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Foton Kamnev's birthday

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  Foton Kamnev's birthday
  (sci-fi story)
  "The space plane silently cut through the blackness of the universe. The stars shone without twinkling. The eternal cosmic night, illuminated by the white light of the ship's signal lights, was.
  Vlad pressed a button, and a giant carpet of solar sails opened behind the glider. The first blocks of ice flashed across the cockpit screen. Ahead was the Kuiper belt and the outer edge of the solar system. It was the gateway to space, a favorite competition venue for space diving enthusiasts.
  Through the cosmic dust, Vlad saw hundreds of signal lights - these were homemade boats of the same space lovers, racing at breakneck speed. The glider jerked and rushed forward, as if he felt the joy of meeting his comrades.
  A low-power on-board computer began searching for contact with other ships. Vlad turned on the program block and chose the "game" option.
  Jumping into space was his favorite pastime. Two hundred crazy pilots in ships weighing no more than forty tons were looking for some kind of cargo spacecraft, which was preparing to reach sublight speed, and, maneuvering between asteroids, made turns around it. Who else will have more. Moreover, the enemy's task was to prevent the other glider from making an extra turn.
  - Ivan, - Vlad turned to the humanoid robot sitting in the navigator's chair.
  - Yes, commander!
  - Why do you call me that ?!
  - Your reactions and biocurrents indicate that at the moment you do not want me to call you "Master".
  - You're right! Tell me, do you get biocurrents from approaching gliders?
  - No, commander! But I want to note that taking a telepathic robot with you does not comply with the rules of the space tag game.
  Vlad didn't say anything.
  - I guess what you are thinking, commander, - said Ivan, - you blame yourself for getting into my memory block when I refused to carry out your geometry assignment.
  - Yes, but as a result you began to read minds!
  - Sufficient compensation, considering that telepathic robots are produced by Free Life only under a special patent ...
  - And they cost one and a half million credit cards.
  The ship was speed up.
  Captain Whirlwind Kamnev is dead tired in the feel. "In all thirty years that I have flown into space, there has not been such a terrible flight, - he thought. - The expedition has not come to an end yet, and there are already two corpses on board".
  Rather, one is dead and the other is in a coma. And both are the leading scientists of our world. The color and glory of Ruthenia. The investigation found nothing.
  One thing became clear: they were both engaged in the same task - simulating the physical conditions and the chemical composition of stars. One died of a heart attack and the other suffered a stroke. And at the time of the start, both were completely healthy.
  Three of the best minds on the planet were sent on an expedition by the Ruthenian Academy of Sciences to solve the riddle of the passage of tunnels through hyperspace. How possible was this in ancient times?
  Light Perunov was dead. Kievsky Slavnov - unconscious. It is good that Prince Tsarev is healthy. I had to put him under house arrest in the salon. For safety.
  What did Tsarev show? Nothing became clear from his testimony. He only said that he had also taken up the problem of the physical chemistry of stars, and wrote a note to Perunov. He left it on the library table. Actually, that's how it all started ... "
  Whirlwind Kamnev went to check the ship. "Ruthenia..- he thought, - one day, when no one remembers, our ancestors moved here. They brought culture, language, traditions. They lost memory of their homeland.
  Our language is spoken in one of the settlements of Mars, located a couple of light years from the Sun of Ruthenia, and in other parts of the Galaxy. But even there it is not known who led their starships here and where they are from.
  And now I, the best star navigator of the planet, have been instructed to navigate the ship through the vastness of space, find new Russian-speaking worlds, build a network, a figure from many points, in the center of which is the point of the world where our ancestors came from.
  Such a task cannot be solved with the help of an ordinary spacecraft moving at a speed close to the speed of light. Its crew must go into suspended animation to survive decades of space flight. Ruthenia has only three ships with a hyperdrive.
  And I am in command of one of these ships. Traveling through hyperspace is a huge risk. Until now, there are no processors that could calculate exactly where to get out in a vacuum, so as not to stumble upon an asteroid or a star.
  The pilot must rely on his intuition. However, scientists have invented a device - the graviscope, which detects fluctuations in gravity at a distance of up to one parsec. Its reliability is low. An interesting side effect is that this device can detect people's thoughts while working.
  - What to do, Ivan? - Vlad shouted in a terrible voice.
