Риваль Айми : другие произведения.

Let me in

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I"ll be the blood in your veins,
I"ll be the warmth of your smile,
I"ll be the gray of your shadow,
I"ll be the light in your eyes,

I"ll be the wind in your hair,
I"ll be the joy in your tears,
I"ll be the air of your breath,
I"ll be the bliss in your fears,

I"ll be the touch of your skin,
I"ll be the words of your thoughts,
I"ll be the might in your spleen,
I"ll be the one of your naught,

I"ll be the voice of your howl,
I"ll be the dawn of your night,
I"ll be the spring of your fall,
I"ll be the love in your heart.

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