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anschauungskreis der bibelwelt
Contemplative Conception of the Biblical World
The whole content of this opus is actually a description of the ?circle`. The book has a beginning, for a circle is limited; but does not have an end - merely, can not have - for a circle is endless. Every human being is sincerely welcome to change the illustration or/and the text. Be blessed!
quotation from the Bible
quotation from any other printed source
my own remarks
related to ...
6 Wesentlichen (Gehalte) / Substances (Capacities)
(G-Spitzen, G-Knoten / G-Spires, G-Knots)
Concerning the intriguing legend about Golem... Maximum, a human (even the most powerful one) can "create", using all the Magic and Knowledge (incl. Cabbalistic), is Golem. Only God can do a full animation...
The essential here is that not "malignant shepherds" have repudiated the flock(s) but God Himself...
And the pearl amongst the descriptions of this relation is, for sure, "The Good Shepherd", i.e.
Unbelievable, but that's a fact: the word ?conscience' does not exist in the Old Testament! The question is obvious: why not?! Did not pre-Christian world need it [conscience]?.. Although, we find this word in the New Testament many times...
That is funny! Conscience can be clean (unpolluted, stainless) or unclean (dirty, sully). But - "weak" (or "strong")?!. Faith can be weak or strong. Love, will, wish, hope, personality can... And yes, strength (or weakness) of the faith (e.g.) makes the conscience clean (or sully).
Only Adam received this commandment from God, but Eve didn't! Why? Has God forgotten to warn "the first Wife"? Or He considered Eve to be not self-reliant "unit"?.. Why this "crafty (shrewd, cautious) serpent" spoke to Eve - and not to Adam?.. And why any serpent could speak at all?!. For articulated speech ability (with meaningful words) is one of the peculiarities of man, whom God specially inspired...
Again the same!.. The God's Word mentions only Adam as a man in exile off the Paradise - and not the woman!.. But much more important is another thing: God moved the man not only OFF the Garden, but also OFF HIM! The Guest was not only from Paradise expurgated, but also from God!
That is why since then we are mortal!.. Putting there these frightening "Cherubim" [some higher-rank angels], God withdrew eternal life from us... But... where figures God's "preservation of the Knowledge"? Very plain: Knowledge is God's. God is eternal. So is Knowledge. If man would have eternity for knowing and learning (and thinking and reflecting and so on), he yes could become [like] God...
Thus, limiting our lifetime, god limits our "Cleverness" - and actually our approximation to God's substance [substantiality].
One of the most ridiculous statements!..
[Barbara Werner]
In the beginning God made man vegetarian! And the relation man---fauna was as sovereign---subject.
Only after the Deluge God gave the mankind this order: be omnivorous!
And the relation man---fauna became hunter---game.
According to Aristo, man is a social ("political") animal.
To my scheme, shall we?.. We are situated on the top-side (God-side) of the middle hexagon, i.e. on the WISDOM. Here are: prophet (who can prophesize), wise man (who knows all secrets & knowledge), apostle (who has all believes) and magician/witch (who can replace mounts). Everyone of them is very powerful --- even himself alone! Only imagine, how much power (might, dominion... whatever!..) has he, who obtains all these virtues - altogether!.. BUT! - without love [GOD], he is nothing...
The less love [God] the wisdom has, the closer it is to plain psychology. And - the farther from God...
Exactly! He teaches. Neither grants nor presents. And the school-process is always regulated, limited, dosed...
So many things in these two verses!.. Well, let's get started... First, the translation from Hebrew to German is not that good. MUSSAR means `moral' (`ethics'), not `discipline' [decency, manners, etc.]. "Discipline, which makes clever" sounds pretty clumsy - even if this translation was technically right... MUSSAR ha-SKEL means merely `moral lesson of the fable'.
That's a noteworthy moment: Heaven as Treasure. Yes, Knowledge is not on Earth - but in Heaven! And t h e y know there, when it's a right time, what needs a blessing (and which one!), etc. (Namely t h e y , 'cause Hebrew names of God are all in plural!)
Well... what is this ?Klugheit`-term?! In the first case, put it Luther for `tevounah', which is actually not `Klugheit', but `intelligence' or `comprehension'. In the second & third cases, Luther uses this word to express Hebrew term `armah'. This translation seems to me being appropriate. Some other options, which I would suggest for `armah', are `acuteness', `craftiness', `slyness'.
These are the genuine treasures: wisdom, acuteness, cognition, moral[ity], comprehension.
St.Peter uses the word ?cognition` pretty light-minded, almost frivolous... There was indeed one God's (if God's...) creature which bewitched our `Praemother' "through the cognition"... Because of these two (serpent and Eve) God has expelled us from Him and from Paradise...
Sure thing, in all of these cases ?serpent` vouches for ?nakhash`!
Incredible! Jesus sends His followers to the people and asks them to be clever like serpents! What for?.. Is it possible that `serpent number one' has also been sent by Jesus?..
[William Barclay]
HIGLY IMPORTANT: in the whole Bible there is no such a word - SOCIETY!!