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Detection and execution of target designation to intercept the next Wunderwaffe of Us/lockheed Martin - F-35 fighter

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    "After Soviet Union collapse, for the United States, there was a loss of a threat that stimulated its development and as result of that a loss of general cognitive level...Moreover, the most "creative" of them are only capableto steal someone else's intellectual property from the Internet and then modestly hide in a corner, like that innocent girl, who became pregnant while working as a prostitute and now hopes that its paunch resolving itself.

  -- Part one - "Detection and execution of target designation to intercept the next Wunderwaffe of US/Lockheed Martin - F-35 fighter"
  -- Introduction
   With interest and considerable satisfaction, I read about the "Pier Harbor" that China staged against the US Grand Fleet, which tried to climb into another someone else's chicken coop, near the Philippines.
   The most modern and most "powerful" fleet simply fled after a RADIO ELECTRONIC BEATING that lasted a full twelve hours (С) Electronic warfare engagements reportedly lasted a full twelve hours in the northern Philippines, and as a result American warships "faced an unprecedented crisis-screens full of static and a total loss of GPS signals," with the fleet withdrawing due to the serious disruption of communication and navigation capabilities. The Navy's electronic warfare equipment was assessed to be a full generation behind that of China, fuelling significant criticisms ....
   At first impression, the Chinese used a modified Soviet system from the late 70s, early 80s, developed by the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Automatic Instruments.
   What if it were (will be in the future) a more modern and tougher option of answer for those who like to climb into other people's chicken coops and after the radio electronic attack in the aggressive "Mudozvonys", cruise missiles would fly !?
   What's interesting is (C) "This was reported by multiple local and U.S. sources, but has yet to be officially confirmed..." and the appearance of this information was blocked in the international media.
   Why, "with considerable satisfaction"?
   A few days before this wonderful event, I put on my page the article "Detection and execution of target designation to intercept the next Wunderwaffe of Us/lockheed Martin - F-35 fighter" Posted: 07/16/2024, where I also considered the situation with massive radar suppression of tradition defective US electronic forces and approximately in the same region.
  -- The general topic is "The degradation of the US military-industrial complex"
  -- Part one - "Detection and execution of target designation to intercept the next Wunderwaffe of US/Lockheed Martin - F-35 fighter"
  -- Generals are always prepared to fight the last war.
   Words from British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
   As I wrote earlier - (C) "After Soviet Union collapse, for the United States, there was a loss of a threat that stimulated its development and as result of that a loss of general cognitive level.
      Russia has degraded to such level that there is nothing left to steal from it as there are no creative ideas or competent people there.
      Scientists from developing countries are sought after at home and quite successfully find well-paid and interesting jobs there.
      The level of education and mentality in the United States produces people who are not interested in anything other than alcohol, drugs and computer games.
      Moreover, the most "creative" of them are only capable, following the example of the Great Racketeer certain Matt Walker from the Air breathing Propulsion division at NAWCWD of Lockheed Martin, to steal someone else's intellectual property from the Internet and then modestly hide in a corner, like that innocent girl, who became pregnant while working as a prostitute and now hopes that its paunch resolving itself.
      As a result of this, in the early 80s, the US entered what I call the era of Gang rule with shaggy handles which see around its only "pink elephants."
      (C) "Gang rule is actions that go beyond any boundaries of written and unwritten laws; extreme degree of lawlessness and disorder."
      (C) "Shaggy handles is a euphemism for corruption"
      (C) "The expression "pink elephant" serves as an example of the illusory nature of an object or situation in which what is desired is presented as reality."
      The US has entered into the era in which its society, which is corrupt and no longer capable of development, had was firmly came to believe that it can set fire and plunder chicken coops on any ranch in the world with impunity, if the owners of this ranch don't consent, absolutely of course voluntarily, to give its to the racketeers from the US their chickens.
      Moreover, having named these actions, performed in the traditions of cowboys of the 18th century, for some reason in honor of the thermodynamic theory - "the theory of controlled chaos", which initially was not at all connected with purposeful wreaking of havoc for any of subjects in the world, especially to promote the requests of corrupt structures?
      This degradation is especially well characterized by the state of the US Military-Industrial Complex and the technical level of its armed forces.
