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On the enduring coexistence of consciousness and inanimate matter

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    Until now, there are only two main positions regarding the emergence and existence of Universe, which is considered to be synonymous with beingness: the eternal moving matter progressed until the appearance of the living beings; some life-giving force created everything that exists in a one-time way. The opponents could not come to an agreement, although there is a third solution to the problem - the coexistence of consciousness and inanimate matter (things) in the sense that each of them does not produce the other, but only interacts with one another by means of living beings that have both in themselves.

  Key words: Creation, universe, information, time, consciousness, beingness, alive, environment.
  It is a priori assumed that consciousness is the leader in this pair - it itself and inanimate matter, - despite the fact that materialists believe that consciousness is a product of matter, and idealists that consciousness itself creates matter.
  Of course, this preference is obvious, since dead matter (things) is not capable of thinking and setting tasks for itself.
  But the following conclusion from this thesis, scientists still do not want to do or consider it impossible.
  And this conclusion is that if things cannot reason, then how from this dead arose something that understands how to be and what to do in order, at a minimum, to preserve oneself.
  In other words, consciousness in the form of alive is never satisfied with what is, believing that its own existence can be improved, while dead matter is indifferent not only to its own state, but also to its own existence in one form or another - this matter completely thoughtlessly obeys only the laws one or another system of objects. At this, where from and how these systems arose with certain laws that give a certain stability to the entire system and its individual objects, for example the universe, and also how matter itself arose from nothing, science has not yet been able to detect and is unlikely to be able to, based on the thesis of the eternal existence of matter with ready motion.
  It is at this point that religion catches science, sarcastically noting the impossibility of this kind of matter without a prime mover, offering, in its own opinion, a more plausible solution to the problem in the form of a certain creator of everything from nothingness.
  Indeed, this second solution to the problem of everything appearing from nothing seems preferable due to its final character.
  However, it also has a drawback - the lack of explanation of how it is possible to create everything out of nothing and where the creator himself came from if there was nothing, that is, what this miracle is.
  Of course, it is logically impossible to explain this situation.
  However, it is possible to propose a third solution to this problem, although it is unacceptable for science, which is based on the concept of testing a particular hypothesis using experimental and logical methods.
  This hypothesis is that, firstly, beingness in the form of Universe manifested to us or, perhaps, a whole infinite series of universes is only an actualized component of whole Creation; secondly, the current time itself is characteristic only of beingness, and not of the other components of Creation, unmanifested to us, since they "are" outside this time; thirdly, completely material consciousness and dead matter, although they are of "different types", are equal in Creation in the sense that each of them does not produce the other, but only interacts with one another, since they cannot exist separately, but the leading role in this interaction, indeed, plays consciousness, since only it is able to realize, what laws are needed to create, stabilize and change or develop certain systems that are suitable for conscience in the guise of alive.
  In other words, Creation does not exist on its own, that is, automatically oscillating one way or another, but because consciousness is present in it. Therefore, consciousness, as active, cannot freeze, but must change and develop endlessly, which is possible only in the current time, which consciousness is forced to create on the basis of dead or passive matter in the form of a certain form, which consciousness is able to control.
  This form is a living being, which differs from non-living or things (passive) in that it is capable, at a minimum, of perceiving, processing and transmitting information, that is, data that can be deciphered by this living being.
  Therefore, the basis of the form of every living being that consciousness is capable of possessing is the following.
  A living being has sensors that sense signals from the environment (sense organs); a system for processing these signals(the human brain) allowing the being to understand the meaning of these signals in order act in accordance with them, responding to changes in the environment and thereby implementing feedback to own surrounding; a program of own existence and development (genome) in which the possible changes of this creature are encrypted, supporting its existence from emergence to death, including the reproduction of this being.
  Thanks to such set of properties, each living being falls into an information flow, which is automatically converted by it into the current time, which is its own, and the entire set of living beings converts this flow of information into the current time of a given local sphere of beingness.
  In this current time, which is converted in their consciousness into beingness with all its attributes, all these living beings, and, in essence, instruments of consciousness, are able to change, complicate, improve, that is, evolve to a certain limit - the completion of the development of a civilization of beings capable to aware themselves in time - in consequence the onset of an information collapse, that is, the end point of the compacting time of the development of living beings, personified in human with his civilization.
  In this case, civilization either ceases to exist or radically changes its shape for the next development cycle.
  The fact is that continuous growth of volume of information coming to consciousness of people and affecting external expression of this information process - acceleration of own time of a civilization, has to fit into the existing possibilities of human consciousness, inasmuch the finite (strategic) decisions are made by a person, but not the computer. Therefore, inevitably there comes the moment when the main centers of a civilization cease to cope with the avalanche flow of the arriving information - the speed of information processing begins to lag behind its receipt. At this extended moment (a singularity point) own time of system of a civilization is being completed - crash of a civilization. In other words, the system loses the quality, inasmuch it isn't capable to function the same way.
