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About the connection of eternity and nothingness

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    Eternity in its infinitely flowing time ensures the existence in the present of the finite changing forms, both living and inanimate. But where do these forms come from and how are they delivered into beingness? And why are they finite in their existence?

  Keywords: nothingness, eternity, infinity, information, consciousness, inanimate, alive, beingness, finite, matter, time.
  Infinity is more or less strictly defined only mathematically. The average person is unable to imagine the meaning of infinity, especially the infinity of beingness.
  However, it is quite obvious to us that the world consists of finite objects in the process of change, or otherwise - in the current time, which, as we imagine, will end in the form of the collapse of the universe, while eternity in the human imagination by its term says that it lasts infinitely.
  However, some scientists claim that eternity is not subject to time at all, having the entire fullness of all beingness single-time, thereby equating being ness to eternity, but falling into a contradiction, since beingness cannot but be in the current time.
  In fact, these scientists have taken for eternity nothing, so how exactly nothing, or nothingness "is" outside time, since it lacks the change and development, which are possible only in the current time, but it, indeed, contains potentially everything.
  Other scientists claim that, on the contrary, our very existence (beingness) as eternity is in time, containing any finite interval of it, and the duration of eternity is a repetition of one and the same cycle.
  Similar thought denies development as such, imposing a time limit on it, which is nonsense in itself, since a world without eternal change and development is only the reverse side of non-beingness, and has no meaning. Therefore, the world with this approach turns out to be, in essence, finite, although in endless uniform cycles, which, as if someone winds up again and again, when the winding up is ending. Such picture has nothing to do with God or randomness, that is, it is false.
  Moreover, this view of the world omits the question - where did beingness itself come from and why did it come from in the current time?
  Other scientists do not agree with the same cycles repeating over and over again, believing that the duration of eternity has no cycles.
  At first glance, it seems that this approach to Creation is quite adequate, since beingness in it falls into eternally current time.
  But they also do not answer the same question - where did beingness itself come from and why did it come from in the current time?
  It is curious that these contradictory points of view on eternity hint that the complete picture of Creation, in addition to time, must also contain something timeless, but science is powerless to go beyond the boundaries of beingness known to it in own methods.
  Nevertheless, it is clear that a state outside of current time is a timeless infinity, or nothingness, since it has no edges.
  Therefore, we must take a look at nothingness in the views of modern scientists, drawing the appropriate conclusions.
  As is known, in the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia", nothingness is characterized as the non-existence of a certain entity or the absence of beingness.
  Here the scientists also fall into a contradiction, since the absence of beingness, that is, the current time, does not mean the absence of a certain entity that can potentially "be" in nothingness.
  However, despite its potential, since everything can "be" in infinity, in nothingness is no change and development, which are possible only in the current time.
  Our idea that nothingness is not emptiness and not a negation of beingness is confirmed by mathematics, since the empty, not containing a single element, by definition contains nothing, but at the same time this empty set (nothing) is a subset of all sets, since in any set there is a place for emptiness.
  In other words, zero is the most significant quantity, since, for example, it can be represented as an integral collection of the infinite negative and positive digits.
  So, nothingness, or a timeless infinity, can be an unmanifested source of everything, thereby solving the problem of the foundation of Creation.
  Indeed, the finite objects must come from somewhere in the process of their changes.
  But throughout the history of mankind, only two answers have been given to this question without any evidence, namely: God created everything, the other answer is that everything arose spontaneously from the moving matter.
  As you can see, the answer - where did God oneself or the moving matter, that produced, again, suddenly living beings? - come from? - has never been given.
  It is clear that it is impossible to give a more or less adequate answer to an incorrectly formulated question, since the very question of the emergence of everything from some original source requires an explanation again of where this original source of everything came from, etc.
  Therefore, it is reasonable to eliminate this origin, assuming that everything exists infinitely in two hypostases - eternally in time, and as infinity outside of time, or nothingness.
  However, where, how, and in what form does matter enter eternity, localizing in the form of universes in reality, or as beingness in the current time, that is, where does it come from, since there is nothing else except nothingness.