  - Based on the magnitude of the Coriolis acceleration, we describe a spiral around the ship's center of mass. This is possible if one or more of the solar sail lines are torn. Reverse acceleration must be set. Continue calculations, commander?
  - Talk less, work more, Ivan!
  After a short silence, the robot said:
  - We don't have enough fuel to maneuver.
  - What will happen, Ivan?
  - Do something, Ivan!
  - Judging by your reaction, commander, you are losing your balance.
  - I am shaking with fear. Send an SOS signal!
  - I'm afraid it won't work. The spinning sail interferes.
  At the end of the corridor, a slender female figure in a tight-fitting suit appeared. "River Travova,- thought Whirlwind Kamnev, - what is it carrying there?"
  When River approached him, Kamnev looked from the plastic card to her breasts, then to her pelvis, to her hips. When she came closer, Whirlwind began to look her in the face so that she would not notice his greedy gaze.
  Whirlwind recalled how a psychologist, a serious woman of about forty, told him during a medical examination of applicants to a space school: "Whirlwind, you have no skills to relax. You don't understand why people communicate. You only know how to communicate on business. You are only interested in science, work and politics. It will be easier for you in space than in Ruthenia, among people. "
  Kamnev thought for a long time about her words and remembered one incident. He was in the medical unit awaiting an appointment with a doctor. He got up and looked out the large glass window of the house in the courtyard. There was a medical examination.
  The girl who lived next door was stripped, leaving only her panties. She turned to Kamnev and nodded to him. Whirlwind also nodded. Helen, that was the girl's name, stroked own luxurious hair with her hand.
  Then, when the children in the yard made a dump, she kissed him on the cheek in this heap, although he tried to resist.
  "What was she thinking? - thought Kamnev then, - she was at the doctor's examination. She was forced to undress. So what? This is for medicine. She probably doesn't like science. " He studied well at school, was considered an intelligent boy. He and Helen were then seven years old.
  - Here, - Travova held out a plastocard to Kamnev, - Mr. Captain, look.
  - What is it?
  - SOS signal received!
  - How? Galactic standard?
  - This is not a radio signal. Received via Graviscop!
  -What? Do you understand what you are talking about? This means that someone is one hundred years ahead of our technology! This signal is currently unavailable.
  - And, nevertheless, it is so.
  - Where did the signal come from?
  - From the outskirts, the star system is the Solar.
  - Archaic worlds ... You never know what to expect from them.
  - What are your instructions, captain?
  - Choose an azimuth and get ready for a hyper jump.
  - Yes, sir!
  What a madam performer! - thought Whirlwin Kamnev, - otherwise they are all like that now.
  This was not the case in my time. Everyone thought only of themselves. This was the case with the government and the people.Until a group of "rebels" staged a palace coup. At the helm of Ruthenia was the first leader - not a bastard.And he began to put things in order. For the first time in many years. "
  Kamnev was then very young and decided to devote his life to space. At this time, in the cities of Ruthenia, they began to show 3D films from other worlds.They abounded in unprecedented freedoms.
  Whirlwind and his friends went to see one such movie.He remembered one scene. A completely naked 12-year-old boy stands in front of a 14-year-old girl in a dress.He was swimming. He covers nakedness with his hands.His clothes are hidden behind it.
  She smiles as if he wants to show her his nakedness. Erotica.
  - Ivan, Ivan, - Vlad called in a weak voice.
  - Yes Master!
  - How much oxygen is left?
  - Enough for twenty hours.
  - Ivan, please come up with a solution.
  - Master, that's all I think about. I mentally pronounce - "SOS, SOS, SOS".
  - It's all?
  - All I can.
  - But I will die. Twenty hours later. Do something .
  - Master, you need oxygen.
  - Listen, Vanya, find, think, please, think ..
  "Since the state on Ruthenia became a people's state, each of us became responsible for it," - thought Whirlwin Kamnev, approaching the navigator's cabin, - "The policy of the government is now such that every person is under the tutelage of the state. The new government is ready for revolutionary steps. Even in our expedition, a citizen of another world, Shah Busheri from Tarshish, was appointed navigator. A very good specialist. Although purely theoretically "navigator". Of course, with oddities, although they say that he is from some ancient family. "
  A green light was on on the navigator's cabin door. Kamnev entered without warning. Shah watched the wasp dance on a computer screen. Whirlwind entered imperceptibly and also began to watch an erotic show.
