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Putin Goes To Gorbachev

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    The Almighty Demiurge Gods sent the personality and soul of Vladimir Putin into the body of Mikhail Gorbachev on March 2, 1987. And away we go. Instead of democratization and perestroika, the screws were tightened and a return to Stalin's times began. The war in Afghanistan intensified, and eventually the USSR, under the control of Gorbachev-Putin, proceeded to the territorial conquest!

  The Almighty Demiurge Gods sent the personality and soul of Vladimir Putin into the body of Mikhail Gorbachev on March 2, 1987. And away we go. Instead of democratization and perestroika, the screws were tightened and a return to Stalin's times began. The war in Afghanistan intensified, and eventually the USSR, under the control of Gorbachev-Putin, proceeded to the territorial conquest!
  Resembling a beautiful, blond-haired boy of twelve or thirteen years old, Sphero Katastrofov, the Nadgod-demiurge and the creator of many universes, has increased in size. The Almighty Creator Child looked at the palm, which now contained the galaxy along with the planet Earth, and remarked:
  - Something has gone wrong in the development of mankind!
  The creator of the Goddess Emmanuelle appeared next to him. He looks like a very beautiful girl. She chuckled.
  She shook the galactic supercluster with her bare toes and answered with a grin:
  - Yes! The world is becoming more and more multipolar. And the Slavs exterminate each other with wild fury.
  The Sphero boy turned, he was in shorts and tanned. The bare foot of the young God picked up this time literally the entire universe and spun it into spirals. Twisted, cute kid, and concluded:
  - We must somehow deal with Vladimir Putin!
  Emmanuel, playing with the muscles of the press - Nadbogin was wearing only a frank bikini and gave out:
  - It is necessary, of course. But this is possible only in the form of a game!!!
  The demiurge boy in shorts, who created a great many universes, but remained a child in thinking, suggested:
  - Then let's do what many Russians dream of!
  The Overgoddess Emmanuelle flashed her pearly teeth and asked with a smile:
  - And what exactly?
  Sfero Katastrofov quite logically suggested:
  - Let's move the soul of Vladimir Putin to Mikhail Gorbachev!
  Emmanuelle giggled, released a fiery pulsar from her bare toes and asked:
  - And what time?
  The demiurge boy replied with a radiant smile:
  - In 1985. Let's see if Vladimir Putin manages perestroika and politics better than Mikhail Gorbachev!
  And the boy also snapped his bare toes, his tanned, beautiful and graceful childish legs - releasing a destructive quasar.
  Emmanuelle giggled and remarked:
  - And what? It would even be funny! Although fraught with consequences for humanity!
  Sphero logically remarked:
  - The main trunk of time, just win. Vladimir Putin will disappear, the hot war with Ukraine will end, as well as the cold war with the West. And everything will be much better than before!
  Emmanuelle nodded and sang:
  - Change, our hearts demand,
  Change, our eyes demand...
  In our laughter and in our tears,
  And the pulsations of the veins...
  Change, we are waiting for change!
  Sfero Katastrofov nodded in agreement:
  - I'm transferring!
  And again they clicked on this bare, graceful, dexterous toes of both feet of the Nadbog Boy.
  . CHAPTER? one.
  Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev turned out to be the ruler of the sixth part of the land and the second in terms of economic potential of the empire. In military terms, the USSR was perhaps the first. So the man, who was barely fifty-four years old, received enormous almost practically unlimited power.
  But this power should be wisely disposed of. In the USSR, there were a lot of problems. Shelves were emptying more and more in the country, and commodity shortages were growing. Long-term construction became a real disaster. Both crime and the number of suicides grew, the authority of the party fell. Also, the USSR army got bogged down in Afghanistan, and suffered significant losses there. Drunkenness also became a big problem, many people simply became drunkards, the number of absenteeism increased.
  The pace of economic growth slowed down, and scientific progress began to crush failures. Ethnic relations also escalated.
  Something had to be done. In foreign policy, the Cold War and the arms race! And the fall of the authority of the USSR and the ideas of communism in general. Contras are active in Nicaragua, Unita is active in Angola, there is a war going on in many countries. South Africa does not give up Namibia. Blacks rebel, but weakly. South Korea is rising in the economy. The price of oil is falling...
  Mikhail Gorbachev decided to start the process of perestroika and democratization, but wasn't this an attempt to put out the fire with gasoline? And, for example, how did the people and, first of all, the national elites take advantage of freedom ? They literally climbed the wall against the USSR!
  And against the Communist Party and the ideas of socialism. But, of course, not immediately. The communists themselves, having begun to throw mud at Stalin, created hooks for the fall of the authority of the CPSU. Well, Mikhail Gorbachev broke the wood. One struggle with drunkenness is worth something.
  It, among other things, led to a drop in revenues to the treasury. And increased the shortage of goods. Well, drunkards began to love the Soviet government less.
  Does a drinker need a lot? Pay him enough for a bottle of ink at ninety-six kopecks for half a liter and he will be satisfied. And along with the decline in alcohol consumption, drug addiction has increased.
  Putin entered the body of Mikhail Gorbachev in March 1987, just at the age of fifty-six. You can still change everything and it's not too late to fix it. So far, Mikhail Gorbachev is firmly seated in the chair of the General Secretary and has even removed a number of old members from the opposition from the Politburo: Romanov, Grishin, Aliev, Tikhonov. He has not yet eliminated Yeltsin, a candidate member of the Politburo and head of Moscow State University.
  But he's not going anywhere. Will be stubborn - they will plant!
  In any case, Vladimir Putin has moved into Gorbachev's already middle-aged but still energetic body. He himself was already in his former life, too, far from being a young man and healthy. And also up to his ears in problems. One of them is, of course, the war with Ukraine, when the blitzkrieg calculation failed! And tens of thousands of Russian soldiers died: the bloodiest massacre since World War II.
  And now solve new problems in Gorbachev's body. During these years, Putin himself served in the GDR, and those were relatively happy times. It's even better when you're young. And at seventy, life is no longer a joy for you. And sleep is not refreshing in a youthful way, it is difficult to get up in the morning, and endurance is no longer the same - you have to use stimulants. And you don't feel very well with women. Desire and energy are already dying. It would be good to move into Alexander the Great, who was only thirty-two years old when he died. And so you yourself are old, and did not move into the youngest, and not in too good physical shape.
  Yes, even in a person who is mired up to his ears in problems.
  There is already Chernobyl, and the consequences of the fight against drunkenness, and a shortage of goods, and the already slandered past - Stalin, and so on.
  Well, Lenin has not yet had time to fuck up. So far, a series of velvet revolutions has not taken place in Eastern Europe. That is, there is a socialist camp. And the Soviet troops have not yet left Afghanistan in disgrace.
  So it is still possible to turn back history and save the USSR. And General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev sits firmly in his chair. But what exactly is to be done?
  Vladimir Putin, once in the body of the General Secretary, felt empty. The mechanism of perestroika has already been set in motion, and democratization and the anti-Stalinist campaign have begun. And you can't stop it just like that.
  Putin-Gorbachev looked at himself in the mirror: he is not very pleasant. Already the hair is turning gray and an impressive bald head. Putin himself had less baldness at the age of seventy. And Gorbachev at fifty-six, as if at his birthday, seems to have a fourteen-year head start, but somehow loose, and his physiognomy is not charismatic.
  And health problems - the memory of the old carrier suggests: there are, in particular, diabetes. However, in his former life, Vladimir Putin was not particularly healthy, although rumors spread about him. And they filmed staged how the President of Russia plays hockey great. But it"s clear what kind of hockey player you are at the age of seventy and practically without training.
  There was also an attempt to play a role from himself - a kind of macho who does not seem to grow old, and expects to rule until the end of the world!
  But indeed the war with Ukraine led the world to the third world war. Putin himself expected that it would not be long: well, a few days, or a maximum of two or three weeks. But the Ukrainians did not want to fall under Russia. And it turned out that the Russian army is not at all so invincible. And the Ukrainian generals are not so corrupt. Although Kherson managed to take by bribery. But these turned out to be a tiny minority.
  Ukraine's resistance marked the end of Putin's period of phenomenal luck, when everything seemed to work out very easily. Including the capture of the Crimea. Just like in a science fiction novel, it happened in the Crimea. Even in the reality of this is not too much to believe.
  And then there were difficult times: the price of oil fell, but the former reserves rescued. At some point, it seemed that fortune was turning away from Russia. The price of oil and gas plummeted, and the coronavirus could not be stopped. But then luck returned - gas and oil went up incredibly.
  And then it sounded in the head of the President of Russia: you can become the second Genghis Khan or Napoleon.
  Yes, and with Kazakhstan was lucky: a riot broke out there. And exactly strong enough to scare Tokaev, so that he would ask for help. And at the same time too weak to have to really fight.
  And it seemed like a sign from heaven: you can now become a great conqueror. And a blow in the style of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  Only now the enemy was underestimated. The Ukrainians turned out to be much better prepared for war than expected, and thoroughly dug in. Yes, Zelensky turned out to be not at all such a weakling and soft-bodied as many thought about him.
  So the blitzkrieg that Vladimir Putin was counting on failed. The war became protracted and fierce.
  At first, it seemed that oil and gas prices were skyrocketing, and it would bankrupt the West.
  But in the summer, oil production in the world increased, and Saudi Arabia decided to oust Russia from Europe, and prices began to fall again. And then the Taliban, having decided that the moment was the most convenient, attacked Tajikistan and opened a new front in the south of the CIS.
  And here Russia had to fight almost alone, since the Tajiks turned out to be weak in fighting spirit - they massively surrendered and deserted.
  The opening of a new front in the south was generally expected. Moreover, the Americans promised to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan and unblock accounts. And the Taliban wanted to expand. In addition, the fact that drug caravans were caught on the Tajik border also played a role. And so you can arrange a colossal breakthrough.
  In America, they even reproached the military for not leaving Afghanistan earlier: then the war with Russia would also have started much faster.
  Putin, at the time of his seventieth birthday, faced serious problems. In particular, it was necessary to transfer troops through several countries and Tajikistan. And for this still declare partial mobilization. In principle, it was necessary to initially allocate more forces to capture Ukraine. But all sorts of military experts assured that the Ukrainians are completely useless warriors, that they cannot be compared with ISIS, that we will literally throw hats on them.
  In the early days it seemed so. But it was not possible to take Kyiv with a swoop by one airborne regiment. Moreover, the paratroopers suffered heavy damage and retreated. Then the troops had to be withdrawn from Kyiv and the region.
  The war dragged on, losses grew. And the resistance of the Ukrainians became stronger and stronger.
  The supply of weapons from the West also increased. In Russia, despite all the efforts of propaganda, anti-war sentiments grew. The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party has changed, and this was also a signal: the old politicians are fading away. Who stepped out in front of his feet, who himself left. Zyuganov also aged and weakened. In the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, his criticism intensified. In addition, God Himself ordered the communists to be in opposition, and to conflict with the authorities. And they supported the war with Ukraine. And then, of course, the attacks on Zyuganov intensified.
  Putin in this situation, of course, was on the side of Gennady Andreevich: at least he is safe. The old horse will not spoil the furrow, but it will not plow deeply either.
  Zyuganov is a whole phenomenon. In fact, he voluntarily leaked the elections to Yeltsin, was weak and passive. And then he became very old. Convenient opposition. And the communists tolerated him, which is stupid. They are not very smart.
  This is once again talking about the disease of leaderism among the communists. In United Russia, there is even more diversity of opinion and freedom. Here Sergei Shoigu has lost credibility because of Ukraine. And there were also ideas to exclude him from the co-chairs.
  Putin's health deteriorated during the celebration of the seventieth birthday. And very seriously. Well, at the age of seventy, Stalin, Brezhnev, and Khrushchev had already clearly passed. And Putin is no exception. Began to think about a successor. Moreover, the Ukrainians want to remove it. And you never know. We all walk under God.
  But who should you appoint as your replacement? In order not to be like Zhirinovsky's, he died without a will. One of the ideas was to appoint the eldest daughter to the post of prime minister. But that meant crashing the economy. Mikhail Mishustin did not like it too much. He was even born on March 3, the day after Mikhail Gorbachev. And it seemed like an ominous sign. Yes, and Mikhail Vladimirovich's bald head is bigger than Gorbachev's. And these bald heads always crushed their predecessors. That is, it is necessary to get rid of Mikhail Mishustin, but it is not clear who to put in. All have their shortcomings. They advised Dmitry Rogozin, but United Russia does not like him too much.
  Putin personally liked Medvedev, but he was not popular among the people and, perhaps, soft-bodied. Plus, Medvedev showed himself to be an unimportant prime minister. Here the choice is already limited. There was also Vaino. Also a surname which is non-Russian and is associated with the war. But he is from the Baltics, and this is really not the best option, although he is really a fox, as mean, cunning and treacherous as Vladimir Putin himself!
  However, Dmitry Medvedev was also a fox, although outwardly he gave the impression of a slug and a soft-bodied intellectual.
  But looks can be deceiving. General Lebed is very formidable in appearance. And it scared the elite away from him. The oligarchs changed their minds about betting on him. However, they were not going to make a president out of Lebed. It was used as a spoiler for Zyuganov and the then very popular and ambitious Zhirinovsky. And Lebed even exceeded all expectations. After that, it had to be heated.
  After a long bargain, the oligarchs put Lebed to be fed in the Krasnodar Territory, and forbade him to participate in federal politics. Then the general died under very strange and suspicious circumstances.
  Most of the oligarchy made a choice in favor of Putin, including because they considered him a weak-willed, gray mouse. But appearances were deceiving.
  And the mouse grew into a terrible monster that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.
  It must be said that Putin's somewhat harmless appearance and deceptive gentleness allowed him to move upward. The oligarchs were more afraid of the stern Lebed, the noisy and even hysterical Zhirinovsky, than someone from the Yeltsin family cohort.
  There were also different approaches to Zyuganov's account. Part of the elite wanted to accustom the leader of the Communist Party, and make him acceptable. There were also red oligarchs, and a mass of directors.
  But Zyuganov's team is too big and he didn't want to give bribes to everyone again and fat and pieces. They preferred, as it seemed, the safe Putin, who did not even have his own team.
  And slipped the party "Unity", or the bear as it was called in the common people. And, of course, it was formed primarily by Boris Berezovsky: Yeltsin's eminence grise, and the most influential figure in the Kremlin. It was he who eliminated Boris Nemtsy, whom "Tsar" Boris pulled to be his successor.
  Yeltsin really wanted to make Boris Efimovich his heir. But he very stupidly turned the officials against himself by offering to transfer them to the Volga, and in general began to demand to share with the people. And a hidden struggle began against Boris Efimovich.
  So it was not him who was put into the prime minister, which would have been much more natural, but Kiriyenko. But no one has yet prepared the latter as a successor, and Yeltsin himself, too.
  Oddly enough, Boris wanted to use Kiriyenko to dissolve the State Duma.
  Moreover, there was a plan of the oligarchs, new elections and not to announce. Moreover, the communists, headed by the narrow-minded Zyuganov, themselves gave rise to the cancellation of the elections to the State Duma.
  They proposed an amendment to the election law, according to which, in order to take part in the elections, parties must re-register within a year. And not one party has not passed by this moment.
  Zyuganov, of course, showed himself to be an idiot. The oldest head of the communists in history, weak, conservative, unpleasant in appearance, absolutely devoid of charisma.
  The most convenient for the role of the head of the most powerful, communist opposition.
  There is no spark of God in him, and he symbolizes all the shortcomings of the Communist Party, and even for thirty years of so-called leadership, he is tired of the electorate, and has grown old, and generally walks a little.
  Of course, it is easiest to deal with someone like Zyuganov. Although Gennady is trying to show the appearance of the opposition.
  Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky is a spoiler for the Communist Party, back in Yeltsin's time. But a spoiler who himself almost became the president and the main opposition.
  And they began to crush and press him even earlier than Lebed. But then Zhirinovsky became a de facto vassal, first of Yeltsin, and then of Putin.
  The last time Zhirinovsky criticized Yeltsin was in the spring of 1997... After that, his coloring changed, and he began to support power.
  Vladimir Putin was initially wary of Zhirinovsky. He believed that Volfovich became a friend of the Kremlin because of cowardice and self-interest.
  Moreover, Zhirinovsky voted against impeachment, having lost half of his supporters.
  And this also did not paint the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party.
  But then they became friends with Zhirinovsky. And if it were not for the sudden illness and stupid death from the coronavirus, then he would probably have given him the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called over time. When Vladimir Volfovich was buried, he personally said goodbye to him. Thus ended the life of the brightest politician, who shone with great wit.
  The bright stars of the nineties: Lebed, Nemtsov, Ampilov, Limonov - have gone to the next world. Yavlinsky has almost lost importance and forgotten, like Garry Kasparov. Berezovsky was hanged - he knew and talked too much.
  Only Zyuganov remained from the old galaxy of the nineties. Rutskoi is also forgotten. Well, maybe Zorkin, who is formally kept as the chairman of the constitutional court.
  Of the first generation of CIS presidents, only Lukashenka remained in power.
  Also a smart fox. But he managed to involve in the network and confuse him well.
  Putin did not like Lukashenka, but outwardly he pretended to be a friend. Naturally, keeping in mind and fallback options.
  For a long time, Vladimir Putin was terribly lucky, even in small things. For example, Skripal was poisoned on the eve of the elections, and the fire in Kemerovo happened a couple of days after the elections.
  But if it were the other way around, it would be a few percent less.
  Yes, and Grudinin foolishly set himself up with his foreign accounts.
  At first, Vladimir Putin didn't mind fighting for the throne, with someone fresher and younger than the aged and tired, and rather tongue-tied Zyuganov.
  But Pavel Grudinin began to gain popularity too quickly, and the fight could become too competitive, even before the second round.
  Moreover, black PR could cause the opposite effect. As was already the case with Yeltsin, Lukashenko, and partially even with Lebed and Zhirinovsky.
  But Pavel Grudinin gave himself a good lead by confessing to five accounts abroad.
  And allowed to raise a whole wave of compromising evidence.
  But all the same, Grudinin took thirteen percent, and Zhirinovsky a little more than five. And this showed that the people are sticking to left-wing ideas.
  Zyuganov, of course, would have collected even less Grudinin. Gennady Andreevich, even under Yeltsin, was rather weak. Even then, he looked pretty bad, bald, covered in warts, with a nose resembling a boar's snout.
  No wonder Yeltsin defeated him. True, Zhirinovsky at some point proposed an alliance to Zyuganov. And this caused concern in the Kremlin. But Vladimir Zhirinovsky could not become the third.
  But if it did, then there would be problems.
  The communists promised Vladimir Volfovich - five posts in the government. Including the post of Minister of the Interior and Foreign Affairs. These are very serious posts.
  Could Yeltsin respond in kind? Probably not. Yes, and the West was against the union of Yeltsin and Zhirinovsky. The latter turned the foreign countries against him too much. In Zhirinovsky himself, instead of criticizing the Russian authorities, he attacked the West.
  But the majority of Russians are not bad, and they understood that Russia in the nineties could not pull a confrontation with the West. Yes, the Western way of life was popular and fashionable. And Vladimir Volfovich burned down by himself.
  The success of Lebed, a rather tongue-tied candidate, was unexpected and excessive. And already Alexander Ivanovich began to seriously claim the throne.
  Something similar happened with the Motherland party, which was a spoiler for the communists, but in the end it gained too much popularity and they began to crush and strangle it.
  Lebed was also able to quickly and easily negotiate peace in Chechnya, which sharply increased his popularity.
  That's really propaganda works wonders. Shameful surrender to the bandits, lifted the popularity of the Swan to the skies.
  And the tongue-tied, narrow-minded general almost became king. And if Yeltsin had died during a heart operation, then Tsar Swan might have appeared.
  More precisely, he would certainly have won if Chernomyrdin, well, and Zyuganov would hardly have been promoted.
  But Lebed missed the moment... The media created a new star in the person of Boris Nemtsov, but even that did not burn for long. In fact, Nemtsov is in Yeltsin's team, and life is not getting better, but only getting worse. And the prince went into disgrace.
  Putin himself owes Chubais that he took him to Moscow. After Sobchak's defeat in the elections, it was possible to go to jail.
  But there was no happiness, and misfortune helped. The defeat of Sobchak helped to move to Moscow. And if Anatoly won the election, she would have to remain deputy, and the whole course of history was different.
  In the same way, as well as further zigzags in a career. For example, many doubted whether it was worth appointing a lieutenant colonel to the post of head of the FSB? And even more so to give the post of Secretary of the Security Council.
  Moreover, Rybkin suited Berezovsky quite well. But Yeltsin had an excessive itch for change.
  When Primakov became prime minister, it seemed that he would be chosen as his successor. Old Yevgeny Maksimovich suited everyone as a compromise figure. Maybe, except for Berezovsky. There was enmity with him. At first, Berezovsky wanted to stick Aksenenko instead of Primakov. But those around Yeltsin quite reasonably considered that Zyuganov and his faction might not vote. And new elections to the State Duma would lead to the triumph of the communists.
  And already there was no reason to cancel the elections and violate the constitution.
  Yeltsin himself did not want to make another coup. And he and the October events were enough. And almost died from the heart.
  Stepashin more or less satisfied some of the communists. Although they did not want to make her successor either.
  I must say that the impeachment attempt was not particularly dangerous. So the Supreme Court was under the control of the Kremlin, and would certainly have wrapped up the impeachment.
  Zhirinovsky did not save Yeltsin, but dropped his rating. After that, the Kremlin actually wrote him off.
  It's even strange, Zhirinovsky actively supports Yeltsin, and the Kremlin media drown him.
  They say that he did it for money. They even hit right in the stomach.
  For example, Leontiev, a faithful protege of the Kremlin, first showed how Vladimir Zhirinovsky calls Stepashin an agent of the CIA and Mossad, and then how the same Vladimir Volfovich lavishes compliments on the candidate for premier.
  Well, what will a Russian who watches this think: it goes without saying that Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky is the last, political prostitute. And you can't vote for that.
  That is, the Kremlin media drowned Zhirinovsky, despite all his loyalty to the authorities, and discredited him in every possible way.
  Only when Putin became stronger in power, the attitude began to change.
  In fact, why strangle Vladimir Volfovich if he so zealously supports the Kremlin.
  In addition, Berezovsky came up with a cunning combination to force part of the protest electorate to vote for the Liberal Democratic Party instead of the communists. First they refused to register Zhirinovsky's party. And then, as it were, the registration was restored. And they split the list.
  As a result, the media kept talking about Zhirinovsky. But still, he scored a little, a little more than six percent.
  And when there were presidential elections, Zhirinovsky again refused to register.
  And again a scandal ... They thought to make Vladimir Volfovich third, but as it turned out, he was a weakling.
  And the attempt at a temporary alliance with the communists only led to an increase in Zyuganov's popularity.
  An alliance with the communists seemed like a strong move, but, oddly enough, the liberals suffered the most from this.
  And the communists lost little ...
  For the time being. It must be said that Putin was often lucky despite his own efforts. In particular, he ordered to cheat Zhirinovsky - it did not work. But on the other hand, they have similar electorates to Zhirinovsky, and if Vladimir Volfovich got ten percent, then a second round would not be avoided, and this is already a defeat. And so the difference was only two percent.
  And then the failure with Zhirinovsky turned into a blessing.
  Or the reform of the Federation Council. The Communists, with whom the Kremlin was flirting, opposed the reform. But the offended liberals and the Primakov bloc for some reason supported the reform. Although Primakov is connected with Luzhkov and other governors.
  Stupid people...Yabloko and SPS warned that they would be Putin's next victim and would be buried along with the Federation Council. But they went like stupid sheep to the slaughter.
  And the communists are smart - they immediately figured out what it smells like. But others were not smart enough.
  In general, Putin was terribly lucky: one terrorist attack on September 11 is worth something. Moreover, the United States tried to accustom the Taliban. And use Bin Laden against Russia.
  It seemed that common sense told the Taliban, having long been at war with the Northern Alliance, which is supported by Russia, not to open a second front against the United States.
  But the Taliban behaved like idiots. In fact, the Taliban recognized the Republic of Ichkeria and opened its embassy in their country. And he helped the Chechens with both weapons and volunteers. Mullah Omar even turned to Ahmad Shah Massoud to conclude a truce and help the people of Chechnya.
  And then such an unexpected gift fell on the head of Russia. Moreover, the buildings, contrary to the laws of physics, collapsed.
  This is such a rare luck, it's like winning a hundred million dollars in a lottery ticket.
  And America got stuck in Afghanistan for twenty whole years. There was a double benefit: both the United States is weakened, and the southern borders from the Taliban receive protection. So I must say lucky. And most importantly, they didn't try too hard.
  And with Iraq, too, was lucky. True, at some point it seemed that the Americans easily win. In three weeks they occupied the whole of Iraq, losing only fifty people, and taking two million prisoners.
  But then, despite the capture of Saddam Hussein, America was mired in a protracted guerrilla war.
  And the price of oil has fallen, to a cosmic scale, as well as gas. Yes, there was a lot of luck. Putin believed that he was a great messiah, and that he was cooler than Napoleon, like Genghis Khan.
  Moreover, even Shamil Basayev died by accidentally blowing himself up on a mine and it seemed that Chechnya was finally brought to its knees.
  But his two terms have come to an end. It was already too late to change the constitution and the throne had to be handed over to Medvedev.
  The year 2008 proved to be extremely successful. Bilan's victory in Eurovision, victory in the World Hockey Championship, success in football. And the war with Georgia.
  Although also not indisputable, only five days, but the media filed it as a big victory for Russia, and even for NATO. It is a pity that I had to share laurels with Medvedev.
  Vladimir Putin is tired of memories, and he wanted to sleep.
  Mikhail Gorbachev did not come out to his entourage.
  We had to think of a strategy first.
  In the meantime, Vovka's hitman snored and dreamed.
  . CHAPTER? 2.
  Four German girls: Gerda, Charlotte, Christina and Magda persuaded the Fuhrer to allow them to fight on the Kursk salient. The narrow-minded Hitler was prejudiced against women in the army. And maybe that's why he lost the war.
  But in this world, the girls from the SS turned out to be so hot and convincing that the Fuhrer was persuaded.
  So on the Kursk Bulge, a tank crew of girls went into battle, who fought in only one bikini and barefoot, which made them unsurpassed fighters.
  Besides, in this world, the Fuhrer was a little smarter. And he allowed himself to be persuaded by Rommel, and he took and evacuated the German and Italian troops from Africa.
  This allowed the Germans to keep more forces - as many as eight divisions, hardened, African veterans. Apart from the Italians. And as a result, the landing of the allies in Sicily turned out to be a rout for them, and a great military disaster and a huge number of prisoners and loss of trophies.
  And now the Germans were facing the Kursk Bulge. In addition to the girls on the tank, two more girls appeared: Albina and Alvina, who fought on the Focke-Wulf. And they were wearing nothing but shorts.
  So now the Fuhrer's barefoot girls were against the Red Army, and this is serious.
  Here the grandiose battle on the Kursk Bulge unfolded. German troops advanced in the south, and broke through the Soviet defenses.
  Then the reserve tank army was thrown into battle. And the decisive battle unfolded.
  Gerda and her crew fought on the Panther, it was hot and the crew of the girls even threw off their bras.
  Here the beauties brought the gun. The gun of the "Panther", only 75 mm, but fast-firing and long-barreled.
  Gerda fired from a long distance with the help of her bare toes, the shell just hit the butt of the turret and hull of the Soviet T-34-76 tank, and pierced the armor. The Russian car caught fire, and the combat kit began to detonate.
  Gerda sang:
  - Glory to Germany, glory!
  She played the next shot, using her bare toes, at the advancing Soviet tanks Charlotte, pierced the Russian car and sang:
  Our strength is great
  There will be a firm hand!
  And then the beautiful and smart Christina also kicked, using her graceful, bare foot. And again the Soviet thirty-four was hit. And she's on fire.
  And the girl squeaks:
  - For communism, we will go into battle, but not Russian, but Aryan!
  Magda also fired, and again hit the Red Army car, broke through the metal, made the thirty-four burn and asked:
  - And that communism is Aryan?
  Gerda kicked the enemy with her bare toes, broke the metal of the Russian car, and answered:
  - Yes, communism could be Aryan. When heaven is for us, while others work hard!
  Charlotte fired at the enemy with the help of a bare, round heel and cooed:
  - For joy on Earth!
  And the Soviet padded thirty-four is on fire. The Red Army threw its strategic reserve into battle: the Steppe Front and its tanks. And if you kill him, then the Germans will open the way around Kursk and be able to slam the boiler.
  So the fate of the battle is decided here.
  And the German "Panthers" are good. They exterminate Soviet cars like pike fry.
  Christina fired with her bare toes, the German cannon fired fifteen rounds a minute, and the girls took turns firing.
  And the warrior is extremely accurate.
  Here she struck the Soviet thirty-four and sang:
  We can't be found stronger
  We are not more than twenty!
  The girls, of course, are very beautiful. When they put captured Russian soldiers on their knees and forced them to kiss, bare tanned legs, they did it with pleasure and enthusiasm.
  Magda smashed the Soviet car with a well-aimed shot with her bare, graceful leg and squeaked:
  - For the Motherland, and for freedom!
  And the girls took it and sang:
  Pearly, trembling hairstyle,
  I'm worried, my chest is trembling!
  I am a girl like a timid birch,
  I'm afraid to move and breathe!
  And what does the fresh wind whisper in your ear?
  Sand crunches under foot barefoot...
  And there is no happier me on the planet,
  When I walk with you into the woods!
  Reveal a big secret to me, beloved,
  How did you manage to bewitch the heart!
  But your face is so sad?
  The thinnest thread of wrinkles passed across the forehead!
  The young man answers me with anguish;
  War will separate you for a long time!
  To find us a place in the forests of paradise,
  Satan must be defeated in hell!
  In response, a slender birch nodded,
  You are more than a friend to me!
  Although the outcome of the battle may be tearful,
  But God Jesus the shepherd is with us!
  Let's dispel the hell of demons - evil shadows,
  So that the groves bloom green!
  Stroke my tanned knees
  Hold me tight sweetie!
  And he answered like a maiden in jest,
  He said to the sound of spreading branches;
  - Will you wait for me for a year, dove?
  The temptation of hot cranes is strong!
  In response, I said to him so strictly,
  - I will not be a civilian at the machine stand!
  And I like the military road,
  I want to fight, to defeat the evil ones!
  I came to the point - cut down branches, braids,
  They gave me a new machine with a disc!
  Though the grass weeps like pearls of dew,
  Why innocence - has become like a soldier!
  Then, that the Motherland is dearer to me than all,
  Motherland above the stars burns in the soul!
  It"s not the inside that to barge on the bed,
  And spend the night with a rifle in a hut!
  Victory will come, I firmly believe in it,
  After all, our cause is always right!
  Well, smile more joyfully guys,
  A good fate awaits us, believe me!
  The girls sang beautifully, and at the same time they were shooting. And every shot of sandal girls is an exact hit.
  But now the first wave is repulsed, and special vehicles bring additional shells.
  And beautiful German girls are fighting in the sky. Both blondes: Albina and Alvina.
  And they are so cool.
  Albina fired with the help of her bare toes from six air guns at once. And several Soviet aircraft caught fire.
  The warrior cooed:
  - Glory to my strength!
  Alvina also kicked at the enemies, with the help of the fingers of her bare foot. She shot down five Soviet planes at once and squeaked:
  - In the name of white wolves!
  Girls crushed Russian cars with the virtuosity of female leopards.
  Albina shot with the help of the scarlet nipple of her chest, pressing the button and cooed:
  - For the honor of the Third Reich!
  Alvina also thrashed her opponent using her ruby nipple, and acting playfully, said:
  - For the Prussian spirit!
  These were two fighting girls - super class. Both barefoot and bare-chested.
  And they loved to torment the pioneers very much. Here you tear off the boy's clothes and tie him to a tree. Then you take the whip in your hands and start whipping it. And it's so great.
  And the boy screams in pain, his tanned skin covered with bloody streaks. And the girl takes and brings a torch to the boy's bare feet. And the bare sole burns. And the boy screams in excruciating pain. And it's so nice to listen to his moans and cries.
  Albina and Alvina love the dregs of guys, especially cute and blond ones. And it is such a great pleasure for them.
  But they also know how to fight.
  Alvina pressed the joystick button with her strawberry nipple. And she shot down several more Soviet aircraft with the help of air cannons, after which she cooed:
  - I'm the coolest she-wolf in the world!
  Albina also blasted, pressing the joystick button with the help of a raspberry nipple, cut off a dozen Russian cars and squeaked:
  - For a new Germany!
  Here are the girls - an outstanding pilot.
  Gerda and her tank crew on the Panther continue to fight.
  Here is a blonde girl who took it and banged on the Soviet thirty-four with the help of a scarlet breast nipple.
  And hitting the Russian car, she issued:
  - I don't know anything wrong
  Except the clockwork guy!
  Charlotte remarked wittily, also firing a crimson nipple at the enemy and squeaked:
  - Give great victories!
  Christina also took and slammed with a ruby nipple, and did it very aptly. She smashed the Soviet car and squeaked:
  - For new frontiers!
  And lupanula and Magda, a fighting girl, very cool and warlike, with hair like gold leaf.
  And she blasted, using strawberry breast nipples, which she did very accurately and accurately.
  It struck the Soviet thirty-four and squeaked:
  - My hit!
  And the girls will take and howl. And these are warriors of the level of supermen.
  The Germans won the tank battle and closed the boiler behind Kursk. And such a large tangle of red armies was formed.
  The battles were fought with great malice and fury. There were a lot of victims.
  Some of the Soviet troops were able to escape, and some were captured or destroyed.
  In battles, the girl Schella distinguished herself. She fought in the infantry and applied the know-how, began to throw grenades with her bare toes. And it's extremely cool.
  Shella gave a burst, squinting the Russian soldier like a scythe and cooing, baring her teeth:
  - Oh, henbane, my henbane,
  I henbane, ate ....
  And you soldiers are like zeros,
  Do not save visible integrity!
  And another girl, Eva, fired from a faust cartridge with the help of a strawberry breast nipple, and pierced a Soviet tank.
  And with her bare heel she threw a pea of death, and also tore many soldiers of the Red Army.
  This is a girl - the highest and colossal class.
  And then the captured Russian soldiers knelt down and kissed the bare, dusty feet of the girls.
  And it looked really great.
  And the girls are so barefoot and beautiful.
  These are the girls who, if they take up something, they will definitely bring it to the end.
  The Red Army suffered a major defeat at the Kursk salient. Wehrmacht troops moved to Voronezh. And they were energetic.
  But Soviet girls also fight fiercely and they can and should also be shown.
  Natasha threw a grenade at the Nazis with her bare foot and sang:
  - That's right...
  Zoya launched a gift of death with her bare heel and added:
  - Enemy...
  Augustine succumbed to something destructive and squeaked:
  - Thinks...
  Svetlana threw a grenade with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - What...
  Natasha threw a couple of lemons with her bare feet and yelled:
  - Russian...
  Zoya also succumbed to something energetic and deadly, squeaking:
  - Managed...
  Augustine launched the deadly, muttering:
  - Enemy....
  Svetlana again succumbed to the destructive and vyaknula:
  - Break!
  Natasha gave a turn and squeaked:
  - Who...
  Zoya also fired at the black foreigners that the Nazis recruited and squeaked:
  - Dare!
  Augustine spoke with force and fury:
  - That...
  Svetlana succumbed with the grin of a panther:
  - AT...
  Natasha threw a grenade with her bare foot and yelped:
  - Fight...
  Zoya threw the present of death with her bare fingers and muttered:
  - Attacks!
  Augustine chimed in and muttered:
  - Enemies...
  Svetlana gave a bunch of grenades with her bare soles, and how she yells at the top of her lungs:
  - We'll...
  Natasha nailed the burst and hissed:
  - Furious...
  Zoya cut off the Nazis and squeaked:
  - Beat!
  Augustine fired again, and yelped:
  - Furious...
  Svetlana chirped as she fired:
  - Beat!
  Natasha again threw a grenade with her graceful, bare foot, chirped:
  - We will destroy the Nazis!
  Zoya took it and chirped:
  - The future path to communism!
  And threw a lemon with her bare toes.
  Augustine took and scattered the lines, and her bare legs flew with destruction along the Fritz:
  - We will split the opponents!
  Svetlana took it and threw it with her bare heel, a bunch of grenades, and squeaked:
  Let's crush the fascists!
  And the four continued to shoot and throw grenades. The German "Jagdtiger" was moving. A machine with a 128 mm gun. And shoots himself.
  And the girls threw grenades. Undermined the Nazis. And they fired back. They climbed forward. The tanks are rolling again. The newest German "Panther" -2 is moving. A very mobile car.
  But his girls took over and knocked him out. They torn to pieces a mobile machine with a gas turbine engine. And they blew her to pieces.
  Natasha remarked with a laugh:
  We are fighting great!
  Zoya agreed with this:
  - Very cool!
  Augustine wisely remarked:
  - We will win!
  And she launched an anti-tank grenade with her bare foot. Strong girl. And she has so much wit.
  Svetlana also launched a present of death with her toes of her bare foot, and hit the enemy. A very aggressive girl, with eyes the color of cornflowers. She has such wit, and a passage of strength!
  Natasha gave a turn and grinned:
  - For holy Russia!
  Zoya shot very actively, and grinned, showing pearl teeth:
  - I am a warrior of that level that does not fade away!
  Augustine also fired. Mowed down the Nazis and gurgled:
  "I am a warrior of great ambition!"
  And she bared her pearly teeth!
  Svetlana confirmed:
  - Very big ambitions!
  The girls have been fighting for a very long time. And of course they succeeded in military labor. They are absolutely gorgeous beauties. Outstanding mind. And they shoot first class.
  Natasha, firing, thought that if Stalin were gone, some kind of emptiness would form in the souls of people. It's like a loved one has died.
  Although this Georgian was cruel. And he didn't do everything right. There is even an anecdote about this. Why does Lenin wear boots and Stalin wear boots? Because Vladimir Ilyich chose the road, and this mustachioed one is rushing ahead.
  In this regard, Stalin was not the optimal ruler. Indeed, as Lenin described it, it was too rude.
  This chef prepares only spicy dishes. In terms of cruelty, it was a double-edged sword.
  On the one hand, this helped to maintain discipline and stimulated the party apparatus. On the other hand, the most valuable personnel and capable people were knocked out. In particular, after the war they lost such a great manager as Voznesensky. Who had the greatest services to the Motherland.
  Voznesensky was, perhaps, an ideal manager: not only tough, but also smart and educated. The youngest doctor of science in the USSR, academician, outstanding personality. Without Voznesensky, the Russian economy somehow went wrong. And I can't defeat the Nazis.
  Natasha threw a lemon with her bare foot and sang:
  - From the sky...
  Zoya also threw a grenade with her bare fingers and said:
  - Asterisk...
  Augustine launched a gift of death with her bare foot and sang:
  - Bright...
  Svetlana also threw a grenade, with the help of a bare foot, and issued:
  - Crystalline!
  Natasha gave a turn and hissed:
  - I to you...
  Zoya launched the gift of death with her bare fingers, hissing:
  - Song...
  Augustine succumbed with her bare heel, what brings death and squeaked:
  - I'll sing...
  Natashka continued, singing aggressively:
  - About....
  Zoya threw an explosion package with her bare foot, scattering the Nazis and squeaked:
  - Native...
  Augustina gave a bunch of grenades with her bare heel, gave out:
  - Stalin!
  But the Krauts have four girls and such greyhounds.
  They sat on the newest Panther-2 tank with an 88-mm, long-barreled gun.
  Gerda fired her cannon and hit the T-34 in the bottom of the hull, and chirped, blinking her sapphire eyes:
  - No, after all, God loves Germany! We will definitely win!
  Charlotte readily agreed with this:
  - We can't lose! We will soon go out to Kalinin, and Moscow will be a stone's throw away!
  Christina bared her pearly nippers and yelped:
  - Let's get there, there will be time to Vladivostok!
  Magda noted with regret:
  - And the Japanese have almost been defeated by the Americans. This is very serious, we have almost lost an important ally.
  Gerda knocked out a new Soviet tank and squeaked:
  - We can do without them!
  Charlotte giggled and remarked:
  - If the baby smiles, maybe everything will work out!
  Christina gave out in rhyme:
  - A hippopotamus burst from a smile!
  Magda supported her:
  - The girl has a very greedy mouth!
  And the warriors took it and burst out laughing. They have sparkling energy, one might say, and in abundance!
  Gerda fired again at the Soviet vehicles and yelled:
  - The next century will be ours!
  Charlotte also chimed in and confirmed:
  - There will be flights into space!
  Christina readily confirmed this:
  - Let's fly into space!
  Magda fired from a bomb-launcher and gave out:
  - Sitting in a star plane!
  Gerda stuck out her tongue and squeaked:
  - In the new century, the empire of the Third Reich will rule!
  Charlotte with an aggressive grin confirmed:
  - And the fourth too.
  After that, the beauty again turned the Soviet tank around.
  Christina, this devilish warrior, sparkling with pearly teeth, squeaked:
  - Yes, let there be a new order! And glory to the Great Empire!
  Magda confirmed with frenzied fury:
  - Glory to the Empire!
  Gerda fired again and said:
  - Glory to us too!
  And apparently the girl got it.
  Gvozdanula and Charlotte. And very apt. I pierced a Soviet tank right into the side. Then she chirped:
  - We fight for a new order!
  Magda, firing and hitting opponents, confirmed:
  - And without any doubt we will achieve it!
  Gerda nailed again, and very aptly and gave out:
  - We will achieve with a large margin!
  And she sparkled with sapphire, and very bright eyes.
  Charlotte also fired, hit the Russian car and yelled, this is a she-devil with orange hair:
  - Everything will be just aerobatics!
  Magda also fired with frenzied fury. She smashed the T-34 and squeaked:
  - And the future crew!
  Here, however, the girls had problems. The KV-14 appeared. The car is very large. And she has a 152-millimeter gun with a long barrel. Maybe a German to break through.
  Gerda narrowed her eyes and asked Charlotte:
  - Can you cover it with a bomber?
  The redhead replied:
  - Of course there is a chance ... But the accuracy of the bomber is insufficient!
  Christina suggested passionately:
  - Let me try out my 88-graph paper?
  Gerda skeptically remarked:
  - This KV-14 has 100 mm frontal armor at a large slope. You can't take him!
  Charlotte grinned and remarked:
  -Damn it! And I thought that the Russians did not have such a tank! Only rumors!
  Magda said:
  I also thought it was a bug! But we see that this is not the case! And the barrel of the Russian is so long!
  Gerda sang, tapping her bare heel on the armored floor:
  We will fight without fear!
  Charlotte confirmed her partner's attitude:
  - We will be cut not a step back!
  Christina suggested:
  - And what if you knock out a Soviet tank with an accurate hit of a shell in the barrel?
  Gerda doubted:
  - Can you do that, from a great distance?
  Christina confirmed:
  - If you bring the flame of a lighter to my bare soles, then I am quite capable of hitting very well!
  Instead of answering, Gerda clicked on her lighter. Christina twisted her bare foot and her bare, slightly hardened heel gleamed in the light of the flames.
  Gerda brought fire to the girl's sole. There was a burning smell. Very pleasant smell, like grilled shish kebab.
  Christina whispered:
  - And to the second heel!
  Then Magda lit the fire. Both tongues of flame were now licking the bare soles of a very beautiful and red-haired girl.
  Then Charlotte yelped and bared her breasts. Without any ceremony, she took it and pressed the joystick button with her scarlet nipple. The gun fired automatically.
  The shell flew by itself, and landed right in the barrel of an impressive, Soviet machine.
  Like a gigantic elephant cut off a long trunk. Having received a crushing blow, the Soviet tank stopped the movement. It was as if a sword had been knocked out of his hands.
  That lucky whores!
  Charlotte sang, grinning happily:
  - Only fear will give us friends! Only pain motivates you to work!
  Gerda added enthusiastically:
  - I want more and more to crush your stupid faces!
  The warriors of the Third Reich seemed to be very pleased!
  However, even small children fought against the Nazis. Boys and girls hurled improvised explosive packages at German tanks, self-propelled guns, and infantry.
  The pioneers fought very courageously. They knew what fascist captivity meant.
  The girl Marinka, for example, fell into the clutches of the Nazis. They oiled her bare feet and placed her near the brazier. Tongues of flame almost licked the girl's bare, hardened heels from long walking barefoot. The torture continued for about fifteen minutes, until the soles were covered with blisters. Then, the girl's bare feet were untied. And again they asked questions. They beat me with rubber hoses on my naked body.
  Then they passed the current... Marinka was tortured to ten loss of consciousness during the interrogation. And then they let her rest. When the bare feet were a little twitchy, they were smeared with oil again and the brazier was brought up again. Such torture can be repeated many times. And torture with current, and whip with rubber hoses.
  Marinka was tortured for six months. Until she went blind and turned gray from the torture. Then they buried her alive in the ground. Didn't even waste a bullet.
  Pioneer Vasya, the Nazis whipped with red-hot wire on his naked body.
  Then bare heels were burned with red-hot strips of iron. The boy could not stand yelling, but still did not betray his comrades.
  The Nazis dissolved him alive in hydrochloric acid. And this is a terrible pain.
  These Fritzes are such monsters... The Komsomol member was tortured with an iron. Then they hung it on a rack, lifted it up and threw it down. Then, they began to burn with a red-hot crowbar. The breasts were torn out with forceps. Then the nose was literally torn off with red-hot pliers.
  The girl was tortured to death... They broke all her fingers and her leg. Another Komsomol member, Anna, was impaled. And when she died, they burned with torches.
  In short, the Nazis mocked as best they could and as they wanted. They tortured and tortured everyone.
  Natasha and her team were still fighting in the encirclement. The girls used their bare, graceful legs in battle, and threw grenades. They fought off the superior forces of the Fritz. They held themselves very courageously, and were not going to retreat.
  . CHAPTER? 3.
  Another reality in a dream that still lasted...
  War broke out between Russia and the Taliban. First, the Taliban attacked Tajikistan. In fact, the time is convenient and it is time to decide on expansion in Central Asia.
  And the army of Tajikistan was weak. She collapsed under the blows of the Taliban, partly running away, partly surrendering to the Taliban. And the Taliban attacked the Russian base, and the Russians became dumb. And I had to transfer troops through several countries and restore the front.
  Bloody and brutal battles began to boil.
  And the girls fight with rage
  The famous four fight near the village of the Middle East.
  Natasha gives a turn, and throws a grenade with her bare toes.
  Breaks the Afghans and squeaks:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  Zoya also shoots at the enemy. Mows down enemies, throws grenades with deadly force with bare feet and squeaks:
  - For the Fatherland, our mother!
  Augustina scythed down the line of Afghans with a burst from a machine gun. She threw a destructive lemon with her bare heel and barked:
  - For the USSR!
  Svetlana also blasted the enemy, cut off a lot of Islamic warriors and squeaked:
  - For the world of communism!
  And also how to throw a gift of death with destructive and immeasurable power with the toes of bare feet. And thoroughly tore the enemies.
  These girls are amazing...
  Natasha remarked as she mowed down the advancing Afghans:
  - They literally sting like locusts!
  And the girl again threw a grenade at the enemy with her bare heel. And pretty much tore the enemies.
  Zoya is also hitting the Islamic soldiers with a well-aimed burst. Thoroughly mows them down and coos:
  - For Russia!
  And again, with bare toes, he will throw a killer present of death.
  Augustine, firing at the enemy and literally mowing down the Afghans, cutting them off like a cultivator, squeaked:
  - For Motherland!
  Svetlana, cutting down the enemies, and actually mowing down the soldiers of the Islamic Taliban empire, and knocking them out with mounds, issued:
  - For the Motherland and new victories!
  And again, how he would throw a grenade of deadly force with the fingers of his bare, chiseled legs.
  The girls completely dispersed. And they thrashed the superior numbers of the Taliban army. And they came in big waves.
  Fight on the tank and the crew of Elizabeth.
  The girls here are also in only one bikini and barefoot. And at the same time they fight very well. Afghanistan's tanks are outdated and worse in quality than Russian ones, but there are quite a few of them.
  The craftsmen of the Islamic empire made some machines from wood. What I must say is very progressive.
  Elizabeth, using her bare toes, fires a shot and pierces an Afghan tank, after which she growls:
  - I'm the coolest woman in the world!
  Ekaterina also kicks, using her bare heel, smashes the enemy and squeaks:
  - For the USSR!
  Elena, without thinking twice, will shoot at the enemy. Tearing it apart and squeaking:
  - For communism!
  Euphrosinia, too, how to hit the enemy. Will break the tank of the Afghans and blather:
  - For the Fatherland to the end!
  And these are the girls, they are just super. No force can stand against such. And they are truly the coolest warriors and greyhounds. And no one can oppose them.
  And if they started to fight, then it will be just a fight of hypermen.
  And Elizabeth will shoot again with the help of her bare toes and squeak:
  - For the new USSR!
  Ekaterina also fired at the enemy in turn and squeaked:
  - Yes, Vladimir Putin is not a very good leader, to put it mildly!
  And the girl twisted her bare, round heel.
  Elena continued to thrash the Afghans and chirped:
  - For great communism in the USSR!
  And with bare toes, she added specifically destructive and murderous!
  And then how the girl Euphrosinia thrashes. And smash the enemy and squeak:
  - For Goddess Lada!
  Here is their battlefield.
  And the warrior how they began to mow down the opponents, and how they did not give them mercy, exterminating the Afghans.
  Elizabeth also shot at the enemy, and also used a bare heel and cooed:
  - For communism in the land of Soviets!
  And here she is such a fighting and warlike woman.
  Already, Afghans are being threshed from the sky.
  Anastasia Vedmakova is very hot in battle. And crushes everyone. And in the sky it shoots down Afghan planes and strikes on land. This is such an aggressive girl.
  And she sang with a laugh:
  - For our Motherland, kill all the Taliban!
  Akulina Orlova confirmed, baring her teeth:
  - In fact, the spirit is a demon, climbed into the USSR!
  And the warrior shot down another Afghan plane.
  Mirabela Magnetic, destroying the warriors of the Islamic Taliban empire in the sky and on land, while using her bare toes, yelped:
  - For our Fatherland!
  Here is a triad fighting in the sky. And she's thrashing the Afghans with great intensity. And the enemies are thoroughly knocked down.
  Akulina Orlova on the buttons with her bare heel and yelped:
  For our great country!
  And how he winks at his partners.
  And again knocks down the Afghans. And these are very aggressive jumps in girls.
  Anastasia chirped with a smile, showing her teeth, knocking down Afghan pilots:
  - We are warriors that will defeat any army!
  And again knocked out an Afghan car.
  Yes, the girls here took up the extermination of the soldiers of the Islamic empire thoroughly. And they crash...
  Alyonka also fights desperately, and shows her best aerobatics. And knocks down enemies as if they are models.
  And the Taliban keep climbing and climbing. And they are being killed in huge numbers.
  Alenka threw her bare toes something deadly and sang:
  We are white wolves!
  Anyuta agreed with this, mowing down opponents without ceremony:
  - And we are the best in the world!
  And she also gave a grenade with her bare heel.
  And now Alla is also firing machine guns. And knocks out a lot of Afghans and roars:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  Maria also fires very accurately at the Afghans. And knocks them out thoroughly. And he also throws grenades using his bare toes. And roars:
  - Glory to Svarog!
  Olympias also hits the enemy with great, deadly force. Mows down enemies from the Islamic empire and squeaks:
  - For the whole, the whole world in the era of communism!
  And again the girl bares her teeth and accurately shoots at the enemy.
  And Marusya also scribbles on the Afghans. And with a scarlet nipple he presses the bazooka button, and knocks out opponents and squeaks:
  - For Great Russia!
  Here are the girls.
  But Matryona, like the Afghans, slams, using her bare toes, crushes the enemy from the Taliban and squeals:
  - For the Fatherland and freedom to the end!
  That's the girls went and how the Afghans are threshed - just horror. And there is literally a total and general extermination of them. Apparently, the Afghans are having a very bad day.
  Alenka noted, firing at the Afghans and mowing them:
  - This is my homeland!
  And with his bare heel, how the murderous gift of annihilation will give in.
  Here are the girls - let's just say super.
  Anyuta aggressively noted, shooting at the Afghans:
  - Glory to communism!
  Fighting Alla, firing, and pressing her scarlet nipple on the buttons of the bazooka, squeaked:
  - Glory to the heroes!
  And Maria, fucking the enemy with deadly force, cooed:
  - Glory to the coolest Motherland!
  Olympias added, crushing the enemies and showing increased speed:
  - Great glory to the most prosperous country!
  Matryona, gouging opponents, and using her bare toes when shooting, took it and squeaked:
  - And glory to the coolest warriors!
  Marusya, also scribbling on the enemies, and literally mowing them down, cooed deafeningly:
  - And the USSR is also a great glory for centuries!
  And the girls sang in unison:
  - People will be happy
  Happiness forever...
  The Soviet government -
  The power is great!
  And the warriors will laugh at the top of their lungs. And they bare their teeth.
  Alenka said with a big smile:
  We will give our hearts for our Motherland!
  Anyuta continued furiously:
  - And we will stand and win!
  Here they are, let's just say, wonderful girls. And they really like to fight at full strength.
  And here is Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova in battle.
  The boy and girl look like children of about twelve, but in fact the immortal hitmen are fighting so aggressively. That nothing can stand against them.
  Alenka, baring her teeth and cutting down opponents from the Taliban, sang with a smile:
  We will fight for a brighter tomorrow!
  Anyuta, firing and throwing bombs with her bare toes, added:
  - And our armored train managed to accelerate!
  And the red-haired Alla, jumping up and wriggling, added with a wink:
  - Let's kiss!
  Oleg Rybachenko ran a windmill with his swords, chopping off the heads of the Afghans and squeaked:
  - Glory to our Motherland!
  And the boy, with his bare toes, launched a murderous gift of death.
  The girl also cut through the butterfly reception with swords. Cut off the enemy and squeaked:
  - Glory to the Soviet system!
  And with his bare toes, he will also throw presents of annihilation, destroying enemies.
  And the children, crushing the enemy, sang in unison:
  - I believe the whole world will wake up,
  There will be an end to the Taliban...
  The sun will shine brightly
  We will tear all evil enemies to pieces!
  Children in and very cool fighters. And they also whistle, bringing down on the enemy a whole cloud of stunned and drugged crows. And it's extremely cool.
  Oleg Rybachenko, cutting down the Afghans with a smile, noted:
  - With us the youth of the whole planet,
  Our worldwide construction team!
  And the boy with his bare heel succumbed to the devastating gift of death.
  Margarita Magnitnaya, crushing the Islamic warriors, also chirped, baring her teeth:
  - The people are marching the whole country into communism!
  And also how he cuts through the Islamic ranks. And I must say this is very cruel and cool.
  Meanwhile, the Taliban captured a boy of fourteen years old. They stripped him and tied him to a tree. After that, they first flogged, stripping the skin to blood.
  Then salt was sprinkled on the teenager's wounds. Then they began to fry with a fire, and burned the child's bare heels. And it was so cruel. And end up tortured
  boy to death.
  And again there are fierce battles ...
  And the positions of the Taliban are being hit by Russian attack aircraft using aircraft. And here the Afghans and missiles are bludgeoning. And they all climb and climb like a toad on cramps.
  And whole mounds of corpses are left behind.
  Margarita sang with a smile:
  We will fight for a brighter tomorrow!
  And Oleg Rybachenko, cutting down the Afghans, barked:
  - We managed to figure it out!
  And the boy again, with his bare toes, will throw a grenade of deadly force.
  And these Afghans are threshed so confidently and famously.
  These kids are the real monsters.
  And immortal creatures fight barefoot, and very actively crush opponents.
  But a tank from the GDR also enters the battle.
  Gerda and her crew enter the battle with the Afghans.
  And the girl shoots with her bare toes and coos:
  - Glory to the ideas of communism!
  Charlotte, who fires after her, confirms:
  - Glory to the ideas of the Soviet system!
  Christina, firing at the enemy with her bare toes, screeches:
  - For new bright ideals!
  And also very accurately hits the enemy.
  And the Afghans get it capitally.
  And Magda shoots at the enemy, and squeals, baring her teeth:
  - Glory to our Motherland!
  And also how he thrashes the enemy with the help of his bare toes.
  These are fighting girls, let's face it.
  Gerda, shooting at the enemy, chirped:
  - For Russia and victory to the end!
  And again he thrashes, this time using a scarlet nipple in pressing the joystick button.
  Here are the girls. They are toothy and fanged and can tear anyone straight.
  Charlotte took it and sang aggressively, baring her teeth:
  - Africa is terrible, yes, yes. Yes!
  Africa is dangerous, yes, yes, yes!
  Do not go girls - go to Africa for a walk!
  Christina, baring her teeth and thrashing her opponent, said:
  - Do not go girls barefoot in the dark!
  and with a bare heel how to succumb to the enemy.
  Here are the women - all the women women!
  And the Afghans are being shot down and destroyed without mercy.
  Magda, firing at the enemy, and literally sweeping him away, aggressively issued:
  - I am the strongest in the world!
  And also how to slap with the help of bare toes. Here is the girl.
  I must say that it is simply ultra!
  Here are the girls how they took up the Taliban, and they beat with jackhammers.
  And the Taliban tortured a Russian Komsomol member. First stripped to the naked. Then they started pouring water. First hot - boiling water, then cold. Then they began to beat with hot wire.
  And it was so cruel. And then again torture and a light to the bare heels of the girl. And she was severely tortured. And why did they pour acid, which is even more painful.
  And the girl was also tortured to death.
  And then they took her skeleton and covered it with gold and hung it up for everyone to see. And it was extremely cruel.
  That's the kind of power the Taliban demonstrated. And try to compete with such a country. But girls want to have children. And they cut their stomachs. And they are very cruel.
  Fights among other things burn like the flames of the underworld.
  Oleg Rybachenko, cutting down opponents, sang:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  And the boy again, with his bare toes, will throw the murderous present of death
  Margarita Korshunova, cutting down the Afghans, squeaked:
  - For the USSR!
  And he will throw his bare toes, what brings mass death. Yes, no one can resist such girls.
  Boy and girl in full and furious excitement and combat charge.
  Oleg Rybachenko, cutting down the Afghans with swords, sang:
  - Brought, Brought me,
  It took me!
  I'll just sit on a horse
  And fortune awaits me!
  And the boy will laugh, and again he will take and chop the enemy.
  And here they are, together with Margarita, how they whistle. And a mass of stunned crows will fall on the heads of the Afghans. Let's just say it's great.
  Margarita Korshunova tweeted:
  - I am the strongest in the world, I will destroy the enemies in the toilet!
  And wink at his partner.
  And the superior forces of the Afghans began to fizzle out.
  Oleg Rybachenko finally pressed the switch with his bare heel. And the current struck, immediately turning a lot of Taliban soldiers into skeletons. And it should be noted - killer.
  The Terminator Boy sang:
  -Let our Earth be famous!
  And how he whistles, baring his teeth.
  Here is the boy. And really very combative.
  And then there are the Soviet missiles hitting the Afghans. And they are seriously hit. And a lot of fighters are killed.
  Tamara and Veronika aim deadly missiles with needles and balls and explode. And a lot of Afghans are immediately killed. And it's so cruel.
  The girls are currently in the bunker, stomping on concrete slabs with their bare feet. And induce deadly force charges on the enemy, thoroughly exterminating.
  These girls are just amazing.
  Tamara fires and roars:
  - The great USSR and its leader Stalin are with us!
  Veronica also confirms this:
  Let's kick the Taliban's ass!
  And also how to fire at the enemy. And it will make it very hard. Girls love to kill - that's girls.
  Veronica once asked a question:
  What is twice two five?
  Tamara answered with a laugh:
  - Four and a half!
  And it turned out to be a very witty statement.
  The girls here are so tense.
  Natasha and her team are also shooting at the Afghans. Massively they are killed and roar:
  -Let communism be glorified!
  And the language will show!
  And then also with a bare heel, how he will take it and specifically give in.
  This is a girl, all the girls are a girl.
  And formidable beyond measure.
  Svetlana sang furiously, scribbling at the Afghans.
  And in the starry heights, mountain silence,
  In the sea wave and furious fire,
  And in furious, and furious fire!
  And then Zoya fires desperately at the enemy.
  These are the girls - very dashing.
  And Augustina crushes opponents and roars at the top of her lungs:
  - For our Motherland, for the glory of the USSR!
  And here, of course, China cannot resist such a team.
  And the girls, of course, are very dashing and skilled.
  Not a single trick will work against them.
  Natasha, mowing down another line of Afghans, cooed:
  - I am the strongest in the world, and I will kill you all in the toilet!
  And again, with bare toes, he will throw an explosive package of deadly force.
  Augustine this girl of fighting power, chirped:
  - Glory to the times of communism!
  And also wink with his emerald eyes.
  Svetlana is very aggressive in combat. Crushes the Afghans and chirps:
  - Glory to the times of the communist victory!
  Here are the girls...
  And Stalenida exterminates the Afghans without further ado.
  And mows them down like she really has a jet fighter scythe.
  This is a girl, a girl to all girls!
  Smashing the Afghans and throwing murderous presents of death with her bare toes, Steelenida cooed:
  - Glory to our Fatherland - the USSR! Putin's Russia - no!
  And again, the girl thrashes the enemy with wild force. Here she is, fighting and warlike.
  Victoria, shooting at enemies, says with a smile:
  - Great glory awaits the USSR!
  Steele nodded.
  - Yes, he is waiting!
  And as she fired, she thought. In some ways, this is reminiscent of the Patriotic War, except that the enemy failed to catch the USSR by surprise. And the bet on a sudden blow did not justify itself.
  But there are so many Afghans. They are advancing, literally throwing corpses at Russian positions. And this is their frantic and wild tactic. And they do not consider their losses,
  and people are practically not protected. So try with these you can do it.
  Stalenida threw a grenade with her bare heel and chirped:
  - In the name of the USSR!
  And she showed her very sharp teeth.
  Victoria agreed with her:
  - Leaders come and go, but the USSR remains!
  Stalenida cooed with excitement:
  - The USSR is with us forever!
  Seraphim, firing at enemies, as if cooing, and knocking down the enemy, will give out:
  - We will be a classic force!
  And also a girl, like a bare foot, will launch a present of complete destruction.
  Victoria sang:
  - Glory to my country of communism!
  Seraphim readily confirmed this:
  - Communism is light and prosperity!
  And giving again to destroy the Afghans.
  Gerda also fights very aggressively. And he shows his highest class.
  But there are no real tricks against Gerda.
  This is a girl who gives the dream of all the universe.
  And she will take and sing:
  - Glory to my Earth, and we are in the whole universe!
  And again, with her bare toes, the beauty will let in a murderous present of death and annihilation. Let's just say it straight - the girl is what you need.
  Gerda shot the entire combat kit and is now returning.
  The famous German four, having killed many Afghans, keep secrets.
  Well, they cut into potatoes.
  Charlotte, holding a deck of cards with her bare toes, remarked harshly:
  - Now we are at war with the Taliban, and when we were at war with the Russians!
  Gerda nodded in agreement and vigorously:
  - Yes, there was such a time. And then we couldn't win! Christina, do you agree?
  Christina confidently declared, throwing the card with her bare toes:
  It's the men's fault! They did not show fighting qualities!
  Magda confirmed:
  - Yes, men! If more women would fight, then we would have a real chance of success!
  Gerda nodded in agreement.
  - Barefoot girl, and even with scarlet nipples - it's super!
  Charlotte logically agreed with this:
  - Yes, barefoot girls, this is something colossal!
  And the warriors continued to throw cards.
  Stalenida aggressively remarked while firing at the Afghans:
  - We will directly hit the enemies!
  And with bare toes, the girl will throw a grenade. And it's devastating.
  Victoria confidently said:
  - Although on the one hand there is no God, but on the other hand He is with us!
  Viola, even the queue for the Afghans, mowed them down and confirmed:
  - May God be with us! And colossal powers!
  And the girls how to laugh and show their tongue.
  Alina will also bang on the enemy, colossally mow him down and squeak:
  - I'm the most fighting babe!
  And also with bare toes, like a deadly force, he will take it and launch it.
  These are the girls who love to kill. They have so much inhuman strength.
  Steelenida sang with aggression:
  - Our strength is in communism,
  Give life and heart
  We are our holy Fatherland,
  Let's stand and win!
  That's the kind of girl she was. Let's just say she's great. And very militant.
