Гумилевский Геннадий Алексеевич : другие произведения.

Short Christian articles in Englis

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Short Christian articles in English

Не зная английского языка, я решился перевести короткие
христианские свои статьи через Гугл на английский с
надеждой привлечь больше внимания к ним.


"Living faith is impossible without prayer. It must be admitted that
the idea of prayer of modern people does not express its essence.
People think that you need to pray on holidays, and even in the
morning, in the evening, before meals, after meals; and they do not
know that prayer can be unquenchable, eternally warming in the depths
of a human being. Prayer has countless forms and contents, for it
accompanies a believer throughout his life."

One day, I got into a conversation at a bus stop with an elderly
woman. We talked about our problems and also about our relationship
with God. She was somehow very calm, despite her worries of those
days. I have often noticed this state in elderly, deeply religious
people. Out of our entire conversation, I was surprised by her story
about her evening prayer. The fact is that she did not have a prayer
book, a collection of prayers, and she was worried about how correct
her appeal to God in prayer was.

Regretting this, she told me that she simply talks with God as with
the One who is very close to her, in whom she loves and in whom she
hopes. And I understood her that at this time nothing else exists for
her, she only tells Him about her life and consults with Him about
everything that worries her, rushing to Him with all her thoughts with
hope and love. And her words flow easily, as if someone is helping her
with this about the entire past day and its worries. She told Him what
she managed to do and what didn"t turn out the way she wanted. And she
asked Him about this, knowing that God would answer her. And she will
wait for His answer and the help for which she asks Him. Her entire
conversation was intertwined with words of gratitude and sometimes
tears. This was her prayer, which left in me the memory of her warmth
and deep trust in God. Our intimacy with God should never be
interrupted. We must ALWAYS REMEMBER that we are connected to God by
LOVE, His love for us and ours for Him.


Is it possible to talk about your love with music?
It turns out that it is possible when she is divine

1) James Last "The Lonely Shepherd"
2) Chopin "Melody of Paradise"
3) Sole Mio Pavarotti and others
4) 10 amazing properties of music
5) Yasya Degtyarova

Should a husband fulfill his wife's words?

Two interesting notes: At the beginning of the Bible it says that the
husband (Adam) fulfilled the words of his wife and ate the forbidden
fruit. Adam committed a sin and lost salvation, and in the end the
husband (Pilate) did not fulfill the words of his wife and also
committed a sin - he handed Christ over to execution. "As he sat in
the judgment seat, his wife sent him to say: "Do not harm the
Righteous One, for now I have suffered much for Him in a dream"
(Matthew 27:19).

Therefore, the head of the family must be guided by reason and make a
decision based on the advice of his wife, wisely. This is true? Yes,
this is true, because the head of the family, including for the wife,
according to the Bible, is the husband. The husband must understand
that if what the wife says is pleasing to the Lord, then it must be
done with gratitude for God and for the wife. But Pilate still
understood that Christ was from God and the advice from his wife was a
reminder to him to do what was pleasing to God. Eve, however, spoke,
unlike Pilate's wife, what was displeasing to God. Yes, the wife is an
adviser. Sometimes this is a bad adviser, sometimes a good one. The
husband must take into account his wife"s words and make decisions. He
is responsible for these decisions. Consultation is necessary and
beneficial: "Discord comes from arrogance, but wisdom comes from those
who consult" (Proverbs 13:10).

The meaning of baptism, short text.

"Jesus was about thirty years old when he began his
ministry" (Luke 3:23)
"According to Jewish tradition, a man reaches responsibility and
spiritual maturity at age 30, and only at this age can he begin to
teach and preach. This means that in matters of faith, adult society
did not respect or listen to the words of a person under 30 years
of age. Thus, here too the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrates great
humility and waits for his 30th birthday to legally begin his public
ministry" https://dzen.ru/a/ZCPWaGzpbAqL

Christ performed baptism as a necessary rite for believers in
order to become priests of God for all people on earth. The Son
of God showed people, while in the human body, an EXAMPLE
of fulfilling baptism for SERVING believers to God and people in
their upcoming, everyday life. Thus, baptism is a NECESSARY
rite of dedication of a BELIEVER for Christian SERVICE to God
and people.
And if the Birth from Again can take place up to the age of 30,
then baptism is intended to take place at the age of thirty and
older, ACCORDING TO THE EXAMPLE OF Christ. Christ is an example for
believers in everything, including at the age of
baptism NOT earlier than THIRTY years. "Whoever says that he abides in
Him must walk as He walked" (1 John 2:6).

The question of the Lord's decision to be baptized at the age
of thirty remains OPEN and here's why: "Whoever says he abides
in Him must DO as He DID" (1 John 2:6). Every believer who
decides to perform baptism must FIRST repent before God!
Only repentance before God must be performed by every believer.
Otherwise the baptism will not be true. CONFESSION of sins to people
and church ministers CANNOT BE CONFUSED with repentance.
Baptism is intended only for the believer's ministry in his life with
people, only for the fulfillment of his upcoming priesthood. The
Apostle Peter admonishes Christians, saying: "build yourselves
into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood." (1 Peter 2:5). The
priesthood designates a ministry for every believer. Repentance
and Birth again always occur at the same time. The Holy Spirit
carries out the Birth from above and participates in repentance,
helps the believer, but the beginning of repentance is carried out
by the believer himself. Baptism is also carried out by the Holy
Spirit, but only for those who have fulfilled repentance and
received the Birth from above.

