Риваль Айми : другие произведения.

New Old Beats

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Don"t listen to those who call you old-fashioned,
Don"t listen to those who call you a freak,
They are only fakes that will never be mentioned,
And you are the only one gifted to speak.

They"ll never agree, they"re fools to believe it,
And even the sun doesn"t want bring them warm,
But where is the law that will ever prohibit
Our right to be free for we weathered the storm?

And when it screams, and when it heats,
It"s time to tune these new old beats.

You"re retro as planets, your thoughts are brand new,
You"re built on the contrast between sky and earth,
I saw you once crossing the wrong avenue,
There"s nothing for you wrong in this Universe.

I"ll catch all your shadows but never your look,
And no one alive saw your stare as well,
You"re hiding your soul as the only one nook
That left to the sinners extruded to hell.

When nothing saves, when nothing fits,
It"s time to tune these new old beats.

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