  Victoria tweeted:
  - For the USSR in which the wise king!
  And the warrior showed her tongue, and winked at her opponents.
  Here are the girls...
  Alenka also confidently fights with enemies, and shows incredible jumps.
  And at the same time the girl roars at the top of her lungs:
  - I have a super lady!
  And bares his very pearly teeth.
  Anyuta shoots at the enemy, crushes him with lethal force, tears him apart and roars:
  - I have a hyper girl!
  . CHAPTER? four.
  And her bare toes are throwing a shock present of death!
  And fighting Alla is also in battle. And so she thrashes the Afghans.
  And while the girl still squeals:
  - Glory to the times of communism!
  And again, as an enemy, something completely lethal will launch.
  And a lot of Afghans will be torn apart.
  Maria, scribbling on the soldiers of the Islamic empire, took and noted:
  - And who will we find in the forest?
  And how he will hit him with a present from a machine gun. Here she is, what a fighting and beautiful warrior.
  Olympias shoots at the enemy. And he does it extremely well.
  And bares his teeth, and roars:
  - Glory to the times of communism!
  Marusya aggressively noticed, crushing the enemies, and throwing deadly grenades with her bare fingers of knives:
  - Glory to the new general secretary!
  Matrena thrashed the Afghans and said:
  -If only not homosexual!
  Alenka, shooting at the enemies, took it and chirped:
  - For great communism!
  And again, as a killer burst of fire on the Afghans. Well, she is a martial beauty. And she has so much charm.
  Anyuta, also shooting at the enemy and mowing him down, squeaked:
  - For Russia!
  And with a bare heel, how to succumb to the Taliban. This girl is just really amazing.
  Red-haired Alla crushes opponents and roars at the top of her lungs:
  - I am lady hyper!
  And with his bare toes, how he will throw a lethal death at the enemy.
  Here she is a girl - let's say there is ultra!
  Very beautiful Maria, shooting at the enemy, cooed:
  - I have a class mega!
  And again he strikes at the enemy with a bare, and very round, pink heel.
  Olympias celebrated by slaughtering Afghans and piling up a mountain of corpses from the Taliban Islamic Empire's warriors, cooing:
  - I am the highest class!
  And he, too, will throw his feet with bare toes, something fundamentally and uniquely murderous. Here is a girl - all the girls - a girl!
  Marusya also crashes and chirps, killing Afghans:
  - I will destroy the enemies! It will be a real madhouse!
  And the girl will take it and laugh.
  And with a scarlet nipple as he presses on the joystick button. And he slashes at opponents, with something so lethal.
  Matrena also began to beat the Afghans and cooed:
  - Glory to the dawn of communism!
  And her bare heel will soak everyone like enemies. Here she is, what a beautiful girl. And they are girls, let's say - super class.
  Or maybe Giga, or even TETRA!
  These are the girls and I cut down the Afghans thoroughly. And this is generally a super class.
  Alyonka took it and sang, baring her teeth:
  - I am the strongest in the world! And two plus two is four!
  And how he hits the enemy very accurately. And will blow another Taliban to pieces.
  And this girl has such fantasies. But the Taliban are doing something.
  Here they are torturing a girl. And how they process with whips. And then barbed wire. And then they will burn her heels with a red-hot iron. And the girl is very pleased.
  And she wants to be a written beauty.
  Alenka sang:
  - For the great communism of the coolest USSR!
  And again he will throw a grenade with his bare toes at the enemy.
  And it's really cool.
  Anyuta, shooting at the enemy, also roars:
  How great is communism!
  And with a well-aimed line, he mows down the Afghans. Here is a girl of great beauty.
  And her bare heel succumbed, a gift of annihilation.
  And the red-haired Alla is also very aggressive in battles. And how to crush enemies with wild fury. And he scribbles himself with colossal activity.
  And with bare toes he throws gifts of death with deadly force.
  This is a girl - she just has a super class!
  All these are girlish barefoot army, capable of very great feats.
  Maria, writing on the Afghans, noted:
  -The greatest power is ours and the highest class!
  Then the warrior winked.
  And with a scarlet nipple she pressed the button of the bazooka. And this is her highest pilot and the real construction of the sum of the squares of the legs.
  Olympias, crushing the enemy, cooed:
  - For the best victories in the universe!
  And with bare toes, how to launch a gift of annihilation at the enemy. And it really becomes just like an action - beyond strength!
  The girls must be said to be extremely fighting. And if they do something, then people will be happy right for centuries. And they have so much joy and real cosmic brilliance.
  Here are the warriors - the highest aerobatics.
  Marusya, crushing the Afghans, took it and vyaknula:
  - Peace to your home!
  And again she threw a murderous present of death with her toes, tearing the enemies apart.
  Matryona also hit the Afghan troops. She tore the Taliban and yelped:
  - For the greatest socialism on the planet!
  And her eyes sparkle.
  Yes, this is the highest shelling of positions.
  And the Afghans bear colossal damage, but all the same, everyone climbs and climbs. And they have colossal human resources. Which never seem to end.
  And everything flows in a wave and a continuous stream.
  Alyonka, with a big smile in her bared teeth, sang:
  - Glory to the era of communism and Russian tsars!
  And with her bare toes she again threw the murderous present of death and destruction.
  And the girl bared her teeth deafeningly (yes, you can bare your teeth deafeningly!), took it and yelled:
  - Strong sovereign,
  Reign for glory
  For the glory of us...
  Reign in fear of enemies
  Orthodox king,
  Reign for glory, for our glory!
  Anyuta remarked with a laugh:
  - You missed the words: God save the king!
  Alenka readily agreed with this:
  - Yes, I missed it! But this, unfortunately, is a given!
  Maria, with a smile of a very cool girl, remarked:
  - The tsar father is gone, and instead of him the work of Lenin!
  Red-haired Alla chirped, mowing down the Afghans:
  - The cause of Lenin is alive, even though Lenin is dead!
  The Olympics logically objected to this:
  - Lenin is immortal!
  She winked her emerald eyes.
  So you can immediately see here wonderful girls who are able to specifically fight the Taliban. And in general, their power should be noted as colossal cosmic power.
  Marusya noted with a smile, shooting at enemies:
  - The Tsar will return, and Lenin will live!
  Matryona agreed with this:
  - Of course it will! Glory to Lenin!
  Alenka continued with a smile:
  - And Tsar Nicholas II! Glory to all heroes!
  Anyuta agreed with this:
  - Glory to all the heroes!
  And the girls sang in unison:
  - Glory to Russia, glory ...
  Tanks are rushing forward ....
  Red flag troops
  Greetings Russian people!
  Vladimir-Mikhail Gorbachev-Putin has finally woken up. And he slept for too long.
  Now we need to take care of state affairs.
  And Vladimir-Mikhail declared to his entourage:
  - We are too hasty with democratization and glasnost. We do not need this, but should, on the contrary, tighten the screws and put things in order. We will fight drunkenness in other ways. The production of alcohol should not be reduced.
  It is also necessary to strengthen the criminal liability for moonshine brewing. And increase the funding of the armed forces. Especially science and military technology development.
  Mikhail-Vladimir also ordered to increase the number of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. And intensify the fighting there in order to win a decisive victory. An order was also given to actively use combat aircraft against the Mujahideen and bomb more.
  And other instructions, of course.
  All this should have been carried out through the Politburo and the plenum. In particular, the conversation touched upon whether it is time to adopt a new constitution. But not too briskly.
  In the meantime, it was necessary to continue to strengthen positions. In particular, remove Yeltsin. Or better yet, go to jail. To not stink.
  And in general, it's time to end the game of democracy.
  Vladimir-Mikhail decided to become a dictator. In particular, to conduct criminal liability for being late for work. A lot of people have to go to jail here.
  But of course this is also not all, but enough for a start.
  In the meantime, you can sleep, and let something aggressive dream;
  And in Afghanistan, very cruel and bloody battles with the Mujahideen continued.
  The war between Russia and Afghanistan was fought at all speeds...
  Natasha shot at the soldiers of the Islamic Empire, literally mowed them down and sang...
  May the sun always be
  May there always be heaven...
  May there always be a mother -
  May I always be!
  And the girl, with her bare toes, will launch a murderous grenade at the Afghans. And the mass of warriors of the Islamic empire will be torn apart.
  Zoya also shoots and sings:
  - Be glorified, you be glorified, you are our Earth!
  Our native forests and fields!
  In the Name of the Almighty,
  You are our dear, holy family!
  And with his bare toes, he will also throw something deadly at the Taliban.
  Yes, the soldiers of the Islamic Taliban empire faced a serious problem.
  The red-haired Augustine continued to mow down the Taliban and chirped, mowing down their ranks:
  - I am the strongest in the world!
  And how he throws a present of death with his bare toes of murderous power, tearing enemies apart.
  And Svetlana also decided to add something deadly to the enemies, and destroying the body.
  And then he murmurs:
  - Glory to my Motherland!
  And he, too, will throw a gift of annihilation with his bare toes of lethal force.
  These girls are just awful.
  Warriors took up Afghanistan and chips are flying from the Islamic empire.
  Natasha, shooting at the Afghans, and mowing them, noted:
  - We will praise God with the Name of Svarog!
  And with bare toes, how to launch a murderous gift of annihilation.
  The girls are really an indicator of the highest aerobatics.
  Zoya pressed the bazooka button with her scarlet nipple, thumped the Taliban and squeaked:
  - For the USSR!
  And Augustine will also take and hammer on the Islamic troops. And the mask of the Afghans will smash and squeak:
  - But to live as before, but to live according to Brezhnev!
  I'm dumb, I'm dumb, I can't!
  And with his bare toes, he will again launch something extremely lethal. Here is the girl.
  And Svetlana, too, in the battle is a very fighting brat. And he fights desperately. And it is capable of cutting off a mass of advancing militants from the Islamic empire of the Taliban.
  And the girl roars:
  - Glory to communism Svarog!
  And others confirm:
  - Glory to Communism!
  Elizabeth shoots at the enemy. And also uses bare toes. She has a good tank, capable of piercing opponents through. And this girl must be said, just
  super class.
  And she shoots, and strikes adversaries.
  And sings:
  - In the victory of the immortal ideas of communism,
  We see the future of our country...
  And the red banner of our Fatherland,
  We will always be selflessly faithful!
  Ekaterina also fires at the enemy, hits him through and through, and breaks through the towers of cars. Then he screeches:
  - Glory to communism Lada!
  And also uses bare toes.
  Elena is also firing at the Afghans. Threshing the Islamic empire. It hits her through and through, and squeals:
  - Our cause is right!
  And Euphrosinia also hits enemies very accurately. And sings:
  - In the name of great ideas! The villain will be defeated!
  And also how he winks at his partners.
  And how Elizabeth's tank will jump. And let's destroy the Afghan troops. And it was wild.
  The girls sang and roared:
  - We are the strongest in the world!
  And again they shot very accurately.
  These were the girls - what you need!
  And they threshed the enemy Afghans famously.
  Here in the sky, the girls also gave to the Taliban.
  Anastasia Vedmakova, shooting down planes, switched to ground targets. She crushed them and squealed:
  - We girls are brave, brave. brave,
  We have very cute curly boys!
  We grind them hot
  And then we spit, over the left shoulder!
  Akulina Orlova, fucking opponents, issued:
  - While on the road!
  And knocked down the Afghans with bare feet.
  Mirabela Magnetic also knocked down the Taliban troops and chirped, baring her teeth:
  - There will be many victories!
  And her bare toes began to move.
  These were the girls - just super class!
  Alenka and her team fought the Taliban. And it looked very charismatic.
  The girls kept the defense and threw gifts of destruction at the advancing soldiers of the Islamic Empire with their bare toes.
  Alenka gave a gift of annihilation with her bare heel and sang:
  - Alek, sheds tears of happiness!
  Anyuta flung presents of death with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - How her soul sings harp!
  Alla also thrashed by pressing her scarlet nipple on the button of the bazooka and gave out:
  - Drip, drip, drip, and Alenka's blue eyes, tears fall on the spear!
  Maria kicked with the help of her bare toes and squeaked:
  - Right on the spear! And mummy!
  Olympias, too, how to laugh, and bare his pearly teeth.
  She is a girl of rare beauty and charm.
  At the same time, the warrior giggles and squeals:
  - Glory to the kings of communism!
  And with his bare heel he will succumb to the murderous gift of death.
  Marusya is also eager to fight...
  And he scribbles at the Afghans with great intensity from machine guns. And with his bare heel throws presents of death.
  And says:
  - For great communism!
  Matryona also beats the warriors of the Islamic empire. Mows them with great intensity. And exclaims, winking:
  - For outstanding victories!
  Alenka aggressively declares, mowing down the enemy:
  - Our Russia is the very first and great!
  And he also throws a murderous present of annihilation with his bare foot.
  Anyuta declares with a chuckle as she cuts off the ranks of Afghan soldiers:
  - Glory to the Red Army!
  And again throws at the enemy, a killer gift of annihilation.
  And Allah will begin to destroy opponents. And also her bare toes crush the enemies thoroughly.
  And the gift of death thrown with bare feet flies.
  And Maria is also a very fighting girl in battle. And her shots are very accurate and hit the enemy with a guarantee.
  And this girl is also a fighting character.
  Shoots himself and squeals:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  Olympias shoots at the enemy. He mows down the Afghans and says with a smile:
  - Glory to our Motherland!
  And again, let's thresh the Taliban.
  And with bare toes to throw gifts of death at opponents.
  These are the girls in the Red, or rather the Russian army.
  And they shoot at the enemy, they specifically hit him.
  Marusya is also firing at the enemy. And he does it very well.
  The girl screams at the top of her lungs:
  - Glory to the CPSU! Glory to Klychkov!
  And winks with purple eyes.
  And again throws a gift of destruction with bare feet. This girl is just amazing.
  Marusya is beautiful, and almost naked.
  Matrena also shoots at the enemy, and very accurately. It hits him and squeaks, baring his teeth:
  - Heaven and Earth - my love!
  And also the girl how to soak the enemy with the help of the bare heel of the legs.
  Girls love to kill - these are girls!
  Stalenida is also fighting intensively against the Taliban.
  And this girl will launch a rocket at the soldiers of the Islamic Empire. And how it will tear a mass of swarthy bearded soldiers. This is a girl - let's just say what we need.
  Steelenida cooed:
  - For the Fatherland - the USSR!
  Veronica also fights with enemies desperately. And throws deadly gifts of death with bare toes.
  And while the girl squeals:
  - For great communism!
  Victoria is fighting. So she pressed her bare, tanned legs on the launcher and how she thrashed the Afghans. She tore them apart and cooed:
  - Trust my Fatherland!
  And Seraphim as a blast on the enemy. How will he lay down and destroy the mass of the Chinese, barking:
  - For our Fatherland!
  These girls are just a miracle.
  Oleg Rybachenko, this immortal boy also fights with the girls. He is a real, and the coolest fighter in the world.
  The boy cuts down Afghan soldiers with swords and throws presents at them with the help of bare fingers of children's legs.
  And while he sings:
  - If the fortress is on the way,
  The enemy built...
  It is necessary to bypass from the rear -
  Take her without a shot!
  And again the boy and the girl, together with him, Margarita how they whistle.
  And the crows, having a heart attack, fall on the heads of Afghan soldiers.
  Margarita Korshunova cuts the Taliban with swords, this dashing girl squeaks:
  - Glory to the kings of communism!
  And again he will wave his bare foot, and throw poisonous needles at enemies.
  These kids are the real monsters.
  Oleg Rybachenko, scribbling on opponents, as he will give out:
  - If only there was a whole head!
  We will soon be in Kabul,
  That's all there is to it!
  Margarita confirmed this by exterminating her opponents:
  - Yes, we will be in Kabul!
  And how he will take the gift of death with his bare heel.
  These kids are the real monsters.
  And they fight like young heroes. Although they look only twelve years old. But they only look like children.
  Now the caliph of Afghanistan has become such a monster that they scare children. As before there was a time, they were frightened by Hitler. And this, of course, is also interesting and logical.
  And in some places the Afghans managed to wedge themselves into Tajik territory.
  That's why they are Afghans and are strong in numbers.
  In the captured villages, the troops of the Islamic Empire took and without hesitation decided to flog and beat all the women and children with sticks on the heels, and simply lock the adult men in a barn and burn them. In fact, they are dangerous, and the Afghans do not need labor. And women can be raped. And the men were taken and pushed into the barn. Who resisted
  they were shot on the spot. All the teenagers, whose antennae were already breaking through, were also thrown into the fire along with adult men. In fact, they can already fight.
  They took the Taliban and set it on fire. And the men were burned alive. And boys no older than fourteen and all women, regardless of age, were undressed and began to flog with a whip.
  And then beat on the heels with bamboo sticks. Several younger children and several old women dropped their hooves from the shock of pain. Others were beaten so that they could not stand up.
  And their bare feet are swollen.
  Then the Taliban picked them up and drove them with bayonets in their direction. These are cruel creatures.
  And so began a new order under the rule of the Taliban.
  And this is just the beginning.
  The Afghans have a multiple superiority in infantry, but much weaker aviation and less and worse quality equipment and heavy weapons. Many Taliban tanks are made of wood. And that doesn't make them stronger.
  Here Gerda on her car very famously destroys the warriors of the Islamic empire. And knocks them down with great intensity. And her gun works.
  Gerda hit the opponent's legs with her bare toes and chirped:
  - Glory to the times of communism among the Germans!
  Charlotte also fired with her bare feet and squeaked:
  - Glory to the heroes of communism!
  Christina took it and slapped the enemy, pressing the button with her scarlet nipple and squeaked:
  - And glory to our Motherland!
  And Magda how to hit the enemy, using her bare toes and squeak:
  - Our Motherland's role for centuries!
  And also hit the enemy.
  And these are fighting beauties - super and hyper class.
  Warriors of the widest profile and from the combat test.
  Albina and Alvina, combat pilots from the GDR, are also threshing the Taliban.
  And they do it with great enthusiasm.
  And they use bare toes.
  Albin shoots down an Afghan plane in the sky and squeals:
  - For communism in developed countries!
  Alvina shot down the plane with her bare toes and added:
  - And in developing too!
  These were really girls - what you need!
  And crush the Taliban. And now Afghan planes are shot down in the sky.
  And then they move on to ground targets.
  With them is Helga, also a very beautiful blonde girl.
  And thrash the enemy.
  And cut off the plane with his bare toes and coo:
  - For great communism!
  And Albina will knock down the Afghan car, make it burn and add:
  - For the greatest expanses!
  And Alvina will cut the Taliban attack aircraft and give out:
  - For the goddess Hera!
  And take a laugh.
  Helga also, without thinking too much, crushes the Afghans and roars:
  - Glory to our great Fatherland!
  And knocks down enemies very aptly.
  And Natasha and her team are fierce.
  They massacre the Taliban in large numbers. And while they sing:
  We live on our father's land
  The grandchildren of Rod and Lada are the light children!
  - And flies on a winged horse,
  Russia from distant millennia!
  Zoya also thrashes at the enemy with the help of her bare toes and blathers:
  - For Russia in which the Russian Gods rule!
  Augustine added with a smile, crushing the enemies. and using bare heels for this:
  - For the USSR!
  And also how to add a shot by pressing the scarlet nipple on the button of the bazooka.
  And Svetlana also specifically exterminates enemies.
  And also uses bare toes. And mows down a lot of Afghans.
  While singing:
  - We live on our father's Earth,
  The grandchildren of Svarog are glorious children!
  Natasha, pressing the bazooka button with her ruby nipple and knocking out the Taliban tank, issued:
  - And we fly on a winged horse,
  We are in the distant millennia!
  Zoya cutting off the Afghans in bursts. And piling up corpses from the soldiers of the Islamic Empire, she squeaked:
  Russia laughed
  And cried and sang...
  In all ages, that's why it is Russia!
  Augustine, scribbling at the enemies, noted very aggressively, throwing a grenade with her bare heel:
  - We will be the strongest in the world!
  And also how he beats the Taliban. And immediately mow down a whole line of them.
  And Svetlana also exterminates the soldiers of the Islamic empire. And with the bare toes of the legs of destructive power, he throws presents, and sings:
  - Glory to the era of believe communism,
  I believe we will not have pacifism!
  And the girl will press the button of the bazooka and thoroughly smash the strawberry nipple.
  And here are other beauties fighting.
  For example, Jane Armstrong. It should also be noted a very interesting and fighting beauty girl.
  . CHAPTER? 5.
  He crushes the pressing Afghans and, squeaking, says:
  - Here comes the summer!
  The girl fired at the Taliban, cut them down and cooed:
  - For the Fatherland and freedom to the end!
  Gertrude also blasted at the enemy. She shot down an Afghan tank and squeaked:
  - For great communism!
  And Malanya will launch something lethal at the enemy. Will smash it to pieces and squeak:
  - I'm going to the grass!
  And Monica will pound at the enemy with something deadly and chirp, baring her teeth:
  - I will look at the clear sky and understand that I live!
  Jane took it and cooed:
  - A bell will ring in the sky!
  Gertrude thrust into the enemy and squeaked:
  - It will rain torrentially!
  Malanya how to dog the enemy with a squeal:
  - I'm going to my childhood!
  Monica fired at the Afghans, smashed the enemy's car and sang:
  - Summer rain for me!
  These girls are just amazing!
  Natasha aggressively noted, shooting at enemies and food:
  - We are the great warriors of Svarog!
  And he will throw a lethal present of death at the enemy with his bare toes.
  Zoya took it and blasted at the enemy with an automatic burst. She knocked him down and squeaked:
  - For Russia Svarog!
  And she threw the gift of annihilation with her bare toes.
  Augustine, too, like a slap on the enemy. And bare toes will throw a killer present of annihilation. Will tear the enemy apart and squeak:
  - For the movement towards communism!
  And Svetlana also hits the enemy like a shuganet. And briskly extinguish the enemy. And her bare heel will take, and the lethal gift of death will find. And a lot of enemies will hit.
  And then the girl sings:
  - Our view is the most combative,
  I became a girl, very cool!
  Those girls are just amazing.
  Natasha puts herself in a very combative way.
  But Oleg Rybachenko also fights desperately.
  And the boy cuts down the Afghans with swords and squeaks:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  And with bare toes he throws a murderous present of death.
  This kid is just amazing.
  And Margarita Korshunova thoroughly threshes enemies. And with the bare toes of the legs of the enemies destroys.
  Then he screeches:
  - I'm a super girl!
  And again, with bare fingers, how to launch sharp and poisonous games at the enemy.
  And then the children will take it and whistle. And the mass of crows is stunned at once and falls on the enemies, breaking through them. And the skulls become full of holes.
  Let's say this is how the disassembly went in combat.
  And children, objectively speaking, fighting and immortal.
  Oleg Rybachenko sang, chopping the Taliban to pieces.
  It was so beautiful
  Man has become the slave of the collective!
  And again, with bare toes, the boy will send a lethal gift of death to enemies without much ceremony. This is truly a killer.
  Oleg Rybachenko took and sang:
  - Ta, ta, ta, we're taking a cat with us!
  And again, with bare toes, the lethal slams at the enemy. And it's very aggressive.
  Margarita, crushing the enemies, and mowing them with well-aimed shots, issued:
  - Glory to the era of Russian communism!
  And again she threw a lethal gift of death at the enemy with her bare toes.
  Here the children will take it again and whistle. And a mass of crows fell on the heads of the Afghan soldiers. This is how their total extermination went.
  And the children are full of enthusiasm and desire to really fight.
  Alenka shoots at the enemy and squeaks:
  - For the Fatherland, our mother!
  And he will throw a gift of death with a bare, chiseled foot.
  Let's just say these girls are very fighting.
  Anyuta scribbles at the enemy and squeals deafeningly:
  - For our great Motherland.
  And with his bare heel he will throw up that which brings destruction and death.
  And Alla extinguishes the enemies with bursts. He mows down a lot of Afghans, and with his bare toes he throws grenades and squeaks:
  - For new big victories!
  And also how to hit with a lethal burst.
  But Maria also knocks down enemies with a killer scythe. And with a bare heel, something very destructive is thrown at the enemies. And baring his teeth says:
  - Russia will be the champion!
  And the Olympics, too, will beat the enemy with great energy. And he will bring down a murderous fist, or a sledgehammer, on the enemy. And also use bare toes.
  And roar:
  - For the most holy Russia!
  And bares his teeth in a grin.
  Marusya is also in a fighting position and squeals, baring her fangs:
  - I'll tear you to pieces!
  And with his bare toes he throws the most deadly present of death.
  And Matryona, as if at enemies, will hammer. And it will really hurt her. And he will drive a lot of Taliban into the coffin of Matryona. And squeak, baring his teeth:
  - I'm the most fighting in the world!
  And laugh.
  These are the girls here - the voice of beauties is sonorous.
  Stalenida also crushes opponents, exterminates the Afghans and roars:
  - For the great host of Russian gods!
  And he will also throw a grenade with his bare toes.
  And tear apart a lot of Taliban.
  These are the girls - the highest class and super.
  Veronica punches the Afghans and shouts:
  - For the Fatherland, our mother!
  And again her bare toes are cut down by a Taliban car.
  Victoria destroys Islamic soldiers. He mows them like a scythe and aggressively grinning, says:
  - For our boundless Fatherland!
  And with bare toes, again throws the gift of death.
  And Seraphim is also like a lupanet of the Mujahideen. And from the bazooka he will spit out the gift of death by pressing the button with a scarlet nipple.
  Here he is - a fighting woman.
  And murmurs:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  And Alice and Angelica are still fighting. These girls are snipers. And they shoot at the Afghans with great deadly force.
  And hit right on target with tremendous accuracy.
  At the same time, Alice roars:
  - I am the strongest in the world!
  And with bare toes, how he will take and launch the gift of annihilation, exterminating the Afghans.
  And Angelica will also hit the Islamic army. And use bare toes. And he presses the trigger with the scarlet nipple of his chest and mutters:
  - Glory to my world!
  And also how to laugh.
  Here are the girls, all the girls are girls.
  Alice sings aggressively and actively, shooting at the enemy:
  - Our land is glorified,
  We are all peoples - a native family!
  And Alice, too, will throw a murderous grenade with her bare toes.
  And Angelica also threshes enemies. And with bare toes he throws presents of death.
  At the same time, the red-haired girl sings:
  - Glory to our USSR!
  And her bare heel throws a deadly grenade.
  Here are the girls - red and blonde.
  there is so much in these girls and so special, cool and true.
  Steelenida, firing at the enemy, and making well-aimed shots with the help of her bare toes, cooed aggressively:
  - For Russia and freedom to the end!
  And again she pressed the button with the ruby nipple of her breast.
  Stalenida is a very greyhound and cool girl. And it has so much passion and will with strength.
  The girl sang:
  - Stalin is the glory of battle,
  Stalin of our youth flight ...
  Fighting and winning with songs,
  Our people are following Stalin!
  Veronica, shooting at the Mujahideen and actively exterminating them, squeaked:
  Fighting and winning with the song,
  Our people are following Stalin!
  Victoria, firing at the Taliban troops, tweeted:
  - We are given huge wings,
  Great courage is given to us ...
  Stalin's collective farm abundance,
  Glory to the Soviet country!
  And the girl threw a murderous present of death with her bare foot.
  Seraphim, mowing down the Chinese without unnecessary ceremonies, issued:
  Stalin is the glory of battle,
  Stalin of our youth flight ...
  Fighting and winning with songs,
  Our people are following Stalin!
  Steelenida picked it up with a smile, singing:
  - Fighting and winning with songs,
  Our people are following Stalin!
  And so the warriors really took up the extermination of the Afghans without too much arrogance and fuss. I must say they are very fighting beauties.
  Stalenida chirped, baring her teeth:
  - Fighting with the song and winning,
  Our people are following Stalin!
  These are the fighting girls here.
  Veronica said with a smile:
  - There will be our victory in the holy war.
  And she showed her tongue.
  So here the girls are simply the highest and coolest taste in them.
  Victoria noted, winking at the girls:
  - This is our last and decisive battle!
  And again, how he thrashes the enemy.
  And hit with bare toes.
  These girls are just great.
  And girls who love to really fight so much.
  Steelenida hissed:
  - And it's trivial for the Taliban to be in a coffin!
  Victoria agreed with this:
  - Yes, be! And this Supreme Caliph is much more dangerous than Hitler!
  Veronica agreed with this:
  - Yes, he has a lot more soldiers!
  Seraphim noted angrily, mowing down the Mujahideen in bursts:
  - The number wants to take!
  Steelenida confidently said:
  - You won't take it!
  And she flashed pearly teeth.
  Then she threw a grenade of destruction with her bare toes with deadly force.
  Victoria noted with a smile, baring her teeth:
  - Glory to communism!
  And again she threw the deadly gift of death with her bare toes.
  Veronica slapped the enemy and chirped:
  - Glory to communism and our party!
  Seraphim noted:
  And glory to the cause of Lenin!
  And sent a gift of annihilation into the enemy.
  And that's how they parted these girls. And so the Taliban are threshed.
  Alyonka, mowing down the Afghan soldiers, noted with fury:
  - For the highest achievements of communism!
  And again a grenade thrown by bare toes flies.
  And here Anyuta acts very aggressively against the enemy.
  And mows down enemies with lethal pressure. Cuts them off like a sickle. And screeches:
  - For the glory of the USSR!
  The fighting Alla of the Taliban threshes and screeches:
  - In the name of Perun!
  And he will also throw murderous presents at the enemy with his bare toes.
  Aggressive Maria remarked as she mowed down opponents:
  - For the sake of control of the USSR!
  And also with bare toes, how the lethal present of death will succumb.
  And the Olympics, as it takes on enemies, it will hit and squeak:
  - For the Fatherland to the highest victory!
  And also her bare feet will send a killer gift of annihilation.
  Here is a girl - let's just say - ultra!
  And Matryona took up the Mujahideen, and let's kill them. And acted with colossal pressure.
  And the warrior sang:
  - We are crushed by the yoke of the horde!
  And Marusya, gouging opponents and mowing them like a killer scythe, blurted out:
  - We are pressed by the yoke of the infidel!
  And Olympias, chopping down the Taliban evil spirits, squeaked:
  - But it boils in our veins,
  Alenka, shooting at the enemy, added:
  - The sky of the Slavs!
  And Anyuta chirped with a smile:
  - And from the sea coast,
  To the icy Kolyma!
  Red-haired Alla confidently added:
  - All this is our Earth,
  All this is us!
  Maria, shooting at opponents, added:
  - All of us!
  And with a throw of her bare toes, she scattered a lot of Taliban.
  Here are the fighting girls. And in them the pressure, let's say - super.
  Alenka noted, laughing into her fist:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  Anyuta added with a laugh:
  - Glory to Lenin!
  Alla, firing at the Mujahideen, issued:
  Pioneers here and there
  Sing a song to Lenin!
  And she threw a deadly grenade with her bare toes.
  This is such a fighting girl Maria. And crushes the Taliban with colossal pressure.
  And they are literally swept away with a broom.
  Maria, scribbling at the enemies, squeaked:
  - We are pioneers - daughters of communism!
  And again, how to throw at the enemy, a large portion of explosives.
  Olympias noted, cutting off the enemy, like grass with a sickle:
  - I'm a super class warrior!
  And her bare, chiseled legs are like a Taliban, colossal and destructive.
  Here are the girls. Let's just say they are great.
  Alenka said:
  - We are pioneers and sing songs to Lenin!
  Ann corrected:
  - No, we are Komsomol members! And sing songs to Stalin!
  Alla aggressively noted, shooting at the enemy:
  - We will be able to finish off the enemy,
  And there will be a fist holiday!
  And Maria, shooting at the enemy, mowing down the enemy, and the mass of Afghans was soaked.
  The girl squeaked, grinning:
  - For Russia and space!
  Olympias laughed deafeningly and winked.
  - For our great Motherland!
  And with his bare toes, he will throw a gift of death with deadly force.
  Marusya giggled, and aggressively noted:
  - For the victory over the Taliban.
  Matrena giggled with aplomb:
  - Glory to the USSR! And glory to the CPSU!
  And how will the tongue show!
  These are the cool girls.
  And Oleg Rybachenko thrashes the Taliban with swords and roars:
  - For the great USSR!
  And with his bare toes, the boy, as if shuging at the enemy.
  And chirps:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  Margarita cuts down the Afghans and squeals:
  - For our Fatherland!
  And with bare toes, the girl will launch poisonous needles. And the throat of the Mujahideen they stick.
  And the girl will sing:
  - My great communism will be with us!
  And the children will whistle again and thousands of ravens who have fainted have rammed the skulls of the Afghans.
  Mikhail Vladimir woke up. And it was interesting. Yes, the war with the Taliban is cool.
  But it's time to govern the USSR, and make regular orders.
  In particular, to transfer selected units of special forces and aviation to Afghanistan. Increase defense spending, and significantly. Also recruit more contract soldiers filled the special guards and fighters. The number of the army increased.
  An order was also given to prepare a price reform. To stop subsidizing agricultural goods and others. This made it possible to allocate additional funds for military spending.
  Putin-Gorbachev also ordered a ban on criticism of Stalin and past leaders. And even criminalize it. Not only that, there was an order to even increase the number of monuments to Stalin and restore the previously destroyed and swept away ones. And also to return to Volgograd the historical name - Stalingrad.
  After that, Mikhail-Vladimir Gorbachev-Putin fell asleep;
  The epic battle with the Taliban continued. And now the Taliban are attacking Russian troops along all perimeters.
  And the Russian Army reflects their offensive. And there is a fierce battle.
  Natasha gives a turn and throws a grenade with deadly force with her bare toes. Tears opponents and roars:
  - Glory to the era of Russian Gods!
  Zoya also fights enemies, more than confidently. Mows down opponents and roars:
  - In the name of Great Russia!
  And also with bare toes will launch a present of death.
  That's how these girls got down to business very famously.
  Augustina, also firing very accurately at the enemy, and throwing grenades with her bare toes, growled:
  -For the great USSR!
  And Svetlana fights with the Mujahideen, knocking them out in ranks, roars:
  - For cool Russia!
  And with his bare heel he will succumb to the murderous gift of death.
  This is a team of girls born to kill the Taliban. And not only the Taliban.
  Natasha giggled and, shooting at the Mujahideen, took it and yelped:
  - Glory to the USSR!
  And with bare toes, how to launch a murderous one.
  Zoya, continuing to shoot at the soldiers of the Islamic Empire, aggressively issued:
  - Glory to our army!
  And with bare feet he will hurl the destructive.
  And Augustine thrashes the Afghans and coos:
  - Glory to our Motherland!
  And bare toes will launch destruction.
  Svetlana also crushes enemies, knocks them out with fury and squeals:
  - For the sacred communism of the USSR!
  These are the girls who will fight for their conscience. And they fight and win.
  Alenka fought very hard and threw deadly presents with her bare toes.
  And the girl cooed:
  - For communism!
  Anyuta shot the enemy very beautifully, and with her bare heel hit the Taliban and squeaked:
  - For the Russia of communism!
  Here Alla fought very modestly, and actively. And bare toes launched with deadly force.
  The girl growled:
  - For the communism of the USSR!
  The girl Maria took it and gave a turn, mowed down the Afghans and growled:
  - For the Fatherland, our mother!
  And with her bare toes she launched a deadly force.
  The Olympics also gave a well-aimed turn and mowed down a lot of enemies. And the girl cooed, throwing out her bare toes and vyaknula:
  - For the Fatherland, our mother!
  Marusya fights with the wild fury of a cat, and shoots at the Afghans. And destroy them en masse.
  And the girl roars:
  - This is very cool!
  Matrena very accurately hits the Mujahideen, and mows like spikelets. Here is the girl.
  And roars to himself with a roll:
  - For Very good communism!
  Stalenida also fought with wild fury and cut off the Taliban from the troops. That's the kind of fighting woman she is.
  And she scribbled on the enemy very aptly.
  Steelenida sang:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  These are the fighting girls here. And very beautiful and fighting.
  The warrior gave a turn to the enemy. Mowed down a mass of Afghan troops and squeaked. For Russia and freedom
  to end.
  Veronika, shooting at the Taliban, pounded them with rockets and squeaked:
  - Glory to communism!
  Victoria, firing at the courageous and heroic warriors of Allah, chirped:
  - For the Motherland!
  This is the girls the most juice and beauty. Very beautiful and fighting girls. And they have tremendous power. And such fighting girls
  and crush, and thresh, crushing the Afghans.
  Serafima also scribbled at the enemy, knocking out the Taliban with wild force.
  And the girl threw deadly gifts of death at the enemy with her bare toes.
  These girls are just amazing.
  Alyonka scribbled on the Afghans, and very aggressively mowed down the enemies.
  The female warrior cooed as she cut down the warriors of the Islamic empire.
  And she bellowed:
  - For the Fatherland - our mother!
  Anyuta is very active in scribbling with enemies and mowing down enemies with her power. And with her bare toes she threw a lethal and colossal force.
  And the girl chirped:
  - Glory to communism!
  And with a scarlet nipple, our bazooka button set fire to the tank.
  Here the fighting Alla crushes the enemy with great fury. And shoots and wets exterminating the Mujahideen.
  These girls are very beautiful and fighting have become heroes.
  Fighting Alla in the country gouges with wild fury.
  This is the military path of the girls. Which are very much even fighting. And very aggressively crushed the Taliban.
  Martial Maria was very crushing with wild strength, and cut everyone off like a razor.
  And with bare toes, the girl threw grenades of destruction. And the girl tore a lot of enemies.
  The Olympics are in action again. And again crushes the Mujahideen. And again she threw her bare toes with murder and destruction.
  And it will be rude and very aggressive.
  And the Olympics began to fight and with a bare heel succumbed to destruction and total death.
  Here is such a fighting girl-hero this Olympics. Here is a fighting girl.
  And Marusya crushed the Afghans, with great fury. And mowed them down with wild courage.
  And with a strawberry nipple she took and sent a deadly force.
  And a lot of Mujahideen in a coffin.
  Alenka declared, shooting at the enemy, and squealing:
  - For the most powerful communism in the world!
  Anyuta, scribbling on the Afghans, aggressively noted:
  - Here we are again on a white horse!
  Here is the fighting Alla again in a tough fight. And the red-haired girl again scribbles on the Mujahideen, and squeals at the top of her lungs.
  And it definitely destroys them.
  and screams at the top of his lungs.
  And the girl scribbles like a machine gun.
  And Mary acts with all her wild strength. And he shoots at the Afghans very accurately. And it mows down enemies very accurately - every bullet in the eye.
  And roars:
  - For Russia Svarog!
  The Olympics acted very cruelly and killed opponents and mowed down the Mujahideen. And a very fighting girl-hero. These girls are just amazing.
  And no one will survive against them.
  The Olympics thoroughly mows down enemies. And he knocks out the Afghans with his bare toes, throwing deadly gifts of death. The Olympics is, of course, a very girl
  the coolest and most combative of all in the world.
  Well, he will slap the Mujahideen, and mow them down with a sword.
  And the girl will take and sing:
  - I am a beauty class Hyper!
  These girls are so beautiful, and very fighting. They have a colossal degree of excitement and power for a feast for the eyes.
  Marusya shoots at the Afghans and squeaks:
  - For the era of communism!
  And also with bare toes, as if by the Mujahideen, they will hammer. This girl is just amazing.
  Matryona will hit enemies with deadly force with the help of a scarlet breast nipple from a bazooka. And this is really her hyperpower.
  And the warrior squeaks:
  - For great communism!
  . CHAPTER? 6.
  These are the girls who fight for the USSR and show miracles of heroism. No, against such girls, no enemy can resist. Even as numerous as the Taliban. Although they are capable of throwing corpses to Moscow.
  Stalenida fights with superior enemy forces. And also how he presses the bazooka button with a strawberry nipple and squeaks:
  - I'm a super class warrior!
  And wink at his friends.
  Veronica, too, aggressively destroys the Afghans, and does not give them mercy. And there is a major extermination.
  The girl is very fighting and she has a phenomenal cosmic power.
  And in Stalenida, what boldly crushes the Mujahideen of this force is even more. Let's put it this way, straight girls.
  Victoria is pounding the Afghans with great activity, hitting them and roaring:
  - I'm a hyper class girl!
  And Serafima thrashes the Mujahideen with the passion of a vixen, mows them down, and squeals:
  - I'm an ultra beauty!
  Albina and Alvina are crushing the Afghans in the sky. And Helga is with them. How actively they took up the yellow ones. And exterminate capitally.
  Albina knocked down a Taliban car with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - For the GDR! Let communism return to the Germans again!
  Alvina also shot down the plane of the Islamic Empire and yelled:
  - To the greatest peaks of communism!
  And Helga in the sky, with the help of her bare toes, covered the Taliban tank and chirped:
  - For victories through the roof!
  This is how fighting and beautiful girls fought.
  Anastasia Vedmakova also crushed the Mujahideen from the sky and sang:
  - Let communism be famous!
  And with her bare toes, she threw bombs at the opponents from the plane.
  And Akulina Orlova also threshed the Afghans and sang:
  - Glory to our Fatherland.
  And dropped weighty and deadly bombs on the enemy.
  These were fighting girls, let's say straight.
  Mirabela Magnetic crushed opponents with a colossal degree of intensity and screeched:
  - For the great and mighty communism!
  And again the girl winked her lilac eyes.
  That was the girls.
  Anastasia Vedmakova thrashed the Afghans and punched them, howling:
  - My new credo is to win everyone!
  And also how to use bare toes.
  Akulina Orlova threshed opponents. She mowed them like a comb, and squealed:
  - I am the strongest in the world!
  And how to give in with a bare heel.
  And Mirabela Magnetic knocks down enemies with her colossal strength and squeals:
  - I'm a super girl!
  And with a scarlet nipple as he presses the button.
  These girls are just super and hyper.
  Alvina crushed the Taliban and squealed with great force:
  - For communism!
  And with bare heels, as if he would press on the pedals. This girl is just amazing.
  And Albina on the Afghans as a lupanet. And give them a capital hyper.
  And he will take a lot of enemies at once and lay him down.
  And he does it all with his bare toes.
  And sing:
  - I'm the coolest girl in the world!
  Helga is also thrashing the Taliban. They are colossal and actively exterminate. But then, with his bare toes, he will aim a rocket, and the Afghan bunker will smash it.
  And it's generally great.
  And the girl laughs...
  But Elizabeth, on her tank, will take on the Mujahideen and arrange a complete defeat for them. And a lot of the Taliban will be killed at once.
  And the towers from the tanks of the Taliban are torn off.
  Elizabeth is a girl who is the highest class superman. And crushes enemies with bare toes. And literally digs them into the ground.
  That's how this Elizabeth is just Hyper.
  And her tank, as if by the Mujahideen, will gouge.
  Not a girl at all, but something super active and fighting.
  And Catherine is threshing the Afghans. She has incredible strength and agility. And she, with the help of her bare toes, exterminates the soldiers of the Islamic empire.
  This is a girl, and she has already killed so many Afghans.
  And she took it and sang:
  - I am ultra!
  And Elena thoroughly threshes enemies. Shows them his super class, and roars:
  - I am Hyper!
  And with bare toes, it's like hammering on the Chinese. Here is the girl.
  And Euphrosinia exterminates the fighters of Afghanistan in a very aggressive manner. And shoots using bare toes very accurately.
  And while still purring:
  - For the Motherland and Russia, there will be our Svarog messiah!
  Let's just say the girls are warriors of honor.
  Elizabeth, firing at the Afghans, remarked:
  - In general, I somehow like the Russian Gods more!
  Ekaterina fired her bare heel, pressing on the button, demolished the Taliban tank and squeaked:
  - And I also like Russian gods more! In fact, why do we need Jesus circumcised on the eighth day?
  Elena squeaked with rage:
  - I'm ashamed of Prince Vladimir!
  Elizabeth agreed with this:
  - And you should be ashamed!
  Elena agreed with this:
  - Of course, it's a shame that Russians worshiped Jewish saints!
  Catherine took it and growled:
  - We must have Russian saints and gods!
  Elizabeth agreed with this, baring her teeth:
  - Yes, they should!
  And winked at the enemy.
  Euphrosinia energetically noted, blasting the Mujahideen from a cannon:
  - We will defeat the Islamic empire...
  And again, Elizabeth, as if thrashing the enemy, is lethal.
  Gerda also fights very skillfully. It strikes the Mujahideen with deadly force and squeals:
  - For great communism!
  and she is such a militant and famous king!
  Charlotte also crushes the Taliban and squeals, baring her teeth:
  - That's great!
  and such a fighting girl class mega!
  Kristina also kicks the Afghans with her bare toes. And they will definitely kill them.
  And he will take and pass:
  - I am Aryan number one!
  And Magda will beat the Afghans, and kill a lot of them and hiss:
  - For the USSR and the GDR!
  And winks with his sapphire eyes. This girl is just hyper!
  No, the Taliban cannot cope with super and hyper class girls.
  And they are such belligerent girls.
  And they sing with passion:
  - And who will we find in battle,
  And who will we find in battle ...
  With that will not joke,
  Let's tear it apart!
  And how the warriors will burst into tears. Here are the girls.
  And they also stuck their bare feet into the snouts of captured Taliban soldiers. And forced them to kiss their bare round heels.
  Here are the girls in bikinis.
  But the Taliban tortured a Komsomol member. They twisted her arms from behind, and pulled her up on the rack. And lifted up. And they twisted the girl on the tree. And lifted her up. And then they took it and let it go.
  And the girl fell down. She took it at the very grass and hung. And she froze. And the Mujahideen laughed angrily. Then the girl was taken again and pulled up higher, to the very top of the tree.
  And then they let her go again. The girl collapsed down and again hung at the very bottom. And the rope stretched, and the beauty howled in pain. and they began to lift her up again.
  Pulled to the very top. They threw it up well, let it hang a little. And then they let go again with wild fury. And the girl collapsed down again and she twisted
  joints. And in general she was quite naked. and how it hurt.
  then it was lifted again for the fourth time and shaken well. Then they fixed it on a dense branch and began to stretch it. They attached a block to the bare feet of a girl,
  and began to hang weights on it. The Taliban hung a pood weight first on one side, and then on the other. Then they began to beat the girl with a whip. Pounded so that the skin burst.
  And then the Komsomol members began to pour salt on the wounds. And then they took and set in motion a red-hot wire. And they beat the girl with sick power. Then the Afghan executioners smeared the bare soles of the girl's feet, and lit a brazier under her. And let's shoot the beauty without unnecessary ceremonies. And then the executioners from the Taliban lubricated the girl"s breasts as well. And after
  which set fire to her chest. And they began to beat the girl thoroughly.
  And fry the Mujahideen warrior and her chest and heels. And then they greased the ass and brought the torch to the buttocks. And they began to beat the girl thoroughly. And then the fire touched her bosom. The hairs covering the grotto of Venus were charred at once. This girl is just amazing. And such torture awaited her.
  Afghan executioners burned the girl and her chest, and ass, and bosom, and the soles of her bare feet. And they fried it thoroughly. Then the Taliban executioner took a red-hot rod and without thinking twice put the girl in the anus. And how, she screams in wild pain.
  That hurt her so much. And these girls are so naughty and beautiful. But the Afghans tortured the girl hard. And such beautiful warriors. And they are fried thoroughly by the warrior.
  And so the girl was taken by her executioners and began to burst her long graceful fingers with red-hot tongs. And it hurts so much. The executioners broke the girl's fingers, starting with the little finger.
  And literally everything was broken. And then the ribs began to burst at the Komsomol member. And at the same time, red-hot tongs dug into his chest. And it became red from the heat to twist the iron and scarlet nipples. And the girl's breasts were torn off. And it was so cruel and painful.
  That's where the torture was.
  Gerda, firing at the Mujahideen, noticed:
  - Glory to communism!
  Charlotte remarked very aggressively with devilish force. And squeaked:
  - For the Fatherland!
  And with his bare toes, he will stomp on the enemy.
  Here is the girl. And so militant.
  Christina took it and thumped the Taliban with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - Glory to the era of Russian Gods!
  Magda also slammed into the Afghans using her bare toes and cooed:
  - For our Motherland!
  And these girls are so cool.
  Gerda, shooting at opponents from Afghanistan, issued:
  - For the great communism of Germany.
  These girls are such martial beauties.
  Gerda cheerfully replied, scribbling on the Mujahideen:
  - I have a girl just super.
  And Charlotte pointed out aggressively as she fired at her opponent:
  - Glory to Aryan communism!
  And using her bare toes, she cooed:
  - For the great Fatherland!
  Christina also fell on the enemy with great accuracy, noted:
  - For Russia and Germany in friendship!
  Magda also thrashed the Mujahideen and squeaked:
  - Glory to our era!
  And wink at his partners again.
  Here are the girls.
  And Jane Armstrong began to hit the Taliban with a cannon.
  The girl was very beautiful.
  Jane thrashed her opponent with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - Glory to the Fatherland!
  So Gertrude will desperately hit the enemies, and they will be thoroughly covered and smashed.
  And cooing:
  - For Britain!
  And Malanya, as if hammering at the enemy and making him hara-kiri, and chirping:
  - For English victories!
  Monica will also slap on the enemies with the help of her bare toes and squeaked:
  - For Soviet victories!
  Both Tamara and Sulfiyya fight the Taliban and kill the bearded warriors who come in waves.
  And these girls sing:
  - People will be happy
  Happiness forever...
  The Russian government has
  The power is great!
  Tamara gave a turn and fired with her bare toes and cooed:
  - For my opinion about communism!
  Sulfiya will also hit the enemy, kill a lot of Taliban and squeak:
  - Let's say a word about Russia!
  And both girls burst out laughing.
  Tamara gave turn. She mowed down a lot of Afghans and chirped:
  - For the best force of the Fatherland!
  Sulfiya will also overhaul the enemy and coo:
  - For scarlet communism in the USSR!
  And wink with sapphire eyes.
  These are the girls - just the highest class and flight.
  Alice and Angelica are still fighting.
  Blonde and redhead babe.
  They are strong girls and shoot from sniper rifles.
  And while they sing to themselves:
  - Glory to the USSR! We will set an example for everyone!
  Alice fired at the enemy with a sniper rifle. Shot with bare toes, and
  - Glory to my country!
  Angelica also slams at the enemy, with the help of her bare toes, throws a grenade and squeaks:
  - For Russia the greatest.
  And wink with his emerald eyes.
  These girls are just top pilots. And so the Afghans are crushed. Here they are fighting and the coolest and most intelligent in the world.
  Alice chirped, winking:
  - Glory to the times of the CPSU!
  Angelica readily agreed with this:
  - Great glory to the Heroes of the USSR!
  And again she threw a grenade of deadly force with her bare toes at the enemy.
  Here she is a woman of ordinary error in an extraordinary appearance.
  Alice took it and chirped:
  - In the name of the immortal ideas of communism!
  And she threw a gift of deadly power with her bare toes.
  Angelica also took and thrashed at the enemy.
  She cut it off like sandpaper and squeaked:
  - For Russia and Russian Gods!
  These women were very fighting and cool.
  Alice, shooting at the enemy, took and with her bare toes launched a gift of annihilation at the enemy.
  And it was a very cool move.
  Angelica also gouged the enemy, literally destroying him and demonstrating colossal power. And playfully said with a smile:
  - This is a huge event!
  And her bare fingers launched a message of death and destruction!
  Here it was a girl - just a hyperclass.
  Alice took it and roared at the top of her lungs:
  - I am the strongest and coolest in the universe!
  Angelica launched a whole barrel of explosives with her bare soles and squeaked:
  - And I'm in the megaverse!
  These girls are very pretty.
  Alice remarked as she shot at the enemy:
  - Faith in communism is great!
  And throwing deadly grenades with bare toes.
  And Angelica shoots at the Mujahideen and roars:
  - Our faith is very great!
  And with his bare toes he will throw a grenade with destructive force.
  And the warriors took up the enemy and so these Taliban tricked ... And neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen.
  Alice quite logically noticed, firing from a sniper rifle and shooting down a Taliban attack aircraft.
  Alice took it and chirped:
  - I believe the whole world will wake up,
  There will be an end to fascism...
  And the sun will shine
  Lighting the way for communism!
  And again, the girl will take it with her bare toes and launch something extremely deadly.
  Volunteers from Japan are also fighting against the Mujahideen. In particular, ninja girls of communist beliefs.
  A blue-haired ninja girl slashed the Afghans with a windmill and whipped them.
  Then she threw peas of destruction with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - For communism in Japan!
  The yellow-haired ninja girl also performed a butterfly technique with her swords. Cut down a lot of Mujahideen. And then her bare feet
  they took and threw a lethal grenade.
  Then the girl said:
  - Glory to the USSR and Japan!
  The red-haired ninja girl also picked up and slashed at the Afghan soldiers with a backhand. And she threw her bare toes,
  something killer in a present. And she checked:
  - Glory to Russia and the USSR!
  A ninja girl with white hair performed a barrel reception. And how she hit the Taliban soldiers by cutting off their heads. Then threw
  deadly destruction with a bare chiseled foot and squeaked:
  - Glory to the Red Army!
  And all four ninja girls threw up peas of destruction with their bare heels, and knocked out an entire battalion of Afghans with tanks. These girls are just ultra!
  This is beauty - the girls are really very cool.
  Oleg Rybachenko also cuts the Mujahideen with swords. And with him, the girl Margarita.
  These immortal children are just super.
  And they crush the enemies specifically. Let's say that there and the children!
  And then the boy and the girl both whistle. And the crows, having received a heart attack from a child's whistle, fall to the bottom. And their beaks pierce the skulls of the Taliban.
  These are children - naturally destroyers of everything and everyone.
  Oleg Rybachenko sang:
  - glorify our Soviet people,
  Hail my party...
  Our union of the hearts of all children,
  We are all a friendly family!
  Margarita Magnitnaya, crushing adversaries, energetically issued:
  - Be famous for our space Russia!
  And the girl, with her bare toes, will launch something completely lethal at the enemy.
  Oleg Rybachenko, chopping down the Taliban, sang:
  - Margarita, the window is open,
  Margaret, you haven't forgotten
  How it all was!
  This boy is so cool and warlike. This is the terminator boy.
  These are the children here who are very cool and fighting.
  It should be noted that the girls are very difficult.
  Alice is also firing at the Taliban. And sings under his breath:
  - One, two, three, four, five! The bunny came out for a walk!
  And the girl fired again with great accuracy.
  Angelica was a very good shot. And made powerful shots at the enemy.
  And how he presses with a scarlet nipple and takes it from a bazooka and thrashes.
  And the warrior shot at the enemy very accurately.
  Angelica took it and cooed:
  - Glory to our communist party!
  And again, as a blast with great accuracy at the enemy. And the Taliban plane crashes again.
  And Alice also fired very accurately, and the attack aircraft of the Islamic Empire caught fire.
  These are the girls.
  Angelica remarked with a chuckle:
  - The USSR is a wonderful country in which all peoples are a friendly family!
  Alice fired again, knocking down three Mujahideen at once with one shot and answered:
  - For the great party of Russia!
  And the girls burst out laughing. In general, they are warriors with very different views.
  But all girls carry the idea of communism in their hearts. And they want there to be a real paradise on planet Earth. And it would be very beautiful.
  Angelica noted by firing at the enemies with great accuracy and punching through the skulls.
  - Communism will never fold its wings and crawl into a shell!
  Alice agreed with this:
  Communism will never fold its wings! Our ideology is to build happiness on planet earth!
  And both girls scream:
  - Glory to Russia! Glory! Barefoot girls run forward ...
  The barefoot women's division... welcomes the Russian people!
  And the female warriors show aggressive and sexual delight.
  Alice chittered, baring her teeth and squeaking:
  - We all stand together for the USSR!
  And the warrior again thrashed the enemies.
  Angelica also shot at the enemy, and punched through his head. And she cooed:
  - Glory to our Fatherland!
  And the warrior, was extremely combative and red.
  And her hair is in the wind, this copper-red hair flutters like a proletarian banner.
  These girls are very beautiful and sexy.
  And so many Mujahideen have already been buried ...
  There are also girls working...
  Here Viola and Dominika are shooting at the Afghans.
  The girls fire bazookas at tanks and Asian infantry.
  Here Viola was fired, using the scarlet nipple to press the button on the bazooka, and firing a rocket-propelled missile.
  And the mass of Afghans was torn apart.
  Viola sang again:
  - I believe in great communism!
  And Dominica also fires specifically at the Mujahideen. And knocks them out in large masses.
  At the same time, the girls will throw grenades with their bare toes.
  And with a scarlet nipple on the button of the bazooka, he will press enemies radically exterminating.
  These girls are so beautiful. And how they look great when they fight in just panties. And warriors of the highest class.
  Viola remarked as she fired at the enemy again with her strawberry nipple.
  - I love to fight! It's great!
  Dominica giggled and remarked:
  What's wrong with men?
  Viola laughed and answered, throwing a grenade at the enemy with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - Of course it's fine! And some are just adorable!
  These are very fighting and beautiful girls here.
  Dominica noted:
  How long will this war go on?
  Viola fired at the Mujahideen again using the crimson nipple and squeaked:
  - I think it's a long time!
  Dominica took it and sang:
  - A war is raging in the universe,
  Crush kill for no reason...
  Satan is off the chain
  And death came with him!
  And who will stop the flow
  Bloody mad rivers ..
  The laser beam will drive into the temple,
  And in a flash, the man disappeared!
  Viola added, throwing a grenade with her bare toes:
  And such chaos
  Filled the universe...
  Mankind's sad lot -
  Endure pain, suffering!
  These are the girls, such cool singers.
  And Oleg Rybachenko cuts Afghans with swords.
  The boy throws gifts of death with his bare toes of murderous power and sings.
  The son of the earth will say no in response
  I will never be a slave...
  I believe freedom will dawn
  The wind will heal a fresh wound!
  For the sacred Fatherland in battle,
  The Great Svarog himself calls...
  Rise valiant knight in the early hours,
  The darkness will go away, the roses of May will bloom!
  This is such a hero boy...
  And the girl Margarita, destroying the Mujahideen with swords and throwing grenades with her bare fingers, adds:
  And the pulsation of the heart and veins,
  Tears of our children, mothers...
  They say we want change
  Throw off the yoke of cruel chains!
  And the children will whistle again. And the crows will take it and faint, losing consciousness. And literally ram the skulls of many hundreds of Mujahideen.
  . CHAPTER? 7.
  Mikhail-Vladimir Gorbachev-Putin continued counter-reforms.
  In particular, they toughened the punishment for anti-Soviet propaganda and separatism.
  Further, Gorbachev-Putin proposed to award Stalin the third star of the hero of the USSR for outstanding services, and the third Order of Victory.
  Other ideas followed. In particular, to include in the Warsaw Pact both China and North Korea.
  North Korea immediately agreed, and China gave an evasive answer.
  Further ideas of constitutional reform: the establishment of the post of president, which is popularly elected by the people.
  As well as the ideas of parliamentary reform.
  After that, Gorbachev-Putin fell asleep again and dreamed.
  The girls fought quite successfully with the Taliban troops.
  Natasha scribbled on the advancing warriors of the Islamic empire, and even using her bare toes.
  She cooed:
  - For our great Fatherland!
  Zoya, gouging opponents with the help of scarlet nipples of her chest, pressing the buttons of the bazooka, issued:
  - For the happiness of people on Earth!
  And the red-haired Augustine, scribbling on the Taliban, aggressively noted:
  - For the greatest communism on planet Earth!
  And he, too, will take and throw a murderous present of death with his bare toes.
  Svetlana very accurately shooting at the enemy and hitting the enemy right on target. And using a bare heel, she squeaked:
  - For the Fatherland that over the whole world!
  The four girls threshed the Taliban very famously. And struck them to death.
  And at the same time, the girls roared at the top of their lungs:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  And let's thresh the Afghans even harder.
  Natasha very wittily noted, scribbling at the enemy:
  - Our Earth is famous,
  Happiness flies over the planet...
  We are all family
  The songs of the people are sung!
  These are the girls - they have the highest aerobatics in everything.
  And how they crush the Taliban is a feast for the eyes.
  And the warriors are just great.
  Zoya, firing at the Afghans, chirped:
  - Happiness of the Motherland in girls!
  Augustine agreed with this:
  - Of course, in girls - especially with red hair!
  Svetlana thumped the Taliban and squeaked:
  - And it will be great!
  And again on the soldiers of the Islamic empire as a lupanet. Let's just say girl!
  But other beauties also fight.
  So Alenka is fighting.
  And her team of bikini girls.
  They throw gifts of death at the enemy with the help of bare toes.
  And they squeak:
  The tie blossomed with a glorious scarlet flower,
  Soon the girls will join the Komsomol!
  Alenka threw a murderous present of death at the enemy with her bare toes,
  and took it, and squeaked:
  - I believe communism to live!
  Anyuta also scribbled on the Taliban troops. And she actively acted, and her bare toes threw very hard presents of death.
  The girl was saying:
  - Our world will be communist!
  And red-haired Alla scribbled on the Afghans. And she did it extremely well. And mowed down the Taliban troops with great intensity, the word was made with a sickle. And the warrior desperately
  threw grenades with her bare toes and chirped:
  - For new victories of communism!
  And again the girl laughs and squeaks.
  Martial Maria also mowed down the enemies. And whole mounds of corpses from the Taliban were erected. At the same time, the girl also used the scarlet nipples of the breast, pressing it on
  bazooka button.
  And she shot down Afghan soldiers, but a rocket knocked out a tank.
  The Olympics are also aggressively exterminating the Taliban.
  Her bare soles hurl a whole barrel of explosives at once.
  Olympics roars:
  - For great communism,
  Just go up and down!
  Marusya also scribbles at the enemy. And he does it extremely well. And knocks out a lot of Taliban soldiers. And while the girl sings:
  - Glory to the country of communism,
  In the luxury of scarlet banners...
  We defeated the Nazis
  The world has been saved from fire!
  And again, with bare toes, he will throw a murderous gift of death.
  Here are the girls.
  Matrena also shoots at the Afghans, and hits them very accurately. And screeches:
  - I believe there will be a world of holy communism!
  Here are the girls, their whole battalion, barefoot and almost naked. And these girls are cute and very sexy.
  Stalenida kills the Taliban and roars at the top of his lungs:
  - Our Holy Fatherland is famous -
  We will grow from edge to edge!
  Here is a Komsomol girl. And then she presses like a strawberry nipple. And the enemy is specifically defeated.
  Veronica fired very accurately at the Afghans, cooed:
  - Glory to my Fatherland!
  Victoria, accurately and correctly hitting the enemy, cooed:
  - For mighty communism!
  And she threw the killer gift of death with her bare toes.
  Seraphim, writing on the enemies, remarked very logically:
  - Our strength is growing!
  And she threw with her bare toes an extremely lethal gift of death.
  Stalenida aggressively remarked, mowing down the Afghans:
  - Am I the strongest at throwing grenades?
  Alenka answered with doubt:
  - We are all strong in this business!
  And, too, as he throws murderous gifts of death.
  Anyuta, scribbling on the Taliban, quite logically remarked:
  - We are very strong in military affairs! And this is our happiness!
  And also with a bare heel will throw up destructive power.
  Red-haired Alla, shooting at opponents and mowing them down, logically noted:
  - Glory does not come to the lazy!
  And how he throws his bare toes at the enemy, something absolutely lethal.
  Martial Maria also hit the enemy very accurately. And mowed down a lot of Afghans. And with bare toes, how to launch destruction into the enemy.
  And then he will take it and put pressure on the enemy with a strawberry nipple.
  This is a belligerent girl.
  The Olympics are also killing the Taliban. Does it with activity and roars:
  - Glory to the times of communism!
  And also shoots with a ruby nipple. And this is a very tough move. Here is a girl - just super clean!
  Marusya, firing at the Afghans, noted:
  - How much can you glorify communism?
  Olympias growled:
  - To the last drop of blood!
  And again the girl threw a deadly grenade with her bare toes.
  Matrena, writing about the Taliban quite logically and wittily noted:
  - It will be our victory in the holy war!
  And again the girl will throw the gift of annihilation with her bare toes.
  This is truly a girl of the highest class.
  But these are the fighting everyday life of girls ...
  When the break came, and a pause in the fighting, the warriors played cards a little.
  Alenka noted with a smile:
  - This is not a war with the Germans. Those were smaller than us. And these Afghans just flow like a swarthy river.
  Anna nodded in agreement.
  - Yes, it was still much easier with the Germans. Here we are actually bombarded with corpses.
  Red-haired Alla noted with a chuckle, throwing an ace with her bare toes:
  -But the enemy's technique is weaker than ours. In addition, the enemy is brave, but stupid. And we are brave and smart.
