Калинин Георгий Викторович : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    The game, born at the 2024 Voronezh Region Team Bridge Championship, and only now compiled into a short article, later on a poker screw was invented on its basis, is similar to the so-called compendium games such as the Trix game, but not with vertical division, but with horizontal articulation - if formulated game-technologically

  Two groups of players - each from a table of four people play "rubberoid" bridge, and the players who are dummies - compare their hands according to the rules of Chinese poker pineapple, and the table of bridge players who wins in Chinese poker pineapple gets the value of the points from the game of bridge from the losing table in Chinese poker pineapple table of bridge players of four people.
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