   The discrepancy between US military-technical thought and modern realities has reached such an extent that military experts and politicians are increasingly to incline to think that the war (military thought) has reached a positional dead end ... Now the flows of the immigrant-scientists which are got from: Russia; China and India to US are minimized. Western national education has been commercialized and collapsed, so US and Western countries, in military-technical terms, began to turn into "third world" countries.
  -- Part one - "Detection and execution of target designation to intercept the next Wunderwaffe of US/Lockheed Martin - F-35 fighter"
   The United States recently announced the forward deployment of 48 F-35A fighters against China and North Korea. As journalists from the American military magazine Military Watch Magazine (MWM) write - "a new type of stealth fighter, an offensive weapon specifically designed to suppress air defense".
   In their opinion, the F-35 fighters that replaced the F-16 will provide not only an increased flight range, but will also provide stealth; larger and more advanced AN/APG-81 electronically scanned array radars; advanced network-centric warfare and electronic attack capabilities; and also a number of other advanced features.
  -- What is F 35?
   According to opinion lobbyists from Lockheed Martin -
   (C) Stealth is a key aspect of the F-35's design, and its radar cross-section (RCC) is kept to a minimum through advanced airframe design and the use of radar absorbent materials (RAM).
   The F-35 concept is a continuation of the B-2 stealth bomber concept.
   The cost of the stillborn and completely useless B-2 and the kickbacks received on it still lead to the nostalgic admiration of interested parties.
   The B-2 was the most expensive aircraft in the world (and probably the most expensive, completely non-combatable military aircraft in aviation history).
In 1998, the cost of one B-2, excluding R&D, was $1.157 billion
The cost of the entire B-2 program was estimated at nearly $45 billion in 1997; thus, taking into account R&D, the cost of one machine at that time reached 2.1 billion dollars[19].
   The flight characteristics of the B-2 also surprised everyone - "how and why does such a clumsy machine can stay in the air?"
   Regarding his "stealth" concept, capable of breaking through dense air defense, it worked only at US training grounds and only against the most right in the world American radars.
   As soon as, in Yugoslavia, this cuttlefish entered the coverage area of the wrong Yugoslav anti-aircraft complex, developed by the USSR in the 60s, it was immediately shot down.
  -- So, what is the F-35 "Cormorant" fighter!?
   Apparently, the ungifted designers at Lockheed Martin clearly created this overfeed by dollars duck under the influence of concepts shown in second-rate sci-fi Hollywood films.
   What was expected?
   A purely American, national idea - using it for suppress North Korean air defense systems after that to quietly sneak into someone else's chicken coop, and create Global Controlled Chaos there.
   Regarding its stealth and where Lockheed Martin can insert its electronic equipment (well, for example, into the ass of American taxpayers), I will talk in detail in this article a little later.
   As regard - "to get through and attack".
   I believe that everything is learned through comparison.
   Therefore, I selected the most suitable and sufficient type of fighter-interceptor to intercept this latest "miracle of American corruption".
   Moreover, since the largest batch, consist of 35-40 F35 "Cormorant", was directed against North Korea, where the United States is clearly preparing for military action using weapons of mass destruction, I mainly considered the North Korean Air Force.
   It turned out to be the MIG 21 "Fishbed" - which performed its first flight on June 16, 1955
   Let's compare -
   F35 The first flew on 24 October 2000
   Price: from $90 million to $115.5 million US$
   There are between 40 and 50 vehicles based in the US Far East area
   0x01 graphic
  -- MIG 21 The first flew on June 16, 1955
US$100,000 (1971 prices)
North Korea has between
120 and 150 vehicles in service.