  Maria remarked with a chuckle, scribbling at the enemy with deadly force, and literally beveling him - even in her thoughts:
  - The battle is tough, but we really won't give up!
  Olympias logically and judiciously remarked:
  - It's all talk and demagoguery. Specifically, it would be nice to capture the leader of the Taliban. Then the end of the war!
  Marusya doubted, throwing the card:
  - It is unlikely. There his surroundings are no better. The fight against the Taliban will have to be long and hard.
  Matrena added with a sigh:
  Until common sense prevails!
  Elena nodded in agreement.
  - Yes, it remains only to rely on common sense. You can't kill all the Afghans because there are too many of them. And the war could drag on for a long time.
  And the girls laughed mirthlessly.
  Yes, they got into a war with the Taliban empire.
  But in the sky, the pilots are fighting desperately. For example, Alvina and Albina and Helga. The girls are fighting and Afghan aircraft in the sky.
  And she's plywood.
  Or they hit ground targets.
  Alvina took and shot down the Taliban plane in the sky, using her bare toes and squeaked:
  - This will be my victory!
  Albina cut off the Taliban fighter, deftly dumbfounded him, squinted her legs with her bare fingers and vyaknula:
  - For our Fatherland!
  Helga thumped the Afghan tank and cooed:
  - Where there is communism, there is our Fatherland!
  These are the warriors who are a real hurricane and phenomenal cosmic power and destruction.
  And together and creation.
  Albina destroys Taliban planes. They are far behind the Russian ones, many are made in an artisanal way. But the Taliban are trying to take the numbers. And presses very even
  But the girls of the Afghans specifically shoot down. And they do it extremely well. It's like they're real monsters.
  Alvina also knocks down the Taliban with her bare toes and sings:
  - Communism is not just an idea,
  I'm numb from the happiness of the girl!
  And the warrior is again hammering the planes of the Islamic empire with lethal force.
  And then it goes to ground targets.
  Indeed, it is dangerous to contact the Afghans. This country is powerful and with a huge population. They have a lot of infantry and they throw it into battle. Women must be said in Russia and
  Germany fighting.
  But how strong is the enemy in quantity.
  Helga, fighting with the enemy, and accurately hitting the enemies, noted:
  - I am a girl who is a real dream and beauty for everyone.
  And again he will knock down the enemy using the bare fingers of graceful legs.
  Let's say this is a specific girl.
  No, enemies cannot cope with such beauties.
  Elizabeth on the tank fights with the Afghans.
  And it is very difficult for her. But she wins and specifically knocks down enemies.
  And roar at the top of his lungs:
  - Glory to the times of communism in the USSR!
  Catherine, also firing, logically noted:
  - We will win!
  Elena also blasted at the enemy, pierced the Afghan tank and yelped:
  - I am a super beauty!
  Euphrosinia also fired at the Taliban and squeaked:
  - For our Motherland!
  That's how this four - four E, took on the enemies from the Third Reich. And let's destroy the Chinese. Against such girls, the Taliban, even with their wild
  numbers are weak.
  Elizabeth was an extremely combative and aggressive girl. And she loved men. Especially when they are beautiful and fair-haired.
  Elizabeth sang, shooting at the enemy with her bare toes:
  - For the Fatherland and victory to the end!
  Elena, firing at the Afghans, and cutting them off like sandpaper, squeaked:
  - For communism!
  And the girl used bare toes.
  Ekaterina, scribbling on the Taliban, took and issued:
  - For the Fatherland!
  And also bare toes will be used.
  Euphrosinia also thrashes the enemy, using her bare toes and screeching:
  - For ideological communism!
  Here is the four. How they crush enemies, and exterminate. Not girls, but generals. And so they knock out enemies that it becomes scary.
  These are girls of the highest flight and aerobatics.
  Elizabeth noted with a giggle:
  - Our abilities are very great!
  Yes, these are girls on land ... And here they are in the sky.
  Anastasia Vedmakova shoots down an Afghan plane with her bare toes. And screeches:
  - For great ideas!
  So Akulina Orlova strikes at the Taliban with her bare toes, and squeaks:
  - For communism all over the world!
  And Mirabela Magnetic is pounding the troops of the Islamic Empire and squeals:
  - Glory to our Fatherland!
  These are the female pilots, they are just lovely and super. There are so many beautiful and wonderful things in them. All over the world, such girls were on horseback and became a legend.
  And the Taliban revered them for the Valkyries and appointed high rewards for their heads.
  Anastasia Vedmakova covered the Afghan tank from the air and cooed:
  - Glory to the USSR invincible!
  Akulina Orlova blasted from her positions, at the Taliban infantry and grunted:
  - Glory to our great Motherland!
  Mirabela Magnetic, pummeling the innumerable enemy army of the Celestial Empire, growled:
  - Glory to the CPSU!
  Anastasia Witcher, having shot down another Afghan plane, squeaked:
  - CPSU-SS!
  Akulina angrily remarked, shouting at Mirabela:
  - Don't you dare joke like that!
  And the girl hit a large Taliban tank made of wood.
  Anastasia Vedmakova giggled and answered:
  - It's a joke, just a joke!
  Mirabela hit an Afghan car with her bare heel and squeaked:
  You can't joke with communism!
  These are the girls who have already received the gold stars of the heroes of Russia for the war in the Taliban. These are the fighting girls.
  And Gerda from Germany is also fighting with her crew.
  These girls are just ultra class!
  Gerda shoots at the enemy with her bare toes and squeaks:
  - For the Fatherland!
  Charlotte is also firing at the Afghans and squeaking:
  - For the Fatherland, our mother!
  And he also fires using his bare toes.
  Christina also strikes the Taliban with her bare toes, and squeals:
  - For Russia and the era of communism!
  Magda hits the Afghans, cuts them down and squeals at the top of her lungs:
  - For the Fatherland from edge to edge!
  Here are the girls on the tank. And this is their aggressiveness and full strength, and the greatness of the fighters.
  These are pretty girls...
  And how do female warriors from Japan fight?
  The blue ninja girl will take the windmill with swords and cut off the heads of the Afghans. And then with bare toes will launch
  needles are poisonous, which will pierce the mass of the Taliban.
  Then he sings:
  For the glory of our Japan!
  The yellow ninja girl cuts off the heads of Afghan soldiers, and at the same time throws peas of destruction with her bare toes and squeaks:
  - In the name of the Motherland!
  The red ninja girl cuts the Taliban with swords into pieces and squeals:
  - Glory to the times of communism!
  The white ninja girl cuts the heads of the troops of the Islamic Empire, cuts them and squeals:
  - For communism the greatest of Japan!
  And again he will throw the deadly peas of death with his bare toes.
  These are the girls ... And of course they are in the same bikini. And so they fight. And if they also spit, then a complete blockage comes at all.
  The blue ninja girl was chirping, chopping off Afghan heads:
  - We are warriors - ultra and beyond!
  And with his bare heel he will throw a homemade explosive package. And it does so much destruction.
  Here it is girls - just say hyper!
  But Jane Armstrong is fighting.
  A beautiful girl, without any problems, cuts down on the Afghans from a tank.
  And he does it with great aggressive force.
  Jane happily says:
  - Glory to communism!
  And again shoots at the Taliban.
  So Gertrude fired, and very aptly. Then about gurgled:
  - Glory to communism!
  And of course, she also used bare toes.
  And then the girl Malanya took and thrashed.
  And she did it extremely well. She pierced the enemy and squeaked:
  - For the USSR!
  And also used bare toes.
  And that's how Monica fucked up. And she did it very accurately too. She smashed the Afghan car and muttered:
  - For the great ideas of the world!
  These are the girls - the highest aerobatics in the universe.
  Jane, though shooting with her bare heel, remarked:
  - Well, at the expense of the universe, this is already too much!
  Gertrude said with a laugh:
  - Gerda's team is not worse than ours!
  And again he will take it and shoot at the enemy with his bare leg.
  Malanya, punching enemies with great accuracy, noted:
  - For great Russia!
  Monica, mowing down the Afghans with tremendous speed, yelped:
  - For Great Britain too!
  Jane agreed with this:
  - Britain is a great country and we will regain all the colonies!
  Gertrude with a chuckle, and pressing her bare toes on the buttons, squeaked:
  - For the Fatherland forward!
  Malanya, too, thumps with her bare toes and coos:
  For Great Britain!
  Monica will also hit the Afghans and blather:
  - For the best army in the world of England!
  These are the girls - just the highest aerobatics on tanks.
  Here are the allies...
  And Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova are also fighting against the Taliban. Immortal children came to the aid of Russia, as there are too many Afghans. And follows them though
  thin out a little. Moreover, there are more men than women in the Taliban. And it is morally easy to kill them.
  Oleg Rybachenko ran a mill with his swords, chopping down the Afghans and their heads, and then chirped:
  - Glory to the times of communism!
  And with bare toes, the boy will launch something deadly at the Taliban.
  Margarita Korshunova also hacked at the Afghans, cut them off like a sickle, and cooed:
  - Glory to the Motherland!
  And with her bare toes she threw peas with explosives.
  And tore apart a mass of Taliban soldiers.
  After that, the immortal children will take it and whistle with all their lips. And a mass of stunned crows will fall on the heads of Afghan soldiers, breaking through them.
  And it makes a strong impression.
  These guys are super and ultra class!
  Oleg Rybachenko again slashed this eternal boy of the Taliban and squeaked:
  -For great communism!
  And with bare toes the immortal child will launch destruction.
  Margarita Korshunova again hacked at the Afghans, dissected them, and with her bare toes gave the gift of death and yelled:
  - For our Fatherland!
  And now the children whistle again and a mass of crows who have received a heart attack fall on the head of the Afghan fighters.
  The Taliban are certainly very brave. But their leadership, headed by an old man or not quite an old man, Khaibatulla Akhundzada
  frankly crazy.
  So the warriors of the Celestial Empire are desperately climbing forward.
  And in the occupied territories they do wild cruelty.
  Here, in particular, the caught Komsomol girl was pulled up on a rack, and they began to stretch it. They chained the girl's bare feet in a stock and hung weights. And then they became
  burn the heels with hot iron. And then they flogged the girl with a whip, then they beat her with barbed, red-hot wire. And it hurt so much. And then beauty
  they took and broke the toes on their bare feet. And then they burned her chest with torches, and with red-hot tongs the girl tore out her nostrils. And as soon as the Taliban did not mock the Komsomol member, torturing her to death.
  And the torture continued. In the captured villages, everyone, both children and adults, was beaten with sticks on their bare heels. Here children were beaten with sticks on their bare heels, especially
  brutally. And there was not an ounce of mercy in that.
  That's just what torture was not used.
  Tamara is also fighting the Taliban ...
  Also a warrior class.
  And on the Afghans that they are climbing, more and more missiles fall in a real tidal wave.
  Tamara and Dominika aim launchers at the Afghans.
  And they press the buttons with their bare toes.
  And Dominika even used a scarlet nipple.
  And she chirped, baring her teeth:
  - I have a super girl!
  Viola and Aurora are also pummeling the Taliban with launchers.
  And they do it with great precision. While singing:
  - Hail our communism, hail!
  We will destroy fascism!
  Viola, pressing her scarlet nipple on the joystick button, sending a rocket at the Afghans, remarked:
  - We are at war with the Taliban, and they are communists!
  Aurora replied with a chuckle, sending charges at the enemy with her bare heel:
  - Perverted communism, or Islamism is worse than perverted fascism!
  Viola laughed, again threw the gift of death at the enemy with the help of her bare toes and noted:
  - A fascism is not perverted does not happen! It's just a perversion!
  Aurora, sending a present to the enemy with a scarlet nipple, noted:
  - Communism can be quite perverted! Even under Stalin, many superfluous people were exhausted and killed!
  Viola in response, again sending a rocket to the Afghans, sang:
  Inspired us in difficult times
  Having made the will stronger, they became ...
  Saved the world from the plague
  Dear Comrade Stalin!
  In many ways I measured
  In an infinite universe...
  You opened the right path for us -
  Pointing it to forever!
  Here are the girls with bare, tanned legs.
  Alenka, shooting at the Taliban and shaking her breasts with scarlet nipples, noted:
  - Communism to be!
  And she threw a very deadly present of death with her bare toes.
  Anyuta fired a line at the Afghans, mowed them down, and cooed:
  - For the great victories of the girls!
  And with a scarlet nipple, like a button on a bazooka, he will press.
  These girls are just great.
  And the Chinese are mowed down with great, and perhaps great enthusiasm.
  Red-haired Alla, smashing the Taliban, yelped:
  - For the Fatherland and our mother!
  And how he will throw the lethal gift of annihilation at the enemy with his bare toes.
  And then Maria will also kick, also using her bare toes. And tear apart a lot of Afghans.
  Then he murmurs:
  - Glory to the era of communism!
  Olympias, shooting at the Afghans, fervently and cheerfully noted:
  - For the new leader of the communists!
  And the girl again threw the deadly gift of death and destruction with her bare toes.
  And these girls are just hyper.
  And they are so belligerent.
  Marusya, gouging opponents and launching gifts of death at the enemy with her bare feet, squeaked:
  - For the most high-profile victories of the Fatherland!
  Matryona, scribbling on the Taliban and cooed:
  - For the Fatherland that is higher than any roof!
  And again, the girl will shoot at the Afghans with a bazooka by pressing the button with a strawberry nipple.
  This girl is the highest of all classes.
  This is how the girls took up the Taliban and cooed:
  - Motherland is a great mystery,
  Your faithful wise, glorious honor...
  We will strengthen your unity -
  forever with the Fatherland we will be together!
  Steelenida, shooting at the Afghans, was very aggressive and positive. And with bare toes, how to throw
  present of death. And tear apart the mass of warriors of the Islamic empire. She is a warrior of the highest class.
  Steelenida sang with a smile:
  - Let communism be famous,
  Mao will destroy you...
  Only we are up, not down ..
  Let's kick the bandit in the face!
  . CHAPTER? eight
  That's the kind of belligerent girl she is. And so these damn Afghans are crushed. And nothing will do with her.
  Veronica, fighting the Taliban, issued:
  - For the victory of communist ideas throughout the world!
  Victoria, writing about the soldiers of the Islamic Empire, and throwing grenades with her bare fingers, squeaked:
  - For Russia and freedom to the end!
  And again she threw the deadly gift of annihilation with her bare toes.
  Seraphim smashed the Afghans, mowing down the Taliban with great ease, and threw gifts of death with her bare toes.
  Then she cooed:
  - For the ideas of holy communism!
  Stelenida building on the Afghans, harshly remarked:
  - When you hear the word saint - immediately gives it a falsehood and a lie!
  Veronica giggled and said:
  - Yes, Vladimir is not a saint!
  Stalenida threw a grenade at the Taliban with their bare foot and squeaked:
  - Yes, our president is not outstanding!
  Veronica, rocking unsteadily, and scribbling on the Afghans, sang:
  - Believe the goblin, believe the goblin, believe the goblin,
  But still live! But live according to Brezhnev! I don't ma!
  Not ma! I can not!
  Victoria noted with a chuckle, writing about the Afghans:
  -It'll be all right!
  Veronica agreed with this:
  We will definitely win!
  Steelenida agreed:
  -We can't lose! Because we are Russian! And the Russians are such a nation that even if they lose all the time, they will take it and win with incredible fury!
  Victoria nodded.
  - It's like a boxer who will lose fourteen rounds, but in the fifteenth he will take it and decisively win!
  Veronica laughed, baring her teeth:
  - Yes, it is quite possible! Well win win!
  Seraphim aggressively remarked, baring her teeth:
  - We will be the strongest in the world and we will defeat everyone!
  And with bare toes, he will again launch a unique gift of death at the enemy.
  Here are the girls - the highest aerobatics.
  With such girls, I think anyone can move their heads, or the lid will be torn off its hinges.
  Steelenida crushed the Taliban and sang:
  We are the strongest in the world
  We will soak the Taliban in the toilet ...
  Moscow does not believe in tears,
  Let's give Khalifa a brain blow!
  Here she is, Stalenida, a delightful girl. Which can be called - just hyper and super.
  With such girls, you can safely look into the future. Let there be almost a billion Taliban, and unlike Russia, they have much more men than women.
  And the Taliban love to fight.
  But they are not very good at it.
  The front line appeared torn. Where the Taliban wedged in, where the troops of the Special Design Bureau or Russia.
  No one has a big advantage.
  She took it and squeaked, grinning her teeth and winking:
  - For the Fatherland to the very end!
  Victoria squeaked with wild fury:
  "You give the Dragon President total death!"
  Veronica agreed with this:
  - Death to the President-Dragon through Tumba Yumbe!
  And the Americans, of course, are ready to help the Taliban. Even sell weapons to the Taliban on credit. And this is a cruel policy in the United States. This is how they press the Russian Army.
  But as long as there are female heroines in it, then Russia cannot be overcome.
  Here Alice and Angelica are fighting. Such fighting and cool steals. And they thresh the Afghans with fury and force.
  Alice fired her sniper rifle, punched through the Taliban. And threw bare fingers
  knife a murderous gift of death, squeaking:
  - For the Fatherland of the USSR!
  That's the kind of fighting girl she is. It is full of both strength and aggression.
  Angelica is healthy and a red-haired warrior. So thrashing the Taliban. It will knock out a huge mass of them. And roar:
  - Glory to the new Komsomol members!
  And how he laughs.
  Alice, shooting at the Afghans, and accurately hitting them, logically remarked:
  - We are able to defeat any horde!
  And Alice fired her bazooka using the scarlet breast nipple.
  Here is a girl - who shows a capital class.
  Angelica also slams at the enemy, and mows down a lot of Taliban and blathers:
  - For the Fatherland!
  These are women - so aggressive and capable, let's say, of a lot.
  Alice remarked with a smile as she mowed down the enemies:
  - Fatherland is our mother, we will kill the yellow ones!
  Angelica remarked with wild fury crushing the Afghans:
  - We communists will become stronger in the world!
  And with his bare toes, he will throw a grenade with a tola charge.
  That's how the girls got mad.
  And destroy enemies with colossal force.
  Natasha, firing at the Afghans, and pressing the button of the bazooka with her scarlet nipple, noted:
  - For Russia there is no such problem as the number of enemies!
  Zoya, scribbling on the Afghans, agreed:
  - We can defeat any army of the enemy!
  Fighting girl Augustine, scribbling at the Taliban troops, blasted from a bazooka with a strawberry nipple and yelped:
  - I'm the beauty of death!
  And Svetlana will slap the Afghans. And with bare toes of the legs on the Mujahideen he will let go and blather:
  - For the USSR in a new light!
  Natasha thrashed again, using her ruby nipple to push the button. And it was beautiful. And very aggressive.
  Natasha said with a laugh:
  - We think we can and we can do everything!
  Zoya replied with a smile:
  - But not all! We can't catch Khalifa!
  Natasha noticed with a sigh, scribbling at the enemy with her bare heel:
  - Let's catch Khalifa too! Yes, he is old, he will die soon!
  Zoya laughed and replied:
  - Another, even more frantic, may come!
  Augustina cut off the Afghans, who were crawling in a large mass, and also slapped with the help of a raspberry nipple from a bazooka and squeaked:
  Everything will be fine girls! I'm sure of it!
  And she added, giving a gift of death with her bare heels and tearing apart the Taliban.
  - Evil is not infinite!
  Svetlana logically noted, mowing down the advancing Taliban fighters:
  - Our country will become more glorious and modern!
  And also, as for the Afghans, he will take it and fuck it.
  And this is her aggressive understanding and colossal strength.
  Girls, of course, can do a lot when they are evil and even more when they are kind.
  Albina and Alvina fight very hard in the sky.
  Albin shoots down an Afghan Air Force plane and coos:
  - Goddess Lada is for us!
  Alvina shot down a Taliban attack aircraft and noted:
  - Goddess Lada - Deity with a capital letter!
  This is really what girls need. And extremely cool.
  and Helga from the attack aircraft keeps gouging the Afghans on land. And she is a very combat flight warrior. And so deftly tore off the exact hit of the tower from the Taliban tank.
  Here is the girl...
  And cooing:
  - For building communism throughout the world!
  Albina noted, inciting the Mujahideen, with great accuracy of defeat:
  - For the best Soviet minds!
  And also how to cut the Afghan car.
  Here are the girls - perhaps the highest, they are the category.
  Alvina, smashing the Taliban, logically noted:
  - We can do everything - and we will show it to everyone!
  And she shot down another Afghan bandura.
  Girls are what is the highest class.
  But even a boy can be a very good fighter.
  Especially if it's an immortal boy.
  Here Oleg Rybachenko sang with great enthusiasm:
  - Glory to the Fatherland of communism,
  We love you dear country...
  We will destroy the fascist troops,
  Even though Satan is attacking us!
  And the boy again thrashes the Taliban with swords. And then he will hold a fan mill. And with bare toes, how he will take and throw a very lethal gift of death
  This is a boy - let's just say a boy - super!
  Margarita Korshunova, cutting down the advancing Afghans, and throwing gifts of death at the enemy with her bare toes, squeaked:
  - Beyond the Russian borders beyond Kabul!
  Oleg Rybachenko, cutting down the enemy, nodded vigorously:
  - There will be our lines beyond Kabul. But the enemy is especially strong in numbers!
  Margarita Korshunova agreed with this:
  - The enemy is very strong! But we will still win!
  And with bare toes, how to launch a killer gift of death.
  Oleg Rybachenko, writing on the Mujahideen, quite rationally noted:
  - Our army will be in Kabul!
  Margarita Korshunova agreed:
  - I hope it will! If we don't bleed to death ourselves!
  The terminator boy answered confidently:
  - Our victory is inevitable!
  The warrior girl, throwing a lemon with her bare foot, agreed:
  - I believe in it! I really believe!
  And how a warrior will take it and laugh.
  And then the immortal children will take it and whistle in unison. Their whistles drove many thousands of crows into a swoon. And they, having lost consciousness, fall on
  Afghans and pierce their skulls.
  And they drill the tops of the heads of the soldiers of the Islamic empire. And they drive the adversaries into the coffin.
  Margarita, after whistling with a chuckle, noted:
  - You and I are just like nightingale robbers!
  Oleg Rybachenko nodded in agreement:
  - Yes, just like nightingales!
  And the boy laughed...
  And again the immortal children how to whistle. And it hurt the crows a lot. They lose consciousness and fall down like raindrops. And a lot of Afghans were taken and beaten.
  Then the children sang in unison:
  - Black warrior in the face of death,
  The victim is waiting for the midnight hour...
  Believe better than anyone in the world
  We will bury you in the ground!
  These are really children - what you need! And this is combat toughness.
  Oleg Rybachenko swung his two swords, cut off the heads of seven Afghan soldiers at once, and sang:
  - I have a reputation for being a strong man for a reason,
  Seven with one blow!
  Margarita Korshunova, cutting down the Mujahideen, noted:
  - We will be the first on Mars, and in general everywhere!
  Oleg Rybachenko, slashing the Taliban again, noted:
  - We will be the first everywhere!
  And the bare child's foot of a boy of about twelve threw a grenade of lethal force.
  This is how the children, who received immortality from the Russian Gods as a gift, fight desperately and bravely. And they act with tremendous energy.
  Gorbachev-Putin again began to give orders. Introduced an additional five percent tax.
  He ordered to create his own anti-missile defense. He ordered to restore the rank of Marshal Lavrenty Palych Beria. He also ordered to rehabilitate Yagoda, Yezhov, Abakumov.
  They say Stalin was right and they imprisoned a little. And that it is necessary to plant even more and shoot.
  Yeltsin was removed from his post as head of the Moscow Defense Ministry and imprisoned. And this is perhaps the most important thing.
  Then the dictator took it and fell asleep.
  The girls continued to fight with the numerous Taliban.
  Natasha shoots at the troops of the Islamic Empire, and throws a grenade with her bare toes. Then he roars:
  - For great communism!
  Zoya, firing at the Afghan troops, and mowing down the troops of a skillful empire, yelped:
  - For the great USSR!
  Augustina, shooting at the enemy, and let's throw gifts of death with her bare toes, and cooed:
  - For the Fatherland, our mother!
  Svetlana aggressively noted, scribbling on the Taliban, and throwing a killer gift of annihilation with her bare feet:
  - For communist power!
  Natasha shoots at the enemy very accurately. And with bare toes, how to start destruction. And punch the enemy.
  And a lot of Taliban will mow down and squeak:
  - For the USSR of communism!
  And wink again.
  Zoya also nails the enemy and mows him down. And with his bare toes he throws a grenade of deadly force, tearing apart the Mujahideen.
  Then she squealed:
  -The anthem of our Motherland of the USSR!
  Augustine cooed, baring her teeth, and throwing the gift of death with her bare foot:
  - For the Fatherland, our mother!
  Svetlana, fighting the Taliban, and scribbling at the enemy with lethal, squeaked:
  - For great communism!
  And the girls fought hard. That's how beauties they are.
  Oleg Rybachenko fights with them. The boy looks about twelve years old, of course, a desperate kid.
  And with his bare toes, he will launch lethal weapons at the Afghans.
  Then it will roar:
  -For the ideas of communism in the USSR!
  Margarita Korshunova is also a warrior, fighting and tough.
  She exterminates the Mujahideen and roars:
  - For communism in the USSR!
  That's the kind of fighting bitch she is. And he sweeps away the Taliban by throwing grenades with his bare toes. And screams:
  - Fatherland is our mother!
  And now the immortal children whistle. And thousands of crows fall on the heads of the Mujahideen. And it's very cool and cool as a head to himself
  throw a watermelon.
  Natasha, giggling and shooting, issued:
  - For the great space!
  Zoya agreed with her:
  - For the greatest space in the universe!
  Augustine remarked, baring her teeth and whistling:
  - Everything will be very cool girls - we will win!
  Svetlana noted, baring her teeth, and throwing a grenade at the enemy with deadly force:
  - Of course everything will be hockey!
  Meanwhile, Stalenida was scribbling on the Afghans and growled:
  We will be the greatest in the world
  God made a bet on desperate guys...
  We are not cooler even on the big planet ...
  Veronica, crushing the enemy - picked up:
  - Kill the evil monster!
  Victoria threw a grenade with her bare foot, tearing up the Chinese and squeaked:
  - Kill the evil monster!
  Angelina, scribbling at the enemy and mowing down the enemies in whole ranks, squeaked:
  "Blood is shed here again!"
  Natasha wittily added, knocking out the enemies:
  Your opponent looks tough!
  With a well-aimed throw of her bare foot, Steelenida turned the tank over and yelped:
  But don't give in to him!
  Veronica blasted, pressing the button of the bazooka with her scarlet nipple and issued:
  - Evil monster - return to darkness!
  And the warriors sang in chorus, sewing together hundreds of Afghans:
  - If you are a man, and not a cowardly louse,
  You will boldly kill the star monster!
  And again the girls show their tongues. Yes, they are truly the bravest of the brave.
  Victoria succumbed to the explosive package with her bare, round heel and yelped:
  - In the holy war - will be our victory!
  Stalenida noted:
  - And not just a victory, but a crushing victory!
  Albina, meanwhile, is fighting the Taliban army in the air. The girl demonstrates the highest pilots.
  And shoots down enemy planes, with great enthusiasm. At the same time, Albina sings:
  - We have rockets, planes,
  The strongest Russian spirit in the world...
  At the helm of the best pilots -
  The enemy will be crushed to smithereens!
  And again how to whistle. And then, with the help of bare feet, we will knock down another enemy car. A drunk barrel will hold a reception.
  Alvina is also fighting the Taliban army. He is a girl fighting and very aggressive. Here, for example, how is her signature technique - a ladder?
  This is also just a miracle!
  Alvina hissed:
  We won't miss our victory!
  Albina agreed with her partner:
  Of course we won't miss anything!
  Helga also fights with great desperation. This is such a belligerent girl. Helga hits ground targets more. She is a very devastating girl.
  And here is Anastasia fighting. A female warrior who is a super veteran. What she didn't do. Here is the warrior.
  She makes an aggressive turn in the sky, and knocks down opponents like dragonflies with a net. And of course, it's extremely cool.
  Here the girl dives and the Taliban tank lights up like a fire from a spark. And again fires and destruction.
  Anastasia sang:
  - Probably the girls know it's given,
  Realize all the nonsense of the movie...
  And what in the world is not a psychiatric hospital nonsense -
  Gives birth to the best light in the world!
  Akulina Orlova, scribbling on opponents and shooting down Afghan planes, summed up:
  - In the world everything is relative, and God is not an angel, and the Devil is not a devil!
  Anastasia, scribbling at the enemies, objected:
  - Well, God, maybe not an angel, but where is something good from the Devil?
  Akulina shrugged her shoulders and replied:
  - Maybe it was thanks to Satan that we ate the forbidden fruit and became much smarter! Learned, in particular, to invent!
  Mirabela Magnetic shot down another enemy aircraft and nodded:
  - In fact, they learned to seriously invent! And it's cool!
  Anastasia sang, baring her teeth:
  - We cut down the enemies without a trace,
  There will be again our wild pressure ...
  Challenged - glove in flight
  And the enemy is just a stupid elephant!
  Akulina Orlova, while shooting down the Taliban, confirmed:
  - This is a really good war!
  And with her bare heel she sent another murderous gift of death to the enemy.
  Anastasia noticed, knocking out opponents:
  - War is never good
  This is a great victory!
  Mirabela took it and growled:
  - A big victory awaits us,
  We are the prettiest...
  Our grandfathers are also proud of us.
  I celebrate girls success!
  Akulina Orlova noted, baring her teeth:
  - A raging fire is raging in me,
  Extinguish which is undoubtedly too late -
  Putting all the power of rage into a blow -
  Correcting the sky, shaking the stars!
  Anastasia Vedmakova, shooting down another plane of the Taliban army, noted:
  - I just have a crazy temperament!
  These girls are just great.
  But Natasha is like a monster in battle. Here are four of them attacked opponents. And gave them a figurative beating. This is Natasha - just a super class girl.
  And her bare heel sends a grenade. And the mass of the Taliban was torn apart at once.
  Natasha sings:
  Karabas, Barabas,
  Got my eye on the girls...
  I'm having lunch now
  but to be beaten is not for us!
  Zoya confirmed, mowing down another line of opponents:
  - It's really not for us!
  And the naked, round heel of the girl again sends a present of destructive power.
  Augustina noted, winking and spitting, so much so that half the enemy battalion burned down:
  - Neither Karabas nor Baba Yaga will stop us!
  Svetlana aggressively noted:
  - We will never stop, and do not relax!
  Natasha, having mowed down the next line, turned it over, throwing the tank with her bare toes as a gift of death and vyaknula:
  - We will be in the capital of the enemy!
  Zoya scribbled at the enemy, fairly mowed him down and agreed:
  - Of course we will!
  The warriors here are very brave, but of course, not only that.
  They are also heroines - class - super!
  Augustine fucking opponents, noted:
  Our strength is great
  Let's rip the rooster!
  And her bare heel will take and throw up another gift of death.
  Svetlana remarked with a laugh:
  - Most of all we know how to laugh,
  And you believe - we can always fight!
  Natasha, having mowed down another Afghan rank, noted:
  - A fight is generally not good!
  Augustine remarked, baring her teeth:
  - And what is generally good?
  And her bare heel threw up a murderous pea of death.
  Zoya logically remarked, mowing down the Taliban:
  - It's good when there is a matter of creation!
  The red-haired girl exterminating the enemies of the USSR nodded:
  - One cannot but agree with this!
  Svetlana noted, baring her teeth again:
  Yes, that's true, but sometimes you have to shed blood!
  Girls are different. Here is Elizabeth with her crew of four E, destroying the Chinese in a tank.
  Girls, of course, fight in the same bikini and barefoot.
  Elizabeth fired at the enemy and squeaked:
  - Glory to our Motherland - the USSR!
  Ekaterina also blasted at the enemy and squeaked:
  - Big glory to all our heroes!
  And she succumbed to the projectile with her bare heel.
  Elena fired at the enemy, smashed the Taliban tank and squeaked:
  - May the force be with us!
  Euphrosinia noticed, pressing her bare, chiselled feet on the pedals:
  - Cosmic and phenomenal power is always with us!
  Elizabeth sang:
  - We were raised by Lenin for the glory of the people,
  And the great Stalin lit the way for us ...
  He raised the nations to a just cause -
  To work and to a feat, he inspired us!
  And from her bare heel such a deadly projectile flies. And he tears off the tower from the Afghan tank.
  Yes, four is cool. And no power can stand against it.
  Elizabeth noted, baring her teeth:
  We are big phenomena
  Don't be afraid of change!
  And the girls laugh.
  Here is Alenka fighting with the Mujahideen. Here is a girl - a master class. And not some kind of Karabas. If it will take it, then it will take it.
  A girl scribbles at Afghan troops with a machine gun.
  And then the scarlet nipple of his chest, as he takes it and presses the button of the bazooka.
  Then he chirps:
  - That's what a cool girl I am,
  And I can overcome from edge to edge!
  Anyuta also shoots at the Mujahideen and squeaks:
  - I am the strongest in the world, and there will be specifically a banzai!
  And her naked, pink heel will send a killer gift of death.
  These girls are the highest class. Unless you consider that there is a level and goddesses.
  Red-haired Alla noted, writing at the enemy with great accuracy:
  - If I do something, it will be one hundred percent!
  And now her ruby nipple will press the button of the bazooka. These girls are always valuable and able to work miracles.
  But this, of course, is not enough.
  Here you also need to have the skill. What these beauties have is completely above the roof!
  These are girls that can stop not only a horse at a gallop.
  And the fight continues.
  So Maria is nailing the Mujahideen. And he does it with monstrous accuracy. And of course her bare heels, as always on top.
  And the golden-haired girl sings:
  - The light will be glorified forever,
  May my dream come true!
  Olympias also fights, sending deadly gifts of destruction.
  And yet he sings:
  - We will be in glory forever!
  And throws lethal grenades.
  Marusya also scribbles on the Taliban and squeaks:
  - Glory to communism!
  And her bare foot, like something wonderful, will launch, with great destruction.
  Matryona very powerfully began to gouge the enemy and squeak:
  - For great Russia!
  And again from her bare heel flies, a gift of destruction.
  . CHAPTER? 9.
  And now the girls with the whole team, all the brigade, barefoot beauties in bikinis, sang;
  We are proud girls of Svarog,
  Brave, brave warriors...
  We serve faithfully in the Name of the Family,
  Let grandfathers and fathers be proud!
  We proudly joined the Komsomol,
  Stalin was given a bold oath ...
  We girls are just eagles
  Harvesting generously in battle!
  People attack the Nazis,
  Defeating hordes of basurmans...
  After all, the Russian army is invincible,
  Powerful in the battle of Ivan!
  Believe with us Lada forever,
  We swear to her in great faith ...
  Let the dream come true
  Fewer superstition people!
  Never know the word coward
  We will be bolder warriors ...
  Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian,
  We will become more powerful, believe me!
  I believe we will win in battle,
  Of course, overcoming the army of enemies ...
  Though sometimes a thief attacks us,
  Fighting with us is a stupid idea!
  No, don't believe me - women are not weak,
  Men aren't stupid either...
  Although sometimes coffins grow in battles,
  And the girls are barefoot in the snow!
  Do not think girls are not in the brow,
  They'll put you in the eye with a machine gun...
  We will have a bright love
  We will not know in the battles of exhaustion!
  Glory to communism gentlemen,
  This bright, valiant idea...
  The horde will be reflected in fury,
  Just don't be bullshit!
  Roles of light Russian fighters,
  Glorious in battles and battles ...
  Let the fighters be proud of the girls
  The enemy will not receive tribute from the Russians!
  The world will soon be blessed
  We will not be under the heel of the dragon ...
  Our boys are not used to waiting,
  And the enemy cannot avoid defeat!
  I believe happiness will last forever
  Know the girls you will not find cooler ...
  So that people do not know the fool,
  We will dispel the clouds over the planet!
  Soon there will be light in the universe,
  Lada will illuminate with pleasant happiness ...
  We will playfully meet the dawn,
  We need to go forward to victory brothers!
  We admire a great lot,
  Russia will become more powerful and more beautiful ...
  I wanted to fight for the Fatherland,
  For the happiness of Mother Russia!
  We bring admiration to the Earth,
  We all want to strive for constancy ...
  And save the planet from disaster
  May the light of happiness reign!
  These are the people who are wise
  To make joy in the universe...
  Blacksmiths built something
  Do not betray your strength in battle!
  No, in Russia people are not cattle,
  Never lie under the oligarchs ...
  And there will be no extra fuss
  We don't need constant ahs!
  God Svarog and the mind of people,
  Make the world happy...
  We will not be defeated, believe the villain,
  It's our work and creation!
  The girls sang very well, and a lot of Mujahideen were exterminated.
  These are beauties - just super.
  Natasha, shooting at the soldiers of the evil empire, squeaked:
  And we'll be great too!
  Zoya agreed with this.
  - Yes, without any doubt we will!
  Augustine sang:
  We girls are not simple
  With the name of Svarog ...
  Yes, you know, barefoot in the cold,
  under the protection of God!
  Svetlana suggested, winking at her friends:
  - Can we sing?
  Natasha nodded and confirmed:
  - Let's sing!
  And the girls sang;
  Great country of the USSR,
  Which is the coolest in the universe ...
  A million count problems happened
  But our business is work and creation!
  Believe the enemy will not win the country,
  Which is more beautiful and stronger than all ...
  We will put up a reliable shield soon,
  And we will finally believe smarter ...
  Yes, Uncle Sir decided to help,
  To the Nazis after the change of power in the Reich ...
  And the power of the Nazis was renewed,
  The enemy wants to tear the USSR apart!
  Now we have to fight seriously
  With the Nazis that the strong are dashing ...
  but we will strike under the stomach of the enemies,
  To the glory of our mother Russia!
  No, you just can't break Russian,
  We know how, we love to fight bravely ...
  Here the Wehrmacht decided to attack us,
  But it can only collapse and not wring out!
  In Russia, every warrior from a manger,
  The child pulls his hands to the gun...
  Let it be a very smart sorcerer
  Who created this planet!
  For Hitler, do not take Moscow on the tooth,
  He got hit hard in the snout...
  Why he climbed into Russia, I don"t understand,
  It is weak for him to kill a bacillus with a sword!
  Yes, near Moscow the enemy received a bashing,
  The girls gave him a bare heel ...
  You can see the Fuhrer is simply a moron -
  Kohl encroached on communism gave!
  Here come the pioneers with songs,
  On the attack with a drum beat are torn ...
  Let the Fuhrer be kaput now,
  And we will drive the Fritz in captive formation!
  The boy is barefoot on a snowdrift,
  Stepping forward without fear...
  The Nazis will soon be driven into the coffin,
  And roses will bloom in radiant May!
  And Hitler will soon have cabins,
  he will go into the tomb. and his successor is drunk ...
  We will put the Fuhrer on the hook soon,
  although sometimes a weighty pungent gingerbread!
  We will create a wonderful Russian world,
  In which Russia will rule, believe me ...
  Shakespeare did not dare to compose such a thing,
  Though they attack Russia with the pressure of devils!
  The fierce pressure of Satan is visible,
  His former ally is helping him...
  No wonder the girls moan is heard,
  There will be no place to be seen soon in paradise!
  Yes, Uncle Sir changed the route,
  And tanks, planes are sent to the Nazis ...
  In his aspiration, the unit is very cool,
  To drive more communists into the coffin!
  It got worse, even though Stalingrad,
  I crushed pretty much all the sides of the Nazis ...
  such an unbridled alignment arose,
  under this sky, definitely clean!
  Well, what to do - the girls are out of hand,
  Hiding from the Fuhrer of the horde in battles ...
  And boots do not suit girls,
  They always know how to fight!
  For girls, frosts are not terrible,
  When they fought near Moscow,
  Were almost naked and barefoot,
  Throwing a grenade with your bare foot!
  so you wanted a fascist
  Well, I thought the devils would help you right away ...
  And planted total chaos,
  And the girls only moan with wild anger!
  There are quite bloody battles,
  Girls know forever believe not to give up ...
  We will not have zeros on the accounts,
  And a powerful RPG is put in a knapsack!
  Warriors are beauty
  Lada herself is ready to fight for them ...
  They have doves of sacred purity,
  Let there be simply the highest award!
  Yes, I believe that the God of Forces Svarog will come,
  And the dead in battle will rise...
  And the hunter will blow his glorious horn,
  And the winnings will be the most honest!
  There will be no more grief on Earth,
  And bitter tears will dry up...
  We will live in a single family know-
  And the evil devils will simply die!
  Pioneer boys boldly into battle,
  barefoot lads rush through the snow ..
  I believe Russia will always be with you,
  Though sometimes saucers will be broken!
  God Jesus will resurrect all the fallen,
  And will rule with the White God...
  We will boldly raise a shield for the Fatherland,
  It will be a glorious duty to serve Russia!
  Yes, the devil is insidious, simply cunning,
  His very understandable desires...
  He's tentacles to Moscow now poster,
  And evil trials await the Fatherland!
  But Lada and Lord Perun are with us,
  And Lenin, Stalin, and the wisest Trotsky...
  Which can be seen bent the army,
  And the most important nightingale Vysotsky!
  In short, there will be a host of holy Gods,
  We will win the battle of the adversary ...
  And throw up a lot of strong fists,
  For the glory of the greatest soldier!
  Girls attack barefoot
  They run and do not be afraid to know the frost ...
  Do not pull them into battle, consider them by force,
  Know the scarlet shines in the light of a rose!
  In short, fighters for their homeland,
  Serve in disinterestedness proud ...
  let grandfathers and fathers be proud,
  And from the sky you do not expect gifts for a penny!
  Vladimir-Mikhail Gorbachev-Putin continued to take steps to restore order. Made new arrests at the top. First of all, by planting Yakovlev. And other unreliable people too.
  Established the orders of Stalin, and Peter the Great, and Ivan the Terrible.
  Then he ordered the arrest of Garry Kasparov too - he thinks too much about himself.
  And Garry Kasparov was imprisoned.
  It was also decided to increase the number of police. And the penalties in the Criminal Code decided to revise in the direction of toughening.
  After that, Vladimir-Mikhail Gorbachev-Putin fell asleep again;
  In Afghanistan, the girls also sang and danced, exterminating the Mujahideen.
  That's how the girls wrote a whole poem at once. And a great many Taliban were mowed down at once. And it was indeed their extraordinary achievement.
  These are the women - especially when they throw gifts of death with their bare feet.
  But Gerda is fighting with her crew.
  The girl shoots at the enemy with her bare toes, knocks out the tank and roars:
  - Glory to the panther girls!
  Charlotte shoots after her. Incites the Mujahideen and squeaks:
  - For the Fatherland common to all!
  Lupanula and Christina struck the enemy and squeaked:
  -Glory to the strong guys!
  Gerda asked ironically:
  Where will the weak go?
  Christina murmured:
  - Let the loser cry -
  The scoundrel envies!
  Magda also hit the enemy, knocked down an Afghan car and squeaked:
  - For new frontiers, without end!
  These are girls who are also heroines, albeit in their own way.
  Here they began to crush the Taliban without any ceremonies and doubts with caterpillars. And what will you take from them? Damn - one word!
  Alice and Angelica are fighting. Such beautiful and very sexy girls.
  They shoot well and hit often. These warriors are just super. What is not a shot - then right in the forehead.
  Alice scribbles from a sniper rifle and sings:
  - Glory native communism for centuries,
  The girls of steel will have a hand!
  Angelica, shooting accurately, noted:
  - Of course it will!
  and how he throws a grenade with his bare toes.
  Alice, while firing, noted:
  Is it true that we are stronger, there is no one?
  The red-haired girl hero Angelica noted:
  - I'm not like a horse -
  I can stop an elephant at a gallop!
  And how the girl will show her biceps. And he is like a mountain.
  Alice chirped:
  - We will go for the power of the Soviets,
  And we will sweep all enemies into the sand!
  And here Natasha again destroys the Afghans with her team. Even elements of magic are used.
  The warriors here are of great courage and bravery. No one can resist them.
  Natasha sang, throwing a gift of death with her bare foot:
  - Devilish our power!
  Zoya gave a turn, mowed down the line of Mujahideen and squeaked:
  - For the great victories of the USSR!
  Lupanula on the enemy and Augustine. She smashed a Taliban tank with a bazooka and squeaked:
  - That will be forever Russia, shine like the sun!
  Svetlana, too, at the enemy, as if hammering, with the help of a bare heel and blathers:
  - For communism during our lifetime!
  Natasha, scribbling at the enemy, sang:
  - The greatness of the Russian recognizes the planet,
  Fascism was crushed with a blow of the sword...
  We are loved and appreciated by all nations of the world -
  We will soon build holy communism!
  Zoya confirmed with a song, scribbling on opponents:
  - Glory to our patronymic freely,
  Friendship of peoples is a support for centuries ...
  Lawful force, free will -
  After all, for the unity of a simple person!
  Augustine chuckled and remarked:
  - A simple man naturally, for unity? What about power?
  Svetlana pressed the bazooka button with her scarlet nipple, hitting the enemy tank and chirped:
  - Power is not a simple word,
  She's above the law...
  All on their knees commands the mouth -
  This is power!
  Natasha said with irony:
  - Yes, the government is cruel... But we are building it ourselves!
  Zoya excitedly said:
  - Glory to communism!
  And the girls took it in chorus and sang, composing as they went;
  Glory to the country that blooms in the sky,
  Glory to the great sacred Russia...
  No, not to be in eternity silence -
  The stars of the field of pearls irrigated!
  The great Almighty Svarog is with us,
  Son of the Almighty formidable Family...
  That this Warrior helped in the battle,
  We must glorify the Russian God!
  Girls have no doubts, believe me
  Furiously the girls are attacking the horde...
  A mad beast will be torn to pieces,
  And the enemy will get a share in the nose!
  No, don't try to break the Russians,
  The enemy won't bring us to our knees...
  We will defeat you evil son,
  The great grandfather Lenin is with us!
  No never succumb to enemies
  Barefoot girls fought near Moscow...
  We will not show weakness and shame,
  Let's deal with the big Satan!
  Yes, God finish your battles,
  And smash the hordes of the Wehrmacht famously ...
  So that they do not end up with zeros,
  So that it is not quiet in the cemetery!
  Give the girls you will fighters
  So the fascists will arrange this ...
  Fathers will be proud of us
  The adversary will not milk us like cows!
  It's true that spring will come soon
  There will be ears of gold in the fields ...
  I believe our dream will come true
  If you have to, fight for the truth!
  God means all people love,
  Faithful strong, in eternal joy ...
  Though violent blood is shed,
  Often the girl is careless!
  We crush the enemy in battle,
  Something so airy...
  Though a thunderstorm rages over the worlds,
  And the dark eclipse is coming!
  No, people will stand to the grave,
  And they will not yield to the Nazis a bit ...
  You write the boys in a notebook,
  And sharpen all your sabers for scolding!
  Yes, it"s true, there will be a dawn without edges,
  Believe me, everyone will get joy ...
  We open another believe the light
  The girl's hand stretches high!
  Can we be able to believe this
  That, about which we don"t even dare to dream ...
  We see clearly the brightest goal,
  No, carry the fighters nonsense!
  And we must fly jokingly to Mars,
  Let's open fields there, count rubies...
  And charge the Nazis right in the eye,
  Hordes of cherubs soar above us!
  May the Soviet country be famous,
  What gave communism to the peoples...
  She is forever given to us by birth -
  For the Motherland, for happiness, for freedom!
  In Russia, every warrior from a manger,
  The baby pulls the handle to the gun...
  Therefore, you tremble villain,
  We call the monster to account!
  Yes, we will be a friendly family,
  What communism will build in the universe...
  We will become true friends,
  And our business will be creation!
  After all, communism is forever Given by birth,
  So that adults and children are happy ...
  The boy is still reading in syllables,
  But the flame of the demiurge shines in the eyes!
  May people be happy forever
  That together they fight for the affairs of Svarog ...
  We will soon see the banks of the Volga,
  And we will be in the honorable place of God!
  Yes, Russia cannot be broken by the enemies of the Fatherland,
  It will be stronger even steel ...
  Russia, you are a mother to children,
  And our father, believe the wise Stalin!
  There are no barriers for the Fatherland,
  It keeps moving forward...
  The king of hell will soon checkmate
  Even though he has tattoos on his hands!
  We will give our hearts for our Motherland,
  We will climb all the mountains, believe me higher ...
  We girls have a lot of strength,
  Sometimes it even blows the roof!
  The boy also gave a subscription for Russia,
  Said he would fight fiercely...
  And his eyes sparkling metal,
  And the RPG is hidden tightly in the knapsack!
  So let's not play the fool
  And it"s better that we all stand together as a wall ...
  Passing exams for only five,
  So that Abel rules, and not the evil Cain!
  In short, there will be happiness for people
  And the power of Svarog over the sacred world...
  Fascists you playfully smash,
  Let Lada be happiness and an idol!
  The girls sang a beautiful song. And then they laughed. Well, their teeth are like pearls.
  Alenka also fights against the Mujahideen.
  And the girl demonstrates the level - just super.
  And with his bare toes, he throws grenades of deadly power.
  And while this beauty is still scribbling machine guns.
  The blonde sings:
  - Catastrophes, cataclysms...
  As if we don't know God!
  And the theater of this life -
  Will drive the girls into the coffin before the deadline!
  Anyuta cooed, baring her teeth:
  - For the USSR!
  And he will throw with his bare toes another gift of annihilation.
  So Alla fights with great fury. She is such a fighting girl. And with his bare heel he will throw up a killer present of death.
  And roar:
  - For communism of the holy level!
  Then the girl will show her tongue.
  Maria also fights with great desperation. And he fights like a real hero in a skirt and bikini. And her bare legs again throw the gift of annihilation.
  Maria cooed:
  - Glory to the times of communism!
  Olympias gurgled about, baring her face, and with her bare soles sending a gift of death:
  - Glory to our times of communism!
  Marusya noted, mowing down the Afghans, and squealing:
  - Glory for Russia and freedom!
  Matrena, having cut down another line, yelped:
  - For victories in the holy war!
  And also how to bark ...
  . CHAPTER? ten.
  The girls sang in unison, composing as they went:
  Above the stars we will fly over the planet,
  The bright sun will shine...
  The heroism of the Komsomol members sung,
  Turns a hunter into a game!
  Time will be dashing
  Where a thunderstorm sparkles over the world ...
  The apple blossoms in bulk,
  Of course spring is coming!
  There will be an era, believe communism,
  Where any person is a demiurge.
  We will wash away the stain of fascism from the face,
  If necessary, we will plow and plow!
  Russian gods will rise above the world,
  Bring people joy and laughter...
  we will anoint the hairs with a miter,
  To be successful in a glorious business!
  Yes, Russia is a world country,
  Holy land of communism...
  Barefoot girl ran
  She comes from a bride given!
  Yes, love the beauties of Russia,
  What created metal from stone ...
  Believe me, people will become happier
  Let napalm pour from the sky!
  Do not look for happiness without Rod,
  He will give forever love ...
  Under the heel in the battle of Svarog,
  Spilled monsters blood!
  There is no more beautiful country of giants,
  It has elves and dwarves in the ranks...
  We are forever united with the Fatherland,
  We will win in any fight!
  So why is the person so sad
  After all, you knew the power of Svarog ...
  evoke good feelings,
  Our Lada love ideal!
  It will become better than the universe, believe me -
  If communism takes over...
  We are Svarog happy children -
  Let's smash fascism into quarks!
  Soon the earth will be radiant,
  Great success coming soon...
  And Yarilo will rise as a glorious sun,
  and will give radiance to all!
  Let's drink for the Fatherland guys
  For Russia to flourish forever...
  To have an endless salary -
  About which it is not a shame to dream!
  Let Russia rise above the universe,
  and show everyone the grin of God...
  With its strength in imperishable battles,
  We will reveal the most cunning deception!
  Soon the sun will shine brighter
  Space will become like a courtyard...
  So burn the fire you are hotter,
  Sharpen an ax out of steel!
  And then with the song of the Great Lada,
  That gave birth to mighty gods...
  We will be able to cut down the wild tribe,
  Orthodox sons with swords!
  And these warriors how to laugh ...
  And with their bare heels they will synchronously throw up deadly gifts of death!
  These are the girls, especially when they picked up flamethrowers and pressed the buttons with scarlet nipples. And they sent fiery, very burning jets at the enemy, from which everything was charred.
  The girl shouted in unison:
  The greatness of Russian recognizes the planet,
  Fascism was crushed with a blow of the sword...
  We are loved and appreciated by all nations of the world,
  The people of all the country are marching into communism!
  Alyonka fired from the bazooka, pressing the button with her scarlet nipple. And a murderous present of death will fly out and tear apart the Mujahideen.
  The girl sang:
  Stalin, Stalin, we want Stalin
  To break us could not ...
  Arise master from the Earth...
  Anyuta threw a grenade with her bare toes. Then she pressed the button with her ruby nipple and chirped:
  Stalin, Stalin, the girls are tired,
  The groan goes all over the earth...
  Where are you the owner, where...
  Where are you where!
  Red-haired Alla, thrashing at the enemy, cooed, baring her teeth:
  - Where are you where!
  And her bare heel, too, will throw up a present of annihilation. And lightning will fly out of the strawberry nipple.
  And bang on the Mujahideen. These girls are just super class!
  Maria, a girl with golden hair, also kicked with all her fury with her bare toes.
  And he will give a turn to the Taliban. And again press the raspberry nipple. And the girl is very cool.
  And chirped:
  - For communism!
  The Olympics aggressively affects the enemy. And with bare toes, how to launch a boomerang.
  And cut off the heads of the Mujahideen. Then, as he sings:
  - For great communism,
  Only up, not a step down!
  Marusya, too, as if according to the Mujahideen, will punch and sing:
  - Praise God Svarog,
  All the Taliban in the horn!
  And her bare toes threw a lemon at the enemy. And then she, with her scarlet nipple, will burn the enemy.
  Matryona scribbles at the enemy, and also her bare heel will let the enemy waste.
  And the girl will roar:
  - Or else I'll bark, or else I'll howl,
  Otherwise, I'll eat someone!
  Alenka took a six-barreled mortar. Raised it together with Anyuta. And how he will take it and fuck it, according to the Mujahideen. The girls even drove into the ground with their bare heels from the recoil.
  And they chirped:
  Stalin is the glory of battle,
  Stalin of our youth flight ...
  Fighting and winning with songs,
  Barefoot girl goes to Eden!
  Here the girls, of course, must be given their due. As they thrash, then the whole battlefield of the Mujahideen is demolished.
  Albina and Alvina let's hit the enemy with missiles from the air. And twist them into a spiral.
  Albina pressed her bare heel on the pedal and chirped:
  - For the Fatherland, our mother!
  And then, with a scarlet nipple, she presses the button.
  Alvina also acts very aggressively. And with bare toes he sends missiles at the enemy. And ruby nipples presses on the buttons. And he does it in an enhanced mode.
  Alvin sang:
  You can't win in our fight
  I believe we will overthrow the dictatorship soon ...
  We will defeat the dragon of rain,
  The enemy will be rejected in battles!
  These girls are just super and top class!
  Here are the girls-pilots. They fight barefoot and in a bikini. Why do girls need clothes? She just gets in the way!
  Albina tweeted:
  About this girl barefoot,
  I will never forget...
  She with a heavy scythe,
  And like a bright star!
  And again, the beauty will press her bare, round heel.
  In fact, no devil will take such a girl. Here she is such a beauty.
  And both blondes will sing:
  - Fight for the Motherland and dare,
  Then you will build a paradise in the universe!
  These girls are top notch. They seem to be a super product.
  And here is Elizabeth, as if hammering at the enemy, with deadly force. And tear him to shreds.
  And her tank works that way. Deploys the tower and hits with a deadly projectile.
  Ekaterina presses her bare heel on the lever and blathers:
  - I'm the most formidable in the world!
  Elena will also press the button with her scarlet nipple and chirp:
  - For the glory of communism!
  Euphrosyne squeaked:
  - For great achievements.
  This is really what girls need. And they have so much temperament.
  And so he rides and shoots. And machine guns scribble at the enemy. So you can"t stop such a car so easily.
  Elizabeth hissed:
  - And around like a parade,
  Mujahideen will be thrown into hell!
  And again the projectile sent by pressing the strawberry nipple flies. Here are the girls - the most superclass!
  Angelica and Alice also work from sniper rifles.
  Alice shoots down the plane. Then, with bare fingers of his graceful, tanned leg, he throws a grenade and squeaks:
  - For Russia and freedom to the end!
  Angelica also pierced three Mujahideen with one bullet and gurgled:
  - Officers, Russians....
  And her bare heel, as if throwing a murderous present of death.
  Alice, continuing to fire, took and gave out, hitting the enemy on a motorcycle:
  Let freedom shine...
  And her bare toes, how to launch total destruction.
  Angelica will also take and fire from a long barrel, releasing a gift of death and yelling:
  - Making hearts beat in unison!
  Here are the girls - the highest class and super!
  Oleg Rybachenko and Margarita Korshunova will take them and also cut them with swords at the Mujahideen.
  And then the boy and the girl began to whistle. And stunned crows fell on the heads of the Taliban. This extermination has gone total.
  And the children sang in unison:
  We will fight in Afghanistan
  Believe me, we will defeat the evil Taliban ...
  Something floats in the fog of smoke,
  And know that a cherub hovers over us!
  Mikhail-Vladimir Gorbachev-Putin, having woken up, decided to pay a visit to China and try to establish allied relations.
  And it's not that easy. For example, even in Afghanistan, China was on the side of the Mujahideen. Plus, the USSR is strong, and the Chinese themselves are afraid of it. Plus, of course, the fact that the United States is flirting with China, which is not a competitor to them in the economy.
  While in the US President Ronald Reagan. Already, however, June 1987, and will soon be the election of the President of the United States.
  And in the USSR, the first nationwide presidential elections are scheduled for August.
  Of course, no alternative.
  And it is clear who will win them. There are repressions in the country, and dissidents are imprisoned. Novodvordskaya was sentenced to death. In fact, what is trifles.
  They wanted to return Academician Sakharov to science, but he was stubborn. What to do with Solzhenitsyn?
  Gorbachev-Putin ordered him to be killed like Bandera. And the KGB promised to do it.
  Relations with the US continued to deteriorate. Gorbachev-Putin did not want to give in any more and heaped threats. In particular, in Nicaragua, the USSR began to create a new military base for itself. And in Cuba too. And the situation began to escalate.
  So Gorbachev-Putin began to flex his muscles.
  And at the same time he fell into a dream, a somewhat different level;
  . Once upon a time there was a boy, Prince Albert. And he had a rich court, wonderful parents who ruled a prosperous and very rich state. And the boy had
  absolutely everything to have in the late Middle Ages. Of course, he did not have a TV and a computer, but there were many other entertainments.
  For example, the prince was very fond of knightly tournaments. True, they were carried out according to the new rules in order to protect the participants as much as possible, and to injury, and even more so.
  killings were rare.
  The prince himself took part in tournaments, although he was only thirteen years old, and, miraculously, he always defeated older and older opponents.
  And now the boy put on special armor with soft pads and cast titanium - which is both durable and light at the same time, and tested the spear.
  The son of a neighboring king must now fight him. Approximately his height, and the age of the august boy.
  The mentor told the prince that it was necessary not to lose face and win.
  The prince said arrogantly:
  -I'm ready! I beat big and big men! What is my age!
  The teacher remarked with a sigh:
  - I will not hide the prince. You were succumbed!
  The prince squealed in rage:
  - What? How dare you say that!
  The teacher spoke softly:
  - In any case, this boy, just like you, defeated big and adult men in your kingdom! And a champion too!
  The prince stamped his foot on the grass and declared:
  - Well, if you need to defeat him, I will certainly win!
  And the boy went to train. And he prepared hard for the fight.
  But the next day came the duel. And the two princes had to converge with each other.
  The duel was supposed to continue until one boy knocks the other out of the saddle. Prince Albert was fair-haired, while his opponent Louis had red hair.
  Both boys put on their armor and sat on their small but frisky horses. Albert sang in a confident tone:
  - And even the enemy wheezed at times,
  Hiding the fear that I'm the king!
  That I am a king!
  And the boys hit the sides of their horses with the spurs. And they ran towards each other. The boys were about the same weight, and equally trained. Poet faced
  both had elastic spears bent. And they parted without hurting each other.
  Albert remarked:
  He's stronger than I thought!
  The boy Louis noted with annoyance:
  - Yes, stubborn boy!
  And so the two princes came together again and collided. There was a rattle from cork hitting titanium armor. And again, neither gave way to the other. The boys swore
  and glared at each other.
  Albert dreamily said:
  - Roast your heels!
  Louis remarked:
  - I will win you over and put you on the rack!
  The boys were indeed angry and furious.
  Here they converged and collided for the third time. And it was fun. How much blood was shed at once. More precisely, only in the imagination of the august boys. In deeds they are so
  and didn't kick each other out. We parted ways to get back together. And it was like a stubborn confrontation between the titans.
  Princess Marguerite, sister of Louis, remarked:
  - It's kind of stupid for boys to butt like that. Maybe they're better with swords?
  The boys came together to no avail ten more times, and thoroughly exhausted. After that, a break was announced for lunch and rest. The boys were further ready for exploits and the struggle for victory.
  Albert was gloomy, he never managed to knock the enemy out of the saddle. But before that, it always succeeded. And this, of course, caused a feeling of strong annoyance.
  The boy ate with a golden spoon and fork, and glared around him fiercely. Suddenly he saw a girl. She was blond and in an elegant luxurious dress like a fairy princess. And surprisingly, only Albert saw her, and the rest did not seem to notice.
  The girl approached the boy and asked him with a smile:
  - Can't defeat the enemy?
  Albert growled fiercely.
  - Yes! He is extremely tenacious!
  The girl smiled and replied:
  - You can get the gift of an invincible warrior! And win all the tournament bouts!
  Albert perked up and muttered:
  - What is it like?
  The girl nodded.
  - And so ... But you need to agree in return, for example, to sell your soul!
  The boy shook his head vigorously and negatively.
  - No, I won't sell my soul!
  The girl nodded her head and replied:
  - Well done! Only the one who has can sell his soul, and whoever has it will not sell!
  Albert said with a smile:
  - I can give gold! Lots of gold!
  The girl shrugged.
  - I don't need human gold! I can make whole mountains of it. But if you don't want to sell your soul, then sell your body!
  Albert asked in surprise:
  - Body? And how is that?
  Satan Girl replied:
  - But! You will sign an agreement with blood that in exchange for the gift of winning tournaments, you will give your mortal body to the Devil for eternal use!
  The boy shrugged his shoulders and remarked:
  - Mortal for perpetual use?
  The girl nodded in agreement.
  - That's it! And you benefit from this - you will never grow old!
  The prince smiled.
  - That's how! Then I sign!
  The Satan Girl held out a parchment with a seal, where the Devil's condition was written, and a copper needle.
  The boy pricked his finger and dripped blood on the golden pen. Then he drew a signature. Such a scarlet and beautiful royal person.
  The girl rolled her eyes and chirped:
  - Now you're mine!
  And before Albert's eyes, everything seemed to spin and turn over.
  The boy did not have time to blink an eye as he ended up in the desert. There was a caravan and they led child slaves tied with a rope. Albert felt pain in his bound hands, and a burning sensation in his bare
  children's soles, and severe fatigue in the body. Plus, my throat was dry from thirst. And it hurt the skin. Albert glanced at himself. How he has changed. Instead of luxurious
  and rich clothes naked body, in only swimming trunks. Albert was surprised at how thin he had become and tanned black. The boy's body dried up, and he himself became more like
  mummy. Barefoot soles became very rough and calloused, but still felt the burning heat of the desert. Albert a minute ago, the former noble prince turned into
  slave boy. And he remembered... For many days now the captive boys have been led through the desert to the slave market. And they wander hungry and thirsty, and the hot sands
  deserts burn their bare feet.
  Albert sees how his recently so beautiful and muscular body has emaciated in the transition. And the ribs stick out under the thin, fat-free, chocolate and dusty skin, as if
  basket. And on the back and sides, fresh traces of the whip and already healed are visible and hurt. The boy felt a strong shame and humiliation in himself - his person of the august blood was slashed with whips, like some commoner. And the boy-prince snorted contemptuously. And got a whip on the back. That burned the boy with both pain and humiliation.
  Albert cursed and received another whip in the ribs. The boy of the most august blood was filled with anger, but at the same time he was overwhelmed by strong fear. The prince realized that
  Satan, who took the form of a beautiful and smart girl, received power over his body. And that now he is forever the servant of the Devil. And here is the first test - you are a slave.
