Риваль Айми : другие произведения.

Bloody Anthems

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To give you my heart, to give you my soul,
Forgive you for everything, let you control,
To give you my dream, to give you my light,
To fly and to fall from incredible height.

To raise to my sun, to raise to my sin,
To start from the start and to let you begin,
To die and be born, to kill and to feel,
To be and to vanish, to soothe and to thrill.

My gift and damnation,
My reel and stagnation,
These words"re "bout you,
I wish, "t wasn"t true.

To praise and to blame, to hold and to loose,
It tears me, it scares me, I don"t want to choose!..
I sing bloody anthems with tears in my eyes,
But what can I do, when I see my hope dies?

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