Оксюморонов Анлокий Мойрович : другие произведения.

I am tired of this fucking life..

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I am tired of this fucking life.
I am tired of this saddest tears.
I am tired of this stupid pain
I cannot feel it everyday

All the time I waiting for betrayals
From myself and from best friend
I know it"s lie but I cannot drive it away
It is my damn and I can"t do something

I am tired of this fucking life.
I am tired of this saddest tears.
I am tired of this stupid pain
I cannot feel it everyday

In my dreams I only fallen
But I never will be angel
In empty gardens I"m goimg
To find and take my poison crown

I am tired of this fucking life.
I am tired of this saddest tears.
I am tired of this stupid pain
I cannot feel it everyday

Every single pear of moon light
Following to darkness
In empty gardens I"m still going
To find and take my poison crown

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