  The prince cringed in fear and quickened his pace. Moved on through the desert. And next to him walked boys, either a little older or dregs younger than him. The prince became a slave.
  And now his life has changed for the worse. And radically worse.
  The boy sighed and wandered along with the caravan. He was reminded of Goethe's Faust. There, too, Satan tempted the professor to sell his soul. But in return, Faust received both youth and
  beautiful girl Margarita, and wealth and, honor and power. What did Albert get? Now, almost naked, walking with his hands tied under the overseer's whip?
  And is that true?
  Albert was depressed, the muscles strained by the transition, especially the calves, were aching, and the sand was also hot, baking the bare soles of children's feet through the crust of calluses. Yes, it's a nightmare.
  Plus, they torment you: weakly and stupidly hunger, and much more painfully thirst. To distract himself from the unpleasant sensations, Albert tried to reason. Satan is the most beautiful, intelligent and perfect angel. If so, does he need something Alberta? And it is clear that the most perfect angel in the universe does not need gold, or
  some kind of power that kings have. The only thing Lucifer values is power over souls. But what will give him power over Albert's body.
  After all, it's not just that Satan signed the contract. He has some purpose. True, if we take Faust, then what does Lucifer need from him? Soul? But most people
  and so goes to hell and into the power of Satan. It is clear that only this is not enough.
  Maybe Lucifer wanted to play and check when a person wants to say: stop a moment - you're great! But in this case, Albert is experiencing a terrible moment.
  Although, when a naked, handsome boy is beaten with a whip, this may be interesting to someone. but does the most perfect angel need this? The prince has already kissed
  with girls and showed interest in the opposite sex, but did not yet like women as an adult. But already in a dream they appeared to him. And it was very interesting in its own way.
  Albert sighed... At the age of fourteen, he would already be looking for a bride, and that would be great. He would be able to make the best and hottest choice.
  Albert sighed. In front of him are naked, thin, whipped boys, and in the back, too. And they look exhausted and tired. Albert thought, what next?
  And finally, the halt. They were given a little to drink and eat, and were driven again before sunset.
  Albert, after eating and drinking, felt a desire to sleep. And I had to walk through the desert. And instead of the tender embrace of Margarita, he is whipped by a cruel whip.
  The boy walked and thought. Well, what an idiot he is for agreeing to a deal with Satan. He led the happiest and richest lifestyle for his time.
  Had everything a boy could want. And then he stood up like that.
  Albert remembered that they warned that Satan is the enemy of the human race and do not expect good from him! And that it is very stupid to succumb to his promises. And now you
  was a prince, and became a slave boy. And here it is very dumb for you.
  Albert was inclined to howl like a wolf and from time to time he was burned by a whip. What did he really get? After all, he was a boy, and now he was in slavery.
  So he walked until the sun went down. And the slaves were allowed to eat again, drink, and go to sleep. And it's a very interesting pastime.
  Albert lay down on the sand next to another half-naked boy. Curled up and fell asleep. And he dreamed...
  Here he is participating in the horizontal bar of fighters along with Ivanhoe and Richard the Lionheart. This is a very fighting team.
  Albert on his snow-white horse. He is a boy, and all around are adults, large knights. Some even make fun of the child. But Albert is confident.
  Here the gong sounds and the first battle.
  Against him is Baron von Babeuf. Such a big, fat, real bull and on his shield is a bull with horns. He is at least three times heavier than Albert.
  The boy nodded and squeaked:
  - The larger the cabinet, the louder it falls!
  Baron von Babeuf how to roar:
  - I'll crush the puppy!
  And here they come together. Albert's opponent has a huge black horse.
  The boy is holding his shield. Here the enemy strikes, and Albert moves slightly to the side. And a weighty spear slides off the shield. And the boy prince strikes
  the enemy is right in the visor and he falls.
  Albert laughs and sings:
  - Fall prostrate, prostrate, prostrate,
  You have been given this right!
  Before the king, prostrate
  In slush and mud all the same!
  The first opponent was beaten. Then the next one appeared. It was the Count of Boleventura. He is also a very powerful warrior and quite agile.
  Albert chuckled and remarked:
  - Glory to my Fatherland,
  We are all family!
  And then the boy jumped on the enemy. And the Count of Boleventura rushed at the boy.
  Albert purred:
  - Athletes fiercely rush into battle,
  Everyone strongly believes in victory...
  And now we are together with the Devil at the same time,
  And we have any barrier on the shoulder!
  Here they came together with Count Boleventura. And again the boy shifted to the side, forcing the spear to slide off, and how to pierce with his weapon right in the throat. And the arrogant count will fly.
  And the boy won the second fight.
  His next rival is the Duke of Guise. Also a very strong and powerful fighter. And famous in numerous tournaments and competitions. And where only the Duke of Guise did not participate and did not show anything. Yes, this is a serious enemy.
  The boy Albert even sang in delight:
  - And I see a serious,
  In Ivan the Terrible's dream...
  Land in Siberia distributed,
  You Native Russia!
  Here Albert caught himself at his word - why Native Russia? What does she have to do with him?
  . CHAPTER? eleven.
  The boy as a whole is set up in a combative way.
  And so they both sat on horses. The prince is on snow-white, and the enemy is on red-red. And they ran towards each other.
  Albert seemed very small compared to this red-haired giant.
  The boy spoke aggressively:
  - The little snake is the most poisonous!
  And so the Duke of Guise, whose spear was longer, tried to hit the boy on the body of the armor, and not aim at the shield. Even though it was against the rules. But Albert deftly dodged.
  He took it and dived under the spear. Then, with all his might, he moved the enemy into the visor, further strengthening the movement with the body. The Duc de Guise from a strong blow literally fell down.
  The little boy chirped:
  - Glory to the glorious knights!
  And de Guise was dragged from the battlefield. His horse, armor and weapons went to the winner.
  Albert sang:
  We watch with falcons
  We soar like eagles...
  We don't drown in water
  We do not burn in fire!
  And we do not moan in battle
  A cherub is above us!
  The boy really turned out to be a very great fighter, capable of much.
  And here is his next opponent: the Knight Lionheart himself. Bravo, you can congratulate yourself with such a competitor. And that it will be a battle that is necessary.
  Albert sang in joy:
  The whole world is in our hands
  We are the stars of the continents...
  Smashed in the corners -
  Damned competitors!
  The boy is really like a fighting and ruffled cockerel. It's the Lion King himself, Richard the Lionheart.
  Albert growled:
  - If you are a lion, then roar,
  The victory of the whole Mother Earth is with us!
  To have fun in such a company,
  That every boy is a cool person!
  Albert had a little snack before the fight. They brought him a roast goose with a side dish, and a small biscuit cake in the form of a cocked hat. So the boy had a good time
  eat. The princess was sitting next to him and kept asking about what Albert performed feats. The boy willingly told, lying.
  - So I got along with the seven-headed dragon. And we began to cut. I cut off his head. She falls, and immediately instead of one cut head, two grow!
  The princess girl whistled.
  - Here are those on! And how can such a dragon be defeated at all if its heads only increase?
  Albert confidently replied:
  - And you cut off the head, and sprinkle the enemy's wound with salt! And then the cut head will not grow back!
  The young princess cooed:
  - You're so smart!
  The prince puffed up and said:
  - Nu why, I Spinoza on mind!
  After dinner the boy went to the stables. He put on his armor and jumped back on his horse.
  The prince exuded confidence in victory, and a thirst for a fight.
  The boy was significantly inferior in height and weight to Richard the Lionheart. Moreover, the king of England was very physically strong - he broke horseshoes. And against such a hero
  try to resist.
  But the boy is determined to fight. And that turned him on. The boy wanted to suddenly feel how the princess was kissing him on the lips and how sweet and pleasant it was.
  Here they are on the list. And at the signal of the gong they began to approach.
  Albert sang:
  - Ta-ta-ta-ta! Hooves are pounding
  Tra-ta-ta-ta! Beamer hit...
  The French army is smashed to its head,
  And no one will break the army of Spain!
  And so they got close. Richard the Lionheart, heavy with a spear, tried to prick the enemy. But Albert dodged, and hit the enemy in the visor. But this Richard the Lion
  heart, though with difficulty, but was able to stay in the saddle. Although it seemed that this technique is irresistible. And both riders parted, and the judges recorded the first fight - a draw.
  Richard the Lionheart growled:
  - And he is a clever little devil!
  Count Balistro noted:
  - And you, your Majesty, hide a needle with poison in a spear!
  Richard the Lionheart said:
  - It's vile, and I'm a noble king, and besides, it's useless, you can't hit this imp!
  Count Balistro bowed.
  - How do you know your majesty!
  Alberto, meanwhile, was preparing for the second run. And then a very beautiful girl with golden hair in a luxurious dress, the Satan girl, appeared before him again.
  She flashed her pearly teeth and cooed:
  - Well, my dear boy, do you like to win?
  Then Albert remembered and hissed:
  - And you made a slave out of me!
  The girl replied with a smile:
  - To each his own! Your body is now in my power!
  Albert growled:
  The girl noted, stamping her foot in a precious shoe:
  - Everything is fair! Now you win any tournaments!
  Albert looked at the beautiful golden-haired girl. Is it Satan himself? But Lucifer is an angel, and does not have a human body being a spirit. Therefore, it can take
  any appearance, including a beautiful innocent-looking child. Yes, it's impressive.
  Satan Girl nodded.
  -Fight, but as for your body... Everything in life depends on the heavenly heights... But our honor, but our honor depends on us alone!
  Albert nodded and rushed into battle.
  Here they again came together with the great master of tournament fights Richard the Lionheart. And it was a tough fight. Richard gained top speed by trying
  throw off a daring youngster, or rather a child. Albert was assembled and ready. Dodging the carnivorous blow of the king's spear, the boy drove his weapon straight across the neck.
  And the mighty Richard the Lionheart for the first time in the history of tournament fights flew out of the saddle. A blow to the throat is already very sensitive and lethal.
  The herald declared Albert the winner. So the great king of the Middle Ages and a real legend, various gruels and fairy tales, the hero of the Crusades, was defeated
  just a boy of about thirteen who didn"t even have a mustache, and just started to look at the girls.
  Such is the great sensation of the duel.
  However, this is not the end. In the final, the most interesting fight with Ivanhoe himself. Although Ivanhoe is already twenty-five years old, he looks younger and has almost no beard and
  mustache. From what he is thin and short looks like a teenager. His advantage in height and weight over Albert is small. Although it is clear that a man of about twenty-five,
  will be larger than a teenager of thirteen in any case.
  Prince Albert saw how Ivanhoe defeated much taller and heavier knights than himself. And he understood that this is the most dangerous enemy. With whom it will be difficult to fight.
  But in any case, the final is coming, and whoever wins will receive a valuable prize. Although is there much sense in the prize received in a dream?
  to Prince Albert again appeared the girl-Satan. She shook her golden curls and answered:
  -Don't be afraid! Soon you'll wake up and be a slave boy again! But if you have read the Bible, then you know that the Almighty subjected his servants to a cruel test.
  And you have to overcome difficulties in order to get stronger and temper your soul and body!
  Albert nodded with a smile.
  "Though a body without a soul is not a body, but how weak is the soul without a body!"
  And the boy-prince laughed, baring his teeth.
  And so they went to the lists - this fighting pair. The illustrious Ivanhoe, and the rising star of tournaments: Prince Albert. And here they are, a fragile man and of ordinary size for
  thirteen year old boy converge together. Ivanhoe's horse is beautiful and also white, like Albert's. And it's great when two agile and technical warriors are going to fight.
  according to knightly rules.
  And then the gong sounds and two outstanding fighters converge. They run towards each other. And they shake their spears. And here they are. Ivanhoe is dexterous, and managed to hit Albert with a shield.
  True, the spear slipped. And Albert aimed at the visor, but also missed. And he didn't do it very well. Ivanhoe removed his head at the last moment, and the spear
  slipped over the helmet.
  Here the first round ended in a draw. And again on horseback the knights dispersed in different directions. Five minutes of pause and they come together again. And they jump with great energy and strength.
  Albert now saw that his counterpart had high speed and agility. And his speed will be a good help.
  Here they come together again. This time, Ivanhoe aimed at the visor, but Albert dodged, and hit the center of the shield with his spear. The spear broke from the blow, but Ivanhoe managed to resist
  in the saddle So the fight turned into a draw again.
  Both knights parted in different directions. Then the Satan girl appeared again to Albert. She was beautiful and funny. The Lucifer girl cooed:
  - Well, my boy are you ready for battle?
  Albert jokingly sang:
  The soldier is always healthy
  The soldier is ready for anything ...
  And dust like from carpets,
  We're getting out of the way
  And won't stop
  And don't change legs...
  Our faces shine
  Shiny boots!
  Satan Girl nodded.
  - Yes, I see you are ready! And quite healthy!
  Albert chirped with a smile:
  - I intend to fight desperately!
  Satan Girl answered with a smile:
  - You are a brave fighter! Well, the third fight will be decisive!
  Here are both fighters again on the lists. And ready to move in with each other. Albert, tuning in, sang:
  - Who is used to fighting for victory,
  Let him sing along with us ...
  Who is cheerful, he laughs ...
  Who wants to achieve
  Who seeks will always find!
  And so they began to gather, whipping up the horses. And their spears moved in a gait. Albert this time came up with a trick. And let the enemy move him in the visor, boy
  only at the very last moment he evaded how he would hit Ivanhoe in the leg with a spear. He screamed and flew off the horse forward, upside down. And again sounds solemn - victory!
  And so Prince Albert is declared the winner. And they give him a prize: a golden horse. The boy takes it for himself, but he is heavy, he cannot be lifted alone. Four muscular peasant girls picked up the horse. And they carried him on their shoulders.
  Albert sang:
  - Karate boy
  You will receive a prize!
  And then the girl-Satan appeared and nodded:
  - For a long time I dreamed of such a stallion of pure gold!
  Albert was surprised:
  - Do you really need gold!?
  Satan Girl replied with a smile:
  - Of course not! But this horse was made by knightly masters and has a special magical energy in it. And valuable magical artifacts are needed even by the most perfect and beautiful
  angel in the universe!
  The boy prince nodded.
  - Will I stop being a slave?
  Satan Girl shook her head.
  - Not yet! You haven't worked your gift yet! But you must admit that Genghis Khan was once a slave!
  The young beauty stamped her heels. The horse has disappeared. And Prince Albert did not have time to blink an eye, as ... woke up!
  Again, he's just a barefoot boy in his swimming trunks. Who is given a portion of bourda for breakfast and harnessed to a cart along with other boys. This time one of
  camels fell, and they decided to force the children to pull the wagon at the same time.
  We found new flour, carrying a load, and urging the guys on with whips. Albert pulled the wagon like a steer to a plow. And I didn't feel at all at ease. His mood was cloudy.
  The boy sang to cheer up:
  Your fate is in the balance
  Enemies are full of courage...
  But thank God there are friends,
  But thank God there are friends ...
  And thank God friends
  There are swords!
  When your friend is in the blood
  From sacrifice there is love...
  You can be him
  Like a father...
  But don't call a friend
  You are a coward and a liar!
  The boy felt very enthusiastic and combative after such a song. And he pushed the wagon with energy, resting his bare, childish feet on the hot sand, and felt like a real knight from the Order of the Star.
  After this dream, Vladimir-Mikhail Gorbachev-Putin decided to amend the Criminal Code as well. Namely, to introduce criminal liability from the age of ten. Which, of course, is cool. And smart at the same time.
  Several dozen enemies of the people and dissidents were shot. Many other purges were carried out.
  At the same time, Sobchak was imprisoned, and many more democrats - Gavriil Popov and others. And it was extremely cool.
  After that, Vladimir-Mikhail Gorbachev-Putin took it and fell asleep;
  Albert again walked barefoot and in the same swimming trunks through the desert. The joy of tournament victories won in a dream quickly disappeared. Moreover, he did not just walk, but
  pushing a heavy cart with other children. And it was quite unpleasant. Yes, he got into a major. And carry this burden. And get back only with a whip.
  Albert sighed heavily and pushed the yoke, resting his bare feet on the hot sand. And he was sick of it.
  I wanted to fence, and cut with swords.
  And be like Alexander the Great. The boy tried to imagine something more pleasant. For example, a girl who carries a jug. And she is in a simple peasant dress, and her legs are tanned, graceful, barefoot and chiselled. The girl looks simply wonderful with captivating beauty.
  And she brings a jug of water to a tired, sweaty boy, and moistening his lips, asks:
  - Why are you barefoot and almost naked being a prince?
  The little boy replies with a sigh:
  - I sold my body to the Devil, and now I suffer!
  The girl was surprised, stamping her tanned, bare foot:
  - Body? Usually they sell their souls to Satan!
  Albert wisely stated:
  - I sold the temporary to keep the immortal!
  The girl nodded and kissed the boy on the lips in response, saying:
  "Dear child, do you even understand what you doomed yourself to?"
  The boy nodded in agreement.
  - Yes, I understand, even though it's too late!
  The girl took it and sang with enthusiasm:
  - Better late than never,
  Better late than never...
  So you and I got
  Best years, years!
  The boy felt that the girl was pushing him a jug of water again, allowing him to take a sip of healing moisture. Then her hands run over the boy's skinny ribs.
  He noted:
  - You lost weight in slavery!
  Albert stated emphatically:
  I don't need any extra fat!
  The girl nodded with a smile.
  - Yes, it's like doing fitness for free!
  The boy nodded enthusiastically.
  - Yes, many would not hurt to lose weight!
  The girl sang with a smile:
  - But the diet, do not eat this or that,
  And don't let your legs get tired of walking...
  Here is a diet to bring fat to account,
  At the same time, they do not get fat and sing about love!
  Albert became more cheerful, and he sang:
  - What kind of dishes, what kind of dishes,
  Take it all with you
  It's a pity they don't execute me often
  They feed just to kill!
  And the boy was from all this as if he was in seventh heaven.
  This is really the achievement of a fighting kid.
  The girl was great.
  They started clapping their hands and laughing.
  And pushing the cart became more fun for the boy. One of the young slaves collapsed in exhaustion.
  The overseer began to beat him with a whip. The boy helplessly moved his arms and legs, he did not have the strength to stand up.
  Albert yelled indignantly:
  - Don't hit him! Can't you see he's in the grog!
  In response, the overseer hit Albert as well. The boy howled. Immediately, two large men began to beat the young prince.
  The boy desperately tried to break the ropes binding his hands.
  The merchant in a luxurious turban ordered:
  - Enough! This boy should be sold in the market! And give him water, let him pass lightly!
  Albert stopped hitting. He moved, pulling the rope and, together with the other boys, dragged the cart again.
  The mood became much more dumb and foul. Although, on the other hand, the merchant showed pragmatic mercy and did not slaughter the goods.
  Yes, a slave is better to sell than to kill ...
  Albert was dragging a heavy load, smelled through his nostrils the smell of sweaty, dirty bodies of boys, and felt thirsty and tired.
  Tried to wake up again.
  I remembered how he kicked Richard the Lionheart out of the saddle and it was very cool. Richard was defeated, it's so beautiful.
  And here are the boys with him: thin, sweaty, dirty, sinewy. And they are overworked. And it's very hard. It's been pretty rough around here.
  Albert imagined the princess being led to the scaffold. They take off her expensive clothes, all jewelry, roughly tearing her earrings out of her ears. Further expensive shoes with pearls.
  And then underwear... Instead, they give out only gray sackcloth. And she is barefoot, almost naked, in a short sackcloth goes to the scaffold. And the public eagerly looks at her naked,
  bare legs almost to the hips. But a princess with golden hair that falls over a gray sackcloth and bare, slender legs looks even more beautiful.
  And the audience is literally roaring with delight.
  Albert has a vivid imagination. That's what a beautiful girl she is. And the gray prison robes accentuate her sweet, healthy whiteness of face, and the golden, wavy curls of her hair.
  And how beautiful and graceful her bare feet, perfect, regular shape. And how gray the hoodie is, emphasizing the slenderness of the figure and its ideal proportions.
  She comes to the deck, where a huge, bullish executioner is waiting for the princess. And his ax is great, and sharp-edged - it glistens in the sun.
  The girl became even paler, but retained the appearance of calmness. The executioner bared his large but badly groomed teeth. Numerous guards stood around, and the crowd rejoiced.
  The men were especially excited by the sight of a beautiful girl who was about to be beheaded. She looked so touching and beautiful.
  Meanwhile, the herald announced:
  - In view of the special danger of the criminal and the lack of repentance, the humane death penalty by beheading is replaced by public torture and torture in the presence of a crowd.
  And the torture will last as long as the criminal does not give up the spirit!
  Tolka greeted such an announcement with glee - which means that the torture of the princess will be long. The girl turned pale even more. A terrible fate awaited her.
  Several powerful, previously hidden executioners appeared. They dragged a rack to the scaffold, and also carried torture devices and pincers. The fireplace is already on fire.
  Tongs, hooks, rods, crowbars, drills, and so on began to heat up in it. The torture promised to be long and intricate. Barefoot maidservants also brought a vessel
  with olive oil, buckets of water in which ice floated, and bags of salt and pepper. The princess faced a severe interrogation.
  So the executioners took and tore off the girl's gray robe, exposing her beautiful, seductive body. It was very cool. Such a beauty stands naked in front of the executioners.
  The senior tormentor gave a sign. The princess was wrung her hands and dragged on the rack.
  She was about to experience severe torture now. The princess desperately tried to resist. But the forces were unequal. The executioners coped with the fragile girl and tied
  her hands behind. Then, they picked up the connected brushes by the hook and began to lift them up.
  The princess howled from the pain in her shoulders and veins, and began to bend. The executioners pulled her by the shoulders and twisted. A mournful groan escaped from the princess's throat. And she's naked and stretched out
  appeared on the rope. Her bare feet spun like a bicycle. The executioner struck her with a whip on her bare legs. Then the executioners grabbed the girl of the most august blood by the legs, and put on
  on them an oak block, tightly clamped in the holes. The weight of the girl's body increased, and she howled in increased pain.
  The senior tormentor nodded. On the one hand, the executioners hung a pound weight and on the other. The body of the princess stretched out, and the moans became stronger. Sweat trickled down her naked body.
  The order followed:
  - Ten blows of whips with care.
  The executioner began to strike, on the body of the princess. The skin on the back of the girl swelled, but did not burst. And work went on. The girl gritted her teeth and howled.
  The torturer finished beating. Looked at the elder. He threw:
  "Now fry her heels!"
  Some executioners began to lubricate the soles of the girl so that the skin would burn longer, and the torment would last as long as possible. Other torturers laid out under their bare soles
  thin wood to set fire to them, and blaze the fire.
  The princess wheezed in pain. Here a flame lit up under her bare feet. The girl froze at first. Listened to feelings. Then she began to scream.
  The crowd cheered in approval. Some younger men and boys even put their hands in their pants to relieve the lustful itch. It's really great - such torture.
  And the princess roared... You could even make out:
  - Don't torture me! I'll tell you everything!
  But here it was just from her that information was not needed. Just a painful and brutal execution.
  The chief executioner ordered:
  - Five strokes without care!
  The executioner, spreading his legs wide, began to beat the princess. From the first blow, the skin burst and blood poured out. The girl screamed at the top of her lungs. Here's a few more times with a whip.
  Then the senior executioner ordered:
  -Add a light under the legs!
  The executioners ignited the flames more. And the princess was already screaming non-stop.
  The chief tormentor ordered:
  "Now set her chest on fire!"
  The executioners rushed to smear the naked bust of the girl with oil. She shuddered from the burning touches of her hands, and howled from wild pain. And the executioners smeared her breasts and laughed.
  Then, having finished smearing, they brought a torch to her. And the fire blazed.
  The princess screams again. And the crowd is ecstatic. People love to watch brutal torture so much. And hear the screams of the girl. And also the fact that they smell
  fresh roasted meat. And how delicious it is and such a pleasure to feel.
  And the girl was burned at the same time both her breasts and the bare soles of her feet. Then again they began to beat with a whip. The blows again burst the skin and poured blood. It was very painful.
  But apparently this executioner was not enough.
  The torturer ordered:
  - Grease her ass!
  And the executioners began to paw the girl's buttocks, smearing them with oil. And this is how the princess will howl from humiliation and pain. And she was already smeared with everything again, the fire was brought to her buttocks.
  The torch lit up. And the girl was in so much pain. And she roared when she was fried at the same time: breasts, heels and ass.
  Then the senior executioner ordered to lubricate her and the bosom of Venus. And it was even more humiliating. And how the crowd started up, how the men roared, and the women, too, from excitement.
  How grandiose and shameless it all looked. Many both jerked off and masturbated both men and women, and mated right on the square.
  . CHAPTER? 12.
  So the bosom of the princess girl was smeared.
  And after that, a torch was brought to him. And it hurt so much for the princess. She screamed in a voice that was not her own and literally writhed in pain. There was so much terrible suffering in her.
  The girl was tormented and roared, she was forced by a beluga.
  And the executioners worked roasted. Here, on the orders of the senior tormentor, one of the kats took out a red-hot rod from the brazier and began to beat the girl with steel, scarlet from the heat metal on
  back. Another used tongs, also red-hot, and began to break the toes on the girl's bare feet with them. And it was extremely painful. And the princess suffered greatly.
  She simply suffered unbearably, and floated on the ocean of boundless pain. But another executioner picked up a red-hot rod. And brought it to the girl's ass. And then as he shoved
  her anus. The princess screamed wildly and fainted from the shock of pain. Immediately, a bucket of ice water hit her. The girl fell under his jets and woke up.
  They continued to fry her again: bare soles, breasts, bosom, ass. The executioners broke her toes on her bare feet, thrust a red-hot rod into her anus, and beat her with a steel whip, red from the heat, on her back. And it was very wild and cruel.
  And the crowd was absolutely thrilled with delight: this is torture, this is torture ...
  And the slave prince became disgusted. How can you bully a girl like that. This is generally sophisticated sadism. And so it is impossible. The boy found the strength to move on.
  Here they are sleeping again. The chief merchant said that tomorrow they would be in the city, and the guys would be sold there.
  Prince Albert ate a little, greedily drank a bowl of water and lay down on the still warm sand. The boy closed his eyes and fell asleep almost immediately. And he dreamed...
  As if he was a slave boy from the army of Spartacus. And he knows something. In particular, that the Greek woman Eutibida planned treason and wants to give Crassus the cunning plan of the leader
  uprisings. And this should be prevented. Prince Albert in a dream already has some memory of his former exploits. How he, in particular, led the Romans into a trap.
  Although for this he had to endure interrogation under torture. Not trusting simple words, the Romans, just in case, flogged the scout boy and burned it with a red-hot iron
  rough heels of a child. Albert did not change his testimony. And then the Romans moved around through the gorge and fell into a trap, where they were destroyed.
  Now Spartacus was opposed by Crassus. Spartacus has about seventy-eight thousand soldiers, and Crassus has about eighty thousand. Moreover, the Romans have a large advantage in the cavalry.
  So the odds in combat are unclear. Not all slaves are well trained. However, Crassus also has many recruits in his troops. In any case, Spartacus has prepared a trap.
  Allegedly, Chris, due to disagreements, separated from Spartacus and became a fortified camp separately.
  Crassus, of course, must attack Chris, and then at the moment of the assault on the fortified positions of the slaves, Spartacus will strike in the rear. Greek Evtibida is a very beautiful girl, fell in love
  in Spartacus up to his ears. But Spartacus remained faithful to Valeria, the widow of Sulla. And then Eutibida decided on the basis of jealousy to take revenge. She has already managed to seduce Enomai. And two legions of Germans perished. And Enomai himself fell pierced by many swords. Eutibida herself was then wounded, and nearly died. So there were no witnesses
  and she enjoyed the full confidence of Spartacus.
  And Eutibida skillfully concealed her jealousy. Albret knew from the book that it was Eutibida who was the traitor who would frame Chris. And then the course of the war will turn not in favor of the rebels. Since the death of thirty thousand Spartacists is a great loss.
  Besides the fact that Eutibida conveyed the plan of Spartacus to Crassus, she also lured Chris out of the fortified positions. Realizing this, Albert decided to intercept this girl on the way to Crassus.
  They knew Eutibida. A Greek woman, seeing a handsome, blond, muscular boy, became friends with him. And even taught a lesson in love, which was very nice.
  In fact, teaching a boy to please a woman is very cool and enjoyable for a girl who was actually an expensive prostitute. And prostitutes are often drawn to innocent boys. They get simply unique pleasure from this and the most natural orgasms. Albert would be a young virgin. And from the touches of the beauty he was thrown into the heat, then into the cold. Moreover, Eutibida only looks like a young girl, but in fact she is already over thirty years old and how many men she has tried.
  She made a fortune, and redeemed herself from slaves by providing sexual services to wealthy patricians. And then a boy came across, so beautiful. Well, how not to seduce him?
  Albert, of course, really liked this game, although you are so worried that it seems that your heart is about to jump out of your chest. And after several mutual and violent orgasms, you are so exhausted,
  that you fall asleep right on the pillows in the tents.
  Albert, of course, did not want Eutibide to harm. But somehow the rebels must be saved from the trap. Remembering the gentle caresses that look like a young girl, but the reality of a sophisticated woman.
  Albert remembered that he himself was the son of a noble patrician who owed large sums of money to Crassus. And then the family was sold into slavery. They took off a beautiful tunic, trousers, boots, and a hat from the boy. Stripped to the goal, and sent to the slave trade. How embarrassing it was. He and his brother were bought by a patrician and sent to the quarries. Although the boys
  was only seven years old. And the girls and mother went to the plantations, field work. At least it's out in the open air. Together with his brother, they are naked and whipped by the overseer's whip,
  pushing a wheelbarrow for one adult slave. They worked hard. Summer of course in southern Italy is hot and when you work hard. But it's cold in winter.
  Children quickly adapted to the loads. And over the course of the year, they got stronger. And although they were all eight years old, their bare feet became keratinized on sharp stones. And then they were given a push
  the wheelbarrow is heavier. And at the same time they began to use it in other jobs. The slaves were well fed. They alternated work in the mine and on the surface so that they would not be bent so quickly.
  So the guys grew up and got stronger. And they were even taken to the school by gladiator apprentices. There, Albert and Geta met Spartacus. Who has already won freedom
  and made good money as a fencing teacher and prepared an uprising.
  Initially, the slaves were not very lucky - the plot was uncovered. But a small detachment of slaves still escaped from the school. And replenished with fugitives, he took refuge on Vesuvius.
  The first attack by the Roman legionaries on the summit was repulsed. But then Spartacus was taken into a trap. There, the slaves would have died of hunger. But Spartak guessed to weave the stairs.
  The slaves went down and suddenly killed the Romans with a blow from the rear. So the glorious victory made Spartacus famous and soon he gathered a large army. Inflicted several defeats on the Romans, and even defeated two consuls. And now Crassus became his opponent. Not only a fabulously wealthy patrician, but also a member of the triumvirate: Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, who has experience in battles. Julius Caesar refused to lead the Roman army to fight Spartacus. Yes, and then Julius was too young, and so far did not use great
  authority. And the most popular and best commander of Rome Pompey fought in the East. So the candidacy of Crassus must be recognized as the best. And Albert had his own scores for him.
  His mother, in a torn tunic and barefoot, worked hard with her three daughters in the field. She was deeply sunburned and her bare feet were hardened, but she looked even better.
  A forced diet and constant physical activity made her slim and muscular. And the waist of his mother, who is already over thirty, has become like that of a young girl. Three daughters grew up and got stronger. Their hair was sun-bleached and their skin turned dark. In short, the mother and five children in slavery survived. But where is the father?
  Did he perish in the campaigns, or did he get rich? That's another question!
  Albert, wearing only a loincloth, was running down the road. Need to come up with something. Just knocking down Eutibida with an arrow is not an option. And what else is there to think about? How to stop her from jumping
  to Kras? There may be many ideas, but all have flaws.
  As in his time with Enomai. Then Albert did not come up with a good idea. In addition, he hoped that Spartacus would be in time and would not let Enomai the Consul Helium break.
  But the calculation was not justified. The German accepted an unequal battle and even allowed the superior forces of Rome to surround two legions. And so they fell into the cauldron and were destroyed.
  But Spartacus was a little late and did not have time to save Enomai. True, the Romans were tired of the battle with the legions of the Germans, and their Spartacists quickly defeated them.
  Breaking the slaves - two Roman consuls - is an unheard of event. This made Spartacus truly invincible, and he was considered the greatest commander of all times and peoples.
  But Spartacus did not go to Rome, but moved to the north of Italy, where he defeated the Roman troops again, which were supposed to cover the empire in the event of an invasion of the Gauls. Albert himself then
  fought like a hero. He was strong beyond his years, and, like most boys, very agile. Albert, hardened in the quarries, always walked barefoot in a loincloth.
  bandage. Winter in Italy is quite mild and frosty, and snow is rare. Although, of course, when it falls out, and you run barefoot on white, fluffy and cool,
  it's even nice. The boy's soles are so calloused that they don't feel the cold. He is worn barefoot and naked in any weather and in the rain and at least sneezes.
  And Geta is also his brother - almost a twin and the same age, almost the same agile, seasoned and strong.
  Albert decided to ask his brother for advice on what to do.
  He quite logically suggested:
  - We have a tincture of sleepy berries. Come to Eutibida, supposedly for a lesson in love, and pour it into her glass. And she will sleep at night and will not gallop to Crassu's camp!
  Albert nodded in agreement.
  - Correctly! But we must hurry!
  Eutibida was black-haired and short, a fragile girl with small breasts. She could even be mistaken for a teenager. To Albert, she did not seem at all an old woman, and he gladly went to receive a lesson in love. Eutibida loved the child with great pleasure, of such an age that he had just reached the size to give pleasure
  girl. Although she was old enough to be Albert's mother, she looked so innocent and juicy that Albert was immediately thrown into a love fever.
  Eutibida, however, wanted to finish faster this time. and there she began to shower the handsome boy Albert with kisses. Then she saddled him ... And carried him in a furious gallop. Albert rode on the swing of happiness. He was amazingly good and just wonderful. The pleasure is indescribable. And the boy also squealed like a pig with delight, and moaned voluptuously
  from the wild orgasms of Eutibid. The hardest part will stop here. The Greek woman was very good and she was carried away by the pursuit of pleasure. Albert, in the quarries, and gladiatorial constant and cruel training, developed phenomenal endurance in himself. So he was capable of a lot. And both lovers had sex for several hours.
  In the end, they were exhausted, and Eutibida fell asleep on the boy's muscular belly. Albert, by an effort of will, overcame sleep and dripped tincture into the glass of the Greek woman. After which Albert fell asleep with a clear conscience.
  Eutibida really woke up and mechanically stretched out her hand to the goblet of wine and quickly finished it. Then she made her way towards the exit. It is necessary to inform Crassus about the insidious plan of Spartacus. She is sure that she will take revenge on the leader of the uprising. Eutibida put on her sandals. She didn't want her legs to get rough. Although it is pleasant to tickle barefoot, round,
  rough heel to the boy. He's so handsome, and his callused sole hasn't quite lost any sensation and you can tickle this kid to laugh.
  It's a pity if such a boy is captured. But she will ask Crassus to give the boy to her, and he will become her house slave. And will please her until she grows up.
  And then she will send him to the quarries ... There is no better gladiator in the circus, he fights very well with swords and earns much more money in the arena.
  The girl jumped on a horse. But before she had time to drive away from the camp, she began to spin and fell off her horse. The sleepy berries worked.
  At dawn, Spartacus left the camp to hide in an ambush in the forest. Eutibida was found unconscious. It was not possible to bring her to her senses. The girl was fast asleep. And they put her in a wagon where the wounded are being transported.
  Albert was very pleased that he managed to save the army of Spartacus from danger. And that he has achieved a lot.
  In the meantime, Spartacus and Chris split up. The slaves erected significant fortifications, and therefore could withstand the assault of the army of Crassus. Spartacists hid all traces and disguised themselves.
  All random shepherds were captured and detained. So not even a fly will fly.
  Crassus really received information that Spartacus and Chris quarreled and moved with his army to cut across. He expected to crush Chris, and then seriously deal with Spartak.
  The army of Crassus was large, but at the same time disciplined. Spartacus himself also managed to train slaves, and they defeated large armies. And in his army were not only slaves.
  Many free citizens from the poor joined Spartacus. And it was truly a nationwide movement.
  Crassus advanced towards Chris. He with thirty thousand rebellious slaves locked himself in a fortified area. Crassus threw six legions into battle. They went to storm the high shaft behind which the rebels took refuge. Chris himself, fighting a little above average height, but very broad-shouldered and dexterous, one of the best gladiators in Rome, rushed into battle.
  She fought with two swords at once, and stood on the walls. Slaves threw pre-stored stones and pots with incendiary mixture. The Romans suffered significant damage, and now their attack bogged down. Many soldiers of the army of Crassus perished under the walls. Then Crassus ordered in a rage to throw eight more legions - almost all of his infantry. And the fierce assault resumed with renewed vigor.
  The Romans climbed forward, regardless of the losses. And literally threw all the approaches with their corpses. But they climbed and climbed. Chris fought with everyone.
  Albert also fought, who decided to stay with the rebels, who were almost three times inferior in number to the Romans, in order to cover them in the weakest place. Albert was a very agile and strong boy. His tanned and muscular body literally glistened with sweat. She fought like a real hero and showed unbending courage.
  And his bare heel thumps the legionary in the chin. That one will cut out. And again the boy cuts. The mill holds a reception with swords and the felled head of a Roman falls.
  That is his courage and strength.
  Albert is a tough kid. And here again the Roman soldiers fall and fall. And again the bare, round heel of the boy-prince breaks the legionary's jaw.
  Finally, Crassus throws his last reserve of fifteen thousand horsemen into battle. The whole army, and it, together with reinforcements from Rome, reached a strength of eighty-five thousand, thrown into the assault. And they are already overflowing.
  But Spartak, having guessed the moment in time, withdraws forty thousand infantry and eight thousand horsemen from the ambush. And a new battle begins. Slaves attack the Roman army
  to the rear. Both the blow and the onslaught are terrible.
  Spartak himself goes into battle. He fights with two swords to cut twice as much. A real giant, and as if woven from steel muscles. No one knows exactly how old Spartacus is.
  He was born free, but was captured as a boy. He was then only nine years old, but he looked twelve and was sent to the quarries. there he showed his extraordinary strength and endurance and was sold for a lot of money to the gladiators. The strongest and most dexterous slaves were often sold from the quarries to the schools of death. There could be
  get a big profit. And the one who became a gladiator got a chance for freedom. It was only necessary to survive after a hundred fights. Spartacus survived and became famous.
  And after receiving his freedom, he joined the Roman army as a legionnaire. There, for valor and courage, he will receive the rank of centurion, and several awards. But then when the Romans invaded
  Thrace fled, and fought already together with his compatriots. He was again captured, and was sold into gladiators without the right to release. But continued to shine in the arena
  And in the end he was seduced by the wife of Sulla, the beautiful Valeria. And after another resounding victory of Spartacus, she persuaded her formidable husband to pardon the hero.
  And Spartacus was free again.
  Yes, he was a great man. And he was considered the best gladiator in the entire Roman Empire. Now he was hacking so menacingly, like a real hero from an epic.
  The Romans fell under a double blow and specifically perished. And it was their total extermination. Crassus, of course, tried to save his own skin first.
  It is clear that in a sword fight he is not a rival to Spartacus. And now the Spartacists defeated the Romans.
  Albert, fighting, took and with his bare foot broke the jaw of a Roman general. Such a brave boy he was. And that was his heroic epic. How this brave boy fought.
  And how other warriors fought. Including Chris and Grannik and the rest. It was desperation and bloodshed. The army of gladiators won, and the army of the Romans perished.
  The moisture of the Roman Empire fell into the ground. And it was a real disaster.
  And Crassus on a black horse flowed away from the battlefield. And it was the defeat and extermination of a large army. More than thirty thousand Romans were killed and more than fifteen thousand were captured.
  In fact, the army ceased to exist so that it stood on the way to Rome. And now Spartak's path to the Eternal City is open.
  At one time, slaves refused to return to their native countries. And they wanted to go to Rome. And received an outstanding triumph in this world and a defeat in real history.
  This is how the wheel of fortune turns. And what will happen next...
  Albert did not have time to see this, because ... he woke up and was beaten by the overseer's scourge.
  Mikhail-Vladimir Gorbachev-Putin flew to China after sleeping. The conversation was constructive. But nothing concrete other than trade agreements. Unexpectedly, the Chinese offered their prisoners to Siberia and it suited them.
  Then Gorbachev-Putin returned and ordered the construction of monuments to Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.
  Then he went to bed again and saw;
  Albert walked towards the city. He expected a change in his destiny. And that gave him inspiration. Soon he will be sold like cattle. And it's beautiful.
  More like gross. Well, who wants to expose themselves to such humiliation.
  The boy stamped his bare feet on the sand and sang:
  - A proud descendant of kings,
  I'm delirious like a slave and a fool!
  And then the overseers beat him with a whip. I had to shut up. Again the august child was pulling a heavy cart, along with other children.
  The boy tried to imagine something pleasant.
  For example, he is a boy going on the attack on Attila's army attacking Rome. And he fights with swords, against the army of barbarians that creeps into the positions of the empire.
  Albert with his bare heel moved the leader of the attacking horde in the jaw. He fell down dead, and her teeth flew out of her mouth. And it's funny.
  Albert, fighting with enemies, held a mill with swords - cutting down the barbarians and sang:
  - No one could prove
  That we are all one...
  But believe there is a God
  And completely naive!
  Although the boy immediately remembered that he was wrong. Satan, that is, he sold his body to him. But how to fight with the horde. And the Devil in the form of a girl is so beautiful.
  Truly the most beautiful and perfect angel in the universe. Lucifer is luminous! This is truly power and strength.
  Albert imagined a girl in rags walking in the snow with her bare feet. And leaves graceful traces. Let's just say it's great.
  The boy felt like he was in a fairy tale. And he really wanted to jump and jump. Here they are, with two swords in their hands, rushes to the guard, which leads a girl through the snow.
  Of course, they torture her with cold in this way. Yes, and Albert himself in swimming trunks alone, and so desperately cut. He runs a mill with swords and cuts down three heads at once.
  Then he says:
  - We are the strongest in the world!
  And the boy throws needles with his bare toes, striking the guards.
  Then he takes the girl by the arms and says:
  - Come with me!
  A teenage girl asks him:
  - Who are you?
  The little boy replies with a sigh:
  -I'm a former prince!
  The girl resolutely declared, stamping her bare foot in the snow:
  - There are no former princes!
  Albert nodded in agreement.
  - Yes, I'm a slave, but the spirit of the king!
  And they, leaving traces of bare feet, moved through the snow. Something reminiscent of Kai and Gerda.
  The girl asked Albert:
  - Do you have a kingdom?
  The boy replied:
  - Yes there is!
  The girl nodded in agreement.
  And we will be kings!
  Albert confidently confirmed:
  - Yes, we will!
  That's how good it is to walk with your love. Let in reality you have burning sand under your bare rough soles, and in your fantasies you have icy snow.
  Yes, it must be said very cool. And you're a boy and you're fine.
  And now the prince again draws in his imagination how he fights. And bravely swings swords cutting through enemies. No, the Roman Empire will be eternal. One of the problems of Rome is the frequent turnover of emperors, and the lack of a stable dynasty. Here is the most stable system in the world: the Vatican, was able to exist for two thousand years while maintaining stability.
  But the Roman Empire didn't last that long. Although she had fabulous properties and vitality.
  And what would happen ... Albert imagined that he was saving the emperor, Julian, the Apostate. Who brought paganism back to Rome. And now let's say the terminator boy intervenes
  in the course of history ... And he cuts the Parthians with swords to save the emperor. And ancient Rome is victorious. So Parthia became a Roman province. And Julian rules so long that he manages to acquire sons and grandchildren. And his dynasty becomes stable and glorious. And Julian was called the great. And the fashion for Christianity has passed. Although it did not remain without influence.
  The main God and Creator of the Universe Chronus appeared in Rome. And he is the Father and creator of other gods. That is some semblance of monotheism. And there arose the Sons of God, the Roman emperors.
  Ancient Rome did not collapse, but rather existed for a long time, and humanity was united by the Romans into a single empire. Which began to explore space.
  Yes, it was really cool.
  Worldwide Roman Empire. And Archigomotheism has become the most fashionable religion - that God is first of all a man. And man really became the strongest creature in
  universe spreading across the galaxy. May it be so!
  Albert stamped his bare foot and squeaked:
  - Man, that sounds proud!
  And I thought that after all, people are miserable creatures that believed in Christ crucified as if He is an almighty God. In fact, to believe in such a thing is madness.
  And how do people believe this? Islam in this regard looks more logical and simpler and more attractive. Follow the rules of Islam and you will find a harem, a palace, feasts and slaves in eternity.
  Although to be honest, why does Allah need Namaz or Ramadan? Indeed, why? Or what gives Allah the Hajj to Mecca. Remove from Islam burdensome commandments such as
  a ban on wine and pork, and the whole planet will be drawn to it. And really, why is pork meat bad? It is tasty and the pork is early and cost-effective. And what a juicy and well-fed piglet!
  Albert said with a smile:
  - It is foolish to deprive yourself of good food because of a fairy tale!
  Yes, drinking is good too. Of course, in moderation and good wine. If you drink a little and red wine, then it is even useful. And not ink sigh or moonshine. Yes, and vodka is also useful if not abused!
  Albert sang:
  He was very thirsty
  He wanted to eat...
  He wanted a general
  Shine a fingal in the face!
  And then a whip fell on Albert. They say there is nothing for a naked slave to sing.
  But it's still much more fun. That's if you think about something native. And how people lose joy and peace because of faith. Oh, can people really become smarter and more progressive.
  And will they fly to the stars? And they will dissolve and degrade in a religious dope!
  Albert sighed heavily... Religion is not at all what he wanted. It is far better to sin and misbehave with impunity. This is truly the ultimate in sweetness.
  And when you fight with enemies and win, then even more so. And it's extremely cool.
  The boy sang with enthusiasm:
  - I love you sin and I hope it's mutual!
  And the boy was again whipped on the back ... Yes, you will not get bored ...
  They arrived in the city late in the evening. The slaves must be sold tomorrow. The boys were doused with water from a hose, fed ... Moreover, this time they gave food much more generously than usual, and fish, and meat, and vegetables and fruits were. We were taken to beds with straw and blankets. And they announced that the young slaves could sleep a little longer. And gain strength.
  In short, sleep handsome.
  And Albert fell asleep and saw the continuation of his wonderful dream about Spartacus and his uprising.
  . CHAPTER? 13.
  In fact, Crassus is defeated, and now the slaves are moving towards Rome and their army is growing. Within two weeks, more than twenty thousand slaves arrived in the army of Spartacus. And it grew to ninety-five thousand. The cavalry also replenished.
  Spartacus stood near Rome. The remnants of the army of Crassus, having received new reinforcements, gathered fifty thousand soldiers and settled in Capua. If the assault on Rome dragged on, they could come up to strike from the rear. The Senate, frightened by the defeat of Crassus, urgently recalled Pompey from Asia, and Lucum from Spain. But it took time to cover such long distances on ships. So now Spartacus was faced with a dilemma: to storm Rome, or to finish off Crassus first? He also occupied a fortified position in the city, and it was not so easy
  take Capua. And if you take it, then the losses of the rebels could be so high that there would not be enough forces for Rome.
  Albert advised Spartacus to take Capua first. And he, the boy, will try to find an underground passage there in order to capture the army of Crassus with a sudden blow.
  Spartacus agreed with this. Every day, thousands of slaves and poor people from among the formally free arrived to him. Slaves also fled from Rome.
  Albert put on a dirty woman's tunic and washed his white, luxuriant hair. So he looked more like a girl with her pretty face. He hung penny glass bracelets around his ankles and wrists. And he decided to enter Capua under the guise of a dancer girl. He also had a real girl with him: his sister Rhodopeia. The two dancing girls should have aroused less suspicion.
  In those days, war was considered not a women's business, and even more so not something that girls do. But boy spies are quite common and the Roman police are on the alert.
  Rhodopeia and Albert spanked with their bare feet. The weather was warm and I didn't want to wear sandals. Moreover, children in slavery completely lost the habit of shoes at any time of the year.
  Albert and his sister saw twelve thousand more just arrive at Capua, two legions of Roman soldiers brought in from the Eternal City, having arrived from there by sea.
  So Crassus, taking into account some more replenishment from the southern cities, should gather about eighty thousand soldiers. Leaving such an army in the rear is too risky...
  Rome is well fortified. It has a hundred and ten thousand free men who can carry serious weapons and are young and mature enough to defend themselves. So the Eternal City with its powerful fortifications is not so easy to take. And this must be understood.
  In any case, the siege of Rome could drag on and Crassus' thorn should have been pulled out. Spartacus already has more than a hundred thousand warriors, but a significant part of them are newcomers, and slaves who have just joined.
  Plus many more captured Romans. Spartak did not know what to do with them. Execution is too cruel. But they demanded protection and food. However, Crassus, wanting to replenish his ranks, offered a ransom in gold. However, Spartacus did not want to replenish the already rapidly growing army of Crassus.
  Albert understood that they had a difficult task and that it was not enough just to infiltrate the city. Children: a boy and a girl, approached the gate. They were pretty, fair-haired, and the soldiers forced the girls to dance for free and sing, threatening to rape them altogether. Alberta Eutibida taught me how to dance well, and Rodopeya knew how to do it like many girls.
  They were pinched and missed...
  Albert took a deep breath. Eutibida slept for three consecutive days and was very angry with Albert. But the heart of a woman is paradoxical. She suddenly realized how smart the boy was inflamed to him
  even more passion. And she fell in love even more, swearing no more harm to the cause of the rebels. Moreover, the image of Spartacus has faded, jealousy has been forgotten and she has a new passion, a young stallion Albert. This means that the emptiness of the soul will be filled.
  In addition, Eutibida herself was of the usual average height for a woman and did not like large men, maybe except for Spartacus.
  She hoped Albert wouldn't be too big. Big men make it harder to have fun in bed. But nothing the boy seems to be quite normal for his age,
  only very strong and with a muscular relief like Apollo. And how nice it is to hug and kiss with such a young one. When the skin is smooth, clean, hairless and so soft to the touch,
  like a girl. And kisses are so sweet with a boy.
  Eutibid, however, Albert does not dedicate to his plans just in case. And he walked along with his sister Rhodopeia along Capua.
  The girl asked him:
  - Well, where are we going to look for a hidden underground passage?
  The boy confidently answered:
  - We need to find the oldest inhabitant of the city. She probably knows where the underground passage is hidden.
  Rhodopeia giggled and replied:
  - The oldest inhabitant of the city, perhaps, and knows, if not insanity. How are we going to pay her?
  Albert confidently stated:
  Let's dance, or sing a song, or maybe both!
  The girl nodded in agreement.
  - If so, then we will find it for sure!
  Children stamped their bare feet on the heated cobblestones of the pavement. They went to the square and began to sing and dance. Also walk on your hands. The audience, mostly soldiers, gave a restrained applause. A few abandoned copper aces. Anyway, enough food. You can also buy sandals, but so far this is superfluous.
  Rhodopeia, choosing an older woman in the crowd, asked:
  -And who is the oldest inhabitant of Capua?
  She looked at the girl and asked:
  - And why do you need it?
  Rhodopeia honestly answered:
  - We are young and want knowledge!
  The woman replied with a smile:
  - If you want knowledge, you need to go to the oracle!
  The girl shook her head negatively.
  We need more knowledge!
  The woman looked at them suspiciously.
  - Aren't you spies of Spartacus by any chance? Maybe you should be handed over to the police to have your heels roasted?
  Rhodopeia replied with a smile:
  -Why do we need it? We are free citizens of Rome, and we earn good money for ourselves. And the slaves will win, there will be ruin and death.
  The woman sighed and replied:
  "Perhaps... I myself am afraid of these runaway slaves!" But if you want to meet the oldest resident of the city, then she lives near the temple of Venus. By the way, you can"t even say that she is a deep old woman. She was a priestess and served as a hetero at the temple. She knows a lot!
  Rhodopeia nodded.
  - Thanks! What is her house like?
  The woman confidently answered:
  - It's yellow, you'll find it right away!
  The girl nodded again, and approached the boy, squeaking:
  - Went!
  Albert replied:
  - Let's sing a little more. Seems like a good money flow.
  Rhodopeia was surprised:
  - Do you need money? Yes, all evil comes from money!
  The boy shook his head negatively.
  - All evil is not from money, but from their absence!
  The girl giggled and remarked:
  - Maybe you're right! But if we do not work, then we will not build happiness for ourselves!
  Albert shrugged his shoulders and remarked:
  - I, too, sometimes think, why did we start an uprising? All the same, happiness will not fall on people's heads. And it may turn out that we will destroy Rome. But the despotism of the empire
  be replaced by the dictatorship of every strong over every weak!
  Rhodopeia shrugged her shoulders and remarked:
  - Any kind of power is violence... And the lack of power breeds violence. So perhaps one despotism will replace another. And any despotism is better than complete anarchy.
  Think about whether Spartacus will become something like Caesar. And who was a slave will become a master, and a master a slave. But the essence of this does not change. Who was nobody, became everything?
  Or, conversely, nothing? And in general, in order for there to be happiness on planet Earth, you need to be an almighty God. For example, first of all abolish old age and make all people eternally
  young and beautiful. And people will build happiness after receiving immortality! Indeed, if you are forever young and beautiful, then you have nowhere to hurry. And the fact that people die is
  scary! And it's unfair - a person deserves to live forever!
  Here the children danced and sang a little more, collecting copper money. Then came to the temple of Venus. And then they started dancing. One of the legionnaires caught Albert by the leg and stroked him.
  The boy was disgusted, and he almost moved the libertine with his bare heel to the chin, but managed to restrain himself. The legionary tossed a silver coin and hissed:
  - Sleep with me ladies golden!
  Albert squeaked:
  - I `m A virgin! And keep my innocence!
  He smiled slyly and muttered:
  - Can be and mouth! I'll give you two golds!
  Albert jumped back. He felt that a little more and kill the lecher. Well, the storm raged passed.
  When they finished singing, the children went to the house of the former priestess and rang the bell.
  It was opened by a boy in a loincloth. He bowed and remarked:
  - Mistress does not like beggars!
  Albert shook his already rather heavy bag of coins.
  We are not beggars!
  The boy cheered up
  - Pass!
  The priestess lay on the couch. She did indeed look quite young, and her whites shone. So she looks thirty-five, well, no more than forty years old, a rather beautiful woman.
  She abruptly jumped up from the sofa, showing that she had not lost her playfulness and asked:
  - What do you want boy?
  Albert about gurgled:
  - I am a girl...
  The woman laughed.
  - I see you through! You are a boy and a spy for Spartacus!
  Albert replied with a smile:
  - Is it bad to help a just cause?
  The priestess logically remarked:
  - Well, you destroy the Roman Empire, and then what? There will be small states, but slavery and suffering will remain. And there may be more!
  Albert logically remarked:
  - So we want to build a just state, where there would be no slaves, and there would be no masters, and everyone would be equal!
  The priestess remarked:
  - All cannot be equal! You, for example, are a much stronger and more agile warrior than your peers! People are unequal from birth and therefore inequality is eternal!
  The boy nodded.
  - But we want to build a state in which everyone would have equal opportunities from birth. And that no one was sold into slavery. To have eternal freedom for everyone, and not to bring bloody sacrifices to the gods. So that all children go to school, and there is care for the elderly. And in the future we will develop science and invent medicines so that people will not grow old and overwork.
  The priestess nodded and shook her head.
  - Dreams... But who will hold the barbarians in their hands in case of victory?
  Albert confidently stated:
  - We will establish an elective democracy and a parliament. And we will give equal rights to everyone. Then there will be a democratic state, and the rich will be forced by law to share with the poor.
  And there will be socialism, and the kingdom of freedom and prosperity!
  The priestess shrugged her shoulders and remarked:
  - The world is much more complicated than it seems in dreams. But okay my boy! What do you want to know from me!
  Albert replied with a smile:
  - The place where the underground entrance to the city is located!
  The priestess nodded, winking.
  "Although I don"t really believe that the slaves will be able to build a just and happy kingdom, but ... So I"ll help!" But in return, you will make love to me handsome.
  Albert was confused.
  - But we have such a big difference in age!
  The woman, much older than she looked, nodded.
  - Yes it's big. I still remember Hannibal! But sex with young boys keeps me young! So you will give me a piece of your youth, invincible hero, and I will be young longer.
  Besides, I have never seen such a handsome boy as you. And the fire of passion is raging in me!
  Albert nodded in agreement.
  - Your will, madam!
  The woman nodded.
  - Well, come to me cockerel! Don't be afraid!
  The age difference was huge and Albert was embarrassed. But the skillful touch of an experienced woman aroused the boy. He worked selflessly. thrown from excitement then into a fever
  then in the cold. I had to work on languages, but Albert already had experience, and this is not disgusting with a woman for an overexcited boy. The former priestess moaned loudly from unheard of pleasure. I had to work for several hours.
  The priestess was temperamental and relentless. Albert felt terribly tired and kept at the limit of his strength. Finally tired, having had enough of a cascade of orgasms and a woman.
  And she cooed:
  - An underground passage in the temple of Venus directly under the altar. Open the door by pressing three times on the parrot's eyes. And there you go out and fish, where is the entrance and outside the city!
  Albert nodded.
  - Thank you very much!
  The priestess growled.
  - Thank you! I have never experienced such amazing pleasure! Just an indescribable pleasure!
  The boy nodded in agreement.
  - Yes, that's right class!
  The woman nodded.
  - Come on! Although no! Leave a bag of copper coins! This will be my payment for the lessons of love. And now it's getting dark. Until the temple is closed, go there as a prayer.
  Yes, and take a smaller copper coin from the bag. Pay at the entrance. And get oriented there!
  Albert nodded. Although I gave money, I felt annoyed. The old woman forced a very cute and muscular boy to sleep with her, and also took money for it.
  But at least the job is done.
  Albert and Rhodopeia left the dwelling. Albert rinsed his mouth in the fountain. And he felt that he really wanted to eat. But we must hurry before the temple of Venus is closed.
  Why is it not the first time for a slave to endure hunger.
  The boy and girl went into snoring. The guards at the entrance took a coin each and made them wipe their bare, dusty, almost childish, but hardened feet on a wet rag.
  Albert thought he was quite mature. He sleeps with women, kills enemies with a sword, and is a confidant of Spartacus, taking part in the military council. Some even say that he is the illegitimate son of Spartacus. although in fact in this dream his father is a Roman patrician from a noble family.
  When you rub your bare feet on a wet rag, it is pleasant and a little ticklish. But the guards lustfully look at your naked, tanned, clean-skinned legs.
  They think he is a girl. Is that too muscular legs, but beautiful. No wonder the priestess clung to him so. Albert suddenly thought that he could still remain a boy, since Satan is the master of his body. Plus that you will never become an old man, minus, you will not grow up. But if women love you, and adult men obey, then why freak out?
  Albert and Rhodopeia approached the altar. Bowed. The boy saw a parrot. Eyes of green glass, which an inexperienced person might well mistake for an emerald.
  And the plumage is gilded. Albert quickly reached out and pressed his eyes. One, then a second and a third... A smooth noise was heard, and the scout children quickly jumped into the passage under the slab.
  They ran down the corridor. It was dark. But Albert in the dark, to his surprise, saw like a cat, or even an owl, or maybe better. And he pulled Rhodopeia behind him.
  The tunnel was damp and cold. Albert is nothing, but Rhodopeia remarked:
  - It's cold and the mice are squeaking!
  Albert sighed.
  - Yes, it's not fun! Come quickly.
  They ran on. The boy pulled the girl by the hand. And here they rested against a stone slab. There was supposed to be a disguised underground exit. Rhodopeia remarked:
  - Why didn't you ask how to open the exit?
  Albert honestly replied:
  - After such stormy lovemaking, brains literally boil away. But don't be afraid. It is clear that you need to press something or turn something. Let's search and find!
  And the boy began to feel the tiles ... It took a decent time. Albert checked every crack and depression, carefully probing. And finally managed to catch something.
  Although I already wanted to eat strongly and drink too. The girl Rhodopeia also sighed heavily. She was hungry. Yes, and bare feet in the dungeon at night began to freeze when you stand still.
  And the girl jumped up to keep warm. Finally the boy found the lever and pressed it three times. And a powerful marble slab drove off. And the light hit the children's eyes.
  Dawn was already breaking.
  They were cold and hungry, happily climbed out into the sun. Now you can be happy. The task is completed and rather to Spartacus ...
  And the children ran as fast as they could, flashing their bare, pink, round heels. The girl fell behind, and the terminator boy took the lead. And finally, he rushed to the camp.
  Spartacus met him with a rhinestone and ordered the army to move. We decided to attack that very night. Crassus has over eighty thousand warriors. And of course, with almost equal forces, Capua cannot be taken by storm on the walls. And so you can strike a sudden blow.
  And Rhodopeia, lagging behind Albert, almost fell into the clutches of one of the legionnaires. Seeing a lonely, fair-haired and very beautiful teenage girl, the barbarian rushed after her.
  Barefoot, light legs of the girl did not allow to catch up. But she got angry. And when the legionnaire began to choke from fast running, Rhodopeia took out a needle and turned around with all her might
  stuck the bastard in the throat. And very cleverly hit right in the carotid artery. So this girl also knew how to specifically kill.
  Spartacus praised her. And even presented a gold coin with a portrait of Alexander the Great.
  After that, the army continued to move.
  Initially, everything went according to plan and like clockwork. The most experienced and strong warriors entered the passage first. They made their way to the temple of Venus and disabled the priests. Then thousands of slaves moved along the night Capua. But just at that moment, twenty-five thousand fresh soldiers approached Crassus. Four legions of five thousand each from the sea colonies, and a fifth from the city itself.
  In total, this made it possible to catch up with the army of Spartacus. True, the Romans in Capua were taken by surprise at night, and many thousands of legionnaires were killed immediately, failing to resist.
  And this allowed the rebels to seize the initiative. But it had to be cut pretty badly. Albert waved two swords at once, cutting off heads. Rhodopeia and brother Geta, used lighter sabers in battle.
  Other sisters also fought, and even Albert's mother. She was a physically strong woman who benefited from slavery and gained a beautiful figure.
  Albert, cutting down the Romans, sang:
  - Spartacus is a great valiant fighter,
  He raised the slaves against the evil yoke...
  I believe the dream will not end
  And happiness will not be a particle of the moment!
  So the brave boy and other warriors and warriors fought furiously. And the slashed fighters fall. In Capua, most of the Roman fighters were killed in the first hour.
  Most of the fighting took place on twenty-five thousand fresh warriors. But Spartak, confidently fighting with two swords, managed to surround them, taking advantage of the numerical superiority that had come.
  And it was a big win.
  Albert fought. Here is the naked, round heel of the boy broke another jaw of the Roman general. This is really a terminator boy. And so cut and destroy.
  And more and more soldiers of Rome fall dead, and with their heads blown off. And Spartak is cut with two swords and Chris. And Crassus cowardly runs away once again.
  And of course this is a big meanness. And the Roman army in a tough battle was partially killed, and partially captured. The rout was utter, no more than five could escape from Capua.
  thousand Romans. Some prisoners were almost thirty thousand. And their content has become a problem.
  In any case, now Spartacus's hands are untied and you can safely go to Rome.
  Vladimir-Mikhail, Gorbachev-Putin, waking up again began to take steps. In particular, he ordered that children go barefoot in the summer and save shoes. Women should also go barefoot.
  Men also got the right to have up to four wives, which is cool.
  Having made such reforms, Gorbachev-Putin fell asleep;
  Albert woke up from a lash on his bare, boyish feet. The overseer roughly pushed the almost naked boy and shouted:
  - Rise, slave!
  The former prince stood up with a sigh. His body was dry, wiry, and his skin was almost black from sunburn. Her hair, already blond, was burned out and was white as snow.
  He got up and went to breakfast with the rest of the slave boys. Breakfast, of course, was rather modest, porridge with vegetables. Especially in the desert, you can"t cook meat especially. And plus some more water.
  The slave boys swallowed their portion quickly. And then they approached the rope, and allowed themselves to tie their hands. And then they were again driven down the street.
  True, this time it was already close to the market and it promised at least some changes.
