Никишов Олександр : другие произведения.

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Nikishov Alexander


Mini collection

A short scary stories


A little romance

   I got married ... A thousand years have passed ... Now we are two skeletons, on which you, scum, walk every day ...

New stationmaster

   - I will teach you to suffer, - said the witch and poured some powder into the cauldron of the atomic reactor.
   Lived! At our power plant there is an alarm, an emergency... everyone is making noise, shouting, running "on the sensors".
   "You have to run around the women like that," I thought about them.
   The and.

Title: You have to be such a muddler - accidentally swallow the refrigerator

   Text: Marriage ... Martian ... Success ...

Lousy intelligence

   Dumb, deceitful, lazy, foul language.
   From the dossier on artificial intelligence !1234567890.

Time Machine Preflight Inspection Instructions (no supplement)

   1. Listen to safety precautions during flight from the advice of academics.
   2. Hear a talk from a sober time machine technician.
   3. Inspect the cab for defects, dents, cracks.
   4. Open the hatch of the power unit and inspect the power unit for damage and factory defect.
   5. Check with the engine off the play of the timing lever.
   6. Check, with the timing lever removed, the engine start and stop.
   7. Read in the workbook the flight task and an indication of errors in previous flights.

The most important task in the history of Mankind

   - Did you comply?
   - Yes.
   - What have you done?
   - We don't remember.


   - There is no time to breed boredom. We turn on the molecule thinner, boost the engine and fly through the stars and planets to another galaxy.
   - Dumaesh bosses will be delighted when they find out that we have forced the engine.
   - I don't think so.
   We flew through the stars, planets - and suddenly - bam! - got stuck in the middle of the sun.

By the midst of the Sun stuck

   - There is no time to breed boredom. We turn on the molecule thinner, boost the engine and fly through the stars and planets to another galaxy.
   We flew through the stars, planets - and suddenly - bam! - got stuck in the middle of the sun.

In the afternoon through the cemetery

   All the time since childhood I was afraid to walk through the cemetery during the day. You never know, suddenly I see someone out of this world. They say that sometimes you can see one of them there, there is nowhere more color - it is immediately visible not from our world. It seems like he walks around the graves, examines, - everything cannot calm down. One afternoon I went through the cemetery, - stories, they say, I think - there are no such, - all gossip. I'm going - lo and behold - at the grave of the multicolored as many. I am behind the grave and watch them carefully. I hear - even talk about something. I listened. They recall some of theirs, the Deceased, as if he lived in their world of the Living and crossed into our world. "Merry dumplings, - I think, - these are the former live among us!".


   He was tight and callous, and we didn't like it at all. We ate it.


   Was married three times. Divorced. My age is 5 years.


   Today I had a bad dream: as if I had not been in the war and had not turned anyone into a bloody mess.


   Today I had a bad dream: as if I had not been in the war.


   "It was I... who created a river eel so that it could crawl from one reservoir to another. I, not the Most High. And these idiots locked me in a psychiatric hospital. "
   Therefore, he was locked in a psychiatric hospital - so that he would not create something else.

A Midsummer Night's Dream

   Slept drunk on a graveyard table on a summer night. And I dreamed that the prisoners killed by me in the war came closer to me, stood and left. Awoke. Well this will dream. No, they didn't.

Not true

   I thought of finding the Truth - Kryvda. Found. I almost died of laughter.


   - The same heavenly pleasure for me - she said and, as they say, warmly warmed the devil with a cauldron in the middle of Hell.


   - "Rebellion from Hell is postponed."

New call

   She told me on the phone that she was jumping off the bridge because of me. Who is she?

Alone in the city

   - "You've completely exhausted yourself, brother." - she said to me from behind. I looked around. Nobody. It seems that I did not dream and did not dream. I didn't have a sister, I didn't. I live alone. In the whole neighborhood alone. I live alone in the whole city. One!


   - When will the stars finally go out?

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