  However, the information collapse, preventing the movement of civilization into the bad infinity of technological development which provides more opportunities for improvement not for a person, but for an artificial intellect that does not have consciousness, that is, to a blockhead, in fact, is a renewal of humanity, which does not disappear and does not degrade irrevocably, but begins a new cycle of development, thereby confirming that a person exists only for the development and life of consciousness in him.
  Thus, the process of the emergence, formation and development of civilizations goes on all planets suitable for human habitation infinitely, but discretely, without the formation of some kind of phantasmagoric superintelligence based on artificial intelligence and without the transformation of a person into an animal, since self-consciousness, once it has arisen, can disappear only with the death of all mankind on a separate planet, but there are also an infinite number of similar planets in the infinite Creation.
  Therefore, the development of consciousness through a person and his communities is not interrupted thanks to the preservation of humanity by systematic renewal through the points of singularity of the highest external form of its collective existence - civilization.
  Thereby, consciousness in alive achieves its goal as an active component of Creation - its own change and development in the current time of beingness, formed by living beings by converting incoming information flows into them, manifesting also in beingness the other components of Creation.
  That is, consciousness as the active, uniting with dead matter, manifests itself as alive in beingness, remaining, nevertheless, together with inanimate matter (things, or the passive), in one of the unmanifest components of being - a timeless nothingness (Uniform). In this timeless nothingness - consciousness and things, existing virtually, are fused together, but their information copies are already divided in a wave-like form in a holographic projection of this uniform, and can serve as an information bridge from Uniform to beingness and back.
  Through this holographic projection of this timeless Uniform, consciousness as active and located immediately in all components of Creation - in a timeless nothingness (Uniform) in the form of a non-self-sustained original, in a holographic projection of Uniform as its independent copy and in beingness in the form of alive, manifests itself in converting the frequency-wave passive into more or less dense matter of beingness, updating every moment of it, as and itself, at this, all information packets emanating from Uniform at the requests of consciousness in alive, are merging inside this living at the current time [see, for example, 1].
  The fact that consciousness, like living beings, is not a derivative of inanimate matter was shown back in the 20th century by experiments by physicists and psychologists.
  As it turned out, the human body is something like a biological robot, and it is incapable of independently generating consciousness. For this, as it turned out in a number of experiments by physicists and psychologists, it do not contain the elemental base.
  In particular, philosopher A.I. Vvedensky in 1914 formulated the law of "lack of objective signs of animateness". The meaning of this law is that the role of psyche in system of the material processes of a regulation of behavior is absolutely imperceptible and any thinkable bridge does not exist between the activity of a brain and the area of the mental or spiritual phenomena, including consciousness. Professor of the Moscow State University Nikolai Kobozev has shown in the monograph that neither cells, nor molecules, even atoms cannot be responsible for processes of thinking and memory. [2, p. 85].
  Thus, the components of Creation that are outside the current time, that is, as if otherworldly in relation to beingness, actually "produce" beingness, manifesting themselves in it, but remaining behind the scenes. Without beingness, or the current time with its living beings in the infrastructure of things, this otherworldly would have remained nothing, but this do not happen, since we contemplate beingness, which in itself indicates the manifestation in it in the current time of the otherworldly outside of time, as well as that consciousness is nothing more than a hologram due to the fact that it embraces everything that is in beingness, both as a whole and as all its parts, while being, meanwhile, in the endless beyond.
  Only a hologram has the property that each of its parts coincides with it as a whole, representing a high-frequency formation as a product of the superposition of several coherent waves, giving a stationary interference pattern, since the phase difference of the waves does not change [see, for example, 3].
  As a result, each individual consciousness of any living being coincides with the entire unified totality of these consciousnesses - a single consciousness of the hologram, which can thereby control each of its parts outside of time.
  This assumption is confirmed by the fact that in each of us there is present, albeit imperceptibly, consciousness, which cannot be denied, no matter what one thinks about its appearance.
  But the most significant example of the holographic basis of beingness is a person oneself, consisting of trillions of cells that have no idea why they are working in the insignificant time allotted to them compared to the life of a person, whose behavior, like the functioning of each cell of his body, is controlled by his own consciousness. Moreover, these cells are not able to live without a person himself, but he cannot also do without them.
  Thus, already by the presence of consciousness in living beings, one can judge some properties of such components of the universe as the projection of Uniform in the form of a hologram and Uniform itself, although for us they seem to be absent at all [see, for example, 1].
  In addition, the very structure of beingness, which in the understanding of modern science is the entire Creation, actually indicates that this container, supposedly, of all things, is by no means the solitary, which will also be shown in a number of examples below.