  People on the streets looked at the boys. There were also many local boys. They were different: in caftans, dressing gowns, and half-naked, and barefoot, and shod. Usually people are richer
  preferred shoes and even boots, despite the heat. Adult men, even from the poor, preferred sandals, but children and women, depending on their wealth.
  The poor barefoot, richer shoes. However, even the poor women were in overalls and covered faces, although they flaunted their bare heels. There were also boy slaves that almost naked or even completely naked stranded the streets.
  Here the young slaves were first taken to the bathhouse at the market. And washed them again. The boys' swimming trunks and loincloths were removed. And they were helped to wash by beautiful servant girls.
  Albert felt the shame and excitement of the young man, especially when he was rubbed with washcloths. The boys' dusty, hardened feet were scrubbed especially carefully. So they gave them a rinse
  mouth and brush your teeth. Wet hair combed. Some too shaggy boys had their hair cut. Albert felt strong excitement from the multitude of naked slaves.
  The same, as if they did not notice how excited and nervous the boys were. They were just preparing goods for bargaining and it was their duty.
  Albert's masculine perfection was aroused and swollen. And he felt very ashamed. And he covered it with his hands. Some of the boys also stood erect.
  They twitched violently, their faces were scarlet with shame and embarrassment.
  But bargaining is bargaining ... They sell slaves in Arabic, I teach them completely naked. So that the owner sees all the shortcomings. And no one cares about shame. Slave it first
  animal. Can an animal be ashamed? And does an animal have clothes? So get naked and go for all to see.
  The boys looked thin and wiry.
  In theory, it would be better to fatten them up before trading, but there is no time. should be sold now. Especially dry, and a skinny slave is usually more hardy than a well-fed one.
  Albert and the other boys were oiled up to make them shine and appear more muscular. Then they brought it to the market.
  There was an auction going on. They also sold women, and very beautiful ones, and young girls, and even girls. They sold both adult men, and young men, and even old people. Only old women
  they didn"t sell it - it"s disgusting.
  The boys were lined up and led out onto the platform. We started with the smaller ones.
  The first child to come out was eight years old. He was very thin, his ribs bulged out, and his head seemed large and his neck thin.
  Not an attractive specimen.
  The manager said:
  - One dinar starting price...Who will give more...
  A murmur went through the crowd of men with beards and women in burqas. Apparently, the boy was not impressed. They did not really want to part with the gold dinar.
  A man in a turban and a big belly said:
  - Let me take the whole batch of children from you for twenty dinars, and don't take too much time from us!
  The merchant shrugged his shoulders and replied:
  - There is one boy, the prince of a European country. it will be sold separately. And I'll give you all the rest for thirty dinars!
  The merchant in a luxurious turban growled:
  - Enough and twenty. Boys are good for working in mines and mines. But they are there quickly and die, not allowing them to properly pay for themselves.
  The merchant replied with a smile:
  - A couple of boys are handsome, they can be bought as servants for housework. And in general, let there be bargaining!
  Another merchant supported:
  -Let them withdraw the entire batch, and we will decide whether to buy or not to buy!
  Albert was left alone behind a screen, and the boys, naked, black with tans, were taken to the platform. A couple of them really looked decent. And there was a revival.
  Another merchant reported:
  - I give for all twenty-five dinars!
  The first merchant growled:
  - Thirty and that's the final price!
  Another merchant in a turban with rubies reported:
  - Then thirty-one dinars!
  The merchant raised his hammer and chanted:
  - Thirty-one dinars times, thirty-one dinars two, well, what more? Thirty-one dinars three!
  . CHAPTER? fourteen.
  The boys were driven towards the owner. They were sold like cattle. And it was a tough move.
  Now it's Albert's turn. A barefoot and naked boy was put up for auction. Albert really had a beautiful, albeit thin, but sinewy, embossed figure, and a sweet, childish, pretty face. He is generally a very handsome boy, although the ribs show through. His hair is white, slightly golden and neatly cut.
  The overseer called out:
  - Open your mouth boy!
  The Boy Prince opened...
  The overseer exclaimed:
  - See what white, clean, strong teeth he has. We start bargaining with fifteen dinars!
  One of the merchants shouted:
  - Let him lift the stone!
  Albert was led to a stone that was used to measure the strength of the slaves. The boy with difficulty tore it off the floor, and threw it on his chest. And lifted, with a push, helping with his feet over his head.
  The merchant nodded.
  Not bad for his age! I give you sixteen dinars!
  The other man grinned and said seventeen!
  There was an exclamation - eighteen!
  The merchant spoke again:
  There was a pause. Albert stands completely naked, and suddenly he felt humiliating and ashamed of this. Excitement set in from shame, and male perfection began to rise.
  A woman in a rich veil gurgled about:
  - Twenty-five dinars!
  Ridiculous jokes were heard.
  She has found a real man!
  - This is a new toy!
  The merchant nodded and began to say:
  - Twenty-five dinars times, twenty-five dinars two... Well, who is more.
  The merchant who previously bought all the slaves grunted:
  - Thirty dinars!
  The neighbor asked in surprise:
  - For one as for twenty boys?
  The merchant nodded.
  - I feel it is worth it!
  The merchant began to howl:
  - Thirty dinars times, thirty dinars two...
  The woman interrupted and growled:
  - Thirty-five dinars!
  The merchant nodded.
  - That's right, thirty-five dinars once, thirty-five dinars two...
  The merchant spoke again:
  - Forty dinars!
  The merchant sang forty dinars once, forty dinars two....
  A woman in a rich veil squeaked:
  - Forty-five dinars!
  The merchant chimed in:
  - Forty-five dinars once, forty-five dinars two...
  The merchant growled:
  - Fifty dinars!
  His neighbor said in surprise:
  - Fifty dinars for a boy? For this money you can buy a good girl!
  The merchant grinned.
  - And he, like the girl is good!
  The woman shouted:
  - Sixty dinars!
  The merchant did not yield:
  - Seventy!
  The women called out:
  - One hundred dinars!
  A dinar is a coin made of gold, and one hundred dinars is already a considerable amount, and there was a pause.
  The merchant raised his hammer and began to chant:
  - One hundred dinars times! One hundred dinars two! Whoever will give more than one hundred dinars three ... And before the hammer fell, the first merchant blurted out:
  - One hundred and ten dinars!
  The audience whistled...
  The merchant raised his hammer and said:
  - One hundred and ten dinars times, one hundred and ten dinars two...
  The woman said harshly:
  - One hundred and twenty dinars!
  The first merchant who offered twenty dinars for the boys sarcastically inquired:
  - Don't you want too much for a cockerel?
  The woman said emphatically:
  - It's my business! And why do you need an old stump!
  The merchant with the turban adorned with emeralds answered:
  - You'll find out more! Well, one hundred and thirty dinars!
  The woman did not yield and growled firmly:
  - One hundred and forty!
  The merchant muttered:
  - One hundred fifty!
  The woman said emphatically:
  - Two hundred dinars!
  The merchant whistled:
  - Yes, for such money you can buy yourself a slave of rare beauty. Don't you think your husband, Emir, would be furious if he found out how much you spend on a cute boy!
  The woman remarked harshly:
  - I brought the emir his position and wealth, he knows that he owes it to my father! But why do you need this beautiful boy?
  The merchant grumbled in response:
  - Three hundred dinars!
  The woman replied with a smile:
  - Four hundred!
  The merchant barked:
  - Five hundred!
  The woman said harshly:
  - A thousand dinars!
  A rumble passed through the ranks of merchants and traders. One of them remarked:
  - The boy is handsome, but why so much for him. Rarely, when the women of the first beauties paid so much!
  The merchant confirmed:
  - For a thousand dinars, your husband will definitely skin you!
  The emir's wife in the veil replied:
  - And you will be even worse lustful goat!
  Cooper growled:
  - Two thousand dinars!
  The woman, without giving in, replied:
  - Three thousand!
  The merchant boomed:
  - Four thousand!
  The woman threw:
  - Five thousand!
  The merchant yelled at the top of his lungs:
  - Ten thousand dinars!
  There was a heavy pause ... The amount for the price of one slave was unprecedented. And a noise went through the crowd of merchants. It really seemed very stupid to pay so much for a boy
  about thirteen years old, albeit very handsome and muscular ...
  Moreover, Albert's masculine perfection has fallen. The woman suddenly felt disappointed in her new toy and fell silent. Isn't that really too much?
  The merchant, seeing the pause dragging on, raised his gavel and began to say:
  - Ten thousand dinars once, ten thousand dinars two, who will give more? Ten thousand dinars - three! But before the hammer had struck, a voice was heard:
  - One hundred thousand dinars!
  Everyone looked back. A man in black and a special suit entered the hall. His face was covered with a black mask.
  The merchant was speechless and froze, frozen in perplexity.
  The man in the black cloak and mask confirmed:
  - One hundred thousand dinars!
  The merchant nodded in agreement.
  - Of course great! And he began in a chant: one hundred thousand dinars once, one hundred thousand dinars two ... Who will give more? Three hundred thousand dinars! Sold to a gentleman in a black cloak and mask!
  Here the merchant intervened and said:
  This person is unknown to us! Does he have such a huge amount!
  The man in the black cloak and mask said:
  - There are bags of gold on the camels! Just enough to pay for this boy! You can count if you want!
  The merchant nodded.
  - From yours! You can own it however you want! Considering how much you paid, I can offer a chain to him for free!
  The man in the black coat nodded.
  - The chain will not hurt for the youngster! In the meantime, have fun!
  Albert winced. A collar with a chain was fastened around his neck and the end was handed over to the new master. There is something very sinister and evil about him. And the boy felt that this was not good.
  The man in the black mask and cloak pulled his chain and growled:
  - Well, send my new slave! Let's see if you justify the hopes and costs.
  Albert dutifully followed him. They took him outside. Here, in fact, sacks of gold were unloaded from camels. Albert thought: why did they pay such a crazy amount of money for him?
  If for ten dinars you can buy a good adult male slave. Here are twenty boys gone for thirty-one dinars. Only for women of wondrous beauty sometimes
  the price went over a thousand dinars.
  But for one slave or slave - pay a hundred thousand! This is unthinkable! After all, such an amount is the whole treasury of the ruler. Albert was chained to an elephant, which was mounted by his new master.
  And four horsemen vigilantly watched the boy. And Albert was on his way again. His bare, hardened soles slapped the pavement. He was naked and skinny
  and people looked at him and laughed.
  How much to pay for a boy? Could it be wild love?
  Albert walked and thought. Why was the merchant ready to pay ten thousand dinars for it? Not for the sake of being sent to the quarries. And not for bed comforts.
  Surely he knows something about the origin of Albert. That he is the prince of a rich country. Maybe the merchant expected to take a ransom from Albert? Or sell it to your own father-king?
  This version looked quite plausible. Although it remains to be seen whether you will receive a ransom, and ten thousand dinars - the price of a thousand adult slaves - must be paid now.
  May the ways of the Lord be inscrutable.
  Though whether this God exists or not... Albert coughed. Well, no, he sold the body to Satan, which means that God must exist! How else? If there is a shadow
  there must be light. It may be that there is no shadow if there are several lights. But there is always light in the shadow.
  Albert took a deep breath. I thought, and why did they give a hundred thousand for it? In any case, not in order to kill so easily, and this is a plus. but suddenly happen to him
  something more terrible than death? And this is a minus! Suddenly they want to use him as a girl?
  Albert sighed heavily and quickened his pace. They went outside the city and moved through the desert. The boy walked to himself and tried to imagine something more cheerful ...
  Any kind of campaign, wars, medieval fights.
  The boy imagined the time of Richard the Lionheart. There he already fought in his dream and defeated everyone. And now imagine how the order wants to burn the unfortunate Jewish girl there
  Rebekah. She's so beautiful and innocent. She has so much charm and warmth. But the girl was taken to the fire, surrounded by guards. Her figure looked pale.
  The girl walked with quiet steps, and her beautiful face seemed calm, although it is clear that fear and anger flare in her eyes.
  All decorations and bright oriental fabrics were removed from her. Rebekah's head was left uncovered, except for two black, rather long braids that went down the white robe.
  The girl's small feet were bare. And it was evident that Rebekah was suffering as if from a moral humiliation: her rich Jewish woman was forced to walk barefoot, like a beggar commoner.
  So it is physically. The day turned out to be cloudy and it was quite chilly, and the girl's bare soles were not used to sharp stones and gravel of the road. Rebecca began to wince and
  limp on both legs. She certainly wasn't used to walking barefoot, especially in Britain, where even in the summer it wasn't too warm and it was often overcast. And he is the daughter of Palestine with
  warmer and drier climate.
  Yes, and it is humiliating when men see bare, round, slightly dusty heels and even let out malicious jokes. Of course, they took off all the jewelry from Rebecca and took off her shoes, not because they wanted to.
  special humiliate.
  The monks were afraid that she might have amulets and talismans, which Satan supplies his adherents to prevent repentance even under torture.
  And for the execution of women suspected of being witches, they were taken barefoot. So they seemed to have reduced demonic power. The earth is God's, and when bare feet touch it, the witch
  is charged with Divine energy and loses part of its power. In any case, Rebecca, barefoot and dressed in white of the coarsest linen, made a touching impression.
  Many women looked at her and wondered how beautiful she was even in the modest clothes of a suicide bomber led to the fire. And how graceful and chiseled her bare feet are,
  to which dust does not stick, roads. And that her natural beauty of bare girlish legs is much more beautiful than shoes studded with diamond jewelry.
  Here Rebecca is limping all the time, knocking down her bare, tender legs, approaches a stack of firewood and straw. Here it must be burned. And before the execution, they are tied to a pole and put on chains.
  Of course, it hurts when a chain sticks into a tender girl's body. And how chilly it is to stand motionless on a cool day at sunset in cloudy weather. When the sun is only
  only occasionally peeps through the clouds. In addition to the hoodie, Rebecca has nothing on her body. The nun girls took everything off to the skin, and gave a hoodie purely for the sake of decency.
  So it"s still chilly to stand still chained, and sick from chains, bare feet get cold from the wind, and ache from the tension of a standing position.
  Now Rebekah's only hope is for a protector. The best warrior of the Knights Templar Brian must fight against him. Which is distinguished by great strength and endurance.
  However, Ivanhoe managed to knock him out of the saddle. But now he is seriously injured. Also, Richard the Lionheart can compete with Briand, but he cannot fight for a Jewess, more precisely
  is unlikely to want - this is not a royal business.
  So Brian is calm and confident that he can defeat anyone. And then the impudent girl who rejected his love will simply be burned. And scatter the witch's ashes. Then they sleep and
  her morocco boots, embroidered with pearls, and clothes with all demonic ornaments.
  Briyan looks at Rebekah. How beautiful she is, tied to a pole like this, or rather chained. And it looks how touching, and uniquely dramatic.
  And time goes by. The girl freezes and twitches. Her chains rattle. It can be seen that it gives her suffering to stand chained to a pole. The girl's bare feet were reddened from the cold.
  How uncomfortable she is. And how scared she must be...
  The fire, of course, will warm and the flame will predatory lick the girlish, round heel. And the smell of shish kebab will be heard, as if roasting lamb. And it will become so excruciatingly painful.
  And the girl screams. And the flame will rise, higher and higher. She will burn her white robe and the whole crowd will see her completely naked and chained.
  And the white skin will blister, turn red. And then it starts to slip. And the meat will be fried, and hiss like in a frying pan. And it will just hurt amazingly.
  And Rebekah will cry out in unbearable suffering. And now meat will fall off from her bones. And the bones are exposed, blackening. And the girl from the pain shock will lose consciousness and calm down. It will be quiet forever. And her soul will fly to a special hell for the Jews. For unbaptized Jews there will be hell. Where they will be tormented according to their deeds.
  And apparently Rebekah, as an innocent soul, will not be punished so severely. They will flog her, beat her with sticks a little on her bare, round heels. And then thrown into the dungeon. And Rebecca will sing there
  and praise their Jewish saints. From time to time, jailers-devils will come to her and beat her with sticks again on her bare, elegantly shaped heels. Because sinners must receive
  on the heels as painful as possible.
  And they will flog her with rods, and then, like a witch, fry her with a spark. Scorching her beautiful breasts like two melons.
  Knight Brian dreamed. And time passed ... and now the last hour of the arrival of the defender is running out.
  The Grand Master of the Order gives the signal for the start of the execution.
  Here the executioner strikes a spark with a flint, and lights a torch soaked in saltpeter. Rebekah cries out in fear and at the same time in investment. She was so chilled in the wind that she simply trivially wants to keep warm.
  Although it is clear that the fire will warm only for a moment, and then it will scorch and burn, and skin and skin and meat.
  The executioner had already begun to bring the torch to the straw, as the crowd roared. In the distance, a small white horse was racing, and on it was a small rider.
  The Grand Master of the Order shouted:
  - Stop the executioner!
  He froze literally an inch from the straw. Sir Brian was indignant:
  - he is late! The deadline for the arrival of the defender has expired!
  The grandmaster answered angrily:
  - Are you afraid to fight the boy?
  The grandmaster's retinue murmured approvingly:
  - Fight right! What was the coward afraid of!
  Brian said angrily:
  - I'll beat the hell out of him!
  The Templar thought at first that it was still Ivanhoe, despite the wound, who wanted to fight him. But this warrior was even smaller and shorter than the former offender, Sir Briana.
  Yes, the horse was different. And the armor...
  Well... Brian's heart was relieved. Rumors had not yet reached him that this boy of thirteen had won a jousting tournament: having knocked off his horses and Richard the Lion
  Heart and Ivanhoe. Yes, in those days there was no mail. And rumors were attributed that if the tournament was won by a real giant, and not some kind of boy.
  So Sir Brian was calm.
  And confidently said:
  - I accept the challenge!
  His confidence increased even more when Albert took off his helmet and everyone saw his childish, handsome face, blond hair and blue eyes.
  One of the women even shouted:
  - Have pity on the child!
  The grandmaster asked Albert:
  "Do you really want to fight the glorious Sir Briant, boy?"
  The young prince confidently declared:
  - Yes, and save Rebekah!
  The grandmaster doubted:
  - But Sir Brian is our best knight, and you are just a child! Are you strong enough?
  Albert replied harshly:
  - Scolding will show what kind of child I am!
  The grandmaster turned to the bound Jewess:
  - Are you ready to recognize this young man as your protector?
  Rebekah answered with a groan:
  - Give what you want!
  The grandmaster nodded.
  - OK then! Get started! Which spears do you prefer - blunt or sharp!
  Sir Brian barked:
  - Of course same acute!
  Albert nodded.
  - Let them be sharp - if life is not dear to him!
  The templar chuckled.
  - Self-confident like all teenagers! Let's see how I knock you off your horse!
  Albert answered logically:
  - Do not boast, riding on the army, but boast, riding with the army!
  The grandmaster shouted:
  - Hurry up! The chained girl is freezing!
  The knights departed. The templar has a large horse, a black one, and he himself is large in black armor. And Albert's armor is like a mirror, the horse is small, but very fast and white like
  snow. Like a duel between good and evil, between black and white.
  The templar remarked harshly:
  - I want to kill him, and at the same time I feel sorry for the child!
  Here they parted. If Sir Brian had known what a serious and dangerous opponent he had, he would not have been so self-confident. Albert also understood that his enemy was strong, and few
  inferior to Richard the Lionheart. But if you defeated the most legendary king, what is a templar to you?
  Both warriors, at the signal of the gong, rushed towards each other. There was even a pile of dust. Rebekah whispered:
  - O Great Jehovah, save the child!
  Albert took a blow to the shield and slid off the spear to the right, and he himself hit the enemy on the visor, accelerating the movement by bending the hull. This is a blow that brilliantly held in
  Ivanhoe spent his time no worse, and maybe even better, accelerating the movement with his strong, young torso. And Sir Brian flew like a sack from a horse.
  The audience screamed with delight, and the women gasped. Everyone thought that the best knight of the order would bring down the boy, but suddenly it turned out to be...
  Sir Brian fell and desperately tried to get up, but his body in armor did not obey well.
  The grandmaster announced:
  - The judgment of God has come to pass! Young warrior, what is your name?
  The boy bowed and replied:
  - Albert!
  The grandmaster continued:
  - Albert! He defeated the best warrior of the order and saved the Jewish woman Rebekah, the daughter of Isak, who was accused of witchcraft. Now she is free and her old clothes and jewelry are returning to her!
  The assistant whispered in the ear of the head of the order:
  "Maybe we can confiscate her property to the treasury?"
  The Grandmaster growled:
  - Don't be stupid! This is perfidy! Come on, take the chains off the girl and untie the pole!
  Warriors and executioners joyfully began to unwind the chains with which Rebekah was chained! The music played. The people were happy, especially the women. Really how cute is this
  a Jewish girl, that she was saved causes only joy.
  Albert bowed to the grandmaster and said:
  - Justice has triumphed!
  The grandmaster agreed:
  - Here it is the highest judgment of God! And now, my knight, perhaps you will feast with us! And would you like to enter the service of the order?
  Albert shrugged.
  "I am a prince and I serve my kingdom!" As for the feast... Excuse me, but first I will deliver Rebekah under my guard to her father. And then she could be kidnapped again. The forests are full
  robbers and adventurer knights!
  The grandmaster nodded.
  - Good luck! But know dear to the service of the order is always open!
  Rebekah was taken back to her cell, where she was to be given her old clothes and confiscated jewels. The girl, in joy, spanked her bare, chiseled legs, not
  feeling the sharpness of the stones, and the cold, although it was getting dark... And the sun disappeared behind the horizon. Naked, pink, what surprisingly clean, round heels of the girl flickered.
  She went to the execution quietly with difficulty keeping calm. And now she was joyful and literally fluttered. And she looked even more beautiful. Her face was no longer so pale,
  but became pink with excitement, and added colors and beauty. And this girl now resembled a playful child.
  Albert sang with delight:
  Who is used to fighting for victory,
  Let him sing along with us ...
  Who is cheerful, he laughs
  Who seeks will achieve
  Who seeks will always find!
  So Rebekah ran into the cell. The nuns followed her to help her get dressed. Albert got off his horse. He was offered a goblet with good aged wine.
  A natural and sweet thing, this wine tastes very good.
  Albert drank it with pleasure and felt a surge of strength. He was great and fun. I wanted all sorts of feats. The boy even sang:
  - Get used to fighting in any way,
  At least a few bottles have seen the bottom ...
  But we did not happen to fall in love -
  A long time ago! A long time ago!
  A long time ago!
  Rebekah is back. He limped heavily. In boots, downed legs are uncomfortable. She threw a shawl over her face, and now her beauty was hidden.
  Her dress is really bright and has a lot of jewelry on it. The monks and nuns did not steal anything. And it looked really great. More precisely, Albert
  I liked it better when Rebekah was in a white robe and barefoot. Her bare feet gave the boy the excitement of a young man. And so ... He saw a lot of similar
  women in jewelry and it didn't turn me on.
  Albert sang:
  - About this barefoot girl,
  I couldn't forget...
  It seemed the stones of the pavement,
  They torment the skin of tender legs!
  And the boy laughed ... Rebecca winked at him, which, however, imperceptibly and cooed through the veil:
  - Will you accompany me my knight?
  Albert nodded.
  - Yes, my lady!
  Rebekah said emphatically:
  - Just be quiet on the road! I want to hear some silence! And enjoy nature!
  Albert logically remarked:
  - Silence is golden, only because of the ease of extraction, it fell in the sample to a level below the ringing copper of eloquence!
  Rebekah squeaked:
  - Shut up anyway! And take me to my father.
  The boy and girl rode on horseback. Rebecca sat nimbly in the saddle and moved slowly. The boy was silent, but he could hardly restrain himself. He really wanted to talk to her
  and ask a lot of questions. But I had to keep my mouth shut.
  The boy-prince still audibly said:
  - Silence is golden, the word is silver, eloquence is copper, and swearing turns into lead rain!
  . CHAPTER? fifteen.
  Mikhail-Vladimir Putin-Gorbachev again began to make a return to Stalinism.
  Increased the term of service in the army to three years. Introduced military ranks and in production.
  By the way, he liked the idea of Trotsky's labor armies. Further toughened criminal liability for being late, and for appearing drunk on the street, and for smoking in public places.
  Further, they began to plant people for thrown cigarette butts and cellophane and paper bags.
  Next was put forward a program to combat excess weight.
  After that, Mikhail-Vladimir Gorbachev-Putin fell asleep;
  Prince Albert's thoughts were interrupted. He was near a desert oasis. It was already evening and getting darker. The caravan stopped.
  Albert was untied, taken to eat and given a drink. The boy drank the water with pleasure. For dinner, he was given porridge and dried fruit.
  Albert ate. They gave him a blanket to lay on the sand. And the boy, tired from the road, took it and fell asleep. Meanwhile the man
  wearing a black mask took out a special magic crystal and looked at it. He was now able to observe the boy's unique dreams. What about money? This is
  fake gold. Right now, gold coins are starting to become lighter and melt like ice. And a unique boy can be very useful to a sorcerer.
  Albert again dreams that he is in the army of Spartacus. Crassus is now completely defeated and nothing prevents the slaves from attacking Rome. This must be done before profit
  Lokum and Pompey. And they have a hundred thousand troops each. After the victories, Spartacus has a huge replenishment of slaves, gladiators, and the poor. Even many cities
  troops began to be sent to the leader of the rebels. And this is serious.
  Albert is again with Eutibida. A strong muscular boy and a graceful Greek beauty. They ride side by side on white horses. The army of Spartacus has
  already more than one hundred and fifty thousand fighters. But many of them are newbies. Although weapons, thanks to the captured trophies, are quite enough. But the army is pretty raw.
  A lot of teenage slaves spanking with bare feet. Usually, beardless youths are not given even sandals in the warm season.
  Eudibida noted:
  - Rome is well fortified, especially the Capitol. And it is protected by about a hundred thousand warriors. True, some of them are militia. It won't be easy to take it!
  Albert logically remarked:
  - A significant part of the population of Rome are slaves. They can be raised to revolt!
  Euthydis agreed with this:
  - Of course you can! But someone needs to organize it!
  Albert suggested:
  - I can do it! As they have already done in Capua!
  The Greek woman and ex-slave nodded.
  - Which is quite possible ... So act the same!
  The boy nodded and confirmed:
  - My sister Rhodopeia and I will penetrate into Rome, and then we'll see!
  The army of Spartacus grew rapidly. And on the go was the training of recruits. Rhodopeia amassed a whole legion of their slave girls. They were first taught to shoot a bow and
  throw light darts. And of course it was a good idea. There were also legions of slave boys. Although usually Spartak tried not to take children. But there are a lot of young slaves and they need to be attached somewhere. Just like there are even more women slaves than men. Many slaves believed in the imminent end of the war. And everyone arrived in the army of Spartacus
  thousands of slaves, poor people, allies. Including women with children. And the army grew rapidly. Some replenishment was given by free people from those cities
  Italy that did not want to live under the rule of despotic Rome. And warriors come with combat experience and with their weapons. And I have to say, it's really cool.
  But there are a lot of boys, girls and girls in the army. Slave women didn"t stick like that before, but now they run to Spartak in tens of thousands. Usually they are barefoot, and in torn tunics, some are almost completely naked, in some loincloths. And there are also completely naked, especially slaves from Africa. Here are the herds.
  Eutibida also went to train the girls.
  Albert met Rhodopeia. And he offered to come with her to Rome under the guise of itinerant artists.
  The girl remarked:
  - The risk is too great! In Rome, the vigilance of the guards is high!
  Albert nodded.
  - Of course! But the city is a real citadel with a hundred thousand warriors, and it is not so easy to take it. But if the slaves inside the city helped us...
  Rhodopeia noted:
  - Maybe that's a good idea. But you didn't even have a mustache. Slaves may not listen to children! Moreover, Spartak may come up with something more real!
  Albert nodded in agreement.
  - I believe in the genius of Spartacus, but I want to fight the enemy myself! And win with your ingenuity!
  Rhodopeia noticed with a smile that she has such white teeth:
  - And you know, it won't hurt to scout! Let's examine the fortifications of Rome and find where they are most vulnerable...
  The boy prince nodded.
  - That's a good idea!
  The children moved in the direction of the Eternal City. However, there was a skirmish. Two legions marched towards Rome from Africa. These are twelve thousand foot soldiers, and three thousand horsemen.
  Their commander, the proconsul Viskunt, of course, did not want to engage in battle with Spartacus and tried to bypass the rebel army that bypassed Rome.
  But the scouts reported that there was a legion of half-naked girls ahead. From which the eyes of the legionnaires, hungry to the female body, caught fire. And Viskunt gave the order to capture the slaves, himself probably wanting to have fun with them.
  But Spartak has good intelligence. Boys on fast ponies, masquerading, look for all the roads that go to Rome. And of course, Viskunt's troops spotted it. And when
  the Romans tried to poke their nose at the girls, as before them there were no less than a hundred thousand slave slaves. and those in the very first minutes surrounded the Romans.
  And the battle went on.
  Understand Albert and Rhodopeia took part in it. The boy brandished a pair of swords, and cut off the head of the Roman centurion, saying:
  - Glory of Freedom awaits us!
  Rhodopeia moved the Roman with her bare, round heel to the chin and knocked him down, cooing:
  - Glory to the Gods of the people!
  The boy and girl broke up in earnest. And their swords flashed like the blades of a helicopter. They are a very combative and aggressive couple.
  Albert cut off the head of a Roman legionnaire and squeaked:
  - For Spartacus!
  Rhodopeia also cut off the head of the Roman and noted:
  - No need to make God out of a simple person! Spartacus is just like us!
  The boy prince cut down another legionnaire and growled:
  - Then for us!
  The girl, chopping opponents, giggled:
  - Here for us it is possible!
  The numerical superiority of the Spartacus army was too great. Spartak himself, waving two swords, entered the battle. But he did not have time to cut properly. The Romans were exterminated, a couple of thousand
  the surviving legionnaires fell to their knees and surrendered. And so ended in a generally interesting, but side battle. True, an extra fifteen thousand legionnaires could strengthen the defense of Rome.
  So everything went according to plan. Both Albert and Rhodopeia moved on to the Eternal Year. Albert had never seen Ancient Rome before, and he wanted to see the very
  major city of antiquity. The boy and girl carried with them the simple belongings of the actors and the white poodle. The latter was a real circus dog, and he knew how to do some tricks.
  The boy and the girl slapped the pebbles with their bare feet and sang:
  - Only in the struggle can happiness be found,
  Spartacus steps ahead!
  Spartacus steps ahead!
  The boy and girl are getting closer to Rome. You can see what high walls and towers it has, on which catapults are installed. It's not easy to take such a city.
  However, the children are moving. And they even sing:
  - But the pulsation of the heart and veins,
  Tears of our children's mothers...
  they say - we want change -
  Throw off the yoke of slave chains!
  The son of the earth will say no in response,
  I will never be a slave...
  I believe there will be freedom dawn -
  The wind will refresh a fresh wound!
  For sacred freedom in battle,
  The great Spartacus himself calls...
  Rise valiant knight in the early hours,
  Let the sun of truth shine!
  The entrance is full of guards. And the legionnaires in armor look at the children with suspicion. Albert is too muscular, and looks more like a warrior than a tramp.
  The senior legionnaire asked Albert:
  - Who are you kid?
  The boy prince replied with a smile:
  - I am a gymnast and an acrobat!
  The head of the guard ordered:
  - Walk on your hands!
  Albert stood on his head and ran. Her bare, tanned legs with dusty heels flashed in the sun.
  The boy himself was tanned and very handsome. The head of the guards nodded.
  - Yes, you're good! I would like to have a slave like you!
  Albert, with a smile of white teeth, replied:
  - I am free!
  The head of the guard looked at him suspiciously and muttered:
  - Prove it! Whose personality are you?
  Albert slipped a piece of papyrus, a document from among the trophies seized by the rebellious slaves.
  The head of the guard looked and remarked:
  - Still, I can detain you, and even torture you. Do you understand it?
  Albert nodded with a sigh.
  - You have power!
  The senior legionnaire nodded.
  - So... Arrest them and invite the executioner.
  Rhodopeia cooed:
  -And me for what?
  The head of the guard remarked:
  - You are spies of Spartacus! I can feel it. Moreover, Spartak's right hand boy is very strong, dexterous and fair-haired. I don't think you are. Legionnaire noted:
  - Right! We have heard of a boy who fights as far as grown warriors. It is quite possible that he personally went to reconnaissance!
  The senior legionary nodded.
  - Take them!
  Albert was confused. He didn't expect to be suspected so quickly. At the same time, he didn't want to give himself away. Rhodopeia also did not resist. The guys were captured.
  And they tied Albert's hands, so much so that they brought their elbows together. The boy groaned in pain, but held back a groan, even though his shoulders twisted. They did the same for Rhodopeia.
  The girl whimpered in excruciating pain. But then she pressed her lips together. Yes, it hurts. And they were taken to the basement. The Romans decided to torture them immediately. Not postponing the matter indefinitely.
  And the torture cellar was located right in the fortress wall.
  Albert was annoyed that he never saw Ancient Rome. however, he might see it. Don't panic. The boy, going downstairs, tried to breathe evenly.
  All is not yet lost. Maybe if he survives the torture, they will let him go. It's true, I feel sorry for Rhodopeia. Will the girl be tortured too? Although the Romans are certainly cruel.
  They were led into a hotly accumulated room. The fireplaces were burning, the smell of burning meat was felt. Numerous torture instruments were hung on the walls.
  A whole arsenal for torture. A new cruel torture was being prepared.
  The children were taken to the center. The executioner looked at them with a grin. Two scribe boys in white tunics nodded and prepared goose quills to write confessions.
  The executioner looked at Albert and asked the guard:
  - Is that a scout?
  The legionnaire nodded.
  - Yes, they caught two scouts!
  The executioner nodded.
  Let's start with the boy! He looks like he's insane!
  Legionnaire remarked:
  - Whip wean from insolence!
  The executioner ordered his assistants:
  - Fuck him!
  Albert was hooked under the rope and dragged to the rack. This torture device was very effective and widespread. First, the boy was raised.
  Albert felt the joints of his hands twist painfully. He began to bend over. But the executioners pulled him. And hellish pain pierced Albert in twisted joints.
  The boy cried out involuntarily, but clenched his teeth. Hands turned at the shoulders and turned up. The boy's bare feet left the floor.
  the executioner ordered:
  - And now five lashes at half strength!
  A torturer in a red robe took a whip from a bucket where wicker rods were urinating. First, he waved through the air. Then he landed a blow on Albert's back.
  compared to the pain in the shoulders and arms, not so scary. The skin is slightly swollen. The executioner hit a second time a little harder. But so that the skin does not burst. Then hit again.
  Rhodopeia squeaked:
  - Don't hit him!
  The senior executioner asked:
  - Do you recognize yourself as scouts?
  The girl shook her head no!
  The chief executioner nodded.
  - And the rack is waiting for you!
  Now lift the boy up to the ceiling and give him a good shake!
  The rope pulled tighter. Albert began to lift up. The boy felt an increase in pain. The ceiling in the cellar was high and rounded like an onion. The bricks were
  green and red, slightly cracked. One crack reminded Albert of something, but the boy didn't remember what exactly. And here he is at the top.
  And froze. The executioners have become smaller and not so scary. Then the rope was released. She flew down. Albert felt as if something had broken in him. And here it crashed.
  And froze on the floor. Albert's entire body, and especially his arms and shoulders, was in such pain that he screamed. The executioners laughed. Even the boy's eyes darkened from the terrible pain.
  The senior executioner asked with a vile smile:
  "Well, are you going to talk now?"
  Albert growled:
  - Shut up you bastard!
  The senior executioner yelled:
  - Ten lashes at full strength!
  This time the torturer hit Albert with all his might. The skin on the boy's back burst and blood poured out. With an inhuman effort of will, Albert held back his scream and breathed heavily.
  The executioner finished beating and looked at the older torturer.
  He ordered:
  - Legs in the block!
  The executioners immediately took the boy's bare feet and fixed them in an oak fixture. Then the senior executioner ordered:
  - Hang weights!
  The executioners with pleasure began to hang pood weights by the hooks. They did it quickly. Albert again felt an increase in the already severe pain in his shoulders and arms. The boy groaned.
  The senior executioner asked with a smile:
  - Will you speak, will you admit that you are a scout or will you be tortured further?
  Albert roared:
  - be damned!
  The chief tormentor ordered:
  - Lubricate his heels! Let's try the brazier for the boy!
  One of the executioner's assistants took out a vessel of olive oil. And the torturers began to smear the boy's bare, hardened feet.
  The chief torturer remarked:
  - And why is the girl standing here! Let's put her in a chair, and prepare a brazier too!
  One of the executioners asked:
  - Maybe, and her on the rack?
  The senior executioner objected:
  - The girl is more fragile, she can be maimed! Make the fire under her heels smaller too! We do not yet know whether they are guilty or not, to torture to death!
  Rhodopeia was put in a chair, and strongly tied. Then they raised her legs and began to smear the soles with olive oil.
  Here's Albert finished lubrication. And they brought a brazier with which the flame was spinning. The boy's rough, callused feet did not immediately feel the pain. But it burned.
  Having finished lubricating the soles of the girl, they put a smaller brazier under her bare, round heels. And he was very weak. They began to fry the bare, hardened, oiled feet of children.
  The torture was long and painful. Albert tried to think of something else to take his mind off the intense pain. For example, he, along with Spartacus, fights the Romans.
  There is a fierce fight going on. The boy, as always, with two swords. Runs a mill. And falls cut down, the head of a Roman with an unshaven and rough face. Then the boy will charge
  with his bare heel to the centurion's chin. And he falls. And then the Romans cut and fall again. And here is Eutibida, in her hands is a bow. And the Greek girl lets from the Romans
  arrow. And punches the enemy. He drops dead.
  And Eutibida sings:
  - He showed the light of freedom to the slaves,
  And ask the chain helped them ...
  After all, human slavery is shameful,
  And not the sacred Rock of God!
  That's such a fighting and very cool girl. A slave, but who bought her freedom, and became famous in history. And now fighting for the army of Spartacus.
  And here Rhodopeia is desperately fighting ...
  And he also beats enemies without weakness and pity.
  Albert, on the other hand, holds a butterfly reception with swords. And cut off heads fall from the shoulders of legionnaires. And then one in a horned helmet flies, and pierces the eyes of other warriors. And literally
  kills them.
  Then the boy heard Rhodopeia cry out in pain. It can be seen, nevertheless, her bare, round heels were thoroughly burned.
  Albert shouted at the top of his lungs:
  - Do not dare! Grit your teeth and shut up! Don't give your enemies a reason to rejoice!
  Rhodopeia gritted her teeth and breathed heavily. Yes, she will not give out flour.
  Albert, meanwhile, imagined the battle again. He is a boy, but a strong boy. And will endure any torture. But breaking free will be cut like that.
  and no one will stop him or defeat him ...
  Albert feels veins play in him and energy flows. Slave boy hack, with great enthusiasm. And now the pierced legionnaires are falling again. The boy throws the felled head of a Roman with his bare foot and squeals:
  - Glory to the era of Spartacus!
  This is such a belligerent boy. And how his blows blow off the heads of more and more attacking Romans, and a whole crowd of rogues. But if it is also the Romans.
  And here comes the heavy ballista. And a whole barrel of combustible mixture explodes, and falls on the legionnaires. and they burn mercilessly.
  Albert sings:
  - But no wonder
  My Kindred Devil!
  And indeed, a beautiful Satan girl with curly hair the color of gold leaf appeared next to Albert. She looks at Albert and laughing asks:
  - Well, how is your body?
  The boy-prince with a cheerful smile replies:
  - The soul has sinned, but the body is responsible!
  Satan Girl suggested:
  - Maybe you want something more fun than tormented on the rack?
  Albert nodded in agreement.
  -Yes, of course I want! For example, cut off the executioner's head!
  Satan Girl said:
  - Well, I can't give you that pleasure yet! But if you want, you can... Continue exploration!
  The boy prince nodded.
  - Well, thank you for that!
  Pretty girl said:
  - It's true that you won't spread thanks on bread! However, you are well done and behave courageously!
  And the beauty from hell disappeared.
  The chief torturer looked at the hourglass and said:
  - Time is up! The law of Rome limits the duration of torture for children! Since they didn"t confess, then for today it"s enough with him!
  The guard nodded.
  - Yes! We only have suspicions against them, so maybe let them go?
  The senior executioner shrugged.
  - Of course, you can turn to the judge, but ... Why distract a busy person because of children! Set them free!
  First, the braziers were removed from under the bare feet of Albert and Rhodopeia. Then the girl was untied, and Albert was removed from the block. Then they lowered it from the rack. And they took off the hook. The hands of the children were
  tied behind the back and at the elbows.
  They were taken out of the room. The boys' legs weren't badly hurt. Only small blisters from the braziers, though the pain was fierce. The olive oil kept the leather of the sole from burning too much.
  True, Albert's back was pretty slashed.
  The children were taken outside the inner part of the wall and at the end the legionary cut the ropes that tied the hands behind. Albert felt freedom, and pain in the ligaments to which he was returning
  blood. Rhodopeia groaned and gurgled:
  - It hurts, though!
  The boy prince said with a smile:
  - But we are free!
  The girl nodded in agreement.
  - Relatively, of course, but free! And this is good!
  Albert nodded and sang:
  - Freedom, freedom, freedom,
  I want to give the happiness of the world to the peoples!
  And the boy looked up. Here they are in Rome. And that's great. The city is really great. Pretty clean streets, under the supervision of legionnaires, they are swept by slave boys and
  slave girls. Interestingly, in Rome, most children and women wear sandals. Even many slaves and child slaves are shod. Clearly, this is the capital. And here there are decency.
  Although usually during warmer months, children and women in other Italian cities are barefoot. Unless they are from the rich or noble people. And here, of course, even a domestic slave must
  wear sandals. Otherwise, they will think that the patrician is too poor that he could not buy shoes for the servants. Adult men, as a rule, do not go barefoot, even if they are slaves.
  Those are the rules...
  Albert suddenly remembered that everything had been taken from them, including the circus dog. And now he is wearing only a loincloth, and Rhodopeia is only in a tattered, faded tunic. And the view
  they are like poor beggars. And even runaway slaves. Especially when you consider that Albert's back is slashed. And the children had scorched feet with every step.
  But the guards haven't touched them yet. Apparently, the boys were often flogged, and it was quite hot, even though it was getting closer to evening. Boys in general often run bare-chested in the summer, even
  noble origin.
  And they can also whip a boy for any trifle. It was interesting to see the city itself. It is really very big. Here you go along it, but the end and the edge are not visible.
  The houses are large. There are five, six, seven, and even ten floors. Lots of luxury mansions. But on the right hand of the past children's couple, the statue of Hercules and the beating
  fountain from it. And it's beautiful. Here you can see how the column of soldiers is moving. The armor is bronze and shiny. Behind them, two boys are beating drums. They are in shorts and sandals.
  Here is another statue: Neptune and in his hands a gilded bowl. And from the bowl beats a fountain.
  Albert and Rhodopeia could not stand it and sat on the edge, dipped their bare feet, burnt on a brazier under torture. It got a little easier. But a legionnaire passed by and shouted at
  children. And they jumped off and ran.
  Albert and Rhodopeia ran a little and stopped. They managed to take a sip of water from the fountain, and they were not tormented by thirst. But it was hungry. And it's embarrassing to admit.
  . CHAPTER? 16.
  Albert noted:
  - You know, refreshment will not hurt!
  The girl suggested:
  Let's dance and sing! We will be served!
  The boy prince agreed:
  -Let's try!
  Having chosen a place more or less crowded, the children began to sing and dance. Although it hurts to dance when your feet are on fire. But the children tried, and they seem to have succeeded.
  Albert remarked with a chuckle:
  - This is how we make a living!
  Rhodopeia corrected:
  - Not for life, but freedom!
  The children collected some copper coins. Although aces were thrown at them reluctantly. And we went to the nearest store. Get yourself some milk and meat pies. And eating trying to do it
  chatted quickly,
  Rhodopeia remarked:
  - The city is big, there are a lot of people, including slaves, but I don"t know how to rebel them!
  Albert nodded in agreement.
  - Yes, there is no specific plan! In fact, do not yell in the square: long live freedom - down with the tyrant!
  The girl suggested:
  - Maybe we should go to the circus. there will certainly be gladiators there, so we will rebel against them!
  The boy prince nodded in agreement.
  - The idea looks good!
  The children, having finished eating, moved on through Ancient Rome. Here, for example, is a statue of the conqueror of Carthage. And the conqueror of Sicily. And also Sulle.
  Here is the Colosseum. It is a huge stadium with one hundred and twenty thousand seats. Makes an impression.
  The boy and the girl asked the guards at the entrance:
  Where is the gladiator school?
  The legionnaire frowned and growled.
  - Why are you doing this?
  Albert said with a smile:
  - I want to enroll in the gladiators!
  The guards hatched:
  - Honestly?
  The boy confidently said:
  - Honest does not happen!
  - That's good! Just almost all the slaves have fled and we do not have enough fresh meat!
  Albert, hearing this news, was not happy:
  - How did you escape?
  The taller legionnaire reported:
  -Because of this monster Spartacus, the slaves began to run away, two years ago. And now they are literally reeling in herds. True, we keep them behind bars and on constipation,
  posted guards, so now they do not run as fast as before, but there are not enough of them left!
  Albert chuckled and remarked:
  - Not enough! But I alone stand many!
  The legionnaire laughed and replied:
  - You're still a child! Besides, you've just been whipped! See if you don't lose your head!
  Rhodopeia suggested:
  - And you fight him with swords! Then you will know who is worth what!
  The legionnaire replied with a grin:
  - Too much honor for me to fight a great warrior with a sucker! Yes, and if you want a girl, too, take! Many female gladiators have also escaped!
  Rhodopeia nodded in agreement:
  - I will go! I can fight too!
  The legionary remarked skeptically:
  - Here you make me laugh!
  Then another guard suggested:
  - Let me fight with the boy on swords!
  The tall legionnaire asked with a smile:
  - Why do you need it?
  The guard chuckled and remarked:
  - It hurts handsome boy. If I knock him out, I can have fun with him!
  The big legionary nodded.
  - Yes beautiful! You could have become the lover of some noble patrician, or a patrician, with such an appearance!
  Albert proudly replied:
  - I prefer the glory of the sword! If that guard wants to fight me, then I'll show him that I'm not so small!
  Legionnaire suggested:
  - OK then! I will give you a sword!
  The guard drew his weapon and roared:
  He can do without a sword. Why would I give him weapons! More precisely, the weapon is not ours, but state-owned!
  Legion nodded.
  - Well, as you know, just don't kill!
  The guard chuckled.
  - It's a pity to kill such a good boy!
  And how he will pounce on Albert brandishing his sword. The boy deftly dodged and kicked the guard under the knee. The blow was painful. And the thug yelled.
  Albert sang:
  - Barefoot, strong boys,
  Not cowardly bunnies at all!
  the guard became furious and roared:
  -I'll kill you!
  His face was red and glistening with sweat, and his sword twitched and twirled senselessly.
  The guard himself limped a little. Albert hit him again with his bare shin under the knee. He wanted to punish the pervert. But he did not stop the attack.
  Then Albert pushed him along the already injured leg with all his might. The guard broke and fell. And he began to yell a good obscenity. He was badly damaged. The boy jumped
  to him and hit him with a bare heel in the chin. The blow was strong and the jaw flew, broken teeth spilled out. And the guard was quiet. Albert said with a smile:
  - That's what you need! You wanted to kill an unarmed boy and paid the price!
  The tall legionnaire noted:
  - And you're good! Very good! It is necessary to be able to bring down a professional warrior with weapons with bare hands and bare feet. You will be a great warrior!
  Albert remarked:
  - I am a great warrior! So should I go to the main host?
  The legionnaire nodded.
  - His house is made of red marble, you will find him behind the Colosseum! And then ... Well, you know! You may be asked to fight a grown man, but I hope you manage!
  Rhodopeia confidently stated:
  - He can handle it!
  And the children moved on, in search of the owner of the gladiators. The boy noticed that they obviously did not like the guard very much, since they did not express regret that he was crippled.
  Rhodopeia replied:
  - People are generally selfish! And then there may be a small offense!
  Albert nodded.
  - Yes, there are both small and large grievances. Well, okay ... Now let's go to the owner.
  The children moved faster. They got used to the pain a little, and the blisters have already begun to go down. And they stepped up. We have already taken to the street behind the Colosseum.
  There was only one red marble house, and quite high. At the entrance stood two black giants and another smaller man in a toga. Seeing the boy and the girl, he growled:
  - They don't serve here! Get out!
  Albert boldly declared:
  - We want to be hired as gladiators!
  The man frowned and asked:
  - Do you know that these are not children's toys, and they kill there!
  Rhodopeia nodded.
  - Of course we do! But being gladiators is much more interesting than being a tramp!
  The man smiled and replied:
  - In another time, I would have kicked you out! But there's a shortage of gladiators right now, so... I'll let you into the house. The owner is gone now, but his wife is at home. If she likes you, then
  you may be taken. Just remember, sometimes children have to fight with adults! Or with experienced fighters who can kill a rookie!
  Albert nodded.
  - We know it! But be ready to take the risk!
  The man nodded.
  - Follow me!
  The giant warriors let the children and their escort through. Inside, the house was luxurious and elegant. The servant girls were dressed quite richly, in sandals and bowed
  guests, despite their poor appearance. There were small statues and colored portraits hung on the walls. And some of the paintings were oil on canvas.
  There were many beautiful naked girls on canvases and mighty warriors. And in the central hall there was a composition with the Olympic gods. And in the center, of course, Jupiter.
  or Zeus among the Greeks.
  And a beautiful woman lay on a sofa embroidered with pearls and gold. She looked to be no more than thirty, and she was in luxurious attire. She looked at the couple and remarked:
  - A beautiful boy and a girl too... Did you buy them at the market?
  The man shrugged.
  - Not! They came by themselves. And they want to be gladiators!
  The woman asked with a smile:
  - Do you really want to die for the amusement of the crowd!
  Albert confidently replied:
  - Do not die, but win! And for your own sake, not for fun!
  The woman smiled.
  - And you girl want to fight too?
  Rhodopeia nodded.
  - Yes! I'm ready for battle!
  The owner's wife nodded.
  Of course you will be tested! But first, let's have dinner! You are very handsome boy. I have never seen such beauty. Eat and think, is it worth risking your life!
  Albert remarked:
  - We always take risks. A brick can fall on your head when you walk down the street!
  The woman nodded.
  I see you are smart beyond your years! But still, take a meal with me first. And then we'll see.
  And then she rang the bell. Girls appeared with golden trays and sumptuous food.
  Mikhail-Vladimir Gorbachev-Putin woke up. The new ideas were terrible in their own way.
  In particular, legislative restrictions were introduced for Jews. They were forbidden to hold many posts in the apparatus and in the media. Their rights to run for parliament and enter higher education institutions were also limited.
  Additional repressions were also introduced against representatives of all non-Christian denominations, more precisely, non-Orthodox ones. And control over the church increased.
  However, while atheism remained the official doctrine. Gorbachev-Putin decided not to break the traditions of the communists. Moreover, Mikhail-Vladimir only pretended to be a believer, while he himself was actually an atheist.
  Then he began to sleep again and dream;
  Albert and Rhodopeia were already full, but out of courtesy they still ate. The woman looked longingly at Albert. She really liked this boy. Very beautiful and
  muscular, abdominal muscles with chocolate tiles, an impeccable figure, a very pretty face. In general, boys are often handsome, but this is beautiful in its own way.
  The woman cooed:
  - You are not an angel, but for me,
  But for me you became a saint ...
  Albert nodded.
  - It's very interesting! Although I'm not an angel!
  The woman put her hand on her chest and began to knead the boy. And she did it with great love. And her touch excited Albert. How nice it is to be groped by a woman.
  Even if she is your mother's age, she is still fresh and beautiful.
  Rhodopeia remarked:
  - It's not nice to feel boys in public!
  The woman nodded.
  - Good! I'll take him to my room! And you stay here!
  Rhodopeia remarked:
  - They pay for making love! Free to please a woman who is much older boy will not!
  The woman nodded.
  - I'll give ten gold coins!
  Albert replied:
  - I am not a prostitute! If she wants, I will please her for free!
  The woman smiled and replied:
  - Take the money! For me, this is nonsense! Quite a few more pennies! And you will benefit! After all, you are already almost naked!
  Rhodopeia nodded.
  Take Albert! Money is a non-transferable value!
  The woman nodded.
  - The more you lick me! Not all boys love it!
  Albert shrugged.
  - Good! I'll take the money! But only for one hour of love!
  The woman nodded in agreement.
  - For a whole hour you will be mine!
  And she grabbed Albert's hand and took him into the room. In minutes, her voluptuous moans and sighs were heard.
  Rhodopeia was left alone. More precisely, girls and boys were still dancing in front of her. She lay down on the pillow and dozed off. She dreamed that she was working on the plantation again.
  It was difficult in the very first days, when my legs and back hurt badly. But then the girl got used to it. She worked there along with other girls and women.
  It was pretty hard. But on the other hand, in the fresh air and a tan. Rhodopeia was in the field work. Although it could be sold to a brothel. She's a pretty girl, after all.
  But apparently Crassus kept his word that her virginity would be spared. Although, of course, it's like working like this in the sweat of your face.
  Rhodopeia worked half-naked, or cool in one tunic. And I went barefoot all year round. Winters, of course, in the south of Italy are warm, but bare feet are still cold.
  Although they have become so rude. But the shape of the foot was not disfigured. On the contrary, the soles of the girl's feet became more elegant and with a better heel bend.
  They tried to rape her couple, but the girl fought back.
  Once she tried the boy's caresses herself, but she didn't let her go too far.
  And so everything was chin chin.
  Albert was late for three hours. The woman paid him double for processing. And Albert already had a whole bag containing fifty gold coins.
  This is not bad, for appeasing a rather beautiful and still quite young woman. After all, in three hours, having experienced several strong orgasms, she exhausted herself and snored.
  Albert, too, was tired and had a brutal appetite. The boy pounced on the food and noted:
  - All is well that ends well!
  Rhodopeia recalled:
  - Do you remember the task of Spartacus?
  Albert, continuing to eat, honestly shrugged his shoulders.
  - I do not know! I have doubts that, having won, the slaves will be able to build something worthwhile! Maybe on the contrary - destroying Rome will only get worse!
  The girl shrugged her shoulders and said:
  - But slavery will disappear!
  Albert shrugged.
  - This is another grandmother said for two! and the work will still not disappear! In addition, other slaves will appear, only the masters will change!
  The girl shrugged her shoulders and sang:
  Get up cursed branded
  the whole world of hungry and slaves...
  Our indignant mind boils,
  Ready to fight to the death!
  The boy prince sang:
  - We will destroy the whole world of violence,
  Down to the bottom and then...
  We will build a new, new world -
  Who was nobody, he will become everything!
  And the children laughed... It was fun and funny. Rhodopeia remarked:
  - I would for that kind of money, and I myself would know love with a man! Oh, how early you became an adult!
  Albert remarked:
  - I am an active hero, and active heroes grow up quickly! Moreover, my body belongs to Satan!
  Rhodopeia giggled and remarked:
  "At least it's the master that uses you effectively!"
  Albert nodded in agreement.
  - It's right! But why does the Devil need gold?
  The girl shrugged her shoulders and said:
  Why does he need our souls?
  The boy sang in response:
  - Your soul aspired upward,
  You will be born again with a dream!
  But if you lived like a pig -
  Stay a pig!
  Rhodopeia sighed and remarked:
  - Yes, the great Pythagoras, came up with the idea that the soul is immortal and lives in different bodies. Including the bodies of animals!
  Albert replied:
  - I think the soul of a person lives in the person himself, and the soul of an animal lives in animals! There is a big gap between us!
  The girl said with a smile:
  - Monkeys are sometimes very smart!
  The boy agreed with this.
  - There are smart, but they are not people!
  Rhodopeia sang with a smile:
  - Monkeys make faces,
  And they're sitting on a branch...
  Albert continued happily:
  - Frivolous yet,
  Were our ancestors!
  Both the boy and the girl were silent. They were already bored. Although the dancers have already left and the young men with them. But the man remained. He offered:
  - Maybe right now you will fight?
  Albert shrugged.
  - I'm ready! Even though I'm tired!
  The man noted:
  - The hostess is sleeping! She is very pleased with you, I see!
  The little boy nodded.
  - I have a lot of abilities!
  The man noted:
  - Can you fight with your fists?
  Albert nodded.
  - Of course!
  The man noted:
  - You will fight with the slave boy! He's about as tall as you! Pretty strong, recently from the quarries! Fistfight him!
  The boy nodded with a smile.
  - We will have to fight!
  The man chuckled with a smile.
  - Good! Well this fight is going to be more entertaining!
  Rhodopeia remarked with a chuckle:
  - Yes, and it's free?
  The man in the toga nodded.
  - I'll take your boy to the female gladiators for this! He after all this wants!
  Albert chuckled.
  - It's certainly flattering! But I've been making love to an insatiable vixen for three hours now. And thoroughly exhausted!
  The man in the toga nodded.
  - Well, okay fight in it!
  A boy entered the room. He was in a single loincloth, almost black with a tan, but with burnt blond hair, strong in body and muscular.
  It seems that he was well fed in the quarries, and he was more massive than Albert, although he may not be as prominent, but powerful.
  Albert went out to meet him. The boy was still a little older and taller than the prince, and noticeably heavier. Such a powerful boy, tempered by hard work in the quarries.
  The man nodded.
  - It's Geta, slave boy! From the age of four he worked in quarries. Very strong and durable. Completed double the children's norm and received a double serving of food for it. Can you with
  them to fight with fists! I think a worthy opponent!
  Albert nodded.
  - He's strong! But I'm not weak either! Let's fight!
  The boy threw out his fist sharply. But Albert reflexively dodged. And chuckled.
  - Nice try!
  The man nodded.
  - Let's start!
  The slave boy tried to move Albert again. he himself gained considerable strength in the quarries. But he was inferior to the speed of the boy-prince. Tried to get it with my foot.
  Albert jumped in response, and the bare heel of the boy-prince hit the chin of the young slave. He fell on his back and twitched. Albert chuckled.
  - I'm good at kicking!
  But the boy, apparently having received hardening in the quarries, rose. And rushed to Albert. He hesitated a little and he was captured by the strong hands of the boy-slave.
  Albert felt strong hands squeezing him. And pressed. The prince felt the touch of the steel muscles of the enemy. And desperately tried to knock him down.
  But the enemy was heavier and stronger. Albert took then butted the enemy with his forehead. He was bleeding from his nose. The powerful boy squeezed harder, and Albert even groaned. But he hit his head again. This time between the eyes. The kid's grip loosened and he dropped to his knees. The young prince with all his might moved his knee to the chin
  to his counterpart. He staggered when he got hit. Albert punched again in the chin even adding to the buckle.
  This time the young slave could not stand it and fell. Albert kicked the fallen slave again, this time on the back of the head. The boy, hardened by work in the quarries, calmed down.
  The man roared with delight:
  - Amazing! Here is a victory!
  Albert said with a smile:
  - I love to win! This is my creed!
  The man nodded and offered:
  - Tonight there will be a fight at the consul! You can take part in it and earn decent money!
  Albert replied with a smile:
  - And what? It's possible! Even though I'm tired!
  The man nodded in agreement.
  - I understand... But you can fight Grannik himself. He is the champion among the gladiators of Rome and a very rich man!
  Albert sighed and remarked:
  - Should I fight the champion of Rome?
  The man nodded.
  - Yes... No one will believe that a child will defeat a champion and that it will be possible to earn a lot of money.
  Albert nodded in agreement.
  - Do you want to bet on me and earn?
  The manager nodded.
  - That's it!
  Albert remarked with a smile:
  - Well, then I'll put the money on myself too!
  The man nodded.
  - It is reasonable!
  The slave boy nodded.
  - What are you going!
  The manager stated:
  - All right, my little warriors. Does your sister want to fight?
  Rhodopeia nodded.
  - I am also ready to fight with great pleasure!
  the man replied:
  - Follow me!
  And moved out of the room. Flickering with naked, pink heels, the children followed him. And they sang:
  Thunder is raging, the thunder of war is thundering,
  It's time for a big fight...
  The enemy wants to burn Rome to the ground,
  Do not ruin great achievements!
  The fighting was not in the Colosseum, but in the consul's palace. It was a huge building, with a special hall where a large audience gathered and there was a feast. Of course, on this occasion, gladiator fights were arranged.
  First, two boys fought. They were recently taken from the quarries near Rome. The boys were tanned and muscular. On the backs and sides, traces of
  beats of whips. Apparently, they got pretty bad in slavery. They are twelve or thirteen years old in appearance, and they fought in the same swimming trunks. The boys, at the signal of the gong, began to cut themselves.
  They had a short sword and a shield in their hands. They fought hard and fast. Here one boy was wounded, and behind him the second. Then blood spattered again. The boys received
  hitting and falling. The audience was buzzing. They made bets on the boys, and rejoiced when the blood flowed. One of the boys fell silent. The Moor approached him, and with a red-hot iron
  burned the bare, round heel of the boy. He twitched and opened his eyes and tried to get up.
  The audience roared:
  - Beat him! Finish it!
  And another, also wounded and scratched, the boy, with all his might, plunged the point into the neck of his counterpart. He fell and fell silent already completely.
  The winner dipped his bare foot in the blood and left an imprint. Then he went to rest and heal the wound. And the killed boy was picked up with a hook and dragged into a ditch with crocodiles.
  Yes, it was a cruel fate.
  Then two girls fought against a man. They were already quite sophisticated craftswomen and their opponent was also experienced. This time the fight dragged on.
  . CHAPTER? 17.
  The Consul and Crassus sat together.
  The Consul noted:
  - Gladiator little left, and you did not live up to expectations!
  Crassus answered harshly:
  - And you have nothing to brag about!
  There was a heavy silence.
  The Consul noted:
  "Pompey and Luculus are about to land. And then Rome will be saved! It only takes two or three weeks!
  Krass remarked:
  - If we have these weeks! Spartacus has a lot of power and he can take Rome by storm!
  There was a pause. Meanwhile, the girls - they were half-naked and barefoot - gradually seized the initiative. They are not just slaves, but very sophisticated fighters.
  Women should be noted generally hardy. And their opponent is no longer young. And now it is clear that the girls began to move much faster and hit more often. And here is one of them
  even cut the man's right cheek with a sword. He became furious and rushed to the attack. Flashing her bare heel, the girl deftly bounced off, and how she slashes the enemy in the wrist.
  She managed to chop it and the sword fell out. At the same moment, another girl kicked under the balls. And she pricked the enemy with a point in the chest. He, having missed the blow, staggered.
  Then the girl who had cut off his wrist slashed him across the neck. And from the blow splashed blood from a bursting artery. The enemy fell and began to writhe.
  The crowd shouted furiously:
  - Beat him! Finish it!
  The girls took a look at the podium!
  Crassus and the consul put their thumbs down together!
  The girls nodded and in unison took and stabbed in the chest with their short swords. The man took it and fell silent. This time it seems like forever.
  In response, wild laughter and picking up the hook. And they dragged him, too, to feed the crocodiles.
  Next up is a new fight. This time two boys of about fourteen fought on each side. Two were with swords and shields, and two more with tridents and daggers.
  The boys were almost naked and tanned. Only this time without even loincloths, only hoops on their heads. And it looked even cooler.
  The women were literally delighted. You can admire teenagers. And on their male perfection.
  The Romans made bets with pleasure. And so the fight began.
  Boys with tridents began to wave, wanting to gouge at a distance. And it's quite beautiful. The boys poked each other. And soon blood flows again, and deep scratches remain. And a lot of damage.
  And now a trident is thrust into the muscular belly of the boy, and he will howl.
  The Consul noted:
  - Not a bad spectacle!
  Krass agreed:
  - I love it when boys are tortured. And it must be said a great pleasure.
  The consul agreed
  - And it's nice to torture a girl. Especially her bare, round heels fry!
  And both commanders of Rome how to roar.
  And now the boys are hurting again. And one of them writhes in his ear and they finish him off. And this is going to be cruel. And so one of the boys passed out. And he immediately Moors
  burnt his bare heel. And the one how to scream. And it was so cruel.
  And the boy jumps up and fights. And the second kid falls. And they burn his bare hardened heel. And he screams and roars. And the trident pierces him again.
  Boys with daggers and weapons with three points clearly won. And here it was, perhaps, fair. And the boys were finished off in the excitement of battle ... They burned their heels again, but this is on
  The boys were no longer active.
  And so this fight ended.
  The Consul noted:
  - Not bad, huh?
