Оксюморонов Анлокий Мойрович : другие произведения.


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After the life and after the death
I must to cross oceans of blood to find salvation.
After the night and after the day
I must to open my eyes on broken hopes.
On the long and hard road
Between the sun and the moon
I must to stop thinking stupid thought
About my dying heart.

On the long and hard road
Between the light and the darkness
I must to see my seraphim
In the luminescence of their bright hearts.

After the life and after the death
I must to cross oceans of blood to find salvation.
After the night and after the day
I must to open my eyes on broken hopes.

Salvation of my soul is far away from here
It"s settle down on the dead dry land.
Salvation of my soul is in numb alien place
It"s settle down inside blank desolate lake.

After the life and after the death
I must to cross oceans of blood to find salvation.
After the night and after the day
I must to open my eyes on broken hopes.

Refuge of pain
Refuge of disillusions
Refuge of separation
Refuge of myself

After the life and after the death
We must to cross oceans of blood to find salvation.
After the night and after the day
We must to open eyes on broken hopes...

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