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Diamagnetic Levitron

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   Diamagnetic Levitron

Diamagnetic Levitron

   The idea of using a magnetic field as a support for levitation has been known for a long time. The names of the authors who proposed these or those designs are known. Almost all projects take the Lorentz force as the basis for levitation. But is this the only possible principle of levitation?
There is and in this article we will talk
about such a "new" method of levitation. The proposed method is based on the phenomenon of "diamagnetism".
   Magnetic levitation.
   It is a technology, a method of lifting an object using only a magnetic field . Magnetic pressure is used to compensate for the acceleration of gravity or any other accelerations.

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   Earnshaw's theorem states that it is impossible to sustain an object in a gravitational field using only ferromagnets . However, levitation is possible using servomechanisms, diamagnets, superconductors, and eddy current systems .[1]
   The reason for levitation.
   In matter, the magnetic field is excited not only by conduction currents, but also by moving charges inside the atoms and molecules themselves. According to the semi-classical theory, electrons rotate around atomic nuclei in closed orbits.

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   And if so, these circular currents interact with external magnetic fields. And, in fact, the diamagnetic effect arises.

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   In fact, if we generalize the movement of electrons in a circle, this is the reason for levitation. Is levitation possible in the Earth's magnetic field? And not only above the Earth's magnetic poles, but also above the Earth's surface at any point on our planet. And this is quite possible thanks to the "Vertical Component".
   "Vertical component"
   If everyone is familiar with the horizontal component, the one that the compass reacts to, almost everyone knows about the existence of the vertical one. It is important for us to remember that the "vertical component" of the Earth's magnetic field is several times greater than the "horizontal component". Here is what you can learn about this vertical component from the book "The Earth's Magnetic Field". S.M.Kurashev [2]

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   As can be seen from the figure, in our Northern Hemisphere, the "vertical magnetic component of the Earth's magnetic field" is directed strictly from top to bottom. This "top to bottom" direction is due to the fact that we live in the Northern Hemisphere, and the South Magnetic Pole is located in the Northern Hemisphere [2]. And all the conventional lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field, emerging from the North Magnetic Pole, already enter the Earth in our hemisphere and exactly "from top to bottom", at different angles. In this case, the "epicenter" of this entry, where the concentration of these descending magnetic lines of force is the "South Magnetic Pole". And as we move away from it to the equator, the concentration of these descending magnetic lines of force gradually decreases and at the equator this "vertical component" of the Earth's magnetic field is practically not detected.
nd further in the book "The Earth's Magnetic Field". S.M.Kurashev [2] gives the following information.

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   The presence of a vertical component makes it possible to obtain a pushing force not only over the Earth's magnetic poles, but also over almost all hemispheres, excluding the equator and the zone close to it, where the vertical component of the Earth's magnetic field is practically no longer detectable.
   Plasma Trap:
Earth's Magnetic Field Is Like a Magnetic "Bottle" Trap for Plasma

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   Protons and electrons in the Earth's magnetic field also move from denser layers of the Earth's magnetic field to less dense layers closer to the equators.
The Earth's magnetic field is a fairly effective trap for solar wind. Therefore, solar plasma or so
lar wind can be captured using a magnetic field, similar to the Earth's magnetic field.