   0x01 graphic
   Crew: 1man
   Length: 51.4 ft (15.7 m)
   Wingspan: 35 ft (11 m)
   Height: 14.4 ft (4.4 m)
   Wing area: 460 sq. ft (43 m2)
   Curb weight: 29,300 lb (13,290 kg)
Gross weight: 49,540 lb (
22,471 kg)
Power plant: 1 Pratt & Whitney F135-PW-100 turbofan with afterburner, 28,000 lbf (125 KN) thrust dry, 43,000 lbf (
191 KN) with afterburner
Maximum speed: Mach 1.6 (
1958.4 km/h) at high altitude
Mach 1.06, 700 KN (806 mph;
1,296 km/h) at sea level
Range: 1,500 miles (1,700 miles,
2,800 km)
Combat range: 669 mi (770 mi,
1,239 km) internal fuel
Service ceiling: 50,000 ft (
15,000 m)
   Permissible acceleration G: +9.0
   Wing load: 107.7 psi ft (526 kg/m2) at gross weight
   The F-35 has a rate of climb of around 250 m/s
   Cannon: 1 25 mm GAU-22/A revolving gun, 180 rounds[N 17]
   Hard points for 18,000 lb (8,200 kg) total payload at minimum range
   Crew: 1 man
Length: 14.10 meters
Wingspan: 7.15 meters
Height: 4.71 meters
Wing area: 22.95 m«
   Empty weight: 5460 kg
Normal take-off weight:
8726 kg
Maximum take-off weight:
10,100 kg
Fuel weight:
One engine: TRDDF R-25-300
Maximum thrust without afterburner:
4100 KGF
Afterburner thrust:
6850 KGF
Thrust at extreme afterburner:
7100 kgf[13]
Flight characteristics
Maximum speed at altitude:
2230 km/h
Maximum ground speed:
1300 km/h
Cruising speed:
1000 km/h
Range of flight:
without ET:
1225 km
with ET:
1470 km
Service ceiling:
19,000 m
Rate of climb:
235 m/s
   Permissible acceleration G: +8,5 g[14]
23-mm built-in cannon
GSh-23L (ammunition - 200 shells)
Hard points: 5 (four under wing and one under fuselage)
Weight of hanging elements:
1300 kg
   As you can see, despite the difference of 70 years (a monstrous figure for the development of modern technology and a hundredfold difference in cost), these are, in terms of their flight characteristics, machines of the same class.
   True, here it is also necessary to take into account that this grandfather of Soviet aviation, the MIG 21, was created EXACTLY to intercept high-speed targets penetrating air defenses and is capable of flying without the use of a supercomputer and, even, if the control stick is temporary out of pilot supervision (hyper stable aerodynamic scheme).
   How, and due to what tricks, does the F35 can flight?
   I will speak further about this SAD and SECRET topic for American taxpayers, as the article progresses.
   Of course, seventy years of development of Japanese, South Korean and Chinese electronics were not in vain and, according to American traders "pink elephants" - (C) "all other shortcomings (claimed advantages - my note) are compensated by the outstanding electronic filling".
   As a result - (C) "Low operational readiness, compared to other classes of American fighters, remains the main reason for controversy over the F-35 program.
   Not only is the readiness level low, but, of the total number of F-35s in service, the actual combat readiness of these several hundred aircraft is lower than previously predicted, leading to serious delays in modernization; the Pentagon rejecting new batches of production and it provoked a constantly reduction of orders, which has an even more negative impact on the condition of the aircraft in use" (more exactly, customers are beginning to understand that this "cormorant" is not a combat aircraft - my note)
   In reality, no more than half of the declared/in service those aircrafts are suitable to combat operation.
   As Lockheed Martin's propaganda rings, (C) the F-35's electronics are a technological marvel.
   There is a completely cheap and uncomplicated technical solution, which, when performing an air defense breakthrough using the F-35, not only COMPLETELY neutralizes this advertised superiority, but also makes any electronics used on the F-35 useless.
   I am currently in the process of working on the concept of a laser suppression system for on-board electronics, which will act similar to the effect as a projectile detonation that generates an electromagnetic pulse carry out in short range of aircraft
   Moreover, the state of the atmosphere or the presence of a special type of protection will not significantly affect the result of exposure.
   Due to the lack of a special term, I called this engineering solution "laser trap/transmitter".
   In the near future, I may make a brief description of this device and the principle of its operation in a separate article.
   In addition to the fundamental problems of the F35, this aircraft moves in a mode of constant flutter (vortex disruption of air flow from surfaces, causing resonant vibration of the structure), which Lougheed Martin calls the politically correct as "jitter"
   (C) These vibrations/jitter (apparently this politically correct Euphemism is used to refer to flutter - my note) are so great that there are problems with night vision devices and the HMDS touch display (how the pilot feels itself in such an aircraft is also a very interesting question - my note)
   As a result, two types of machines that are similar in (declared) flight parameters will compete in the air - one that can barely stay in the air, but is advertised in aggressive advertising as an "Air Defense Breakthrough Machine," and the other, which is structurally designed to intercept high-speed targets which breaking through air defenses and was being successfully operated along 69 years.
