Хроника инаугурации и второго президентства Барака Обамы
Я уже писал: учиться хорошему и полезному следует даже у стратегических противников. Хотя, как известно, за Обаму я с самого начала горой - ссылка на статью с увесистыми аргУментами внизу...
Пришла ко мне как-то идея: публиковать такую хронику. Да все как-то не складывалось. А после сегодняшнего письма понял, что все равно надо. Во-первых, надежные вещдоки, оттуда, от непосредственных участников - в сетях такого нет. Во-вторых, подпись Мишель, хотя рассылка идет, конечно, на миллионы сторонников. И в третьих - некоторым будет интересно. + там много документальных видеофильмов, ...
Раньше я давал тексты некоторых писем как посты взамен комментариев к очередным статьям по геополитике. Но это иногда все равно могло выглядеть как "пришей кобыле хвост" или того хуже. Самопиар, реклама - верно? Только вот вопрос: собственная, Обамы? Сужу по этому многозначному коменту (правда, такой вьедливый был только один):
--- Сергей, я чего-то не понял - эти посты Вы разместили в качестве рекламы ? Или продвижение интеренет-ресурса ? :) :) :) В любом случае - спасибо. Интересно было посмотреть.
И мой ответ: Баба-Яге хрен чем угодишь... Чтобы хоть кто-то здесь перестал дурью маяться, а задумался. Ведь это не темы для необдуманного трепа.
Перевод не привожу: сил не много, да и написаны они достаточно простым языком - для нормальных людей.
Barack Obama 28 дек. 2012
Sergey Kamenskiy
This is yours, Sergey
Sergey --
Because of you, I'll be taking the oath of office again on January 21st.
I'd like you to be part of this historic moment -- whether that's in Washington, D.C., or wherever you call home.
As we make plans, we want to make sure the people who made this inauguration possible are the first to know what's happening.
Add your name here to take part in inaugural activities.
I'm honored each and every day to be your president, and I will never forget how I got here.
I'm so grateful for everything you've done.
Let's also remember why we're here: we've got more work to do. And we're going to begin this next chapter in the American story together.
Sign up and stay updated:
Paid for by Obama Victory Fund 2012, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Obama for America, the Democratic National Committee, and the Florida, Iowa, Pennsylvania and Virginia State Democratic Parties.
Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.
The first $2,500 from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for general election debt retirement. The next $30,800 from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount(s) from a contributor will be divided equally among the Florida, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Virginia State Democratic Party Committees, up to $10,000 per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits. A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution or if Obama for America receives sufficient funds to pay its outstanding debts. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.
This email was sent to: kamenskiy@sun-tel.net.
If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here.
We believe that emails are a vital way for the campaign to stay in direct contact
with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages.
This campaign is a community, and all ideas are welcome.
We appreciate any feedback you might have -- positive or negative.
Click here to contact the campaign with any questions or concerns.
Presidential Inaugural Committee 2013
Thanks for signing up
Thanks for signing up. We'll be in touch with updates in the weeks to come.
In the meantime, get involved with inauguration and the national day of service here:
When we launched the campaign in April 2011, I hoped to be able to send something like this.
Enjoy this compilation of some of our finest moments together:
I can't wait to see how much more we will accomplish. Our next chapter is just beginning, and President Obama is counting on us to help finish what we started.
Thank you for an amazing 2012 -- and have a very happy new year.
The President reached an agreement with Republicans and Democrats in Congress on the "fiscal cliff" that prevents a tax hike on 98 percent of Americans and 97 percent of small businesses, while fulfilling the President's promise to ask the wealthiest Americans to begin to pay their fair share to reduce the deficit.
President Obama recorded a video to update supporters like you on what's in the agreement and what it means for you -- watch it and share it with friends and family: http://my.barackobama.com/Fiscal-Cliff-Agreement
It's thanks to people like you who spoke up and contacted your members of Congress throughout this debate that we were able to avoid a crippling tax hike.
As we address our ongoing fiscal challenges, the President will do exactly what he said he would on the campaign trail -- working for the middle class and all those fighting to get into it, and building an economy from the middle out, not the top down.
There will be more soon. For now, thanks for all you do, and happy new year.
Thanks for being part of the inauguration -- only the 57th in our nation's history.
