Риваль Айми : другие произведения.


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Bend your knees to the water,
Raise your eyes to the sky;
In a tale long forgotten
Someone asked me for time;

"What is this that you are seeking?
What is this that you have lost?
Did the flare this water's bringing
Change for better or for worse..?"

And I stood right there, unable
To unseal my solemn lips.
What I lost-my own cradle;
What I sought-a pair of wings.

As the water flowed below me,
And I couldn't help but wonder
If it's lost its warmth of sunlight
Or I could no longer see.

So I turned away in terror,
Left behind the place so mellow,
Never daring to gaze up above my head.
But nothing lay ahead..!

Stumbling through the grieving darkness,
I have lost my way for good.
So, look close at waters timeless,
Closer than I ever could.

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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