   If in the MIG 21 the main role of controlling the vehicle and performing an interception of a target equal to it in speed is performed by a specially trained pilot, according to commands from the ground, but the F-35, in which most of electronics will be suppressed or remotely was castrated or it will be forced to act in the field of continuous radio countermeasures and loss of control over the surrounding space, at once turns into an overfed, blind "cormorant", which can hardly stay in the air.
   That is, we can consider three stages of preventing the F 35 "cormorants" from breaking through the air defense of the defending country:
  -- Detection and tracking;
  -- Creation of a continuous field of interference and radio countermeasures;
  -- Guidance and escorting an interceptor fighters into distance of confident gun fire (it is implied that the operation of radio counteraction systems excludes the usage of any guided or homing missiles in this zone - my note).
   And so, the first and most important stage of the successful interception of the F-35 is its timely detection and determination of where, at this particular moment of the conflict, this "Miracle of American Invisibility and Corruption produced by Lockheed Martin" is located.
   Based on what was written and highlighted above, it is almost impossible to hide preparations for an attack of such a flawed and overcomplicated machine.
   The surveillance and intelligence services of North Korea and China are quite capable, using only radio interception and intelligence resources, to activate their air defenses at least 30-40 minutes before the start of the invasion.
   This is quite enough to lift transport aircraft into the air and send them to carry out a border's barrage with the compact packages that after dropping from aircraft will deploy into mobile, balloon-based air defense systems.
   And, at the same time, they must prepare for operation ground-based radio-counteraction systems and attack aircraft, which by moving: at low altitude; under the cover of shooting photo traps; in periodic pitching mode (a protective maneuver against long-range US air defense missile systems) - will to provide aerosol barrier and barrier of flying metal foil along the border.
   I once again is paid your attention to the fact that the development of radio-counteraction systems and the fight against them in the US was financed on a residual basis and possibility that US lagged behind its supposed adversaries in the development of radio-counteraction was even not considered (such public conversations were TABOO).
   As a result, now, both the F35 and the escort fighters (and they will definitely be) will remain, during the operation, as I wrote above, blind and deaf.
   The air defense operation scheme, in general terms, as a simplified version (they do not need to fire at cormorants from 120mm anti-aircraft guns ... ;)), repeats the operation scheme described in the articles The "Hand-Bell Method" and  Overcoming Multilevel Continental Anti-Missile Defense By Usage The Virtual Mirror Method
   What is the difference between these two situations and why is a "simplified scheme" sufficient for "cormorants"!?
   Firstly, it is complete predictability of the time and direction of the attack;
secondly, this is the short duration of the attack, aimed at preliminary preparation of a local, unpunished Armageddon, using weapons of mass destruction.
Thirdly, there is a COMPLETE discrepancy between the actual capabilities of the F35, necessary for such an operation, and the parameters of the machine declared by the thieving cowboys from Lockheed Martin.
   In addition to this, since the F-35 has a combat radius of no more than 1-1.5 hours and, due to low reliability and difficulties in maintenance, in this region, the number of combat-ready F-35s cannot provide more than two or three attacking waves and taking into account the fact that "cormorants" do not fly in stormy weather and only the border line needs to be covered, and not an area of thousands of square kilometers, balloons are needed an order of magnitude less and they do not need to be in the air for more than a few hours. As result their monitoring and control scheme is simplified.
   As I indicated in the link above, for direction finding the attacking "cormorant", Balloon probes are used to determine the time and direction of attack.
   Such balloon probes simultaneously create a dense area of interference for the F-35's high-frequency radars and, using the "hand bell method," provide ground control with information about the position in space of the attacking vehicle.
   (C_Overcoming the inside continental local anti-missile defense) The method is based on an old German strategy, reworked with modern materials and tactics of use - revelation the enemy by hand-bell usage. ... They (hand-bells) should be installed to the "geschlechtsorganes", as the most traumatic way as possible, forcing "Kater", without hesitation, to immediately try to get away from the traumatic impact. (The terms the "Geschlechtsorganes" and "Kater" are too complex concepts for the level of education of the American military and politicians, united by a term from Russian military slang, which is written in Latin as "mudozvony" - my note) - Therefore we use a simpler one, originating from American comics definition - "to squeeze on the balls" or "to jingle by the balls""
   An approximate translation of the word "mudozvony" is "people jingling by the balls loudly and for any reason".
