Риваль Айми : другие произведения.

Bitter Street

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Today the sun is gloomy and sick light"s shining down,
Today you said your last "Hello" and made your way to hell,
Today my heart is bleeding, I"ve killed it with a frown,
I met your flamy phantom there, he said you"re doing well,

Today the gravity is weak and sour cream is sweet,
As walking we"re together along the Bitter Street.

I say, you"re talking rubbish, it"s flowing past you now,
I say, you throw away your bones before they made you slave,
I say, your wormy heart"s worn out, before you made it drown.
And all in all, it"s late for you, too late to find a cave,

I say your skeleton is good and skin looks bloody neat,
As walking we"re together along the Bitter Street.

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