Риваль Айми : другие произведения.

Spring by Herself

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Saw Her walking alone through the snow,
Warming smile, but embarassed glance.
Saw Her walking away to the flow,
Where Winter had lost her last chance.

Tender features and step, such a light.
Who was She? Everybody could guess,
But, in fact, "twas too hard to confess
To a fact, She"s not shade of the night.

It was Spring by herself,
Spring by herself.

Simple truth seemed to be something new,
Wneh She came and made everything right.
All the painful impressions - they flew,
But She also was out of sight.

And She quit, when we need Her to stay,
And She smiled, when we burst into tears.
Yes, She managed to chase our fears...
No, "Farewell" was unfair to say.  

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