Мария Люцифер : другие произведения.

Fortune Teller

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Оракул не может жить вечно - слишком много у людей тёмных мыслей...

   The Fortune Teller
   He opened his eyes and looked to the sky,
   He saw the beginning of storm...
His heart was yet clear, without a lie,
   And his heart was lovingly warm...
   He was just a child, less than my age,
   But he was already a slave,
   He knows all on earth - in predictor's cage
   And his heart became now lame...
   It was summer time with terrible storm,
   When Gods come closer to earth,
   The boy came to them and asked to know all
   He sacrificed that time his youth.
   The Gods heard his shout, and gave him
   This gift -they have let him know everything
   It was cruel joke - to that little, slim
   Not knowing nature of his.
   Now he is old, and he is alone,
   He has no family, friends,
   He sits on the throne and quietly waits,
   For time when he'll be gone
   He never complained, nor blamed the Gods -
   They just gave him, what he has asked
   One night he will hear the sound of the storm
   And they'll take to heaven - at last...
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