  There can only be one conclusion - it comes from nothingness, since there is nowhere else.
  But then a problem arises - how does this happen, and even together with beingness, since without beingness within the current time nothingness is not capable of manifesting itself. At this, in process of manifestation, this nothingness should not change, remaining as before nothingness.
  Nevertheless, this problem can be solved by assuming that matter, which is extracted from nothingness is nothing more than a copy of information from it, which falls on media having opposite signs, but which are not mutually destroyed, being conditionally in a spaced state in the form of projection of nothingness.
  Thus, both of these parts can respectively supply matter to eternity (beingness) of one sign and, accordingly, of another sign, being integrally nothing, that is, in this respect, the infinite projection of the infinite nothingness is no different from the nothingness itself.
  The next problem in this model of Creation is the connection of a timeless nothingness with eternity, or an endless beingness in the current time through a projection a timeless nothingness.
  Such connection can be carried out informationally with the help of the material carriers available in the projection, carrying copies of information from a timeless infinity, necessary for the existence of the current time, at this, these carriers are restoring beingness as a whole, but are renewing each of its objects with an ultra-high frequency, that is being felted by each living being as sojourn oneself within the flow of this, in fact, artificial time in beingness due to the automatic exclusion by living beings of the interval between high-frequency impulses.
  Therefore, such carriers may well be, like radio waves, ultra-high-frequency oscillatory wave-like structures, in the harmonics of which the corresponding information is contained.
  The information that is so necessary for the functioning of Creation can be perceived, processed, changed and transmitted only by living beings, since, by definition, an information is data about the state of the material objects that are recognized by other objects by the means at their disposal.
  The inanimate objects are not capable of carrying out this operation, since they do not have the appropriate means for this, whereas only living beings are capable of perceiving, processing, changing and transmitting certain data, transforming it into information, that is, into something understandable for themselves, due to the fact that they have sensors (sense organs), centers for processing incoming signals and a program of metabolism, growth and development on a protein carrier (genome).
  Thus, only the combined active and passive components of Creation in the form of alive center fall into the information flow.
  They constitute on an information basis within a certain association all living objects, included in beingness, and this information base is the wave-like ultra-high-frequency structures of the projection of an infinite nothingness, some of which are the simplest, forming the information basis of the inanimate objects of beingness, others in their harmonics carry the programs that form the basis for those objects of beingness, which are able to perceive, process, change and transmit information, thereby acquiring the opportunity for initiative and self-development.
  Therefore, not one beingness, but the totality of eternity (beingness) and a timeless infinity with its own projection, represent a complete system of Creation, which functions only due to the unification of inanimate (passive) matter and active matter in the form of living beings. They convert information from timeless nothingness through its projection into the corresponding objects of beingness with its current time, giving them motion and change in a certain space, as a result of which an infinite nothingness manifests itself in the form of beingness known to us, which is being formed by the living beings infinitely in the form of a series of universes, that is, eternal.
  As a result, thanks to the finite living beings, which, due to its structure, are in the information flows perceived by them, both the stable infinite existence of the entire system of Creation and the development of an infinite consciousness (the active) through the same the finite living beings are achieved.
  Thus, an infinite nothingness is capable of manifesting itself only if there is that which manifests - alive, and a means of manifestation - the information within the framework of the system of Creation, containing the timeless structures and a structure with the current time, coexisting without beginning and end for the reason that integrally they represent nothingness, thereby solving the eternal problem of the emergence of everything, which never arose, being both eternity in the infinite flow of time, and infinity outside of time, being therefore both nothing and everything.
  The mechanism of permanent creation of the current time, and with it beingness (eternity) can be presented in the following form.
  In any living being there are sensory organs that perceive the frequency fluctuations and an internal computer that processes the received data, eventually converting them into both images and objects of beingness, surrounding the living beings, including themselves, that is, updating them and themselves constantly by the choice of some frequencies from this set of frequencies and mathematically converting them into sensory perceptions.