   Low-frequency American early warning radars cannot be used in such a situation, since they will illuminate the F-35, which is designed for "invisibility" only in the high-frequency range, like Christmas tree decorations by a flashlight.

Although, such a turn of events cannot be ruled out either - the actions of the True American "mudozvony", with the largest balls in the world (by their definition), are difficult to predict within the limits of formal logic.
Therefore, it makes sense to provide for the installation of several radar towers in the style of English radars from the English Channel defense era (direction finding can be performed by comparing phase and Doppler distortions measured from a wide base).
   (C_Xi Ya Zhou (^Nm).) "The technological advantage of the United States has been exhausted; its army is degrading, reports Guancha". ... The information provided creates the feeling that the US defense industry has big problems, especially in fields of development of new technologies....
   ...following American logic, I have a suspicion that in a few years, when the US suffers a truly major military will defeat, it might to start complain about conflicts that have sent the US military in the wrong direction.
   They can say in all seriousness that Russia and Ukraine deliberately arranged all this in order to lead the US armed forces astray!...."
  -- How do the aerostats intended for border usage differ from the aerostats described in previous chapters?
   Since these aerostats are designed to operate for a limited time and are not carriers of any impact weapons, there are three main differences:
   The first main function is the detection and direction finding of both F35 and escort fighters;
   The second main function is to provide radio countermeasures and create an interference field in border barrage mode;
   An important function required to fulfill the first two is to provide stable TWO-WAY radio/data transmission, directed by a beam with a "ground coordination" center
   Detection and direction finding of breakthrough aircraft is carried out by two methods: phase analysis of distortions of the radio interference field created by aerostats' regenerators; by phase analysis of fluctuations of the infrasonic noise field caused by the constant disruption of flows from the clumsy F35 hull and, as an auxiliary method, laser detection of turbulent an adjacent trail and a chemical trail from its engine.
   "Mudozvony" from Lockheed Martin may object - "well, what kind of sound direction finding can there be for a MACHINE flying at supersonic speed!?"
   I'll explain it for "especially brilliant engineers."
   Firstly, for wide-base sound direction finding has no difference whether sound waves come from in front or behind the sensors - the readings are easily converted to the real position of the sound source.
   Secondly, if you do not pay attention to the traditional American's ringing by "Balls" then any specialist will understand that the air defense breakthrough will be carried out, with the exception of the tactical maneuver "you need to escape alive," using cruising speed.
   And this does not take into account the fact that in the case of using a "laser trap"/transmitter, the "cormorant" in which all electronic systems will "fall down", even without the final attack of the MIG21, will simply go into a last short and inglorious diving.
   How can fly such a "miracle" of American corruption?
   As one of the aviation pioneers said - (С)"even a ranch's gate will fly if they be equipped by a powerful enough engine".
   (As I already wrote above, the US military-industrial complex has become so degraded and played with "pink elephants" that in order to counteract their Ingenious and Extremely Costly/Corruption decisions, it is enough to turn to the experiences of the First and Second world wars. Well, or use several rather outdated and forgotten ones, but correctly applied "innovations")
   How one can perform a phase analysis of the radio interference field created by aerostats' super regenerators should be quite clear to specialists.
   The "geniuses" at Lockheed Martin can familiarize to the article on Google
   How perfoms phase analysis of fluctuations of infrasonic field, which emits a completely unnoticeable (according to American "mudozvony" opinion) "cormorant"?
   Receiving and analysis of infrasound is carried out by three-balloon aerostats, previously described in the previous paragraphs.
   Each horizontal balloon, in which a sealed packet acoustic sensor is installed, serves as a tunable and partially directional infrasound resonator. The packet sensor is a package of plates sealed in plastic, which are electrically tunes the resonator to the desired frequency.
   (I already manufactured and tested a similar sensor many years ago to determine the degree of engine load of heavy dump trucks leaving the quarry)
   A degasified three-balloon aerostat, together with a high-pressure carbon fiber helium balloon, is placed in a plastic bag, approximately 0.8 * 0.8 * 0.8 meters.