  The consul's wife remarked:
  - Nice boys. I would play with them!
  Krass nodded.
  - Matrons love with boys. They are pleasant to the touch!
  The Consul aggressively declared:
  - Let's fry the heels of the winner. They will enjoy it!
  The wife remarked:
  - Not to them, but to us! I love torturing beautiful boys!
  The two male gladiators fought again. One was armed with a club, and the other with a saber. The fight was short. A fighter with a saber deftly leaving the club, cut off the head of the enemy. And blood poured out.
  Crassus did not like this, it was too fast and he ordered the archers:
  - Shoot him!
  Three archers fired arrows. and pierced the male gladiator through and through. And he twitched, took it and fell silent.
  Then the two girls fought. Nearly naked, in panties and bare-chested. They swung their swords. They tried to hit each other and break through.
  while the girls were in no hurry. They were armed with short swords and round shields. The girls waved and stabbed each other. So far it has only caused minor scratches.
  Crassus remarked with a smile:
  - This is a charm!
  The Consul nodded.
  - A very good product turned out!
  And they both laughed.
  However, they certainly wanted to laugh with great vanity.
  Both the military commander and the rich man loved to hurt other people. And the battle continued on a grand scale. More precisely, it seems to be a small scale - two girls are fighting,
  but they are beautiful and nice to look at.
  Crassus remarked with a smirk:
  - This is the fight that everyone dreams of!
  The consul agreed
  - Unlike the duel with Spartak! It's scary to meet this beast!
  Krass nodded.
  - He is not only a great swordsman, but also a strong general!
  The Consul chuckled.
  - Yes, strong! Defeated you!
  Crassus croaked:
  - And you do not rock! He would have beaten you too!
  The Consul noted with a confident air:
  - We'll see him soon!
  The girls fought. Their bodies glistened with sweat and blood, but none had a decisive advantage. So the fight dragged on. Crassus signaled. The Moors began to throw at the girls
  burning coals under bare feet. Warriors, stepping on the coals, screamed and jumped. It seemed uncomfortable to them.
  Krass noted:
  - What a pleasure to torture women!
  The consul's wife replied:
  - Yes, that's right! Torturing women is good, but boys are even better!
  The Consul said with a smile:
  - There will be more torture!
  Krass agreed:
  - How will they be!
  And laughed.
  The girls, meanwhile, burned their bare, chiseled legs on the coals and they were in pain. But the fight continued. And while they were on an equal footing ... Here one hit the other with her bare foot. Then I received a reply.
  The Consul said with a smile:
  - The game is fun!
  Krass remarked:
  - But lingering!
  And both commanders sang:
  - Though not by the rules of the game -
  Let's break through the fraera!
  And they were funny.
  Finally, one girl missed a serious blow and began to weaken. And then the point pierced her again, and she fell. The Moor immediately burned her bare heel with a red-hot iron.
  And the girl cried out in pain. She was very scared.
  But she jumped up, and received another blow from the sword. And fell. And again, her long-suffering leg was fried by a red-hot crowbar. The girl jumped up and her chest was pierced. And she already in death agony pierced the chest of her partner. And she's already quiet.
  Both girls collapsed dead, bleeding.
  The Consul remarked with a sigh:
  - It's a pity! They were good beauties!
  Krass agreed:
  - This is a big loss! But if the champion Grannik is killed, it will be even worse!
  The consul suggested:
  "Maybe he should fight a woman?"
  Crassus shook his head.
  - I feel sorry for the women! They are beautiful and unpleasant when they are killed!
  The consul's wife suggested:
  -Let Grannik fight the boy!
  Crassus shook his head.
  - Oh no, the fight will be too unequal! Not interesting at all!
  The consul's wife replied:
  - Only then the manager sent a note! He has a very talented boy to fight! And he will show an interesting fight and a champion!
  Crassus revived:
  - That is good! Bring it like it!
  The Consul nodded.
  -Show me like a boy!
  Albert was led to the center of the arena. He was very, very handsome and muscular. In fact, the ladies even groaned with passion. A wonderfully good boy.
  The consul's wife remarked:
  - From it it is necessary to break swimming trunks!
  Crassus replied:
  Let there be at least some secret!
  The consul agreed
  - From the dead will be removed! In the meantime ... well, what a handsome boy. And it's a pity to even kill him!
  The steward, who was admitted to the consul, remarked:
  - It is still unknown who will kill whom here! This is a boy of rare strength and speed!
  Krass nodded.
  - Let them fight! It will be interesting!
  The manager added:
  "And I bet five hundred gold coins on the boy!" Here, and the boy himself puts fifty pieces of gold on himself!
  Crassus was surprised:
  - Does he have money? Strange, but he has traces of a whip on his back like a slave!
  The manager logically remarked:
  - Only the lazy do not flog boys. So don't be surprised!
  The Consul nodded.
  - He's too handsome for the quarries. Perhaps this is the son of a noble person! What fine features he has!
  Krass nodded.
  - I also feel that Grannik will not be easy! But I'll still bet on the champion! he never lost!
  The Consul nodded in agreement.
  - And also for the champion!
  The wife answered with a smile:
  - And I'm on the boy! And if he wins, then I will definitely drag him into bed!
  The Consul shook his finger at her.
  - And I can be jealous.
  The woman laughed.
  - Jealous of the child?
  The Consul remarked:
  - Of course, sex with a slave does not count. but you are not old yet and you can get pregnant. And raise the offspring of a slave!
  The wife remarked aggressively:
  - It's not a slave! Judging by his look - this is generally the king!
  The Consul nodded.
  - Okay! If the boy survives, let him give you pleasure! In the meantime, we'll watch the battle progress.
  The champion entered the arena. He walked to the sound of an orchestra. Mighty two-meter warrior. Broad-shouldered, heavy, in armor and boots. In his hands he held a great sword.
  Yes, this Grannik was a smasher. Against his background, the boy is like a fly. Almost naked, and tanned, fair-haired, very handsome.
  The consul's wife looked at him through a magnifying glass and breathed heavily. All sorts of coveted pictures were drawn of her.
  Grannik looked down at his counterpart and spat contemptuously to the side and growled:
  What kind of kindergarten is this?
  Crassus solemnly announced:
  - This is your opponent!
  Champion growled:
  - Are you kidding me! I slipped the boy to the invincible champion of the Roman Republic?
  The manager called out:
  - And you defeat him first, and then you'll see what a boy!
  Grannik, recognizing him, remarked:
  - It's you? Do you want to arrange a passing fight so that I can then grapple with Spartak?
  The manager nodded.
  - You can think so, but believe me, this boy is not a gift!
  The champion nodded.
  - I'll try to keep him alive! You will have mercy on him!
  Krass nodded.
  - Ha, let's see!
  The Consul stated emphatically:
  - It will be decided by the majority of the people! Clear?
  Granny nodded.
  - I agree! I think the boy will be very hurt when his bare, pink heels are burned!
  Krass nodded.
  - Yes, it is a great pleasure to torment such a boy. A rack and a brazier await him!
  Albert boldly remarked:
  "I will also try not to kill your champion. If possible!
  The hulking gladiator chuckled.
  - Are you a flea or a gnome?
  The boy angrily stamped his bare foot and replied:
  - I am human!
  Granny nodded.
  - I'll personally burn your heels, impudent boy!
  The stakes were placed. And the gong sounded and the signal to fight.
  The huge man and the boy began to fight. Grannik was fast for his size, but he was in no hurry. He howlingly waved a long sword, and almost did not hide behind a shield.
  The boy had only a small sword in his hands. He deftly avoided blows. And he didn't let himself get hit.
  Grannik noted:
  - You are fast!
  Albert nodded.
  - And you're big!
  The man began to move faster. And his sword described circles. Albert made a detour and hit the enemy in the chest. There was a scratch on the armor.
  Grannik answered and missed. and surprised:
  - Oh, what a smart boy!
  And again began to move more actively. Albert retreated and dodged. And then sometimes he hit the enemy in the chest or in the side with a sword. As long as it doesn't hurt.
  But he didn't let himself get caught.
  Krass noted:
  - The boy is good! Yes, our manager knows a lot!
  The Consul logically remarked:
  - In general, I think that victory will be his ... Although I feel jealousy in myself!
  The wife licked her lips and cooed:
  - What a wonderful boy! It will be nice with him!
  The manager noted:
  - And what did you want! Quick fight? Will not work!
  Krass nodded.
  - Throw coals under the boy's bare heels!
  The Moors eagerly began to scatter coals. The champion was in boots forged with bronze and he was not afraid. And here is the barefoot boy. True, the legs are very rough and he
  doesn't hurt. And he also actively cuts the enemy.
  The Consul noted:
  - It's a really good fight!
  Krass agreed:
  - As good as it gets! Although boring! If only there was blood!
  The boy-prince, catching the moment, hit Grannik's fingers. And broke the glove. Now the first blood has flowed. This angered the champion, and he went on the offensive.
  He started waving furiously. And his breathing became heavy. It is not easy to drag such a carcass after a young counterpart.
  The boy deftly dived in a furious attack and cut the enemy in the face. And that blood poured out, an eyebrow was cut.
  Albert squeaked:
  - This is my hit!
  The champion waved frantically, trying to hit the enemy. But he couldn't do it. And the strokes followed in a chaotic manner. And it was not possible to seriously hook the enemy.
  Grannik yelled:
  - For the greatness of Rome!
  And tried to attack again. But his movements slowed down. The boy pricked him in the side, finding a spike in the armor, and blood poured out of the torso.
  Crassus growled:
  - Fabulous! Here is a fighter!
  The Consul remarked:
  - This boy, I think, could kill Spartak himself!
  Crassus bellowed:
  - I would give him a whole bag of gold!
  The manager remarked:
  - I immediately realized that this kid is not easy! And that's how he leads in battle! Just a miracle!
  The Consul chuckled.
  - And it"s nice to fry such pink and round heels as he has!
  Crassus remarked with a smile:
  - It would be very nice to torture such a boy. And her skin will burst under the blows of the whip, and sprinkle the wounds with salt.
  And the barbarian in the toga giggled very stupidly and thinly.
  Albert again wounded his opponent, although he himself almost got hit here. The blade even cut off a strand of blond hair. The boy remarked:
  - He doesn't give up!
  Grannik growled:
  - Champions don't give up!
  And he attacks again, albeit through force. Yes, it's a tough fight. The boy again leaves the sword, and hits the enemy on the cheek. And ripped it apart. The champion is furious.
  And again on the attack. Here is the fight. The boy steps barefoot on the coal. And smiles. A little heat is felt, but the legs of the young slave are so rough and calloused,
  that they are not so easy to penetrate.
  Albert fights and sings:
  - If you got to Tiwi,
  You are a star - well, let's surprise people!
  and the boy took it and showed his tongue. Yes, this fight is really for the toughest guys. And not just guys. And the girls can take part.
  The Consul said with a smile:
  - That's a boy! Just a miracle!
  Crassus suddenly frowned, and remarked:
  - We can lose a lot of money!
  The Consul logically remarked:
  - But we got a new star!
  The wife nodded.
  - And a wonderful lover!
  The fight continues. Albert again, and this time stabbed the enemy harder in the side. And he groaned in defeat. Yes, it's not very pleasant. But nothing - a fight is a fight.
  Grannik tries to swing and hit the enemy. But he can't do it at all. Yes, the movement is slow. The loss of blood in the side began to affect,
  and energy consumption for a very dynamic battle. Yes, it's a tough fight. And now the boy hit again, on the fingers. And it was clear that the champion's sword was barely holding on.
  Albert chuckled.
  Grannik swore very dirty.
  Yes, it was a marvelously dynamic fight.
  The boy took it and sang:
  - Everything will be very good!
  The champion tried to move his foot, but the boy-prince performed a sweep. And Grannik fell. He didn't get up right away. Albert nobly did not beat the recumbent.
  I let him get up, although it is clear that the champion is staggering. And still trying to move forward. Albert sang:
  - Always forward, always on top,
  You have become a tall man!
  Grannik noted:
  - I'll still catch you!
  Albert noted:
  - The fox is grabbed by falling into a trap!
  Crassus said with a smile:
  - This is a boy, just lovely!
  The Consul remarked:
  - Too noble. And to defeat Spartacus you need to be mean and treacherous!
  The wife remarked:
  - Glorious little boy! I wonder how it works with the tongue?
  Crassus remarked with a smile:
  - I do not know! But a slave, of course, must know his place! And after the victory, he should be thoroughly flogged, and his heels should be burned with red iron from the heat!
  The consul replied:
  - The boy will fight with Spartak! Do not weaken him with torture!
  The wife nodded.
  - Yes, he deserved better than just being tortured!
  Crassus scratched his forehead and remarked:
  - Put the boy against Spartak? This is an original idea! And what about the leader of the rebels, and maybe he will accept the challenge, and his kid will pin him up!
  The consul remarked:
  - And if this boy is the boy who, surrounded by Spartacus, is reputed to be a glorious warrior?
  Crassus chuckled carnivorously.
  - And it will be even better! A wedge is knocked out with a wedge, and a rebel is a rebel!
  Albert continued to fight with increasing confidence. He scratched his opponent again. This time on the other cheek. And he pricked into the spike of chain mail already in the other side.
  And then, seeing that the enemy was no longer there, Albert hit him on the arm. And the sword flew out and fell into the sand. Grannik rushed, but the boy-prince turned around and with all his might
  charged with a bare heel to the chin. The blow staggered the champion, but he desperately did not want to fall. Then Albert jumped and hit again with the heel of his child's foot in the chin
  enemy. His counterpart fell, but with a superhuman effort he nevertheless got up. Albert then moved from full swing to the groin. And gasped, there was metal. And it hurts a lot
  happened. The boy retreated...
  His opponent, already without a sword, but still on his feet, grinned:
  - Well, that hurts puppy!
  Albert jumped again, aiming his bare foot at the chin. But Grannik expected this and managed to dodge, even moved to the boy in flight with a shield. Albert fell, and immediately
  the carcass fell. Now the course of the battle has changed. The child was under a mass four times greater than his own. Plus the weight of the armor. And this, as they say, is serious.
  Crassus remarked with pleasure:
  - A well done champion seized the initiative!
  The Consul noted:
  - Ha, he crushed him, but we still need to take it!
  The wife suggested:
  - Drop the glove and stop the fight! Let there be a fighting draw!
  The consul replied:
  -Not! Let there be a fight to the end!
  Crassus agreed with this:
  - Yes, let there be a fight to the end!
  The manager nodded.
  - In fact, someone's bet must play!
  Grannik tried to finish off the boy. he had only one hand, and therefore, releasing his shield, he tried to reach the boy's throat. He wanted to strangle the impudent animal. Albert, however, did not give up. And he bit the hand that tried to grab him by the throat. Grannik in response got up and hit the boy in the face. The blow was strong
  and a bruise immediately swelled on the boy's face. But Grannik, on the other hand, opened up, and two of the boy's fingers hit his eyes. And what a wild howl it was. The champion recoiled.
  And the boy slipped out from under him. And then, in a rage, he slammed his shin into the temple with all his might. Grannik staggered, but desperately did not want to fall. Then the boy picked up from the floor
  your sword. And from a turn he loaded the steel handle on the back of the head. And then added to the temple.
  Grannik finally calmed down... He passed out having lost consciousness.
  Albert dipped his bare foot in the blood. And left an elegant imprint of a child's foot. And raising his hands in his right sword, he yelled:
  - Victory!
  The consul exclaimed:
  - The public vote - finish or live!
  . CHAPTER? eighteen.
  Most of the crowd bet on the champion. And she was angry at the loss of money. Yes, and the constant victories of Grannik are tired.
  And almost everyone unanimously lowered their thumbs down!
  Crassus and the Consul also put their thumbs down.
  And my wife remarked:
  - Yes, the old champion is dead, long live the new champion!
  Crassus yelled at the top of his lungs:
  - Stab him! Finish it!
  The Consul growled:
  - Cut off your head!
  Albert shrugged his shoulders and shouted:
  - I will not kill a person who lies unconscious and helpless! Be merciful too!
  Crassus shouted:
  -Not! Finish it! This is what the people want!
  The crowd cheered:
  - Beat him! Finish it! Finish it!
  Albert shrugged and replied:
  - Not! I will not kill the unarmed!
  Crassus shouted:
  If you don't kill him, we'll kill you too!
  Albert boldly replied:
  - Well, if you have to lie down in the ground, then this is only once!
  The Consul suddenly softened:
  - You know, soon Spartak will attack and Grannik's sword will still be useful to us! By right of the host of the holiday, I dear champion of Rome! More precisely, the former champion of Rome!
  The crowd howled in disappointment.
  And the consul continued:
  - The winning boy is awarded a golden, laurel wreath of the champion of Rome! And God be with him!
  Thunderous applause was heard in response. Yes, the people appreciated the mercy of the consul.
  Albert bowed.
  Two girls gave him a laurel wreath of pure gold. He was a little big for a boy. And slipped his head, hung on his neck.
  The boy sang out:
  - Waiting for victory! Waiting for victory! Those who yearn to break the shackles! Awaiting victory, waiting for victory! We will be able to overcome the need!
  Gorbachev-Putin Vladimir-Mikhail, waking up, began to make reforms again. First of all, he gave instructions in Afghanistan to use vacuum bombs and chemical weapons more actively. They say you should not stand on ceremony with the bandits.
  And from the Caspian Sea, rockets fired volleys to show their strike power.
  Further, he gave the order to develop hypersonic missiles, and more powerful destruction equipment. And also to make tanks of a new generation. And other types of weapons.
  The war between Iran and Iraq was also touched upon. Here, of course, there was an idea: to open a second front against Iran. And that's cool too.
  Gorbachev-Putin reacted positively to this idea. But you need a reason to invade.
  The KGB promised to fabricate this pretext. And that they say everything will be fine comrade dictator.
  On August 19, 1987, the first popular elections of the President of the USSR were scheduled. Why exactly on August 19? Just on the date of the State Emergency Committee, when they tried unsuccessfully to save the country.
  By the way, Gorbachev-Putin himself was just at that moment against the State Emergency Committee and on the side of Yeltsin and Sobchak.
  Here after the elections it is possible to attack Iran. At the same time pulling up more troops to arrange a blitzkrieg.
  After that, the dictator Gorbachev-Putin again fell into a dream.
  After the victory, Albert was taken to the bathroom and washed. Then they gave me some food, and wine with stimulating herbs.
  After that, the naked boy was covered with blankets and taken to the bedroom of the consul's wife. She looked to be about thirty-five years old, and she was still quite beautiful, albeit overweight.
  In any case, still quite an attractive woman in the juice itself. Although the age difference is like between mother and son.
  Albert was handsome, well-muscled, deeply tanned, and fair-haired. But a large bruise flaunted on his face, covering half of his cheek, and his eyes were slightly swollen.
  The male perfection of the boy was swollen, and was quite developed.
  The matron tore off the veil from the young slave and whispered:
  - Handsome come on now you're mine!
  Albert, drugged and heterosexual like most teenagers, nodded.
  - I'm ready!
  And rushed to a large, beautiful woman. She stepped forward. The bed shook and voluptuous sighs were heard. Albert was thrown into the heat, then into the cold, and he
  worked with great enthusiasm and energy.
  But Rhodopeia, meanwhile, was forced to fight again.
  However, her opponent turned out to be feasible. The boy is about the same age and height. He was wearing only a loincloth. Rhodopeia also had to take off her tunic and only
  a thin ribbon covered her thighs. The girl's breasts were almost formed, and she looked quite appetizing. And already the men were wound up on her.
  Krass noted:
  - But it will be mine after the battle!
  The Consul nodded.
  - Yes, my guest is your right! But she might be a virgin!
  The manager suggested:
  - Let's not love her yet, but put up for auction and sell her virginity under the hammer!
  Crassus nodded in agreement.
  - There is a part of the sum will be mine, then it is possible! In general, virgins are ... An experienced woman is much more enjoyable than an innocent girl!
  The manager agreed:
  - That's right Crassus! But it is better to gather merchants from all over the empire for the auction. And this will be after the defeat of Spartacus!
  Krass remarked:
  - You can, it was a boy as a virgin put up for auction!
  The manager shook his head.
  - No, he has already known the love of a woman more than once. Including my hostess! And women don't want virgins! They are attracted to young boys, but already skillful and experienced!
  The boy was all a little taller and a year older than Rhodopeia. His body was hardened by hard work and training. It was evident that it was not a star, but he could do something.
  But Rhodopeia is a capable warrior and has already fought in a real battle more than once. And not without glitter.
  So she immediately became a favorite. Let her not be known here. But most of the bets were on her.
  The boy turned pale. He saw that Rhodopeia's muscles were very prominent, and her body was more like a goddess of war in miniature than a girl. Press with tiles, which is rare in girls,
  and the muscles of the arms roll over balls. And this is a really strong fighter.
  The gong sounded and the boy, waving his sword, tried to attack. Rhodopeia parried the attacks. From the first minute it was clear that even though the boy was not bad, there was a strong warrior against him.
  which moves much faster.
  Rhodopeia, however, was in no hurry to end the battle. She had only a sword, like the boy. Shields in the distance. And Rhodopeia scratched the boy on the chest, cooing:
  - Well, sucker hurt?
  Blood came out. The boy attacked her in return. The girl parried and again lightly scratched her young counterpart in the chest. He began to attack more violently.
  Rhodopeia sometimes deflected, then parried, but so far she herself has not attacked. She felt sorry for the teenager, fourteen or fifteen years old, who already had scars on his body. He can be seen
  not fighting for the first time. And if he is knocked out, the public is unlikely to have mercy.
  In general, the life of a gladiator is difficult. You are constantly in danger of dying. And to withstand a hundred fights you need to be a real hero. And Rhodopeia sighed heavily.
  She didn't want to kill the boy, but she didn't want to die herself either.
  Moreover, the girl felt that even if she refused to finish off the boy, others would do it for her. Here, for example, the archers stand at the bed of the consul. They are muscular
  strong girls. They only cover their chests and thighs, and sandals on their feet. And so the body is almost naked, tanned and not feminine strong. Clearly they are female killers.
  And they have special, gilded bows.
  Rhodopeia fights on defense. Pity the boy. He probably worked in the quarries. Long-healed whip marks are visible on the back and sides. And then he was sold to a gladiator school.
  He is a pretty strong and fast fighter. But Rhodopeia is Albert's sister, and almost as great a fighter as his brother. So now the difference is in class.
  And you can win, but there is no desire.
  Crassus angrily remarked:
  - They fight very sluggishly! Like sleepy flies! Especially the girl!
  The Consul remarked:
  She doesn't want to kill him! Especially spares the boy!
  Krass noted:
  - We must burn her heels with a red-hot iron!
  The Consul nodded.
  - Both! However, the boy does not give up and attacks! Maybe the fight will revive!
  The manager noted:
  - This kid spent eight years in the mines. He is very resilient! So that...
  Crassus growled:
  - In any case, we will not pardon him if he loses!
  Rhodopeia is agile and fast. However, defending all the time, sooner or later you will miss. And then the boy removed Rhodopeia on the shoulder. The skin burst and the girl was now bleeding.
  Rhodopeia took it and became more active from anger. Now she began to attack the boy more vigorously. And the Moors, in order to cheer up the children, began to throw hot coals under their bare, hardened legs.
  Rhodopeia sang:
  - Do not catch with your hands
  Don't reach with your feet...
  Bare feet
  Powerful hands!
  And so she hit the boy on the chest with her sword. And cut harder. And then she pricked in the stomach. The boy wheezed. He kicked the girl. Got into her abs. The rhodopeia bent and rebounded.
  The boy attacked in rage. He bled quite a lot. And he risked weakening. Rhodopeia barely parried. Her hand was moving harder after being shot in the shoulder, and a little slower.
  Then the girl changed her hand and began to attack with her left. so it went a little better. And having caught a still insufficiently experienced opponent, the girl hit her wrists.
  The sword fell out, and the boy's hand was cut. And he stepped back. Rhodopeia went at him, but the boy kicked her again. Got between my legs and it hurt so much.
  Rhodopeia yelled and hit the young slave on the head with all her might. The crock with blond hair could not stand it, it cracked. And the boy collapsed dead, or maybe even gave up his ghost.
  The Moor jumped up to him and burned the bare heel of the fallen slave with a red-hot iron. He didn't even move.
  Crassus shouted:
  - Feed his lions! The fight is over!
  The boy was picked up on a hook and dragged. This time in the other direction, where there were not crocodiles, but lions.
  The girl stood dumbfounded. She killed a young slave, a boy in a loincloth. A slave just like her. And it's so sad and embarrassing. When you kill legionnaires, you don't feel that way.
  Crassus ordered:
  - Give her a bunch of flowers! Let rejoice!
  The Consul nodded.
  - And take the girl into custody! She is now our slave and will be sold!
  The manager remarked:
  - You need to buy it from me first!
  The Consul frowned:
  - Did you buy it?
  The manager shook his head.
  - Not!
  The Consul nodded.
  - These are the spies of Spartacus! We can torture them, or execute them! But for now, let them be slaves!
  Krass remarked:
  - The boy is now pleasing your wife. Don't you mind?
  The Consul noted:
  - Let him have fun! And then we'll send him to a separate cell! Planting with other slaves is very dangerous!
  Krass remarked:
  - If these are spies of Spartacus, then it is better to torture them!
  The Consul nodded.
  - But not today! They are stubborn children and the interrogation will drag on for a long time, but I want to interrogate them personally. Today is my birthday, let's forget about business!
  Krass remarked:
  - Torture is fun!
  The Consul nodded.
  - We'll finish eating, we'll finish drinking, we'll watch the last fights, and then we'll sleep. And in a new way we will give ourselves pleasure by torture!
  Krass agreed:
  - Yes, it's better to get a new pleasure with a fresh mind. And soon it will be light!
  The gladiatorial fights continued. Here another girl enters the arena ... She is in some thin panties, tanned, barefoot, muscular.
  She has a very beautiful chest, though scars are visible on her body. And the hair is copper-red, a pretty warrior.
  She was once a slave, and now she has gained freedom and fights for money. The legs are really bare, so that it is more dexterous.
  The wolf will fight against her this time. Quite a feasible opponent - the lion is much more dangerous. And the girl is armed with a sword and a dagger.
  The audience cheered in approval. Of course, animals do not run away to Spartak, so it is quite natural that now you need to measure strength with the beast.
  True, usually a lion is difficult to defeat. Often the lions trivially tore the boys apart. Moreover, naked and untrained, who somehow made a mistake in the quarries.
  And they were given such a merry death.
  Crassus grumbled:
  - This is really fun!
  The Consul remarked:
  - And this is Ellie, a woman from Germany. Very good fighter! She will not run away to Spartak!
  Krass agreed:
  - do not run away! But the wolf can tear it!
  The consul replied:
  - The wolf is not a strong opponent for her! Don't be afraid Crassus!
  Rich man number one remarked:
  - How many wolves do not feed, but he looks into the forest!
  And laugh out loud.
  Roman soldiers are certainly a force. But the barbarian warriors are good. The red-haired beauty, at the signal of the race, attacked the wolf. He, apparently, felt that the matter was unclean, and
  was in no hurry to attack. And the girl charged him with her bare heel, right in the nose. The wolf howled in pain. The girl jumped back and cooed:
  - Stick, stick cucumber,
  The wolf is being beaten by a man!
  Krass nodded.
  - Fabulous! The fight is very colorful!
  The Consul remarked:
  Ellie won't let you down!
  The wolf tried to attack the redhead. But he got a point on the wool. He felt pain and whimpered. Yes, this is for him to sniff snuff. And the beast again tries to attack in a rage.
  The redhead noticed, slashed the wolf in the mouth.
  - Gray you weakling!
  And again how to laugh.
  The Consul remarked with a smile:
  - This girl is not simple!
  Krass nodded.
  - There are women in Rome!
  The wolf snapped his teeth again. But he could not get the warrior. And his white fangs gleamed hard. And another blow of the sword just pierced his mouth. And then the dagger of the warrior
  poked hard in the eye. The wolf took a hit, scratched desperately, and hooked the binge on Ellie's leg. The girl received only a scratch, but was slightly dumbfounded, and seriously injured
  the wolf jumped at her, knocking her down. And then a little more and he almost grabbed his throat. The girl desperately jerked and kicked the daggers in the stomach. Fangs scratched her chin,
  and the claws went across the chest. The girl threw off the wolf and jumped up. He jumped at her again, but was hit with a dagger from a swing, and then with a sword in the skull.
  This time, the redhead did well, and the beast was stunned. Ellie herself was already badly scratched, blood was pouring from her, there were teeth marks on her chin. The girl became furious
  stab a stunned wolf with a dagger and chop with a sword.
  So thrashed until she was exhausted. Turning the carcass with fangs into a bloody mess. The fight was over. And the red-haired warrior raised her sword and yelled:
  - Victory!
  Krass remarked:
  - She was severely damaged!
  The Consul waved it off.
  - Live like a dog!
  Crassus replied:
  - I don't think so... The scars will last a lifetime!
  The Consul sighed.
  - Let's see! They say there are ointments that heal scars without a trace!
  The fight is over anyway... And most of the stakes, of course, are on the redhead...
  Then a blonde girl ran out. Very cute and muscular. Against her came two boys of about ten or eleven. Judging by all quite still, beginners.
  They didn"t even have time to treat them after the quarries, they were thin and slashed with whips.
  Krass noted:
  - Beautiful woman! It looks like you are taking care of it!
  The Consul nodded.
  - Boys are the cheapest goods! Beautiful women - the most expensive!
  The first rich man of Rome remarked:
  - And the one who pleases your wife is also a boy!
  The Consul remarked:
  - Not a simple boy, but extraordinarily handsome!
  The manager remarked:
  - And a rare warrior who laid down the champion of Rome!
  Krass nodded.
  - Oh yeah! That's why we didn't kill him! Even though he is a spy of Spartacus!
  The Consul licked his lips.
  - But there will be torture!
  Most of the bets went to the blonde. She was armed with a long and very sharp sword and shields. Almost naked, only panties on her. Breasts with scarlet nipples are visible.
  The boy is generally naked, in the quarries they do not need loincloths. And in the hands of short swords, and even clearly blunt!
  The natural beauty-blonde is cherished so that she will please more fights with victories. Boys are like meat for swords. Everything is quite natural.
  Krass remarked:
  -Beauty requires sacrifice!
  The consul agreed
  -And the female beauty of triple victims!
  The boys were in traces of lashes, and not healed properly. They were only washed from the dust of the mines. And so you can see they didn"t even feed before the fight. So my stomach
  the unfortunate children that were taken to the slaughter fell through.
  The manager remarked:
  - Well, you could feed! After all, they could eat their fill for the only time in their lives!
  Krass nodded.
  - Could! But on an empty stomach, it's easier to fight!
  The blonde fingered her bare feet and waited impatiently for the signal. She is very beautiful and her skin is golden-olive from sunburn. It is clear that such a woman is being held
  also for aesthetics. In Italy, white hair is much less common among local women than in the north, and therefore blondes are appreciated. And in general, agree, woman
  with white hair is much more beautiful than with black.
  The boys also admired the almost naked aunt with a sword, who should kill them. The blonde, having heard the gong signal, went on the offensive. She certainly felt a little sorry for these
  boys, but it might still be better to die than suffer in the quarries. In addition, the blonde believed that the souls of children fall on the Champs Elysees, and so enjoy
  in heavenly valleys, happiness and satiety, and games. They say they did not have time to sin, and the Gods do not torment them. A kind of doctrine of paradise also arose in Rome, and even earlier about
  immortal soul. And I didn"t want to believe in the underworld of Hades at all. And instead, you can think that the emperors after death become gods and feast on Olympus.
  And the heroes go to the Champs-Elysees, where Valkyries, luxurious feasts, wines, dishes, eternally young women, and other pleasures await them. Kind of like the Vikings. And children, maybe
  they will also be happy, and eternal games and fun, running barefoot on soft grass in the realm of eternal summer, childhood, and picking juicy, sweet fruits from lush trees!
  How is this not heaven? And in the quarries under overwork, not life, but a slow and painful death. This is how the boys were slashed by the overseers with a whip.
  But often young slaves are also raped, or older slaves or overseers. so you won't envy them anyway.
  The blonde wanted to finish off the boys quickly, but she understood that the public would not approve of this. Therefore, initially only slightly cut first one boy, and then
  another on the chest. And left them bloody streaks.
  Krass remarked:
  - Works for the public!
  The Consul nodded.
  - Entertaining! But to be honest, I already want to sleep!
  The manager nodded.
  - This is the penultimate battle... It's about to begin to get light. And you need to have strength in case of a fight with Spartak!
  Krass agreed:
  - The barbarians are already near, the assault may be tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow!
  The Consul nodded in agreement.
  - We can get seriously hurt!
  The manager remarked:
  - The walls of Rome are high and thick, and a hundred thousand defenders, of which half are experienced warriors. You can put another fifty thousand women and teenagers out of the number of citizens
  Crassus nodded in agreement.
  - That's just a good idea! We mobilize everyone!
  The Consul noted:
  - Yes, we have enough arsenals. It's just that women and children fight worse than men!
  The manager remarked:
  - Depends on what! The blonde is pretty good!
  Indeed, the girl was spinning on her toes. From time to time she tingled the boys. And hurt them a little. They gradually moved more and more slowly, and clearly weakened from
  blood loss. The girl with a sigh knocked down one of them with her bare foot, and deftly slapped the fallen boy on the back of the head with the hilt of the sword. He passed out, but was still alive.
  And he didn't have any serious injuries. So there was a chance that the public would have mercy. The second boy tried to run into the blonde, but was also hit again. And she moved her heel to his chin, also skillfully turning it off.
  The boys were now unconscious, but still alive and not crippled!
  Crassus nodded with a smile.
  - I think it's time to finish them off!
  The Consul suddenly objected:
  - A lot of slaves also escaped from the quarries. And despite the increased security, they continue to run. And the boys are valuable because they can crawl through narrow corridors and mine adits! Slaves are not enough! So I use my power to spare them!
  The manager nodded.
  Yes, you can use them again! The veins are intact, and the wounds will heal like on dogs. Better, let's watch the last fight and...
  Crassus yawned, his mouth wide open, and muttered:
  - Yes, we are tired! But in the end, we want something special!
  The manager nodded.
  - Will be! It will be special!
  The Consul stepped forward, and despite the bloodthirsty mood of the crowd, he took it and raised his thumb up!
  The blonde smiled and squeaked:
  - Glory to the merciful consul!
  Meanwhile, the Moors brought a red-hot iron to the bare heels of the boys. They quickly poked and immediately took it away so as not to seriously damage it. The boys came to their senses from acute pain.
  They put ropes on them and led them back. Now they were apparently considered not very capable of gladiatorial combat and were identified in the quarry. True, before that they were well fed,
  as it should be with the gladiators that remained to live. And put to sleep on soft beds in straw. The boys, accustomed to sleeping on coarse gravel in quarries, fell asleep with pleasure.
  And for the first time in my life I tasted delicious meat. Yes, ahead of them was a return to the mines. But there was hope that Spartacus would come. And it warms the soul.
  The boys sniffed their noses, and for the first time in a long time they saw sweet dreams.
  And here is the last fight.
  And really special. The black daughter of Africa Xena is fighting - she is the best gladiator among women, and the champion of the Roman Republic among the fair sex!
  Yes, black Xena, this is a great warrior. And the fight with her is interesting ...
  The girl was in only a loincloth, tall, with lean muscles and wiry. She can even be considered thin, but this impression is deceptive. It can be seen how
  balls of muscles roll under her black, tanned skin, which are hard as a wire.
  Krass noted:
  - Champion of the Roman Republic, at the very end? This is great!
  The Consul remarked with a smile:
  - Yes, this is impressive ... She is a wonderful fighter!
  Xena was armed with a long pole with sharp steel points at both ends.
  and jumped very well.
  Crassus said hopefully:
  - I hope her opponent will be serious! Not a couple of snotty boys?
  The manager nodded eagerly.
  - Yes, your majesty! The opponent will be what you need!
  When Xena took her leave, the signal sounded about the exit of the next enemy. And indeed the audience could be satisfied. A seven-meter, huge crocodile crawled out into the arena.
  The Consul remarked with a smile:
  - That's great!
  Krass agreed:
  - A good opponent! Just too... dumb!
  The manager noted:
  - Xena is not a slave, but a free gladiator who fights for money! And her opponent, on the one hand, is quite feasible, but on the other, worthy for the public! So the final
  the fight will be very interesting!
  Crassus sang out of emotion:
  - Some more! A little more, the last fight is the hardest!
  The Consul continued with a smile:
  - I want to go home to the bosom of Rome!
  Republic second mother!
  The manager remarked:
  - I think you will be pleased!
  Krass nodded.
  - I bet on Xena!
  The consul confirmed:
  - And I, too, on Xena!
  The manager agreed:
  - She will win! But someone will bet on a crocodile!
  The gong sounded to signal the start of the battle.
  Xena began to dance around the crocodile. He moved after her. Although outwardly clumsy, the reptile is quite fast. And here you need to be a high-class gladiator in order to
  don't get caught in her teeth. The black warrior was either advancing or retreating. And then struck with a sharp point. So far, not too dangerous for a crocodile. Obviously this is the last one.
  fight, and you can play for time.
  Crassus said with a smile:
  - Spartacus could have been laid down by such a vixen!
  The Consul remarked with a smile:
  - And what would happen if the boy would fight with this panther?
  Crassus quite logically remarked:
  - Very interesting and competitive battle!
  The Consul drank wine from a cup and remarked:
  - That would be a good show!
  . CHAPTER? 19.
  The manager suggested:
  - If you want, we can arrange it tomorrow!
  Crassus replied:
  - What about torture?
  The Consul remarked:
  - Torture will wait! We will always have time to fry the boy's heels!
  The manager nodded.
  - And the fight can be held in the Colosseum!
  Crassus replied:
  -Not! If the people gather in the Colosseum, it will be easier to attack the city. It will be necessary to arrange grandiose games of gladiators after the victory over Spartacus!
  The consul agreed to this:
  - That's right, we'll postpone it for better times. Especially since I'm already tired of this bloody spectacle!
  Krass about gurgled:
  - Spartak, Spartak - get a penny!
  Xena hit the crocodile's mouth several times with the tip, causing blood to flow. And then abruptly jumped over the reptile. And then she stood on the spikes. And pricked with bare heels.
  It all looked really great.
  The Consul noted:
  - Gorgeous girl!
  Krass agreed:
  - Talent!
  The manager suggested:
  - Maybe show her fight against a lion? It will be even tougher!
  Krass nodded.
  - Yes, the lion is more dangerous than the crocodile and faster!
  The Consul noted:
  - Maybe against a bear?
  Crassus replied:
  - A lion is more dangerous than a bear! Or maybe even use a tiger?
  The consul agreed to this:
  - The tiger is really a big head!
  Xena continued to prick the crocodile. She did it with great pleasure. Although she had both an overwhelming attitude and a violent reaction from the daughter of Africa.
  Crassus said with a smile:
  - This is a charm!
  The consul agreed
  - Big charm!
  Xena has so far acted with great imagination and imagination. Here she slapped her bare feet on the teeth of a crocodile, and pricked her heels. And then it jumps up and back out again.
  Yes, she's a really overwhelming girl. Only she does not suppress desires, but excites.
  And the crocodile keeps chasing after her, but losing more and more blood and inflicting more and more significant damage. yes, it's a great race.
  Crassus remarked with a smile:
  You are great Xena!
  The consul replied:
  - Just a good gladiator! A fighter is a fighter!
  The manager suggested:
  - Maybe scatter coals!
  Crassus replied:
  - The crocodile will be in more pain than her!
  The duel continued. While Xena pricked the crocodile in the mouth and nostrils, but did not touch the eyes. She was clearly in no hurry to finish him off. But she bled a lot.
  And her bare, girlish legs left very graceful and chiselled traces. And the fight itself took place in a very one-sided manner. However, a couple of times a crocodile girl on the calves
  The Consul noted, yawning widely, and then glancing at the water clock, growled:
  - It's already bright on the horizon! Soon the sun will come out!
  Crassus agreed with this:
  - Yes, we will have much more fun! The sun rises above the Earth!
  The manager suggested:
  - Maybe... Well, okay! I myself feel that my eyes are sticking together!
  The Consul nodded.
  - Yes, it's time to finish the feast and go to bed!
  Krass remarked:
  - Spartak is already coming to us! And he can move fast!
  The manager shouted at the top of his voice:
  - Let's finish Xena!
  The girl smiled wickedly. And her pole flew high and immediately stuck deep into the reptile's eye. The crocodile received a severe blow and fell silent. Like he was rammed with
  lethal force.
  Xena exclaimed:
  - Victory! Praise Rome!
  Krass nodded.
  - Victory! Well done!
  He tossed her a gold coin.
  The golden round disc and the consul were thrown.
  The fight was over. Xena dipped her foot in the scarlet blood and left some pretty prints. Then she bowed and started walking away.
  The Consul replied with a smile:
  - That's pretty impressive!
  Krass agreed:
  - Yes, it's cool! Although .. predictable!
  The manager nodded.
  - Be predictable! It means to be punished!
  Xena left, and a dozen Moors dragged the carcass of the crocodile.
  The fight ended, and many guests fell asleep right in their chairs.
  New presidential elections are already taking place in the USSR. More precisely, not new, but the first.
  And of course, Mikhail-Vladimir Gorbachev-Putin is the only presidential candidate without an alternative. And the result can be only one: ninety-nine and ninety-nine hundredths. And this shows another triumph of the bald dictator.
  This is how Mikhail Gorbachev, instead of democracy, returned the times of Stalinism to the USSR. Which, however, many wanted after the Brezhnev mess. And now the cult of personality is in power again, whose portraits are hung all over the USSR. And again, as in the old days, black funnels and landings.
  Since Vladimir-Mikhail dreams about Afghanistan, and beautiful warrior girls are there.
  Four beautiful girls in bikinis are running: Natasha, Zoya, Augustina, Svetlana.
  Here they bravely engage in battle with the Mujahideen.
  Natasha fires on the troops of the Islamic Empire, the Taliban from a grenade launcher, knocks a tank into the side and exclaims:
  - Motherland will not forget us!
  Then her bare foot throws a grenade at the Taliban soldiers. There is a scream and a squeak, a mass of torn fighters of the Islamic empire. And one general of Suleiman's army had his arm torn off.
  Zoya, who also scribbled on the Taliban, noted with surprise:
  - Platinum watch!
  Augustina, throwing a grenade at the soldiers of the Islamic Empire with her bare toes, nodded:
  - They also said that Suleiman was a beggar!
  Svetlana, scribbling on the Taliban, gave out, with a wink and a bare, round, pink heel, succumbing to the explosion package, with explosives:
  - The main wealth in the soul!
  And the mass of Taliban soldiers was torn apart. It was a grandiose battle between two colossal armies.
  Natasha fell on her stomach... A stormtrooper flew over her. The girl turned and thumped his tail. Hit the car. She smoked and left behind a magnificent train.
  Yes, this is an impressive application of the new Igla complex. It burns oil like hot metal.
  Zoya also hit another Taliban stormtrooper. She struck him in the body, after which she sang:
  We will never surrender to the enemy
  I will cut the adversaries under the trunks!
  And the girl with bare feet embraced a bunch of grenades. And then, as with great dexterity, he will throw it at the enemy.
  And another self-propelled gun of the Islamic empire will turn over.
  It can be seen that a turtle with a powerful cannon is spinning broken rollers, and the caterpillars have burst.
  Zoya remarked with a smile:
  We'll make everything great!
  Augustina also fights desperately. She jumps up and runs towards the Taliban, shooting. And her copper-red hair flutters like a battle banner. Impressive grace in a girl.
  The red-haired beast sings:
  - Let's make the world beautiful
  And let's fly...
  Our Soviet Russia
  The formidable army will kill!
  Svetlana, aggressively shooting at opponents and mowing them like a scythe, also threw a grenade with her bare, tenacious fingers and squeaked:
  - For the flight to the heights!
  Four girls worked. And she shot and thrashed opponents with great desperation and figurative onslaught.
  In addition to them, other girls fought. Elizaveta's crew left on the newest T-72.
  Girls, of course, in one bikini and barefoot. They are driving their car.
  And the Taliban tanks are creeping in. This is basically a copy from the T-54, not a very dangerous machine.
  Elizabeth commands, and Catherine, resting her bare, round, girlish heels, directs the gun.
  And if he lupanet, then he will hit it thoroughly.
  Here a heavy projectile is spit out from the barrel, and from a long distance it hits a Taliban tank.
  Elena, who has filed a projectile, exclaims:
  - It's colossal!
  The driver Efrosinya confirms:
  - Definitely so!
  And her bare, callused soles press down on the pedals. The tank accelerates rapidly. Then it slows down again. And a killer shot follows.
  The crew of four E is on top.
  Their tank is moving again and the long barrel is turning. The deadly cannon fires again. At the time of the appearance of the T-72, the best tank in the world. And of course, he shows his.
  Elizabeth, firing, and hitting opponents, remarks:
  - We are true patriots of the USSR!
  Catherine said emphatically:
  - All patriots of the Soviet Union!
  And fired, pressing the button, head, pink heel.
  Yes, the girls here are not one of those that slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes. Their tank is on the move again.
  From a distance, he is not afraid of Taliban shells. And they hit the enemy from five, six kilometers.
  Here are the girls - what you need. They have the power of anger and the flame of passion. And also the confidence to win.
  Elizabeth looks through the scope. There are few Afghan cars. But there are also American ones sold to the Islamic empire on credit. These machines are also weaker than the Russian one. And they have a taller silhouette, which makes it much easier to hit.
  Catherine aimed and hit an American-made Afghan vehicle. And with one shot tore down the tower.
  This is how she hits greyhound.
  Elena, a radio operator and loader, confirmed:
  - Keep it up!
  And again a deadly projectile for the Afghans flies out. Girls in all their glory.
  Well, it's a tank.
  And here they are running, flashing pink heels of a girl in a bikini to the planes.
  Yes, attack fighters are ready for battle.
  Anastasia Vedmakova jumps into the nearest plane. And rests on the pedals with bare soles.
  The car then slowly takes off.
  A warrior with a red suit, with a perfect figure, says:
  Joy, my strength is in the Lord,
  Joy, in the Lord with strength appreciating!
  And smiles with pearly teeth. Vladimir Putin is certainly not a great ruler. But in this case, he is waging a war comparable to the Great Patriotic War.
  The Afghans are pushing and wedging themselves into Russian territory.
  Here is the honey blonde - Akulina Orlova. Also a girl what you need.
  And again in a bikini and barefoot. She is very beautiful and tanned.
  As she runs towards the plane, the men stare. And the servant boys run up and kiss the graceful traces of her bare feet.
  Here is the girl.
  Akulina flutters and flies into the attack aircraft. It is very smooth, and at the same time quickly comes off.
  Akulina sang:
  - I see a blue line in the sky,
  With noise I'm gaining altitude!
  And now her attack aircraft sees the first target in the sky - an Afghan airplane.
  The girl, without thinking twice, knocks him out of the aircraft guns, hitting him from a long distance.
  Then the blonde terminator sang:
  - I'm the most accurate in the world,
  Got famous on this show!
  Akulina giggled... Memories flashed by of how the prisoners kissed her bare feet, bare, dusty soles.
  Yes, it was fun. And the Taliban crawled on their knees kissing the bare feet of a Russian girl.
  Mirabela Magnetic also runs towards the plane. Her legs are so tanned, muscular, naked and graceful.
  And what delightful press plates. This is just a miracle.
  Mirabela is a warrior who simply demonstrates the highest class of behavior and at the same time the standard of beauty.
  And her hair sparkles like gold leaf. And the body is barely covered by a bikini.
  And what graceful traces her bare, chiseled legs leave. This is an amazing girl.
  You can admire it for a long time without looking away.
  Here she was pressing on the pedals with her bare soles, and the fighter-attack aircraft smoothly took off from the runway.
  Mirabela sang with a laugh:
  - There is no place for weaknesses,
  We will meet the dawn!
  Now all three girls are in the air, which means that black hours have come for the Taliban.
  Anastasia Vedmakova sends a deadly projectile at an Afghan tank and pierces it through. Then he says:
  - For communism!
  Akulina Orlova also fights with great success. Here is her rocket launched, which smashed the self-propelled gun. The girl screams:
  - For the greatness of the planet and for the glory of October!
  And again, she sends something extremely deadly at the enemy.
  Mirabela Magnetic accurately hits the enemy, and sings:
  - One, two, three... Destroy all enemies! And tear off the Taliban's head!
  The triumvirate fights very skillfully and desperately. The girls here are just so beautiful.
  And their stormtroopers jump across the sky and it's very cool. And besides, they shoot down Taliban planes.
  Here are the beauties written. No empire of the Mujahideen will be good. Here is one shot, and as many as three Afghan planes were shot down at once.
  Anastasia Vedmakova, baring her teeth and smiling affably, pressed her bare, pink heel on the button.
  Hit the car and squeaked:
  - This is my capital request!
  Akulina Orlova confirmed, knocking down the enemy:
  - And move quickly in the nose!
  The girls here are unbelievable. And again a couple of Afghan fighters were shot down. This is their highest profession. A girl of colossal strength here.
  And then Anastasia hit the bunker with the Taliban general. And he flew up into the air.
  How the earth rose and blazed from the impact of the girls. And this is just the beginning.
  Female snipers also fight.
  Alice and Angelica with their rifles. They hunt for Taliban soldiers and shoot accurately.
  They aim first of all at the officers.
  Girls also prefer to fight in only one bikini. They are brave and very beautiful.
  Also Alice is blonde, and Angelica is red.
  They shoot in turn and hit accurately.
  Alice shot down the Taliban colonel with a well-aimed bullet and asked the red-haired partner:
  - Do you think black holes really exist or is it just a hypothesis?
  Angelica also cut off another Afghan officer with a well-aimed shot and answered:
  - I found the time to ask such questions!
  Alice answered with a sigh:
  - Alas, there was no better time!
  And the girl threw a small grenade with her bare toes. A dozen Taliban were torn apart.
  Angelica answered, firing again:
  - I think that black holes do not affect the yield of cereals!
  Alice agreed with this:
  I think so too, though...
  The red-haired beast threw a gift of annihilation with her bare heel, again breaking the opponents and issued:
  - For communism on Venus!
  Alice added:
  And on Mars too!
  Both girls are good shots. And they are very curvaceous and muscular.
  For example, when a Taliban was captured, they forced him to kiss dusty soles. So the warrior of the Islamic empire, the Taliban, was so worried that he literally dropped his hooves.
  Alice replied with a sigh:
  - Sorry for him!
  Angelica agreed.
  We don't need this war!
  Alice added:
  And the Taliban too!
  The red-haired beast wittily remarked:
  - With glasses from China, I'm so cool!
  Warriors are actually very funny.
  They have so much bright charm.
  Alice again threw the gift of death with her bare, round heel and cooed:
  - For new victories!
  Angelica also launched destruction at the enemy, using her bare foot and yelped:
  - For the Motherland!
  That's how these girls parted ... Sniper rifles worked with full dedication.
  Alenka also fought, defending the city from the Taliban. Everywhere were ruins and ruins piled up.
  The girl fired a line at the soldiers of the Islamic Taliban empire, mowed down a whole line of them.
  And then Alenka threw a grenade with her bare toes, scattering the Chinese and squeaking:
  - For Ilya Muromets!
  Anyuta also wrote about the soldiers of the Afghan Taliban empire. And planted very accurately. What is not a bullet, then a hit.
  And the punched Taliban are falling, the word is stacked.
  And the girl, still naked, pink, with a round heel, will throw a pea of death and sing:
  - Glory to the USSR! We have no problems!
  And again, a well-aimed turn, and a bunch of corpses.
  Allah is also in battle. Cuts off the soldiers of the Afghan Empire Taliban. She is such a radiant girl. Knocks out the Taliban like a brand with a needle. While singing:
  - And in the mountain heights, starry silence,
  In the sea wave and furious fire!
  And furious, and furious fire!
  And now her bare toes again throw the murderous and destructive gift of death.
  The girls here are very beautiful, and all in bikinis. And so curvaceous and muscular.
  Maria also fights. He knocks out a mass of Taliban, mows them down with great ease and sings:
  - Life is just a moment - between the past and the future,
  Life is only a moment - hold on to it ...
  Who among men can boast of a torso,
  And the girl has an idea - spin!
  And her bare foot again throws a gift of annihilation of colossal destructive power.
  These are really girls - just the highest class and aerobatics of the most outstanding pilots.
  And how their bare feet are graceful and seductive.
  The Olympics also fight with great enthusiasm. And mow down enemies without ceremony. She destroys them in whole ranks.
  And then the bare toes of the magnificent beauty throw gifts of total annihilation.
  Then Olympias sang:
  - No, the vigilant will not fade,
  The view of the Komsomol member is clean ...
  The voice of the people is loud
  And the brook is radiant!
  I believe the whole world will wake up
  There will be an end to fascism
  And the sun will shine
  Lighting the way for communism!
  And again, the bare heel immediately throws up a whole bunch of grenades.
  Here are the girls. They have so much beauty. And the Taliban are moving forward like a tsunami wave. There are a lot of them, and they literally bombard Russian positions with corpses. And they are so aggressive.
  The troops of the Afghan empire, the Taliban, are trying to capture the whole world. And in this case, Russia.
  Marusya shoots at the Taliban. Her bare toes are throwing a lemon with splinters. And again they fly in different directions of the needle. The warriors of the Islamic empire Taliban are being stitched.
  The Mujahideen are very brave, and the girls scribbling on them barely have time to change the ribbon. They are literally being pelted with corpses.
  Marusya sang with a smile:
  - Stalin lives in my heart,
  So that we do not know sadness ...
  Opened the door to space
  The stars were shining above us!
  And again, the bare, chiseled leg of the girl throws a grenade of great deadly power.
  Here is a beauty.
  Matryona also fires at the enemy, and very well-aimed. She mows down enemies, and throws grenade deadly power with her bare toes. Breaks adversaries and squeaks:
  - The Komsomol is not just age,
  Komsomol is my destiny!
  And again the girl makes a well-aimed shot. And the dead Taliban general falls.
  Alenka sings, crushing the Mujahideen:
  - Union indestructible free republics,
  It was not brute force that rallied, not fear ...
  And the good will of enlightened people,
  And friendship, light, reason and courage in dreams!
  And once again, the bare fingers of the chiseled, tanned legs of the girl throw a grenade of deadly and destructive power.
  And the mass of the Taliban goes to the forefathers.
  Anyuta also threw a present of death with her bare heel.
  The Afghan tank rolled over. And his broken rollers rolled across the field.
  Scorched grass, mass of corpses on it.
  Anyuta sang with a smile:
  - A war is raging with the Taliban,
  War for no reason...
  Satan is off the chain
  And death came with him!
  Alla also scribbled on the soldiers of the Afghan Taliban empire, and very aptly. And the red-haired girl, with her bare toes, launched a piece of plastid.
  And two dozen Afghans were thrown into the air and caught fire there.
  Allah sang:
  - Immortal glory was known in battles,
  Our great people in battles are like an eagle ...
  I know many generations will pass
  And the warrior of Russia - found greatness!
  After that, Alla again threw the deadly gift of annihilation with her bare toes.
  Maria, writing on the Taliban, noted:
  - This is our highest class!
  And she took it and threw it with her bare toes, a devastating gift of annihilation.
  Then the girl with yellow hair sang:
  - Grenade, grenade, lethal grenade,
  The Chinese are waiting - the coolest payback!
  The Olympics celebrated aggressively, mowing the Taliban like a scythe. And throwing another gift of annihilation with bare fingers, the girl gave out:
  - This will be very cool!
  Marusya, mowing down the enemies, and throwing deadly gifts of death with her bare toes, squeaked:
  - For big changes!
  Matryona, knocking out the Afghans, and giving a gift of hellish death with her bare heel, issued:
  - For real communism in the USSR!
  These are the girls with bare legs, and the Taliban are pressed with bare round heels.
  But Veronica and Tamara point missiles at the troops of the Afghan Empire. And they are launched with a roar, destroying the positions of the Taliban. Here is the battle.
  Veronica and Tamara flicker barefoot, pink heels, and put pressure on the buttons of the joysticks.
  Veronica launched the destruction and squeaked:
  - For new victories of the USSR!
  Tamara crushed the enemies, releasing gifts of destruction, and yelped, pressing the button with her bare fingers:
  - This is the great party of the world!
  The girls laughed and showed their tongues.
  Victoria also presses the joystick buttons with bare fingers of her very beautiful and seductive legs.
  And breaks the bunkers and pillboxes of the enemy from the Islamic empire of the Taliban. These are the girls who carry the charge of annihilation.
  Veronica ran her hand over the tiles of the press and chirped:
  - For the reunification of the planet and the whole world!
  . CHAPTER? twenty.
  Here is Steelenida in battle. She is a girl that is able to fight with frenzied rage.
  And now her chest is shaking. Here is the girl. And her tongue is so scarlet.
  And now the gift of death flies with lethal force.
  Stalenida sings with a hellish smile:
  - The world will become cleaner and more beautiful,
  For the sake of our Motherland-Russia...
  Afghan comes in fury -
  I'll give him a sword in the face!
  Veronica agreed with this:
  - Russia is obliged to defeat the Taliban!
  The girls are on the attack. And their legs are very seductive, and flash with great charm.
  Volunteers from Germany are also fighting here. Here, in particular, the tank crew of Gerda.
  German girls are also barefoot and in bikinis.
  Red-haired Charlotte presses the joystick buttons with her bare toes and hits the enemy tank.
  Then he says:
  - We will protect Germany on distant frontiers.
  Gerda also shoots, using her bare toes, at the hated enemy and squeaks:
  - For the white brotherhood!
  Christina also fights very bravely. And he uses his bare toes very productively.
  Presents of death fly out of the barrel of the tank. They crush and burn everything around them.
  And this is a very deadly and destructive tank.
  Christina sang:
  - Our communism in great glory,
  Raise the banner above the red ones!
  And the girl will press the buttons with her bare heel.
  Magda also fires very accurately. Hits the enemy with great accuracy, tears off the towers with shells and squeals:
  - For the Fatherland - our mother!
  And also her bare toes at work.
  Here are the girls - the very lava of the volcano - blood and milk. And how they crush the Mujahideen without giving them the slightest indulgence.
  Gerda chirped, sending a projectile with the help of her bare toes into the enemy tank:
  - It's breathtaking!
  There are no real problems for girls.
  But the beautiful ninjas from Japan again took up the Afghans.
  If they have already begun to destroy, then they do it with great relish and scope.
  The blue-haired ninja girl slashed at the Taliban with two swords, swiping the windmill, and cooed:
  - For the great achievements of Japan!
  And her bare heel tossed the ball with colossal force of destruction and annihilation.
  A ninja girl with yellow hair performed a butterfly blade technique and yelped:
  - For the biggest wins!
  And her bare toes threw a pea of annihilation, tearing a couple of dozen Afghans to pieces.
  The red-haired ninja girl also slashed with her swords, from left to right and obliquely.
  Then she cooed:
  - For space Japan!
  And with her bare heel, the girl threw a bag of coal explosives, and how she would smash the enemy.
  A ninja girl with white hair held a reception, a barrel of nails, blowing off the heads of the Taliban and squeaked:
  - For the greatest celestial empire!
  And with his bare toes he will throw poisonous needles that pierce through swarthy warriors.
  This four ninja girls turned out to be aggressive and chopped off Afghan heads with great enthusiasm.
  Fought in the sky and pilots of the highest class.
  In particular, Albina and Alvina.
  These are such charming blondes. They launch air projectiles at the enemy.
  Albina fired with her bare toes. She shot down a dozen Afghan planes at once and cooed:
  - For the Fatherland of a great era!
  Alvina cut off the enemy, and knocking out a dozen Taliban cars at once, by simply pressing her bare heel, issued:
  - For the most Great Russia and the USSR!
  This is a girl - the greatest class, really super. And her partner is simply hyper.
  Girls, of course, clockwork order and the greatest wisdom.
  And here is Margarita riding a motorcycle and shooting at the Taliban.
  And with her, Viola.
  Girls mow down the soldiers of the Afghan Taliban empire.
  Viola throws a bomb bomb from the carriage with the help of her bare toes and roars:
  - For the Motherland, for Putin!
  Margarita also tossed up a gift of destruction with her bare foot, with a graceful curve of the sole, and vyaknula:
  - For the victory of the great communism!
  And both girls will burst out laughing. And they give a turn that cut off a whole line of Chinese.
  But Olya and Nadezhda are driving an infantry fighting vehicle. They also fire extremely accurately from a dozen machine guns at once. And so the Chinese are desperately and skillfully mowed down.
  Here are the women. And of course, also in the same red bikini, tanned and barefoot.
  Their legs are in motion and send charges of destruction and death to the Afghans. These girls are just amazing!
  Olya cooed, baring her teeth:
  - Communism to be all over the world!
  Nadezhda willingly agreed with this, mowing down the soldiers of the Afghan Taliban empire and pressing her heel on the pedals:
  - We are faithful to the cause of Lenin!
  The warriors on the BMP are, of course, very greyhounds and strong.
  And here are Valentina and Larisa, too, pounding the Taliban from a hang glider.
  And they drop bombs with their bare toes. They destroy enemies from the Afghan Empire very famously.
  Valentina, firing at the hated enemy, barked:
  - For the Fatherland - our mother!
  Larisa, cutting off the Mujahideen, pressing her bare, very beautiful and aesthetic pink heel, squeaked:
  - Let's beat out the Taliban spirit!
  Anna and Angelina also took on the Taliban here. The girls used an underground tank. And this is serious.
  The machine is small but efficient.
  Anna fired at the enemy, mowed down a mass of Taliban and chirped, pressing the buttons with her bare toes:
  - For the victories of the era of the red country!
  Angelina, mowing down her opponents, and emerging like a tank from the ground, squealed, baring her teeth:
  - Communism is immortal!
  And again her naked, elastic heel sent a gift of destruction.
  The presidential elections in the USSR were held and passed with a bang. Now Mikhail-Vladimir is the sovereign dictator of the sixth part of the land. But this is not enough for him.
  I want to capture Iran and get access to the Indian Ocean.
  To do what the late Vladimir Volfovich dreamed of.
  And everything is ready for the invasion.
  The offensive began on August 30, 1987. The first war of conquest started by Vladimir-Mikhail Gorbachev-Putin in a new body.
  The Iranian troops were pinned down by the war with Iraq, the offensive began, on the cities, covered only by the militias.
  But with the Taliban it was much more difficult.
  The girls waged a heroic war against the Taliban.
  Natasha took the windmill with her swords. She chopped off the heads of the Mujahideen, then threw a grenade with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - For the great Mother of Gods Lada!
  Zoya, scribbling machine guns at her opponents and cutting off their heads with swords, cooed:
  - For Svarog!
  And her bare, graceful leg threw a grenade of deadly force of destructive power.
  Fighting Augustine fights with renewed vigor. And her copper-red hair flutters in the wind like the banner of Lenin.
  The warrior throws a lemon with her bare toes of deadly strength and squeals:
  - Glory to the era of Yarila!
  After that, from her scarlet nipple, like a lightning bolt.
  Svetlana also fights, cuts down the Taliban, and throws up a boomerang with her bare heel, saying:
  - For Kievan Rus!
  And her swords are like the blades of a mill. This girl is just amazing.
  The warriors here are of the highest class.
  The eternal boy Oleg Rybachenko cuts down adversaries with swords and throws a lemon at them with deadly force.
  Then he says:
  - For great Russia!
  Margarita Korshunova continues to cut enemies. And the girl runs the mill with swords. And then her bare toes, as if hurled shock destruction.
  The warrior girl cooed:
  - For Russian Gods in the USSR!
  After that, the immortal children will take it and whistle.
  And thousands of crows having a heart attack curled into a swoon, punching the skulls of the Mujahideen to death.
  The boy and the girl sang:
  We will fight for a brighter tomorrow
  Let's kiss!
  After that, the children took and threw a wire with a discharge with their bare heels. And a whole line of Taliban sparkled. And their meat fell off the bones and charred.
  That's what it means - children are monsters!
  But Anastasia Vedmakova is destroying the Taliban army from the sky. That's how sexy and erotic this witch is. She is an eternal and young girl, although she fought in the civil war. But being a witch doesn't age.
  Anastasia is a beautiful, young girl in only one bikini.
  And with his bare toes, he presses the buttons, knocking down the enemy and screeching at the top of his lungs:
  - Glory to the era of Russian Gods!