We put together a video to welcome you on board -- a look back on President Obama's first inauguration four years ago. Watch it here, and then share with your friends:
Official events begin soon, but here are four ways to get involved right now:
Check out the official inaugural website for details about events, info about the organizations participating in the parade, and -- my personal favorite -- fun facts about past inaugurations.
On Saturday, January 19th, citizens from across the country will be joining in a tradition the Obama family started in 2009 -- spending a few hours doing service work in their community to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Whether you're in Washington, D.C. or Washington state, there will be opportunities for you to join in. Sign up to take part in the National Day of Service.
Between the Inaugural Parade and the ceremony itself, we're counting on a lot of dedicated people like you to play important roles in making this an event worthy of our great nation. If you're planning on being in or around D.C., sign up to volunteer at the inauguration.
Shop the 57th Presidential Inauguration Store and celebrate four more years of President Obama and Vice President Biden by picking up some official inauguration merchandise.
Less than three weeks to go -- here's the link to that video again:
Thanks, look forward to seeing you out there.
Steve Kerrigan
Chief Executive Officer
Presidential Inaugural Committee 2013
P.S. -- You can also get the latest updates about the inauguration on Facebook and Twitter.
2013 Inauguration Store (Farlep-Internet) 6 янв. 2013
Grand opening! (We're celebrating with 10% off.)
Michelle Obama 9 янв. 2013 9 янв. 2013
It's my favorite inaugural event - will you commit to serve with me?
Friend --
Four years ago, during his first inauguration, Barack and I were thrilled when thousands of Americans from every corner of the country took part in the National Day of Service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
We were so excited because we knew that the celebrations weren't just about a new president, but about everything that we can accomplish together. And that starts with service.
So this year, as we prepare for another celebration, we're hoping to renew that spirit of service and citizenship -- we're calling on all Americans, including you, to volunteer in your community on Saturday, January 19th, for this year's Day of Service.
Please join us, and commit to serve on January 19th.
Throughout our lives, Barack and I have seen that building a full life isn't about what you can get for yourself -- but what you can give to those around you. It's a value that's been central to our lives together. And as parents, it's something we're trying every day to pass down to our girls.
This inauguration is only possible because of you and all your hard work. Barack and I are so grateful for you, and for everything you've done for us and for our country.
Pledge to join us for the Day of Service at an event near you:
P.S. -- When you commit to serve, you'll be automatically entered for the chance to come out to Washington, D.C. for Barack's inauguration -- flight and hotel covered.
As the "fiscal cliff" debate raged on, supporters like you were right there with President Obama, making sure your voices were heard from all over the country. When we work together like that, we're a powerful force.
Issues like immigration, climate change, and gun violence will be debated over these next four years, and President Obama is ready to take them on -- but he needs us by his side. Our goal is to help him get things done, but also to help change how things get done in Washington in the first place.
Over inauguration weekend, you'll have a chance to participate in a discussion about how we'll work together to support our president and address the issues we all care about. Some volunteers and staff will be gathering in Washington, D.C., and will be joined online by thousands more supporters nationwide for the Obama Campaign Legacy Conference, where we'll firm up the structure and leadership of the new organization.
Want to be part of the conversation as our next chapter begins?
Say you're in and we'll follow up with ways to participate.
The impetus for this conference comes from you. In November, we sent a survey asking you about your campaign experience and where you'd like our movement to go from here.
More than a million people responded. In fact, four out of five survey respondents said they'd like to continue to be involved and volunteer over the next four years.
That's an advantage that no previous president has enjoyed, and one that has the potential to reshape our politics for years to come.
This is an important opportunity to shape the future of this movement, and I hope you'll take part:
P.S. -- Watch this short video to see how your work backing the President during the "fiscal cliff" talks allowed us to restore fairness to our tax code by asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more. It's just one example of what we can accomplish when we're in it together.
Пока это все. Продолжение, несомненно, следует.
Или как говорят у них, That's all for the time being...
Текст подготовил Сергей Каменский 11янв. 2013
Как завоевывать сторонников и бороться за каждого избирателя. Американский опыт http://gidepark.ru/user/3471837089/content/1487861
Даешь пропаганду и контрпропаганду - для трудового народа!!!