Риваль Айми : другие произведения.


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Far away, in a deserted place,
Where fears have no names,
Where tears are just games,

There"s a melody trapped in the wind,
But the song that I sing
Ends before I begin.

My forgiveness, my curse,
My darling.
You"d better take it and bear it
Till your last breath.
And whatever I"ll face,
I"m not going back.

Coloured gems in a pool of black blood,
Coloured lips on my skin,
Coloured dreams sleep within.

It"s a sweet bitter pill that we take,
But one day I will break,
Crush the moon for my sake.

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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