The picture of the music video I LIKE TO STROLL ALONG THE MOSCOW STREETS shows knowledge of its authors with the Japanese lyrics of the song sung by the Dark Ducks (ダークダックス) under a title of the Kaze kaoru ...
An episode from the Russian feature film `Ivan Vasilyevich changes his occupation` (1973) based on Mikhail Bulgakov`s comedy of `Ivan Vasilyevich`, 1936. Because of a time-machine dysfunction the house manager Ivan Vasilyevich Bunsha who occurred to be a replica of Ivan the Terrible ...
Попробовала ни с того ни с сего сделать перевод стихотворения Павла Тычыны (вот оригинал: - и вот, что из этого вышло...
THE ROCK CLIMBER by Vladimir Vysotsky The poem-song was dedicated to Maria Gotovtseva, a legendary lady rock climber. Maria Gotovtseva: `You can`t conquer a mountain. It was and will be. Mountaineering is not a struggle with a mountain but a struggle ...
EXCESS WEIGHT? BULLSHIT! JUST EXTRA PLACES FOR KISSING! A humorous song by a Russian chansonnier Semyon Slepakov Slepakov`s other songs: Ты -очень красивая Red Hot Chili Peppers ...
ST. ANDREWS (THE RUSSIAN NAVY BANNER): FOR FAITH AND FIDELITY Варяг / Varyag / Warjag (Русский Народный Хоръ / Russian National Choir, Conductor W.S. Warszawski, Disk of the Recording Co. `Janus-Rekord` (`Янусъ-Рекордъ`) # 523 (2890, Record of 1905). Music by Alexei Sergeyevich ...
The waltz `Autumn Dream` by a British composer Archibald Joyce (1873-1963) the Russian consider to be their own, because it sounds in a very Russian way. `Autumn dream` sounds as the best illustration of the Chekhovian epoch. Listening to it you feel like reading Anton Chekhov or ...
Gypsy love song `Two guitars` from `An unusual concert`. The Puppet Show (1972) of Sergei Obraztsov (from 34:35) The refrain sung by the Gypsy choir is as in the below song It`s a classical and surrealistic Gypsy refrain full ...
Хотя сие стихотворение и подразумевает не просто каменщиков, а кивает на "вольных каменщиков" и имеет политический подтекст, на самом деле к масонству имеет малое отношение, и в большей степени связано с реалиями русской общественной борьбы начала 20 в.
In 1969 Serge Gainsbourg composed and wrote the song the Helicopter for Mireille Darc. En 1969 Serge Gainsbourg compose et ecrit la chanson L'Helicoptere pour Mireille Darc
`The steamboat whistles, shouts: `Hi` is a song from the Russian feature film `The river banks`,
`I`m heart and soul to you` follows the style of the Russian traditional songs, and is usually sung with stressed pronouncing "o" as "o", rather than as "a" which is a distinctive feature of some Russian dialects of the Volga region. Maxim Gorky spoke ...
The Na-Na group`s humorous song `Eskimo and Papuan` (1990) where `Eskimo` implies winter frost and `Papuan` implies summer heat. Unlike in the West the word of `eskimo` hasn`t got a negative meaning in Russian.
Authentic poetry of Freemasons - Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Аутентичная масонская поэзия (первоисточник) - Древний и принятый шотландский устав
Испанский баснописец из страны Басков. В баснях Саманьего, как и в баснях Ивана Крылова, чувствуется влияние (и напрямую заимствуются сюжеты) античных (Эзоп, др.), французских (Лафонтен ( La Fontaine) и др.) и английских ( J. Gay и др.) баснописцев, что, тем не менее, как и в случае ...
The song `OH, YOU CHILLING FROST` is a main table song in Russia. It`s a story about a guy coming home in a severe snowstorm in the Russian steppe. It seems to have been existing for ages. But it was created in 1954 and became the national hit in 1968. ...
Juan Eugenio de Hartzenbusch (Мадрид, 6 сентября 1806 г. - 2 августа 1880 г.) - австрийская кровь испанской поэзии. В испанском произношении Хуан Антонио Арсенбуч (а не Харценбуш)
Joaquin Maria Bartrina y de Aixemus (Хоакин Мария Бартрина)(Реус, 1850 - Барселона, 1880)- двуязычный испано-каталонский поэт и драматург, предшественник испанского литературного авангарда. Чудак Бартрина хотел примирить физику и лирику. Он выдумывал и вставлял в стихи странные формулы: ...
The English lyrics of the Folk Singer's Song off-stagefrom Raphael by Anton Arensky (op. 37, 1894) Английский текст песни народного певца за сценойиз оперы Аренского "Рафаэль" (оп. 37, 1894)Translated from Russian by L.C. Перевёл с русского ...
Irony, satire and humour are main features of Pauline Sibagatullina`s witty poetry. Pauline is as well a permanent member of the theatrical company `Comedy Woman` (Moscow). One time her dramatic character in the company was Madame Pauline, the Russian nwriting Yugoslavia (Bosnian) ...
In 1945 Yara wrote a poem `Sweet Beauties of Russia` ("Милые красавицы России") where he expressed his gratitude to all the women of the USSR who sacrificed everything to victory. Yeah, he was a true gentleman, and he never joined men who several times after the war attempted to defame ...
Yaroslav Smelyakov was a `small` classical poet of Russia. His poetic career and success reached their climax in the 60s of the 20c. The youth of that time accepted him as one of their mouthpieces despite he belonged to the generation of their parents. Yevgeniy Yevtushenko, #1 in ...