  But this process of the updates that is so important to change them, is automatic, more precisely, under the control of a single consciousness (see below) of a projections of an timeless infinity, and the change itself, which is being marked by living beings both in themselves and in changes in environment around them, occurs as a result of the automatic formation of the current time by them, which is created through them and for them due to the fact that they do not perceive a pause between impulse signals coming to the senses.
  In particular, in the human perception, the pause disappears due to the delay of these impulses when passing through nerve fibers. Along with that, for the simplest creatures, this pause is skipped in perception due to the delay required for processing the current packet of information in it by the corresponding information processing center, that, of course, is typical for a person.
  Thus, for a person the information is being formed by the separate portions, which in his mind merge into a continuous stream, which seems to him by the present, since the processing of each packet of information, which has a certain duration, displaces from consciousness the interval between the successive packets of information entering the senses.
  The general information packet for every moment passes to brain neurons from different human organs in the form of the sequences of nervous pulses, in each of which the relevant information is included. The speed of distribution of the nervous pulses fluctuates in the range from 1 m/s to 120 m/s. Frequency and character of the pulse sequence, bearing, in particular, the visual information, depend on intensity and spectral content of light, and value and duration of each separate pulse does not depend by nature and powers of irritation.
  Directly after the pulse generation, the nervous fiber is in, a so-called, the refractory state and can't be excited again during 1-2 milliseconds, i.e. the nervous fiber is able to conduct nervous pulses with a frequency not higher than 500 Hz. The duration of the pulse which is passing along a nervous fiber makes shares of millisecond in every moment, and, in principle, there can't be more than a lag time, i.e. than the duration of restoration of a nervous fiber (a refractory state).
  The pause between the nervous pulses, containing information, means that they don't go continuously. However, this pause together with shorter interval of processing of a signal in every moment is below a threshold of sensations and therefore doesn't get to consciousness: in particular, the moving picture for consciousness of a person is provided with an interval between the running consecutive shots about 0.04 seconds, which makes the specified threshold. Its duration, as can be seen, more than an order of the magnitude greater than the duration of a pause. Therefore, the forming the discrete sequential moments of the own time of a person, which include in its sequence all patterns and all events of life for a person, merge in the continuous, indivisible flow in his consciousness.
  Therefore, almost everything around us, both for a person and for other living beings, turns from the frequency into "solid" reality in which one can live and develop, but this kind of artificial reality is based not on something illusory, but on completely material ultra-high-frequency formations.
  The loss of pauses between the positions of the renewal of copies of the relevant information packages for each individual consciousness in the living is equivalent to the absence of the sensation of changing copies of things, including one's own body, which means for the individual consciousness in the living being "getting into" a moving world with its own laws both in the physical and chemical, as well as other spheres of the present beingness. In fact, we observe this around us.
  Thus, the absence of real move in the projection of an infinite nothingness is "converted" within beingness by means of alive into the current time, which we associate with the change and move of various objects of beingness.
  It is this fact of participation of each individual consciousness of a living being through its own sense organs and control centers in the formation of the surrounding "reality" that allows each living being to join the forming surrounding world, to become its actor, unlike the viewer in the cinema.
  Thus, the motionless becomes moving without a mover and the question of the prime mover, be it God or the self-movement of matter, disappears by itself.
  By itself, an infinity outside time is nothingness, or zero, but the active is active by definition, in order to not forgetting the passive, project itself into wave-like formations that are in antiphase, thereby remaining zero in material balance. Nothing prevents the active from showing himself as consistently, updating his own projection by completely replacing it with a high frequency after some pause, that is, discretely.
  Each updated projection is stationary and represents a "unfolded" zero, which through a pause representing a "pure" zero is replaced by a zero with a slightly different "reversal."
  This manifestation of an infinity discretely in its finite ultrahigh-frequency form requires neither space nor motion, since nothing arises except "discontinuities" in an infinity, which can be considered the prototype of time.
