Лунева-Лучишина Оксана : другие произведения.

Friendship From Afar

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Friendship from afar, by the water's side,
Images and thoughts, always hitching a ride.
Years have gone by, with Friendship still there, 
Life's ups and downs, together we do share. 
Times you have crossed, my path in my mind,
Remembering those times, when you were so kind. 
The trips on days out, a pleasure to start. 
The day that you moved, left a space in my Heart.
For all that we write, to show how we feel,
Your letters and calls, my thoughts they do heal.
 Letters alone, with sadness I write,
 Like the birds that cry out, alone in the night. 
The times that we speak, over the phone, 
Never would one think, I was so alone. 
You entered my life, like a breath of fresh air, 
God alone knows, just how much I really care.
Stay close to my mind, in Spirit and Heart, 
Never let the distance drive us apart. 
True Love I know, will always be there, 
To Love and to cherish, and also to share,
When I am low, and my Heart feels alone, 
I think of you, and I pick up the phone. 
Be always there, your feelings never hide, 
Friendship from afar, by the water's side.

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