   The packages are consistently thrown out from transport aircraft flying along the border line.
   After its separation from the transport aircraft, the outtake rail pulls off the bag from it and opens the valve of the helium cylinder.
   The filled aerostat drops the empty high pressure cylinder and starting to rotate in the air flow carry out straightens of the threads of the "snowflake".
   Each aerostat has the jammer described in the previous paragraphs.
   Before the moment of separation from the transport aircraft, the aerostat's gyroscope is launched, which is oriented along the course of the aircraft.
   Moving and rotating in a vortex flow, the balloon with its antenna is always directed towards, the receiving and command ground station.
   The antenna is spiraling, rotating about the axis of the spiral. The rotation, through coded pulses, is strictly synchronized in speed and phase with the rotation of the antenna of the ground receiving and command station. (This scheme allows you to increase the noise immunity of a channel operating in an interference field)
   As the aerostat rotates, signals from the sensors of each horizontal balloon are compared in phase and level.
   The balloon, as an additional sensor, carries a two-band "LIDAR" (it has two lasers - one laser in the infrared and the second in the ultraviolet ranges).
   (С) They use an optical frequency comb, which fires lasers at specific, evenly spaced frequencies. This technology provides high spectral resolution and allows open-path measurements over distances, making it useful for studying emissions over designated areas
   "LIDAR" rotates with the balloon and, additionally, scanning the space vertically, transmits, along with information about the passage and reflection of rays, information about its azimuth and tilt angle relative to the gyroscope.
   This scheme makes it possible to detect turbulence from a "cormorant" flight and chemical jets from its engine... 
   Based on the processing and summation of information received from each aerostat and by voice guidance of the Mig 21 pilot from the ground command center, is carried out targeting.
   I once again remind the "geniuses" from Lockheed Martin that, in this situation, your (overly expensive and overly complex) electronics will be completely inoperable.
   The transmission of commands to the interceptor also occurs through a spiral antenna constantly directed at the ground receiving and command station and rotating synchronously with its receiving antenna.
   How will the air battle between the F35 and MIG21 take place?
   There will be no fight.
   In a field of continuous interference, the "cormorant" and its accompanying fighters will not be combat-ready not only by their air-to-air missiles, but also by their console auto cannons which don't have an optical, collimator sight.
   Moreover, having come through the zone of a continuous radio counteraction and acting under a canopy of: sodium's aerosol; aluminum tape and in the interference field, they completely are deprived of communication with the control center.
   Explanatory drawings from my very old article
   0x08 graphic
   0x08 graphic
   0x08 graphic
   A canopy of sodium aerosols and aluminum tapes is placed by attack aircraft, firing special air-to-air missiles, immediately at the moment of breaking through the border zone by F35 and the tactical unit "led" by it, creating, together with the aerostats, conditions of a COMPLETE absence of the possibility of digital interaction for all level of these tactical units, .
   In such a situation, MIG 21s, which ground services will bring to visual contact on a distance of 500-600 meters, will simply shoot (excuse the pun) the "cormorants" from its cannons, like turkeys sitting on a ranch.
   The weakness of North Korea and ather smalle countries is the difficulty in planning to repel aggression.
   As a rule, they either have no long-range detection systems or its are based on outdated equipment, transferred as military aid in "Soviet times" or purchased at thieves' sales in the USSR.
   These "early warning systems" are almost all based on various modifications of the old P-18, operating in the very successful meter or initial centimeter frequency range (as I said earlier - all conditionally invisible "cormorants" and US radio countermeasures systems are designed to counter only extreme centimeter radars or, most often, millimeter wave).
   I know the P-18 station quite well from the time of my training in the distant 70s.
   Станция А1,3
   0x08 graphic
   Станция А2
   0x08 graphic
   According to my assumptions, North Korea must have at least a hundred of them.
   Unfortunately, this station has two problems - a low detection range, for the standard version, no more than 120-140 km, and a very strong "ground influence".
   I reviewed the parameters of the station with usage, both some little-known variants of its modification, and with usage of a more modern element base, including Chinese computers available on the open market.
   And I added to its my KNOW-HOW, which I was stated in a simplified version on the Internet many years ago (text is only in Russian).