  When the recording ended, Shah Busheri looked up from the screen, turned to Kamnev and said:
  - She's good, isn't she?
  - I came to you about the Travova River.
  - She's good too
  - An excellent specialist, - said Whirlwind, remembering her slender figure.
  - A smart girl. She learned the language of my world, and now our seminars are held in Farsi, which is most suitable for this.
  - Today she reported that she had registered an unusual signal.
  - This is true? In what range?
  - The fact is that they were gravitational waves.
  Shah looked closely at Kamnev.
  - Apparently, this is an SOS signal. But it is not entirely clear by what technology it was delivered.
  -Telepathy, - the Shah said shortly.
  He closed his eyes and slowly touched his short black beard. Kamnev left the navigator's room, because he knew that it was useless to contact Busheri now. He woulde not answer, as if he doesn't see or hear anything.
  Half an hour later, the whirlwind returned to the Shah's room. Busheri immediately asked him:
  - Have you ever wondered, Whirlwind, why our scientists were swept by a wave of madness?
  - Madness?
  - Well, yes, what else can you call what is happening on our ship?
  - The situation is really difficult and tense. The expedition has special goals, new equipment on board.
  - In fact of the matter. We now know that such equipment is available elsewhere. We urgently need to fly to where the SOS signal is coming from.
  - We are already flying there, navigator.
  At that moment, the Travova River entered the navigator's room.
  - The source of the SOS signal is within reach," she said.
  "This is a child," said the River, looking at the unconscious Vlad, whom the cybermedic, accompanied by Ivan, was carrying in his arms.
  - Yes, 13-14 years old, - agreed Whirlwind.
  - What's his name? Where is he from?
  - His name is Vlad, he is from Mars, sir, - Ivan replied in standard galactic language, which struck Kamnev as a little strange, because he asked in Russian.
  - What was he doing on an ice asteroid? - Kamnev continued to ask questions in stellar jargon.
  - Accident during recreational diving.
  - Did you accompany him?
  - Yes, sir, - Ivan replied.
  - How long have you been on the asteroid?
  - Nearly twenty-four hours, sir. And another half day in space.
   - How did you manage to place the oxygen supply on such a small glider?
  - We are very lucky. The asteroid you found us on is very large, about the size of Juno, but most importantly, it's not water ice, it's frozen hydrogen peroxide, sir.
  - Did you manage to build an oxygen generator?
  - I've done all the work, sir, - the robot replied calmly, - There were catalysts for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on the asteroid. There is a special cycle of substances on the asteroid. Under the action of catalysts, peroxide turns into water, and water under the action of radiation turns into peroxide.
  - What did the cross-examination show? Stone Busheri asked.
  - With our graviscop and this telepathic robot? "
  - Yes.
  - It's good that we are keeping the capabilities of this robot from Mars a secret. Under such conditions, I was able to tune the graviscop into resonance with the robot's processor, so that an ideal lie detector was obtained.
  - What have you learned?
  - None of the crew members knows anything about how this incident happened with Perunov and Slavnov, except Tsarev, of course.
  - What did he say?
  - Kamnev, look! - Shah said, - the fact is that scientists live, a little not in such a world as ordinary people. They come to the world of ideas that can sometimes seem terrible for the uninitiated person.
  Often scientists in the fire of discussions can say something that if it was an ordinary conversation, you can decide that you are dealing with criminals. This is the payment of creativity and search. Did you read the note of Tsarev to your colleagues?
  - No. You have.
  - In this note, he says that all their theory is no more than falsification, and they must be punished for the dissemination of the idea of pseudo-science. Of course, it was an exaggeration. He also suggests that they look at his theory of Tsarev from the point of view.
  Everything will be completely trivial if there is no "but". We are on the ship with the latest equipment.
  - Graviscop! Why didn't I think about it for the first time? - exclaimed Kamnev.
  - Sure. A amplifier of thought. Emotions in the discussion of scientists were heated to the limit, so they come to an abnormal mental desire to kill their opponent.
  - So, the telepathic device performed it.
  - Of course, because Tsarev wrote his note in the library, and Graviscop is located behind the wall, in the laboratory. But, of course, this is not a murder. We can say that we simply do not use new equipment with security operations and carefully.
