Чиянова Марина : другие произведения.

Abhaya anthem

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    An anthem to Abhaya, a form of a goddess Durga that impersonates fearlessness.

You carry a sword and a bow with arrows,
But it's the power of your anger
That helps you defeat your enemies.

In a war of energies
Your purity and grace,
Combined with wrath,

And all the dark creatures
Fall at your feet,
Disappearing in a cold fog of a beautiful morning.

Your fearless nature
Is as high and unattainable
As the Himalaya mountains,
And your graceful and glorious smile
Encourages people all over the world
To fight for their dignity and freedom
And defeat their weaknesses. 

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