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The Fools' Moon

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When I saw her in the street
I couldn"t but let our eyes meet,
Blinded by the shining crescendo
I couldn"t even dare to blink.

Her voice is crystal, eyes are stars,
But even though I"m close, I"m far.
I"m chanting her name like it"s a prayer,
While chasing glances from afar.

Please, give me your smile and your heart,
Because it hurts so much to be apart,
I"d never known this silver feeling of torture,
Until you lightened up my darkest night.

But now my love is in full bloom,
Oh how I wish I told you soon!
Mesmerized by your gleaming al niente,
Drawn to you by the Fools" Moon.

When it"s raining and the moon is in hiding
I don"t know where to find you and I am blinded,
Eternal tramping, be it night or noon
Till the dusk is ignited,
And till we are united
By the light of the Fools" Moon.

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