  Akulina Orlova, grinning aggressively and winking, sending explosive charges at her opponents, cooed:
  - For holy communism!
  And he will take it and how he will press the button with the scarlet nipple of his chest.
  And then her bare heel in action, in total destruction of enemies.
  Akulina sang:
  Skull at night, sparkling like a dagger,
  Showed that Satan rules...
  And swallowing innocent victims of snakes,
  Drives the universe crazy!
  Mirabela Magnetic also fights with enthusiasm. She uses a ruby nipple in battle, and sends gifts of death to the enemy.
  While singing:
  - Glory to the era of cosmic forces,
  We will conquer - I believe soon the whole world!
  And also using his bare toes, he sends a murderous gift of death to the Mujahideen.
  This is a girl - she is a bird of the highest flight. Although other beauties are by no means worse.
  Anastasia Vedmakova sang enthusiastically:
  The devil is here, the devil is there
  Where the dragon is a complete lie!
  These are the girls - super class!
  And the girl's bare heel took and pressed with great force on the buttons of the joystick. And there was complete destruction.
  Here are the pilots. They throw a present of annihilation from the womb. And immediately a thousand Taliban fighters evaporated at once ...
  Akulina Orlova sang enthusiastically:
  - Under the sacred banner of freedom -
  In peace, friendship, happiness and love...
  Peoples merge into a bright beam,
  To dispel the darkness ahead!
  And the girl again with her bare toes, as she presses the buttons of the joystick and sends murderous and destructive.
  Mirabela remarked, baring her pearly teeth:
  - We are peaceful people, but our jet,
  A large armored train managed to accelerate ...
  Let's not be passive girls in bed,
  Not only guys should kiss!
  And the girl will fire again with the help of her bare toes at the enemy.
  After that, the girls in chorus will yell:
  - Death to the rain dragon!
  This really was stolen of the highest standard ...
  Elizabeth, meanwhile, is firing from a tank, and squeals at the top of her lungs:
  - I am the strongest in the world,
  I will be able to trample the universe ...
  What will be on air soon?
  Father and mother do not know!
  And the girl will press the joystick button with her scarlet nipple. And the gun will take and hammer.
  Spit out a projectile with deadly force. He will fly by and literally describe the arc.
  Ekaterina also thumped, using her bare fingers, her graceful and seductive legs, and sang:
  - We'll go to battle soon,
  For the power of the soviets...
  And I know we won't die
  In the fight for it!
  And then the girl fired again, but in this case, pressing her ruby nipple.
  These girls are just super class. No one can resist them.
  Elena, too, as if shooting, crushing her bare, round, pink heel and singing:
  The people stand in a silent crowd,
  A girl in coarse rags is being led to execution...
  Yesterday there was a throne, today a scaffold,
  Why are you ruining the princess for the people!
  Oh kings, kings, kings...
  Looks like a girl with braids...
  However, the princess could not be broken,
  Even though she's barefoot in the snow,
  Oh kings, kings, kings
  Victory flags and trumpets...
  The girl's bare heels were burned,
  In the cold, she looks like a poor woman!
  And let some idiot keep saying
  Princess life is easy and fun...
  She walks barefoot in the snow
  Such a difficult profession!
  Oh kings, kings, kings
  Light and reliable folk ...
  Today the princess is completely broke,
  Scarecrow like a garden...
  Oh kings, kings, kings
  Feats your sovereign ...
  If the enemy could not be defeated,
  So you are completely infamous!
  The princess is very hard flogged by the whip,
  Then they pulled her up on the rack...
  She is sentenced to die naked,
  And drill through all the bones with drills!
  Oh kings, kings, kings
  People are no longer free...
  Apparently, to expel the villains from the earth,
  You are too noble!
  Oh kings, kings, kings...
  The heads flew off!
  Though blue, in fact - zeros,
  Scarlet you shed blood!
  Euphrosinia also fired, using the nipple of her bare breast, which looked like an overripe strawberry, to press the button.
  And chirped:
  The time for redemption is almost here
  The barefoot queen is led to the scaffold!
  These girls are just amazing!
  Alenka also fights. The girl not only cuts with swords. But scarlet, like fresh roses, the nipples of the chest presses on the accordion.
  And she throws out poisonous needles, hitting the Mujahideen.
  The warrior took it and sang:
  - Queen, oh queen,
  Well, what did you want!
  Anyuta thrashed her opponent, also pressing her strawberry nipple on the button and chirped:
  - I fell in love with the prince in May,
  And now I go barefoot!
  And the girl with her bare heel will give in to the gift of annihilation.
  Alenka chirped, baring her teeth, which was whiter than snow on New Year's Eve:
  - I'm a simple Russian girl,
  Barefoot in the cold...
  I have a short skirt
  The groom in the face with a fist!
  And the warriors again with a scarlet nipple as they press. Lupanet from an accordion with lightning.
  So the red-haired Alla acts very aggressively. What kind of chest does she have? Such as two melons, and very ripe. And it is crowned with rubies of nipples. And with these nipples the girl presses and hits the Chinese.
  And singing:
  - Glory to the Fatherland, glory -
  Let's slay the dragon...
  The girl tore her shirt
  And only a thread covers the chest!
  These are really girls of the highest class.
  Maria is eager to fight too. She is a very beautiful girl. And her hair is the color of gold leaf and slightly curly. And she's so combative.
  So she took it and with her bare toes threw a boomerang, cutting off the heads of the adversaries.
  And then she took it with a strawberry-colored nipple at the enemy, and tore a dozen soldiers apart.
  Then she sang:
  - I'm the sexiest girl in the world,
  Soak the dragon in a smelly toilet!
  That's how she is a girl - the highest class.
  Olympias, a heroic girl with hair the color of overripe wheat, took it and with her bare, strong legs threw something extremely lethal at the enemy.
  She tore apart a mass of Mujahideen and cooed, baring her teeth:
  - I'm a giant's strength girl,
  Even cooler - I know it has become!
  And now her nipple, like an overripe tomato, will press the flamethrower button and a stream of aggressive flame will flow. And let's burn everything as if charring to death.
  Olympics sang:
  - Fire battery,
  Fire battery...
  blooming orchid,
  Mleya in an orgasm!
  Marusya pulled up a mine on a wire. Dragged her under a Taliban tank. Blew up the enemy and chirped:
  - For the USSR!
  Then she thumped with a bazooka, pressing on the button with a nipple the color of a ripe poppy and chirped:
  - Poppies, poppies, poppies - red poppies,
  Bitter memory of the earth...
  Do you dream of attacks
  Do you dream of attacks...
  Girls rush to the attack with bare feet!
  Matryona, also fighting and crushing the Afghans, noted:
  - No, I'm stronger!
  And with her bare toes, she threw a blade, ripping her throat.
  Then she sang:
  - One two Three -
  Break the dragon!
  And the girls will take it and laugh. They have so much power and passion.
  The girl threw a gift of death at the enemy with her bare toes and chirped with fury:
  The devil is here, the devil is there
  Where the dragon is a complete lie!
  These girls are full of energy.
  And they took it in chorus and sang, baring their teeth;
  We are Komsomol members - daughters of communism,
  We fight enemies like eagles...
  Sometimes grins of revanchism fly,
  In winter, the girls' feet are bare!
  We want to punch the Fuhrer in the face,
  We have more strength than an elephant ...
  We succeed in love and in sports,
  Though the horde attacks in a rage!
  No one will stop the girls,
  After all, our strength is like a steel fist ...
  We can even kill the army,
  And we'll hit Hitler hard in the penny!
  The era of communism will come, I believe,
  And the infinite Rod will give us strength ...
  We will not regret for the sake of the Lada of life,
  I believe the fatherland will bloom soon!
  Boys and girls fight
  A barefoot pioneer goes on the attack...
  We crush the enemy famously with a machine gun,
  Leading by example!
  The rain dragon attacks us rudely,
  But the girls boldly beat him ...
  Let's knock out the servant of hell, I believe the teeth,
  We'll tear the bald man apart!
  In Russia, I know there is no place for the weak,
  We'll get everything we want soon
  In the name of the most radiant power,
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub!
  There will be great friendship among the peoples,
  Who fight with the power know...
  For the Motherland, for happiness, for freedom,
  And there will soon be paradise in the universe!
  The girl is barefoot in the cold,
  Why does she need shoes if Lada is a spirit ...
  Homeland all from edge to edge,
  The eagle is a boy, not a rooster chick!
  The sun shines brightly over the world,
  In which golden warm rays ...
  Victory will come in the wind of May's caress,
  And do not talk dummy - shut up!
  We girls are just daughters of Svarog,
  Who created the Earth with the Family ...
  And gave the warriors freedom
  At once reviving the universal ideal!
  In Russia, there is a spacious place for girls,
  They are in the cold bikini only wearing ...
  You are a Komsomol member of Perun's bride,
  Believe me, there will be no problems in a rage!
  In the Name of Jesus and Svarog,
  Mary, Lada mother of the Gods...
  Fought for Stalin and God
  And for the best of sons!
  We will not forget the feat of Jesus,
  Who went to the cross for the sake of the Russians ...
  And showed great art
  When on the third day he rose in love!
  Perun is God the great Thunderer,
  Casts rainbows of radiant light...
  We will serve the demiurges honestly,
  So that the feat will be glorified by the knights!
  The girls' breasts shine with the color of poppies,
  Her nipples are like the banner of October...
  And somewhere a vicious dog barks,
  But we are wolves simply not in vain!
  Repulsed the onslaught of the Fritz near Moscow,
  Although Hitler was cunning and cunning ...
  In alliance, the Fuhrer is seen with Satan,
  Grass is softer in summer than carpet!
  But in winter the girls are barefoot in the snow,
  Why do they need shoes, fur coats and a casing ...
  Komsomol members are not afraid of frosts,
  They probably have the most formidable spirit!
  . CHAPTER? 21.
  What is our strength - clockwork people,
  Let's become more furious gods...
  And people you believe are not bad,
  Capable of throwing off many shackles!
  In love, girls are the coolest
  By the way, they have a crazy passage ...
  Girls run barefoot in the snow
  Cheating greedily with pieces!
  The sun shines for the glory of communism
  For the glory of communism Russia blooms...
  And the girl's hair curls thickly,
  Victory opened an unconditional account!
  We destroyed the Wehrmacht near Stalingrad,
  And they showed just the highest class ...
  To the glory of our Motherland Russia,
  The girl will move her bare heel in the eye!
  You beware of fighting with a barefoot girl,
  She is beautiful, like an ox is strong ...
  Like pearls scattered at once wasps,
  And punched under the enemy's stomach leg!
  Well, what can you do to our girls,
  They have a blow, believe me, the poke of an elephant ...
  And Russia stands from century to century,
  Endless great country!
  Why do girls need Russian guys
  To give birth to a stream of heroes ...
  And the enemies will fall, believe in the kennel,
  Get in the face rabid villain!
  In the name of Jesus and Svarog,
  Where the White God created the edge of the universe,
  Let's eat a move-dog before the battle,
  So that there are forces before the battle in the early hours!
  Then we'll take it and hit the adversary,
  Under the girls' breath, with bare feet...
  So that it was dumb after scolding katu,
  And if anything - add a poker!
  That Stalingrad did not work out, you can see
  The girls there gave a strong fight ...
  Although a little know beauty is insulting,
  Didn't shoot her battle "Pleboy"!
  We all girls can - you know
  Big, tough as an egg...
  When they painted only on the desk,
  And now we'll pull right on the ring!
  We will not spare even life in the battle,
  And I believe that we will enter Berlin jokingly ...
  I soon know to live under communism,
  Let's get the whirlwinds of snow twisting!
  The girl only likes to run barefoot
  The snowdrift sweetly cools her heels ...
  Wasps fly through the frosty snow,
  Fuhrer's warrior in the coffin!
  In short, we will win, I know for sure
  Let's make peace in the whole universe...
  Blossom forever the edge of the universe,
  With its strength in battles unchanged!
  When Svarog comes with Christ the Lord,
  All the dead in love will be resurrected Rod...
  For the hordes of the tornado of wild death will end,
  And nature will be in eternal joy!
  Then move into the heart of people Lada,
  Everything will be beautiful in infinity...
  Each warrior will receive a reward,
  We Russians are invincible in battles!
  And under such a poem, the girls crushed and exterminated the Mujahideen by the thousands. These are the girls - that they love and know how to kill.
  Well, the girls are just great. And their bare feet throw sharp and poisonous needles.
  Yes, against such girls, even a red-hot crowbar and applied to a bare, round heel is powerless. Here are the girls - hyper level!
  Oleg Rybachenko continues to fight. This eternal boy is simply a hero.
  And his bare fingers of children's feet threw a pea of destruction.
  She fell under the skating rink of the tank and turned it over.
  The young warrior sang:
  - Russia laughed and cried and sang,
  And the woman lost weight from running!
  Margarita Korshunova - this eternal girl also took and with her bare toes threw a pea of destruction.
  She tore apart a mass of Mujahideen and chirped:
  - Glory to the boundless Fatherland,
  And communism is not far away!
  And then the endless children took and whistled. And a great mass of crows were stunned and fainted. And they fell down and made holes in the Taliban heads without any problems.
  Margarita sang:
  To avoid problems
  To be pure in heart...
  Not MMM tickets
  And a sip of radiant water!
  And the girl took and showed her tongue.
  But Gerda is also fighting on a tank. She, of course, is a very fighting and beautiful girl - a natural blonde.
  And of course, she loves men very much.
  Here Gerda fired at the enemy by pressing the buttons of the joystick with her bare toes and chirped:
  - Everything goes according to plan!
  Charlotte bared her breasts, pulling her bra off. And with a scarlet nipple she pressed the joystick button.
  And then the machine guns on the tank were thrashed and let's mow down the opponents. The red-haired girl was very pleased.
  She chirped:
  - The plan guys is the plan,
  It looks like a scam!
  Christina also fired, using a bare, round heel and cooed:
  - I'm stronger than the bald one!
  Fucked and Magda - a girl with golden hair. And of course, using a ruby nipple.
  And chirped:
  - A hairy trait is stronger!
  And then the powerful engine started working, and the streamlined tank picked up and accelerated sharply. Indeed, if the girl has already parted, then few will seem to anyone.
  However, all warrior girls are the highest class.
  Here Albina and Alvina are fighting in the sky. They are girls of the bloodiest order. And at the same time very beautiful and sexy.
  They are hitting the Afghans from their attack aircraft. Warriors of the most impressive class.
  Albina took it and sang, baring her teeth and showing her tongue:
  - Crazy house on fire,
  Sanatorium of souls nailed...
  We are submissive to Satan
  And the faces of the saints shine!
  And the girl took it and pressed the button with her scarlet nipple. A destructive force has been activated.
  And it worked very hard and aggressively when the rockets were launched.
  And the blonde girl sang:
  - God forbid the blind to open their eyes,
  And straighten your backs humpbacked ...
  God bless you for a little bit
  But you can't be a little crucified!
  Alvina pointed out aggressively, with a chuckle:
  - Not very difficult!
  And the girl sent rockets by pushing the button with her ruby nipple. And her performance was great.
  Albina fired again, using her bare toes, and chirped, baring her teeth:
  - Girls cannot be appeased today,
  The girls want to dance!
  Alvina also thumped, and her bare legs, with a very beautiful chocolate tan, were also at work and the warrior chirped:
  And then until dawn
  Hear them sing a love song!
  Stormtroopers hit from the sky very hard. And they give no one the slightest mercy.
  And here is Stalenida in battle. It also shoots at the enemy very accurately.
  And, of course, uses the scarlet breast nipples. The girl, of course, is super class.
  Steelenida sang:
  - You see the eclipse in the sky,
  Terrible symbol of direct...
  Terrible hell sign
  Flock space howl!
  And the girl thrashed again, using her bare toes. This is a girl - what level is she.
  Victoria slammed into her opponent with wild, violent force. Tore apart the enemy, and chirped:
  - For great communism!
  And the girl used her nipple on her bare breasts, which is so appetizing like strawberries in the Garden of Eden.
  Such a girl, of course, wants to kiss and caress.
  And then the girl waved her bare, chiselled foot. And what her leg is graceful, tanned, sexy, and appetizing.
  And men want to climb on it in a crowd.
  Veronica also fights with wild and relentless aggression. A warrior who possesses such infinite and supreme power.
  And the girl took it and pressed the trigger with her scarlet nipple. And here comes the jet gift of annihilation.
  And the warrior is just hyper.
  And here again rushes that which brings totalitarian destruction.
  Veronica tweeted:
  If frail - immediately to the coffin,
  Keep your health...
  Apply people - oh,
  Rubdown, rubdown!
  And the girls all three sang in unison:
  There is no more beautiful Motherland-Russia,
  Fight for her and don't be afraid...
  And our blondes are not more beautiful,
  The whole universe is a torch of light Rus!
  This is really a major promotion.
  Viola also fights from her bell tower. She is a girl of simply dazzling complexion.
  And of course, extremely dashing.
  And her beauty is simply or, let's say more pretentiously - trivially divine.
  Viola took it and with her bare toes threw a pea of destruction.
  And ten people torn to pieces flew away.
  Viola sang:
  - They run along a curved track,
  Bare feet girls...
  Tired of milking cows
  I want to tease my happiness!
  The bullfighter also fights. She is a girl that no one would call weak or stupid.
  The warrior took it and gave a turn to the opponents. She mowed them down without further ado.
  And then how to press the scarlet nipple of the chest and release another rocket. And tear apart a platoon of adversaries into small pieces.
  The bullfighter squeaked:
  - Skidded, skidded somewhere,
  Brought me!
  Viola also slammed her ruby nipple at the enemy, the vast Taliban empire, and chirped:
  - The girl owed
  And foam came!
  Then the girl took and showed her long tongue.
  Nicoletta raised a powerful mortar with eight barrels, and Viola and the Toreadora also helped her.
  All three girls rested their bare, chiselled legs on the grass. And how they get blasted with mines.
  In doing so, they simultaneously pressed the buttons, naked, strawberry breast nipples.
  And they sang:
  People please be quiet, be quiet...
  Let the wars perish in the mist!
  Stork on the roof, joy under the roof,
  Peace on Earth!
  Stork on the roof, happiness under the roof,
  Peace on Earth!
  And the girls again stamped their bare, very strong legs. There is so much passion and power in them.
  Olga also fired from a bazooka, and also bare-chested, pressing her scarlet nipple.
  Then she sang:
  - Let Russia and Bela Russia be together,
  After all, our faith thoughts are one ...
  Fight for the Motherland and do not be afraid,
  With Russia, God and we are invincible!
  And Olga, with her bare toes, took and threw the gift of annihilation.
  Nobody can really stop such a girl, and nothing will win.
  These are the girls the earth loves.
  Jane Armstrong is also fighting, with her crew. This innumerable Taliban thrashes.
  The aristocratic girl took and fired at the enemy with her bare toes. Then she sang:
  - Glorious country of Britain,
  Know she is the mistress of the seas ...
  We got a lot of knowledge
  You smash the adversary in battle!
  And the girl took it and took it with a ruby nipple and pressed the button. The joystick worked. And a deadly projectile flies with colossal destructive power.
  It blasted with high-explosive fragmentation, tearing people to shreds.
  Gertrude, this beautiful, tall and muscular girl, was also wearing only panties. She thrashed with the scarlet nipples of her breasts. And also, as from a rocket launcher, it smashed the enemy.
  Gertrude chirped:
  - And in the war, as in the war,
  Girls see a guy in their dreams!
  And laugh at his witty joke.
  Monica noticed, pressing her bare heels on the pedals, and wittily declared with a laugh:
  - Best of all, a woman shoes a man with her bare foot!
  And the warrior laughs...
  Malanya declared, winking at her companions:
  - Just a few minutes
  Just a few minutes...
  The whole conversation lasted with the god-boy,
  How do you say your name
  What do you say your name is!
  And the boy roars like a bull - victory!
  Jane Armstrong, while firing, remarked, furrowing her brows:
  - It's funny you distorted the Soviet song!
  Malanya nodded and bared her pearly teeth, after which she took it and gave out:
  - A variety of lies reception,
  Feelings conflict...
  And we call her saint
  And call it vile!
  And the whole crew sang in unison:
  Sex for good reason in all kingdoms
  Loved at all times...
  After all, without sex it's not interesting,
  Without a partner, the night is too long!
  Mikhail Vladimir woke up. And they began to follow the war between the USSR and Iran.
  The fighting was not too fierce. Iran did not believe in the attack and the USSR was not ready.
  Only in large cities there were some garrisons and Islamic guards. They tried to offer sluggish resistance.
  Although there have already been examples of the use of suicide bombers. And Khomeini, who was still alive, declared a holy war against the USSR.
  Iran tried to transfer troops from the front with Iraq and establish a defensive line.
  So far everything has been going well enough. But large cities have so far only been surrounded without daring to storm.
  The old tactic of creating boilers was used.
  And the rest of the time you can sleep;
  The brutal war against the Taliban continues.
  Girls fight using different types of weapons.
  Natasha took it and fired, using the scarlet nipple of her chest, and roared:
  - I am the strongest in the world!
  And with her bare toes, she threw a grenade of deadly force, which tore up a mass of Mujahideen.
  Zoya also thumped the opponent using the crimson breast nipple and cooed:
  - No, I'm the strongest in the world!
  And also her bare toes launched an annihilation force present of death, tearing apart the warriors of the Islamic Taliban empire.
  Augustine also fired with her ruby nipple. Hit the tank and chirped:
  - For the communism of the country of the Soviets!
  And she threw a grenade with a bare, round heel of deadly force.
  Svetlana also shot at the enemy with a strawberry nipple. Inflicted enormous damage on him and squeaked:
  - For the Fatherland to the end!
  And she threw a gift of annihilation, tearing the Mujahideen apart with the help of bare toes.
  These girls are just amazing!
  The warriors were of the highest class.
  Oleg Rybachenko also picked up this immortal boy, raised a flamethrower and hit the enemy. And the fire took and burned a lot of Afghan soldiers
  The eternal boy threw a deadly grenade with the bare fingers of children's legs and sang:
  - Glory to the Fatherland, holy communism!
  We will destroy the evil fascism!
  Margarita Korshunova is an immortal girl who, when she was an adult, also took it with her bare toes and threw a gift of deadly force to death. And so many enemies at once tore.
  And she squeaked, baring her teeth:
  - For the mighty forces of the country,
  Defeat the Legion of Satan!
  And the bare heel of a child will again throw a pea of destructive power.
  After that, the terminator children took it and how they whistle. And thousands of crows fell on the heads of the Taliban warriors.
  The children sang in chorus:
  - Glory to the era of believe communism,
  The garden will not bloom luxuriantly ...
  We do not recognize the ideal of pacifism,
  Will be able to save the Fatherland in battle!
  And the eternal couple took and whistled. And the crows got a heart attack and passed out, punching the skulls of the Taliban soldiers.
  This is really a fight that is needed.
  Alenka also fights with her team. The girls are very beautiful and playful. And what they just do not know how.
  Alenka threw the dagger with her bare toes. He flew over and cut off the heads of five. This is really really cool.
  The girl squeaked:
  - For holy Russia!
  Anyuta is fucking with the Mujahideen. And pressing the button with a scarlet nipple, tearing the mass of warriors of the Celestial Empire and chirped:
  - For Svarog! We are held in high esteem by people, under the protection of God!
  And her bare, round heel, as if by the Mujahideen, will gouge.
  Then the girl twisted into a somersault.
  Red-haired Alla fights desperately. Her copper-red hair flutters through the air like a proletarian banner. The girl sang, baring her teeth and chirping:
  - Glory is good, defeat is bad!
  And the girl with her bare toes threw a gift of destruction, tore up a mass of Mujahideen and sang:
  - For Russia and freedom to the end!
  And the red-haired warrior added:
  - And glory to mother Russia to Ukraine!
  Maria aggressively remarked, scribbling at the enemy and doing it very aptly, singing:
  We are the strongest in the world
  We are the children of great Russia!
  And the girl again, with her bare toes, will throw a gift of annihilation with lethal force.
  And the girl has hair the color of gold leaf. And such a beautiful girl - just super. And then the girl pressed the button with her ruby nipple, knocked down the enemy"s car, and squeaked:
  - For great Russia!
  And then, she threw an explosive package with her bare heel and added:
  - And for the great Ukraine!
  The Olympics also acted extremely aggressively. And her strawberry nipples pressed the buttons of the bazooka, and smashed the mass of Taliban soldiers.
  Then the girl squeaked:
  - For my homeland - the USSR!
  And the bare fingers of the large, but graceful legs of the heroic girl threw a destructive bomb.
  The warrior squeaked:
  - We will build cities on Mars, and factories on Mercury!
  Marusya stuck out her tongue and chirped:
  - And there will be cities on Jupiter - I believe in it!
  And the girl took it and with her bare toes launched a pea with an annihilation particle.
  And since it explodes, and a whole battalion of the Taliban will throw up ...
  And the girl, like a strawberry nipple, is pounding with something extremely destructive.
  Matryona, too, will take it and beat on the Mujahideen with the help of a ruby nipple. And a gift of death will fly with murderous power.
  The girl took it and chirped:
  - For the Fatherland - our mother!
  And then her bare toes took and threw a pea, and tore a lot of soldiers of the Taliban empire.
  This is how the girls fight... A large tank with flamethrowers is crawling. And he burns a mass of infantry.
  Elizabeth sings, baring her teeth:
  - We are the coolest in the world,
  The girls have bare feet!
  And from the girl presses the scarlet nipple on the button, shining like ebonite joystick.
  Elizabeth giggled and said:
  Two by two is four,
  Two by two is four...
  It's known to everyone
  In the whole world!
  Ekaterina pressed the trigger with her bare toes. Knocked out the enemy and squeaked:
  - For great changes!
  Elizabeth remarked with a smile:
  - And the changes will be for the better!
  Elena thrashed with a ruby nipple, deftly pressing the button and noted:
  - But the pulsation of the heart and veins,
  Tears of our children, mothers...
  They say we want change
  Throw off the yoke of heavy chains!
  Euphrosinia, putting her feet on the pedals with her bare toes, remarked quite logically:
  - Here we are talking, for change, for change. And what are the changes?
  Elizabeth logically answered:
  - Of course for changes for the better!
  Catherine asked with a smile:
  - And if everything is fine?
  Elizabeth confidently stated:
  - And when everything was fine! How many years has the war been going on, and there is no end in sight!
  And the girl fired again, using the scarlet breast nipple. This girl is super awesome!
  Elena also fired with her naked, pink, round heel and smashed another enemy tank.
  And the girl sang:
  - Glory to the Russian Gods!
  Euphrosinia also fired, her nipple was like a ripe, juicy strawberry, and hissed:
  - The war will be won! All wars end sooner or later!
  Elizabeth agreed with this:
  - Let this war be over. But can we win?
  Ekaterina fired again using her scarlet nipple and cooed:
  - The most probable outcome of the war is a draw!
  Elizabeth grumbled aggressively:
  - Not! There will be no draw! We will reach the end!
  Catherine fired again with the help of her bare toes and chirped:
  - In the holy war, there will be our victory! Imperial flag forward - glory to the fallen heroes!
  And the girls in chorus, shaking their full breasts, sang:
  - No one will stop us
  Nothing will defeat us!
  And again they kicked, using bare, pink, round heels, squeaking:
  - Nothing will stop us
  Nobody will defeat us!
  And the girls will take it and release new streams of fierce fire ...
  And girls fight in the sky too. What beautiful warriors when in one bikini. Or even take off their bras. And their exposed nipples, as always, are in business.
  . CHAPTER? 22.
  Anastasia Vedmakova, punching opponents in the sky and bringing down blows on the ground units, squeaked:
  - For the sacred communism of the country of the Soviets!
  Akulina Orlova, firing at the enemy, and pressing the button with her scarlet nipple, and very aggressively noted:
  - There is a war of destruction!
  And with bare toes, the girl took and thrashed the warriors of the mighty empire. And squeaked:
  - We are people of our native Earth,
  It's not too late to reconcile...
  In a tornado of war
  There is me and them
  And this is serious!
  Mirabela Magnetic, continuing to knock down opponents, and using ruby nipples for this, yelped:
  - A war is raging in the universe,
  War without reason...
  Satan in people's hearts
  Many men have died!
  Anastasia Vedmakova remarked very rationally, hitting the enemy with a strawberry nipple and squeaked:
  - It is radiant that God created,
  Grace has been shed on the human race...
  The great Svarog gave us -
  Soul, mind, heart mercy!
  Akulina Orlova answered with a chuckle, also firing using a nipple the color of a faceted ruby:
  - Yes, Svarog can do this! This is the great creator of the planet Earth!
  Then Mirabela Magnetic - this girl with golden hair, asked, baring her teeth:
  - And why do people grow old, and especially women, if there is such a powerful and wise Creator as Svarog?
  Anastasia fired, with the help of her bare toes, and answered:
  - I still remember Tsar Nicholas II, and he even gave me candy. Can you give me my age by looking at my figure?
  Akulina Orlova, pressing with her bare heel, noted by baring her teeth, and releasing a devastating gift of death:
  - Looking at your face, you won"t give age either!
  Mirabela Magnet nodded, noting with a sigh:
  - The Russian Gods even give immortality and eternal youth to the chosen ones. But what can be said about Christians?
  Anastasia Vedmakova, in response, fired rockets, pressing the button with her strawberry nipple, and sang:
  - On the heavenly throne,
  The king of the universe sat...
  By your own will,
  Christ ruled us!
  They crucified God on the cross
  Jesus prays to the Father...
  In order not to judge us strictly -
  Sin has forgiven us to the end!
  Mirabela Magnetic nodded, also sent reactive gifts of death, pressing her bare, round heel and vyaknula:
  - You can sing well! But are the Russian Gods and Christ compatible?
  Anastasia Vedmakova shrugged her shoulders, sent an air projectile with her bare toes and squeaked:
  - Are honey and milk compatible? They are different but go well together!
  Mirabela Magnetic agreed with this, sending a rocket with her nipple the color of a ripe tulip:
  - Of course it's good! And very even in space!
  And the girls sang in unison, continuing to fire with their bare toes and scarlet nipples:
  Earth in the window
  Earth in the window
  The earth in the porthole is visible!
  As a son mourns for his mother,
  How a son mourns for his mother...
  We are sad about the Earth, she is alone!
  And yet the stars
  However, the stars...
  A little closer, but everyone is also cold,
  And like an eclipse clock, and like an eclipse clock...
  We are waiting for the light and see earthly dreams!
  And the girls again pressed their nipples, scarlet like poppies, on the buttons, sent a deadly one, and sang again;
  And we do not dream of the roar of the cosmodrome,
  Not this icy blue...
  And we dream of grass, grass near the house ...
  Green, green, grass!
  The girls dealt with the Mujahideen very cool.
  And their tongues are also long and mobile. And they know how to work with them.
  Steelenida is also aggressive in battle ... And also how she shoots very accurately.
  And also using a strawberry nipple. And it's very beautiful.
  Steelenida sang:
  This field was plowed by Svarog's sons,
  We will firmly crush the adversaries ...
  The path of Russia, alas, from war to war,
  But our immortal tough guys!
  Veronica also slammed with the help of her scarlet nipple like a rose petal, squeaked at the enemy:
  - For my cool successes!
  Victoria also used her full chest, like ripe melons, when shooting and corrected:
  - For our success!
  Stalenida nodded, threw a boomerang with her bare toes, which cut off several heads in flight, and noted:
  - Our successes will be colossal, I believe!
  Valentina, who thrashed the Taliban by pressing the button of an automatic machine gun with a strawberry-colored nipple, noted:
  - Selfishness is the problem!
  Steelenida, firing at the enemy, and again throwing poisonous needles with her bare toes, this time noted:
  - Yes, selfishness is bad!
  Veronica pressed the flamethrower button with her scarlet nipple, burned a whole platoon of Chinese and squeaked:
  - But alas - selfishness is not exterminated!
  Victoria fucked on the enemy, with the help of a naked, round, pink heel and tweeted:
  But we are not weak either! We will have victory and a holiday for ages!
  Valentina, shooting at the Mujahideen, and mowing them like a scythe, took it and aggressively issued:
  -Glory to the era of communism and Tsar Svarog!
  Stalenida thumped again with her scarlet nipple and remarked:
  - Glory to Communism!
  Veronica asked with a smile:
  - What is communism?
  Victoria growled aggressively, sent a gift of death, a nipple the color of ripe cherries, and squeaked:
  - Communism is heaven!
  And the girls took it and sang:
  - I'll tear everyone to pieces,
  This is life, this is happiness!
  Gerda fights on a mobile tank. She is a very beautiful and aggressive girl. And the tank moves and blazes. It has a lot of great, destructive power.
  Gerda fired with the help of her bare fingers of chiseled legs and chirped:
  -For the great order in the world!
  Charlotte also thrashed the enemy with her scarlet nipple, pressing the button with it and cooing:
  - Glory to the Motherland.
  And Christina the girl fired, this time with a bare, round, pink heel.
  And she cooed:
  - For higher communism!
  Magda also thumped the enemy and sang:
  - The greatness of the Germans knew the planet,
  Fascism was defeated with a blow of the sword...
  We are loved and appreciated by all nations of the world,
  The people of the whole country are marching towards communism!
  The tank moved and showered everyone with shells, and bullets rained down like lead.
  Gerda remarked wittily, shooting again with the ruby nipple of her breast:
  - Our victory is inevitable - believe me, hope will not go away!
  Charlotte fired with her bare toes and agreed:
  - No, he won't leave!
  The girl on the tank sighed heavily...
  Elsewhere, in ambush, Alice and Angelica seek out targets.
  Alice remembered how she ended up in prison as a girl. And there she was beaten with rubber clubs on her bare heels. The girl Alice then signed the confession. And she went to a children's, labor colony. But she didn't stay there long.
  In the colony, girls were shaved bald and forced to work barefoot even in cold weather. And Alice perked up. And Angelica was born in Siberia, and she didn"t know shoes at all, and ran through the snowdrift with her bare heels, leaving prints.
  So these girls are special and invincible.
  Alice fired, pressing her scarlet nipple on the trigger and cooing, baring her teeth:
  - Glory to the era of Russian Gods!
  And she threw a deadly grenade with her bare toes. Which tore up a mass of Taliban soldiers.
  Angelica also fired, and quite aptly. She pierced the enemy and squeaked:
  - For the greatest achievements of thought!
  She pressed the button again with her ruby nipple. Struck the enemy in a deadly passion.
  And then with her bare toes she threw the annihilation gift of death and squeaked:
  - For the great Goddess and Mother of Gods Lada!
  Alice fired very accurately and hit the Taliban general with an accurate hit and chirped:
  - For God Svarog!
  And then the girl again threw the murderous gift of death with her bare toes. This is Alice - just a super girl.
  She worked well in the colony. They even stopped shaving her head and allowed her to grow her hair with golden, curly hair. And such a beautiful girl grew up in a children's, labor colony. She was just a goddess.
  And it's so beautiful. And her bare feet left such seductive footprints in the snow. That even the guards were engaged in masturbation.
  That was Alice...
  No wonder, perhaps, such a name as Alice - causes special associations. With which nothing compares. And Alice - in general, the beauty is just super and hyper!
  And her bare toes again throw a deadly grenade and tear everyone apart.
  Alice sang with a smile;
  Why do people have a head
  It doesn't get dumber...
  Don't chop wood with your head
  Nails are not hammered!
  Angelica also took and fired, pulling the trigger with her scarlet nipple, breaking through the enemy. She flung a pair of gifts of death with her bare toes and sang:
  - Let it be empty for some,
  Others fool her ...
  But everyone is seen for a reason,
  Doesn't want to lose her!
  And both girls, continuing to shoot at the Mujahideen, and send presents of death with their bare toes, began to sing;
  No need to lose your head
  Don't rush...
  No need to lose your head
  And suddenly come in handy!
  The girls fired at the enemy using their ruby nipples and howled:
  You write in your notebook
  For every page...
  No need to lose your head
  No need to lose your head!
  No need to lose your head!
  And you need to kill the bastards!
  And the girls tossed the grenades with their bare, round heels. These girls are just amazing.
  And here is Nicoletta, too, fighting. This is a very beautiful girl, she's just super.
  Nicoletta took it and sang it, pushing the button of the bazooka with her scarlet nipple and sending a gift of destruction.
  The girl chirped:
  - Glory to the times of communism!
  And added:
  In the victory of the immortal ideas of communism,
  We see the future of our country...
  And the red banner, the bright Motherland,
  We will always be infinitely faithful!
  Nicoletta, after these words, showed her tongue. And her ruby nipple again as if fired with great destructive power.
  And Nicoletta, with her bare toes, took and threw a grenade of deadly power, tore apart a mass of Mujahideen and cooed:
  - Through the storms the sun of freedom shone for us,
  Through storms and storms we walked together...
  Let the nations become one
  Let all the countries of the Earth be together!
  Viola also fought with great fury. She fired from the flamethrower, pressing the button with her scarlet nipple and singing:
  - Glory to the Fatherland, our free,
  Friendship of peoples is a support forever,
  Lawful force, the will of the people,
  After all, for the unity of a simple person!
  The bullfighter also fired on the Mujahideen. In doing so, she used a hose from which flakes of fire flew out, which literally burned everything to the ground.
  The girl stamped her bare, chiselled foot and chirped:
  - Glory to the era of communism, glory to the new Lenin!
  Angelina and Aurora also deployed a powerful flamethrower, and took it, thrashed it with a jet of flame.
  And the fire poured out... It literally burned the Taliban.
  Angelina rested her bare feet and, firing, chirped:
  - Glory to the USSR!
  And the girl again pressed her scarlet nipple on the flamethrower button. And it blew up again...
  Aurora also hit the Mujahideen. Burned a lot of Taliban soldiers and cooed:
  - For new frontiers!
  And with her bare toes she threw a murderous present of death. And again he pressed the button with the ruby nipple of his chest. Then she chirped, baring her teeth:
  - Glory to the CPSU!
  Angelina winked, tossed the pea of death with her bare heel, and chirped:
  - CPSU - SS! CPSU - SS!
  And again she presses the button with the strawberry nipple of her chest.
  Anna and Olga are beautiful girls in only tight panties.
  They took and raised a heavy rocket launcher. And resting their bare, chiseled legs, they took it and thrashed it.
  Anna chirped, pressing her scarlet nipple on the button.
  - Glory to the Russian gods!
  And with bare toes, the girl threw a deadly grenade.
  Olga, with her bare toes, launched a lethal present of death, literally tearing the Mujahideen apart.
  Olga sang:
  - Oh, Pushkin, you're an eccentric, you're wrong,
  In battle, we did not stop yawning ...
  The tank's torn tank is on fire,
  Driving all the people off the couch!
  And the girl took it and with her bare feet threw a new, very deadly gift of annihilation.
  And then with a ruby nipple she pressed the button, sending an aggressive gift of destruction.
  Then the girls sang in unison:
  - And in the war, but in the war,
  Girls see a guy in their dreams!
  His desire to drive
  Tear the boy apart!
  And the warriors roared:
  - Crush the girls with the feet of men,
  A guy shouldn't be in charge...
  A man, like a horse, is obliged to plow,
  And the meaning of girls is to kill!
  And again the girls with their scarlet breast nipples will press the buttons of annihilation.
  The devil himself will not stand against such beauties.
  And the girls' tongues are playful. They are like sweet candies, licking pulsating jade rods.
  Anna and Olga sang:
  - We'll tear all the men to pieces,
  It will be in our power!
  Here are the beauties of the ninja girls fighting.
  They took off their bras and are now wearing only panties.
  A ninja girl with blue hair took and hacked with swords, cutting off the heads of the Taliban.
  Then, from the scarlet nipples of the chest, it will release lightning at the enemy. Which burn a lot of Mujahideen.
  And then with bare toes, as he throws a murderous gift of death and sings:
  - I'm a miserable insect - a super ninja turtle! I'll tear it up like a blotter!
  A ninja girl with yellow hair also performed a butterfly technique with swords.
  Cut off the heads of many Taliban.
  Then, from the crimson nipples of the chest, it burst with lightning. Burned a whole battalion and chirped:
  - I'm the strongest girl in the world!
  And with her bare toes she threw the lethal force of a needle with poison.
  Here in battle is a ninja girl with red hair. Her swords spin like the blades of a helicopter. And cut down the Mujahideen without pity.
  The warrior fiery pulsars were released from the ruby nipples of her breasts. Burned a lot of opponents.
  After that, with her bare heel, she threw up an explosive package of coal, and tore apart a couple of tanks.
  Then she sang:
  We will build cities
  Ninja girl forever!
  This is really what the girls need. They have so much rage and excitement, and a fighting mood.
  A ninja girl with white hair also slashed with swords like windmill blades, cut off their heads, and sang:
  We will fight for Japan
  I like to kiss very much!
  And annihilation rays flew from the girl's strawberry nipples. Which literally turned the Afghans into ashes.
  And the warrior, with her bare toes, threw several boomerangs at once, cutting off the heads of the enemies, after which she sang:
  - Glory to the era of Japanese gods!
  And the terminator girls sang at once:
  - Scarlet girls nipples, scarlet girls nipples,
  Let all men just die of longing!
  And again deafening chuckles are heard, and the beauty's teeth show.
  These girls are just amazing!
  And love their tongues sweet work.
  Here they will take it and, as soon as they spit, they will immediately lay down a whole battalion with one swing.
  After that, the girls from the Land of the Rising Sun will roar:
  We are not afraid of attacks
  We'll kill the bad guys all in a row!
  Here in battle and the crew of Jane Armstrong.
  The girl is very beautiful. She took and threw off her bra. And she took the scarlet nipple of her breast and pressed the button.
  A stream of burning flame flew out. And he burned a hundred Mujahideen. Here are the girls - dashing excitement.
  Jane took it and sang:
  - Red, red blood,
  An hour later it's just land
  After two, there are flowers and grass on it,
  Three years later, she's alive again!
  Gertrude thrashed her opponent with her scarlet nipple. Smashed the enemy and squeaked:
  - And a star named the sun burns!
  And after that, her bare, round heel would press the pedal with deadly force.
  These girls are just monsters.
  And so they will take it and how they will sing:
  - Hail Britain, blue seas,
  We will never be slaves!
  Malanya will also take it and press the button with a strawberry nipple. And hit the enemy with great deadly force.
  Then it will yell:
  - For Britain and her queen!
  Monica clicked on the button with her crimson nipple and objected:
  - And where does the queen - the main people!
  And with the help of her bare toes, she took it again and fired. This girl is just amazing!
  And the tank is rushing to itself and with great deadly force. It has girls of the most aggressive impulse.
  Malanya bellowed:
  - Our people, our people,
  He's naked, naked, naked -
  Naked our people!
  Oleg Rybachenko continues to fight with great ferocity. And the boy's swords cut like razor blades cut hair.
  And the boy, with the bare toes of childish feet, throws the gift of destruction.
  And sings:
  We are fighting the enemy
  With the name of Svarog ...
  I won't be a fool
  Becoming a son of God!
  Margarita aggressively noted, slashing the Mujahideen with her swords. And the girl threw thin razor blades with her bare toes and began to cut the necks of the Afghans.
  Then the girl sang:
  - Margarita - the window is open!
  And she took it, and showed her tongue! This girl is just a super warrior!
  And no one will stop or defeat her.
  If she roars, she will roar.
  And the terminator children whistled in unison, and clouds of crows began to faint, punching the skulls of the Taliban soldiers.
  These kids are just monsters.
  Oleg Rybachenko sang:
  - In the holy war,
  The life of a soldier is not worth...
  For the sake of the father-king,
  We don't die in vain!
  Margarita again threw the needles with poison with her bare fingers, and chirped:
  - We win not in vain!
  And again the girl dangles... And it turned out to be extremely cool and abrupt.
  The children were just delighted. And their feet are bare, and so agile, cooler than monkeys.
  The young warriors sang with fury;
  In the vastness of the wonderful homeland,
  Tempered in battle and labor...
  We composed a joyful song -
  O great friend and leader!
  After that, again the girl and the boy will whistle in unison, and again thousands of stunned birds will fall on the heads of the Afghans.
  These are the girls - the highest class, and the boy is no worse ...
  Natasha also cuts with swords. From the scarlet nipples began to release lightning, and at the same time humming:
  - Kolovrat, Evpatiy Kolovrat,
  Defender of the Fatherland, Perunov soldier!
  And with the bare toes of girlish legs, as it launches, obviously something extremely lethal.
  Zoya, crushing the Taliban with frenzied rage, also began to release presents of aggressive death from crimson nipples. And while singing:
  - Kolovrat, Evpatiy Kolovrat,
  Heroes of Russia - collects the alarm!
  And her bare toes launch again, a very destructive present of destruction.
  Red Augustine also fights with rage. She sends one gift of death after another at the enemy. And from her ruby nipples flowed streams of violent energy.
  Augustine took it and sang:
  The warriors of darkness are surely strong,
  Evil rules the world without knowing the number!
  And the bare toes of the legs of the red-haired warrior launched the carrying extraordinary destruction.
  Svetlana cut down the Chinese, without any pity. Shredded them to pieces. And with her bare toes she threw peas with explosives.
  And then from the strawberry nipples, as if thrashing at the enemy, with something very lethal.
  Tearing the enemy apart and singing:
  - But you sons of Satan,
  Do not trample on the power of Christ!
  This is really a girl who is able to defeat any evil.
  Warriors, I must say, perhaps the strongest in the world.
  Oleg Rybachenko, cutting down the Mujahideen, sang:
  In the world of heat and snowfall,
  The world is both poor and rich...
  Our squad is attacking
  Adversary straight to hell!
  Margarita threw a piece of antimatter with her bare toes, tore up a mass of enemies and squeaked:
  And the fight goes on again
  The hyperplasmic fire is boiling...
  And Lenin is so young
  Strikes with beams!
  After that, the girl took and showed her tongue specifically. And she has to admit it is very long.
  Warrior kids are really cool.
  Adala and Agata are fighting on a two-seat self-propelled gun. They crush enemies, tear them apart.
  Adala presses the button of the joystick with the scarlet nipple of her chest, breaks the mass of Chinese and squeaks:
  - For great Russia!
  Agatha will also strike at the enemy, crush him to pieces, tear him into a bloody mess and blather:
  - For Kievan Rus!
  And he will also press the joystick button with his ruby nipple!
  After that, the girls will take and sing:
  - Taught together at school
  And remember by heart...
  How the bells tolled
  About Kievan Rus!
  And the Orthodox remember
  Who don't you ask...
  How were those glorious days
  Baptism of Russia!
  And Natasha and her team picked up;
  Hey Slavs, Hey Slavs
  Muscovites and Kievans...
  Should we share the Motherland!
  Can't send a guy
  Count yours as a kennel ...
  I'd rather love him!
  This is how the girls dispersed, and it is clear that the Taliban, for sure, cannot resist such people.
  . CHAPTER? 23.
  Gorbachev-Putin continues to command and give orders. The advanced units of the Soviet troops have already reached the Indian Ocean. At the same time, the USSR army is approaching Tehran. And begins to surround the capital of Iran. And it's extremely cool.
  Gorbachev-Putin jumps with delight.
  And he has dreams.
  The war goes on as if on an endless track.
  Natasha and her team decided to play some chess to take a break from the battles.
  Augustina and Svetlana on one side, and Natasha and Zoya on the other.
  The blue-haired girl pushed her king's pawn forward. Augustine responded by choosing the Sicilian Defence.
  It's already another game. The red-haired warrior used the Dragon variation where Black's bishop occupies a large diagonal and puts pressure on White's position, the king, which is hiding on the queenside.
  Very interesting positions are obtained here. White can catch in the attack for the black pawn advanced in front of the bishop.
  Natasha and Augustina played fast at first. But then they began to think for a long time. Considered options. Augustina sacrificed an exchange for a pawn. But the attack failed.
  But then Natasha made a slight mistake and blundered a piece for a pawn. Her position became difficult. But the girl with blue hair defended herself very stubbornly. The party dragged on for the eighth hour. And so far, Augustine has not been able to win.
  Then the game was interrupted. The Taliban attacked again. And this, of course, is already serious.
  Tanks roar and engines roar.
  Natasha pressed the bazooka button with her scarlet nipple and fired a deadly grenade.
  Broke through an enemy tank. Then the girl yelled:
  - I declare a check!
  And with her bare toes, she again threw a grenade of great murderous power.
  Zoya aggressively noted, baring her teeth and firing at the enemy with the help of a raspberry nipple:
  - And matting is even better!
  And the girl again threw her bare toes, a bomb of destructive power.
  And she roared, baring her teeth:
  - I'll beat you up!
  Augustina fired a machine gun at the Mujahideen. Then she took the ruby nipple of her breast and pressed the button of the grenade launcher. She smashed the enemy car and tweeted:
  - For the highest honor!
  And with her bare toes, she took and threw a gift of death at the enemy with deadly force.
  Svetlana took it and slams at the enemy with the help of a strawberry breast nipple. Will break through an enemy tank and blather:
  - Glory to communism and paradise!
  And with his bare toes he will take with an explosive package, extinguish the damned enemy.
  These girls are just amazing. They have so much fighting enthusiasm and infernal strength.
  Oleg Rybachenko, this eternal boy, looks about twelve years old. A very handsome kid with relief muscles, and in shorts alone.
  Throws a grenade with deadly force with his bare toes, after which he roars:
  - For the Motherland and Stalin!
  Margarita is a very cool warrior. Although she looks like a girl of about twelve years old.
  And she, too, took and threw a pea with her bare toes, tearing the brave Mujahideen apart.
  Then the girl sang:
  - For the Motherland without Stalin!
  After that, the immortal children took it and whistled with all their lips. And the crows were stunned and fell like hail on the heads of the Afghans. And pierced their skulls.
  Heads burst like watermelons when they were rammed by the beaks of ravens who had lost consciousness from the whistle.
  This is what the kids have been doing...
  Anastasia Vedmakova is also in battle ... And her bare toes are very famously pressing on the buttons.
  The girl, who was only in panties, took it and pressed the joystick button with her scarlet nipple. She hit a Taliban tank with a rocket and cooed:
  - For the great victories of the USSR!
  Akulina Orlova fought in one bikini. She is a girl with hair that is like snow, a little sprinkled with gold. That is, Madame is very beautiful.
  And now her graceful bare feet press the pedal. And small bombs fall on the heads of the Afghans. And they pretty much hit the enemy, breaking through the towers and roofs of self-propelled guns.
  Akulina took it and sang:
  The bell will ring in the sky
  The rain will pour torrential...
  I go to my childhood
  Summer rain for me!
  And the warrior fired again, using the ruby nipples of her melon-full breasts. Here is a girl with such beautiful hair, and seductive, tanned, graceful legs.
  Mirabela Magnetic also fights with great enthusiasm and colossal aggression.
  The girl fired at the enemy with the help of a strawberry nipple. She smashed the Taliban tank and cooed:
  - Glory to the Russian gods!
  This girl Mirabela is very beautiful. And with her bare toes she took and transferred to the enemy a murderous gift of death. And the Mujahideen were very dumb.
  But the warrior Helga will also hammer on the enemy from the air. In doing so, she applied her scarlet, poppy-colored nipple. And deadly missiles flew at the enemy.
  They literally smashed the bunker to pieces. These are really super class girls.
  The girl fired with the help of her bare toes and squeaked, baring her teeth, sparkling like pearls.
  And the warrior enthusiastically sang:
  There were many hard days
  The girl is like a nightingale...
  Summed up, without thinking the results,
  Do not fight lads with her,
  Do not fight lads with her,
  Otherwise, he will break off his horns!
  These girls are just super warriors.
  All four girls enthusiastically sang:
  Great Russia - endless fields,
  Let the holy land burn between the stars...
  I believe the feelings of the heart are not melting -
  We will protect the frontier from edge to edge!
  Let there be communism in our house,
  Which gave rise to Comrade Lenin ...
  And the evil enemy of fascism is destroyed,
  In the name of the greatest generations!
  After all, the Motherland in our hearts is one,
  And in the future to many galaxies...
  Let my country be famous for centuries
  Motherland you are not just a sweet wrapper!
  Let my Fatherland bloom
  We will defeat Genghis Khan...
  Wins open an unlimited account-
  To the glory I know the Russian Ivan!
  We are warrior girls so strong
  That the adversary cannot defeat us ...
  We are the daughters of Svarog and sons,
  Able to punch the Fuhrer in the face!
  For us Goddess Lada I believe
  Who gave birth to many gods...
  All people are a friendly family,
  Which in my heart I know Rod!
  And the almighty Russian Jesus,
  Born in great Orthodoxy...
  Of course, the demiurge is not a coward at all,
  The Almighty has settled among the people!
  To the glory of Almighty Christ,
  We will raise our sharp swords...
  Fight the Mongols to the end
  So that the horde of Batu does not come to Russia!
  Yes, with us the infinite in power Rod,
  Who creates the universe...
  And he just could do it
  What simply amazes us consciousness!
  We are people - this is space,
  Capable of conquering the universe...
  Though Baty ax pricked up the hordes,
  Russia with the strength of the Family in the battle unchanged!
  Girls are very fond of barefoot,
  Rush briskly through the icy snowdrifts...
  And they will beat the Mongol with a fist,
  To not dare to deal with the Fatherland!
  You can't find a more beautiful homeland
  Even though they attack Russia with a nightmarish flock ...
  The girl is no more than twenty years old,
  She's already cut down samurai!
  She's beautiful and classy
  The girl that destroys the Mongols jokingly ...
  Let Satan attack the Earth -
  We will crush the enemy with a steely rout!
  So I waved my bare foot,
  And she poked her bare heel in the chin ...
  I became such a cool girl
  You don't need samovolok in this case!
  My swords flicker like a feather,
  And they cut down the Mongol army so famously ...
  May my oar be strong,
  The enemy will be destroyed wildly!
  Yes, our Russia is not more beautiful to find,
  Great as the sun above the planet...
  We can find happiness for ourselves,
  And feats of heroism are sung!
  Russia is a radiant country,
  What gave communism to the peoples...
  She is forever given to us by Kin,
  For the Motherland, for happiness, for freedom!
  Fatherland - we glorify the Lord Christ,
  Let Maria and Lada be united ...
  Comrade Stalin replaced his father -
  We Russians are invincible in battles!
  The peoples of the world love the Russian way,
  We are one, believe people with heart...
  Believe me, do not bend us with a fist,
  We will soon open the door to space, I know!
  With bare feet we will enter Mars,
  We will soon master Venus in valor ...
  Everything will be just the highest know class,
  And a man will become any hero!
  Yes Jesus is Superman
  With Svarog, Russia will rise from its knees ...
  The guys will not have problems,
  Let's glorify the Family in infinity Name!
  Here they are fighting and inimitable singers.
  But the crew of Elizabeth is fighting very desperately.
  The girl fired at the enemy with the help of nimble toes and cooed:
  - Glory to the Gods of Byzantium,
  The girls are just barefoot!
  And she thrashed again with the help of a scarlet nipple that glowed like a charcoal. These are the girls of the highest and colossal class.
  Ekaterina also slapped her opponent with a strawberry breast nipple that looked like melons.
  Then she added with a bare, round, hardened heel, cooing:
  - Glory to the Russian gods, and let the rain dragon die!
  Elena, firing very accurately at the enemy, hitting the Mujahideen with the help of bare fingers of chiseled legs, vyaknula:
  - For the greatness of the new leader of Russia, we do not need a rain dragon!
  And again press the ruby nipple on the button.
  Euphrosinia agreed with this, gouging the enemy and squeaking, moving her long tongue, chirped:
  - We will defeat the enemy, even though he is in the majority,
  The girl has a hundred sticks on her back!
  And the warrior will use a nipple that sparkles like a rosebud. And her bare, chiseled legs will use colossal power of destruction.
  And the mass of the Taliban collapsed at once.
  This is how the tank rides and crushes the troops of the large and strong Taliban empire. No one can stand against the girls-warriors. Even if they are not in a tank, but simply in their tight, black and red panties. Such girls are very powerful and cool full of aggression. And the bare toes of the legs, rather long, graceful and mobile, apply the impact of colossal destructive force on adversaries.
  Alenka also fights with great passion. Her pressure, and naked breasts with nipples, like tulip buds, speaks for itself. This is the girl - the most relish. And it has so much operational ingenuity, phenomenal, cosmic power. And maybe not only space, but also the earth.
  Alyonka thrashed the enemy, using her breast nipple, the color of the proletarian banner, and sang:
  - Russian Gods - Gods of War!
  And she threw gifts of annihilation at the enemy from the Taliban with her bare toes.
  Anyuta also fights. The girl is full of energy and enthusiasm. It has both tenderness and strength. Like steel coated with rubber. And so the girl took and pressed her scarlet nipple on the button, releasing a fiery stream on the Taliban soldiers.
  The warrior sang:
  - A friend can always help me out,
  Do not spill water, everyone around is joking ...
  And we can help out the aggressor,
  And for us Svarog is the best friend!
  And the girl with her bare toes threw a ball of annihilation with colossal destructive forces.
  The red-haired, and very aggressive, warrior Alla, took and squeaked, baring her sharp teeth, shining like diamonds:
  - But Pasaran! China will not conquer us!
  And the beauty pressed the ruby nipple of her chest on the joystick button. And she took it and thrashed it with a twist.
  And then her bare fingers of chiseled legs took and threw a killer boomerang. He flew over and cut off several heads.
  Allah took it and chirped:
  We'll look the enemy in the eye first
  And then we'll fry it and eat it!
  Then the girl took and showed her tongue. And the tongue of a girl with a red suit is very long and agile. He im very tasty and fragrant, as well as pulsating likes to lick.
  The warrior is super and sang:
  - There is no childhood in a frenzied empire!
  Yes, women use any remedy!
  And then her bare heel threw a grenade.
  Maria also fights with a lot of pressure. She is a girl of the highest class and series.
  She has already had to fight more than once... The girl also noted a short story on an alternative history... When everything goes differently, although it has changed quite a bit compared to reality.
  Napoleon chose an alternative plan of war with Russia. He went to Kyiv and defeated Russian troops there. And he created a puppet Little Russia. Then there was a war and the accession of Belarus and Lithuania to the Duchy of Poland, which was renamed the kingdom. Austria also received some Ukrainian territory. Russia, having been defeated, became a minor power. In 1815, Napoleon launched a campaign against Turkey.
  Defeated the Ottomans and took Constantinople. Greece gained independence, Bosnia and Herzegovina became part of the great Italy, which would have been put on the throne by the son of Napoleon Bonaparte. Romania was included in Austria, which made the emperor related to Napoleon. Bulgaria and Serbia gained independence, like Albania, but became vassals of France.
  And Greece is a vassal of formally independent Greater Italy.
  In Turkey, in fact, only the capital Istanbul remained in the Balkans with a small piece of land.
  However, the war did not end there. Napoleon launched an invasion of Morocco and Algeria. But the British fleet interfered with the French. The war with England dragged on. But the ingenious Napoleon managed to take Gibraltar, and defeat the British with his superior forces on land.
  After that, the French blocked the strait and were able to capture the entire north of Africa, including both Egypt and Sudan. During the fighting, the French had the world's first submarines. England began to bear huge losses.
  Napoleon has all of Europe and part of Russia under his control. And Britain is not her rival.
  Gradually the French overcame the British. They built more ships with a population and resources many times more significant. In the end, in 1931, Napoleon landed in Britain, and having developed its troops, took London.
  Britain surrendered ... A huge tribute was imposed on her and all the colonies became French again.
  Napoleon was already too old, and sent his generals to battle.
  France fought with the US and in Latin America to keep numerous colonies.
  Napoleon, having lived for seventy years, which is not so little for a great genius, died in 1839 by the standards of the nineteenth century. His son Napoleon II, a tall blond who did not look like his father, inherited the throne at twenty-eight. And of course, continued the war. While in general in the colonies.
  In addition, Napoleon II had some interesting ideas. In particular, he held a referendum and united France, Italy, and Austria into one state.
  And this is also not bad ... And in Prussia they put their relative on the throne.
  And the Commonwealth was ruled by the illegitimate son of Napoleon and the Polish panna of Valencia.
  The troops of Napoleon II eventually finished off the United States and captured both North and South America entirely. Then Africa was invaded. It expanded into India and China.
  In 1860 there was a war with Russia. This time Moscow and St. Petersburg were taken. A referendum was held, and Russia, right up to the Pacific Ocean, entered the Commonwealth. And then the Commonwealth merged with France. Then there was a war in China and a landing in Australia ... Napoleon II ruled until 1883 until he died at the age of seventy-two, having conquered almost the whole world.
  His grandson Napoleon III ascended the throne. Under this monarch, the last wars finally ended with the capture of Japan, the Philippines, other islands and lands in Asia, as well as New Zealand.
  The formation of a world empire was completed... Napoleon the Third became the consummator of the history of wars.
  And now humanity had one road to space.
  In 1917, the first man flew into space. And in 1922, a flight to the moon took place. And in 1930 to Mars.
  Mankind conquered space... By the end of the twentieth century, human settlements were already on all the planets of the solar system.
  And in 2020, the first interstellar expedition began. Immediately seven spaceships started to the star Sirius, which rotated several planets. And one of them was livable.
  A new era of interstellar expansion has been ushered in.
  And the expression - to go to Moscow through Kyiv, has acquired a new meaning.
  Maria, of course, sketched a short story in a notebook. And now, as if firing at the enemy with the help of a scarlet nipple, and smashed the enemy tank.
  And she sang:
  - For space victories!
  The mighty Olympics crushed the Taliban soldiers. And mowed down the enemies.
  And with her bare toes she launched a whole bunch of pomegranates.
  Then she pressed her ruby nipple on the enemy and yelped, baring her teeth:
  - For the communism of cosmic power!
  Matrena also fights with great desperation, but at the same time with aggression.
  And her strawberry nipples press the buttons of the bazooka, and fire a devastating rocket.
  Matryona sang, baring her teeth:
  - I'm not a miserable insect, I tear enemies like a blotter!
  Marusya continues to shoot at the enemy, with deafening force and fury.
  And he also presses a piece of coal on his chest. And, too, her bare toes are doing something extremely annihilating.
  Marusya muttered:
  - For holy Russia!
  What kind of girls are there - a space saga, about stellar Vikings ...
  The girl also sketched a short story during the battle, with her bare toes;
  King Charles the Twelfth escaped death during the war in Norway, and even having made peace with Peter the Great, he managed to conquer this country. And Sweden moved a little from the defeat. In 1740, during the regency of Leopoldovna, Charles the Twelfth attacked again ... And he was able, taking advantage of the fact that Biron was overthrown, and chaos and chaos in Russia, took both Vybor and St. Petersburg.
  However, the Russian army recovered after initial failures and was able to recapture the capital of Russia. Sweden was able to keep only Vyborg.
  But the course of history has changed somewhat. Ivan the sixth was not overthrown, as the coup failed. And he kept his throne. Charles the twelfth died at the age of seventy in 1752, having ruled for fifty-five years. And his reign was the most eventful in history.
  After a pause in 1757, Russia was at war with Prussia. This time, thanks to the fact that Ivan the Sixth, already an adult, was on the throne, the war ended with the complete defeat of Prussia and the arrest of Frederick II. And this turned out to be a huge achievement for Russia. Then Russia annexed Poland, more precisely the Commonwealth, and defeated Turkey. There were two wars with the Ottoman Empire. And the second ended with the capture of Constantinople and the complete conquest of the Ottoman Empire. Tsarist Russia won many victories - reaching India, and also capturing North Africa. Then Suvorov captured the whole of Europe, along with revolutionary France.
  Only Britain tried to resist. But the brilliant Nelson was defeated by the more brilliant and successful Ushakov. And followed by a landing with the capture of London.
  All of Europe was conquered ... Then there was already a campaign in Africa in the nineteenth century. Very successful, and taking over India. And then the Russian troops had already invaded, and captured Canada and reached the United States.
  In 1815, at the age of seventy-five, Ivan the Sixth - the greatest - died. His reign was the longest among more or less significant countries in the history of mankind. Seventy-five years in power. True, it must be said that the term of office was nominal, because of the regency. But the same can be said about Louis XIV.
  And Ivan the sixth, who was in real history a failed tsar who ended his life in prison, in the alternative became the greatest ruler in the history of planet Earth.
  His son, Peter the Third, became the new king. This monarch continued the aggressive policy of his father. And completed the takeover of China. Russia also defeated the United States, conquering this territory. And already under Alexander the First, the Latin Army with Japan was also conquered. And Alexander II completed the conquest of the last countries of the world, including Australia.
  Thus, a world empire arose again ...