  The above analogy to a certain extent shows how the super-mind (a single consciousness of a hologram) controls all living beings in existence, being both in them (in the current time) and outside it, and through these living beings a single consciousness also controls the change in inanimate matter, Moreover, both aliveg and non-alive things have a common - frequency-wave basis in the hologram. This their commonality in beingness is also manifested in the effect of emergence - the presence of properties in a system that are not inherent in its components individually - which in other words can be described as the enhancing effect of the interaction of several factors compared to their action separately (synergy).
  Therefore, the material beingness cannot but be related to the hologram, which, although located outside the current time, manifests itself in beingness in the form of the current time.
  In this regard, the question arises about the origin of this hologram. But how could it arise, being outside of time?
  Obviously, nohow. And this, in turn, means that it is nothing more than nothingness and has never arisen.
  But how can a material structure be nothing and at the same time manifest itself in beingness?
  This can only be the case if this structure represents equivalent frequency-wave formations in the opposite phase, thereby integrally constituting a zero, which, for example, being separated into parts, do not destroy each other. Each "half" of these wave-like high-frequency formations can serve as a store (memory) and transmitter of information like radio waves in the ether, connecting timeless nothingness (Uniform) and beingness, as well as this "half" is an endless reservoir of energy.
  This kind of structure, which does not have movement, but is capable of being updated by replacing existing one that follows it, and in this respect is a prototype of time, in essence, reflects the timeless infinity of already pure nothingness (Uniform), thereby being a projection of this nothingness, which contains everything what was, is and will be, since it, as we observe, manifests itself in the form of a changeable and infinitely varied beingness, using its holographic projection. It is through this projection that the information extracted from this One manifests itself in the form of a completely real beingness.
  In other words, a hologram, being nothing, at the same time represents equal parts of the opposite sign, which are already material formations, while the basis of the hologram - timeless nothing - is Uniform, in which all forms are inseparable, or potentially present together, which can appear in the current time if there is a developer.
  But there is no need to look for such developer because everything is in Uniform, but this all represents the inseparable unmanifested in one form or another of the active and the passive.
  However, the active, like the passive, is reflected in the projection of Uniform, and thus the active turns out to be capable of transferring itself together with the passive into any conceivable forms from Uniform in the form of corresponding information copies.
  Nevertheless, in change and action, the active can manifest itself only in the current time.
  For this reason, nothing is discovered except a hologram that is capable of being in the current time in the form of its parts, without breaking away from itself - the entire hologram outside of time as a whole.
  As a result, the manifestation of Uniform through its projection with the help of the active, interacting with the passive, is completely possible by combining the active with the passive in the form of alive, which is able to establish and maintain a connection with Uniform, being in the current time, which alive also forms through the use of information extracted again by them, that is, active in the form of a living organism, from Uniform through the active (consciousness) of the hologram.
  Since any living being, to one degree or another, understands what it must do for the sake of its own preservation, it acts consciously, in contrast to the passive objects around, indifferent to their own preservation in one form or another. That is, what is active in the form of the living is the effective manifester of oneself and one"s entire environment in the current time thanks to the connection through the information bridge of the hologram with the inexhaustible Uniform, using its bottomless reservoir for one"s own change in alive.
  Thus, consciousness in alive is capable of changing both itself and its environment, adapting to it, but not only, as we know, since people, as the most perfect beings, are able to understand their stay in the current time, and therefore they strive expediently to master by it, drawing up and implementing their own plans and intentions to change the environment, and therefore themselves, in contrast to animals, which are controlled by instincts and reflexes in their desire to survive and somehow get comfortable in their own environment by only adapting to it.
  All this is possible precisely in the current time, which introduces itself to person as his present. This is his own, or the present time is been forming from consecutive packets of information, delivered from Uniform toward the sense organs at the requests of each individual consciousness in alive by means of a single consciousness of a hologram. These packages merge into a single stream for all living things, due to the structure of any living organism, unable to instantly process incoming information, and therefore does not record a pause between individual packets of information successively entering the senses of each living being.
  In this case, the information that only alive is capable of extracting for its own preservation through a hologram from Uniform is not only the specific information necessary for this, but also part of the bottomless energy emanating from the endless frequency-wave hologram, being converted in alive at the current time in form of already denser matter in quality moving and changing objects in space in accordance with the formula E=mc², where E is energy, m is mass, c is the speed of light.
  In this regard, the active, becoming the consciousness of one or another level in living beings, manifests Uniform in the form of beingness by informational influence on Uniform through a hologram, making both itself and the One not only manifested in being, but also eternal in the flow of information, which is converted into the current time , and living beings themselves, containing decaying elements of passive matter, appear and disappear in the current time, creating the possibility of a discrete but consistent change in each individual consciousness during the passage of the lives of these living beings, being renewed due to the consumption of the decay energy of the dead matter contained in them.