   "Detection and targeting of aircraft made using stealth technology using free aerostat repeaters"
   Posted: 12/21/2011
   As I think, "mudozvony" from the US military-industrial complex either did not read it, or it simply did not fit into the schemes of budget theft and corruption they pushed. Although, it is possible that they, like the great rocket scientist Matt Walker, simply do not have sufficient qualifications to understand the innovations being stolen.
   (C) "Both the transmitting and receiving antennas move synchronously, controlling by one of the types of synchronizing devices and carry out scanning the space, .
   The phase and pulses of the master oscillators of the receiving antenna are also, through an independent communication line, synchronized with the oscillator of the transmitting antenna.
   In addition to the main movement, the feeds of the receiving antennas A1,3 perform an additional, reciprocating scanning movement at a certain angle to the horizon, with a scanning speed tens of times higher than the speed of movement of the transmitting antenna A2.
   The receiving antenna's radiation pattern is tilted toward the horizon and the angle of this tilt changes to the opposite, depending on the direction of movement.
   While scanning the space, within a tactically specified "elevation angle", each cycle of auxiliary scanning of receiving antennas covers an angle of approximately 15-20* with its reciprocating movement.
   0x08 graphic
   0x08 graphic
   That is, as the vector of radiation pattern of the emitting antenna moves, the vector of radiation pattern of the receiving antenna, which generalized movs synchronously with it, constantly makes cyclic, small reciprocating movements.
   To put it simply, the beam of the receiving antenna and its time gate (the relative time during which the computer allows the reception of incoming signals) seem to slide along the beam of the transmitting antenna.
   The speed of movement of the feeds and the direction of mixing of the scanning sector of the entire complex (target tracking) is selected so that during the time in which target is in the radiating antenna diagram, the receiving antenna performs 3-4 scans due to the reciprocating movement of the antenna feeds/deflectors
   The general principle of operation of such a radar and computer analysis of the information received from it in level that is quite accessible for American's "mudozvony" described by the Wikipedia article - "Bistatic radar - Wikipedia "
   Such a scheme should sufficiently protect the station from primitive US radio countermeasures systems and will also allow an order of magnitude increase in the sensitivity of the receiving station.
   For example, an additional increase in sensitivity can be achieved (without the use of the element base, access to which is prohibited for North Korea by sanctions) by usage of cooled parametric amplifiers (such as those used in the "Orbita" space communications stations. North Korea has several such stations). Liquid nitrogen, for the operation of such modified radars, can be centrally conveed by Dewars vessels.
   And, at the same time, the output power of the transmitter can be increased, due to additional cooling using air cooled to 10*C and supplying additional power to the generator module, (reducing the "mean time between failures" in such a situation is quite acceptable)
   Considering that the terrain of North Korea is mountainous and the "cormorants" from the continental side cannot attack at low altitude, with this use of the P-18 it is possible to obtain a reliable detection range of up to 400-500 km.
   If necessary, I can advise persons which are conserned in such
   modernization of P-18.
   For state-authorized specialists from North Korea, such a service will be free, but they will have to provide a secure version of the consultation line and an engineer who knows Russian.
   In such a situation, you can also use the sodium canopy scheme described in the chapter "Part Three_B_1 - Overcoming Multilevel Continental Anti-Missile Defense By Usage the Virtual Mirror Method", which will blind the satellites, but I don't know has North Korea such possibility or no.
   But they should take into account that the MIG 21, in its unmanned version, can be upgraded into a carrier aircraft for a composite missile.
   I considered the possibility of such a modernization for Ukraine in order to use the MIG 21 as a heavy, long-range cruise missile capable of shot at ESPECIALLY important targets located in the Moscow region and central Russia, but the Ukrainian's "a con artists" prefer to plunder their country and Europe in partnership with American corrupt officials.
  -- P.S.
   I I really hope that the military and politicians of both South Korea and Japan will read this article and they will think carefully about whether they should so actively promote the selfish interests of the US in order as a result of that, to get on their territories a global "Fukushima".
   The military aspect of the Korean gambit - http://samlib.ru/k/koganickij_g_a/korejskijgambit.shtml Posted: 04/07/2013
   This article is very old and it has only in Russian, but I will try, in the near time, to translate it into English and send a mailings to South Korean and Japanese media
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