Yaroslav Smelyakov wrote many iconic poetic texts that made him immortal as a classical Russian poet. The Soviet hippies and yuppies of the 60s loved not only his `Lida` but also his poem `If I ever fall ill ...`. `If I ever fall ill ...` (Если я заболею...) excellently recited by ...
A poem by a Russian artist and poet Marat Samsonov. A GOOD NEWS! AUTUMN WON`T COME BACK AGAIN! The song sung by Chinese pop star Wang Qiang (People`s Republic of China) What a beautiful song! Where`s my handkerchief, girls? ...
Svetlana Plakhutina lived in Vladivostok before she`d moved to Moscow. This is her poem from the collection of poems `An Apple on my Palm` issued in Vladivostok in 2002
A humorous sketch by The Ural Pelmenis theatrical company; `Ural Pelmenis` lit. means Meat Dumplings from the Urals. The members of the company, comedians originated from Ekaterinburg, Ural Republic of the Russian Federation. ...
The poem `On perishability (To transience)` (На тленность) by Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin (Гаврила Романович Державин) had been written three days before the last day of the Russian poet. While writing it the poet was looking at the then famous emblematic picture `The river of time`(`Der ...
JOY AND FIRE! WOW! Chinese pop star and beauty Ms. Jeannie Hsieh (Republic of China, Island of Taiwan) came upon a snag during her performance. That `snag` was ... see above! It`s really funny! I would hire him as a dance backup for me if I were a singer! ...
Winterwäldchen - Winter Coppice is the German lyrics to the tune by Arno Babadjanian (at source: "Чёртово колесо"). Frankenfeld Show, ARD-1975, West Germany - Winterwaldchen (Winter Coppise) Sung By Larissa Mondrus (from 1:39)
The historic and historical song dated back to the time of the Civil War in the 20s of the 20th c. in Russia. Due to the simple words, irregular grammar, excellent, catchy and slightly klezmerish melody that marching song acquired an iconic status in time of its creation. It was one ...
The Russian love song `Don`t go away, do stay with me` was composed, written and dedicated to Anastassiya Vyaltzeva by Nikolai Vladimirovich Zubov (1867- after 1906) in 1899. IMHO, the best performers of the romance song were Varya Panina before the Revolution ...
Sasha Davydov (Саша Давыдов) (Alexandre Davydovich Davydov (Александр Давыдович Давыдов) (born Arsen Davidovich Karapetyan (Арсен Давидович Карапетян)(according to other references N.F. Karapetov (Н.Ф. Карапетов) was the full author of the love song. He graduated from the Lazarevsky ...
Humbert Wolfe was an Italian-born English poet. He was one of the most popular authors of the 1920s.He was also a translator of Heinrich Heine. His career was in in the Ministry of Labour. By 1940 he had a position of high responsibility. Wolfe's verses have been set to music by ...
A jocular English remake of the original song THE WIFE OF THE FRENCH AMBASSADOR by Alexandre Gorodnitsky Alexandre Gorodnitsky is a prominent Russian professor, doctor of science (geophysics, oceanology) and one of the most prominent Russian singing poets. ...
An Old Russian Gypsy love song by Apollon Grigoriyev and Ivan Vasiliyev.`The Seven String Guitar` sung by Strongilla Irtlach
A door to a woman`s bedroom has been opened by a cockscrew! Cock-a-doodle-doo! A nice poem by a Russian artist and poet Marat Samsonov (Марат Самсонов),
Продолжение перевода базовой книги правил Pugmire. Здесь представлен частичный (практически полностью "вырезаны" правила по созданию персонажа) перевод второй главы, который рассказывает читателю о породах и призваниях (заменяющих привычные расы и классы) обитателей Мопсоболотии.
Авель, Эстер и Ион отправляются в Империю Истинного Человечества, чтобы встретиться с императрицей, но Орден замышляет нечто ужасное и всеми силами пытается им помешать. Сумеют ли они расстроить коварный замысел розенкрейцеров? Пролог. Лазурный купол. Часть 1. Сумеречный город.
Перевод стихотворения "Grin" Роберта Вильяма Сервиса (1874-1958) из сборника "The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses", выложенный здесь с английским оригиналом. Идею этого стиха хорошо выражает приложенная фотография Сервиса с актрисой Марлен Дитрих, снятая на съемках фильма "Spoilers" ...
Перевод романа, вошедшего в одном из рейтингов в сотню лучших ЛР в истории литературы (на русском прежде не издавался). Минерве Хайвуд, убежденной старой деве из Спиндл-Коув необходимо быть в Шотландии. Лорд Пэйн, первостатейный повеса, желает оказаться где угодно, но только не в ...
Перевод рассказа alexanderwales The Randi prize Питер обретает способность заставить монеты исчезнуть по щёлчку пальцев. Хоть и незначительная, но всё же настоящая суперсила! Остаётся лишь обратить её в свою пользу. Рассказ принимал участие в конкурсе переводов "Хрюкотали зелюки" ...
Сборник "Солдати мого леґiону"был напечатан в Чикаго в 1951. К солдатам своего легиона автор причисляет таких известных героев, как Тарас Шевченко, Олег Ольжич, Олена Телига, Йосип Позычанюк, каждому из которых он посвящает отдельное стихотворение. Но, как ни парадоксально это может ...
В 1951 Артур Кёстлер принял участие в проекте журнала Сolliers, в котором известные литераторы попытались описать гипотетический ход 3-й мировой войны. В своем эссе Freedom At Long Last он описал восстановление свободной жизни на территории СССР, после его поражения в ходе третьей ...