  The infinite, motionless nothingness, thus, is a dual system outside of time, informationally united with beingness in the current time, constituting Creation thanks to the active in a timeless infinity and its projection, which also remains the same infinite and motionless, but already "torn apart" by finite, consistently renewing formations. Therefore, these formations separately are already quasi-temporal, and under the condition of their unification in itself through the living active receives beingness, where it can, in particular, realize itself in real actions, thereby converting a timeless infinity through own projection from nothingness into everything that exists.
  That is, nothingness, or a timeless infinity comes out through projection into real existence.
  The active, merged with the passive in a timeless infinity, in its projection must manifest itself as one and as divided in its information copies, capable of demonstrating itself as living in the case of unification with the passive in beingness, that is, in the current time, which is being formed, as was shown above, by the living, who is skipping a pause between the positions of renewal.
  It is curious that this current time, due to the fact that it is based on discrete sequential packets of information, although it is artificial, automatically formed by alive, but it becomes the only possible field for own change and development of alive.
  Thus, the active in alive is "creating" an irreversible flow of time, in which things move and change in space, as well as living beings themselves.
  The moving, colorful world becomes a direct reality for each individual consciousness, outside of which it, in combination with its own carrier, cannot function in terms of growth, development, all sorts of life aspirations, feelings, thought processes that are not interrupted, since the duration of the renewal position is too short for any thought process or experience, but in which, when pauses occur between them, thoughts, feelings, as if clinging to each other, flow non-stop, replacing each other until the very death of the body, at the moment of which the connection of consciousness with the environment is lost, that is, when information from it through the senses ceases to flow to consciousness. At this moment, the basis for comparison disappears, and feelings, thoughts lose their beingness as a basis in which one can act. Consciousness has nothing more to do in such a situation in this world, and it withdraws.
  The system of the universe is not capable of dividing into an independent infinite nothingness, a separate projection and eternity (beingness). It constitutes a single whole, in which the form-building active is being fed by the passive, which loses its form in finite formations. The passive, losing its form in finite objects of beingness thereby restores the form of the active during their interaction. The active, therefore, does not lose its basic form and form-building abilities due to the passive is being destroyed in being, but it, "calling" the passive from the infinite nothingness in the form of the information copies for the duration of the existence of this finite, restores the form of the passive and changes it. So, by turning to the finite in the form of the passive losing its form, the active becomes eternal in form, properties and can hold the entire system of Creation in actual existence.
  Despite the fact that Creation is zero in balance, it is also everything and therefore cannot but manifest itself, demonstrating to itself in the quality of the active this everything consistently and infinitely in eternity (beingness).
  Creation, being everything and nothing, contains opposites in itself and denies itself, since in the face of the active it constantly strives for novelty, destroying the former in itself and manifesting in this the freedom of consciousness (active). But everything that has passed does not disappear without a trace, but is retained in the memory of consciousness (active).
  The property of being one and along with that divided outside of time is possessed only by such a high-frequency formation as a hologram, since any section of the hologram is interconnected with any other outside of time.
  In other words, each section of the hologram contains information about the entire object, but with a proportionally corresponding decrease in clarity.
  The principle of the hologram "everything in each part" allows a fundamentally new approach to the issue of organization and order. The hologram shows that some things in beingness cannot be studied by the analytical method: to dissect the object and study its constituent parts. If we dissect something arranged holographically, we will not get the parts of which it consists, but we will get the same thing, but with less accuracy.
  The hologram itself is a high-frequency formation as a product of superposition of several coherent waves, giving a stationary interference pattern, since the difference in the phases of the waves does not change.
  However, the active, or consciousness, being a hologram in a projection of a timeless infinity, cannot itself be clearly present in the "solid" reality of beingness (in the current time), since it forms it through a complex passive structural formation based on proteins (an organism), which the active (consciousness) as if covers, making it alive, that is, capable, in contrast to the usual passive in the form of inanimate matter, at least of feeling and thinking.
  That is, without the living beings that form the current time, beingness is deprived of this time and becomes non-beingness, although potentially in this timeless non-beingness or nothingness, there is everything, but only the living beings are capable of reviving, that is, making this everything move and develop.

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