  - What are our plans and future prospects for the Marsian robot? - I think that after I study him, he needs to erase his memory and send it to Mars." - In addition, we must take a child with them, he needs help. And the robot must transport a message for the boy's relatives, - Shah said.
  - Captain, the boy has come to his senses, - said the River Travova.
  -I'll talk to him now,- Kamnev replied..
  - He speaks Russian, but with a strong accent.
   Whirlwind Kamnev, without saying a word, walked to the first-aid post. He made an important decision. Travova followed him.
  - How are you boy?! - asked Whirlwind Vlad.
  - Ok, sir!
  - I think you are brave to fly this far?
  - In general, I was very scared. If not for Vanya ... Where is he?
  - Listen to me, kid. Looks like you're going to have to grow up today. You must be brave. Do you know where you are?
  - On a warship?
  - On a Ruthenian warship. Are you from the solar system?
  - Yes, sir.
  - If you went to school, then you know that the relationship between our worlds is not the best ...
  - I will not be able to return home? Granny!..
  - Don't worry, we sent her Ivan with a letter. On your glider. We cannot seize other people's property. But you must come with us.
  - Ruthenia? Why?
  - First, your glider is no longer suitable for carrying people. And secondly, we need to heal your body.
  So, "Travova put in," pranks do not lead to anything good. As we say: you were just born in a shirt.
  Kamnev looked at the River. He said:
  - Here's the thing, gentlemen, it looks like today is really the second birthday of this young man. I am appointing him as a cabin boy for my ship. It's in my power. But only in one case.
  -Which the? - Vlad asked.
  - If you were born on it.
  River laughed.
  - Such is the absurdity of our practice. The rules are written for sublight ships that have been in flight for decades. So the formal side of the issue will be resolved.
  - Who are my parents? - Vlad asked.
  Река улыбнулась. Капитан Вихрь Камнев, глядя, на нее сказал: - Поскольку женщина у нас на борту одна, то из матерей тебе выбирать не придется.
  River smiled. Captain Whirlwind Kamnev, looking at her, said:
  -Since there is only one woman on board, you will not have to choose from mothers.
  - And the father? Whirlwind Kamnev paused, then slowly said:
  - Do you mind if it's me, the admiral of the space fleet "Ruthenia", the captain of the fifth rank, the Knight Commander of the Order of Star Navigation Whirlwind Kamnev. A son?
  Vlad looked with delight at the man sitting on his bed.
  - The boy needs a new name. He should be on the crew roster and on the Galactic Register, - River said.
  - Well, what name do you want, son?
  - The most cosmic! - Vlad said in a choked voice.
  - I'll give you the best. "Photon!" Don't embarrass him!
  ​​​​​​​- I will become a space wolf, like you, father! - said Vlad and hugged Kamnev.
  - Why did you choose such a strange name for the boy," Travova asked Kamneva, - I have never heard such a thing.
  - Me too. But the case is unusual. Did you see which boat he was in?
  - Solar sail?
  - Of course. Pushing light. Photons. I enjoyed it. After all, he built it with his own hands!
  - What will fate bring him?
  - I think he will find himself a second home in Ruthenia. She needs such young people.
  They are needed for her greatness. "
  Yuna finished reading. Kay was silent for a while and asked her:
  - Well, where do you want to publish?
  -In the meantime, I will publish it on the Galactic Network. I will wait for feedback.
  - No, of course, your work is worthy of praise, but you used someone else's diary!
  - For the most part, this is a fantastic story. This is my authorship.
  - I also composed in my youth. Listen to this:
  A small flying stone has grown
  In deep space
  It will be called "Earth".
  Homo sapiens will be born here.
  This will be their homeland.
  But on another planet in the dark depths, life grew,
  then intellect,
  This is her honor
  This is her future
  This is her brightness
  It's perfect.
  There will be a moment
  When people,
  who is born far away
  will fly billions of miles.
  They will band together for work
  For happiness.
  New Age Star here it will rise.
  As Kei read the last lines, Yuna nodded artistically every time. When he finished she said:
  - I did not think that my husband writes such idiotic poetry!
  - He does not write, but he did. With these words, Kei walked over to Yuna and unbuttoned her jumpsuit.
  - What are you doing? - I have a daughter, I really want a son, - he said and unbuttoned her bra.
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