  It is interesting that alive and non-alive are two hypostases of beingness, which are opposite in their abilities to perceive information, but which, nevertheless, complement each other, since consciousness in any living organism cannot do without some kind of carcas inside it and without the accompanying infrastructure outside for its own functioning, creating, in particular, from inanimate matter on the basis of information brought every moment not only by similar living beings, but also by these inanimate carriers of information, appropriate opportunities for both reproduction and retention of oneself for some time in the flow of life, and even for improvement one"s living conditions, as well as for profitably change oneself by creating additional material forms and relationships.
  This is another reason that consciousness cannot do without passive objects of beingness. Although this passive is not capable of perceiving and processing information to solve its own problems, which it does not have, it can be a carrier of information, ensuring the functioning of consciousness in the living in the appropriate environment. In addition, inanimate matter constitutes the infrastructure for the existence of living beings, from galaxies to the microcosm.
  Such interaction of consciousness and things in the current time proves that consciousness in the living can manifest itself in action only in the presence of inanimate objects (things). In this regard, active and passive are equal, since they cannot exist without each other, and neither of them is the reason for the appearance of the other, although in beingness, that is, in action, the active has to be in quality the leading side, by definition.
  If we concede that living beings will suddenly disappear from Creation and no longer appear in it, then everything remaining in its passive forms, although all these forms are a product of the activity of consciousness in alive, but the inanimate is not receptive to the use of information to solve their own problems, and this inanimate matter will turn out to be unmanifested, that is, unnecessary and meaningless, being rightly drawn rightly into an infinity outside of time (Uniform), and Creation will turn into non-existence.
  Therefore, Creation directly depends on living beings, which combines both hypostases of Creation - the active (consciousness) and the passive (things), found in constant information flows.
  Moreover, the own surrounding formed by each living being in its own current time is combined with all beingness in the general current time of beingness; beingness itself as a whole, as the basis for the existence of alive, is formed by a single consciousness through the entire totality of living beings, thereby being within the framework of common time.
  As a result, a single consciousness (projection of Uniform in the form of a hologram), associated with each individual consciousness, and therefore with each living being, participates in the formation and combination of the individual environment of each being with the common environment for all living beings.
  We can only give below some examples demonstrating, despite the timeless character of Uniform and its projection, their manifestation in beingness, thanks to the active (consciousness) and the passive (lifeless matter) in the flow of information created in the relationship between alive and Uniform through a holographic projection of Uniform. Thus, in the current time, the process of changing and developing consciousness in alive is been organizing, while modern science is completely implausible and, in essence, unproven claims, that alive evolved from the dead matter.
  In addition, science has left the question unanswered: where did this matter itself come from? The answer, in turn, can be given only if we go beyond the limits of existence into the otherworldly and timeless.
  An analogue of timeless nothingness (Uniform) is vacuum, which has always been associated with emptiness, that is, with barren nothingness, but, as it turned out thanks to the latest physical studies of this phenomenon, vacuum is a virtual "sea" of unborn particles in the field of zero-point oscillations. These vacuum fluctuations can be considered as the excitation of the vacuum, as a result of which, as physicists believe, it is capable of generating matter, although, in reality, as we showed above, the inanimate matter and material consciousness are not generated, but are always in beingness, that is, in the current time - an eternal derivative of Uniform, being updated with the help of the active (consciousness) of a hologram by copying what is in Uniform according to requests emanating from living beings, both individually and by their entire aggregate.
  In other words, beingness - matter and consciousness together in the current time, never arose, since, on the contrary, time itself is formed by the alliance of inanimate matter and consciousness in alive under the control of a single consciousness, which is outside of time, on the basis of also timeless nothingness (Uniform), for own change and development. As a result of this, neither beingness nor Uniform with its holographic projection are capable of manifesting themselves - so to speak, the effect of the egg and the chicken: without beingness, Uniform with its projection is not capable of manifesting, so how only in beingness the current time is present; and beingness without Uniform with its projection is not able to exist, since there is no one to update and control it, forming time in it on the basis of information flows emanating from Uniform at the requests of living beings of beingness.
  The fact that a holographic projection of timeless nothingness (Uniform) is reflected in beingness, confirming for us our own presence in Creation, although this projection is outside the current time, is shown by the research of neurophysiologist from the USA Carl Pribram [4].
  Pribram was attracted to the holographic picture of the world due to reflections on where and how memoirs are stored in a brain. Numerous experiments for decades showed that information is stored not in any particular site of a brain, and is dispersed on all volume of a brain. The researcher of a brain Karl Lashley in a number of decisive experiments in the twenties the last century has found out that irrespective of the fact which a site of a brain of a rat was deleted, he could not achieve disappearance of the conditioned reflexes received by a rat before operation. The only problem consisted that nobody could offer the mechanism explaining property of memory "all in each part".
  Later, Pribram faced with the principle of a holography and understood that he found the explanation which neurophysiologists looked for. Pribram is sure that memory is contained not in neurones and not in groups of neurones, but - in series of the nervous impulses, "braiding" a brain just as a laser beam "braids" the piece of the hologram containing all image entirely. In other words, Pribram is sure that the brain is the hologram.
