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Who Am I

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    Одна дама, из приверженцев древних религий, попросила меня написать корткое эссе на тему а кто же я, собственно говоря, такая, пржде чем попасть на её занятия. А я в то время как раз начала читать моего обожаемого Генри Лонгфелло, "Песнь о Гайавате" на английском и сравнивать с детскими впечатленями от великолепного русского перевода... Ну вот и написалось, совершенно в его духе и даже размере.

   You bespoke, you inquired, you requested me to speak up
   and unfold you the story of my self, my quest, and praises
   that I give to Lord and Lady, to the most revered High Ones.
   Who am I? A spark of Fire of the love-dance of Creation,
   I am a yarn of Utmost Weaver intertwined with other colors.
   I am beloved of my Dragon of the wisdom and compassion,
   I am helper and uplifter for the ones whose hearts had suffered.
   I descend from weird mixture of refined and subtle ladies,
   of the worriers and sovereigns, and the cold soils farmers,
   and the wisemen of the forests, deep in rituals and visions.
   Should you ask me what tradition do I follow and consider,
   I should say it doesn't matter as we all are of the High One.
   I accept all that's sincere and for betterment of spirit,
   all that helps us persevere and enjoy our lives to fullest,
   All that pays respect to Gone ones and protects the souls to sprout.
   I accept the cross and crescent, six-ray star, the union symbol,
   I accept the Old Tradition: North- and South-, East- and Westward,
   I accept but don't follow for the One is One for all us, undivided and eternal.
   For the One has many Faces (that we call the Gods and Spirits),
   For the One can reach us that way choosing wisely what the children
   can accept, digest and process, practice, learn, and thrive, and pass on.
   What I know? I do know something - drop in wisdom's richest ocean,
   Straw in piles of ancient knowledge, blink in time's eternal canvas.
   What I want? I want the oneness of profane and most sacred,
   Swirl of skirts and cries of passion, drums and harmony of sounds,
   Drops of blood when skin is pierced, flight of joyfulness and horror,
   Goddess coming down to touch you, bliss, and universe becoming
   so small - you can embrace it, so big - you go wander,
   laugh, and cry, and try the road. Journeying to realms beyond life,
   Seeing what is long-forgotten, shifting shapes and running freely
   on the green plains that unknown to the most of the mortals...
   You bespoke, you inquired, you requested me to speak up...
   Who am I? A spark of Fire of the love-dance of Creation.

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