Of course, ministry includes bringing the Word of God to people,
but not only, since our actions in life often tell people more than j
ust our explanation of Bible truths. Therefore, the age of the
believer who is baptized is of great importance when serving
people, so people trust more adult preachers of the Word of God.
Therefore, the question of the Lord"s decision to be baptized at
the age of thirty remains OPEN and here"s why: "Whoever says he abides
in Him must DO as He DID" (1 John 2:6).

Why does God need people?

Why did God create people and why does God need people? Here is my
answer: FIRST reason LONELINESS is alien to God. The feeling of
loneliness is a very sad, bad state. Apparently, therefore, at the
beginning of all eternity, God created His Son and the Holy Spirit
through the separation of His essence. So God never had loneliness.
Later God created angels, and later the first people.

The SECOND reason is the joy of CREATIVITY. I realized this when I
worked as an engineer (designer).

THIRST for mutual love is the THIRD reason. If we love someone, we
always want to have love in return, that is, to be loved too. Mutual
love brings the highest happiness: both for God and for man. And all
this is inherent in God. Only people who love God, that is, those born
again, can be with God in eternity. The article "You must be born
again. The main commandment of God" speaks about this.

Those who are born again receive the Holy Spirit from God into their
spirit, and therefore love. The Bible states that love is the Divine
state of man, the presence of God by His Spirit in us, the presence of
the Holy Spirit in man. "The love of God has been poured out into our
hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us" (1 John 5:5).
The born again are children of God who love God and their love for God
is MUTUAL love for God, giving God joy and happiness. 


I would like to give you a human parable. This parable is about our
lamentation and grumbling: One man came to God with a complaint that
his cross, his fate, was too heavy...The Lord takes him to the barn,
opens the locks, and there is a huge number of crosses - very
different: metal, wooden, carved , big, small and says: "Choose which
one you like." The man was delighted, chose for a long time, tried it
on, tried it for weight, and finally brought out the thinnest and
lightest one and joyfully shouted: "Here, this one, why didn"t you
give it to me right away?" To which the Lord replies: "So this is your
cross." At first I was delighted by the beautiful parable, but upon
coming to my senses I immediately realized that this parable was about
my entire past life. And bitter memories came and engulfed me, from
which there was no escape and nowhere to hide...

Reincarnation theory

Gennady: I once asked a follower of the theory of reincarnation, what
does the transmigration of souls give a person? He answered me:
perfection. I asked: How can you tell me that I was someone else? He:
According to individual memories: you accidentally hit your head
against the wall and start remembering whether this happened to you
somewhere in a past life. Gennady: Yes, I hit myself somehow, but I
don"t remember anything like that in a past life, and I don"t remember
anything about this life, maybe I need to hit myself a few more times?
He: this is not given to everyone, but only to the gifted.

I realized that I was not one of the gifted, but still asked again: If
I do not have the memory of the entire past, and therefore the past
mind, then this speaks of the death of a person, but you assure that
the person continues to live. However, why does a person need to die
every time in order to become better? Maybe it would be better to
improve during life? Then may your God simply lengthen your life for
this. He: don"t do too much philosophy, remember more, maybe you"ll
remember something, not everyone is given this.

Gennady: then I have one more question for you. A person can turn into
an animal after death: a mosquito or a pig? He: yes, why not? Gennady:
Here is a man who was a professor during his lifetime, and then he was
reincarnated as a pig, and now he will receive more perfection? He:
maybe a person will correct his shortcomings during his life as a pig.
Gennady: will being a pig help him do this? He: I don"t want to talk
with you, because your examples are somehow bad, since a professor can
become not only a pig, but also another animal, and he can also remain
a human. Gennady: Thank you very much, I liked your last words, that
the professor may not be a pig and will remain a man. At this point we


To understand the UNITY of the Trinity in everything, you need to
understand that the essence of the Son and the Holy Spirit is the
essence of the Heavenly Father, separated by the Father in the
"beginning of eternity" of everything, and therefore for the entire
Trinity is the same in everything. This can be explained by the
example of an apple cut into three parts, when each part is also an
apple and is called and is in its essence an apple. The essence of the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit is Divinity, that is, God. The words Deity
and God are equivalent in all dictionaries, as well as in Wikipedia.

Father Son Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father and His creation of the Son and the Holy Spirit. 
We have a misconception about the birth of the Son of God. This
happens to us when we read John 3:16, which says that the Son of God
is the "Only Begotten" Son. It is difficult for people to understand
how a father can give birth to a child, since a woman (mother) gives
birth to children.

The answer to this is given to us by the Bible, its beginning, where
it is said that God CREATED a woman from a man"s rib. God took part of
a man's flesh and from that part he created another man. Nothing is
impossible with God, and therefore we can say that this part helped
the creation, since it contained the necessary data for this. God
created His Son from Himself. God the Son is the part SEPARATED by
God. Likewise, the Holy Spirit is a part of God. The Son of God and
the Holy Spirit are each God in their essence, but all creating
according to the will of the Father.

However, the Bible does not speak about the creation of the Holy
Spirit. God the Father SEPARATED the Holy Spirit DIFFERENTLY from His
Son so that He separated only Body and Soul for Him. The Father did
not separate His Spirit of God and the Spirit of God remained JOINT
with the Father, both for the Father and for the Holy Spirit, and
therefore the Third Person is called the Holy Spirit. The Son of God
is completely separated from the Father, not only by Body and Soul,
but also by the Holy Spirit of God.

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are separate Persons, united in Their
actions: what the Father does and says, the Son and the Holy Spirit do
and say. The Son of God and the Holy Spirit are each God in their
essence, but they all create according to the will of the Heavenly

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