  Pribram's hypothesis also explains how a human brain can store so many memoirs in such small volume. It is supposed that the human brain is capable to remember about 10 billion bits for all life.
  It was revealed that one more feature can be added to the properties of holograms - the huge density of record. Simply changing a corner under which lasers light a photographic film, it is possible to write down many various images on the same surface. It was shown that one cubic centimeter of a film is capable to store to 10 billion bits of information.
  Our supernatural ability to fast identification of the necessary information from the enormous volume of our memory becomes clearer with accepting the fact that the brain works by the principle of the hologram. If you ask that occurred to you at the word "zebra", you should not shuffle mechanically lexicon to find the answer. Associations to the words "striped", "horse" and "lives in Africa" appear in your head instantly.
  Really, one of the most surprising properties of the human thinking is that each piece of information is correlated instantly and mutually with any another - one more quality inherent to the hologram. As any plot of the hologram is infinitely interdependent with any another, it is quite possible that it is the highest exemplar of cross and correlative systems.
  The location of memory is not the single neurophysiological riddle which became more solvable in the light of the holographic model of brain of Pribram. Another riddle is how the brain is capable to translate such avalanche of frequencies, which it perceives by various sense organs (light frequencies, audio frequencies and so on), in our concrete conception about the world. Coding and decoding of frequencies are procedures with which the hologram it copes best of all. Just as the hologram serves as some kind of lens, the sending device, capable to turn as if a senseless mash of frequencies in the concrete image, so and a brain, according to Pribram, contains such lens and uses the principles of a holography for mathematical processing of frequencies from sense organs in an inner world of our perceptions.
  Pribram's thought that our brain designs mathematically "solid" reality, relying on entrance frequencies, also received the experimental confirmation. It was revealed that any of our sense organs possesses the much bigger frequency range of the susceptibility, than it was supposed earlier. In particular, researchers found out that our organs of vision are susceptible to audio frequencies, that our olfaction depends on what that now is called as "osmotic frequencies" and what even cells of our body are sensitive to a wide frequency range. Such finds suggest an idea that it is work of holographic part of our consciousness which transform separate chaotic frequencies to the continuous perception. The most curious aspect of holographic model of a brain of Pribram comes to light if to compare it with the theory Bohm. Because if the visible physical density of the world - only a secondary reality, and what "there", actually is only holographic frequency setting and if a brain - too the hologram and a brain only chooses some frequencies from this set and mathematically transforms them to sensory perception, what remains on a share of objective reality? [ibid].
  The holographic model also shows that consciousness is not the brain function, and, on the contrary, the brain is controlled by consciousness, more precisely, the brain is the instrument of consciousness, which, thus, in case of death of the brain, does not perish. In the holographic reality the thought, eventually, is as well real, as consciousness.
  If the hypothesis about the holographic basis of the reality around us is close to the truth, then this will be an additional confirmation of the use of this reality, due to its characteristics, as an adequate tool for work, or rather, the development of the particles of consciousness through alive in beingness.
  It is difficult to argue against the fact that consciousness exists and that it is quite clearly and effectively expressed in the person.
  If to assume that a person in the basis is the hologram from the superhigh-frequency passive and active, then the last can't but be the leading willy-nilly, otherwise it would lose its activity and it would be "found" in nothingness, but not in the living being, which is capable, undoubtedly, to change also itself and surroundings.
  At the same time, each person, as is known, combines two polar properties: on the one hand, he has only the individuality and personality inherent in him, but, on the other hand, he is not able to exist without his own kind, like, indeed, all living beings. In other words, a person is the separate, and he is a whole, just like everyone else in the multitude, like him. Like an ant that has lost its anthill, a person perishs alone.
  This fact also allows us to assume that at the core of a person there is a hologram, which in any part is a whole, and vice versa.
  It is this property of the separation and along with that universality that allows each person to be separate, independent, unique and at the same time unable to realize himself and his existence without communication. Such acquisition of self-consciousness and self-activity in the community means for each person, in struggles and trials, to purposefully do what he is still capable of, striving in this process to reconcile his own egoism (a reflection of his own specialness) with compassion for the people around him, who in fact are him himself as a whole.
  As is known, each universe, having finite dimensions, has a certain mass and energy, which came from somewhere.
  Science does not answer this question, whereas in accordance with the hypothesis of the holographic nature of Creation, the energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like formations, which are mutually in the opposite phase and therefore integrally constitute zero, in the separate "halves" of these formations is infinite. Therefore, there is no question of where the universe received its energy corresponding to its mass - E=mc², where c is the speed of light.
  Thus, each separate universe has, so to speak, its share of energy, which is constant. This is evidenced by the law of conservation of energy, all the laws of thermodynamics, the constancy of the speed of light, etc., the violation of which would mean a loss of stability of this entire finite system, and, therefore, the possibility of staying of alive in it.
