Румянцева Тамара Евгеньевна : другие произведения.

Graveyard of My Dreams

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Beside you here I stand alone 
It"s like I"m your accessory
A bag, a necklace, scarf or lighter - 
Could you please tell me who are we?
Not friends, not lovers. What the hell?
Am I just paying for my sins?
Because you know, my dear friend,
You are the graveyard of my dreams.

Here is a cross - it is for hope,
Here lie dig down all my friends,
And there is me, the lonely beast,
Pleading for drop of your cold love.
Don"t hesitate - push me away,
I will get angrier, it seems.
I will rebel and bury you 
On this graveyard of my dreams.

And this is it, I"m done with you,
I'm cleaning hands 
And have a smoke.
There will be no cross on your grave.
You've heard - my shotgun
Has just spoke.

It seems, I'm free, the world is mine
And there are no obstacles anymore
But it occurs, my dear beloved,
You were the one, that I lived for.

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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