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   We see in the picture that near the atmosphere at the poles the density of the Earth's magnetic field is greater than in space above the equator. These dense layers act as "plugs" and therefore all the captured particles are ultimately reflected or collected above the equator, where the density of the magnetic field is lower than near the poles. This is the principle on which a trap for solar plasma should be made.
king as a basis the magnetic field of the earth, which is a natural trap for solar wind particles.
   Conductor levitation.
   By analogy, we can design a diamagnetic magnetoplane or levitron. Let's calculate the speed of an electron in hydrogen. Hydrogen is a diamagnetic. Let's determine the speed of rotation of an electron in a hydrogen atom if the radius of its orbit is 0.53*10^-8 cm .
   r = 0.53*10^(-8) cm = 0.53*10^(-10) m
   e = 1.6*10^(-19) Cl
   k = 9*10 (N*m')/Cl'
   m = 9.1*10^(-31) kg
   v - ?
   The electron is subject to a centripetal force, the Coulomb force. Then, according to Newton's Second Law, it will be the resultant:
   Fk = ma(cs)
   The Coulomb force is equal to the product of the charges of the hydrogen nucleus and the electron, divided by the square of the distance between them, and multiplied by the proportionality coefficient k. The charges of the nucleus and the electron are equal in magnitude to the elementary charge e, then:
   Fк = k*(e*e)/r' = ke'/r'
   Centripetal acceleration, a(cs) is equal to:
   a(cs) = v'/r
   We substitute the expressions for force and acceleration into the formula of Newton's second law:
   Fk = ma(cs)
   ke'/r' = m(v'/r) | * r
   ke'/r = mv'
   v' = ke'/(mr)
   v = e*-(k/(mr)) = 1.6*10^(-19)*-(9*10 /(9.1*10^(-31)*0.53*10^(-10))) = 2185660.011 m/s = 2186 km/s
   Answer: 2186 km/s.
   But the speed of free electrons in a conductor is minimal. In 1 second, electrons in a conductor move due to ordered motion less than 0.1 mm - 20 times less than the speed of a snail. Therefore, ring conductors cannot interact effectively with the external magnetic field of the Earth.
   Ball lightning.
   But what can levitate in the Earth's magnetic field? Ball lightning. Yes, plasma, which ball lightning consists of.


   Or rather, protons and electrons, which plasma consists of. Plasma particles rotate around the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field.

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   The higher the plasma temperature, that is, the higher the thermal Brownian range of protons and electrons, the faster the plasma particles rotate around the vertical lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field.

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   It is important to understand that protons and electrons rotate around magnetic field lines while also being paramagnetic. That is, plasma particles first line up along the lines of force like a compass needle, and then, rotating around the lines of force, they receive a diamagnetic impulse, being squeezed out into less dense zones of the Earth's magnetic field above the equator.
   Diamagnetic levitron.
   Hence, if we want to obtain an analogue of the plasma levitron. Then we need to rotate charged particles in an external magnetic field at a very high speed. But there is a problem. If we rotate both protons and electrons in one direction. Then there will be no levitation, since the Lawrence forces will be directed in different directions and the proton and electron will slow down in the same way during circular motion and there will be no diamagnetic effect.

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   But if we force electrons and protons to rotate towards each other, the braking, and therefore the diamagnetic effect, will add up. In essence, we have a certain version of the Eichenwald disk. Or rather, if we take the Eichenwald disk as a basis, we can create a diamagnetic Levitron.

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   Thus, the diamagnetic levitron is a capacitor. In which positively and negatively charged plates-foxes rotate towards each other. And between them there is a stationary dielectric.
   Schauberger's Levitron.
   Yes, the diamagnetic Levitron is very similar to the Schauberger Levitron [3]. The same two plates with a dielectric between them.

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   From this we can conclude that attempts to harness the diamagnetic force have already been made. And these attempts were successful. The first attempt was by Schauberger in 1936 and Berezhnoy in 1996. Unfortunately, the researchers did not achieve an understanding of the cause of levitation. And therefore they were unable to bring the design to commercial use. And this is precisely the launch of cargo into orbit.
   Entering orbit.
   The vertical component of the magnetic field has a slope with height towards the north or south pole of the Earth and gradually enters these poles.

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   From here we need to spin the charges in the engine so quickly that the diamagnetic buoyancy force has time to accelerate our levitron to the first cosmic velocity, which will allow the levitron to enter near-earth orbit.
   1. Diamagnets. Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
   2. Earth's magnetic field. S.M.Kurashev. http://old.misis.ru/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=AZFCHBjVtj0%3D&tabid=6715
   3. About levitation. http://samlib.ru/l/lemeshko_a_w/a01.shtml

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