  A reflection of the holographic nature of Creation, the principle of which is the coincidence of each particle of the hologram with its whole, is also found in the similarity of the simplest structures of reality (beingness) and the fractality of its more complex structures.
  To clarify, we note that fractality is characterized by a complicated similarity, more precisely, self-similarity of a part and a whole: the whole completely or almost completely coincides with its part or parts (has the same shape) with a dimension greater than the dimension of topological spaces.
  A variety of scales of objects that do not have exact quantitative characteristics, but have a relative constancy of ratios and dimensions, is included in the field of fractals, regardless of whether these objects belong to the microcosm, the macrocosm, planets, the living things. Fractality unites almost everything, including self-organizing systems such as a person.
  Almost everywhere we can see repeating lines and shapes in inanimate and living nature: in the structure of DNA, lightning, minerals, planetary systems.
  Fractal are the crowns of trees, the circulatory system of animals, clouds, snowflakes, etc.
  The objects of the universe known to us are also located in it as self-similar structures, that is, fractally.
  The fractal analysis is also widely used in human activity.
  The fractal analysis of markets postulates the dependence of future prices on past changes, borrowing the properties of fractals to obtain forecasts
  Fractal geometry studies processes and phenomena that have fragmentation, brokenness and curvature, creating a fractional (fractal) space.
  Fractal art is digital art, that is, the results of calculations in the form of still images, animations, and automatically generated media files. All these images reflect such properties of fractals as self-similarity, algorithmicity, multidimensionality, unevenness, repetition, incompleteness.
  Thus, the holographic essence of Creation is reflected in a number of concretely perceptible phenomena of beingness, which, in accordance with the principle of fractality, repeat the frequency wave-like form of formations of the holographic projection of timeless infinity, but with a much lower frequency, as well as in the repetition of lines and forms in the inanimate and living nature.
  The model of Creation, we proposed, also allows us to resolve the dead-end problem of the origin and existence of universes.
  Within the framework of our proposed model of Creation, we can assume that each universe, being in the current time, experiences a kind of periodic oscillations through a point of singularity.
  That is, each universe is not formed once, for example, as a result of the Big Bang [5] at a certain point, but the universes passe through the corresponding points of inflection (singularity), in pairs, when one universe from matter, having contracted to the point of singularity and passing through it, begins again expand in the form of the same matter (Big Bang), and at the same time another universe, but made of antimatter, also passes through the singularity point and begins to expand in the form of the same antimatter.
  So integrally it turns out zero.
  This kind of model excludes the starting point of beingness. This process of the transition of universes through the point of singularity or, a kind of equilibrium oscillatory process, from the position of our understanding of time, always goes on: it had no beginning and will have no end, corresponding in this regard to the timeless holographic projection of Uniform, also representing zero on the material balance.
  This eternal process in beingness excludes the one-time occurrence of the universe as if out of nothingness, which would inevitably presuppose the same one-time end of this formation with its transformation into nothingness.
  In other words, beingness in the form of an infinite series of universes manifested for us in the current time, is only an actualized copy of its unmanifested basis - nothingness outside this time, and this beingness is a manifested timeless nothingness (Uniform) in the dynamics of change and development, despite the fact that beingness, as a derivative of its base, according to the material balance there is no more than zero.
  However, an unbiased observer can ask such question - how can living beings in any universe create it, renewing, and keep it in existence if the conditions for the existence of biological objects are simply absent at the early and late stages of expansion or contraction of the universe, when planets did still not exist or no longer exist?
  The answer to this question, again, lies in the three-tier structure of Creation, the components of which in the form of Uniform and its holographic projection are outside the current time of beingness, which includes an infinite number of universes, going through their time cycles in different ways, and therefore containing an infinite number of living beings , renewing and maintaining this entire endless system of the universe, regardless of what time stage this or that universe is in, especially since this system is controlled by a single consciousness.
  In addition to the coexistence of consciousness and things potentially in a fused form in Uniform, and as their information-wave copies in the holographic projection of Uniform, as well as in the form of more or less dense matter in beingness, in this beingness the guiding force of a single consciousness of a hologram is quite clearly manifested, spreading not only to control each living being through own particles that coincide with it outside of time, but also to form inanimate matter through the same living beings in those forms that make possible to exist living beings in suitable for life environment.
  Let us give some examples in this regard.
  As is known, the dark matter, inaccessible to observation in the electromagnetic wavelength range, manifests itself only in gravitational interaction, since the mass of stars and gas is not enough to hold visible objects of the universe, without participating in other types of interaction and not containing any elementary particles related to the matter of the universe.
  The dark energy is evenly distributed in space, experiencing gravitational repulsion instead of gravitational attraction, that is, the negative pressure of dark energy generates repulsion, or antigravity, causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate.