  Everything seems to be fine, but the empire has autocracy and serfdom. And the kings attempt to slow down progress. Which, however, is impossible. And in 1953, the first person in this case, Prince Alexei, flew into space.
  And in 1967 they flew to the moon for the first time. And it should be noted very cool.
  Since the flight to Mars took place already in 1988. Which is still better than it was in real history ...
  Gradually, the kings began to pay more attention to space. There were flights to Venus and beyond ...
  The new Tsar George the First, also in 2020, decided for the first time in the history of Russia to hold elections to the State Duma and establish a constitution.
  The new relatively young monarch even jotted down a series of winged aphorisms;
  Thinking like a circus requires tightrope walking!
  Love is a feeling like a flute, only the music is much sweeter!
  Politicians are often foxes and never lions, because politicking is not a royal business!
  A kid without a fight is worse than a dog!
  Honesty is a rare quality for politicians, especially when counting the vote!
  In the pulsation of the heart and veins, we want change...but not aging!
  Youth is priceless like gold, it only fades faster with time!
  Youth promotes discoveries, like a fresh breeze to a sail!
  Youth, unlike wine, loses value over the years, but gains strength!
  Robots in fantasies were born of human laziness, but embodied by superhuman diligence!
  The more commanders, the less order, the less order, the more losses!
  Childhood is like money during inflation, the more valuable, the faster you part with it!
  Oak generals, produce wooden coffins!
  The general is like a barrel, especially empty!
  When generals are oaks, dense ignorance flourishes!
  Mind and fantasy, like husband and wife, only the honeymoon is truly sweet when the supportive mother-in-law of reality!
  The number of orders is not always proportional to valor, but always reflects the favor of the superior!
  Oil is indeed black gold, poisons nature, blackens hearts, clouds the mind!
  Oil is like the black blood of the devil - it poisons both the flesh and the soul!
  The mind is a lifesaver in smart hands, and a butcher's club in the paws of an idiot!
  It's easier to make a snowman in the mouth of an erupting volcano than to find a discovery that has not been used for military purposes!
  Opening for war is tantamount to closing many doors of peaceful life!
  If you want to avoid a fight - pump your muscles, if you want to avoid a war - build up an army!
  Diplomacy is lightened by the burden of military spending, negotiations are weighty fists!
  Do not promise the moon from the sky, you will have to howl like a dog when people come to make a demand!
  Hearts demand revenge, but nothing is more crafty and evil than the human heart - so let the mind give forgiveness!
  To have a harvest, it is necessary to plant parasites all year round!
  By planting a lazy one once, you can have a harvest all year round!
  Red speech can whitewash a black reputation, but it will not adorn the life of a colorless one for consideration!
  The miracles of science, we are deprived of boredom, the miracles of progress are very interesting!
  The main miracle of science does not strike, but rewards!
  Science is not a wolf, but leaves the forest, if there is no scholarly responsibility sheep shepherd!
  The start should not be frisky, you will slow down to a date, but slowness at the beginning will freeze the end!
  The beginning is like the opening in a game, you should develop faster, but don't move without thinking about pawns!
  An ideal politician is like a horse at work, but not a donkey in councils!
  Love is, of course, a wonderful feeling, only when it does not apply to alcohol!
  Many cooks spoil porridge by pouring curdled milk into the dough!
  A politician is an artist, only he does not stain the canvas, but himself!
  Kings can do everything, but monarchs want almost nothing for the people!
  Only the king who stands up for the people!
  There are only two things in the world beyond the control of the Creator: human feelings, and human stupidity, especially when I feel like smart people!
  It doesn't matter who the president is, what matters is who the king is in your head!
  War, no place for reflection, the era of death and madness!
  Only those who have a mind beyond reason go crazy!
  A car is not just a means of transportation, but a luxury that only fools skimp on!
  The most wasteful kind of economy, to skimp on prestige!
  We sometimes lost, sometimes we died, but the Russians never knelt down!
  Skill replaces quantity, but quantity can only falsely counterfeit skill!
  - In a healthy body, and the spirit of the ambal - and the weakness of the flesh - the soul faded!
  Blood shines like gold, but metal souls rust from it!
  Even gold rusts if a heart is not cast from it!
  Torture is not entertainment, but hard work from the service sector, in which pity for the client is fatal to you!
  The soul of a rich man is patriotic, no more than that of a gold coin, where they take it and stick to it!
  Gold is yellow as the color of treason, soft as the will of an opportunist, heavy as the conscience of a traitor!
  Pain is like a mother-in-law, obsessive, nasty, I want to get rid of it, but ... without it you won"t get married with victory!
  When the enemy does not surrender, they destroy him, and when he does not surrender, ingenuity brings victory!
  It doesn't matter if the females of the enemy die, it's a disaster if our males have twisted their brains!
  It is easy in battle when learning is not torment, but useful entertainment!
  Even in the words of Christ, his servants are looking for something that serves godless arbitrariness!
  A large closet will fall noisily, and loud glory goes to the one who knocked it down!
  When the mask is skillful, we do not need an excuse!
  More often red rivers flow because of red speeches and black deeds!
  - Who is destined to be stabbed, should not tremble on the rope!
  As always, it turned out, but they didn"t want to!
  Death deserves a better share than life, because its duration leaves incomparably more parts to choose from! -
  Guarantees give guaranteed robbed!
  A coin made of gold is soft, but more deadly than a bullet, it hits right in the heart and takes out the brain!
  Technology is the god of war - and its saboteur is an atheist!
  God created the universe in six days, and man pays for all eternity for a minute man-made weakness!
  They entered on the wool, but did not return with a cable car!
  Run, but don't run away, shoot, but don't shoot back, hit, but don't fight back, and most importantly, drink, but don't get drunk!
  No one needs the ears of a dead donkey, but the hearing of a living fox is a gift for those who do not need donkeys to achieve their goal!
  Shoe your mind, you will forever remain a tramp!
  War is air for the lungs, but only mixed with binary gas!
  If the enemy does not want to give up and does not know how to lose, we will force him to give up and wean him to win!
  Bad people love black magic, good bad people white!
  Killing in a war is hard in the process, disgusting in perception, but how great in the end! So war brings health to the soul, hardening to the body, and cleansing the wallet!
  Sometimes the war fills the wallets great, and in direct proportion to the fullness of the spilled blood, and the emptiness of the corrupt heart!
  The duty to the Fatherland is red with payment of disinterested devotion!
  War is a test for the smart, tempering for the strong, fun for fools! -
  Being a laughingstock is not fun, making others cry is not boring!
  A good ruler is like sugary honey, first they lick it, then they spit it out!
  And the evil ruler, like wormwood, will first be spit out, and then trampled!
  Yes, gold is soft, but an impenetrable shield is easily forged!
  Quality always surpasses quantity - even an ocean of barley porridge is not an obstacle to an ax!
  Evil is full of strength when good is weakened by fear!
  A joke is good for the place, a spoon for dinner, and help for trouble!
  You may be lucky once or twice - without skill, luck goes away!
  Who is not Leo Tolstoy, that literary tramp!
  . CHAPTER? 24.
  And in Russia, after the death of Vladimir Putin on November 1, 2022, of course, there were changes. The death of the dictator, as always, turned out to be both joy and shock for the environment. First of all, Mikhail Mishustin was delighted, who, according to the constitution, became the acting president of Russia. In fact, he is now really the new king.
  Especially not happiness, but misfortune helped: Sergei Shoigu lost popularity due to the war in Ukraine and now could not claim the role of national leader and president. And Dmitry Medvedev lost popularity even earlier. So here Mikhail Mishustin already has all the trump cards in his hands. Moreover, he suits both the oligarchs, and the economic wing, and the West, and the security forces.
  So there is nothing to fear. What about presidential elections? It's so formal. Moreover, Zhirinovsky died, and the Communists do not have strong leaders.
  Gennady Zyuganov is just a Tortilla turtle, which still moves its flippers.
  Grudin will most likely not be allowed to vote.
  Navalny is a serious opponent, he is in prison. And Ksenia Sobchak is not serious at all.
  So the presidential elections are pseudo-competitive. And you don't have to be afraid of them. Although, of course, Mikhail Mishustin himself is not a superstar. And bald, and fat, and the father is Jewish, and the situation in the economy is difficult. And of course, the general decline in the popularity of the authorities. But the communists, too, were smeared with complicity in the war. And their position - the sixes of the authorities turned out to be losing. I added a few at the expense of the anti-war electorate of Yabloko and Parnassus. Mikhail Kastyanov could be a dark horse. Moreover, the times of Mikhail Kastyanov were remembered by many ordinary people and oligarchs with nostalgia.
  That is, other rules could begin to play. Many are no longer against a return to socialism.
  And Mishustin himself is like a dim star in a black sky.
  Well, Mikhail Kastyanov may not be registered. As well as other serious candidates.
  Mishustin has pocket courts in his hands, and the CEC will cut anyone.
  However, it is impossible without crowds. Otherwise, the West will not recognize elections.
  Mikhail Mishustin, with his first step, suspended hostilities in Ukraine and proposed a new format for negotiations.
  In the West, it was received positively. But so that the security forces would not be upset, Mikhail Mishustin took and awarded Shoigu for the "great victory" with the rank of marshal. And also the star of the hero of Russia. As by the way, a number of generals and officers.
  It was a real starfall. The military themselves were already fed up with both battles and losses, and they did not protest against the end of the war.
  In society, too, anti-war sentiment intensified. Yes, and the media have started working again, in a different direction. Mikhail Mishustin began to score points for himself as a peacemaker. And this move was serious. Moreover, both the elite and the oligarchs wanted the end of the war and confrontation with the West.
  Well, the communists grumbled a little, and the rest of the opposition supported the path to peace.
  Vladimir Putin was buried to the highest standard in a gilded coffin. They even fired cannons. With respect, of course. And they even decided to embalm the corpse, in which case to build a mausoleum. But on the whole, there was a certain chill in outward respect for the dead dictator. The people did not grieve too much, the mood of the elite is rather joyful.
  Lukashenka came to the funeral of Vladimir Putin, apparently for a handout. He was received coldly. Mikhail Mishustin felt a certain jealousy towards the Belarusian dictator. Who fought a lot, threatened, but did not enter the war with Ukraine.
  Michael didn't even talk to him. And coldly shook hands without hugging.
  In general, the mood in the world is different. Most of course glad that the dictator and the aggressor died. But what will Mikhail Mishustin be like? Will he get better, will he stop the war? And will there be again normal relations with the civilized part of the world.
  The heads of the CIS gathered for Putin's funeral. As well as the President of the People's Republic of China. But no one came from the West, except for the prime minister of Hungary. It was evident, however, that even the Chinese are happy with the changes. Vladimir Putin was too dangerous for the world, threatening to break into a nuclear war. And nobody needs it.
  Many journalists and pop stars were for the changes.
  Everyone wanted an end to the madness. Patriarch Kirill personally buried Vladimir Putin. Apparently, he was worried about how the successor would behave. Which is rather cold towards Orthodoxy. Yes, and half Jewish.
  However, Mikhail Mishustin met with the patriarch after the funeral. He stated that there would be no fundamental changes in relation to the church and the state.
  But still, it is necessary to quickly hold a meeting with the Pope in Moscow, and sister churches to reconcile.
  Well, maybe some minor reforms are still to be carried out. For example, to cancel the Christmas post, and soften the Easter.
  Maybe in this case Orthodoxy will become more accessible and popular.
  Yes, and shaving the beards of the priests and cutting the hair does not hurt. And they look like savages.
  Patriarch Kirill noted that a cautious approach is needed here. But it is high time to cancel the Nativity Fast - it is the least observed, and it only scares away the flock. Well, people should be given more freedom within religion, they are already tired of restrictions.
  Regarding the posts, then of course for Orthodoxy only minus these posts. Then there was the question of the Protestants.
  Mikhail Mishustin noted: Protestants are also Christians and you need to be friends with them, but in general there is less fanaticism and more liberalism. And we'll see.
  One of the first decisions was to reconsider the case to ban Jehovah's Witnesses.
  In fact, they are quite normal guys who do not teach anything bad. That you need to live according to the gospel. And there is only one God! And that in the Bible God is not alone? Jesus himself said: why do you call me good? There is only one God in heaven!
  The priests cannot explain this more or less satisfactorily.
  Mikhail Mishustin, through the Council of Federations, launched new elections. And his slogan was simple: Freedom, Wealth, Stability.
  And in the presidential elections they promised greater freedom. In particular, Maxim Galkin returned and marked the triumph of the opposition.
  And what preceded this?
  The Acting President nodded.
  - Yes, we waited... But it's too early to relax! The tsar has always ruled in Russia. And it did not always depend on formal powers!
  Medvedev noted:
  - It will be necessary to preserve and even increase our military power, but at the same time be together with the West!
  Shoigu grumbled:
  - Unreal!
  Mishustin replied:
  - On the contrary, it's real! We will be strong to contain China! Otherwise, we will become a colony of the Celestial Empire! And the time will come in the whole world there will be a single power, and in this the salvation of mankind is coming!
  Shoigu remarked:
  - Putin needs to be honored at the funeral! And call streets in cities after him, build monuments, and maybe even give some city his last name!
  The Acting President said:
  - We will do everything as it should ... It is clear that the dead man should be exalted. But we do not have Soviet times, and you should know when to stop!
  Shoigu nodded.
  - Putin should be buried in a golden coffin. And diamonds are overkill!
  The Attorney General suggested:
  - Or maybe we will embalm Putin in the mausoleum instead of Lenin?
  Mishustin shook his head.
  - We will make a mausoleum for Putin, but in St. Petersburg! And it will be three times more than Lenin!
  And this caused great applause from the environment of the dictator. Or a former dictator!
  The Acting President announced:
  - Responsible for the funeral of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, I appoint Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev! And I issue my first decree. And also about the posthumous awarding of the title of Hero of the Russian Federation and Marshal of the Russian Federation to Vladimir Putin! Also prepare decrees on the construction of a mausoleum for Putin in St. Petersburg and the introduction of ten days of mourning. And therefore be!
  And the retinue shouted aggressively:
  - Glory to Russia! And posthumous glory to Putin!
  Mishustin added:
  - And I also announce a competition for a monument to Putin. Under the terms of the competition, it should be the largest monument, or rather a statue in the world.
  Matvienko nodded approvingly:
  - That's a great idea!
  The Acting President added:
  - And Yeltsin should also make a statue. I propose to find a place near Moscow, so that there is a whole route for monuments to the presidents of Russia. For future rulers too!
  Shoigu chuckled.
  - Do you want to make a monument to yourself Misha?
  Mishustin remarked:
  - We presidents are akin to pharaohs! Let's build our own mausoleums!
  The Minister of Defense recalled:
  - And what about me the rank of marshal and the diamond star of victory?
  The Acting President agreed:
  - And prepare a decree on Shoigu ... And let Dmitry Medvedev receive the star of the hero of Russia. And then so many years in power, and without orders!
  The acting head of the security council nodded.
  - This is true! I have long dreamed of an asterisk!
  Mishustin added:
  - I also order to prepare a decree on awarding all members of the Federal Assembly and members of the State Council with a special gold medal of honor, and paying a special award to an honorary civil servant! And on top of that, prepare a decree on doubling the wages and pensions of all officers and generals of law enforcement agencies! And also about the fact that all military pensioners are assigned the next military rank!
  Shoigu nodded in agreement:
  - This is a wise decision great! The security forces are our backbone!
  The finance minister remarked:
  - The treasury is empty!
  Mishustin growled:
  - Print more! It is even useful to accelerate inflation a little! There is a shortage of money supply in Russia!
  The head of the Central Bank nodded.
  - We'll make a great one!
  Mishustin remarked:
  - You can allow officials to give gifts up to ten thousand dollars. They also need to live. And income declarations - we will classify! And in general it will be necessary to raise the salaries of officials at all levels.
  Medvedev clarified:
  - But not now, but after the elections! We must win the presidential elections in Russia! The people will not like the increase in the income of officials!
  The Acting President remarked:
  - But officials will like it! It doesn't matter how they vote, it matters how they think!
  Ministers applauded...
  It was felt that Putin's successor was his own person. And it will be possible to steal more boldly. Moreover, the example of Navalny showed that they imprison the enemies of the authorities, and not those who steal!
  There were other orders of the acting president. In particular, the deputies were asked to legalize the free privatization of apartments in Moscow, ex officio. That would inspire many non-residents very much.
  And the deputies were also supposed to serve two convocations - to pay a pension of one hundred percent, regardless of age.
  And this is just the beginning.
  And Mishustin posthumously awarded Putin also the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, first degree.
  And they decided not only to make the coffin for Putin golden, but still strewn with diamonds.
  At the same time, Mikhail Mishustin and Joe Biden talked over the phone;
  He spoke on the phone with Mishustin ...
  The Acting President of Russia said:
  - We all understand that it is time to end the Cold War! We only weaken each other!
  Biden agreed with this:
  - We do not need a hybrid war! And it's good that this monster Vladimir Putin is dead!
  Mishustin honestly noted:
  - I am also glad about this ... But for now I have to play grief in public and glorify the dead! But after I am elected president, we will become true friends!
  The President of the United States logically remarked:
  - It's not the personality that matters! Important system! I will not run for a second term, but the system will remain!
  The Acting President asked:
  - What about Trump?
  Biden chuckled.
  We won't have another Trump!
  Mishustin agreed:
  - Yes, but we will not have a second Putin! Everything goes in circles!
  The President of the United States angrily replied:
  - I think no! The US must become sustainable. The constant swings of the pendulum in one direction or the other only harm us!
  The Acting President confirmed:
  - And we have a communist Alexei Kuznetsov. He can become for you a hundred times worse than Putin!
  Biden, immediately catching the essence, nodded:
  - We can help you in this sacred struggle!
  Mishustin openly stated:
  - It is necessary that Kuznetsov has accounts and property abroad. And we will unleash a huge scandal on this basis!
  The President of the United States said with a sigh:
  - We'll do it! And what will we get in return!
  The Acting President said ingratiatingly:
  - Let's cancel Dima Yakovlev's law!
  Biden laughed and remarked:
  - Do you think the adoption of children of alcoholics from your orphanages will greatly help America?
  Mishustin logically objected:
  - It will be received positively by the American people. It is necessary to reduce the degree of mutual hysteria in the media! Let yours put less pressure on us. And I will freeze attacks on you in our media!
  Biden noted with a smile:
  - Our media is freer. And for some time there may be attacks against Russia. But you will not run into, and we will not butt!
  Mikhail Vladimirovich noted:
  - We'll talk more at Putin's funeral... We'll discuss controversial issues. In any case, unlike Tsar Vladimir, I understand how dangerous China is. And that we need to stop him together!
  The President of the United States agreed:
  - It's good that there is understanding! But try to behave in such a way that everyone can see that Russia is changing for the better!
  Mishustin confirmed:
  - I have already signed a pardon for Alexei Navalny, and this is a signal to you - we are already different!
  After the funeral of Vladimir Putin put in the Mausoleum
  And Vladimir Putin's coffin is thickly studded with gold leaf diamonds. And it's beautiful and rich.
  Guests arrived from around the world. Including from China, USA, Ukraine and so on.
  Mishustin, as promised, held a meeting with Biden. But before that, he also met with Comrade Xi Jinping. He tried to convince his Chinese friend that Russia is still an ally of the Celestial Empire, and nothing will change. But Mikhail Vladimirovich avoided specifics. So far, China has not demanded anything additional from Russia, but okay. Although Xi Jinping hinted that Russia could share military secrets and technologies with China, as well as lower oil and gas prices. Like, China has become very strong after the pandemic, and that they have such resources ...
  Mishustin felt that the Chinese would step up pressure on Russia. Moreover, more power and more arrogance. Xi Jinping invited the acting president to visit China and discuss some of the contentious issues there.
  It can be seen that the President of the People's Republic of China looks at Mishustin as if he were not an equal, and is clearly going to give him a good squeeze. And there is more chill in his eyes. Xi Jinping will soon run for a third term - contrary to Deng Xiaoping's tradition. And against this, a significant part of the party is not such a great comrade Xi that two terms are violated. Naturally, the Chinese President, who is considered an indecisive leader in foreign policy, wants to put pressure on Russia. Moreover, the successor in the political sense and in terms of people's love is weaker than its predecessor.
  Xi Jinping wants to show what he is capable of and tilt Russia that the Russians are just junior partners.
  Mishustin felt it. As after the death of Stalin, when Mao Zedong sharply increased his pressure on the USSR and became much more tough and uncompromising.
  At the meeting with Biden, Mikhail Vladimirovich tried to look confident, but his hands were trembling.
  The President of the United States greeted. And they started talking.
  Mishustin said:
  - We are Russia - this is a forge of weapons and raw materials! And at the same time it has enormous scientific potential. And it is our responsibility to keep the world stable and prosperous.
  Biden agreed with this:
  - Of course, Russia is a strong country and a world power. And we should be friends and keep the world together!
  The acting Russian president nodded.
  Yes Mr Joe! But for this it is necessary to tune public opinion to mutual creation. You must not touch us, but we must not touch you!
  The President of the United States noted:
  - We have a free press!
  Mishustin nodded.
  - And we are formally free! But the actual dependence is always present!
  Biden noted:
  - Keep your journalists, and it will be easier for us to keep ours!
  The Acting President of Russia stated:
  - It will be a mutual decision with no attack!
  The President of the United States logically noted:
  - This alone is not enough! We need a joint American-Russian friendship! So that we do not arise against each other!
  And vice versa, they praised and exchanged holidays of friendship!
  Mishustin agreed with this:
  - May it be so! We will close in our positions! I will send a delegation of children to the USA!
  Biden nodded and noted:
  - Yes, and Dima Yakovlev's law should be repealed. He is very offensive to the American people and the media!
  The Acting President nodded in agreement.
  - Cancel Mr. President! You and I are Joe's friends forever! I will be friends with your successor, whoever he is!
  The President of the United States asked in essence:
  - Can you win the election for the post of President of Russia?
  Mishustin nodded in agreement.
  - It doesn't matter how they vote - it matters how they think! I will win and my new course will be wiser!
  Biden noted:
  - We can help you in the elections!
  The Acting President of Russia remarked:
  - The main thing here is you do not interfere! The enemy, especially the communists, also use anti-Western rhetoric. Too strong rapprochement with the West they can use for propaganda purposes. The main thing here is that you do not give them a reason to criticize the United States. In particular, we are ready to help you in Afghanistan. We have experience in this matter, and we don't need the Taliban in the underbelly of Russia!
  The President of the United States remarked with a sigh:
  This war has gone on too long. The vast majority of Americans believe that we have nothing to do there! Indeed, why should we spend a million dollars on each of our soldiers in this country!
  Mishustin nodded, and sniffing his nose noted:
  - Yes, I understand you! We also have increased criticism for Ukraine. And this is a very aggressive criticism! Especially from the side of the new communist star Nikolai Bondarenko! This is a real monster!
  Biden remarked with a smile:
  - You can imprison him like Navalny!
  The acting president of Russia remarked:
  - That's right, we are going to free Navalny! I already signed his pardon!
  The President of the United States nodded in agreement.
  - This is good! This will make it easier for us to conduct propaganda in favor of the new, Russian leadership!
  Mishustin nodded with a smile:
  - It will be fine, my friend!
  Biden remarked with a sigh:
  - Alas, the President of the United States is too old and he does not have long left! In this case, a long-term relationship system is needed!
  The Acting President of Russia remarked:
  - I have no desire to repeat the path of Putin and reset my deadlines! But the main thing is the party, and its mood, and the leader is secondary!
  The President of the United States agreed:
  - Yes, the party and the system are primary! And in this regard, we will be together forever if we work out a viable system!
  Mishustin nodded and remarked:
  - When public opinion matures, we will join NATO, the G8, and even the European Union! I hope the EU will be the future!
  Biden confirmed:
  - Yes, we will create a Euro-American-Asian union! The future will be in the political globalization of the world! After all, globalization is a progressive process, right?
  The Acting President agreed:
  - No doubt progressive! And I understand this, unlike Putin, who was a supporter of a multipolar world!
  The President of the United States logically remarked:
  - A multipolar world is a dead end! Only in the political globalism of the salvation of mankind, from mutual destruction!
  Mishustin shook his head aggressively.
  - Great and mutual destruction! After all, we have one planet, and we are all people! We need to be friends! But Putin remained in his ideas in the Middle Ages!
  Biden asked:
  - And why did you litter his coffin with diamonds?
  The acting president of Russia chuckled:
  - Of course it's too much! But we play on the instincts of the crowd. Vladimir Putin was literally canonized and turned into a living deity! And this has to be taken into account! But soon the dope will subside, and the nation will have a new leader! And the twentieth congress is coming!
  The President of the United States chuckled and replied:
  - Twentieth congress! It's fine! Russia is moving in the right direction! And of course you choose...
  Mishustin confidently stated:
  - I choose civilization against barbarism!
  Biden nodded approvingly.
  - Better not to say!
  The Acting President of Russia remarked:
  - Let it be in a diamond, but still this Putin is in a coffin! And gold will not make him alive! So now I'm king! And I will not give my throne to anyone!
  The President of the United States said with a smirk:
  - There is no throne - we are just servants of the people!
  Mishustin agreed with this:
  - Yes, we are servants of the people, but for some reason they began to goad the owners!
  Biden aggressively noted:
  - The era of kings is outdated! The President is first and foremost a servant of the people!
  And the US president drank some juice... Mishustin preferred red wine. It was brought to him by beautiful girls.
  There was a pause ... Mishustin remarked:
  - It is impossible to discuss everything at the funeral of the President of Russia. And until I am popularly elected president, my hands are tied. It is dangerous to immediately go for rapprochement with the United States. Here you need to act wisely and reasonably, without unnecessary extremes!
  Biden nodded in agreement.
  - Yes, we are not in a hurry! But what about Ukraine?
  Acting President of Russia, ingratiatingly said:
  - We must restore economic relations with them, and first of all. And then solve the controversial issues! Until we aggravate relations!
  The President of the United States noted:
  - But the Minsk agreements should be reviewed! And make a number of changes that the Ukrainian side insists on!
  Mishustin confirmed:
  - We will try to implement it. Will be working. Don't forget that I myself am only acting and have not had time to strengthen myself! It must be understood that the same Shoigu and Medvedev and other security officials are not yet my proteges! And they can show themselves!
  Biden nodded in agreement.
  - I understand it! And I will try to do everything carefully and not harm the new Russian government. We do not need the arrival of a young and talented communist! Want intellectual help?
  The Acting President of Russia remarked:
  - We have enough smart people! However, something from our experience may come in handy .... That is, excuse me from your American experience!
  The President of the United States recalled:
  - We even helped Yeltsin at one time! If not our political technologies, then it would be a major failure in the elections. And so they could close the gap with the communists, and then they threw up a few more ballots. Plus, Alexander Lebed was bought with giblets! And they carried out an ingenious operation to pass an impenetrable swamp, and real miracles!
  Mishustin noted, baring his false teeth:
  - The authority of our government is great! And the people are not yet ready for the return of the communists! And hopefully never will! And we will smear everyone on the wall!
  Biden laughed and replied:
  - It's also good! I love combat!
  At parting, both rulers shook hands, and parted ...
  Mishustin also held a brief meeting with Zelensky on the bride at Putin's mausoleum. The President of Ukraine looked joyful, after all, the main enemy of his country had died. The discussion went pretty quickly. Some economic contacts were signed right on the spot.
  Mishustin remarked:
  - Donbass is not necessary to us! There is nowhere to put your coal! Why should we try and subscribe for them!
  Zelensky noted:
  - You just don"t interfere with us - we will solve the problem of Donbass ourselves!
  The acting president of Russia chuckled and remarked:
  - I doubt that you will be able to defeat them by force, even if we do not interfere with you! I highly doubt it!
  The President of Ukraine smiled and replied:
  - America and NATO will help us. And believe me, Ukrainians know how to fight no worse than Russians! Remember the Klitschko brothers!
  Mishustin frowned. Wladimir Klitschko, who had already been written off to the reserve, or to the hall of fame, unexpectedly returned to the ring, although everyone was already tired of waiting for it. And he fought with the former world champion in four versions, Ruiz. And he sent a relatively young boxer with a powerful blow to the knockout.
  This made a big splash in the boxing world. And now Wladimir Klitschko has to fight in a rematch with Tyson Fury! And of course it's just great! And if Wladimir Klitschko takes revenge, he will become a real legend! And beat Foreman's record! And then there are Usyk and Lomachenko - also stars!
  The acting president of Russia chuckled and replied:
  - You better not hurry! Let's solve this problem! Some compromises are possible here, especially since this is a legal Ukrainian territory. And we can put a lot of pressure on the separatists!
  Zelensky agreed with this:
  - Of course, it is much better to achieve this peacefully! So I hope we get along!
  Mishustin roared:
  We are for peace, for friendship,
  For the smiles of the world...
  For the cordiality of meetings!
  And something was signed on the spot... Zelensky promised to curb the Rada and soften the law on the Russian language.
  Mishustin, in turn, gave discounts on gas and oil. At the same time, both sides shook hands.
  The acting president of Russia also proposed new amendments to the constitution. The right to vote from the age of fourteen and prisoners by court verdict. And also establish the post of vice president. To make it a more stable political system. And then after all, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was bent. However, he had looked extremely tired for several years. And it didn't come as a big surprise.
  Much more of a nuisance was the phenomenon of Nikolai Bondarenko, who overthrew the elderly Zyuganov, who had already fallen into insanity. If Navalny is undoubtedly a strong leader, but not a very popular liberal among the people, then Bondarenko led the Communists - and this is colossal power and popularity.
  Gennady Zyuganov is truly such an opposition that a gift to any government: old, sick and full of senility! And too conservative and looking archaic, even in the nineties. But already the third decade of the twenty-first century has gone and the communists undoubtedly need a new leader, and everyone who is not blind sees this!
  And now the Kremlin's nightmare has come true, and the Communists have a real and young one, and a fighting fighter has appeared!
  And of course this is serious. 2022 turned out to be the year of early presidential elections in Russia. And very serious trials awaited the ruling elite. This time, the weak and old Zyuganov could no longer be a sparring partner of the government candidate. Although the best competitor can not be found. When Zyuganov speaks, people want to yawn or even puke. And they made a crook and a rogue out of Grudinin. In addition, Pavel Grudinin is also no longer young. And in any case, older than Mikhail Mishustin. And it would be convenient to fight with him too.
  But Zyuganov is not so simple and got into the presidency from the Communist Party. And Nikolai Bondarenko can be prevented from finding fault with the post as a policeman.
  Is not it? Gennady Zyuganov is a gift as a sparring partner.
  Zhirinovsky is greatly missed.
  Mikhail Mishustin took and awarded posthumously Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky with the star of the Hero of Russia, and also awarded the rank of colonel general.
  In the Liberal Democratic Party, this was received positively. And they announced that they would support Mikhail Mishustin in the presidential elections in Russia.
  But the communists are very cunning. In addition to the elderly senile Zyuganov, Valentin Konovalov was unexpectedly nominated for the presidency as the governor of Khakassia.
  Moreover, there was an agreement that the one who will become the leader of the rating will be helped. And a mutual withdrawal will be taken.
  Gennady Zyuganov looked too old and emaciated.
  And where should he go for the presidency.
  More than forty candidates have already collected signatures, and it was expected that Ukraine's record would be broken. That it really became cool, and the struggle was fierce.
  Mikhail Mishustin, in order to attract additional votes, allowed the sale of alcohol at night, as well as traveling stalls, and beer in different places.
  The anti-tobacco law was also relaxed. Moreover, it was softened significantly, especially in those points where it was most often violated, or it was more difficult to control it.
  It was decided to return the advertising of beer on television. To keep private newspapers happy, they were allowed to advertise alcohol and tobacco.
  Mikhail Mishustin announced the return of a number of freedoms and vertical liberalization.
  In particular, punishments for distribution of light drugs and prostitution were reduced.
  The gambling business was again legalized.
  Mikhail Mishustin even called the casino ban the stupidity of Mr. Medvedev, who himself squandered a lot of things there.
  And now he wants to recoup the respectable citizens of Russia. And so on...
  Mikhail Mishustin began to steer. In particular, he lowered the targets for vodka. And advertising beer again appeared on television. And also a lot more.
  There was liberalization.
  And it was proposed to elect governors from the age of twenty-one, regardless of their convictions. Which also became a new broom, which was already chalk in a different way.
  Mikhail Mishustin said:
  - You will have freedom and wealth!
  At the same time, the salaries of officials and state employees were also raised. And the ruble even strengthened due to foreign exchange interventions. A lot of things were done.
  But, of course, inflation has skyrocketed. Mikhail Mishustin reduced taxes on the poor to ten percent. But has not yet begun to raise for the rich. And relaxed a bit...
  Social policy proved controversial...
  In Moscow, they decided to organize new games and competitions. And this is really serious. In particular, to hold alternative Olympic Games. Regardless of costs.
  And other projects by Mikhail Mishustin. Here, for example, is also an idea: to hold the world's first literball competition: who drinks more vodka in one minute! This is where the Russians can really take all the prizes.
  Mishustin is not a fool to drink himself! He took a glass of vodka and knocked it over. And he ate black caviar at once knocked over three spoons. And then played cards in
  Then Mikhail Mishustin tried to sing along with Lepts. Alas, science could not yet resurrect Kobzon.
  However, the acting president of Russia trembled at the thought that Vladimir Putin would also be resurrected. But I wanted to be a king myself, or a king!
  Mikhail Mishustin was filmed in the same company with the girls, and he was surrounded by cool chicks.
  The acting president of Russia put forward the slogan: building capitalism with a human face! And every man has free access to a woman!
  And this caused a surge of enthusiasm ... Especially when Mikhail Mishustin resumed the release of the program "Dolls". Moreover, this is a good misinformation. You can show Alexei Kuznetsov as a complete fool. Although in "Dolls" all opposition can be disfigured.
  Mikhail Mishustin showed himself to be a fighting guy.
  For example, already cigarettes and beer in stalls can be sold at any time of the day. And you will agree that it is extremely cool. Mikhail Mishustin again pushes interesting ideas.
  For example, pay parents if children attend sports clubs. That is, not just training is free, but also paid for visiting the section.
  A kind of promotion of a healthy lifestyle. And while beer and alcohol are now on every corner. And if you want to drink - so drink!
  And it doesn't hurt to smoke. The penalties for marijuana have been reduced. Moreover, referring to international experience and UN resolution. In particular, already for the transportation of light drugs only a fine without imprisonment.
  In general, Mikhail Mishustin introduced a number of amendments to the criminal code to mitigate punishment. Especially where they were excessive. Particularly for non-violent crimes. Like, and here it is not necessary to go too far.
  Yes, and the rape of women is such a crime, where it is difficult to understand whether there was violence, or the woman herself seduced the peasant, and then scribbled a statement. In any case, the punishment in this case was mitigated. But for rape by a man and men even toughened.
  Here the wise acting president of Russia drew attention to the consequences. In fact, well, they fucked a woman, what happened to her? Only pity and love. And if a man is raped, then many will not shake hands with him. And in the zone there is such a rooster. Even if he was raped and contrary to the laws of thieves!
  Mikhail Mishustin also reduced the consent period to fourteen years. Referring to the fact that in Japan he is generally from thirteen. And that it is better for teenagers to get sexual experience with adults and experienced people. And this is generally accepted by men with understanding. So a kind of sexual liberalization.
  At the same time it is possible to legalize same-sex marriages. The constitution can always be interpreted by lawyers as the president wants.
  In any case, the gays appreciated it. And in Europe, the attitude towards Mikhail Mishustin has become even warmer.
  And let the hypocrites shut up. After Putin's dictatorship, the time has come - freedom!
  And looseness in everything! In particular, a large monument was built to Mikhail Gorbachev. But the cult of Putin's personality began to dry out. He was increasingly criticized.
  Mikhail Vladimirovich, like Mikhail Sergeevich, began to rely on greater personal freedom. When more and more was allowed. Like a casino? And why not? It was back in the zero years under Putin. Only hypocrisy hit Medved in the head.
  Mikhail Mishustin threw a bone to officials: now they were allowed to receive gifts up to ten thousand dollars. And this, of course, caused joy in the apparatus.
  In fact, there were free times. Imperial severity began to be replaced by freedom. And again, naked female tits appeared on the screens.
  And not only this. Lawful brothels arose in the army. Each soldier received the right to make love to girls for coupons. And this, of course, is a great achievement of democracy. And even in prisons, colonies and pre-trial detention centers it was possible to go to the girls. Especially Mikhail Mishustin insisted that priestesses of love be in juvenile colonies. So that boys do not rape boys, but be with women.
  Then there will be no roosters in the youngsters zones.
  That same similar caused, too, considerable approval. And condemnation at the same time.
  Although the slogan of Mikhail Mishustin: vertical liberalization and more freedom would be popular especially among young people. And whole crowds of people gathered to greet the new acting president of Russia!
  Mikhail Mishustin is a man who really wanted more freedom and not only for himself. He was disgusted by the prohibitions of the times of socialism. And the reaction to the strengthening of the positions of the left was anti-communism in propaganda. And he kept growing...
  Mikhail Mishustin, a bourgeois from brain to bone, now wanted classical capitalism and complete freedom.
  Mikhail-Vladimir Gorbachev-Putin closely followed the fighting in Iran. The USSR army began to storm the capital of Tehran. Thus, the real conquest of a large country took place. Even larger, in terms of area, than Ukraine.
  Mikhail-Vladimir was very pleased: he became a conqueror. And oil prices skyrocketed. And this allowed to increase military spending.
  Gorbachev-Putin even decided to extend the term of service in the army, from three to six years. So that the soldiers mastered the technique better.
  And cancel all delays. Moreover, if you are mentally ill, then go to the construction battalion. And let those who are judged serve. Moreover, if one turns eighteen, then from the colony, directly to the army.
  And it's cool!
  Mikhail-Vladimir became a dictator and threatened the whole world. In particular, there was no longer any talk of disarmament. On the contrary, Gorbachev-Putin threatened to let America go around the world bare-assed.
  This is how politics has become. And most importantly, militarism and the cult of power.
  And rough diplomacy.
  And one more interesting idea: let not only men, but also women serve in the army.
  And now the girls from the age of eighteen go into the army. And they have to fight and win.
  And that's great.
  Here the girls are fighting, storming Tehran and demonstrating colossal strength;
  One six heroes, wherever they have not been and are ready to fight any army.
  Oleg Rybachenko waved his magical swords. They elongated and cut through the drones like butter knives. After that, the boy threw a couple of peas with explosives with his bare toes.
  Iranian tanks exploded.
  The boy sang:
  - Glory to the era of the Russian sword!
  Margarita also waved her blades. Slashed at helicopters. And then the girl threw destructive needles with her bare toes.
  Tore apart opponents and squeaked:
  For the cause of communism!
  And here is Natasha in the attack ... How she slashes with swords at the aviation of religious Iran. And destroy enemy planes. And then, with his bare toes, he will launch a murderous boomerang, tearing apart the soldiers of the eastern, Iranian empire.
  And then, as if from the navel, it flashes with lightning. And then she will throw off her bra and launch a pulsar from a scarlet nipple.
  Will tear apart the mass of Khomeini's soldiers, and roar:
  - Glory to the era of the Soviet people!
  And then Zoya cut with wild fury. It also crushes by lengthening with swords, and cutting off the towers of the tanks.
  And then the toes of bare legs, like a burning substance, will be launched. And then a gift of death will go from the bare heel.
  And crimson nipples will release a cascade of lightning on helicopters. And then from the navel something deadly will gouge.
  Augustine is also fighting for this. That girl is deadly. And from the ruby nipples lightning. And bare toes throws pulsars. And with a ray from the navel, he fatally added to the troops of Khomeini.
  And the tongue will show and growl:
  - For Mother Russia!
  So Svetlana is very aggressive in battle. And her swords, lengthening, cut down both planes and tanks.
  And from the strawberry nipple how it will release the streams of total death. And then their navels will be killed with a killer blow. And after her bare feet they will use such that a lot of enemies will be torn apart. Iran has fallen under the distribution. Proving to everyone that force is difficult to win.
  Especially when Russia, or rather the USSR, is on the side of Iraq, which fettered the main forces of the Persians in the West. But Russia is still Orthodox and atheistic at the same time, and therefore not very close to Iraq.
  Dictator Khomeini, you attacked the wrong people.
  Oleg Rybachenko slashed with swords that sharply lengthened at the drones and aircraft of Iran, and cut them off. Then, with the bare toes of children's feet, he released a deadly, destructive lightning that melted a mass of enemy tanks.
  And then the terminator boy whistles. And the mass of crows fell into a deep faint, and fell upon the Iranian army of the dictator Khomeini.
  The boy squeaked:
  - For the allies of Russia!
  Margarita Korshunova also fights desperately and boldly. Runs a mill with swords. Then her bare girlish legs, as they launch a present of a real and dangerous death.
  Then the girl will fire a discharge from her navel, vaporizing a mass of Iranian tanks and planes.
  And then Margarita how to whistle. And the ravens will fall like a carpet on the heads of Iranian soldiers. And they will actually break through the towers and tear off their wings.
  The girl squeaked:
  - For our peace initiatives and the Orthodox brotherhood.
  Natasha is again in a desperate attack. Her swords produce massive destruction. And so many planes and tanks were cut down. And then bare toes will throw peas of annihilation and tear apart a mass of opponents, tearing towers from tanks. And then the girl from the scarlet nipple beats with a pulsar, at Khomeini's army.
  And then there is a cascade of lightning from the navel, so deadly. And in the end, how a stream of magoplasma will fly from the bosom of Venus.
  The warrior roared:
  - For our allies!
  Next cuts Zoya. Fighting girl uses a helicopter technique. And then her bare feet seem to emit the gift of death. And from crimson nipples, lethal lightning fly out, striking opponents. And then from the navel streams of pulsars.
  And from the grotto of Venus, new portions of the destruction of Iranian soldiers, and tanks with aircraft.
  The girl screamed:
  - Glory to communism!
  Augustine is back in action as a cascading lightning bolt. And now her swords cut like a beard to the root. And bare toes throw a gift of total annihilation. And then beams of lasers fly out of ruby nipples that cut through Iranian tanks and planes.
  But from the navel, lightning will shoot with destruction.
  And this is how a hellish tsunami of death will come from the bosom of Venus, bringing undoubted death to everything that attacks the Soviet Union - although in this case it was Gorbachev-Putin who attacked Iran. And the mass of aircraft, tanks, drones completely burned down.
  The girl sang with rage:
  - Let's drink together for Russia, more precisely the USSR and Iraq!
  Svetlana is also hotter in battle. And he cuts down Khomeini's troops without the slightest pity. And with his bare toes, he throws peas of annihilation, crushing the enemy.
  And streams of total destruction fly out of the strawberry nipples, which overturned the mass of tanks and aircraft of revolutionary Iran. Even rollers flew in all directions.
  And from the navel a whole stream of lightning that melted down a lot of Khomeini's fighters.
  And then also the bosom of Venus, as a tidal wave of magical plasma will fly and Khomeini's troops will end.
  Svetlana roared:
  - For the sword to the glory of the Russian Christ!
  Oleg Rybachenko and the girls then gave a major battle to the Iranians. And they used strong magic. Girls even from the bosom of Venus threw out streams of magical energy and a tsunami of magic. And Khomeini's warriors were knocked out like skittles with a ball.
  Oleg Rybachenko not only chopped hellish Islamic tanks with swords, but also whistled. And crows rammed Iranian planes. They razed them to the ground.
  Margarita Korshunova, too, will take it as she pleases, but she will run the mill with swords, cutting off the Caucasian fighters. And then with bare feet he will take and launch a powerful pulsar.
  And destroys the Iranians like a ramming method. And how the girl whistles, and the crows fell on the hellish Islamic planes.
  The girl yelled:
  - For communism all over the world!
  Natasha is also attacking the Iranians. And now her swords will be taken and cut obliquely. And now her bare feet will launch something deadly that tears enemy vehicles apart.
  After that, the girl from the scarlet nipples will release hot, murderous pulsars. And they will hit the Islamic hordes. And the girl also shoots revolutionary Iranians from her navel with lightning. And they will really fry everyone, make a barbecue.
  But even cooler, when a stream of energy erupts from the bosom of Venus. And sweep away a great mass of Iranians.
  This is the lady with blue hair. And roar:
  - Glory to the Motherland!
  And again from the scarlet nipple, releasing a gift of destruction, killing Iranian soldiers, she added:
  Whoever has a big belly will die of hunger!
  Zoya also chopped like cabbage opponents. She cut them off with great ease, as if she were removing shavings. And with her bare toes she hurled an annihilation bomb. And crushed the enemies.
  And then from the raspberry nipples it rumbles: from the right on the tanks, from the left on the planes! And very effectively crush opponents.
  And then from the round navel with a series of lightning bolts. And incinerate Khomeini's soldiers, turning them into cracklings.
  And then, from the grotto of Venus, a whole tornado of annihilation energy will take off and fly out.
  The girl yelled witty:
  - A high-flying bird, it does not lift its nose, it does not soar in the clouds!
  Augustine is directly involved in the battle. Not a girl, but simply a tigress. And literally tears enemies with claws. And he cuts, not giving a chance with swords.
  And now her bare feet launch an extremely deadly gift of annihilation. Tearing opponents into small blotters. And depriving the slightest chance of salvation.
  But lightning bolts fly out of ruby nipples, literally burning Iranians like paper.
  And a pulsar is thrown out of the navel. And how it cuts through hellish Iranian tanks. And tear down their towers.
  And from the bosom of Venus, another stream of magical plasma erupts. And if he burns it, then Khomeini's troops will not find it enough.
  And the warrior says to herself:
  - Who wants to become a lion, not having a wolf's grip, will remain with bird rights!
  Svetlana is on the move again. Cuts metal with swords. And with his bare toes, he launches deadly grenades. Tears and burns the Iranians.
  At the same time, the girl does not forget to send lightning from strawberry nipples.
  But from the navel it will erupt, destructive, and melting metal.
  But from the grotto of Venus, a laser beam will take off and fly out, which will take everyone and cut them.
  And then growls:
  - Bird rights most often have donkeys in mind, and sheep in character!
  Oleg Rybachenko continued to fight very confidently, demonstrating the strength of a titan. Here he is slashing Iranians with swords. And then, with the bare toes of children's feet, he will launch more than a murderous grenade. Will tear apart a mass of Khomeini's soldiers.
  After that, the kid will whistle and frightened vultures and crows, as if on Islamic Khomeini, will take the troops and lie down. And they began to shoot down planes without pity.
  Oleg Rybachenko wittily remarked:
  - The wingless one with the brains of a chicken!
  Margarita Korshunova continued to spin the turntables with her swords. She cut down the Iranians without hesitation. And at the same time, with bare childish feet, she threw presents of destruction. And tore like a pile of foil.
  And how it will whistle, and the raven will fall down on the infernal Islamic troops. All of them will be washed into powder. And when the Iranians were under the blows of birds, they were more than tight - they crushed them.
  And Margarita says:
  - Do not pretend to be an eagle with chicken brains and bird rights!
  Natashka will jump up and slash with swords. Chop Khomeini's troops into cabbages. Throw a gift of annihilation with a bare foot. He will exterminate a lot of Iranians and squeak at the top of his lungs:
  - If you are a wet chicken by nature, you will dry out from hunger!
  And from the scarlet nipples will release a deadly discharge of current. Will wipe out a lot of Iranian troops. And then from the navel like a pulsar will move. And all adversaries will be torn to pieces.
  And now, from the bosom of Venus, a tsunami stream will erupt, which burns everyone with hellish plasma.
  Here is the girl.
  And Zoya, in the wild offensive, beats everyone without unnecessary pauses. And cut into the smallest pieces. Leaving literally charred pieces. And how with a bare foot something incredibly destructive will be thrown. And then something that brings the most impressive death, and total death, will fly out of the crimson nipples.
  And then such a wild one will jump out of the navel, and tear the magical plasma like a tiger.
  And in conclusion, from the grotto of Venus, a gift that brings real death to Khomeini's troops without a chance.
  Then the girl yelled:
  - You can't lay golden eggs with chicken brains!
  Augustine cut off the towers of Islamic Khomeini tanks with swords. And then, with bare toes, she launched a gift of death. But their ruby nipples of the girl flew fiery lightning. And burned a bunch of Iranians.
  And then a whole tornado of destruction will fly out of the navel.
  But from the bosom of Venus, destruction flies out, which brings complete victory, and destruction.
  Augustine wisely remarked:
  - A rooster can still lay golden eggs, but the character of a chicken only gets you into a mess!
  Svetlana is also hot in battle. How he cuts Iranians with swords and crushes them into sour cabbage. And with his bare toes he will send a present of destruction. Shatter enemies into dust.
  And deadly lightning bolts will fly out of strawberry nipples. They will burn the Iranians to pieces. And here the navel will send a wave of totalitarian extermination of Khomeini's revolutionary Islamists.
  And in conclusion, a bubble of magical plasma will fly out of the grotto of Venus, which will melt all enemies at once. And the tanks will smoke, and the shells inside them will explode.
  And Svetlana how to roar:
  - Why are you all in the clouds, because the brains of a chicken!
  Oleg Rybachenko fights with more and more frenzy. He will take and cut enemies. They will all crumble and cut into small pieces.
  And then, barefoot, with a child's foot, he will throw a grenade and tear it to pieces.
  After the boy whistled again and shot down a lot of planes.
  Then he voiced the idea:
  - Even if you have the strength of a bear, but with chicken brains you will remain a donkey!
  Margarita Magnitnaya slashed with her swords with all her might. Then, with her bare foot, the girl threw the murderous gift of death. Tore the Iranians to pieces of bones and skin. And then how it whistles that crows will fall in heaps on the Iranians.
  Then Margarita yelled:
  - If you have chicken brains, then after meeting with the fox, feathers will fly!
  Natasha is fighting the Iranians very actively. And now her bare feet are throwing something devilishly murderous. And swords cut down towers.
  And then lightning will be chopped from the navel ...
  And the scarlet nipples will release deadly pulsars. And then the girl will take it and emit a fiery tornado from the bosom of Venus. And split the opponents into pieces.
  Then the girl chirped:
  - To make a chop out of a pig, you need to have a grip of a wolf, and a fox resourcefulness!
  Zoya took the windmill with her swords. She cut through all the cars, and the skating rinks scattered in all directions. And then the bare feet of the terminator girl launched bombs, annihilations. And those flying began to tear the enemies.
  But raspberry nipples will take and emit lightning of destruction. And then a laser beam will fly out of the navel.
  And here is the grotto of Venus will spew out a stream of hard tornado that crushes the revolutionary Islamic Khomeini troops.
  And the girl roars:
  - Most likely you will go for a roast fox with chicken brains!
  Augustine is also fighting now, so she's got it on like an alarm clock. And cuts the Iranians without pity and regret. Throws grenades with bare feet, tears apart opponents.
  And from the ruby nipples fly cascading lightning. But from the navel, something absolutely deadly will be hammered. And tear the Iranians apart. And here a magical tornado of death and destruction will fly out of the grotto of Venus.
  Then the girl will bark:
  - If the character is like that of a wet chicken, you will dry yourself without money on the street!
  Svetlana also fights very cockily. And he cuts with swords, and throws murderous gifts of death with bare feet. And then he will take it and from the strawberry nipples will spew a cascade of bubbles of magical plasma.
  And then from the navel beats one lightning after another.
  But from the grotto of Venus, how a hurricane of total destruction and complete annihilation will pour.
  Svetlana yelled:
  - Chicken brains make wingless, chicken character sends to the pluck!
  Oleg Rybachenko growled and slashed with swords with turns and destruction. And he took the bare children's legs and launched a grenade. Tore apart a lot of Iranians. And then how to whistle. And a bunch of crows will crush a cloud of planes of Khomeini's army.
  The boy bellowed:
  - Who is a chicken in the shower, that fox food in a hut!
  Oleg was even a little tired of chopping and throwing grenades at the Iranians with his bare feet. The boy repeated the aphorism:
  - If you want to live like a white man, be at least a little red in cunning!
  Margarita Magnitnaya threw a murderous sop of annihilation with her bare toes. Tore a lot of Iranian soldiers. And then she gave a burst from the navel with a laser.
  And after that she took it, whistled, and destroyed a bunch of planes.
  And she checked:
  - Real white people don't look pale when they fail!
  Then the girl again threw the gift of annihilation with her bare toes, chirping:
  - If you are a chicken with brains, you will go to the broth for a fox with deeds!
  Natasha released a pulsar of destruction from her scarlet nipple and yelped:
  - Be a bird of an eagle's flight, but do not have a cock's flight!
  Zoya aggressively remarked, also dropping a gift of complete destruction from her crimson nipple:
  - Whoever cocks a lot without eating porridge - he will crow at the bucket!
  Augustine dropped her annihilation pulsar from her ruby nipple and muttered:
  - If a politician cocks a lot, voters then howl like wolves!
  Svetlana spewing lightning like a volcano with a strawberry nipple, and hissed:
  - A politician who barks a lot, but tries little, will bring the people to a dog's life!
  Oleg Rybachenko slashed, spinning his swords. He threw a grenade with his bare, childish foot and noted:
  - Politicians play pranks like children, but their tricks are as old as politics itself!
  Then the boy whistled, having dealt with Khomeini's army, knocking crows like sand off his jeans, and purred again:
  - A politician is a crow dreaming of an eagle's throne, only its beak has not grown up!
  Margarita rationally noted, also throwing a message of destruction with her bare foot:
  - The politician wants the lion's throne, but the mind is often only a hornless cow!
  Natasha released lightning from her navel and barked:
  - A lion should not be a sheep, but at least a little fox will not hurt him, so as not to end up in donkeys!
  Zoya took it and with her bare toes launched a gift of death. Then she spat out a pulsar with crimson nipples and yelped:
  - Even if you are a lion, but with chicken brains you are guaranteed a dog's life!
  Augustina thrashed her ruby nipples with a lightning bolt of death and squeaked:
  - Who barks a lot at the moon, life lowers him into a kennel!
  Svetlana held a turntable. Then she gave a discharge from strawberry nipples and squealed:
  - If a politician promises you a pie in the sky, then he considers the voter a woodpecker!
  Oleg Rybachenko, whistling down the crows, rationally noted:
  - If you have a wooden head, then you will definitely give oak!
  Margarita, again slaughtering the enemies, issued:
  - If you're head like an oak tree, they'll rip it off like sticky!
  Natasha wittily remarked, releasing a powerful gift of death from a scarlet nipple and destroying Khomeini's troops:
  - For voters of oaks, the politician is a complete linden!
  Zoya, chopping the Iranians, and sending rays of death from the crimson nipples of her chest, noted:
  - If you are dumb as a felt boot, you will always be shod!
  Augustine wittily noted, sending doom from her ruby nipples:
  - Nothing prevents every day, bursting roast like a chicken mind!
  Svetlana blew out of strawberry nipples and gave out:
  - If you have a chicken memory, you will forget how to soar like an eagle!
  Oleg threw a tomboy's bare foot a gift of destruction and squeaked:
  - A chicken is not a bird - a chicken mind is not a mind!
  Margarita with her bare foot launched something that would not let her die without pain. Then she whistled, hitting the Iranians with crows and squeaked:
  - A voter with chicken brains chooses roosters for president!
  Natasha from the scarlet nipple blew hot and very burning and gave out:
  - Politician who cocks a lot, attracts only those who have chicken brains!
  Zoya, firing at the enemies, from her raspberry nipples, remarked:
  - Who was seduced by the fox speech of a politician, a chicken with a mind, and a sheep with a character!
  Augustine, pounding with burning pulsars from ruby nipples, noted:
  - For a politician, language is both a sword, and a whip, and a key, but he puts the voter under lock and key in the first place!
  Svetlana struck with lightning from a strawberry nipple. She crushed a lot of planes and tanks of the army of Iran and Khomeini, issuing:
  - Chicken down is soft, but on what hard beds do those with chicken brains sleep!
  Oleg Rybachenko agreed, whistling once again:
  - The gentle nature of the ruler often leads to a hard fall of the state!
  Margarita, finishing off, whistling and sending crows on their heads, finishing off the last Iranians, added:
  - With chicken brains, and the character of a chicken, it will become like a pork chop!
  The girls did a very cool job with their bare feet and finally released tsunami waves from the bosom of Venus. And a fiery and infernal flurry will go. And everything will burn to the ground.
  And the valiant troops of Khomeini were charred.
  Yes, here their bulk has already been ground and victory is close.
  The team moved to another sector of the front and began to actively operate there. The enemy is very strong and numerous.
  Oleg Rybachenko cut down Khomeini's troops with swords. At the same time, his bare, childish feet threw presents of death, destroying the enemies of Russia, or rather the USSR and the allied Russia, or rather the USSR, Iraq. The cool boy logically remarked:
  - It's strange to kill Iranians. Good people, and a prosperous country!
  Margarita, cutting down the soldiers of the Islamic empire of Khomeini, and dissecting the fighters, throwing discs with her bare feet, cutting off tank turrets and aircraft tails, noted:
  - Yes, it's ugly to act like that with the Iranians. In some ways, this is reminiscent of historical strategies. There are two ways: to fight, or to build a paradise on earth. Depending on the choice, you get missions. As they say, in a military mission, building a paradise will be more difficult!
  Oleg Rybachenko, cut down a mass of Iranians with one wave of his elongated swords, and shook his head negatively:
  - That's another way to say it. I've noticed that in the game "Cleopatra", in military missions, as a rule, there are no problems with beer. And in peaceful times, barley can only be transported, and this creates problems.
  Margarita held a turntable, cutting down opponents, including planes and tanks, and a lot of helicopters from Khomeini's Army, and baring her teeth, she sang:
  - Rivers, seas, straits... How much harm they cause!
  Oleg Rybachenko, throwing an explosive package of sawdust with the bare toes of his child's foot, raising an entire battalion with tanks of American and Russian production into the air with destruction, gave it a pea with his bare heel, and sang:
  It's not beer that kills people! Water kills people!
  The terminator boy is, in fact, groovy like a boy from a cartoon about Conan.
  And whistles again, bringing down the crows on the Iranians.
  Natasha, chopping opponents and baring her teeth, holding the mill, grinned aggressively. Here she is, what a groovy warrior. And here is her bare toes, as they throw an explosive package of murderous power, tearing into small pieces the warriors of the Islamic empire of Khomeini.
  The girl from the scarlet nipples will send lightning. He will burn a couple of hundred Iranians, and purrs about:
  - There will be an era of the greatest communism!
  And then, as the tongue shows. This is a girl, the highest class in her.
  Zoya also cuts down enemies. Doesn't give them a chance. And a butterfly holds a reception with swords. Cuts off opponents, cuts through dozens of Iranians. And then, with bare toes, he will launch an explosive package of sawdust. Will tear the enemies, and chirp:
  - Glory to the great Russia of tsars and winners!
  And from the raspberry nipple it will release the gift of death and the pulsar of destruction.
  Here Augustine is also fighting - a fighting girl of an extra class. Here she will take it and launch a pea with explosives at the enemy with her bare heel. Rip your enemies to shreds.
  And then from the ruby nipples as a lightning discharge. And burn the enemies to the ground.
  And yell at the top of his lungs:
  - Glory to the Fatherland of communism!
  Svetlana also fights with great enthusiasm. And cuts enemies with wild frenzy and fury. And with his bare toes, he throws a grenade of coals, which tears apart the crowd of Iranians. And then the strawberry nipples will release lightning. And they will burn the battalion of fighters of the Islamic empire of Aliyev. Here is a girl, a pure witch and a terminator.
  Svetlana sang:
  - I am the great warrior of the seven seas,
  And I sing amazingly - like a nightingale!
  And laugh out loud.
  Tehran, previously captured, more precisely fortified and occupied by the Iranians, fell with a bang.
  And the Iranians were defeated. But in order to finally gain a foothold, it is necessary to take also Zardabar and Agzharberimi.
  Oleg Rybachenko, Margarita Korshunova and a team of witch girls are storming Zardabar.
  And they fight like true heroes. Even though they look like children. And witch girls look about twenty years old, although they are already so old that people do not live so long.
  Oleg Rybachenko cut down Khomeini's troops on the wall, holding a cuttlefish technique with swords. Then, with his bare toes, he threw a deadly grenade, tearing the Iranians to shreds. After that, the boy, according to tradition, will whistle, knocking down crows on their heads, to the soldiers of the Islamic empire of Khomeini.
  Oleg sang:
  - And boiling darkness flew to the land of evil monsters!
  And the boy again spent the whole mill with swords. And so he crushes opponents, and literally exterminates.
  Margarita is also chopped like a giant. The girl swung her swords at full speed. And with his bare heel he will give in to the gift of death. And the Iranians are being destroyed without pity or doubt.
  The girl took it and sang:
  - There will be frisky communism, fascism will be destroyed at once!
  Oleg Rybachenko held a samovar reception, chopping Iranians and noted:
  - Destroyed at once fascism!
  The fight became more and more uncontrollable.
  Especially when Natasha began to throw stars with her bare toes, each of which destroyed hundreds of Iranians at once. And already if from the scarlet nipples it bursts with lightning, and burns the opponents.
  The girl cooed:
  - I am the strongest in the world, I will kill all the enemies in the toilet!
  Zoya, firing at the enemy, squeaked:
  - Glory to communism!
  And with bare toes, how to launch a deadly grenade, the most destructive force.
  And she is a super girl. From the crimson nipple launches the wildest and frenzied lightning.
  Augustine, chopping down the Iranians, and dissecting the opponents, gasped:
  - For change for the better!
  And with bare toes, how to launch a deadly explosive package of sawdust. And tear apart opponents.
  And after the ruby nipples, how will the discharge of destructive lightning and annihilation succumb.
  Svetlana, smashing the enemy with her swords, and succumbing to a grenade with her bare heel, cooed:
  - For communism!
  And from a strawberry nipple it will release such a murderous thing that all the devils become sick.
  Oleg Rybachenko, not paying attention to the shots - they do not hit the immortals, climbed the wall. Spent the mill with swords.
  He cut down a bunch of Iranians, and then with the bare fingers of children's legs he threw a murderous present of death.
  Tore apart a bunch of opponents and roared:
  - Glory to the era of communism with the royal crown!
  After that, the terminator boy will take it and whistle. And clouds of crows will fall over the heads of the soldiers of the Islamic empire of Khomeini.
  Margarita Korshunova also cuts Iranian soldiers. And he holds a turntable, cutting off the soldiers of the Islamic empire of Khomeini. And with her bare heel, the girl sends a present of destruction, hitting the enemy.
  Then he roars:
  - Glory to the new Aryan and Soviet communism in the style of Gorbachev!
  And the girl will take it from her navel as she releases lightning ... So a whole bunch of Iranians will burn.
  After that, the children whistle in unison, and thousands of crows fall on the heads of Khomeini's Islamic warriors.
  Natasha, chopping opponents and throwing needles with her bare toes, cooed:
  - Glory to Great Russia!
  And from the scarlet nipple how to release a deadly lightning. And a whole battalion of Iranians will burn.
  Zoya, chopping down enemies and throwing grenades with her bare toes, hissed:
  - For the greatness of Russia!
  And from the raspberry nipple, as if it were blasting with something very deadly. And crush your opponents.
  Augustina also fights, with an extreme degree of aggressiveness. Crushes opponents, and from the ruby nipples sends discharges of deadly lightning. And with his bare heel, he will give in to an explosive package of sawdust that tears apart enemies.
  Then, as it says:
  - For communism throughout the universe!
  And from the navel will drive lightning!
  This is a girl - a girl to all girls!
  Svetlana also fights. And cuts enemies with both swords. They lengthen with her, with one stroke they mow down dozens of people. And then the girl, with her bare toes, throws another, deadly gift of death and tears apart opponents. And how will her strawberry nipples release something destructive and inimitable?
  Svetlana yells:
  - For the Aryan ideas of communism by Mikhail Gorbachev!
  And from the navel how to release a whole cascade of killer lightning. This is a girl - all the girls, girl!
  Oleg Rybachenko continues to fight. The boy hacks with swords, throws discs with his bare toes, and whistles. Ravens, having received heart attacks, knock out opponents thoroughly, and do not give the slightest chance of salvation.
  And the boy sings:
  - I love your spaces,
  I love your forests and mountains!
  Heaven and earth, and my role!
  Margarita, chopping the Iranians, and throwing packages of death with her bare feet, and cutting opponents blathered:
  - The sun is shining over the country ...
  You have a native country -
  Everything in the world is!
  And again the girl will whistle, and the deadly gifts of annihilation will fall on the enemies. Many Iranian soldiers were killed.
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