strong convictions ;-)
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