  It is assumed that the dark energy, as a super-weak scalar field, after it reaches a state of equilibrium, will slow down the expansion of the universe and, most likely, it will be replaced by the contraction, making the universe a kind of the oscillating system.
  Thus, both of these types of matter are involved in the control of the universe: the anti-gravity of dark energy counteracts the gravity that dark matter controls.
  It is estimated that the accelerating expansion of the universe began approximately 5 billion years ago, and before that, the expansion was slowed down due to the gravitational action of mainly the dark matter.
  Curiously, if the acceleration in the universe had begun earlier than the specified moment, stars and galaxies would not have been able to form and life in the universe could not have arisen.
  All these above facts regarding the dark matter and the dark energy indicate the opposite nature of their effect on the ordinary matter of the universe, similar to the fact that in the holographic projection of timeless infinity, ultrahigh frequency wave-like formations also have the opposite sign, and, therefore, may well project this property from a kind invisible dimension, respectively, into the dark matter and the dark energy to create an infrastructure in the universe suitable for the emergence and development of life.
  In other words, it is quite possible that through the dark matter and the dark energy, the thinking matter in the form of a single consciousness of a holographic projection of a timeless infinity (otherworldly) penetrates into our universe, more precisely forms it, controlling at the same time both its structure and its changes for the sake of emergence and distribution. life, and therefore, by the development of consciousness in it.
  The confirmation of the control of the thinking matter of the spread of life and the optimal development of living things together with their consciousness, that is, the thinking matter itself, is also the Fibonacci sequence, in the framework of which to one degree or another there are all phenomena and objects in the universe, including galaxies, microcosm, crystals, various natural phenomena in the form of cyclones and thunderstorms, as well as flora and fauna. In accordance with the Fibonacci sequence, branches and leaves of trees grow. In accordance with this sequence are also formed the various parts of the human body and the structure of a DNA molecule. In short, everything in the universe follows this sequence, but with varying degrees of convergence to it, the maximum indicator of which is felt by a person as beautiful.
  The Fibonacci sequence itself is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...
  In this numerical sequence, each subsequent number behind 0 and 1 is the sum of the previous two.
  The further this series continues, the closer the ratio of neighboring numbers in it to 1.618.
  Geometrically, as the ancient Egyptians have noticed, this number is obtained if you divide the line into two parts so that the long part correlates with the short one in the same proportion as the entire line correlates with its long part.
  In the future, this number was called the golden ratio, since it, both in natural and artificial phenomena, and as this has been shown by practice, even in the case of any complication of a living or inanimate object, leads to flowing various physical processes with minimal energy costs.
  For this reason, different living organisms do not develop by chance, but trying to follow the Fibonacci proportion, and the "golden section" gradually appears almost everywhere, which, in our opinion, is the meaning of the evolution of the living, which brings to a self-conscious and independent subject in the form of a personality.
  In particular, the DNA molecule is 34 angstroms long and 21 angstroms wide. And these numbers are adjacent in the Fibonacci sequence, and their ratio is 1.618.
  All best works and works in the fields of architecture, technology, painting, music, literature, as shown by their analysis in relation to the number 1.618, also followed, according to the thoughts of their authors, consciously or not the Fibonacci proportion.
  These facts cannot but point to a clear attempt by living organisms to avoid chaos in their change in order to ensure their own economical and at the same time accelerated growth and development in the form of any degree of complexity, which, in turn, contributes to the development of consciousness in alive.
  Thus, this type of living and non-living objects of beingness in the most economical state of the "golden section" guarantees them maximum stability of development or existence, reducing the likelihood of both decay and stagnation.
  In particular, a person who is aware of his own existence in time, unlike other living beings, is able to respond to this expression of the form of things and living organisms, which is maximally far from chaos and stagnation, as perfect, or excellent.
  The immutability of world constants and world laws, ensuring the stability of the environment surrounding living beings, create conditions that allow living beings to arise and function, also testifies to the fact that everything around us works according to certain programs that must be someone or something defined. Recent model experiments have shown that even the slightest deviation from them leads to the impossibility of creating conditions for life.
  Probably, on this basis, N. Bostrom has thought that the world is a simulation adjusted to human perception, that is, something like a computer forms all the objects of our world, including human consciousness [6].
  This fashionable but opportunistic hypothesis is immediately dispelled by the fact that it does not give an answer to the main question - where did the matrix come from in the form of the corresponding material part and the very first programmer, whereas the hypothesis we proposed gave answer in the sense that there was no origin, based on the attribution of the current time, cannot be, since this time itself is formed alive under the control of a single timeless consciousness (hologram) on the basis of timeless nothingness (Uniform).
  An argument in favor of our proposed hypothesis that is quite close to all of us is the planet itself on which we are located.
  The earth is home to more than 8 million kinds of the living beings.
