Риваль Айми : другие произведения.

You Made My Heart

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                     Every comet I see always comes from within,
                     That"s how love at first sound can ever begin.

And what opens my heart
Closes my mind at once,
And what gives me new start
Leaves me no happy chance.

Take compassion on me,
"Cause I can"t stand this torture,
Love"s illegal for me,
Good luck or a bad fortune?

You made my heart softer,
You made my heart weak,
You made my heart joyous
You made my heart... weep.

And against my own will,
I"ll survive to surrender,
You were meant to be shrill,
You were meant to be tender.

Don"t corrode me so fast,
I don"t want to die young.
Why should it outlast?
But you clung and you stung.

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