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Ceiling's Shaking

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I want the hands of clock to hug my mind,
And let my poor soul slip, just for a while,
The sunset stops, I see myself away,
Why can"t you see, I"m not at all okay?

Ceiling"s shaking
When the beat comes rough,
I can"t dream of
Getting high above,

Ceiling"s falling
Straight down sinner"s head,
I"d been rolling,
But it shook my bed.

The purple shine can"t show what I"ve become
I"m blindest man among the other ones,
I"m frightened but I"m not at all afraid,
If I"m to choose, I"d pass away today.

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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