  If we consider the conditions themselves that developed on Earth about 4 billion years ago, then significant doubts arise regarding their natural, that is, spontaneous origin, since in comparison with the rest of the planets of the solar system and the known exoplanets of the nearest stars of the galaxy, almost everything on Earth, inside it and near it is designed for a fairly comfortable existence and development of living organisms.
  More than 4 billion calendar years, life appeared on Earth, and therefore its atmosphere and the upper layer of the hard shell, under the influence of the original organisms, changed significantly in favor of the further development of living beings, influencing, in particular, the formation of the ozone layer, which, together with the magnetic field The Earth, formed approximately 3.5 billion years ago, that significantly reduced the harmful effects of external radiation on living beings.
  In addition, photosynthesis allowed living organisms, through the direct use of solar energy, to gradually fill the atmosphere with oxygen and the upper layers of the planet with ozone.
  The Earth's magnetic field is generated in its liquid heated metal core. This field is a dipole, the poles of which are located at the geographical poles of the planet. The magnetosphere formed by it deflects external charged particles with high energy, which thereby not reaching the surface of the Earth with its inhabitants.
  The Earth rotates in a nearly circular orbit at a distance of 150 million kilometers from the Sun, due to which its surface does not warm up to high temperatures and does not cool to low temperatures. In addition, molecules of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone store thermal energy, preventing it from escaping into space, creating the "greenhouse effect." As a result, on the surface of the Earth, on average, the optimal average temperature for the life of organisms is maintained without significant fluctuations - 14.8 degrees Celsius.
  The Earth's atmosphere has sufficient density to protect its surface from meteorite bombardments, also regulating the transfer of heat, air masses, and the water cycle, without which the existence of life on land becomes problematic.
  Most of the hydrogen in the atmosphere is converted to water without leaving the planet, and the concentration of oxygen necessary for life at the Earth's surface is approximately 20%.
  Unlike other known planets, Earth has large reserves of water on the surface, as well as in the form of clouds and water vapor. Gases necessary for the survival of marine organisms are dissolved in water. The water of the seas and oceans makes the climate warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
  The Earth, rotating uniformly around its axis, moves around the Sun at a speed of about 28 kilometers per second. In turn, the Solar system rotates around the center of the galaxy at a speed of about 220 kilometers per second, at a sufficient distance from various stellar cataclysms and ultra-hard cosmic radiation.
  The inclination of the earth's axis from the perpendicular to the plane of its orbit by 23.4 degrees leads to a change of seasons, which has a beneficial effect on the development of living organisms, thereby avoiding stagnation, and also creates a change from day to night during the day, which is extremely important for the sustainable development of highly organized living organisms by periodically changing business activity to a passive state of recovery and modeling further activity.
  The Earth's satellite, the Moon, which appeared 4.5 billion years ago, with its gravitational influence on the Earth creates ocean tides, which create the most favorable conditions for the emergence and existence of living organisms. In addition, the Moon stabilizes the tilt of the Earth's axis, preventing it from approaching the ecliptic plane, as a result of which one of the poles would be directed towards the Sun, and the other in the opposite direction, changing places when the Earth rotates around the Sun, thereby creating extremely unfavorable conditions for life.
  Organic matter, as is known, is preserved in a rather narrow temperature range, and it provides on Earth, like all other conditions for the existence of living beings on Earth, mentioned above.
  The probability of the accidental creation of these conditions on Earth is practically zero, which also allows us to note the participation in their formation of certain extraneous forces that are clearly not present in beingness as we know it.
  Skeptics may object to all this - if the Earth is like this, and there are no similar planets around it, and no signals from "brothers in mind" come from any quarter, then how then alive, that exist on such unique planets, can form all the innumerable things from inanimate matter in beingness?
  Firstly, developed technological civilizations are disintegrating quite quickly due to the arrival of information collapse, which inevitably arises due to the compaction of their own current time. The time allotted to them hardly exceeds 6-10 thousand calendar years in earthly terms, and they do not have time to achieve great technical achievements that would be noticeable at interstellar distances.
  Secondly, the number of finite universes is infinite, just as their foundation is infinite - timeless nothingness (Uniform), and if inhabited planets in each universe are immeasurably fewer than lifeless ones, then, nevertheless, in infinity the number of inhabited planets is also infinite.
  1. Nizovtsev Yu. M. Everything and Nothingness: 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev
  2. Кобозев Н. И. Исследования в области термодинамики процессов информации и мышления. М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1971. С. 85. (Kobozev N. I.
  Researches in the field of thermodynamics of processes of information and thinking. M.: Moscow State University Press, 1971. P. 85.)
  3. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  4. Карл Прибрам. Языки мозга. Экспериментальные парадоксы и принципы нейропсихологии, "Прогресс", 1975 г.
  5. Wollack E. Cosmology: The Study of the Universe. Universe 101. Big Bang Theory. NASA (10.12.2010).
  6. Nick Bostrom. (April 2003). "Are You Living in a Computer Simulation" Philosophical Quarterly. 53(211): 243-255.
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